中国科技论文统计源期刊 中文核心期刊  
医药导报, 2016, 35(11): 1230-1233
doi: 10.3870/j.issn.1004-0781.2016.11.018
尚星星, 叶孟原, 彭晏, 蔡萌, 祝红达



关键词: 抗肿瘤药物 ; 肿瘤微环境 ; 环境响应 ; 纳米凝胶 ; 载药系统


新兴的纳米技术为克服传统化学治疗(化疗)药物作用非特异性和非选择性损伤机体组织的瓶颈问题提供了好的手段,在提高化疗药物治疗效果、降低不良反应等方面显示出独特的优势[1]。多功能纳米载体作为一个极具发展前景的工具,一方面能够利用肿瘤组织和正常组织的差异选择性传输治疗药物,增强药物渗透与滞留效应(enhanced permeability and retention effect,EPR效应),并有特异性高表达分子标记[2],另一方面可以利用肿瘤微环境产生的一系列独特的物理化学性质,例如弱酸性、还原环境、异常温度梯度、过表达蛋白和酶、缺氧等,调控纳米载体对负载药物的释放[3]。其中智能纳米凝胶体系在抗癌药物有效装载、肿瘤细胞和组织特异性富集、控制释放和高效传递中取得了长足进展,这些特点为实现抗肿瘤药物的有效治疗提供纳米技术平台[4]。笔者在本文中重点介绍基于肿瘤微环境响应的调控型和靶向型纳米凝胶体系在肿瘤药物传输中的研究进展和发展前景。

1 肿瘤微环境基本特征


2 基于肿瘤微环境的剌激响应性纳米凝胶载药系统


2.1 基于肿瘤细胞外特定刺激设计的纳米凝胶载药体系


2.1.1 基于蛋白受体响应设计的纳米凝胶载药体系 由于肿瘤在生长过程中产生大量蛋白和酶,如转铁蛋白受体(TfR)[10]、叶酸受体(folate receptor)[11]、糖蛋白(glycoproteins)[12]、表皮生长因子(EGFR)[13]等,通过将特异性分子标记的配体修饰在纳米凝胶颗粒表面来提高肿瘤药物在肿瘤组织的蓄积,从而增强肿瘤细胞对药物的摄取,提高抗肿瘤效果[14]。GLANGEHAI等[15]利用平板印刷技术制备引入多肽的纳米凝胶,在肿瘤组织过度分泌的蛋白酶B的催化下断裂,纳米凝胶得以实现特定部位的药物释放。NATALIA等[16]合成一种靶向于黄体生成素(luteinzing hormone-releasing hormone,LHRH)受体的载顺铂纳米凝胶,该受体在A2780卵巢癌组织中高度表达,在细胞和活体动物实验中发现,载药LHRH-纳米凝胶较无靶向性的载药纳米凝胶和游离的药物在治疗小鼠卵巢癌异位移植中具有更高的疗效,说明LHRH-载药纳米凝胶在肿瘤部位具有更好的富集效应,提高了细胞的摄取率。SU等[17]设计了以N-异丙基丙烯酰胺-丙烯酸纳米凝胶为核,牛血清白蛋白包裹的金纳米束为壳的纳米载药体系,载体修饰同时靶向肿瘤细胞和血管内皮细胞Neuropilin-1(NRP1)受体的iRGDK肽,增强载多柔比星纳米凝胶在人脐静脉内皮细胞(HUVECs)和黑色素瘤细胞(B16)的摄取和组织穿透能力,提高多柔比星的抗肿瘤效果。

2.1.2 基于肿瘤组织微酸性环境设计的纳米凝胶载药体系 目前借助肿瘤组织和血液pH值差异设计的pH值响应型纳米凝胶主要有两种策略:一种是通过利用pH值不稳定的化学键(如酯键、酰胺键等)或化学结构(腙式、缩醛结构)来制备特异性响应纳米凝胶载药体系,该载药体系在正常生理环境pH值下能够保持稳定,而在肿瘤组织酸性条件下这类化学键打开,纳米凝胶载药体系由“钝化”状态转化为“活化”状态,释放出内部负载的抗肿瘤药物[18]。如NA等[19-20]构建了两种pH值响应性纳米凝胶来实现针对肿瘤组织的药物释放,这两种纳米凝胶的结构中分别含有组氨酸基团和磺胺基团,在pH值为7.4时两种纳米凝胶均处于稳定状态,当pH值降为6.8时磺酰胺纳米凝胶会由于磺酰胺基团的去质子化效应导致纳米凝胶的裂解,而组氨酸纳米凝胶会因组氨酸分子上的咪唑基团质子化而发生溶胀行为。另一种策略是设计载体时引入含有一定pKa值质子供体的基团,当pH值大于其pKa时,通过电荷反转来提高纳米凝胶载药体系跟肿瘤细胞的相互作用、控制药物释放,从而提高抗肿瘤活性。DU等[21]合成了一种能够在肿瘤组织发生电荷反转的纳米凝胶载药体系,用2,3-二甲基马来酸酐(DMMA)修饰纳米凝胶PAMA,使其在正常生理pH值(pH值7.4)下带正电荷,而在肿瘤组织微酸性(pH值约为6)条件下,纳米凝胶中的酰胺键断裂,使氨基基团裸露出来,从而使纳米凝胶带正电荷。由于肿瘤细胞表面带负电荷,表面携带正电荷的纳米凝胶相与肿瘤细胞的相互作用更强,这样就增强纳米凝胶体系跟细胞的相互作用,增强细胞的摄取率。

