中国科技论文统计源期刊 中文核心期刊  
医药导报, 2017, 36(6): 617-621
doi: 10.3870/j.issn.1004-0781.2017.06.007
Effect of Jinwu Jiangu Decoction on IL-17,ACT1,TRAF6 in Synovial Cells of Rheumatoid Arthritis
马武开, 宁乔怡, 李东晓, 姚血明, 侯雷, 梁江, 黄颖, 周静


目的 探讨苗药金乌健骨方含药血清冻干粉对人类风湿关节炎成纤维样滑膜细胞(RA-HFLS)白细胞介素17(IL-17)、核因子κB激活蛋白1抗体(ACT1)、肿瘤坏死因子受体相关因子6(TRAF6)表达的影响。方法 大白兔随机分为空白对照组,金乌健骨方大、中、小剂量组,雷公藤多苷组和泼尼松组,每组各6只。金乌健骨方大、中、小剂量组分别按生药量14.4,4.8,2.4 g·kg-1灌胃给药,雷公藤多苷组和泼尼松组按成人用量的等效剂量给药,空白对照组灌服等容量0.9%氯化钠溶液,连续7 d,取血制备含药血清冻干粉。建立原代RA-HFLS细胞模型,含药血清冻干粉进行干预治疗,酶联免疫吸附测定(ELISA)法检测含药血清冻干粉对IL-17分泌的影响,反转录-聚合酶链反应(RT-PCR)检测含药血清冻干粉对ACT1、TRAF6 mRNA表达的影响。结果 与空白对照组比较,各给药组细胞培养上清液中IL-17分泌下降(均P<0.01),以金乌健骨方大、中剂量组最为明显,大剂量组对IL-17的分泌下调作用优于雷公藤多苷组(P<0.01);与空白对照组比较,各给药组TRAF6、ACT1 mRNA的表达均不同程度下调(均P<0.01),以金乌健骨方大剂量组最为明显,但与雷公藤多苷组和泼尼松组比较,差异无统计学意义 (P>0.05)。结论 金乌健骨方含药血清冻干粉能降低RA-HFLS IL-17的分泌,下调RA-HFLS ACT1、TRAF6 mRNA的表达。

关键词: 金乌健骨方 ; 关节炎 ; 类风湿 ; 滑膜细胞 ; 白细胞介素-17


Objective To investigate the effect of Miao medicine Jinwu Jiangu decoction containing serum freeze-dried powder on levels of IL-17,ACT1 and TRAF6 in human rheumatoid arthritis fibroblast like synoviocytes (RA-HFLS). Methods Rabbits were randomly divided into blank control group (recieving normal saline of the same volume),Jinwu Jiangu decoction high-dose,medium-dose and low-dose group (intragastrically administrated with Jinwu Jiangu decoction at doses of 14.4,4.8 and 2.4 g·kg-1,respectively),tripterygium glycosides group and prednisone group (treated with human equivalent dosage).RA-HFLS primary cell model was established in the experiment.ELISA method was used to detect effect of lyophilized powder on IL-17 secretion.Expression of ACT1,TRAF6 mRNA was detected by RT-PCR. Results Compared with the blank control gorup,IL-17 in the supernatant of each medication administration group was significantly decreased (all P<0.01),and it was decreased most significantly in Jinwu Jiangu decoction high-dose and medium-dose group.IL-17 was down-regulated more significantly in high-dose group than that in tripterygium glycosides group (P<0.01).Compared with the blank control group,TRAF6 and ACT1 mRNA expression level of each medication administration group were significantly decreased (all P<0.01),and in the high-dose group that were decreased most significantly,but not significantly different as compared with tripterygium glycosides group and prednisone group (P>0.05). Conclusion Freeze-dried powder of Jinwu Jiangu decoction can decrease the secretion of IL-17 and down-regulate expression of ACT1,TRAF6 with RA-HFLS.

