中国科技论文统计源期刊 中文核心期刊  
医药导报, 2017, 36(3): 342-345
doi: 10.3870/j.issn.1004-0781.2017.03.023
沈江华, 王雅葳, 褚燕琦, 闫素英


目的 观察术后患者静脉自控镇痛泵(PCIA)的镇痛效果及不良反应发生情况,结合药物经济学因素,为镇痛泵的药物选择提出建议,以保证患者用药安全,降低药品费用。方法 抽取首都医科大学宣武医院2015年3-4月术后使用PCIA,且有随访结果的患者,共入组412例,根据镇痛泵配方分为地佐辛组(D组)、舒芬太尼组(S组)、地佐辛+舒芬太尼组(DS组)和地佐辛+氟比洛芬酯组(DF组),比较各组镇痛效果、不良反应和经济性。结果 412例使用镇痛泵的患者,术后当天总体镇痛满意率90.0%,术后第1天94.7%,4组差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。不良反应主要为恶心、呕吐等,术后当天总体不良反应发生率19.4%,术后第1天14.1%,4组差异无统计学意义。4组镇痛泵中镇痛药品费用DF组最高,D组和DS组分别列第二、第三,S组最低,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论 药师推荐麻醉医生在选择镇痛泵药物时兼顾有效性、安全性和经济性,既能保证患者用药安全,又能降低药品费用。

关键词: 地佐辛 ; 舒芬太尼 ; 氟比洛芬 ; 镇痛泵 ; 药师


近年来,随着单病种付费、总额预付等医保控费措施的不断增加,医院对各科室的药占比提出了更高要求。术后选择镇痛泵可有效消除疼痛引起的不良反应,减少并发症,促进术后康复,提高术后生活质量,具有极重要的意义[1],但镇痛泵药物价格不同,导致医疗费用差异很大。2015年3-4月,笔者通过分析我院不同配方静脉自控镇痛泵(patient controlled intravenous analgesia, PCIA)的镇痛效果、不良反应和药品费用,评价各镇痛配方的有效性、安全性和经济性,对镇痛泵药品选择提出建议,保证患者安全用药,降低医疗费用。

1 资料与方法
1.1 临床资料


1.2 术后镇痛方法

412例采用PCIA镇痛的患者,手术结束即开始使用镇痛泵,常规48 h内拔除。根据镇痛泵中镇痛药物不同分为4组。D组给予地佐辛(40~60 mg)+5-羟色胺3受体拮抗药(5-HT3RA),0.9%氯化钠注射液加至100 mL;S组舒芬太尼(50~100 μg)+5-HT3RA,0.9%氯化钠注射液加至100 mL;DS组地佐辛(25~30 mg)+舒芬太尼(25~50 μg)+5-HT3RA,0.9%氯化钠注射液加至100 mL;DF组地佐辛(25~30 mg)+氟比洛芬酯(150~300 mg)+5-HT3RA,0.9%氯化钠注射液加至100 mL。5-HT3RA选择昂丹司琼16 mg或托烷司琼10 mg。各组例数及所占比例见表1。由表1可知,72.6%药品配方含有地佐辛,镇痛泵单用一种镇痛药物(地佐辛或舒芬太尼)占62.4%,两种镇痛药物联合用药占37.6%。

1.3 评价方法

根据疼痛程度分级中的视觉模拟评分法(VAS),对使用镇痛泵的患者进行术后镇痛效果评价。0:无痛;1~3:轻度疼痛;4~6:中度疼痛;7~10:重度疼痛[2]。规定平静时VAS评分0~3,治疗爆发痛有效按压比(有效按压数/总按压数)接近1表示镇痛有效,即代表镇痛满意。笔者规定有效按压比<0.8代表治疗爆发痛效果不理想,需要加用其他镇痛药物。监测心率(HR)、血压(BP)、呼吸(R)、脉搏(P)、血氧饱和度(SpO2)。记录不良反应(恶心呕吐、皮肤瘙痒、尿潴留、呼吸抑制等),每天1次,观察48 h。

