中国科技论文统计源期刊 中文核心期刊  
医药导报, 2017, 36(6): 606-609
doi: 10.3870/j.issn.1004-0781.2017.06.004
Effect of Chronic Unpredictable Mild Stress and Sertraline on Vitamin D Metabolism in Rat Prefrontal Cortex
弓小雪1,, 党瑞丽1, 郭玉金1, 蔡骅琳2, 江沛1,


目的 研究慢性不可预见性应激(CUMS)和舍曲林治疗对大鼠前额叶皮质维生素D(VD)代谢的影响。方法 雄性SD大鼠随机分为:正常对照组、正常对照+舍曲林组、抑郁模型组、抑郁模型+舍曲林组。正常对照+舍曲林组和抑郁模型+舍曲林组给予舍曲林8 mg·kg-1·d-1,正常对照组和抑郁模型组给予同容量0.9%氯化钠溶液;给药的同时,抑郁模型组,抑郁模型+舍曲林组开始给予应激,造模过程持续6周。测定4组大鼠体质量变化、糖水偏好及前额叶皮质CYP27B1,CYP24A1与VDR表达变化。结果 与正常对照组比较,抑郁模型组体质量增长率和糖水偏好度显著下降(P<0.01);与抑郁模型组比较,抑郁模型+舍曲林组糖水偏好度上升(P<0.05)。与正常对照组比较,抑郁模型组大鼠前额叶皮质CYP27B1和CYP24A1的蛋白表达显著上升,VDR蛋白表达也上升(P<0.01);与抑郁模型组比较,抑郁模型+舍曲林组大鼠前额叶皮质CYP27B1和CYP24A1的蛋白表达显著下降,VDR蛋白表达显著下降(P<0.01或P<0.05)。结论 慢性应激激活前额叶皮质VD信号通路,而舍曲林在改善抑郁样行为的同时缓解应激对VD信号系统的激活,提示VD信号通路可能与应激引起的抑郁有关。

关键词: 舍曲林 ; 维生素D ; 应激 ; 不可预见性 ; 慢性 ; 抑郁症


Objective To explore the relationship between vitamin D and depression and the effects of chronic unpredictable mild stress (CUMS) plus sertraline on vitamin D metabolism in rat brain. Methods Male SD rats were randomly divided into normal control group,normal control + sertraline group,CUMS group and CUMS+sertraline group.CUMS was used to build the animal model of depression.After chronic exposure to CUMS or sertraline (8 mg·kg-1·d-1) for 6 weeks,behavioral response (sucrose preference test) and vitamin D metabolism in the prefrontal cortex were analyzed. Results Compared with normal control group,6 weeks of CUMS procedure induced the rats to a depression-like state,decreased weight and sucrose preference,and increased the expression of enzymes involved in vitamin D activation and catabolism (CYP27B1 and CYP24A1,respectively) and vitamin D receptor (VDR) in rat prefrontal cortex.As compared with CUMS group,CYP27B1,CYP24A1 and VDR were significantly decreased in CUMS+sertraline group (P<0.01 or P<0.05). Conclusion CUMS activates vitamin D signaling in the brain of the animal models of depression,while sertraline alleviates depressive behavior and relieves stress-induced activation of vitamin D signaling,indicating that vitamin D signaling may be involved in the stress-induced depression.

Key words: Sertraline ; Vitamin D ; Stress ; unpredictable mild ; chronic ; Depression

大量研究表明,维生素D(vitamin D, VD)作为新型神经活性甾体调控着多种炎症递质、神经营养因子及神经递质合成代谢关键酶的表达,其中枢作用越来越受到关注[1]。体内的VD主要在皮肤经紫外线照射由7-脱氢胆固醇转化而来,还有一小部分由食物直接摄取。在体内VD首先经肝脏细胞色素P450酶(CYP)羟化生成25-羟基维生素D[25(OH)D],然后经由肾脏CYP27B1转化为1,25-二羟基维生素D[1,25(OH)2D],由CYP24A1灭活代谢。其中25(OH)D被认为是体内VD的主要储存形式,而1,25(OH)2D为主要活性形式,通过作用于VD受体(VDR),调节一些基因的转录和表达而发挥生理调节功能[2]。虽然有研究证实VD及其主要代谢物均可以透过血-脑屏障,但越来越多的证据显示VDR及其主要代谢酶CYP27B1和CYP24A1均在中枢神经系统广泛分布和表达,且受到脑内1,25(OH)2D剂量依赖性的反馈调节,这些证据均表明中枢内VD不仅受内分泌调节,可能更重要的是通过自分泌或旁分泌来发挥生理调节功能[3]

