中国科技论文统计源期刊 中文核心期刊  
医药导报, 2017, 36(10): 1187-1190
doi: 10.3870/j.issn.1004-0781.2017.10.024
Comparison of Regional Citrate Anticoagulation and Regional Heparin Anticoagulation in Acute Kidney Injury Patients with Bleeding Risk Undergoing CRRT
李润兰, 刘娇, 邓艳萍


目的 通过回顾性分析,比较合并出血风险的急性肾损伤(AKI)患者行持续肾脏替代治疗(CRRT)应用体外枸橼酸抗凝和体外肝素抗凝法的优缺点,探讨重症AKI患者CRRT时最佳抗凝方式及护理注意事项。方法 将96例存在凝血功能紊乱或出血风险的AKI患者分为体外枸橼酸组50例和体外肝素组46例,对比分析两组透析前后活化部分凝血活酶时间(APTT)、游离钙、pH值、碳酸氢根、钠离子、两组血滤器使用时间及出血等不良事件发生率。结果 体外枸橼酸组高钠血症、代谢性碱中毒及转氨酶升高发生率分别为2.3%,6.1%,1.9%,体外肝素组分别为1.6%,0.9%,1.6%;体外枸橼酸组使用血滤器(70.0±5.3)h,体外肝素组为(48.0±2.7)h(P<0.05),体外枸橼酸组出血不良事件发生率3.8%,体外肝素组为13.0%(P<0.05)。结论 对于存在凝血功能紊乱或出血风险的AKI患者进行CRRT时,体外枸橼酸抗凝法更安全有效,值得推广。

关键词: 枸橼酸 ; 肝素 ; 损伤 ; ; 急性 ; 替代治疗 ; 肾脏 ; 持续


Objective To compare and explore the efficacy of regional citrate anticoagulation therapy and regional heparin anticoagulation therapy in continuous renal replacement therapy (CRRT) of acute kidney injury (AKI) patients with risk of bleeding by an retrospective study. Methods A total of 96 AKI patients with risk of bleeding were collected retrospectively and treated with CRRT. All the patients were divided into two groups: regional citrate group (n=50) and regional heparin group (n=46). APTT, level of Ca2+, pH value, levels of HCO3- and Na+, time of blood filter using and incidence of adverse events were compared between the two groups. Results Percentage of hypernatremia, metabolic alkalosis and elevation of transaminase in regional citrate group were 2.3%, 6.1%, 1.9%, respectively, those in the regional heparin group were 1.6%, 0.9%, 1.6%, respectively. The time of blood filter using in regional citrate group and regional heparin group were (70.0±5.3) h and (48.0±2.7) h, respectively (P<0.05). Incidence of bleeding event in regional citrate group and regional heparin group were 3.8% and 13.0%, respectively (P<0.05). Conclusion In patients with coagulation disorders or bleeding risk undergoing CRRT, regional citrate anticoagulation therapy is safer and more effective, and worthy of promotion.

Key words: Citrate ; Heparin ; Injury ; kidney ; acute ; Replacement therapy ; renal ; continuous

重症医学科是集中收治重症患者的科室,包括严重脓毒症、重型急性胰腺炎、多器官功能障碍综合征及农药中毒等。持续肾脏替代治疗(continuous renal replacement treatment,CRRT)是抢救重症患者的重要手段之一[1]。CRRT过程中保持体外循环的通畅是保证CRRT治疗顺利进行的基础。由于部分重症患者存在凝血功能紊乱及出血倾向,所以不适合进行全身肝素抗凝。目前对凝血功能紊乱及出血倾向患者,有两种体外的局部抗凝方法:局部枸橼酸抗凝方法及体外肝素抗凝方法[2]。但对于这两种凝血方法的利弊比较和护理相关事项的探讨,笔者未见文献报道。笔者对本院既往应用体外枸橼酸抗凝及体外肝素抗凝进行CRRT的患者回顾性分析,比较两种抗凝方法在危重患者CRRT治疗中的利弊。

