中国科技论文统计源期刊 中文核心期刊  
医药导报, 2017, 36(10): 1133-1137
doi: 10.3870/j.issn.1004-0781.2017.10.011
Therapeutic Progress of Mental Diseases (First): Schizophrenia
许梦蓓, 单纯烁, 郑国庆



关键词: 抗精神病药物 ; 精神分裂症 ; 药物治疗


The high incidence of schizophrenia causes a greater burden on society and family.In the past of half century, with the widespread use of schizophrenic drugs,the prognosis of clinical schizophrenia has been substantially improved after following the principles of early, effective and maintenance therapy.In this overview,the clinical characteristics at different stages of disease progression with the recent advances in drug therapy of schizophrenia was combined,to introduce clinical selection of schizophrenic drugs.

Key words: Anti-schizophrenic drugs ; Schizophrenia ; Drug therapy

[编者按] 随着社会竞争的加剧,人们生活节奏的加快,精神障碍已成为严重而又耗资巨大的全球性卫生问题,影响着不同年龄、不同文化、不同工种的人群。世界精神病学协会从1992年起,把每年的10月10日定为世界精神卫生日。为了全面系统地报道精神疾病最新治疗进展和抗精神病药物的合理应用与安全性评价,本刊从1999年起,每年组编一期抗精神病药物专栏,经过17年的努力,该专栏已经成为本刊特色性栏目,受到广大作者和读者极大的关注。本期专栏特向温州医科大学附属第二医院精神神经学科郑国庆教授研究团队组织精神疾病治疗进展系列文章,包括精神分裂症、抑郁症、失眠、阿尔茨海默病治疗进展等4篇综述,从疾病的治疗目标、治疗原则、治疗策略、药物治疗及出现不良反应后应对措施等方面进行系统介绍,以飨读者。



1 治疗目标


2 治疗原则


3 常用药物

精神分裂症病因目前尚不明确。目前认为,遗传与环境因素是主要诱因,中枢神经系统内神经递质及受体功能失调是可能的发病机制。抗精神分裂症药物根据作用机制不同可分为:①第1代抗精神病药物,又称为经典抗精神病药物[10],主要作用于中枢神经系统内的多巴胺能(D2)受体;②第2代抗精神病药物,也称为非经典抗精神病药物,其作用机制不局限于对D2受体的阻断,也可对5-羟色胺(5-hydroxytryptamine,5-HT)及谷氨酸能系统进行调节。经典的第一代抗精神病药物为氯丙嗪(chlorpromazine)、舒必利 (sulpiride)、奋乃静(perphenazine)和氟哌啶醇 (haloperidol)。该类药物可改善大部分患者的幻觉、妄想、兴奋、激越等急性的阳性症状,也可控制部分慢性患者的症状,但对退缩、低落等阴性症状及伴发抑郁症状疗效不佳。另外,由于药物在阻断中脑-大脑皮质和中脑-边缘系统的多巴胺D2受体发挥治疗效果的同时,也影响到黑质-纹状体和结节-漏斗系统的DA功能[11],会引起锥体外系反应(extrapyramidal reactions,EPS)。当药物作用于其他神经传导系统时,可影响心血管系统、自主神经系统,导致体质量增加、肥胖、嗜睡等不良反应。在接受长期维持治疗者中不良反应尤其明显,显著降低患者生活质量,以致影响服药依从性,结果导致复发率上升。因此,该类药物在临床上已被新一代抗精神病药物所取代[10]。但在我国,由于这些药物价格低廉,对经济状况不佳、耐受不良反应的患者仍是一种合适的选择。

第2代抗精神病药物的作用机制不局限于对D2受体的阻断,还具有较高5-HT2受体阻断作用,合称D2-5-HT2受体拮抗剂,又称为非典型抗精神病药物[12]。1990年以来,非典型抗精神病药逐渐开始应用于临床。目前已在国内上市并应用广泛的包括氯氮平(clozapine)、奥氮平(olanzapine)、利培酮(risperidone)、喹硫平(quetiapine)、齐拉西酮(ziprazidone)、 帕利哌酮(paliperidone)和阿立哌唑(aripiprazole) 等。这类药物对精神分裂症的阳性和阴性症状均有治疗作用,可在一定程度上改善认知功能。同时,由于临床适应证广泛、较少引发锥体外系反应,已逐渐取代经典抗精神病药成为治疗初发急性精神分裂症的一线选择。它们的作用机制各异,适应不同症状,在不良反应方面也各不相同,因此可为不同患者提供个体化选择[13]