抑郁症患者通常伴随着VD的缺乏和骨质疏松风险的增加[4]。Meta分析表明VD缺乏会显著增加抑郁症的患病风险,且体内VD水平与抑郁症的严重程度相关[5]。但是,抑郁症患者体内较低的VD水平是继发于抑郁症状(较少的户外活动与营养不良)还是抑郁症的致病因素之一尚无一致结论。虽然不断有学者提出,VD缺乏可能与抑郁症的发病过程有关,但目前尚无大型的随机对照临床实验对VD在抑郁症中的作用进行确证,也缺少相应的基础研究对其可能的抗抑郁机制进行探讨[6]。慢性不可预见性应激(Chronic unpredictable mild stress,CUMS)大鼠模型是一种经典的抑郁动物模型。本实验的主要目的是对CUMS大鼠前额叶皮质VD局部代谢的影响进行考察,并对舍曲林的作用进行分析,以探究VD信号通路是否参与抑郁的发病机制。

1 材料与方法
1.1 实验动物

健康雄性SD大鼠,体质量为200~230 g,清洁级,由斯莱克景达实验动物有限公司提供,实验动物生产许可证号:SCXK (湘)2011-0003,合格证号: 43004700012613。在标准环境下喂养。室温:(23±2)℃;相对湿度50%~65%。除特殊应激条件下外(见后应激方法),昼夜节律照明,整个过程中大鼠自由饮水、进食。

1.2 主要试剂

CYP27B1抗体(Santa Cruz,货号:SC-67260)CYP24A1抗体,(Santa Cruz,货号:SC-66851);VDR抗体(Santa Cruz,货号:SC-13133);β-actin抗体 (Proteintech,货号:600008-1); RIPA裂解液(北京普利莱,货号:C1053);蛋白酶抑制剂(Merk, 货号:539131);HRP goat anti-rabbit IgG(Proteintech,货号:SA00001-2);舍曲林(辉瑞制药有限公司,批号:M73654)。

1.3 实验动物分组及处理

将大鼠随机分为4组,每组10只,即:正常对照组、正常对照+舍曲林组、抑郁模型组、抑郁模型+舍曲林组。在适应性喂养1周后,给药组每日灌胃给予舍曲林8 mg·kg-1,正常对照组和抑郁模型组灌胃同容量0.9%氯化钠溶液。给药的同时,抑郁模型组和抑郁模型+舍曲林组开始给予应激。主要应激包括:A. 潮湿垫料持续24 h;B. 倾斜笼具45°持续24 h;C. 将大鼠置于半径约3.5 cm的敞口塑料罐中,束缚2 h;D. 用夹子夹尾2 min;E. 断食24 h;F. 断水24 h后,给予空瓶进行刺激;G. 通宵照明。将以上7种应激随机安排在1周内,每天给予一种应激以防止大鼠对应激的适应,整个造模过程持续6周。

1.4 实验指标及检测方法

糖水偏好实验(sucrose preference test,SPT):在实验之前,大鼠单独饲养,并给予2瓶1%蔗糖水置笼具两侧适应48 h。随后对大鼠禁水16 h,然后随机在笼具两侧放置一瓶清水,一瓶1%糖水,预先称定质量。让大鼠自由饮水1 h后再称定瓶子质量,两次称定质量的差值即为大鼠的饮水量。消耗糖水的量相对消耗清水和糖水之和的百分数即为糖水偏好度。

记录大鼠行为学状态并监测体质量变化。最后一次行为学实验24 h后,给予10%水合氯醛0.4 mL·(100 g)-1麻醉大鼠,迅速分离前额叶皮质并用冷磷酸盐缓冲溶液(PBS)洗净,液氮罐冻存30 min后转入-80 ℃冰箱保存。Western blotting 法测定VD代谢酶CYP27B1及CYP24A1蛋白表达;Western blotting法和免疫组化法分析前额叶皮质VDR表达。