1 资料与方法
1.1 临床资料

收集2014年6月—2015年12月在武汉大学人民医院住院急性肾损伤(acute kidney injury,AKI)患者308例,其中96例合并出血风险的AKI需要行CRRT治疗。原发病为感染性休克25例,重症肺炎27例,重型急性胰腺炎15例,外科术后10例,脑出血8例,农药中毒11例。AKI的诊断标准按照RIFLE分级标准进行诊断[3]。将96例患者按照护理方法分为体外枸橼酸组50例和体外肝素组46例。体外枸橼酸组,男24例,女26例,年龄(52.0±4.9)岁;体外肝素组,男28例,女18例,年龄(54.0±6.7)岁。本研究通过武汉大学伦理委员会审批,患者签署知情同意书。两组患者入组前平均年龄、肾脏功能状态、APACHEⅡ评分及活化部分凝血酶时间(activated partial thromboplastin time,APTT)、血小板均差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),见表1。

表1 两组患者一般情况比较
Tab.1 Comparison of baseline data between two groups of patients x¯±s
组别 例数 平均年龄/
体外肝素组 46 54.0±6.7 218.0±49.1 21.0±6.2 79.0±9.2 42.0±3.1
体外枸橼酸组 50 52.0±4.9 205.0±38.7 22.0±5.8 69.0±6.8 45.0±4.8

表1 两组患者一般情况比较

Tab.1 Comparison of baseline data between two groups of patients x¯±s

1.2 设备与材料

所有患者血管通路均在股静脉留置一次性血液透析导管(美国Arrow公司生产,长16 cm,管腔直径12Fr的双腔导管)。两组行CRRT治疗的患者均应用3MUGD8D34血透机及配套AV600S滤器(美国费森尤斯公司)。

1.3 CRRT治疗模式

两组患者均采用连续性静脉-静脉血液滤过(CVVH)治疗模式,置换液自行配制(0.9%氯化钠溶液3 000 mL、灭菌注射用水1 000 mL、25%硫酸镁注射液3.2 mL、50%葡萄糖注射液20 mL,5%氯化钙注射液20 mL,根据患者血钾情况需要加入10%氯化钾适量)。两组置换液流速均为 2 000 mL·h-1,血流速度根据患者的血压水平调整,一般范围为150~200 mL·min-1

1.4 抗凝方法

两组患者在进行CRRT治疗前均应用肝素钠盐水浸泡滤器和体外管路30 min。体外枸橼酸组在透析管动脉端接入枸橼酸(血液保存液I),在透析管的静脉端接入氯化钙。枸橼酸的起始速度为1.5倍血流速,根据监测的钙离子浓度调整枸橼酸速度:Ca2+浓度<0.2 mmol·L-1,减少枸橼酸泵入速度10 mL·h-1;Ca2+浓度>0.40~0.50 mmol·L-1,增加10 mL·h-1;Ca2+浓度>0.5 mmol·L-1,增加10 mL·h-1;使其浓度维持在0.2~0.4 mmol·L-1。20 mg·mL-1氯化钙起始速度为枸橼酸流速的10%。根据患者体内Ca2+浓度调整CaCl2泵入速度:Ca2+<0.9 mmol·L-1,增加速度10 mL·h-1,并请医生诊治;Ca2+浓度0.90~0.99 mmol·L-1,增加速度5 mL·h-1;Ca2+浓度>1.2~1.4 mmol·L-1,减少速度5 mL·h-1;Ca2+>1.4 mmol·L-1,减少速度10 mL·h-1;Ca2+浓度维持1.0~1.2 mmol·L-1。 体外肝素组在透析管的动脉端应用肝素钠泵,肝素钠100 mg+0.9%氯化钠溶液50 mL,速度2 mL·h-1;在透析管的静脉端加用鱼精蛋白进行中和,鱼精蛋白100 mg+0.9%氯化钠溶液50 mL,速度2.5 mL·h-1

1.5 监测指标


1.6 统计学方法

采用STATA 10.0版统计软件进行统计学分析。计量资料以均数±标准差( x ¯ ±s)表示,组间均数比较采用t检验。以P<0.05为差异有统计学意义。

2 结果
2.1 两组患者CRRT前后体内外钙离子浓度和APTT的比较


表2 两组患者治疗后指标比较
Tab.2 Comparison of the indices between two groups of patients after treatment x¯±s
组别 例数 体外钙离子浓度 体内钙离子浓度 APTT/s
体外肝素组 46 0.91±0.07 1.21±0.07 49.0±2.1
体外枸橼酸组 50 0.35±0.09*1 1.12±0.06 41.0±3.7*1