Key words: decoction ; Rheumatoid arthritis ; Synovial cells ; Interleukin-17

类风湿关节炎(rheumatoid arthritis,RA)是一种以慢性进行性侵蚀性滑膜炎为主要特征的自身免疫性疾病,主要表现为全身多关节对称性疼痛肿胀,甚至关节畸形及功能障碍。关节滑膜炎症是RA基本病理改变,RA成纤维样滑膜细胞(rheumatoid arthritis fibrolast-like synoviocytes,RA-FLS)肿瘤样增殖,并释放大量炎症相关因子,激化多个信号转导通路的异常活化,加重关节疼痛的程度,推进关节功能丧失的进展。RA属中医学“痹证”范畴,是中医学治疗优势病种之一。金乌健骨方是笔者临床应用多年的经验方,由金毛狗脊、千年健、黑骨藤、乌梢蛇、小花青风藤、三七、白芍、姜黄、甘草等组成,在前期的临床研究取得良好疗效[3],动物实验亦证实该方能够下调胶原蛋白诱导关节炎(collagen-induced arthritis,CIA)模型大鼠血清肿瘤坏死因子α(TNF-α)、白细胞介素1(IL-1)、IL-1β表达水平[4-5],笔者在本研究拟进一步探讨金乌健骨方兔含药血清冻干粉对在体RA-FLS的抗炎作用。

1 材料与方法
1.1 实验动物


1.2 药物与试剂

金乌健骨方由金毛狗脊15 g、千年健10 g、黑骨藤10 g、乌梢蛇10 g、小花青风藤15 g、三七3 g、白芍15 g、姜黄15 g、甘草3 g等组成(生药购自贵阳中医学院第二附属医院),加水500 mL,煎煮2 次,合并药液,过滤浓缩至1 g·mL-1。雷公藤多苷片(贵州汉方制药有限公司,批号:130501);澳洲胎牛血清(Gibico,Life,批号:16000-044,上海奥陆生物科技有限公司);双抗(Gibico,批号:1450572)、I型胶原酶(Gibico,批号:17100017)、PCR MasterMix(庄盟生物,批号:ZT201A-01)、6×DNA Loading Buffer(GenStar,批号:E106-01)、FastQuant RT Kit(天根生物,批号:KR106),DNA Marker、5×TBE(SD8102,北京博奥森),PCR引物由上海捷瑞生物工程有限公司提供。

1.3 设备与仪器

二氧化碳(CO2)培养箱(日本SANYO,型号:MCO-20AIC);超净工作台(型号:SW-CJ-2F/SW-CJ-1F,吴江市金家坝太平洋净化设备厂);OLYMPUS显微镜(型号:CKX-41,OLYMPUS),低温高速离心机(德国Eppendorf,型号:5810R);PCR仪(美国AIB,型号:2720);紫外分光光度计(德国Beckman Coulter,型号:DU640);电泳仪(北京六一仪器厂,型号:DYY-6C);凝胶成像系统(英国Syngene,G:BOX·3F)。

1.4 滑膜组织来源

滑膜组织取自贵阳中医学院第二附属医院骨科及贵州省骨科医院行关节置换或关节镜检查的活动性RA患者,符合1987 年美国风湿病协会(American College of Rheumatology,ACR)修订的RA 诊断标准,且排除重叠综合征及危重症等疾病,标本的获取均通过患者知情同意。

1.5 含药血清冻干粉的制备

将大白兔随机分为6组,分别为空白对照组,金乌健骨方大、中、小剂量组,雷公藤多苷组和泼尼松组,每组6只。金乌健骨方大、中、小剂量组分别按生药量14.4,4.8,2.4 g·kg-1 (分别为成人用量的9,6,3倍)灌胃给药,雷公藤多苷组和泼尼松组按成人用量的等效剂量给药,空白对照组灌服等容量0.9%氯化钠溶液,连续7 d,于末次给药2 h后无菌条件下自心脏取血,分离血清,组内血清混合,用孔径0.22 μm微孔滤膜滤过除菌,置-20 ℃冰箱冻成冰块后,在-70 ℃条件下,真空干燥去除水分,形成干燥粉末,置4 ℃保存备用。

1.6 细胞培养与药物干预

按文献[6]方法对滑膜组织进行RA-FLS 原代培养和传代,取对数生长期的第3代细胞,经免疫组化染色鉴定合格后备用。用胰酶消化制成类风湿关节炎人成纤维样滑膜细胞(human fibroblast-like synoviocytes rheumatoid arthritis,RA-HFLS)细胞悬液,调至5×104·mL-1 浓度,随机分为6组,加入大、中、小剂量金乌健骨方含药血清,雷公藤多苷组加雷公藤多苷含药血清,泼尼松组加入泼尼松含药血清,空白对照组加等量牛血清进行干预处理。