1.5 统计学方法

采用SPSS 19.0版统计软件进行分析。计量资料采用均数±标准差( x ̅ ±s)表示。体质量和SPT数据用重复测量的ANOVA分析,蛋白表达用单因素ANOVA分析,随后用Turkey进行两两比较。以P<0.05为差异有统计学意义。

2 结果
2.1 大鼠体质量与行为学变化


2.2 长期应激对大鼠前额叶皮质VD代谢的影响


图1 4组大鼠体质量增长和糖水偏好度比较 (x̅±s,n=6)

Fig.1 Comparison of weight gain and sucrose preference among four groups of rats (x̅±s,n=6)
A.normal control group;B.normal control plus sertraline group;C.depression model group;D.depression plus sertraline group;Compared with normal control group, *1P<0.01; Compared with depression model group,*2P<0.05

图2 4组大鼠前额叶皮质CYP27B1和CYP24A1蛋白表达(x̅±s,n=6)

Fig.2 Comparison of the protein expression of CYP27B1 and CYP24A1 in prefrontal cortex among four groups of rats (x̅±s,n=6)
A.normal control group;B.normal control plus sertraline group;C.depression model group;D.depression plus sertraline group;Compared with normal control group, *1P<0.01; Compared with depression model group, *2P<0.01,*3P<0.05

图3 4组大鼠前额叶皮质VDR表达(x̅±s,n=6)

Fig.3 Comparison of VDR expression in prefrontal cortex among four groups of rats (x̅±s,n=6)
A.normal control group;B.normal control plus sertraline group;C.depression model group;D.depression plus sertraline group;Compared with normal control group, *1P<0.01; Compared with depression model group, *2P<0.05

图4 4组大鼠免疫组化染色图(×400)

Fig.4 Immunohistochemical staining of four groups of rats(×400)
A.normal control group;B.normal control plus sertraline group;C.depression model group;D.depression plus sertraline group

3 讨论

作为新型神经活性甾体,VD与神经发育和精神情感状态都有一定的联系。流行病学调查研究发现,VD水平和抑郁症状呈负相关。然而这些数据很难解释,因为较低的VD水平可能是由于抑郁症状引起,并且在对可能的混淆因素进行校正后,得到的结论也并不一致[7]。研究认为VD是抑郁症风险因素之一,在对患者跟踪3~6年并校正一系列可能的混淆因素后,发现较低的VD水平仍预示着较为严重的抑郁症状[8-9]。随后的一项Meta分析对14项临床研究中31 424例受试者进行综合评价,指出较低的VD水平显著增加抑郁症的风险比。除此之外,有研究表明VD辅助治疗也能更好改善抑郁症状[5]

VDR和参与VD激活(CYP27B1)、代谢(CYP24A1)的细胞色素P450酶在神经元和胶质细胞中均有分布,提示VD可能在中枢神经系统中起到旁分泌或自分泌的作用[10]。在本研究中,发现应激同时上调这3个因子在前额叶皮质的表达,表明VD信号通路可以被应激局部调节。慢性应激对VD信号通路的激活表明机体在对非稳态负荷进行适应,通过VD通路保护神经。同样在糖皮质激素诱导的抑郁样大鼠前额叶皮质中发现 VDR/ CYP27B1/ CYP24A1表达的上调,这更进一步说明VD参与机体对应激的代偿适应[11],即当机体VD充足时便会更好对应激所产生的非稳态负荷进行适应而重回稳态,但相反缺乏VD时则可能增加中枢神经系统对应激的敏感性,使机体更容易对非稳态负荷超载,增加抑郁症的患病风险。



The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.