Compared with regional heparin group,t=0.035,0.039,*1P<0.05


表2 两组患者治疗后指标比较

Tab.2 Comparison of the indices between two groups of patients after treatment x¯±s

2.2 CRRT治疗后高钠血症、代谢性碱中毒和转氨酶升高的比例


表3 两组患者行CRRT治疗后高钠血症、代谢性碱中毒和转氨酶升高的比例
Tab.3 Percentage of hypernatremia, metabolic alkalosis and transaminase elevation in two groups of patients after CRRT treatment %
组别 例数 高钠血症 代谢性碱中毒 转氨酶升高
体外肝素组 46 1.6 0.9 1.6
体外枸橼酸组 50 2.3 6.1*1 1.9

Compared with regional heparin group,t=0.014, *1P<0.05


表3 两组患者行CRRT治疗后高钠血症、代谢性碱中毒和转氨酶升高的比例

Tab.3 Percentage of hypernatremia, metabolic alkalosis and transaminase elevation in two groups of patients after CRRT treatment %

2.3 两组患者滤器使用时间比较

体外枸橼酸组使用血滤器(70.0±5.3) h,体外肝素组为(48.0±2.7) h,体外枸橼酸组时间更长,差异有统计学意义(t=0.029,P<0.05)。

2.4 两组患者出血不良事件比较


3 讨论



本研究比较体外肝素组和体外枸橼酸组对凝血时间的影响、不良事件的发生率及滤器使用时间,发现体外肝素组对凝血时间影响更大,出血不良事件发生率更高,但滤器的平均使用时间更短,两组之间比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。但枸橼酸抗凝组导致代谢性碱中毒的风险显著高于体外肝素组(P <0.05)。

枸橼酸又名柠檬酸,是体内三羧酸循环代谢的中间产物,其最早被应用于血液保存[7]。近年来,随着血液净化应用的广泛开展,被逐渐应用于凝血功能紊乱及高危出血患者的血液净化治疗中。局部的枸橼酸抗凝法是从体外循环的动脉端泵入枸橼酸,枸橼酸根离子和血清钙离子螯合成可溶性复合物枸橼酸钙。降低血清钙离子浓度,阻断凝血过程;该过程具有可逆性,补充足够浓度的钙离子后,会导致枸橼酸失去抗凝活性,促使体内凝血过程恢复正常。由于枸橼酸在体外鳌合钙离子,使血清钙离子浓度显著降低。而小部分未被清除的体外循环管路形成的枸橼酸钙进入体内后,主要在肝脏等部位参加三羧酸循环,形成碳酸氢根。局部枸橼酸抗凝法的主要并发症包括低钙血症、转氨酶升高、代谢性碱中毒、枸橼酸中毒、高钠血症等。因此,在治疗过程中,密切监测电解质浓度(钙离子和钠离子)、酸碱平衡及肝功能的变化尤为重要。体外枸橼酸抗凝法的抗凝效果需要监测体外循环静脉端钙离子水平,因此采血时需在正确部位取血,以避免产生误差。一般来说,要达到最佳的抗凝效果,钙离子的理想浓度范围为1.0~1.2 mmol·L-1[8]。在护理工作中,需要遵医嘱及时在床边采血检测相关指标变化。



由于在CRRT的治疗过程中,应用不同的抗凝方法可能会有潜在的不良反应,因此,定期对各项指标进行监测非常必要。如果上机前患者存在高钾、酸中毒等电解质酸碱平衡紊乱的情况,需要在CRRT治疗2~4 h后进行血气分析的检测,以调整置换液的配方。体外肝素组需要每4~8 h密切监测APTT的时间,体外枸橼酸组开始治疗后每4 h检测1次钙离子浓度,如果无明显异常,4 h后再检测1次,此后每8~12 h检测1次即可。若结果异常,需调整氯化钙或枸橼酸速度,此后2 h内再检测1次,直至稳定。

综上所述,在凝血功能紊乱和高危出血倾向患者行CRRT治疗时,对比体外肝素抗凝法,体外枸橼酸抗凝具有更高的安全性,更长的滤器使用时间。但应用该种抗凝方法,需要密切监测患者的钙离子浓度、酸碱平衡状态和肝脏功能等。 因此,局部枸橼酸抗凝是一种安全有效、可以广泛使用的抗凝方法。

The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.


