中国科技论文统计源期刊 中文核心期刊  
医药导报, 2017, 36(2): 226-230
doi: 10.3870/j.issn.1004-0781.2017.02.029
Prevalence Survey of Cognition of Potential Participants for Clinical Trials
曹羽明1,, 曹越2, 徐影1, 董洁3, 李玲玲1, 龚婷1, 张元珍1,

摘要: 目的对潜在受试者药物临床试验知晓状况、参与意愿及影响因素等内容进行调查,为药物临床试验工作的开展提供指导。方法自行设计调查问卷,随机选择某三甲医院内科、外科、妇产科门诊患者进行匿名问卷调查,对结果进行统计分析。结果回收有效问卷1 067份,调查对象对药物临床试验总知晓率为31.02%,年龄与文化程度是知晓与否的影响因素。40.86%的调查对象愿意参与药物临床试验,为医学进步贡献力量为主要参与动机,占55.28%,药物临床试验知晓者更倾向于参与药物临床试验(OR:1.361,95%CI:1.042-1.777)。59.14%调查对象拒绝参与药物临床试验,其中68.62%拒绝的主要原因为担心药物的安全性;57.37%调查对象表示如果有专家参与,有医生负责则会改变意愿。41.33%的调查对象愿意接受相关知识培训。结论调查对象药物临床试验知晓率与其参与药物临床试验的意愿密切相关,应契合公众需求开展针对性宣传。
关键词: 临床试验,药物 ; 知晓状况 ; 参与意愿

ObjectiveTo investigate the awareness, willingness, motivation, and influencing factors of outpatients for participating drug clinical trials, and provide references for decision-making of drug clinical trials. MethodsAn anmonymous survey was conducted in the departments of internal medicine, surgery, gynecology, and obstetrics of a randomly selected tertiary referral center, and the results were statistically analyzed. ResultsA total of 1 067 available questionnaires were received. The total awareness rate of clinical trials was 31.02%, which was closely correlated with age and the degree of education. 40.86% of respondents were willing to participate in drug clinical trials. And 55.28% of them chose yes because of the willingness to contribute to the development of medical science. People having cognition on clinical trials had more willingness to participate in drug(OR:1.361,95%CI:1.042-1.777).59.14% of the respondents refused to participate in drug clinical trials, 68.62% of whom refusing to participate mainly worried about the safety of drugs. 57.37% of the respondents comfirmed that they might change their idea if experts were involved. 41.33% were willing to accept training about clinical trials. ConclusionInvestigators' overall cognition on clinical trials is closely correlated with the willingness to participate in drug clinical trials. There should propagandize drug clinical trials to make sure the improvement of drug clinical trial progress.
Key words: Clinical trials,drug ; Awareness ; Participation willingness



1 研究对象


2 研究内容与方法
2.1 研究内容


2.2 研究方法


2.3 统计学方法


3 结果
3.1 一般人口学信息

发放调查问卷1 158份,回收1 130份,有效1 067份,问卷回收有效率92.14%。男432例(40.49%),女635例(59.51%),年龄以21~40岁为主,占70.76%,49.77%患者文化程度为本科及以上,职业排行前3位分别为其他(35.15%)、卫生教育(17.53%)与专业技术(15.93%),其中其他职业主要包括学生、农民、无业及离退休人员等。71.23%患者为城市户口,71.51%已婚,25.30%收入水平为每月2 001~3 000元。53.80%患者为城市医疗保险,其次为农村合作医疗保险(15.09%),自费医疗12.65%,47.89%调查对象报告医疗支出不到月收入一半,47.89%调查对象就医压力为轻度。

3.2 不同药物临床试验知晓状况与参与意愿调查对象人口学特征比较

3.2.1 不同药物临床试验知晓状况调查对象人口学特征比较 答对6题及以上者为知晓,调查对象总知晓率为31.02%。不同知晓状况调查对象在年龄、文化程度、婚姻、医疗保险条件、医疗支出上差异有统计学意义,具体为年龄越小、文化程度越高者药物临床试验知晓率越高;职业为工人者知晓率显著低于其他五类职业者;未婚者知晓率较已婚者高;医疗保险条件为农合医疗、公费医疗者知晓率低于其他保险类别,知晓率随调查对象医疗支出费用占收入水平的比例升高而下降,大部分收入用于医疗的人群知晓率最低,仅为21.33%。见表1。