表1 4组患者例数及所占比例
组别 例数 比例/%
D组 144 35.0
S组 113 27.4
DS组 43 10.4
DF组 112 27.2
合计 412 100.0

表1 4组患者例数及所占比例

1.4 统计学方法

采用SPSS 17.0版统计软件包进行数据处理,计数资料比较采用卡方检验,多组间资料比较采用方差分析,组间两两比较采用t检验。P<0.05表示差异有统计学意义。

2 结果
2.1 有效性评价


分别将4组镇痛数据进行比较,采用卡方检验,术后当天:P=0.45(P>0.05), 术后第1天:P=0.961(P>0.05),差异无统计学意义,说明4组术后镇痛满意率差异无统计学意义。

表2 4组患者镇痛效果评估例
组别 例数 术后当天 术后第1天
例 %
例 %
D组 144 131 0 131 91.0 137 0 137 95.1
S组 113 102 3 99 87.6 107 0 107 94.7
DS组 43 38 1 37 86.0 41 1 40 93.0
DF组 112 105 1 104 92.9 106 0 106 94.6
合计 412 376 5 371 90.0 391 1 390 94.7

表2 4组患者镇痛效果评估例

2.2 安全性评价

统计使用镇痛泵患者不良反应发生情况。术后当天共发生不良反应81例,发生率19.7%;第2天59例,发生率14.3%。其中D组皮肤瘙痒1例,S组尿潴留1例,其余均为消化道不良反应(恶心、呕吐),术后当天发生不良反应80例,第2天58例。均给予对症处理,恶心呕吐者给予甲氧氯普胺10 mg+地塞米松5 mg肌内注射,如仍不能耐受,将镇痛泵移除并剔除;发生皮肤瘙痒患者加用润肤霜,可耐受;发生尿潴留者,嘱其定时排尿,加听流水声刺激排尿,症状缓解。由于皮肤瘙痒、尿潴留等不良反应发生例数少,无法进行统计学分析,故仅将消化道不良反应按组分别进行统计与分析。结果见表3。

表3 4组患者消化道不良反应(恶心呕吐)发生情况
组别 例数 术后当天
例 %
例 %
D组 144 29 20.1 22 15.3
S组 113 20 17.7 12 10.6
DS组 43 8 18.6 6 14.0
DF组 112 23 20.5 18 16.1
合计 412 80 19.4 58 14.1

表3 4组患者消化道不良反应(恶心呕吐)发生情况

由于4组镇痛泵中除镇痛药物以外,均加入5-HT3RA(昂丹司琼16 mg或替托烷司琼10 mg),而TANG等[2]的荟萃研究表明,昂丹司琼与托烷司琼预防术后恶心呕吐效果基本相同,因此评价使用镇痛泵后发生恶心呕吐反应未再考虑此两种药物不同。

分别将4组的镇痛满意数据进行比较,采用卡方检验,术后当天P=0.947(P>0.05), 术后第1天P=0.646(P>0.05),差异无统计学意义,说明4组镇痛泵配方在术后恶心呕吐发生率方面差异无统计学意义。

2.3 经济性评价


表4 镇痛泵耗费药品金额情况 元,x̅±s
组别 例数 药品总费用 平均费用
D组 144 108 445.92 753.1±137.9
S组 113 11 701.56 103.6±25.6
DS组 43 20 584.95 478.7±113.9
DF组 112 94 922.58 847.5±153.6
合计 412 235 655.01 572.0±328.5