[1] JOHN A K,NORBERT L.Diagnosis,evaluation,and manage-ment of acute kidney injury:a KDIGO summary(Part 1)[J].Crit Care,2013,17(1):204.
Abstract Acute kidney injury (AKI) is a common and serious problem affecting millions and causing death and disability for many. In 2012, Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes completed the first ever, international, multidisciplinary, clinical practice guideline for AKI. The guideline is based on evidence review and appraisal, and covers AKI definition, risk assessment, evaluation, prevention, and treatment. In this review we summarize key aspects of the guideline including definition and staging of AKI, as well as evaluation and nondialytic management. Contrast-induced AKI and management of renal replacement therapy will be addressed in a separate review. Treatment recommendations are based on systematic reviews of relevant trials. Appraisal of the quality of the evidence and the strength of recommendations followed the Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development and Evaluation approach. Limitations of the evidence are discussed and a detailed rationale for each recommendation is provided.
DOI:10.1186/cc11454      PMID:4057151      URL    
[2] PARK J S,KIM G H,KANG C M,et al.Regional anticoagu-lation with citrate is superior to systemic anticoagulation with heparin in critically ill patients undergoing continuous venovenous hemodiafiltration[J].Korean J Intern Med,2011,26(1):68-75.
Short hemofilter survival and anticoagulation-related life-threatening complications are major problems in systemic anticoagulation with heparin (SAH) for continuous renal replacement therapy (CRRT). The present study examined if regional anticoagulation with citrate (RAC) using commercially available solutions can overcome the associated problems of SAH to produce economical benefits. Forty-six patients were assigned to receive SAH or RAC. We assessed the coagulation state, clinical outcomes, and adverse events. A Kaplan-Meier analysis was used to estimate hemofilter life span. The economical benefit related to the prolonged hemofilter survival was examined on the basis of the average daily cost. The mean age of patients was 66.5 卤 13.8 years and the majority were male (60.9%). While elective discontinuation was most common cause of early CRRT interruption in the RAC group (34.3%, p < 0.01), hemofilter clotting was most prevalent in the SAH group (82.2%, p < 0.01). The patient metabolic and electrolyte control and survival rate were not different between the two groups. When compared with the RAC group, the anticoagulation-associated bleeding was a major complication in the SAH group (15.0% vs. 61.5%, p < 0.01). Regional anticoagulated hemofilters displayed a significantly longer survival time than systemic anticoagulated hemofilters (59.5 卤 3.8 hr vs. 15.6 卤 1.3 hr, p < 0.01). Accordingly, the mean daily continuous venovenous hemodiafiltration costs in the RAC and SAH groups were $575 卤 268 and $1,209 卤 517, respectively (p < 0.01). RAC prolonged hemofilter survival, displaying an economical benefit without severe adverse effects. The present study therefore demonstrates that RAC, using commercially available solutions, may be advantageous over SAH as a cost-effective treatment in CRRT.
DOI:10.3904/kjim.2011.26.1.68      PMID:3056258      URL    
[3] LEVI T M,DE SOUZA S P,DE MAGALHAES J G,et al.Comparison of the RIFLE,AKIN and KDIGO criteria to predict mortality in critically ill patients[J].Rev Bras Ter Intensiva,2013,25(4):290-296.
Abstract OBJECTIVE: Acute kidney injury is a common complication in critically ill patients, and the RIFLE, AKIN and KDIGO criteria are used to classify these patients. The present study's aim was to compare these criteria as predictors of mortality in critically ill patients. METHODS: Prospective cohort study using medical records as the source of data. All patients admitted to the intensive care unit were included. The exclusion criteria were hospitalization for less than 24 hours and death. Patients were followed until discharge or death. Student's t test, chi-squared analysis, a multivariate logistic regression and ROC curves were used for the data analysis. RESULTS: The mean patient age was 64 years old, and the