2.1.3 基于温度响应设计的纳米凝胶载药体系 利用肿瘤组织的特殊生理病理特点,还可以通过人为构建肿瘤微环境的方法设计相应的刺激响应性药物载体。如机体正常组织在体温升高时通过血管扩张、血流量增大等提高散热,减少高温对机体的损伤,而肿瘤组织内因细胞密度过高、新生血管畸形等导致散热困难,当对肿瘤部位进行局部加热时,肿瘤内温度比正常组织温度高5~10 ℃。因此可以根据肿瘤微环境与正常组织的温度差异设计温敏性纳米凝胶药物载体,通过对病变部位局部的温度调控(如光热疗等方法)大大减少载药体系药物的脱靶效应。聚N-异丙基丙烯酰胺(PNIPAM)是典型的温敏型聚合物,通常基于PNIPAM设计合成的温敏性纳米凝胶载药体系主要是根据病变部位较正常组织的温度高时发生溶胀行为实现药物的控制释放[4]。例如MOGHADAM等[22]制备了一种PNIPAM温敏性复合纳米凝胶,将负载肿瘤药物的纳米凝胶包埋在另一种具有优异耗散特性的聚羟乙基甲基丙烯酸酯(PHEMA)凝胶中。当外界体系施加机械负荷时,凝胶基质将机械能转化为热能,当温度达到37 ℃时纳米凝胶发生坍塌,从而实现模型药物的释放。

2.2 基于肿瘤细胞内特定刺激设计的纳米凝胶载药体系


2.2.1 肿瘤细胞内pH值响应设计的纳米凝胶载药体系 人体正常的生理环境pH值为7.4,肿瘤组织的pH值约为6.5,而肿瘤细胞内部内涵体的pH值为5~6,溶酶体的pH值4.5~5[7]。利用人体内存在的这种pH值梯度可以设计合成一类pH值响应的纳米凝胶载药体系,实现药物的有效释放,提高药物的利用率。JU等[23]将赖氨酸和琥珀酰胺嫁接到改性的壳聚糖上,成功构建出一种具有pH值响应的能在细胞内外连续传递的纳米凝胶(NLSC-NG),当载药纳米凝胶被肿瘤细胞内吞后,进入溶酶体(pH值4.5~5.0)内发生溶胀,导致药物释放且溶酶体破裂,载药纳米凝胶释放到细胞质基(pH值6.8~7.4)中收缩回复至原有尺寸,随着肿瘤细胞死亡,载药纳米凝胶释放到细胞外又可以被周围肿瘤细胞摄取,发生类似病毒感染的过程。在肿瘤组织渗透实验中发现,Dox/NLSC-NG比无pH值响应的载药纳米凝胶体系(Dox/NLC-NG)和游离的Dox具有更强的肿瘤渗透性。体外细胞毒性实验和荷瘤实验结果表明,Dox/NLSC-NG比Dox/NLC-NG和游离的Dox具有更明显的肿瘤生长抑制作用。

2.2.2 还原响应设计的纳米凝胶载药体系 细胞内和细胞外氧化还原电位的差别为药物载体的胞内响应性释放提供新的思路,而肿瘤细胞内外还原环境的差异主要是因为细胞内某些还原性物质的存在。通常肿瘤细胞内还原型谷胱甘肽(GSH)含量是正常细胞的4~10 倍,是细胞外液和循环系统的400~1 000 倍[24],肿瘤细胞内高浓度GSH 会造成肿瘤细胞内独特的强还原环境。利用对还原环境敏感的化学二硫键设计、构建药物递送系统可以达到靶细胞内控制释药的目的。目前国内外通常将药物通过二硫键化学连接臂与载体材料耦联,形成还原敏感型前体药物,或是将二硫键化学连接臂设计在高分子载体材料中保持载体系统在非靶细胞外环境的稳定性,进而控制药物的定位释放。RYU等[25]利用寡聚乙二醇(OEG)和吡啶二硫化物(PDS)作为单体,成功构建了一种基于二硫键-巯基的自交联纳米凝胶药物输送系统,在载不同的客体分子如染料或疏水性药物(如Dox)后,纳米凝胶表现出了很好的稳定性和在还原条件下的释放,同时也有高效的细胞摄取率。MACIEL等[26]将二硫键引入到他们研究的纳米凝胶体系,并证明其具有敏感的还原响应性控制释药,该体系在肿瘤细胞中GSH的作用下能够发生二硫键断裂,导致两亲性纳米凝胶的降解,将包裹在纳米凝胶颗粒中的多柔比星释放出来,提高杀伤肿瘤细胞的作用。

2.2.3 pH/还原双重响应型纳米载药系统 基于肿瘤细胞内部复杂的生理环境,还可以设计将具有pH值响应和还原响应的单体聚合得到双重敏感的纳米凝胶。QIAO等[27]合成了一种pH值/还原响应的纳米凝胶载药体系,他们利用低聚乙二醇丙烯酸酯(OEGA)和2-(5,5-二甲基-1,3-二 烷-2-甲氧基)乙基丙烯酸酯(DMDEA)为主要原料,通过二硫键交联合成纳米凝胶,该纳米凝胶能包载4%Dox和7%紫杉醇,而纳米凝胶中的OEGA和DMDEA基团以及二硫键使其具有温敏性、pH值响应性、还原响应性。体外药物释放实验在pH值为5.0的环境中6 h释放90%的Dox,而在pH值为7.4的环境中8 h仅释放了20%Dox,在有DTT的还原环境中药物也能迅速释放,5 h能释放80%,体外实验证明了其药物释放具pH值/还原双重有刺激响应性。

3 结束语


The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.