表4 镇痛泵耗费药品金额情况 元,x̅±s


3 讨论
3.1 镇痛泵中药物选择及剂量推荐

地佐辛使用和剂量选择依据为2013年《临床麻醉学杂志》发表的《地佐辛术后镇痛专家建议》[3],推荐地佐辛单用术后镇痛泵配方为地佐辛40~60 mg加0.9%氯化钠注射液至100 mL;地佐辛联合舒芬太尼:地佐辛0.3 mg·kg-1+舒芬太尼1.5 μg·kg-1加0.9%氯化钠注射液至100 mL;地佐辛联合氟比洛芬酯:地佐辛25~30 mg+氟比洛芬酯250~500 mg加0.9%氯化钠注射液至100 mL。舒芬太尼使用依据为《成人手术后疼痛处理专家共识(2014)》[4],舒芬太尼持续输注剂量推荐1~ 2 μg·h-1。本试验中入组的412例镇痛泵药品配方剂量均符合指南推荐。4组镇痛泵中均加入了5-HT3RA(昂丹司琼或托烷司琼),查阅药品说明书发现,这两种预防恶心呕吐的药品与地佐辛、舒芬太尼和氟比洛芬酯均无相互作用,不会对镇痛效果产生影响。

在国外发表的文献研究中,术后镇痛泵中加入低浓度地佐辛,如WU等[5]使用0.1或0.05 mg·mL-1地佐辛;WANG等[6]使用剂量为0.1 mg·kg-1,均可增强术后镇痛效果,减少阿片类药物用量,还能减少恶心呕吐等不良反应。国内发表的文献中,也有很多报道在PCIA中使用地佐辛联用舒芬太尼用法,地佐辛浓度选择各异,李尚坤等[7]在烧伤患者植皮术后PCIA中使用地佐辛(0.25 mg·kg-1)联合使用舒芬太尼(剂量1.5 μg·kg-1),高玮等[8]在上腹部手术及髋关节手术术后使用地佐辛(0.3 mg·kg-1)联合使用舒芬太尼(剂量1.5 μg·kg-1);沈彦坡[9]使用舒芬太尼(1.25 μg·kg-1)复合地佐辛(0.4 mg·kg-1)用于开胸手术术后镇痛,镇痛效果较好,不良反应少。但单用地佐辛镇痛的报道较少。郭丽丽等[10]报道地佐辛0.8 mg·kg-1用于老年患者妇科腹腔镜手术术后PCIA镇痛,效果与舒芬太尼相当,但不良反应较少。


3.2 药师参与镇痛泵的评价及管理


20世纪80年代末有药师管理镇痛泵的报道,如LANDRY等[12]、MCCALL等[13]、WONG等 [14]、BERGGREN等[15]和MCKENNA等[16]的研究,展示了药师参与镇痛泵管理工作,如共同制定《镇痛泵治疗麻醉药剂量指南》,培训护士正确的使用方法,负责镇痛泵剂量调整、滴速调整、弹丸式给药、相关不良反应处理等,体现了药师在镇痛泵管理中的作用,并取得令患者、医生和护士满意的结果,药师管理镇痛泵高效且安全。而查阅国内相关文献,笔者未见药师参与术后镇痛泵管理的报道,说明药师参与术后镇痛领域尚为空白,这将是药师开展药学服务的重要领域。

The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.