4 急性期治疗策略


4.1 以阳性症状为主患者治疗策略

急性期以幻觉、妄想等阳性症状为主要表现的患者,指南推荐口服第2代抗精神病药物如奥氮平、喹硫平、利培酮、帕利哌酮、齐拉西酮、阿立哌唑或氨磺必利。起始治疗应从小剂量开始逐渐加量,根据药动学特点在2周内加至目标剂量。对于不能配合服药的患者可选择口服液或口崩片等剂型。除了抗精神病药物,为了快速控制病情,达到更好治疗效果,临床上常联用苯二氮类镇静药物如劳拉西泮、氯硝西泮或地西泮注射液等[15]。对于自知力丧失完全不配合治疗的患者,通常不用口服剂型,而选择起效快速注射制剂。过去几十年临床上使用较多的是第1代抗精神病药物的针剂,如氟哌啶醇短效针剂、氯丙嗪短效针剂,疗程一般为3~7 d。近年来,第2代抗精神病药的使用比例大幅上升,如肌内注射齐拉西酮短效针剂20~40 mg·d-1,有明确的疗效和安全性,正逐渐取代第1代药物。


4.2 以阴性症状为主患者治疗策略

以阴性症状为主患者首选第2代非典型抗精神病药治疗[16],目前指南推荐的药物是阿立哌唑(10~20 mg·d-1)、奥氮平(5~10 mg·d-1)、喹硫平(100~300 mg·d-1)、帕利哌酮(3~6 mg·d-1)和齐拉西酮(40~80 mg·d-1),与阳性症状为主患者相比选择小剂量,更有利于阴性症状的改善。如果首选药物治疗无效,可更换另一种化学结构不同的第2代抗精神病药包括氯氮平(50~100 mg·d-1)。一般精神分裂症治疗原则是单药治疗,但由于阴性症状为主型精神分裂症的特殊性,药物治疗效果较差,预后不佳,可在单药治疗基础上加用另一种抗精神病药,具体可根据患者病情选择,以氯氮平为主联合其他非典型抗精神病药,或以一种非典型抗精神病药为主联合小剂量氯氮平治疗。

4.3 伴随抑郁存在自杀及自伤倾向患者治疗策略

精神分裂症伴发抑郁的发病率较高,据统计有25%急性期精神分裂症患者伴发抑郁症状,抑郁导致治疗难度增加,复发率增高,甚至可能促发患者冲动性自杀[17]。此时首选仍是起效相对较快第2代抗精神病药,如阿立哌唑、氨磺必利、齐拉西酮,主要优势在于效价较高、剂量滴定迅速,对心境稳定的疗效较好。在综合考虑患者病情基础上也可选择奥氮平。单用抗精神病药物治疗症状未能控制时可联合使用抗抑郁症药 [15]。对于症状仍不能控制者,可联合改良电抽搐治疗,有利于自杀或自伤行为的迅速控制,待控制后再改为已选择的非典型抗精神病药物治疗。

5 维持期治疗策略


药物维持治疗的目的在于保持急性期治疗获得的临床疗效,减少不良反应的发生,提高患者的生活质量。一般维持治疗的所需的持续时间为:首发患者至少需要2年;一次复发的患者需要3~5年;多次复发者需维持治疗>5年[3]。由于治疗持续时间较长,服药期间不良反应发生率高,部分患者存在病耻感等原因,导致患者难以坚持服药,使病情反复。因此,维持期治疗首选仍是第2代抗精神病药物,原因在于不良反应相对较小,使患者能坚持服药,依从性较高。对于治疗依从性差的患者可以考虑第2代抗精神病的长效制剂。国内已经上市有利培酮长效注射剂(每次25 mg)和帕利哌酮长效注射剂 (每次75~150 mg)。长效利培酮注射剂有很好的临床疗效,每2周肌内注射1次,使用方便,不良反应比其口服制剂更少。棕榈酸帕利哌酮2011年在国内上市,该药每个月仅需注射1次,且兼具急性期起效快速,维持期持续症状改善的优点,安全性高,使用便捷,目前在临床上广泛使用[21]。长效抗精神病药物相比口服制剂更能提高患者的依从性,减少用药中断率,有效降低疾病复发率。另外,在维持治疗期间还需要关注患者认知功能的减退情况。当患者有强迫或抑郁障碍等共患病时,可加用相应治疗药物,但值得注意的是避免长期使用抗焦虑和治疗失眠的苯二氮类药物,以免产生耐受性与依赖性。