表1 不同药物临床试验知晓状况调查对象人口学特征比较
Tab.1 Comparison of demographic characteristic of the respondents for the awareness of drug clinical trial
人口学信息 例数 百分比/
知晓 不知晓 χ2 P
% %
年龄 22.750 <0.01
≤20岁 71 6.65 35 49.30 36 50.70
>20~40岁 755 70.76 245 32.45 510 67.55
>40岁 241 22.59 51 21.16 190 78.84
文化程度 18.306 <0.01
高中及以下 301 28.21 74 24.58 227 75.42
大专 235 22.02 60 25.53 175 74.47
本科及以上 531 49.77 197 37.10 334 62.90
职业 11.943 <0.05
行政管理 91 8.53 32 35.16 59 64.84
专业技术 170 15.93 56 32.94 114 67.06
卫生教育 187 17.53 60 32.09 127 67.91
商业服务 140 13.12 45 32.14 95 67.86
工人 104 9.75 17 16.35 87 83.65
其他 375 35.15 121 32.27 254 67.73
婚姻情况 13.110 <0.01
未婚 304 28.49 119 39.14 185 60.86
已婚 763 71.51 212 27.79 551 72.21
医疗保险条件 10.400 <0.05
公费医疗 90 8.43 25 27.78 65 72.22
城市医疗保险 574 53.80 174 30.31 400 69.69
农合医疗 161 15.09 41 25.47 120 74.53
自费医疗 135 12.65 45 33.33 90 66.67
其他 107 10.03 46 42.99 61 57.01
医疗支出 12.721 <0.01
基本无 401 37.58 149 37.16 252 62.84
<50%月收入 591 55.39 166 28.09 425 71.91
≥50%月收入 75 7.03 16 21.33 59 78.67

表1 不同药物临床试验知晓状况调查对象人口学特征比较

Tab.1 Comparison of demographic characteristic of the respondents for the awareness of drug clinical trial

3.2.2 不同药物临床试验参与意愿调查对象人口学特征比较 不同参与意愿调查对象在年龄、文化程度、职业、 婚姻、收入水平、医疗支出、就医压力及知晓状况差异有统计学意义,年龄为>20~40岁、文化程度为本科及以上的调查对象更倾向于报告同意参与药物临床试验;职业为卫生教育、专业技术、行政管理报告同意参与者所占比例均超过40%;相较已婚者,未婚者更倾向于同意参与药物临床试验;月收入低于1 000元报告同意参与者所占比例(51.16%)显著高于其他收入水平者,调查对象参与意愿随医疗支出升高、就医压力增大而下降,药物临床试验相关知识知晓者报告同意参与的比例(47.13%)显著高于不知晓者(38.04%)。见表2。

表2 不同药物临床试验参与意愿调查对象人口学特征比较
Tab.2 Comparison of demographic characteristic of the respondents for the willingness of drug clinical trial
人口学信息 例数 百分比/
同意参与 拒绝参与 χ2 P
% %
年龄 7.134 <0.05
≤20岁 71 6.65 25 35.21 46 64.79
>20~40岁 755 70.76 328 43.44 427 56.56
>40岁 241 22.59 83 34.44 158 65.56
文化程度 14.023 <0.01
高中及以下 301 28.21 105 34.88 196 65.12
大专 235 22.02 84 35.74 151 64.26
本科及以上 531 49.77 247 46.52 284 53.48
职业 11.547 <0.05
行政管理 91 8.53 40 43.96 51 56.04
专业技术 170 15.93 76 44.71 94 55.29
卫生教育 187 17.53 86 45.99 101 54.01
商业服务 140 13.12 44 31.43 96 68.57
工人 104 9.75 34 32.69 70 67.31
其他 375 35.15 156 41.60 219 58.40
婚姻情况 8.219 <0.01
未婚 304 28.49 145 47.70 159 52.30
已婚 763 71.51 291 38.14 472 61.86
每月收入水平 11.266 <0.05
≤1 000元 172 16.12 88 51.16 84 48.84
~2 000元 191 17.90 73 38.22 118 61.78
~3 000元 270 25.30 97 35.93 173 64.07
~4 000元 166 15.56 65 39.16 101 60.84
~5 000元 116 10.87 48 41.38 68 58.62
>5 000元 152 14.25 65 42.76 87 57.24
每月医疗支出 7.312 <0.05
基本无 401 37.58 183 45.64 218 54.36
<50%月收入 591 55.39 229 38.75 362 61.25
≥50%月收入 75 7.03 24 32.00 51 68.00
317 29.71 151 47.63 166 52.37
轻度 511 47.89 195 38.16 316 61.84
中度 197 18.46 76 38.58 121 61.42
重度 42 3.94 14 33.33 28 66.67
知晓情况 7.801 <0.01
不知晓 736 68.98 280 38.04 456 61.96
知晓 331 31.02 156 47.13 175 52.87