majority of patients were women of African descent. According to RIFLE, the mortality rates were 17.74%, 22.58%, 24.19% and 35.48% for patients without acute kidney injury (AKI) in stages of Risk, Injury and Failure, respectively. For AKIN, the mortality rates were 17.74%, 29.03%, 12.90% and 40.32% for patients without AKI and at stage I, stage II and stage III, respectively. For KDIGO 2012, the mortality rates were 17.74%, 29.03%, 11.29% and 41.94% for patients without AKI and at stage I, stage II and stage III, respectively. All three classification systems showed similar ROC curves for mortality. CONCLUSION: The RIFLE, AKIN and KDIGO criteria were good tools for predicting mortality in critically ill patients with no significant difference between them.
DOI:10.5935/0103-507X.20130050      PMID:24553510      URL    
[4] TIAN H L,ZENG R,WANG X J,et al.The effects of conti-nuous blood purification for SIRS/MODS patients:a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials[J].Hematol,2012,2012:986795.
Abstract Background. Continuous veno-venous hemofiltration (CVVH) has aroused great concern in recent years because its effect on clearing inflammatory mediators and its mechanism of clinical effects in the treatment of critical illness has also become a research direction. Objective. To evaluate the efficacy of continuous blood purification for systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS)/multiple organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS) patients. Methods. A systematic review of the literature was undertaken to assess randomized controlled trials on CVVH. Results. 11芒聙聣RCTs involving a total of 414 patients were included. Compared with the control group, CVVH for SIRS/MODS patients has several advantages including better effects on clearing the plasma inflammatory mediators IL-6 [SMD(3d) = -0.45, 95%CI, (-0.83, -0.07), SMD(7d) = -1.07, 95%CI, (-1.52, -0.62)], on plasma TNF-alfa [SMD(3d) = -0.87, 95%CI, (-1.69, -0.04), SMD(7d) = -1.42, 95%CI, (-2.49, -0.35)], lower white blood cell (WBC) count [MD = 2.61, 95%CI, (1.49, 3.73)], shorter hospital stays [MD = -7.21 days, 95%CI, (-10.68, -3.74)] and better stability of hemodynamics. However, there is no significant difference in the mortality rate [MODS:RR = 0.62, 95%CI, (0.38, 1.01), SIRS:RR = 0.75, 95%CI, (0.57, 1.08)]. Conclusions. The study showed that CVVH was able to eliminate inflammatory mediators (TNF-alfa, IL-6) in plasma effectively, lower WBC count and shorter hospital stays than conventional therapeutic measures.
DOI:10.5402/2012/986795      PMID:23056956      URL    
[5] FERNANDEZ S N,SANTIAGO M J,JESUS L H,et al.Citrate anticoagulation for CRRT in children:comparison with heparin[J].Biomed Res Int,2014,2014:786301.
Abstract Regional anticoagulation with citrate is an alternative to heparin in continuous renal replacement therapies, which may prolong circuit lifetime and decrease hemorrhagic complications. A retrospective comparative cohort study based on a prospective observational registry was conducted including critically ill children undergoing CRRT. Efficacy, measured as circuit survival, and secondary effects of heparin and citrate were compared. 12 patients on CRRT with citrate anticoagulation and 24 patients with heparin anticoagulation were analyzed. Median citrate dose was 2.665mmol/L. Median calcium dose was 0.1665mEq/kg/h. Median heparin dose was 1565UI/kg/h. Median circuit survival was 48 hours with citrate and 31 hours with heparin (P = 0.028). 66.6% of patients treated with citrate developed mild metabolic alkalosis, which was directly related to citrate dose. There were no cases of citrate intoxication: median total calcium/ionic calcium index (CaT/I) of 2.16 and a maximum CaT/I of 2.33, without metabolic acidosis. In the citrate group, 45.5% of patients developed hypochloremia and 27.3% hypomagnesemia. In the heparin group, 27.8% developed hypophosphatemia. Three patients were moved from heparin to citrate to control postoperatory bleeding. In conclusion citrate is a safe and effective anticoagulation method for CRRT in children and it achieves longer circuit survival than heparin.
DOI:10.1155/2014/786301      PMID:4137493      URL    