6 难治性精神分裂症(treatment resistant schizo-phrenia,TRS)治疗策略


7 不良反应的防治

第1代和第2代抗精神病药物由于在药物作用机制上的差异,它们的不良反应也有所不同。第1代抗精神病药物经常引起EPS,而第2代抗精神病药物由于作用机制不同,较少引起EPS,但引起体质量增加及糖脂代谢异常等代谢综合征的不良反应可能性大。治疗精神分裂症药物的主要不良反应包括如下几种。 ①EPS:首先应选择合适药物,最容易引起EPS的是第1代抗精神病药物,在第2代抗精神病药物中顺序是利培酮和帕利哌酮较高,阿立哌唑与齐拉西酮次之,奥氮平和喹硫平较少,而氯氮平几乎没有。当出现EPS时首先换用发生率较小药物,必要时合用其他药物,如丁苯那嗪片;如仍无效可尝试合用维生素E和维生素B6、多奈哌齐。但指南不推荐使用抗胆碱能药物,可能会使症状恶化,临床上存在争议[12]。②代谢异常:体质量增加及糖脂代谢异常目前已成为药物治疗中需要重视的问题,严重影响患者服药的依从性,增加心血管疾病和糖尿病的风险。因此在用药期间因监测血糖血脂等代谢指标,及早预防。最新研究提示二甲双胍对抗精神病药物所致体质量增加控制有效,对血糖、血脂代谢异常也具有临床疗效[24]。③其他:抗精神分裂症药可能出现不良反应较多,具体存在内分泌紊乱、心血管不良反应、镇静作用、流涎、体温调节紊乱、抗胆碱能不良反应、肝功能损伤、癫痫发作、血液系统改变等,临床上应警惕这些不良反应发生,并及时处理。

The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.