1.7 IL-17的检测

采用酶联免疫吸附测定(ELISA)法,按照试剂盒说明书进行操作,加入准备好的样品和标准品,37 ℃反应30 min,洗板5次,加入酶标试剂,37 ℃反应30 min,洗板5次,加入显色液A、B,37 ℃显色10 min,加入终止液,酶标仪检测吸光度(A)值,实验重复5次,取平均值。

1.8 反转录-聚合酶链反应(RT-PCR)检测核因子κB激活蛋白1抗体(NF-κB activcstor 1,ACT1)、肿瘤坏死因子受体相关因子6(tumor necrosis factor-associated factor 6,TRAF6) mRNA的表达

收集药物干预、孵育48 h后细胞,按RNzol-A+Reagent试剂盒说明书提取总RNA,目的基因引物,RA-HFLS的TRAF6上游引物5’-TGTAAGGCAAAACCACGAAGAGATA-3',下游引物5'-GAACAGGGCAAGGAAAGGCAC-3',ACT1上游引物 5'-CTGAGGCTGGTCGGTAG-3',下游引物5'-GTGATTGATAGGAGAGTGTTTGTAG -3',以RA-HFLS的GADPH作为内参,其上游引物5'-CCATCACTGCCACCCAGAAGAC-3',下游引物5'-GTGTCGCTGTTGAAGTCAGAGGAGA-3'。按RT-PCR试剂盒说明书方法两步法检测ACT1、TRAF6 mRNA 的表达,反应程序:94 ℃预变性3 min,94 ℃变性30 s,55 ℃退火30 s,72 ℃延伸1 min,扩增30个循环。实验重复3次。

1.9 统计学方法

采用SPSS 18.0版软件进行统计学处理。计量资料以均数±标准差( x ̅ ±s)表示,多组间均数比较采用单因素方差分析,重复测量数据采用多因素方差分析,方差齐时,各组间均数两两比较采用LSD检验,方差不齐时,则采用Tamhance’s T2检验(本研究方差不齐,故均采用Tamhance’s T2检验),以P<0.05为差异有统计学意义。

2 结果
2.1 含药血清对RA-HFLS培养上清液中IL-17分泌的影响


表1 金乌健骨方含药血清对RA-HFLS培养上清液中IL-17分泌的影响
Tab.1 Effects of Jinwu Jiangu decoction containing serum on IL-17 secretion in the supernatant of cultured RA-HFLS x¯±s,n=5
组别 剂量/(g·kg-1) IL-17/(ng·L-1)
空白对照组 - 17.50±0.67
雷公藤多苷组 0.36 3.15±0.53*1
金乌健骨方小剂量组 2.4 9.71±0.51*1
金乌健骨方中剂量组 4.8 2.64±0.30*1*2
金乌健骨方大剂量组 14.4 1.97±0.28*1*2

Compared with blank control group,*1P<0.01;compared with tripterygium glycosides group,*2P<0.01


表1 金乌健骨方含药血清对RA-HFLS培养上清液中IL-17分泌的影响

Tab.1 Effects of Jinwu Jiangu decoction containing serum on IL-17 secretion in the supernatant of cultured RA-HFLS x¯±s,n=5

2.2 金乌健骨方含药血清对RA-HFLS 中TRAF6、 ACT1 mRNA表达的影响

PCR检测结果显示,与空白对照组比较,各给药组TRAF6、ACT1 mRNA的表达均不同程度下调(均P<0.01),以金乌健骨方大剂量组最为明显,但与雷公藤多苷组和泼尼松组比较,差异无统计学意义 (P>0.05),见图1,2,见表2。

图1 6组RA-HFLS中TRAF6 mRNA的表达
K.空白对照组;1.金乌健骨方小剂量组;2.金乌健骨方中剂量组;3. 金乌健骨方大剂量组;4.雷公藤多苷组;5.泼尼松组

Fig.1 mRNA expression of TRAF6 in six groups of RA-HFLS
K.blank control group;1.low-dose Jinwu Jiangu decoction group;2.medium-dose Jinwu Jiangu decoction group; 3.high-dose Jinwu Jiangu decoction group;4. tripterygium glycosides group;5.prednisone group

图2 6组RA-HFLS细胞ACT1 mRNA的表达
K.空白对照组;1. 金乌健骨方小剂量组;2. 金乌健骨方中剂量组;3. 金乌健骨方大剂量组;4.雷公藤多苷组;5.泼尼松组