表2 不同药物临床试验参与意愿调查对象人口学特征比较

Tab.2 Comparison of demographic characteristic of the respondents for the willingness of drug clinical trial

3.2.3 调查对象药物临床试验知晓状况与参与意愿影响因素分析 见表3。结果显示,影响调查对象药物临床试验知晓状况的因素分别为年龄与文化程度,年龄>20~40岁、>40岁者药物临床试验知晓可能性分别为年龄≤20岁者的0.504和0.352倍;文化程度为本科及以上者药物临床试验知晓可能性为高中及以下者的1.510倍。影响调查对象药物临床试验参与意愿的因素为文化程度、就医压力程度以及药物临床试验知晓状况,文化程度越高者参与意愿越强,本科及以上学历者者药物临床试验参与意愿为高中及以下者的1.603倍,就医压力为轻度者参与意愿为无就医压力者的0.672倍,但就医压力为中度与重度者与无压力者相比差异无统计学意义。此外,相比不知晓者,药物临床试验知晓者更倾向于报告同意参与药物临床试验。

表3 调查对象药物临床试验知晓状况与参与意愿影响因素分析
Tab.3 Analysis of the influencing factor on the awareness and willingness of the respondents to participating drug clinical trial
变量 知晓状况 参与意愿
OR 95%CI OR 95%CI
>20~40 0.504 0.308~0.824*1 2.370 1.331~4.218
>40 0.352 0.196~0.634*1 2.243 1.148~4.384
大专 0.998 0.669~1.489 1.066 0.744~1.529
本科及以上 1.510 1.061~2.148*1 1.603 1.191~2.158*1
轻度 0.672 0.504~0.895*1
中度 0.714 0.496~1.029
重度 0.517 0.260~1.026
知晓 1.361 1.042~1.777*2


表3 调查对象药物临床试验知晓状况与参与意愿影响因素分析

Tab.3 Analysis of the influencing factor on the awareness and willingness of the respondents to participating drug clinical trial

3.3 调查对象参与药物临床试验的动机与原因分析


3.4 调查对象接受相关知识培训状况


4 讨论





The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.