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Objectives: A growing number of atypical antipsychotics are available for clinicians to choose from in the treatment of psychotic disorders. However, a number of important questions concerning medication selection, dosing and dose equivalence, and the management of inadequate response, compliance problems, and relapse have not been adequately addressed by clinical trials. To aid clinical decision-making, a consensus survey of expert opinion on the pharmacologic treatment of psychotic disorders was undertaken to address questions not definitively answered in the research literature.Method: Based on a literature review, a written survey was developed with 60 questions and 994 options. Approximately half of the options were scored using a modified version of the RAND 9-point scale for rating the appropriateness of medical decisions. For the other options, the experts were asked to write in answers (e.g., average doses) or check a box to indicate their preferred answer. The survey was sent to 50 national experts on the pharmacologic treatment of psychotic disorders, 47 (94%) of whom completed it. In analyzing the responses to items rated on the 9-point scale, consensus on each option was defined as a non random distribution of scores by chi-square "goodness-of-fit"test. We assigned a categorical rank (first line/preferred choice,second line/alternate choice, third line/usually inappropriate) to each option based on the 95% confidence interval around the mean rating. Guideline tables indicating preferred treatment strategies were then developed for key clinical situations. Results: The expert panel reached consensus on 88% of the options rated on the 9-point scale. The experts overwhelmingly endorsed the atypical antipsychotics for the treatment of psychotic disorders. Risperidone was the top choice for first-episode and multi-episode patients, with the other newer atypicals rated first line or high second line depending on the clinical situation.Clozapine and a long-act
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Abstract Overwhelming research evidence suggests that the negative symptoms of schizophrenia (NSS) contribute more to impaired quality of life and poor functioning than positive symptoms, and that NSS, including affective flattening, alogia and avolition are present in at least one-fifth of patients diagnosed with schizophrenia. Despite this, management of NSS continues to be a major clinical unmet need as treatment with current antipsychotic medication seems to reach at best modest efficacy. A critical review of the current pharmacological, non-pharmacological and psychosocial treatments available for NSS is presented here, using data retrieved from the MEDLINE/PUBMED, the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews and the databases. An early and accurate diagnosis using selective scales is essential for documentation and monitoring of change in NSS according to treatment response. Typical and atypical antipsychotic drugs, showed modest efficacy in managing NSS. Conflicting results were obtained with the use of glycinergic neuromodulators, anticholinergics, antidepressants, anticonvulsants, psychostimulants, modafinil and 5-HT3 receptor antagonists. Moreover, non-pharmacological therapies including psychological therapies have failed to address NSS effectively. At present, it appears that the best effective approach for clinical management of NSS is achieved by complementing drug therapy with psychosocial therapies. Continuing basic and clinical research for the understanding of the genetic, behavioral and neural basis of NSS should yield novel pharmacotherapies with superior efficacy, tolerability and long-term maintenance for improved treatment of NSS. Copyright 脗漏 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
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Although treatment resistance may be an enduring feature of a patient, present at illness onset and throughout, more commonly it develops over the course of patients鈥 illnesses. Evidence from both retrospective and prospective studies suggests that a longer duration of untreated psychosis in the early stage of schizophrenia is associated with a longer time to remission and a lower level of recovery, a greater likelihood of relapse and a worse overall outcome. The pattern of deterioration observed is analogous to a well replicated neurobiologic phenomenon, termed behavioral sensitization. In sensitized animals a pathologic behavioral process emerges whereby the response to a pharmacologic or stress challenge is progressively increased in proportion to the number of pretreatments. Thus, endogenous neurochemical sensitization resulting from the inability to regulate presynaptic dopamine release in the limbic striatum may be a useful way to conceptualize the continuum of response-refractoriness that is clearly evident in schizophrenia patients. Most importantly, early detection, intervention and optimal maintenance treatment may improve the long term course of schizophrenia.
DOI:10.1016/S0022-3956(97)00052-6      PMID:9793867      URL    
[19] LIEBERMAN J A.Atypical antipsychotic drugs as a first-line treatment of schizophrenia: a rationale and hypothesis[J].J Clin Psychiatry,1996,57(Suppl 11):68-71.
Abstract Clozapine represented the first significant advance in the pharmacotherapy of schizophrenia since the introduction of conventional antipsychotic drugs in the 1950's. Despite its superior efficacy and potential to reduce substantially the morbidity of schizophrenia and improve the outcomes, of patients, clozapine has not been used on a widespread basis or as a first-line treatment due to its potential for agranulocytosis. With the introduction of risperidone and the imminent prospect of other atypical antipsychotic drugs (olanzapine, sertindole, quetiapine, ziprasidone), clinicians may be able to improve dramatically the methods and manner in which they treat schizophrenia and related psychotic disorders. If we accept the premise that atypical antipsychotic drug provide superior efficacy, reduced side effects, and the prospect of better compliance, their greatest impact may be when used in patients at the beginning of their illness. The following article provides a rationale and hypothesis for the use of atypical antipsychotic drugs as a first-line treatment of schizophrenia.
DOI:10.1016/0887-6185(95)00036-4      PMID:8941173      URL    
[20] GREEN M F.Stimulating the development of drug treat-ments to improve cognition in schizophrenia[J].Ann Rev Clin Psychol,2007,3:159-180.