[1] 林建水,李李,王丽明. 5种镇痛方案的疗效与经济效益比较[J]. 广东医学, 2011,32(6):795-798.
[2] TANG D H, MALONE D C.A network meta-analysis on the efficacy of serotonin type 3 receptor antagonists used in adults during the first 24 hours for postoperative nausea and vomiting prophylaxis[J].Clin Therapeutics,2012,34(2): 282-294.
With respect to PONV prophylaxis, granisetron was significantly better than ondansetron and dolasetron; ondansetron, tropisetron, and dolasetron exhibited similar efficacy. With respect to POV prophylaxis, ondansetron, granisetron, tropisetron, and dolasetron seemed to have comparable efficacy.
DOI:10.1016/j.clinthera.2012.01.007      PMID:22296947      URL    
[3] 罗爱伦,吴新民,田玉科,.地佐辛术后镇痛专家建议[J].临床麻醉学杂志,2013,29(9):921-922.
[4] 徐建国,吴新民,罗爱伦,.成人手术后疼痛处理专家共识[J].临床麻醉学杂志,2010,26(3):190-196.
篇首: 疼痛是组织损伤或潜在组织损伤所引起的不愉快感觉和情感反应.根据疼痛的持续时间以及损伤组织的愈合时间.将疼痛划分为急性疼痛和慢性疼痛.急性疼痛持续时间通常短于1个月,常与手术创伤、组织损伤或某些疾病状态有关;慢性疼痛为持续3个月以上的疼痛,可在原发疾病或组织损伤愈合后持续存在.
[5] WU L X,DONG Y P,SUN L,et al.Low concentration of dezocine in combination with morphine enhance the postoperative analgesia for thoracotomy[J].J Cardiothorac Vasc Anesth,2014,29(4):950-954.
[6] WANG C Y,LI L Z H,SHEN B X. A multicenter randomized double-blind prospective study of the postoperative patient controlled intravenous analgesia effects of dezocine in elderly patients[J]. Int J Clin Exp Med, 2014,7(3): 530-539.
The postoperative PCIA effects of dezocine in elderly patients were determined using a large multicenter randomized double-blind prospective study.A total of 279 patients were randomized into four groups: (1) Control group (C): 2 μg/kg sufentanil plus 10 mg metoclopramide. (2) Dezocine group 1 (D1): 1 μg/kg sufentanil plus 0.1 mg/kg dezocine plus 10 mg metoclopramide. (3) Dezocine group 2 (D2): 1 μg/kg sufentanil plus 0.2 mg/kg dezocine plus 10 mg metoclopramide. (4) Dezocine group 3 (D3): 1 μg/kg sufentanil plus 0.3 mg/kg dezocine plus 10 mg metoclopramide. The index during operation including MAP, HR, SpO2, ETCO2, CVP, and BIS were determined. Analgesia effects including HR, MAP, RR, SpO2, pressing times of PCA demand, pressing times of PCR delivery, total amount of drug, additional sufentanil, VAS at rest and during moving, Ramsay sedation score, and BCS were repeated measured 1 h, 3 h, 6 h, 24 h, and 48 h after surgery. Overall satisfaction index and the side-effects including nausea, urinary retention, skin pruritus and respiratory depression were evaluated 1 h, 3 h, 6 h, 24 h, and 48 h after surgery.Dezocine combining with sufentanil is complement for sufentanil in PCIA at least in its analgesia effects after surgery. Dezocine at a dosage of 0.1 mg/kg or 0.2 mg/kg combining with sufentanil (1 μg/kg) has limited side effects as sufentanil (2 μg/kg) in PCIA. Sufentanil (1 μg/kg) combining Dezocine at a dosage of 0.1 mg/kg or 0.2 mg/kg is better than combining Dezocine at a dosage of 0.3 mg/kg in PCIA at least in Overall satisfaction index.Dezocine combining with sufentanil is a complement drug for sufentanil in PCIA. Considering the side effects and overall satisfaction index, 0.1 mg/kg seems to be an ideal dosage for Dezocine using in the postoperative PCIA in elderly patients.
DOI:10.1007/978-94-007-7687-6_9      PMID:24753745      URL    