表2 6组RA-HFLS细胞中TRAF6和ACT1 mRNA表达
Tab.2 mRNA expression of TRAF6 and ACT1 in six groups of RA-HFLS cells x ¯ ±s,n=3
空白对照组 0.385±0.008 0.679±0.009
雷公藤多苷组 0.238±0.005*1 0.365±0.006*1
泼尼松组 0.222±0.007*1 0.346±0.005*1
金乌健骨方小剂量组 0.321±0.005 0.455±0.005*1
金乌健骨方中剂量组 0.226±0.004*1 0.351±0.006*1
金乌健骨方大剂量组 0.204±0.007*1 0.288±0.006*1*2


Compared with blank control group,*1P<0.01;compared with tripterygium glycosides group,*2P<0.01

表2 6组RA-HFLS细胞中TRAF6和ACT1 mRNA表达

Tab.2 mRNA expression of TRAF6 and ACT1 in six groups of RA-HFLS cells x ¯ ±s,n=3

3 讨论

RA-HFLS是RA滑膜炎症的最终效应细胞,呈肿瘤样恶性增殖并参与新生血管的生成和相关炎症因子的释放,多种信号通路的激化,导致滑膜增厚,关节肿胀,造成骨质破坏[7]。现代研究认为RA-FLS的增殖关键环节主要是胞外信号的刺激,胞内信号转导的活化,核内基因转录的激活。IL-17信号通路是细胞外信号引起细胞核内反应的通道之一。在体外培养时加入IL-17可刺激骨吸收和胶原毁坏,而且在CIA 小鼠模型中,中和IL-17 或其受体可缓解RA 的症状。IL-17缺陷可保护宿主小鼠免受胶原诱导的关节炎的侵害,而IL-17加入可加重其病情[8-10]。由此可知,IL-17信号通路在RA病程中发挥着重要作用。

ACT1作为IL-17信号通路的衔接蛋白,是IL-17信号通路关键纽带[11];ACT1与其关键底物TRAF6结合,活化TRAF6分子,激活下游NF-κB、JNK 等核内基因信号通路,诱导炎症细胞因子、趋化因子和基质金属蛋白酶的表达,继而促进RA滑膜细胞增殖和活化[1,12-13],参与并加重RA病情。ACT1是活化核转录因子NF-κB 的重要蛋白分子,是介导IL-17信号和活化的NF-κB 之间的唯一衔接蛋白,在IL-17信号通路中发挥着关键作用。ACT1 是一种细胞质蛋白,分布在胸腺、心脏、肺、肾、肝、结肠和胎盘等动物组织,主要由574个氨基酸的多结构域组成,其中包括2个TRAF结合位点以及SEFIR域[14]。ACT1 属于U-box E3泛素化酶,经SEFIR 结构域与IL-17A或IL-17F受体结合,通过其泛素化酶活性介导从IL-17R复合体的IL-17A亚基到NF-κB和其他转录因子信号途径的活化。在ACT1帮助下,IL-17信号可以协同其他细胞因子调控mRNA稳定性的能力,放大靶细胞对IL-17信号的反应。Act1基因敲出小鼠的实验研究[11]发现,Act1介导IL-17信号通路转导,诱发野生型小鼠胚胎纤维原细胞(MEFs)合成IL-6和ICAM-1,即IL-17或IL-17F诱导Act1缺陷的MEFs分泌IL-6、小鼠巨噬细胞炎性蛋白2(mouse macrophage inflammatory protein 2,MIP-2)的能力减弱,而ACT1 缺陷的MEFs在编码ACT1的质粒转染后,能再次对IL-17或IL-17F的刺激做出反应,证明ACT1作为衔接蛋白,是IL-17信号通路所必需的部分。另有实验研究表明CIA各种致病原都不能引起ACT1缺陷小鼠病理改变[15]。由此可以说明,由ACT1 介导的IL-17信号在CIA模型中是必需的。

TRAF6是ACT1的关键底物,属于泛素连接酶,当被激活时,会在自身与其他蛋白之间搭建短小的蛋白链,而其与何种蛋白搭建短小蛋白链,决定了在细胞内激活何种信号。TRAF6基因敲除小鼠的实验研究[16]发现,TRAF6介导IL-17信号通路转导,在IL-17信号诱导下游NF-κB、JNK等核内基因信号通路活化的过程必不可少,而且TRAF6诱发IL-17刺激野生型MEFs合成IL-6,而TRAF6缺陷的MEFs,IL-17不能刺激其分泌IL-6。TRAF6激活TBK1及在IKK相关激酶与ACT1的相互作用下,参与到IL-17介导的ACT1 的磷酸化过程,促进IL-17诱导的NF-κB激活[17]。TRAF6在RA滑膜组织中高度表达与其炎症反应高度相关。