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Here, we provide a comprehensive insight into current advances in the use of nanogel-mediated chemotherapy for cancer treatment. Nanogels are composed of cross-linked three-dimensional polymer chain networks that are formed via covalent linkages or self-assembly processes. The porosity between the cross-linked networks of nanogels not only provides an ideal reservoir for loading drugs, oligonucleotides and imaging agents, but also protects them from environmental degradation and hazards. Here, we focus mainly on novel synthetic strategies and key considerations in the design of nanogel-based drug delivery systems for controlled and targeted cancer therapeutic applications.
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[3] 丁艳萍,季天骄,宋晓,.纳米技术识别和调控肿瘤微环境用于肿瘤诊疗的研究进展[J].科学通报,2013,58(24):2436-2448.
<p>肿瘤是由肿瘤细胞及其周围的基质细胞和非细胞组分构成的复合体. 肿瘤微环境在肿瘤的生长与转移过程中发挥至关重要的作用, 因此越来越多的研究致力于探索靶向或调控肿瘤微环境的诊断试剂和治疗药物. 新兴的纳米技术为肿瘤的精确定位和早期诊断、靶向、长效和联合治疗提供了重要的研发平台, 为克服传统药物非特异性靶向和非选择性损伤机体组织的瓶颈问题提供了可能. 本文概述了肿瘤微环境的组成、特性及关键调控因子, 总结了目前针对肿瘤微环境的抗肿瘤药物研究进展, 阐述了靶向型和调控型纳米材料诊断肿瘤微环境的最新进展, 同时对靶向和调控肿瘤微环境的纳米材料在肿瘤治疗方面的应用进行综述. 提高纳米药物和诊断试剂的特异性及诊疗一体化, 将是未来的重要发展方向之一.</p>
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Abstract In this review, we introduce the changing public perception of vaccines and immunotherapy in cancer treatments. We discuss the roles that different immunosuppressive cells play in the tumor microenvironment. Tumor associated macrophages (TAMs) and M1 and M2 macrophage phenotypes are discussed in depth. Additionally, the role that myeloid derived suppressor cells (MDSC) and T regulatory cells (Tregs) play in the tumor microenvironment is addressed. Highlighted are examples of therapies used against each suppressive cell type, which vary from the hypothetical to the ineffective; the inefficient to the successful. A variety of treatments have been tried to combat this fundamental problem, indeed the cause that allows cancerous mutated cells to survive, multiply and overtake the body. Efficient methods to disable each particular suppressive type of cell have been introduced; this review summarizes the discussion with a table to guide future development. We see gene therapy as the most innovative and flexible method to lead the charge to specifically modifying the tumor microenvironment.
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Because of the particular characteristics of the tumor microenvironment and tumor angiogenesis, it is possible to design drug delivery systems that specifically target anti-cancer drugs to tumors. Most of the conventional chemotherapeutic agents have poor pharmacokinetics profiles and are distributed non-specifically in the body leading to systemic toxicity associated with serious side effects. Therefore, the development of drug delivery systems able to target the tumor site is becoming a real challenge that is currently addressed. Nanomedicine can reach tumor passively through the leaky vasculature surrounding the tumors by the Enhanced Permeability and Retention effect whereas ligands grafted at the surface of nanocarriers allow active targeting by binding to the receptors overexpressed by cancer cells or angiogenic endothelial cells. This review is divided into two parts: the first one describes the tumor microenvironment and the second one focuses on the exploitation and the understanding of these characteristics to design new drug delivery systems targeting the tumor. Delivery of conventional chemotherapeutic anti-cancer drugs is mainly discussed.
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[8] 张慧,吴红,范黎,.酸敏性葡聚糖纳米凝胶的制备与释药性质考察[J].医药导报,2008,27(8):967-970.
目的制备具有酸敏特性的聚(甲 基丙烯酸缩水甘油酯修饰葡聚糖,dex-GMA)/(丙烯酸,AAc)纳米凝胶,研究其降解和释药性质。方法乳液聚合法制备poly(dex-GMA /AAc)纳米凝胶,测定不同pH值下的粒度分布,以红霉素(EM)为药物模型,动态透析法测定纳米凝胶在不同pH值下的释药性质。结果 poly(dex-GMA/AAc)纳米凝胶的平均粒径约为100 nm,包裹率、载药率分别为90.7%和1.06%。在无酶人工胃液(SGF)2 h纳米凝胶的药物累积释放率分别为7.0%,之后在无酶人工肠液(SIF)里4 h内增加到37.0%。结论poly(dex-GMA/AAc)纳米凝胶具有酸敏特性,在SGF里释放少量药物,在SIF里凝胶溶胀、降解,药物释放量明 显增大。poly(dex-GMA/AAc)纳米凝胶是潜在的结肠靶向载体。
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Metastasis accounts for the vast majority of cancer deaths. The unique challenges for treating metastases include their small size, high multiplicity and dispersion to diverse organ environments. Nanoparticles have many potential benefits for diagnosing and treating metastatic cancer, including the ability to transport complex molecular cargoes to the major sites of metastasis, such as the lungs, liver and lymph nodes, as well as targeting to specific cell populations within these organs. This Review highlights the research, opportunities and challenges for integrating engineering sciences with cancer biology and medicine to develop nanotechnology-based tools for treating metastatic disease.
DOI:10.1038/nrc3180      PMID:22193407      Magsci     URL    
[10] TORTORELLA S,KARAGIANNIS T C.Transferrin receptor-mediated endocytosis:a useful target for cancer therapy[J].J Membr Biol,2014,247(4):291-307.