[7] 李尚坤,闵苏,吴彬.地佐辛复合舒芬太尼在烧伤患者术后静脉自控镇痛中的应用[J].中华烧伤杂志,2015,31(1):48-52.
目的 探讨地佐辛复合舒芬太尼用于烧伤患者切削痂自体皮移植术后静脉自控镇痛(PCIA)的效果和安全性. 方法 2011年2月-2013年12月,选择在笔者单位烧伤整形科住院治疗且符合入选标准的60例拟行切削痂自体皮移植术的患者,按照随机数字表法分为舒芬太 尼组和地佐辛复合舒芬太尼组,每组30例.植皮术后,舒芬太尼组患者用含柠檬酸舒芬太尼2.5 μg/kg、托烷司琼6 mg的生理盐水150 mL持续镇痛48 h,地佐辛复合舒芬太尼组患者用含地佐辛0.25 mg/kg、柠檬酸舒芬太尼1.5 μg/kg、托烷司琼6 mg的生理盐水150 mL持续镇痛48 h.记录2组患者给药2、6、12、24、48 h视觉模拟评分(VAS)法镇痛评分、布氏舒适评分(BCS)法镇痛评分、Ramsay镇静评分结果,以及给药48 h内PCIA电子泵有效按压次数与不良反应发生情况.对数据行t检验、重复测量方差分析、x2检验、Fisher确切概率法检验. 结果 2组患者给药各时相点VAS法镇痛评分、BCS法镇痛评分比较,差异均无统计学意义(t值为-0.426 ~0.864,P值均大于0.05);舒芬太尼组患者给药2、6、12、24、48 h Ramsay镇静评分分别为(3.2±0.6)、(3.2±0.5)、(3.3±0.7)、(3.2±0.4)、(3.3±0.4)分,高于地佐辛复合舒 芬太尼组的(2.4±0.6)、(2.5±0.5)、(2.4±0.6)、(2.4±0.4)、(2.4±0.5)分,t值为5.302 ~8.391,P值均小于0.001.舒芬太尼组、地佐辛复合舒芬太尼组患者给药48 h内PCIA电子泵有效按压次数分别为(6.8±0.7)、(6.5±0 9)次,组间比较差异无统计学意义(t=1.260,P >0.05).2组患者给药48 h内均未出现呼吸抑制、皮肤瘙痒发生率相同、尿潴留发生率相近(P值均大于0.05).给药48 h内,舒芬太尼组、地佐辛复合舒芬太尼组患者恶心与呕吐发生率分别为26.7% (8/30)、6.7%(2/30),嗜睡发生率分别为20.0% (6/30)、0,组间比较差异均有统计学意义(P值均小于0.05). 结论 地佐辛复合舒芬太尼用于烧伤患者切削痂自体皮移植术后PCIA,镇痛效果可靠、不良反应少,可在临床推广应用.
[8] 高玮,赵琳,段满林.地佐辛联合舒芬太尼在上腹部及髋关节置换术后镇痛的临床研究[J].临床麻醉学杂志,2014,30(6):532-536.
目的:观察地佐辛联合舒芬太尼在上腹部及髋关节手术术后的镇痛效果及不良反应,并探讨其潜在的机制。方法 择期行上腹部或髋关节手术患者100例,ASA Ⅰ或Ⅱ级,随机数字法分为地佐辛0.6 mg/kg 组(D 组)、地佐辛0.3 mg/kg+舒芬太尼1μg/kg 组(DS1组)、地佐辛0.3 mg/kg+舒芬太尼1.5μg/kg 组(DS2组)和地佐辛0.3 mg/kg+舒芬太尼2μg/kg 组(DS3组),每组25例。所有患者接受全凭静脉麻醉,术中采用瑞芬太尼6~8μg·kg-1·h-1镇痛,缝皮时停药后缓慢注射舒芬太尼5μg。分别 记录患者术后1 h(T1)、4 h(T2)、8 h(T3)、12 h(T4)、24 h(T5)、36 h(T6)、48 h(T7)安静与90°翻身运动时的疼痛 VAS 评分,Ramsay 镇静评分,补救镇痛用药总量及例数,并记录患者不良反应等。结果与其他三组比较,DS1组药物使用总量和补救镇痛例数明显增多(P <0.05)。四组患者术后不同时点 Ramsay 镇静和运动时疼痛 VAS 评分比较差异无统计学意义。T1~T3时 DS1组患者疼痛 VAS 评分明显高于 DS3组(P <0.05)。DS3组恶心和出汗发生率明显高于其他三组(P <0.05),D 组躁动发生率较高,其他不良反应发生率差异无统计学意义。结论地佐辛联合舒芬太尼可安全用于上腹部手术及髋关节手术术后镇痛,在地佐辛0.3 mg/kg 联合舒芬太尼1.5μg/kg 时镇痛效果好且不良反应小。
[9] 沈彦坡. 舒芬太尼符合地佐辛在术后镇痛中的应用[J].中国实用医药, 2015,10(4):20-22.
目的:探讨舒芬太尼复合地佐辛应用于开胸手术患者术后自控静脉镇 痛(PCIA)的效果。方法择期行开胸手术的患者120例,随机分为三组,每组40例,术后均行PCIA。镇痛药配方:A组,舒芬太尼复合地佐辛组,舒芬 太尼1.25μg/kg+地佐辛0.4 mg/kg+昂丹司琼8 mg+生理盐水稀释至100 ml;B组,舒芬太尼组,舒芬太尼2.5μg/kg+昂丹司琼8 mg+生理盐水稀释至100 ml;C组,地佐辛组,地佐辛0.8 mg/kg +昂丹司琼8 mg+生理盐水稀释至100 ml。术中采用静吸复合全身麻醉,术毕接PCIA 镇痛。观察三组患者术后4、8、12、24、48 h 视觉模拟评分(VAS)、镇静程度评分(Ramsay)及不良反应的情况。结果在术后4、8、12 h 时间点C组VAS评分高于A组和B组(P<0.05)。术后4、8、12 h 时间点B组和C组Ramsay 评分高于A 组(P<0.05)。B组患者头晕嗜睡、恶心呕吐发生率明显高于A、C组(P<0.05)。结论舒芬太尼复合地佐辛可以安全有效地用于开胸手 术术后镇痛,镇痛效果较好,不良反应少。
[10] 郭丽丽,曹学照. 地佐辛与舒芬太尼应用于老年妇科腹腔镜手术术后镇痛的比较[J].中国老年学杂志,2015,35(6):1544-1546.
目的:探讨地佐辛与舒芬太尼应用于老年妇科腹腔镜手术术后静脉镇痛的效果及不良反应。方法将80例 ASAⅠ~Ⅱ择期行妇科腹腔镜手术的老年患者,年龄65~75岁,随机分为地佐辛组、舒芬太尼组,每组40例,术后行PCIA。两组分别给予地佐辛0.8 mg/kg+盐酸托烷司琼5 mg加生理盐水稀释至100 ml;舒芬太尼2.5μg/kg+盐酸托烷司琼5 mg加生理盐水稀释至100 ml。观察两组患者术后1、2、4、8、12、24、48 h视觉模拟评分( VAS)、镇静程度评分( Ramesy)、48 h内患者不良反应情况。结果两组用药均能提供良好的术后镇痛,两组患者总的PCA按压次数差异无统计学意义。地佐辛组患者术后不良反应发生率低于舒芬太尼 组( P<0.05)。结论地佐辛用于老年患者妇科腹腔镜手术术后的PCIA镇痛效果与舒芬太尼相当,但不良反应较少。
[11] JACOX A,CARR D B,MAHRENHOLZ D M,et al.Cost considerations in patient-controlled analgesia[J]. Pharmacoeconomics,1997,12(2 Pt 1):109-120.