中药煎剂成分复杂,直接加入细胞株,性质不稳定,故对中药复方体外细胞模型的研究,中药含药血清作为干预手段越来越受到重视,也是目前研究中药复方的主要方法之一,但含药血清储存时易变质,为了使含药血清更稳定,本研究以含药血清冻干粉为干预手段,探讨金乌健骨方生理环境下对RA-HFLS增殖情况及TRAF6、ACT1 mRNA的表达的影响。本实验结果显示各剂量组金乌健骨方含药血清冻干粉干预48 h后均能明显抑制RA-HFLS的异常增殖,并呈剂量依赖性。较之空白对照组或兔血清对照组,金乌健骨方可显著下调RA-HFLS TRAF6、ACT1 mRNA的表达,效果呈剂量依赖性;与雷公藤多苷组比较,金乌健骨方中、大剂量组下调作用更强。金乌健骨方抑制TRAF6、ACT1 mRNA表达基本与抑制RA-HFLS异常增殖效果呈正相关,提示金乌健骨方含药血清能抑制RA-HFLS过度增殖,并在一定程度上降低其TRAF6、ACT1 mRNA表达,这与该药抗RA有效的机制相关,可能通过阻断TRAF6、ACT1 mRNA表达,继而抑制RA-HFLS IL-17信号通路的活化,从而发挥抗RA作用。本研究的创新点是通过体外实验阐明金乌健骨方治疗RA的可能作用机制,证明金乌健骨方对IL-17信号通路中TRAF6、ACT1具有调节作用。但金乌健骨方是否对RA-HFLS凋亡周期或影响其他信号通路激活RA-HFLS异常增殖,尚待进一步深入研究。

The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.