[1] JIANG P, ZHANG L H, CAI H L, et al.Neurochemical effects of chronic administration of calcitriol in rats[J]. Nutrients, 2014, 6(12): 6048-6059.
Despite accumulating data showing the various neurological actions of vitamin D (VD), its effects on brain neurochemistry are still far from fully understood. To further investigate the neurochemical influence of VD, we assessed neurotransmitter systems in the brain of rats following 6-week calcitriol (1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D) administration (50 ng/kg/day or 100 ng/kg/day). Both the two doses of calcitriol enhanced VDR protein level without affecting serum calcium and phosphate status. Rats treated with calcitriol, especially with the higher dose, exhibited elevated 纬-aminobutyric acid (GABA) status. Correspondingly, the mRNA expression of glutamate decarboxylase (GAD) 67 was increased. 100 ng/kg of calcitriol administration also increased glutamate and glutamine levels in the prefrontal cortex, but did not alter glutamine synthetase (GS) expression. Additionally, calcitriol treatment promoted tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) and tryptophan hydroxylase 2 (TPH2) expression without changing dopamine and serotonin status. However, the concentrations of the metabolites of dopamine and serotonin were increased and the drug use also resulted in a significant rise of monoamine oxidase A (MAOA) expression, which might be responsible to maintain the homeostasis of dopaminergic and serotonergic neurotransmission. Collectively, the present study firstly showed the effects of calcitriol in the major neurotransmitter systems, providing new evidence for the role of VD in brain function.
DOI:10.3390/nu6126048      PMID:4277014      URL    
[2] BIKLE D D.Vitamin D metabolism, mechanism of action, and clinical applications[J]. Chem Biol, 2014, 21(3): 319-329.
Vitamin D3 is made in the skin from 7-dehydrocholesterol under the influence of UV light. Vitamin D2 (ergocalciferol) is derived from the plant sterol ergosterol. Vitamin D is metabolized first to 25 hydroxyvitamin D (25OHD), then to the hormonal form 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D (1,25(OH)2D). CYP2R1 is the most important 25-hydroxylase; CYP27B1 is the key 1-hydroxylase. Both 25OHD and 1,25(OH)2D are catabolized by CYP24A1. 1,25(OH)2D is the ligand for the vitamin D receptor (VDR), a transcription factor, binding to sites in the DNA called vitamin D response elements (VDREs). There are thousands of these binding sites regulating hundreds of genes in a cell-specific fashion. VDR-regulated transcription is dependent on comodulators, the profile of which is also cell specific. Analogs of 1,25(OH)2D are being developed to target specific diseases with minimal side effects. This review will examine these different aspects of vitamin D metabolism, mechanism of action, and clinical application.
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[3] BASIT S.Vitamin D in health and disease: a literature review[J]. Br J Biomed Sci, 2013, 70(4): 161-72.
Vitamin D, a fat-soluble prohormone, is synthesised in response to sunlight. Vitamin D requires two metabolic conversions, 25-hydroxylation in the liver and 1alpha-hydroxylation in the kidney, to become active hormone. The active form, 1alpha,25-(OH)2D, binds to the vitamin D receptor (VDR) to modulate gene transcription and regulate mineral ion homeostasis. Vitamin D plays several roles in the body, influencing bone health as well as serum calcium and phosphate levels. Furthermore, vitamin D may modify immune function, cell proliferation, differentiation and apoptosis. Vitamin D deficiency has been associated with numerous health outcomes, including risk of rickets in children or osteomalacia in adults, increased risk of fractures, falls, cancer, autoimmune disease, infectious disease, type 1 and type 2 diabetes, hypertension and heart disease, and other diseases such as multiple sclerosis. Here, vitamin D physiology and metabolism, its genomic action and association of polymorphisms in vitamin D pathway genes with different diseases are reviewed by focusing on new findings published in the literature.
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[4] POLAK M A, HOUGHTON L A, REEDER A I, et al.Serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D concentrations and depressive symptoms among young adult men and women[J]. Nutrients, 2014, 6(11): 4720-4730.