Abstract Patient-controlled analgesia (PCA) is the use of a portable infusion pump activated by the patient to inject an analgesic drug intravenously, subcutaneously or epidurally. PCA permits a patient to deliver a small bolus of opioid to achieve prompt relief without over sedation. Use of PCA for pain management is increasing in hospitals and home settings, largely because it can provide equivalent or better analgesia than conventional methods, and patients are more satisfied with its use. This article reports on studies published between January 1984 and December 1995 which considered cost aspects of PCA. Most studies compared the direct costs of administering PCA with the cost of other forms of drug delivery, usually intramuscular injections. A few studies have included indirect costs such as length of stay and adverse effects associated with the use of PCA. The research on cost considerations of PCA is dominated by case reports, descriptive studies and poorly designed quasi-experimental studies. The most complete and well conducted studies usually have included only drug, equipment and labour costs. Only 6 randomised controlled trials were reported, all of which were conducted on postoperative patients. The cost effectiveness of PCA for pain management is an unresolved question because of the variability in methods used to determine costs and expenses, the different settings and patient populations in which PCA is applied, the different means to organise its management and the fact that it is a rapidly evolving technology during an era of changing reimbursement practices. There is substantial variation in the cost of drugs used in PCA and in the devices themselves, which influences the comparison of costs across studies. Also, researchers do not include the full scope of costs associated with the use of PCA in comparison with conventional drug delivery methods and some do not measure the level of pain relief achieved. Of the few complete and well designed published studies found, PCA was reported to produce superior analgesia at a higher cost than conventional intramuscular therapy in 3 studies, but to be more costly and produce less pain relief than intramuscular therapy in 1 study. There is a pressing need for cost-effectiveness, cost-utility and cost-benefit analyses to determine the appropriate clinical and cost circumstances for the use of PCA.
DOI:10.2165/00019053-199712020-00002      PMID:10169664      URL    
[12] LANDRY G W,PARKER T. Patient controlled analgesia-a pharmacy based service[J].Hosp Pharm,1992,27(4):288,290-297.
Patient controlled analgesia (PCA) is a proven method of administering analgesics via programmable infusion devices to relieve postoperative pain and pain associated with terminal illnesses. In mid-1989, a pain management service was started in the authors' hospital by the anesthesiology service. Since pharmacists had been previously involved in PCA postoperative pain management, it was decided they would continue in that capacity with the pain management service. Responsibility for procuring, storing, and programming the pumps, as well as drug preparation and patient instruction remains an integral part of the daily operation of our pharmacy. Physician orders written by the anesthesiologists for PCA therapy are processed in the pharmacy computer. The drugs are prepared, and pumps are programmed and primed by the central intravenous (IV) admixture service. The pumps with the drugs and accessory administration set and supplies are sent to satellites where staff pharmacists aid the nurses in starting the pumps and training the patients in their correct use. All subsequent programming including dose changes, rate changes, boluses, bag changes, and problem resolution are the responsibility of the staff pharmacists. Pharmacists are periodically certified in programming skills as part of the department's quality assurance program. In 1990, over 1800 patients received the benefits of this innovative service.