Current management strategies fail to adequately treat with multivariable dose-restricting factors such as systemic toxicity and multi-drug resistance limiting therapeutic benefit, quality of life and complete long-term remission rates. The targeted delivery of a therapeutic compound aims to enhance its and cellular uptake, decrease systemic toxicity and improve therapeutic benefit with disease specificity. The , its receptor and their biological significance, has been widely characterised and vastly relevant when applied to targeting strategies. Utilising knowledge about the physiological function of the -receptor complex and the efficiency of its provides rationale to continue the of -targeted anticancer modalities. Furthermore, multiple studies report an upregulation in expression of the receptor on metastatic and drug resistant , highlighting its selectivity to . Due to the increased expression of the receptor in brain , the successful delivery of anticancer compounds to the site and the ability to cross the blood brain barrier has shown to be an important discovery. Its significance in the of -specific therapies is shown to be important by direct and immunotoxin studies which use and anti-receptor antibodies as the targeting moiety. Such conjugates have demonstrated enhanced cellular uptake via -mediated mechanisms and increased selective cytotoxicity in a number of cell lines and xenograft animal models. In addition, incubation of chemotherapy-insensitive cells with -targeted conjugates in vitro has resulted in a reversal of their drug resistance. immunotoxins have also shown similar promise, with a toxin mutant covalently bound to (Tf-CRM107) currently involved in clinical trials for the treatment of . Despite this, the inability to translate preliminary research into a clinical setting has compelled research into novel targeting strategies including the use of nanoparticulate theory in the design of drug delivery systems. The main objective of this review is to evaluate the importance of the -receptor complex as a target for therapy through extensive knowledge of both the physiological and pathological interactions between the complex and different cell types. In addition, this review serves as a summary to date of direct and immunotoxin studies, with an emphasis on as an important targeting moiety in the directed delivery of anticancer therapeutic compounds.
DOI:10.1007/s00232-014-9637-0      PMID:24573305      URL    
[11] VLASHI E,KELDERHOUSE L E,STURGIS J E,et al.Effect of folate-targeted nanoparticle size on their rates of penetration into solid tumors[J].Acs Nano,2013,7(10):8573-8582.
Targeted therapies are emerging as a preferred strategy for the treatment of cancer and other diseases. To evaluate the impact of a high affinity targeting ligand on the rate and extent of tumor penetration of different sized nanomedicines, we have used intravital multiphoton microscopy to quantitate the kinetics of tumor accumulation of a homologous series of folate-PEG-rhodamine conjugates prepared with polyethylene glycols (PEG) of different molecular weights. We demonstrate that increasing the size of the folate-PEG-rhodamine conjugates results in both longer circulation times and slower tumor penetration rates. Although a “binding site barrier” is observed with the folate-linked polymers in folate receptor expressing tumors, ligand targeting eventually leads to increased tumor accumulation, with endocytosis of the targeted nanocarriers contributing to their enhanced tumor retention. Because the effects of nanocarrier size, shape, chemistry, and targeting ligand are interconnected and complex, we sugg...
DOI:10.1021/nn402644g      PMID:24020507      URL    
[12] CHO J,KUSHIRO K,TERAMURA Y,et al.Lectin-tagged fluorescent polymeric nanoparticls for targeting of sialic acid on the living cells[J].Biomacromolecules,2014,15(6):2012-2018.
In this study, we fabricated lectin-tagged fluorescent polymeric nanoparticles approximately 35 nm in diameter using biocompatible polymers conjugated with lectins for the purpose of detecting sialic acid on a living cell surface, which is one of the most important biomarkers for cancer diagnosis. Through cellular experiments, we successfully detected sialic acid overexpression on cancerous cells with high specificity. These fluorescent polymeric nanoparticles can be useful as a potential bioimaging probe for detecting diseased cells.
DOI:10.1021/bm500159r      Magsci    
[13] WANG Y,ZHOU J,QIU L,et al.Cisplatin-alginate conju-gate liposomes for targeted delivery to EGFT-positive ovarian cancer cells[J].Biomaterials,2014,35(14):4297-4309.
Systemic side effects and low aqueous solubility have limited the clinical use of cisplatin (CDDP) in ovarian carcinoma and have contributed to failures in developing effective drug delivery systems. In order to develop a novel drug delivery system with enhanced efficacy and minimal adverse effects, we exploited the properties of sodium alginate (SA) to synthesize CDDP-SA conjugate (CS), which is highly soluble and readily incorporated into liposomes (CS-PEG-Lip). Epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) is overexpressed in many ovarian cancers, therefore we modified EGF on the liposomes (CS-EGF-Lip) to specifically target EGFR-expressing tumors, thereby increasing the bioavailability and efficacy of CDDP. In vitro experiments confirmed that EGF-Lip selectively recognized EGFR-positive SKOV3 cells and effectively penetrated tumor spheroids. We demonstrated that CS-EGF-Lip possessed satisfactory size distribution and exhibited significantly improved encapsulation and loading efficiency. Furthermore, CS-EGF-Lip sustained release of COOP in vitro, suggesting that CS-EGF-Lip may retain the antitumor activity of COOP. Inhibition of proliferation and migration was also greater with CS-EGF-Lip compared to CDDP. In vivo xenograft experiments revealed that administration of CS-EGF-Lip enhanced delivery of CDDP into ovarian tumor tissues and improved the antitumor efficacy of CDDP, while reducing nephrotoxicity and body weight loss in mice. These results suggest that CS-EGF-Lip may offer a promising strategy for CDDP delivery in the treatment of EGFR-positive ovarian carcinoma or similar tumors, with enhanced efficacy and fewer adverse effects. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