[6] SPONHOLZ C,BAYER O,KABISCH B,et al.Anticoagula-tion strategies in venovenous hemodialysis in critically ill patients:a five-year evaluation in a surgical intensive care unit[J].Scientific World J,2014,2014:808320.
Renal failure is a common complication among critically ill patients. Timing, dosage, and mode of renal replacement (RRT) are under debate, but also anticoagulation strategies and vascular access interfere with dialysis success. We present a retrospective, five-year evaluation of patients requiring RRT on a multidisciplinary 50-bed surgical intensive care unit of a university hospital with special regard to anticoagulation strategies and vascular access. Anticoagulation was preferably performed with unfractionated heparin or regional citrate application (RAC). Bleeding and suspected HIT-II were most common causes for RAC. In CVVHD mode filter life span was significantly longer under RAC compared to heparin or other anticoagulation strategies ( P = 0.001 ). Femoral vascular access was associated with reduced filter life span ( P = 0.012 ), especially under heparin anticoagulation ( P = 0.015 ). Patients on RAC had higher rates of metabolic alkalosis ( P = 0.001 ), required more transfusions ( P = 0.045 ), and showed higher illness severity measured by SOFA scores ( P = 0.001 ). RRT with unfractionated heparin represented the most common anticoagulation strategy in this study population. However, patients with bleeding risk and severe organ dysfunction were more likely placed on RAC. Citrate provided longer filter life spans regardless of vascular access site. Attention has to be paid to metabolic disturbances.
DOI:10.1155/2014/808320      PMID:25548793      URL    
[7] MORABITO S,PISTOLESI V,TRITAPEPE L,et al.Regional citrate anticoagulation in CVVH:a new protocol combining citrate solution with a phosphate-containing replacement fluid[J].Hemodial Int,2013,17(2):313-320.
Regional citrate anticoagulation (RCA) is a valid anticoagulation method in continuous renal replacement therapies (CRRT) and different combination of citrate and CRRT solutions can affect acid-base balance. Regardless of the anticoagulation protocol, hypophosphatemia occurs frequently in CRRT. In this case report, we evaluated safety and effects on acid-base balance of a new RCA- continuous veno-venous hemofiltration (CVVH) protocol using an 18 mmol/L citrate solution combined with a phosphate-containing replacement fluid. In our center, RCA-CVVH is routinely performed with a 12 mmol/L citrate solution and a postdilution replacement fluid with bicarbonate (protocol A). In case of persistent acidosis, not related to citrate accumulation, bicarbonate infusion is scheduled. In order to optimize buffers balance, a new protocol has been designed using recently introduced solutions: 18 mmol/L citrate solution, phosphate-containing postdilution replacement fluid with bicarbonate (protocol B). In a cardiac surgery patient with acute kidney injury, acid-base status and electrolytes have been evaluated comparing protocol A (five circuits, 301 hours) vs. protocol B (two circuits, 97 hours): pH 7.39 ± 0.03 vs. 7.44 ± 0.03 (P < 0.0001), bicarbonate 22.3 ± 1.8 vs. 22.6 ± 1.4 mmol/L (NS), Base excess -2.8 ± 2.1 vs. -1.6 ± 1.2 (P = 0.007), phosphate 0.85 ± 0.2 vs. 1.3 ± 0.5 mmol/L (P = 0.027). Protocol A required bicarbonate and sodium phosphate infusion (8.9 ± 2.8 mmol/h and 5 g/day, respectively) while protocol B allowed to stop both supplementations. In comparison to protocol A, protocol B allowed to adequately control acid-base status without additional bicarbonate infusion and in absence of alkalosis, despite the use of a standard bicarbonate concentration replacement solution. Furthermore, the combination of a phosphate-containing replacement fluid appeared effective to prevent hypophosphatemia.
DOI:10.1186/cc10973      PMID:22882732      URL    
[8] BOUMAN C S.And the winner is:reginal citrate anticoagu-lation[J].Crit Care Med,2009,37(2):764-765.
Comment on Crit Care Med. 2009 Feb;37(2):545-52.
DOI:10.1097/CCM.0b013e318194df2e      PMID:19325378      URL    
[9] DAVIES H,LESLIE G,MORGAN D.Continuous renal repla-cement treatment and the “bleeding patient”[J].BMJ Case Rep,2011,2011(pii) :bcr0120091523.
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LI Runlan
LIU Jiao
DENG Yanping