There has been an increased interest in the role of vitamin D in depression; however, there have been few studies conducted in younger population groups. Our aim was to investigate the association between vitamin D status and depressive symptoms in a non-clinical young adult sample living in Dunedin, New Zealand. A cross-sectional sample of 615 young adults completed a questionnaire including demographics and the Centre for Epidemiological Studies Depression Scale (CES-D). Height, weight and a blood sample for 25-hydroxyvitamin D [25(OH)D] was obtained. Serum 25(OH)D was used to predict depression scores, adjusting for potential confounders including time spent outdoors for 13 consecutive days, BMI, age, sex and ethnicity. Prevalence of low vitamin D was high even in this age group, and serum 25(OH)D was negatively associated with depression symptoms before and after adjustment. When investigating the relationship between the presence versus absence of depressive symptoms and quartiles of 25(OH)D, participants in the lowest quartile were more likely to report depressive symptoms compared with those in the highest quartile. Although our findings suggest that vitamin D is a predictor of depression symptomatology, even when controlling for time spent outdoors, a randomised controlled trial in this young adult target group is needed to confirm the association.
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[5] ANGLIN R E, SAMAAN Z, WALTER S D, et al.Vitamin D deficiency and depression in adults: systematic review and meta-analysis[J]. Br J Psychiatry, 2013, 202:100-107.
Background There is conflicting evidence about the relationship between vitamin D deficiency and depression, and a systematic assessment of the literature has not been available.Aims To determine the relationship, if any, between vitamin D deficiency and depression.Method A systematic review and meta-analysis of observational studies and randomised controlled trials was conducted.Results One case–control study, ten cross-sectional studies and three cohort studies with a total of 31 424 participants were analysed. Lower vitamin D levels were found in people with depression compared with controls (SMD = 0.60, 95% CI 0.23–0.97) and there was an increased odds ratio of depression for the lowest v . highest vitamin D categories in the cross-sectional studies (OR = 1.31, 95% CI 1.0–1.71). The cohort studies showed a significantly increased hazard ratio of depression for the lowest v . highest vitamin D categories (HR = 2.21, 95% CI 1.40–3.49).Conclusions Our analyses are consistent with the hypothesis that low vitamin D concentration is associated with depression, and highlight the need for randomised controlled trials of vitamin D for the prevention and treatment of depression to determine whether this association is causal.
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[6] BERTONE-JOHNSON E R. Vitamin D and the occurrence of depression: causal association or circumstantial evidence?[J]. Nutr Rev, 2009, 67(8): 481-492.
While recent laboratory-based studies have substantially advanced our understanding of the action of vitamin D in the brain, much is still unknown concerning how vitamin D relates to mood. The few epidemiological studies of vitamin D and depression have produced inconsistent results and generally have had substantial methodological limitations. Recent findings from a randomized trial suggest th...
DOI:10.1111/j.1753-4887.2009.00220.x      PMID:19674344      URL    
[7] EYLES D W, BURNE T H, MCGRATH J J.Vitamin D, effects on brain development, adult brain function and the links between low levels of vitamin D and neuropsychiatric disease[J]. Front Neuroendocrinol, 2013, 34(1): 47-64.
Increasingly vitamin D deficiency is being associated with a number of psychiatric conditions. In particular for disorders with a developmental basis, such as autistic spectrum disorder and schizophrenia the neurobiological plausibility of this association is strengthened by the preclinical data indicating vitamin D deficiency in early life affects neuronal differentiation, axonal connectivity, dopamine ontogeny and brain structure and function. More recently epidemiological associations have been made between low vitamin D and psychiatric disorders not typically associated with abnormalities in brain development such as depression and Alzheimer鈥檚 disease. Once again the preclinical findings revealing that vitamin D can regulate catecholamine levels and protect against specific Alzheimer-like pathology increase the plausibility of this link. In this review we have attempted to integrate this clinical epidemiology with potential vitamin D-mediated basic mechanisms. Throughout the review we have highlighted areas where we think future research should focus.
DOI:10.1016/j.yfrne.2012.07.001      PMID:22796576      URL    
[8] BERTONE-JOHNSON E R, POWERS S I, SPANGLER L, et al. Vitamin D intake from foods and supplements and depressive symptoms in a diverse population of older women[J]. Am J Clin Nutr, 2011, 94(4): 1104-1112.