[14] BERTRAND N,WU J,XU X Y,et al.Cancer nanotechno-logy:the impact of passive and active targeting in the era of modern cancer biology[J].Adv Drug Del Rev,2014,66:2-25.
Cancer nanotherapeutics are progressing at a steady rate; research and development in the field has experienced an exponential growth since early 2000's. The path to the commercialization of oncology drugs is long and carries significant risk; however, there is considerable excitement that nanoparticle technologies may contribute to the success of cancer drug development. The pace at which pharmaceutical companies have formed partnerships to use proprietary nanoparticle technologies has considerably accelerated. It is now recognized that by enhancing the efficacy and/or tolerability of new drug candidates, nanotechnology can meaningfully contribute to create differentiated products and improve clinical outcome. This review describes the lessons learned since the commercialization of the first-generation nanomedicines including DOXIL03; and Abraxane03;. It explores our current understanding of targeted and non-targeted nanoparticles that are under various stages of development, including BIND-014 and MM-398. It highlights the opportunities and challenges faced by nanomedicines in contemporary oncology, where personalized medicine is increasingly the mainstay of cancer therapy. We revisit the fundamental concepts of enhanced permeability and retention effect (EPR) and explore the mechanisms proposed to enhance preferential “retention” in the tumor, whether using active targeting of nanoparticles, binding of drugs to their tumoral targets or the presence of tumor associated macrophages. The overall objective of this review is to enhance our understanding in the design and development of therapeutic nanoparticles for treatment of cancers.
DOI:10.1016/j.addr.2013.11.009      PMID:24270007      URL    
[15] GLANGEHAI L C,CALDORERA M M,SHI L.Nanoimprint lithography based fabrication of shape-specific,enzymatically-triggered smart nanoparticles[J].J Controlled Rel,2008,125(3):263-272.
Abstract Our ability to precisely manipulate size, shape and composition of nanoscale carriers is essential for controlling their in-vivo transport, bio-distribution and drug release mechanism. Shape-specific, "smart" nanoparticles that deliver drugs or imaging agents to target tissues primarily in response to disease-specific or physiological signals could significantly improve therapeutic care of complex diseases. Current methods in nanoparticle synthesis do not allow such simultaneous control over particle size, shape and environmentally-triggered drug release, especially at the sub 100 nm range. We report here a high-throughput nanofabrication technique using synthetic and biological macromers (peptides) to produce highly monodisperse, enzymatically-triggered nanoparticles of precise sizes and shapes. Particles as small as 50 nm were fabricated on silicon wafers and harvested directly into aqueous buffers using a biocompatible, one-step release technique. We further demonstrate successful encapsulation and precisely controlled enzyme-triggered release of antibodies and nucleic acids from these nanoparticles, thus providing a potential means for disease-controlled delivery of biomolecules.
DOI:10.1016/j.jconrel.2007.10.021      PMID:18053607      URL    
[16] NATALIA V,NUKOLOVA,TATIANA K.LHRH-targeted nanogels as a delivery system for cisplatin to ovarian cancer[J].Mol Pharmaceutics,2013,10(10):3913-3921.
Targeted drug delivery using multifunctional polymeric nanocarriers is a modern approach for cancer therapy. Our purpose was to prepare targeted nanogels for selective delivery of chemotherapeutic agent cisplatin to luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone (LHRH) receptor overexpressing tumor in vivo. Building blocks of such delivery systems consisted of innovative soft block copolymer nanogels with ionic cores serving as a reservoir for cisplatin (loading 35%) and a synthetic analogue of LHRH conjugated to the nanogels via poly(ethylene glycol) spacer. Covalent attachment of (d-Lys6)-LHRH to nanogels was shown to be possible without loss in either the ligand binding affinity or the nanogel drug incorporation ability. LHRH-nanogel accumulation was specific to the LHRH-receptor positive A2780 ovarian cancer cells and not toward LHRH-receptor negative SKOV-3 cells. The LHRH-nanogel cisplatin formulation was more effective and less toxic than equimolar doses of free cisplatin or untargeted nanogels in the treat...
DOI:10.1021/mp4003688      PMID:23957812      URL    
[17] SU S S,WANG H,et al.NIE G J.iRGD-coupled responsive fluorescent nanogel for targeted drug delivery[J].Biomaterials ,2013,34(13):3523-3533.