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[2] QU F, GAO H, ZHU S, et al.TRAF6-dependent Act1 phosphorylation by the IκB kinase-related kinases suppresses interleukin-17-induced NF-κB activation[J]. Mol Cell Biol, 2012, 32(19): 3925-3937.
Interleukin-17 (IL-17) is critically involved in the pathogenesis of various inflammatory disorders. IL-17 receptor (IL-17R)-proximal signaling complex (IL-17R-Act1-TRAF6) is essential for IL-17-mediated NF-κB activation, while IL-17-mediated mRNA stability is TRAF6 independent. Recently, inducible IκB kinase (IKKi) has been shown to phosphorylate Act1 on Ser 311 to mediate IL-17-induced mRNA stability. Here we show that TANK binding kinase 1 (TBK1), the other IKK-related kinase, directly phosphorylated Act1 on three other Ser sites to suppress IL-17R-mediated NF-κB activation. IL-17 stimulation activated TBK1 and induced its association with Act1. IKKi also phosphorylated Act1 on the three serine sites and played a redundant role with TBK1 in suppressing IL-17-induced NF-κB activation. Act1 phosphorylation on the three sites inhibited its association with TRAF6 and consequently NF-κB activation in IL-17R signaling. Interestingly, TRAF6, but not TRAF3, which is the upstream adaptor of the IKK-related kinases in antiviral signaling, was critical for IL-17-induced Act1 phosphorylation. TRAF6 was essential for IL-17-induced TBK1 activation, its association with Act1, and consequent Act1 phosphorylation. Our findings define a new role for the IKK-related kinases in suppressing IL-17-mediated NF-κB activation through TRAF6-dependent Act1 phosphorylation.
DOI:10.1128/MCB.00268-12      PMID:228516966117      Magsci     URL    
[3] 马武开,钟琴,姚血明,. 苗药金乌健骨汤治疗类风湿关节炎的临床观察[J].中华中医药杂志,2010,25(12):2190-2192.
[4] 黄颖,马武开,姚血明. 苗药金乌健骨汤对胶原性关节炎模型大鼠血清IL-1、IL-β及TNFα的影响[J].贵阳中医学院学报,2015,37(5):5-9.
[5] 马武开,姚血明,黄颖,.金乌健骨方对关节炎模型大鼠的抗炎作用研究[J]. 医药导报, 2013,32(5): 569-572.
目的 观察金乌健骨方对胶原诱导性关节炎(CIA)大鼠血清肿瘤坏死因子α(TNF-α)、白细胞介素1(IL-1)及白细胞介素1β(IL-1β)水平的影响,探讨其作用机制.方法 将60只Wistar大鼠随机分为空白对照组,模型对照组,金乌健骨方高、中、低剂量组和雷公藤多苷对照组,每组10只.除空白对照组外,其余各组制备CIA模型.给药组分别于造模后第3周开始连续灌胃给药4周,并于用药前及用药后每周观测CIA大鼠关节肿胀程度和关节炎指数,给药结束后检测血清TNF-α、IL-1及IL-1β.结果 金乌健骨方高、中剂量组关节肿胀程度和关节炎积分均明显降低,优于雷公藤多苷对照组(P<0.01,P<0.05).与模型组比较,金乌健骨方高、中剂量组大鼠血清TNF-α、IL-1、IL-1β表达水平显著下降(P<0.01),与雷公藤多苷对照组相当;高、中剂量金乌健骨方对IL-1β的影响优于雷公藤多苷(P<0.01).结论 金乌健骨方能减轻CIA大鼠关节肿胀程度,降低关节炎积分,下调CIA大鼠血清TNF-α、IL-1及IL-1β的表达.
DOI:10.3870/yydb.2013.05.005      URL    
[6] 肖楚吟, 潘云峰, 郭兴华, . 滑膜成纤维细胞的原代培养及生物特性[J]. 中国医学工程, 2010,18(2): 1-4.
[7] SAKUMA M, HATSUSHIKA K, KOYAMA K, et al.TGF-β type I receptor kinase inhibitor down-regulates rheumatoid synoviocytes and prevents the arthritis induced by type II collagen antibody[J]. Int Immunol, 2007, 19(2): 117-126.
Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is characterized by hypertrophic synovial tissues comprising excessively proliferating synovial fibroblasts and infiltrating inflammatory cells. Transforming growth factor-β (TGF-β) is a multifunctional cytokine that regulates cell growth, inflammation and angiogenesis by acting on various cell types. In RA synovial tissues, TGF-β is expressed at high levels. However, the precise role of TGF-β in RA remains unclear. We herein demonstrated a causal link between the TGF-β-induced RA synovial cell proliferation and induction of platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF)-AA. In addition, TGF-β induced IL-6 and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) production by RA synovial fibroblasts associated with nuclear factor-kappa B activation. These effects of TGF-β on RA synovial fibroblasts were suppressed by TGF-β type I receptor kinase inhibitor HTS466284. Furthermore, HTS466284 significantly prevented anti-collagen type II antibody-induced arthritis in mice according to the clinical manifestations, histology, tumor necrosis factor-α, PDGF and VEGF expression and 5-bromo-2′-deoxyuridine incorporation. These in vitro and in vivo results suggest that TGF-β plays a role in the development of synovial hyperplasia consisting of synovial cell proliferation, inflammation and angiogenesis. The blockade of TGF-β signaling may thus become an additional strategy for the treatment of RA.
DOI:10.1093/intimm/dxl128      PMID:17135447      URL    
[8] NAKAE S, NAMBU A, SUDO K, et al.Suppression of immune induction of collagen-induced arthritis in IL-17-deficient mice[J].Immunol,2003,171(11):6173-6177.
[9] LUBBERTS E, KOENDERS M I. OPPERS W B, et al.Treatment with a neutralizing anti-murine interleukin-17 antibody after the onset of collagen-induced arthritis reduces joint inflammation, cartilage destruction, and bone erosion[J].Arthritis Rheum,2004,50(2):650-659.