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ABSTRACT Lack of clinical trial awareness is a known obstacle to clinical trial enrollment. We sought to define the prevalence of clinical trial awareness in the US population, determine characteristics associated with increased trial awareness, and explore potential disparities in trial awareness. We utilized data from the Health Information National Trends Survey from 2008 and 2012. Logistic regression was utilized to assess predictors of clinical trial awareness, particularly sociodemographic variables and information-seeking preferences. Trial awareness and information-seeking preferences were compared in patient subgroups and between the two time periods. Clinical trial awareness increased from 68% to 74% between 2008 and 2012. In the 2012 dataset, higher education level (odds ratio: 3.52, 95% confidence interval: 2.16-5.74), higher yearly income category (odds ratio: 1.84, 95% confidence interval: 1.17-2.89), and Internet use (odds ratio: 2.13, 95% confidence interval: 1.52-3.00) were significantly associated with clinical trial awareness. Hispanic ethnicity (odds ratio: 0.41, 95% confidence interval: 0.25-0.68) was significantly associated with decreased awareness. Clinical trial awareness increased in African-American/Blacks (螖10.6%) and Hispanics (螖10.7%) between 2008 and 2012, as did Internet use in both subgroups (螖14.2%, 螖18.1%, respectively). Overall clinical trial awareness has increased between 2008 and 2012, although a large subset of the population still lacks general awareness of clinical trials. Racial and ethnic disparities in trial awareness exist, although disparities may be decreasing among the Black population. These findings may help target educational efforts and inform approaches to increasing trial awareness. 漏 The Author(s) 2015.
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ABSTRACT Studies have reported that clinical research has experienced tremendous growth during past few decades with many multinational pharmaceutical companies recruiting millions of Indians in clinical trials (CTs). However, there is hardly any literature that talks about the participants, their knowledge, and awareness of CTs. It is important that the general public is aware about CTs so that they can take their own informed decision to participate in CTs. To assess public awareness, perceptions, and attitudes toward CTs and their views on various methods to create awareness about CTs. Cross sectional survey was conducted with 200 non trial participants (NTPs) and 40 trial participants (TPs). TPs were significantly (P < 0.0001) older than NTPs. More than 80% of both TPs and NTPs mentioned participation in CT helps advance medical science and strongly felt that there is a need to create awareness about CTs. Nearly 70% of TPs could not remember the phase of the trial while 20% did not know which type of trial they had participated. The main reason for participation in the trial was physician's advice. About 80% of both TPs and NTPs felt that participation in CT will increase with free medications and advice from friends/relatives who had good experience with trial. Results of this pilot study revealed need to create CT awareness among the general public. However, considering ethno-cultural, regional, and literacy-level differences throughout the country, a nationwide study would be appropriate to provide reliable results about awareness of CTs among Indians.
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BackgroundA public that is an informed partner in clinical research is important for ethical, methodological, and operational reasons. There are indications that the public is unaware or misinformed, and not sufficiently engaged in clinical research but studies on the topic are lacking. PARTAKE – Public Awareness of Research for Therapeutic Advancements through Knowledge and Empowerment is a program aimed at increasing public awareness and partnership in clinical research. The PARTAKE Survey is a component of the program.ObjectiveTo study public knowledge and perceptions of clinical research.MethodsA 40-item questionnaire combining multiple-choice and open-ended questions was administered to 175 English- or Hindi-speaking individuals in 8 public locations representing various socioeconomic strata in New Delhi, India.ResultsInterviewees were 18–84 old (mean: 39.6, SD±16.6), 23.6% female, 68.6% employed, 7.3% illiterate, 26.3% had heard of research, 2.9% had participated and 58.9% expressed willingness to participate in clinical research. The following perceptions were reported (% true/% false/% not aware): ‘research benefits society’ (94.1%/3.5%/2.3%), ‘the government protects against unethical clinical research’ (56.7%/26.3%/16.9%), ‘research hospitals provide better care’ (67.2%/8.7%/23.9%), ‘confidentiality is adequately protected’ (54.1%/12.3%/33.5%), ‘participation in research is voluntary’ (85.3%/5.8%/8.7%); ‘participants treated like ‘guinea pigs’’ (20.7%/53.2%/26.0%), and ‘compensation for participation is adequate’ (24.7%/12.9%/62.3%).ConclusionsResults suggest the Indian public is aware of some key features of clinical research (e.g., purpose, value, voluntary nature of participation), and supports clinical research in general but is unaware of other key features (e.g., compensation, confidentiality, protection of human participants) and exhibits some distrust in the conduct and reporting of clinical trials. Larger, cross-cultural surveys are required to inform educational programs addressing these issues.
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[4] ADEWALE B, SCHOEMAN L,ROUSSOUW T,et al.Knowledge and perceptions of research participants in Nigeria about clinical trials[J].Indian J Med Ethics,2015,12(4): 196-198.