In this investigation, we have designed and synthesized a multifunctional nanogel for anti-tumor drug delivery. Thermo- and pH-responsive poly (N-isopropyl acrylamide-co-acrylic acid) nanogels (NGs) were synthesized by free radical precipitation polymerization. Positive charged chemotherapeutic drug doxorubicin (DOX) was introduced into the negatively charged swollen NGs by electrostatic adsorption at pH 7.4. Fluorescent bovine serum albumin (BSA) encapsulated gold nanoclusters (AuNCs) were conjugated onto the surface of NGs, followed by functionalization of tumor targeting peptide iRGD onto the BSA for tumor targeting. Interestingly, the DOX-encapsulated iRGD-decorated NGs maintain both thermo- and PH-responsive properties, which are favorable for achieving a controlled drug release in tumor tissues. Stable red fluorescent emission, derived from AuNCs, was used to detect and track the NGs in vitro. As expected, the iRGD motif mediated specific targeting to tumor and endothelial cells and enhanced cellular uptake of the NGs, as demonstrated by flow cytometry and confocal microscopy assays. In vitro cytotoxicity studies proved that the presence of iRGD enhanced the cytotoxic efficiency of DOX to the targeted cells. All together, our current study indicates that the NGs drug-carriers can deliver chemotherapeutic drug specifically to the tumor and endothelial cells with enhanced anti-tumor efficacy and controlled drug release. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
[18] MAYA S,SARMENTO B,NAIR A,et al.Smart stimuli sen-sitive nanogels in cancer drug delivery and imaging:a review[J].Curr Pharmaceutical Des,2013,41(19):7203-7218.
Nanogels are nanosized hydrogel particles formed by physical or chemical cross-linked polymer networks. The advantageous properties of nanogels related to the ability of retaining considerable amount of water, the biocompatibility of the polymers used, the ability to encapsulate and protect a large quantity of payload drugs within the nanogel matrix, the high stability in aqueous media, their stimuli responsively behavior potential, and the versatility in release drugs in a controlled manner make them very attractive for use in the area of drug delivery. The materials used for the preparation of nanogels ranged from natural polymers like ovalbumin, pullulan, hyaluronic acid, methacrylated chondroitin sulfate and chitosan, to synthetic polymers like poly (N-isopropylacrylamide), poly (Nisopropylacrylamide- co-acrylic acid) and poly (ethylene glycol)-b-poly (methacrylic acid). The porous nanogels have been finding application as anti-cancer drug and imaging agent reservoirs. Smart nanogels responding to external stimuli such as temperature, pH etc can be designed for diverse therapeutic and diagnostic applications. The nanogels have also been surface functionalized with specific ligands aiding in targeted drug delivery. This review focus on stimuli-sensitive, multi-responsive, magnetic and targeted nanogels providing a brief insight on the application of nanogels in cancer drug delivery and imaging in detail.
DOI:10.2174/138161281941131219124142      PMID:23489200      URL    
[19] NA K,BAE Y H.Self-assembled hydrogel nanoparticles res-ponsive to tumor extracellular pH from pullulan derivative/sulfonamide conjugate:characterization,aggregation,and adriamycin release in vitro[J].Pharmaceutical Res,2002,19(5):681-688.
[20] NA K,LEE E S,BAE H.Self-organized nanogels responding to tumor extracellular pH:pH-dependent drug release and in vitro cytotoxicity against MCF-7 cells[J].Bioconjugate Chem,2007,18(5):1568-1574.
The principal objective of this study was to fabricate doxorubicin-loaded self-organized nanogels composed of hydrophobized pullulan(PUL)-N_(alpha)-Boc-L-histidine(bHis)conjugates.Their responses to tumor extracellular pH(pHe)were determined,and they were also evaluated with regard to their anticancer efficacy against breast cancer cell lines(MCF-7).bHis was grafted to a PUL-deoxycholic acid(DO)conjugate(PUL-DO)via an ester linkage.PUL-DO/bHis conjugates with two different degrees of bHis substitutions(PUL-DO/bHis36 and PUL-DO/bHis78)were synthesized.PUL-DO/bHis nanogels formed via dialysis at a pH of 8.5 evidenced larger particle sizes(<140 nm)and lower critical aggregation concentrations(CACs)than did the PUL-DO nanogels(90 nm).The pH-dependent CAC of PUL-DO/bHis78 changed dramatically,from 1.2 mu g/mL at pH 8.5,to 10 at 7.0,and to 660 at 6.2.A similar tendency in pH-dependent size was also noted.The ionization of the imidazole ring in bHis is principally responsible for pH dependency.The bHis moieties function as a switching tool responding to external pH.Doxorubicin(DOX)-loaded nanogels were assessed for pH-dependent releasing kinetics.The release rate of DOX from the PUL-DO/bHis78 nanogels increased significantly with reductions in pH.This resulted in increased cytotoxicity(30% cell viability at a dose of 10 mu g/mL DOX equivalent)against sensitive MCF-7 cells at a pH of 6.8 and,low cytotoxicity at pH 7.4(65% cell viability at an identical dose).The results show that PUL-DO/bHis nanogels may potentially be employed as anti-tumor drug carriers.
DOI:10.1021/bc070052e      PMID:17688320      URL    
[21] DU J Z,SUN T M,SONG W J,et al.A tumor-acidity-acti-vated charge-conversional nanogel as an intelligent vehicle for promoted tumoral-cell uptake and drug delivery[J].Angew Chem Int Ed Engl,2010,49(21):3621-3626.