DOI:10.1111/j.1541-0064.1980.tb00334.x      PMID:10117770      URL    
[13] MCCALL L J,DIERKS D R.Pharmacy-managed patient-controlled analgesia service[J].Am J Hosp Pharm,1990,47(12):2706-2710.
The implementation and functioning of a patient-controlled analgesia (PCA) service operated by staff pharmacists are described. The pharmacy-managed PCA service was introduced into the hospital in 1988. Pharmacists initiate PCA therapy upon physician request. Standard narcotic-dosing guidelines were developed for patients receiving PCA; criteria were also developed to allow the pharmacist to adjust the narcotic dose based upon the patient's response. The dosing guidelines were approved by the pharmacy and therapeutics committee. A hospitalwide education program introduced nurses and physicians to the pharmacy-managed PCA service. Of 299 patients who received PCA therapy in 1989, more than 90% were managed by staff pharmacists. Pharmacists calculate and program initial narcotic doses and are responsible for daily patient monitoring to determine the success of therapy. Using the established guidelines, pharmacists adjust the narcotic dose based upon patient response. A quality assurance review of the PCA service has documented its safety and success. A pharmacy-managed PCA service has increased the clinical involvement of pharmacists and provided safe and effective pain management for postsurgical patients.
DOI:10.1111/j.1533-2500.2011.00486.x      PMID:2278287      URL    
[14] WONG E Y,THOMPSON M V,DUDGEON M A,et al.Hospital pharmacy-based service for patient-controlled analgesia[J].Am J Hosp Pharm,1990, 47(2):364-369.
A hospital pharmacy-based patient-controlled analgesia (PCA) service is described. The pharmacy department at a 255-bed community hospital instituted a comprehensive PCA service in 1985. Pharmacists were given thorough training in the clinical aspects of pain management and were taught how to use the PCA device; nurses also received instruction. An order for PCA is issued by a physician, who may then delegate decisions about medication choice, duration of therapy, and device settings to a clinical pharmacist. The pharmacist reviews the order and evaluates the patient's status. If PCA is appropriate, the pharmacist selects the analgesic agent and PCA device settings and prepares a pharmacy monitoring card. Orders for syringes are filled in the central pharmacy or by the decentralized pharmacist. Each order is entered into the i.v. drug profile and the i.v. drug computer file, and a narcotics control card is completed. The nurse programs the device, instructs the patient, and records the patient's level of pain control on a PCA-monitoring record. The pharmacist observes patients daily and records observations and changes on the pharmacy monitoring