ABSTRACT Benchmarks of ethical research in developing countries stipulate collaborative partnership, which necessitates the involvement of research participants and taking cognizance of their opinions in decisions regarding research activities. Little data regarding participants' perceptions about research activities exists in the developing world. This study assessed the knowledge and perceptions of research participants in Nigeria about clinical trials. A validated semi-structured questionnaire was used in a cross-sectional survey. Data were analysed using SPSS version 17. Seventy-five respondents (70.7% females, 29.3% males) with a mean age of 36.5卤10.3 years, enrolled in an efficacy and safety study of Artequin in Ikorodu LGA, Nigeria, participated in the survey. Most of them (64%) had secondary education while 6.7% were illiterate. Only 5 (6.7%) had previously participated in a clinical trial. The majority of respondents (70.7%) did not know how medicines are determined to be safe and none knew how new drugs are tested. While only 10(13.3%) respondents felt that people were well treated during clinical trials, only two knew of someone who had been harmed because of participation and only one respondent could report on the type of harm experienced by the participant. The majority (86.7%) did not know if people were well treated or abused or whether people's rights were protected during clinical trials (84%). Despite being enrolled in a clinical trial, participants have limited knowledge about such trials. This lack of knowledge might impact the quality of informed consent provided. If true collaboration is to be achieved in developing world settings, the community in general, and trial participants in particular, should be educated about the basic principles of research.
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This study was conducted to investigate awareness of clinical trials (CTs) including perceptions of favorable feelings about, necessity for, and safety of CTs, the ultimate beneficiary of CTs and the factors associated with willingness to participate in CTs among the general population in South Korea. A cross sectional survey study was conducted in a randomly selected national sample of 1,515 Korean. Perception toward CTs was measured using a scale from 0 (strongly disagree) to 10 (strongly agree). Respondents readily understood the necessity for CTs (M65=657.27, SD65=652.15); had moderately favorable feelings (M65=655.32, SD65=652.31) toward CTs and felt that these CTs were moderately safe (M65=654.71, SD65=651.90). Twenty-five percent of the respondents answered that they would be willing to participate in a CT in the future. Perception of the ultimate benefits of CTs, awareness, favorable feelings, safety, and necessity regarding CTs were identified as significant predictors of willingness to participate in CTs. An awareness of CTs and the perceptions toward CTs were associated with general public willingness to participate in a CT. Findings from this study can be used in planning outreach and recruitment strategies, and to understand the predictors of CT participation.
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Background Existing evidence suggests that there is often limited understanding among participants in clinical trials about the informed consent process, resulting in their providing consent without really understanding the purpose of the study, specific procedures, and their rights. The objective of the study was to determine the subjects’ understanding of research, perceptions of voluntariness and motivations for participation in a malaria clinical trial. Methods In this study semi-structured interviews of adult clinical trial participants with uncomplicated falciparum malaria were conducted in Ramu Upazila Health Complex, in Bangladesh. Results Of 16 participants, the vast majority (81%) were illiterate. All subjects had a ‘therapeutic misconception’ i.e. the trial was perceived to be conducted primarily for the benefit of individual patients when in fact the main objective was to provide information to inform public health policy. From the patients’ perspective, getting well from their illness was their major concern. Poor actual understanding of trial specific procedures was reported despite participants’ satisfaction with treatment and nursing care. Conclusion There is frequently a degree of overlap between research and provision of clinical care in malaria research studies. Patients may be motivated to participate to research without a good understanding of the principal objectives of the study despite a lengthy consent process. The findings suggest that use of a standard consent form following the current ICH-GCP guidelines does not result in achieving fully informed consent and the process should be revised, simplified and adapted to individual trial settings.
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[7] RMERS-VERHOEVEN C W, PERRONE F, OLIVER K.Exploratory research into cancer patients' attitudes to clinical trials[J]. Ecancermedicalscience,2014,8:432.
A qualitative survey was carried out in six countries to gather insights into potential barriers to patient participation in cancer clinical trials (CTs) to help stakeholders develop strategies to improve recruitment and participation. While the research was exploratory in nature, the findings highlight the critical role that doctors play in terms of CTs participation. The research also indicates the need for outreach to raise awareness about CTs both outside and within the clinical research community as well as educating the general public to dispel misconceptions about CTs. The results also indicated that most patients who participated in the research believe all patients should be offered the chance to participate in CTs, wanting all available options presented to them.
DOI:10.3332/ecancer.2014.432      PMID:24963349      URL    