ABSTRACT Cerebral dopamine (DA) transmission is thought to be an important modulator for the development and occurrence of aggressive behavior. However, the link between aggression and DA transmission in humans has not been investigated using molecular imaging and standardized behavioral tasks. We investigated aggression as a function of DA transmission in a group of (N = 21) healthy male volunteers undergoing 6-[(18)F]-fluoro-l-DOPA (FDOPA)-positron emission tomography (PET) and a modified version of the Point Subtraction Aggression Paradigm (PSAP). This task measures aggressive behavior during a monetary reward-related paradigm, where a putative adversary habitually tries to cheat. The participant can react in three ways (i.e., money substraction of the putative opponent [aggressive punishment], pressing a defense button, or continuing his money-making behavior). FDOPA-PET was analyzed using a steady-state model yielding estimates of the DA-synthesis capacity (K), the turnover of tracer DA formed in living brain (kloss), and the tracer distribution volume (Vd), which is an index of DA storage capacity. Significant negative correlations between PSAP aggressive responses and the DA-synthesis capacity were present in several regions, most prominently in the midbrain (r = -0.640; p = 0.002). Lower degrees of aggressive responses were associated with higher DA storage capacity in the striatum and midbrain. Additionally, there was a significant positive correlation between the investment into monetary incentive responses on the PSAP and DA-synthesis capacity, notably in the midbrain (r = +0.618, p = 0.003). The results suggest that individuals with low DA transmission capacity are more vulnerable to reactive/impulsive aggression in response to provocation.
DOI:10.1002/anie.200907210      PMID:20391548      URL    
[22] MOGHADAM M N,KOLESOV V,VOGEL A,et al.Contro-lled release from a mechanically-stimulated thermosensitive self-heating composite hydrogel[J].Biomaterials,2014,35(1):450-455.
Temperature has been extensively explored as a trigger to control the delivery of a payload from environment-sensitive polymers. The need for an external heat source only allows limited spatiotemporal control over the delivery process. We propose a new approach by using the dissipative properties of a hydrogel matrix as an internal heat source when the material is mechanically loaded. The system is comprised of a highly dissipative hydrogel matrix and thermo-sensitive nanoparticles that shrink upon an increase in temperature. Exposing the hydrogel to a cyclic mechanical loading for a period of 5 min leads to an increase of temperature of the nanoparticles. The concomitant decrease in the volume of the nanoparticles increases the permeability of the hydrogel network facilitating the release of its payload. As a proof-of-concept, we showed that the payload of the hydrogel is released after 5-8 min following the initiation of the mechanical loading. This delivery method would be particularly suited for the release of growth factor as it has been shown that cell receptor to growth factor is activated 5-20 min following a mechanical loading. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
[23] JU C Y,MO R,XUE J W,et al.Sequential intra-inter-cellular nanoparticle delivery system for deep tumor penetration[J].Angew Chem Int Edit,2014,53(24):6253-6258.
To achieve deep tumor penetration of large-sized nanoparticles (NPs), we have developed a reversible swelling-shrinking nanogel in response to pH variation for a sequential intra-intercellular NP delivery. The nanogel had a crosslinked polyelectrolyte core, consisting of N-lysinal-N'-succinyl chitosan and poly(N-isopropylacrylamide), and a crosslinked bovine serum albumin shell, which was able to swell in an acidic environment and shrink back under neutral conditions. The swelling resulted in a rapid release of the encapsulated chemotherapeutics in the cancer cells for efficient cytotoxicity. After being liberated from the dead cells, the contractive nanogel could infect neighboring cancer cells closer to the center of the tumor tissue.
DOI:10.1002/anie.201311227      Magsci    
[24] PARK KM,LEE D W,SARKAR B,et al.Reduction-sen-sitive,robust vesicles with a non-covalently modifiable surface as a multifunctional drug-delivery platform[J].Small,2010,6(13):1430-1441.
The design and synthesis of a novel reduction-sensitive, robust, and biocompatible vesicle (SSCB[6]VC) are reported, which is self-assembled from an amphiphilic cucurbit[6]uril (CB[6]) derivative that contains disulfide bonds between hexaethylene glycol units and a CB[6] core. The remarkable features of SSCB[6]VC include: 1) facile, non-destructive, non-covalent, and modular surface modification using exceptionally strong host-guest chemistry; 2) high structural stability; 3) facile internalization into targeted cells by receptor-mediated endocytosis, and 4) efficient triggered release of entrapped drugs in a reducing environment such as cytoplasm. Furthermore, a significantly increased cytotoxicity of the anticancer drug doxorubicin to cancer cells is demonstrated using doxorubicin-loaded SSCB[6]VC, the surface of which is decorated with functional moieties such as a folate-spermidine conjugate and fluorescein isothiocyanate-spermidine conjugate as targeting ligand and fluorescence imaging probe, respectively. SSCB[6]VC with such unique features can be used as a highly versatile multifunctional platform for targeted drug delivery, which may find useful applications in cancer therapy. This novel strategy based on supramolecular chemistry and the unique properties of CB[6] can be extended to design smart multifunctional materials for biomedical applications including gene delivery.