Abstract Cognitive impairment in schizophrenia is a core feature of the illness (i.e., not a result of clinical symptoms or drug treatments) that is related to the daily functioning of patients. Because schizophrenia is associated with poor community functioning, there is considerable interest in finding treatments to improve cognition in schizophrenia in the hopes that such improvement will yield functional benefits. Before the U.S. Food and Drug Administration could consider granting approval to any new drug for improving cognition in schizophrenia, it was first necessary to achieve consensus on the measurements and methods that would be used in clinical trials, as well as neuropharmacological targets. The U.S. National Institute of Mental Health launched an initiative to help address these obstacles to drug approval (MATRICS). This initiative has generated several additional follow-up initiatives including a clinical trial network and consensus projects for other clinical targets, such as negative symptoms. This review describes how an area that was primarily of academic interest (cognition in schizophrenia) became a focus of public health concerns and drug-development policy.
DOI:10.1146/annurev.clinpsy.3.022806.091529      PMID:17716052      URL    
[21] 张鸿燕,黄继忠,司天梅.棕榈酸帕利哌酮临床使用指导意见[J].中国新药杂志,2014,23(12):1410-1417.
[22] HOWES O D,MCCUTCHEON R,AGID O,et al.Treatmen-tresistant schizophrenia:treatment response and resistance in rsychosis (TRRIP) working group consensus guidelines on diagnosis and terminology[J].Am J Psychiatry,2017,174(3):216-229.
Abstract OBJECTIVE: Research and clinical translation in schizophrenia is limited by inconsistent definitions of treatment resistance and response. To address this issue, the authors evaluated current approaches and then developed consensus criteria and guidelines. METHOD: A systematic review of randomized antipsychotic clinical trials in treatment-resistant schizophrenia was performed, and definitions of treatment resistance were extracted. Subsequently, consensus operationalized criteria were developed through 1) a multiphase, mixed methods approach, 2) identification of key criteria via an online survey, and 3) meetings to achieve consensus. RESULTS: Of 2,808 studies identified, 42 met inclusion criteria. Of these, 21 studies (50%) did not provide operationalized criteria. In the remaining studies, criteria varied considerably, particularly regarding symptom severity, prior treatment duration, and antipsychotic dosage thresholds; only two studies (5%) utilized the same criteria. The consensus group identified minimum and optimal criteria, employing the following principles: 1) current symptoms of a minimum duration and severity determined by a standardized rating scale; 2) moderate or worse functional impairment; 3) prior treatment consisting of at least two different antipsychotic trials, each for a minimum duration and dosage; 4) systematic monitoring of adherence and meeting of minimum adherence criteria; 5) ideally at least one prospective treatment trial; and 6) criteria that clearly separate responsive from treatment-resistant patients. CONCLUSIONS: There is considerable variation in current approaches to defining treatment resistance in schizophrenia. The authors present consensus guidelines that operationalize criteria for determining and reporting treatment resistance, adequate treatment, and treatment response, providing a benchmark for research and clinical translation.
DOI:10.1176/appi.ajp.2016.16050503      PMID:27919182      URL    
[23] MUSCATELLO M R,BRUNO A,DE FAZIO P,et al.Aug-mentation strategies in partial responder and/or treatment-resistant schizophrenia patients treated with clozapine[J].Expert Opin Pharmacother,2014,15(16):2329-2345.
Although clozapine (CLZ) is considered the best evidence-based therapeutic option for treatment of resistant schizophrenia patients, a significant proportion of CLZ-treated patients show a partial or inadequate response to treatment, leading to increased healthcare cost and poor quality of life for affected individuals.This paper comprises a review of main research in CLZ augmentation strategies for treatment-refractory schizophrenia, with a focus on research conducted between 1990 and 2014. Databases that were searched include: PubMed, CINAHL, EMBASE PsychINFO, AgeLine and Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. Primary search terms were 'clozapine augmentation', 'clozapine and add-on' and 'treatment-resistant schizophrenia', with cross reference to specific agents covered in this article. We reviewed the available evidence on CLZ augmentation with antipsychotics, antidepressants, mood stabilizers and other agents.Many drugs have been evaluated as CLZ add-on therapies without demonstrating convincing efficacy in treating refractory schizophrenia symptoms. More research is needed to better define outcomes in schizophrenia, the topic of treatment-resistance and more well-designed trials are required to establish true efficacy and safety of CLZ augmentation strategies.
DOI:10.1517/14656566.2014.956082      PMID:25284216      URL    
[24] MIZUNO Y,SUZUKI T,NAKAGAWA A,et al.Pharmaco-logical strategies to counteract antipsychotic-induced weight gain and metabolic adverse effects in schizophrenia: a systematic review and meta-analysis[J].Schizophr Bull,2014,40(6):1385-1403.
Abstract BACKGROUND: Antipsychotic-induced metabolic adversities are often difficult to manage. Using concomitant medications to counteract these adversities may be a rational option. OBJECTIVE: To systematically determine the effectiveness of medications to counteract antipsychotic-induced metabolic adversities in patients with schizophrenia. DATA SOURCES: Published articles until November 2013 were searched using 5 electronic databases. Clinical trial registries were searched for unpublished trials. STUDY SELECTION: Double-blind randomized placebo-controlled trials focusing on patients with schizophrenia were included if they evaluated the effects of concomitant medications on antipsychotic-induced metabolic adversities as a primary outcome. DATA EXTRACTION: Variables relating to participants, interventions, comparisons, outcomes, and study design were extracted. The primary outcome was change in body weight. Secondary outcomes included clinically relevant weight change, fasting glucose, hemoglobin A1c, fasting insulin, insulin resistance, cholesterol, and triglycerides. DATA SYNTHESIS: Forty trials representing 19 unique interventions were included in this meta-analysis. Metformin was the most extensively studied drug in regard to body weight, the mean difference amounting to -3.17 kg (95% CI: -4.44 to -1.90 kg) compared to placebo. Pooled effects for topiramate, sibutramine, aripiprazole, and reboxetine were also different from placebo. Furthermore, metformin and rosiglitazone improved insulin resistance, while aripiprazole, metformin, and sibutramine decreased blood lipids. CONCLUSION: When nonpharmacological strategies alone are insufficient, and switching antipsychotics to relatively weight-neutral agents is not feasible, the literature supports the use of concomitant metformin as first choice among pharmacological interventions to counteract antipsychotic-induced weight gain and other metabolic adversities in schizophrenia. 脗漏 The Author 2014. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Maryland Psychiatric Research Center. All rights reserved. For permissions, please email:
DOI:10.1093/schbul/sbu030      PMID:24636967      URL    
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关键词(key words)

Anti-schizophrenic drugs
Drug therapy


XU Mengbei
SHAN Chunshuo
ZHENG Guoqing