Vitamin D may plausibly reduce the occurrence of depression in postmenopausal women; however, epidemiologic evidence is limited, and few prospective studies have been conducted.We conducted a cross-sectional and prospective analysis of vitamin D intake from foods and supplements and risk of depressive symptoms.Study participants were 81,189 members of the Women's Health Initiative (WHI) Observational Study who were aged 50-79 y at baseline. Vitamin D intake at baseline was measured by food-frequency and supplement-use questionnaires. Depressive symptoms at baseline and after 3 y were assessed by using the Burnam scale and current antidepressant medication use.After age, physical activity, and other factors were controlled for, women who reported a total intake of 鈮800 IU vitamin D/d had a prevalence OR for depressive symptoms of 0.79 (95% CI: 0.71, 0.89; P-trend < 0.001) compared with women who reported a total intake of <100 IU vitamin D/d. In analyses limited to women without evidence of depression at baseline, an intake of 鈮400 compared with <100 IU vitamin D/d from food sources was associated with 20% lower risk of depressive symptoms at year 3 (OR: 0.80; 95% CI: 0.67, 0.95; P-trend = 0.001). The results for supplemental vitamin D were less consistent, as were the results from secondary analyses that included as cases women who were currently using antidepressant medications.Overall, our findings support a potential inverse association of vitamin D, primarily from food sources, and depressive symptoms in postmenopausal women. Additional prospective studies and randomized trials are essential in establishing whether the improvement of vitamin D status holds promise for the prevention of depression, the treatment of depression, or both.
DOI:10.3945/ajcn.111.017384      PMID:21865327      Magsci     URL    
[9] HOANG M T, DEFINA L F, WILLIS B L, et al.Association between low serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D and depression in a large sample of healthy adults: the Cooper Center longitudinal study[J]. Mayo Clin Proc, 2011, 86(11): 1050-1055.
To investigate the association between serum vitamin D levels and depression in a large database of patients from the Cooper Clinic.We conducted a cross-sectional study of 12,594 participants seen at the Cooper Clinic from November 27, 2006, to October 4, 2010. Serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D [25(OH)D] was analyzed, and depression was defined as a Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale (CES-D) score of 10 or more. Those with and those without a history of depression represented 2 distinct populations with respect to CES-D scores; accordingly, they were analyzed separately.In the total sample, higher vitamin D levels were associated with a significantly decreased risk [odds ratio, 0.92 (95% confidence interval, 0.87-0.97)] of current depression based on CES-D scores. The finding was stronger in those with a prior history of depression [odds ratio, 0.90 (95% confidence interval, 0.82-0.98)] and not significant in those without a history of depression [odds ratio, 0.95 (95% confidence interval, 0.89-1.02)].We found that low vitamin D levels are associated with depressive symptoms, especially in persons with a history of depression. These findings suggest that primary care patients with a history of depression may be an important target for assessment of vitamin D levels.
DOI:10.4065/mcp.2011.0208      PMID:22033249      Magsci     URL    
[10] ANNWEILER C, ANNWEILER T, MONTERO-ODASSO M, et al.Vitamin D and brain volumetric changes: systematic review and meta-analysis[J]. Maturitas, 2014, 78(1): 30-39.
Vitamin D has multiple functions in the nervous system. Our objective was to systematically review and quantitatively synthesize evidence on the location and nature of brain morphometric changes linked to vitamin D depletion or repletion. A Medline search was conducted in February 2014, without limit of date and language restriction, using the MeSH terms "Vitamin D" OR "Ergocalciferols" combined with "Brain Mapping" OR "Magnetic Resonance Imaging" OR "Tomography, X-ray Computed" OR "Tomography, Emission-Computed, Single-Photon" OR "Positron-Emission Tomography" OR "Nuclear Medicine" OR "Radionucleide Imaging". Of the 376 selected studies, nine observational studies - two animal and seven human studies - met the selection criteria. The number of participants ranged from 20 to 333 (40-79% female). Three studies were eligible for fixed-effects meta-analysis of bias-corrected effect size of the difference in lateral ventricle volume between cases with vitamin D depletion and controls. Results showed that vitamin D depletion was associated with lower brain volume, specifically larger lateral ventricles. The pooled effect size was 1.01 [95% CI: 0.62; 1.41], a 'large' effect size indicating that the ventricle volume was 1.01 SD higher with vitamin D depletion. Results on brain subvolumes were mixed, and indicated that brain atrophy with vitamin D depletion could be explained not by temporal lobe atrophy but rather by loss of matter at the cranial vertex, possibly in the precuneus cortex. In conclusion, despite increasing evidence arguing for an action of vitamin D in the brain, data is sparse regarding brain morphological changes related to vitamin D depletion. The retrieved association between vitamin D depletion and brain atrophy provides a scientific base for vitamin D replacement trials.