DOI:10.1002/smll.201000293      PMID:20564485      URL    
[25] RYU J H,CHACKO R T,JIWPANICH S,et al.Self-dross-linked polymer nanogels:a versatile nanoscopic drug delivery platform[J].J Am Chem Soc,2010,132(48):17227-17235.
Nanoscopic vehicles that stably encapsulate drug molecules and release them in response to a specific trigger are of great interest due to implications in therapeutic applications, especially for cancer therapy. For this purpose, we have synthesized highly stable polymeric nanogels, in which the kinetics of guest molecule release can be fine-tuned by control over cross-linking density. The polymer nanogel precursor is based on a random copolymer that contains oligoethyleneglycol (OEG) and pyridyldisulfide (PDS) units as side-chain functionalities. By introducing variations into the precursor polymer, such as molecular weight and the relative percentages of hydrophilic OEG units and hydrophobic PDS functionalities, we have achieved significant control over nanogel size. We show that the noncovalently encapsulated guest molecules can be released in response to a redox trigger, glutathione (GSH). Stability of dye encapsulation inside the nanogels and tunability in the release of guest molecules have been dem...
DOI:10.1021/ja1069932      PMID:21077674      URL    
[26] MACIEL D,FIGUERIRA P,XIAO S L,et al.Redox-res-ponsive alginate nanogels with enhanced anticancer cytotoxicity[J].Biomacromolecules,2013,14(9):3140-3146
Although doxorubicin (Dox) has been widely used in the treatment of different types of cancer, its insufficient cellular uptake and intracellular release is still a limitation. Herein, we report an easy process for the preparation of redox-sensitive nanogels that were shown to be highly efficient in the intracellular delivery of Dox. The nanogels (AG/Cys) were obtained through in situ crosslinking of alginate (AG) using cystamine (Cys) as a crosslinker via a miniemulsion method. Dox was loaded into the AG/Cys nanogels by simply mixing it in aqueous solution with the nanogels, that is, by the establishment of electrostatic interactions between the anionic AG and the cationic Dox. The results demonstrated that the AG/Cys nanogels are cytocompatible, have a high drug encapsulation efficiency (95.2 +/- 4.7%), show an in vitro accelerated release of Dox in conditions that mimic the intracellular reductive conditions, and can quickly be taken up by CAL-72 cells (an osteosarcoma cell line), resulting in higher Dox intracellular accumulation and a remarkable cell death extension when compared with free Dox. The developed nanogels can be used as a tool to overcome the problem of Dox resistance in anticancer treatments and possibly be used for the delivery of other cationic drugs in applications beyond cancer.
DOI:10.1021/bm400768m      Magsci    
[27] QIAO Z Y,ZHANG R,DU F S,et al.Multi-responsive nanogel containing motifs of orthoester,oligo(ethylene glycol)and disulfide linkage as carriers of hydrophobic anti-cancer drugs[J].J Control Rel,2011,152(1):57-66.
A family of multi-responsive nanogels with different compositions and crosslinking degrees have been prepared by the miniemulsion copolymerization of monomethyl oligo(ethylene glycol) acrylate (OEGA) and an ortho ester-containing acrylic monomer, 2-(5,5-dimethyl-1,3-dioxan-2-yloxy) ethyl acrylate (DMDEA), with bis(2-acryloyloxyethyl) disulfide (BADS) as a crosslinker. These nanogels are thermoresponsive and labile in the weakly acidic or reductive environments. The thermoresponsive behaviors, acid-triggered hydrolysis, and reduction-induced degradation of these nanogels were studied by means of dynamic light scattering (DLS), transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and atomic force microscopy (AFM). The results indicate that the volume phase transition temperature (VPTT), thermally induced deswelling ratio, and acid-triggered swelling ratio of the nanogels are closely relevant to their compositions and crosslinking degrees. Although these nanogels could be reductively disrupted by dithiothreitol (DTT), single polymer chains with sizes smaller than 20 nm were not detected by DLS. This is probably due to the existence of some unbreakable linkages formed by chain transfer to the disulfide bond during the radical polymerization. These nanogels are capable of encapsulating hydrophobic compounds. The loading capability of the nanogels for Nile Red (NR), paclitaxel (PTX), and doxorubicin (DOX), and the release behaviors of the drug-loaded nanogels were investigated by UV-vis spectrometry and HPLC. As expected, drug release can be greatly accelerated by a cooperative effect of both acid-triggered hydrolysis and DTT-induced degradation. Finally, the PTX-loaded nanogels exhibit a concentration-dependent toxicity to MCF-7 cells while the intact unloaded nanogels are non-toxic, thereby they may be used as potential carriers for hydrophobic anticancer drugs.
DOI:10.1016/j.jconrel.2011.02.029      PMID:21392550      URL    
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