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Appropriate information and consent has been one of the most intensely discussed topics within the context of biobank research. In parallel to the normative debate, many socio-empirical studies have been conducted to gather experiences, preferences and views of patients, healthy research participants and further stakeholders. However, there is scarcity of literature which connects the normative debate about justifications for different consent models with findings gained in empirical research. In this paper we discuss findings of a limited review of socio-empirical research on patients’ and healthy research participants’ experiences and views regarding consent to biobank research in light of ethical principles for appropriate information and consent.
DOI:10.1186/s12910-015-0053-5      URL    
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The creation of biobanks depends upon people’s willingness to donate their samples for research purposes and to agree to sample storage. Moreover, biobanks are a public good that requires active participation by all interested stakeholders at every stage of development. Therefore, knowing public’s attitudes towards participation in a biobank and biobank management is important and deserves investigation.
DOI:10.1186/1472-6939-15-81      PMID:25425352      URL    
[11] HOLMBERG C, KARNER J J, RAPPENECKER J, et al.Clinical trial participants’ experiences of completing questionnaires: a qualitative study[J]. BMJ Open,2014 ,4(3):e004363.
ABSTRACT To improve clinical study developments for elderly populations, we aim to understand how they transfer their experiences into validated, standardised self-completed study measurement instruments. We analysed how women (mean 78卤8 years of age) participating in a randomised controlled trial (RCT) cognised study instruments used to evaluate outcomes of the intervention. The interview study was nested in an RCT on chronic neck pain using common measurement instruments situated in an elderly community in Berlin, Germany, which comprised of units for independent and assisted-living options. The sample (n=20 women) was selected from the RCT sample (n=117, 95% women, mean age 76 (SD卤8) years). Interview participants were selected using a purposive sampling list based on the RCT outcomes. We asked participants about their experiences completing the RCT questionnaires. Interviews were analysed thematically, then compared with the questionnaires. Interviewees had difficulties in translating complex experiences into a single value on a scale and understanding the relationship of the questionnaires to study aims. Interviewees considered important for the trial that their actual experiences were understood by trial organisers. This information was not transferrable by means of the questionnaires. To rectify these difficulties, interviewees used strategies such as adding notes, adding response categories or skipping an item. Elderly interview participants understood the importance of completing questionnaires for trial success. This led to strategies of completing the questionnaires that resulted in 'missing' or ambiguous data. To improve data collection in elderly populations, educational materials addressing the differential logics should be developed and tested. Pilot testing validated instruments using cognitive interviews may be particularly important in such populations. Finally, when the target of an intervention is a subjective experience, it seems important to create a method by which participants can convey their personal experiences. These could be nested qualitative studies. ISRCTN77108101807.
DOI:10.1136/bmjopen-2013-004363      PMID:24662446      URL    
[12] Al-AMAD S, AWAD M, SILVERMAN H.Attitudes of dental patients towards participation in research[J]. Eastern Mediterr Health J,2014,20(2):90-98.
ABSTRACT The attitudes of dental patients towards participation in research and the independent socioeconomic factors associated with these attitudes are not known. A self-administered questionnaire was distributed to 120 patients attending dental clinics in Amman, Jordan. For patients who had previously participated in research (n = 28), motivating factors for most (> 75%) included a desire to help others and to advance science. Most respondents (81.7%) showed interest in participating in questionnaire-based research, but fewer would participate in invasive research, e.g. biopsies (22.0%) and drilling teeth (21.2%). Reasons given for not participating in research included fear of infectious diseases (71.3%) and pain (62.1%). Factors considered important in enhancing research participation included being asked to give informed consent (98.2%), fairness in selection of participants (97.3%) and the prospect of humanitarian benefit (96.5%). Sex and education level were significantly associated with patients' perceptions for several of items. To enhance recruitment, researchers should be aware of people's perspectives regarding participation in research.
DOI:10.1097/01.SIH.0000444023.71443.a6      PMID:24945557      URL    
[13] CEBALLOS R M,KNERR S,SCOTT M A,et al.Latino beliefs about biomedical research participation: a qualitative study on the U.S.-Mexico Border[J] .J Empir Res Hum Res Ethics,2014,9(4):10-21.
Latinos are under-represented in biomedical research conducted in the United States, impeding disease prevention and treatment efforts for this growing demographic group. We gathered perceptions of biomedical research and gauged willingness to participate through elicitation interviews and focus groups with Latinos living on the U.S.-Mexico border. Themes that emerged included a strong willingness to participate in biomedical studies and suggested that Latinos may be under-represented due to limited formal education and access to health information, not distrust. The conflation of research and clinical care was common and motivated participation. Outreach efforts and educational interventions to inform Latinos of participation opportunities and clarify harms and benefits associated with biomedical research participation will be essential to maintain trust within Latino communities.
DOI:10.1177/1556264614544454      PMID:25747293      URL    
[14] 国家食品药品监督管理局 . 《药物临床试验质量管理规范》 (局令第3号) [EB/OL]. (2003-08-06). .