Abstract Top of page Abstract MATERIALS AND METHODS RESULTS DISCUSSION REFERENCES Objective Interleukin-17 (IL-17) is a proinflammatory cytokine that is expressed in the synovium of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) patients. This T cell cytokine is implicated in the initiation phase of arthritis. However, the role of IL-17 during the effector phase of arthritis has still not been identified; this was the objective of the present study. Methods Mice with collagen-induced arthritis (CIA) were treated with polyclonal rabbit anti-murine IL-17 (anti–IL-17) antibody–positive serum or normal rabbit serum after the first signs of arthritis. In addition, during a later stage of CIA mice were selected and treated with anti–IL-17 antibody or control serum. Arthritis was monitored visually, and joint pathology was examined radiologically and histologically. Systemic IL-6 levels were measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, and local synovial IL-1 and receptor activator of NF-κB ligand (RANKL) expression was analyzed using specific immunohistochemistry. Results Treatment with a neutralizing anti–IL-17 antibody after the onset of CIA significantly reduced the severity of CIA. Radiographic analysis revealed marked suppression of joint damage in the knee and ankle joints. Histologic analysis confirmed the suppression of joint inflammation and showed prevention of cartilage and bone destruction after anti–IL-17 antibody therapy. Systemic IL-6 levels were significantly reduced after anti–IL-17 antibody treatment. Moreover, fewer IL-1β–positive and RANKL-positive cells were detected in the synovium after treatment with neutralizing IL-17. Interestingly, initiation of anti–IL-17 antibody therapy during a later stage of CIA, using mice with higher clinical arthritis scores, still significantly slowed the progression of the disease. Conclusion IL-17 plays a role in early stages of arthritis, but also later during disease progression. Systemic IL-6 was reduced and fewer synovial IL-1–positive and RANKL-positive cells were detected after neutralizing endogenous IL-17 treatment, suggesting both IL-1–dependent and IL-1–independent mechanisms of action. Our data strongly indicate that IL-17 neutralization could provide an additional therapeutic strategy for RA, particularly in situations in which elevated IL-17 may attenuate the response to anti–tumor necrosis factor/anti–IL-1 therapy.
DOI:10.1002/art.20001      PMID:14872510      URL    
[10] LUBBERTS E, Joosten L A, VAN DE LOO F A. et al. Overexpression of IL-17 in the knee joint of collagen type II immunized mice promotes collagen arthritis and aggravates joint destruction[J].lnflamm Res,2002,51(2):102-104.
ErbB-4 is a receptor tyrosine kinase that is activated by the binding of specific growth factors to its ectodomain. In addition to the initiation of signal transduction pathways that direct cell responses, such as proliferation or differentiation, this receptor is subject to ligand-dependent trafficking events. The signal transduction events are controlled by ligand-dependent activation of the receptor tyrosine kinase activity, which results in receptor autophosphorylation and the tyrosine phosphorylation of other cellular proteins. The trafficking events include migration into and out of membrane microdomains, entry into internalization pathways and endocytosis, plus proteolytic fragmentation.
DOI:10.1007/BF02684010      PMID:11930902      URL    
[11] QIAN Y, QIAN C, HARTUPEE J, et al.The adaptor Act1 is required for interleukin 17- dependent signaling associated with autoimmune and inflammatory disease[J].Nat Immunol,2007,8(3):247-256.
[12] KEHLEN A, THIELE K, RIEMANN D, et al.Expression,modulation and signalling of IL-17 receptor in fibroblast-like synoviocytes of patients with rheumatoid arthritis[J].Clin Exp Immunol,2002,127(3):539-546.
SUMMARY Interleukin-17 (IL-17) has been characterized as a proinflammatory cytokine produced by CD4CD45ROmemory T cells. Overproduction of IL-17 was detected in the synovium of patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) compared to patients with osteoarthritis. In contrast to the restricted expression of IL-17, the IL-17 receptor (IL-17R/CDw217) is expressed ubiquitously. Using a real-time RT-PCR assay, we detected similar absolute levels of IL-17R mRNA expression in fibroblast-like synoviocytes (SFC) from patients with RA (mean 9 pg/μg total RNA; ranged from 0·1 pg to 96 pg IL-17R mRNA/μg total RNA) compared to synoviocytes of non-RA patients. Analysis of the IL-17R surface expression confirmed the results obtained for IL-17R mRNA expression. Exposure of SFC to IL-17 led to a mRNA induction of CXC chemokines IL-8, GRO-α and GRO-β. An anti-IL-17 antibody