card. Use of the PCA service has grown from an average of 56 patient days per month in 1985 to 919 in 1989, and pharmacy department revenue has increased accordingly. A moderate increase in workload has been absorbed without the need for an increase in staff. Surveys show broad acceptance of the service by physicians, nurses, and patients. A hospital pharmacy-based PCA service offered patients better control of pain, allowed pharmacists to demonstrate competence in non-distributive functions, increased the visibility of the pharmacy department, and was a source of revenue.
DOI:10.1016/0014-2999(90)90541-D      PMID:2309727      URL    
[15] BERGGREN P,MATSUOKA R.Pharmacy protocol for adjusting patient-controlled analgesia[J].Hosp Pharm,1990, 25(10):928-932.
The use of patient-controlled analgesia (PCA) to manage pain post-operatively is becoming increasingly popular. The potential for pharmacist involvement is larger. Traditional areas of pharmacy involvement include PCA pump evaluation and selection, choice of narcotic-analgesic to be used, education of other health care professionals on PCA use, and development of PCA protocol guidelines. Monitoring post-operative pain and adjusting the PCA dosage are not traditional areas of pharmacist involvement. The purpose of this report is to describe a protocol which allows hospital pharmacists in an inpatient setting to adjust the PCA dose so that postoperative pain relief is maximized and sedation is minimized.
PMID:10107395      URL    
[16] MCKENNA T R,BRANIGAN T A,SOROCKI A H.Pharmacy-initiated introduction of patient-controlled analgesia to a 400-bed community hospital[J]. Am J Hosp Pharm,1989,46(2):291-294.
ABSTRACT The pharmacist's role in the implementation of patient-controlled analgesia (PCA) in a 400-bed community hospital is described. PCA for postoperative patients was introduced on the recommendation of the pharmacy and therapeutics committee. A subcommittee selected a PCA pump, developed a physician order form and patient monitoring sheet, and in March 1987 initiated a two-month pilot study of PCA therapy in orthopedic-surgery patients. An orthopedic-service pharmacist developed an inservice-education program for the physicians, anesthesiologists, and nurses involved in the care of these patients. Because of the support of anesthesiologists for this program, PCA use during the two-month period rapidly expanded beyond orthopedics to include general and genitourinary-gynecologic patients. Nursing staff demand for PCA inservice education became so great that all staff pharmacists participated in the teaching. Pharmacists in the decentralized areas also provided one-on-one instruction to physicians, nurses, and patients. Positive evaluations of PCA therapy by patients and nurses and favorable patient pain assessment scores, in addition to the hospital-wide acceptance and use of PCA by medical staff, indicated that the program was a success. Active pharmacist participation was a major factor in PCA being well accepted by physicians, nurses, and patients as an effective alternative method of narcotic administration.
DOI:10.1016/0014-2999(89)90100-3      PMID:2712047      URL    
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