[15] TANNER A, KIM SH, FRIEDMAN D B,et al.Promoting clinical research to medically underserved communities : current practice and perceptions about clinical trial recruiting strateaies[J]. Contemp Clin Trials,2015,41:39-44.
[16] MAIDA S, DALLA COSTA G, Rodegher M,et al.Overcoming recruitment challenges in patients with multiple sclerosis: results from an Italian survey[J]. Clin Trials,2014,11(6):667-672.
Recruiting patients for randomized clinical trials is still extremely difficult. While there has been much research in oncology patients, no previous studies have consistently addressed specific factors affecting the willingness to enroll in multiple sclerosis trials from the patient's perspective. To this end, we conducted an exploratory study to assess the related factors and to find ways to improve recruitment.This is a single-center, observational study involving 352 consecutive outpatients followed at one site in Italy. Patients completed the Enrollment Problems Questionnaire and Beck Depression Inventory.Over 50% of the patients would consider participating in a randomized trial. Willing patients are frequently older, with no children, have a diagnosis of secondary progressive multiple sclerosis, and have already participated in clinical trials. Patients' choices were positively influenced by expectations of having (a) a greater chance of cure, (b) an unavailable drug, (c) a specialist's care, and (d) the chance to contribute to medical research. Willingness was significantly increased by the use of optimistic language and practical/psychological assistance during the decision-making process.Multiple sclerosis patients' willingness to participate in a randomized trial is mainly related to both altruistic and individual considerations, as well as to a greater chance of specialist/improved care. More effective information flow and an effective, long-standing patient-physician relationship may improve recruitment overall.
DOI:10.1177/1740774514545248      PMID:25092808      URL    
[17] ANURUANG S, DAVIDSON P M, JACKSON D,et al.Strategies to enhance recruitment of rural-dwelling older people into community-based trials[J].Nurse Res,2015,23(1):40-43.
Abstract Aim To describe strategies that can enhance the recruitment of rural-dwelling older people into clinical trials. Background Recruitment to studies can be time-consuming and challenging. Moreover, there are challenges associated with recruiting older people, particularly those living in rural areas. Nevertheless, an adequate sample size is crucial to the validity of randomised controlled trials (RCTs). Data sources The authors draw on the literature and their personal experiences, to present a range of flexible and inclusive strategies that have been successfully used to recruit older people into clinical trials. Review methods This paper describes attempts to improve recruitment of rural-dwelling, older Thai people to a clinical trial. Discussion To attract potential participants, researchers should consider minimising the burden of their study and maximising its benefits or convenience for participants. Three factors that may influence participation rates are: personal factors of participants, researchers' personal attributes, and protocol factors. In addition, three important strategies contribute to improving recruitment: understanding the culture of the research setting, identifying the 'gatekeepers' in the setting and building trust with stakeholders. Conclusion Even though the study covered did not recruit a large number of participants, these understandings were crucial and enabled recruitment of a sufficient number of participants in a reasonable timeframe. Implications for practice/research These strategies may be of use in rural settings and with different communities including urban communities.
DOI:10.7748/nr.23.1.40.e1345      URL    
[18] CHU S H, JEONG S H, KIM E J, et al .The views of patients and healthy volunteers on participation in clinical trials: an exploratory survey study[J]. Contemp Clin Trials,2012,33(4):611-619.
Background and aims: This study was conducted to investigate the views of patients and healthy volunteers on participation in clinical trials.<br/>Methods: A total of 291 clinical trial participants, including 140 patients and 151 healthy volunteers, were recruited from four university hospital-affiliated clinical trial centers among 15 Korean regional clinical trial centers in South Korea where the levels of information and care were sufficient to meet the global standard. Participants were recruited from phase I trials or bioequivalence tests, a short term hospitalization under close monitoring in the clinical trial centers, or from phase II, III or IV trials occurring in both wards and outpatient clinics. A structured questionnaire survey was performed to identify their perspectives on clinical trials.<br/>Results: Participants who were patients were significantly influenced by medical personnels regarding the decision making processes for participation in clinical trials when compared to healthy volunteers. However, no difference was found between the two groups in the level of willingness to participate in and satisfaction with clinical trials. More than 50% of patient subjects misunderstood and thought that their physicians could persuade them to participate in clinical trials or that all the participants would receive a new drug or treatment during trials.<br/>Conclusions: Clinical researchers who are involved ill clinical trials should make an extra effort to confirm the level of understanding of their patients regarding the clinical trial and to guarantee that each patient has sufficient time to make an informed decision before participating in a clinical trial. (C) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
DOI:10.1016/j.cct.2012.02.018      Magsci    
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关键词(key words)

Clinical trials,drug
Participation willingness


CAO Yuming
XU Ying
LI Lingling
ZHANG Yuanzhen