blocked these effects of IL-17. The MAPK p38 appears necessary for the regulation of IL-8, GRO-α and GRO-β expression as shown by inhibition with SB203580. The inhibitors genistein (tyrosine kinase inhibitor) and calphostin C (inhibitor of protein kinase C) reduced significantly the IL-17-stimulated mRNA expression of IL-8, GRO-α and GRO-β in SFC, whereas PD98059 (inhibitor of MEK-1/2) was without effect. Pharmacological drugs used in therapy of RA, such as cyclosporin and methotrexate, induced a fourfold increase of IL-17R mRNA expression and augmented the IL-17-stimulated IL-8 expression. Our results support the hypothesis that IL-17/IL-17R may play a significant role in the pathogenesis of RA contributing to an unbalanced production of cytokines as well as participating in connective tissue remodelling.
DOI:10.1046/j.1365-2249.2002.01782.x      PMID:11966773      URL    
[13] ANNA S, MARIAN S.IL-17-expressing cells as a potential therapeutictarget for treatment of immunological disorders[J]. Pharmacol Rep,2011,63(1): 30-44.
IL-17 is a multifunctional cytokine produced by activated CD4+ and CD8+ lymphocytes as well as stimulated unconventional T纬未 and natural killer T cells. IL-17 induces expression of chemokines, proinflammatory cytokines and metalloproteinases, thereby stimulating the inflammation and chemotaxis of neutrophils. Elevation of proinflammatory cytokines is associated with asthma and autoimmune disorders, such as multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis and psoriasis. Although the role of IL-17 in these disorders is not always easy to define, extensive research has demonstrated an aggravating influence of IL-17 in some animal models. Thus, the development of therapeutics to reduce IL-17 levels is a promising strategy for ameliorating inflammatory diseases. This review briefly summarizes recent knowledge about stimulants and intracellular signaling pathways that induce development and maturation of IL-17-expressing cells. Its positive and negative roles on disease progression and its importance in vaccineinduced memory are also discussed. Finally, recent literature describing potential therapeutic approaches for targeting IL-17 is presented.
DOI:10.1016/S1734-1140(11)70396-6      PMID:21441609      Magsci     URL    
[14] CHANG S H, PARK H, DONG C, et al.Act1 adaptor protein is an immediate and essential signalling component of interleukin-17 receptor[J]. J Biol Chem,2006,281(47):35603-35607.
[15] PARK S J, PISITKUN P, CLAUDIO E, et al.The adaptor protein CIKS/Act1 is necessary to induce collagen- induced arthritis pathology and it contributes to collagen-specific antibody production[J].Arthritis Rheum,2010,62(11):3334-3344.
PMID:2970656      URL    
[16] SEHWANDNER R, YAMAFUEHI K, CAO Z.Requirernent of tumor neerosis factor receptor-associated factor(TRAF)6 in interleukin-17 signal transduetion[J].Exp Med,2000,191(7):1233-1240.
[17] FANGFANG Q, HANAHAO G, SHU Z, et al.TRAF6-dependent Act1 phosphorylation by the IκB kinase-related kinases suppresses interleukin-17-induced NF-κB activation[J].Mol Cell Biol,2012,32(19):3925-3937.
Interleukin-17 (IL-17) is critically involved in the pathogenesis of various inflammatory disorders. IL-17 receptor (IL-17R)-proximal signaling complex (IL-17R-Act1-TRAF6) is essential for IL-17-mediated NF-κB activation, while IL-17-mediated mRNA stability is TRAF6 independent. Recently, inducible IκB kinase (IKKi) has been shown to phosphorylate Act1 on Ser 311 to mediate IL-17-induced mRNA stability. Here we show that TANK binding kinase 1 (TBK1), the other IKK-related kinase, directly phosphorylated Act1 on three other Ser sites to suppress IL-17R-mediated NF-κB activation. IL-17 stimulation activated TBK1 and induced its association with Act1. IKKi also phosphorylated Act1 on the three serine sites and played a redundant role with TBK1 in suppressing IL-17-induced NF-κB activation. Act1 phosphorylation on the three sites inhibited its association with TRAF6 and consequently NF-κB activation in IL-17R signaling. Interestingly, TRAF6, but not TRAF3, which is the upstream adaptor of the IKK-related kinases in antiviral signaling, was critical for IL-17-induced Act1 phosphorylation. TRAF6 was essential for IL-17-induced TBK1 activation, its association with Act1, and consequent Act1 phosphorylation. Our findings define a new role for the IKK-related kinases in suppressing IL-17-mediated NF-κB activation through TRAF6-dependent Act1 phosphorylation.
DOI:10.1128/MCB.00268-12      PMID:228516966117      Magsci     URL    
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关键词(key words)

Rheumatoid arthritis
Synovial cells


MA Wukai
NING Qiaoyi
LI Dongxiao
YAO Xueming