DOI:10.1016/j.maturitas.2014.02.013      PMID:24674855      Magsci     URL    
[11] JIANG P, XUE Y, LI H D, et al.Dysregulation of vitamin D metabolism in the brain and myocardium of rats following prolonged exposure to dexamethasone[J]. Psychopharmacology, 2014, 231(17): 3445-3451.
Rationale Chronic stress or hypercortisolism may increase the risks of depression, cardiac disorders, and osteoporosis, which are also associated with vitamin D (VD) deficiency. Both glucocorticoid receptor (GR) and vitamin D receptor (VDR) are widely distributed and affect many aspects of human physiology. The cross talk between the two steroids is pervasive, but the effect of glucocorticoids on circulating VD and local VD metabolism remains elusive. Objectives To fill this critical gap, we assessed the alterations of circulating VD and VD intracrine system in the brain and myocardium of rats treated with two different doses (0.2 and 2聽mg/kg/day, respectively) of dexamethasone ( Dex ). Results Daily treatment with 2聽mg/kg of Dex for 10聽days induced the rats to a depressive-like state and decreased the expression of both VDR and the cytochromes P450 enzymes involved in VD activation (CYP27B1) and catabolism (CYP24A1) in the prefrontal cortex and hippocampus. Meanwhile, the dose of 0.2聽mg/kg Dex increased the expression of VDR in the prefrontal cortex but inhibited CYP27B1/CYP24A1/VDR expression in the hippocampus. Similarly, in the myocardium, the rats treated with Dex showed significantly lower expression of CYP27B1/CYP24A1/VDR. Renal VD metabolism and serum VD status were unchanged in 0.2聽mg/kg Dex -treated rats. However, the higher dose suppressed the three key players involved in VD metabolism but did not alter serum VD levels. Conclusion These data provide new evidence that glucocorticoids could affect intracrine actions of VD in the brain and myocardium, which suggests the potential involvement of VD in the neural and cardiac dysfunctions induced by glucocorticoid excess.
DOI:10.1007/s00213-014-3440-6      PMID:24448902      URL    
[12] BRUNONI A R, KEMP A H, DANTAS E M, et al.Heart rate variability is a trait marker of major depressive disorder: evidence from the sertraline vs. electric current therapy to treat depression clinical study[J]. Int J Neuropsychopharmacol, 2013, 16(9): 1937-1949.
Decreased heart rate variability (HRV) is a cardiovascular predictor of mortality. Recent debate has focused on whether reductions in HRV in () are a consequence of the disorder or a consequence of pharmacotherapy. Here we report on the impact of transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS), a non-pharmacological intervention, vs. to further investigate this issue. The employed design was a double-blind, randomized, factorial, placebo-controlled trial. One hundred and eighteen moderate-to-severe, medication-free, low-cardiovascular risk depressed patients were recruited for this study and allocated to either active/sham tDCS (10 consecutive sessions plus two extra sessions every other week) or placebo/(50 mg/d) for 6 wk. Patients were age and gender-matched to healthy controls from a concurrent cohort study [the Brazilian Longitudinal Study of Adult Health (ELSA-Brasil)]. The impact of disorder, treatment and clinical response on HRV (root mean square of successive differences and high frequency) was examined. Our findings confirmed that patients displayed decreased HRV relative to controls. Furthermore, HRV scores did not change following treatment with either a non-pharmacological (tDCS) or pharmacological () intervention, nor did HRV increase with clinical response to treatment. Based on these findings, we discuss whether reduced HRV is a trait-marker for , which may predispose patients to a of conditions and disease even after response to treatment. Our findings have important implications for our understanding of pathophysiology and the relationship between , and mortality.
DOI:10.1017/S1461145713000497      PMID:23759172      URL    
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关键词(key words)

Vitamin D
unpredictable mild


GONG Xiaoxue
DANG Ruili
GUO Yujin
CAI Hualin