中国科技论文统计源期刊 中文核心期刊  
医药导报, 2017, 36(8): 909-911
doi: 10.3870/j.issn.1004-0781.2017.08.016
李鸣, 肖家平, 聂德云, 李强, 曾伟, 张弦, 张媚, 朱灿敏


目的 观察丹红注射液对亚急性血管性帕金森综合征(VP)的短期及中远期疗效。方法 选取亚急性期VP患者86例,随机分为治疗组44例和对照组42例。其中治疗组予以丹红注射液静脉滴注+常规治疗,疗程为7~10 d;对照组给予常规治疗。比较两组患者治疗前、后以及3个月后帕金森病症状评分量表(UPDRS)、Hoehn-Yahr分级、日常生活能力评分量表(ADL)评分变化;同时记录两组治疗前、后的血脂、血清半胱氨酸(Hcy)、血液粘稠度变化。结果 治疗后,治疗组与对照组在UPDRS 、Hoehn-Yahr下降,ADL评分升高,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);治疗3个月后,两组在UPDRS 、Hoehn-Yahr、 ADL评分比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);治疗3个月后,治疗组与对照组在血脂、Hcy及血液粘稠度比较均有下降,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论 丹红注射液对亚急性VP短期治疗有益,而中远期疗效尚不明确,可能有益。

关键词: 丹红注射液 ; 综合征 ; 帕金森 ; 血管性 ; 亚急性期 ; 血清半胱氨酸

血管性帕金森综合征(vascular parkinsonism,VP)可有两种起病形式:一种急性发病,可能与一些基底节梗死有关;另一种隐匿起病,呈进行性发展,可能与更加弥散的皮质下白质缺血有关[1]。临床上以亚急性起病方式而就诊的VP患者较多,目前VP病因尚不完全明确,无统一治疗方案,多采用脑血管疾病二级预防及小剂量的左旋多巴治疗[2]。笔者观察了在我院住院治疗的亚急性发病VP 患者常规治疗基础上联合丹红注射液治疗的效果,并探讨丹红注射液治疗VP的可能作用机制。

1 资料与方法
1.1 临床资料

选取2013年5月—2016年8月期间武汉市第五医院神经内科住院的亚急性起病的VP患者86例,随机分为治疗组(44例)和对照组(42例)。入选标准:有运动迟缓的症状,具有肌强直、震颤、姿势步态异常3 项症状中的至少1 项;②临床或者影像学上有脑血管病的证据;③发病时间为2~4周,亚急性起病/加重的患者[2]。排除标准:所有VP患者均由2名主治以上医师详细的病史询问和神经系统体检,并行头颅MRI检查,排除原发性帕金森病、脑积水及其他继发性帕金森综合征。此外,如中途出现药物过敏、肝肾功能不全等患者,需详细记录过程,同时结合患者意愿,可选择继续治疗或退出治疗。本研究方案经武汉市第五医院医学伦理委员会批准;并告知所有受试者及家属可能存在的风险,结合患者及家属的意愿,了解权益和责任后,同意并签署知情同意书。

1.2 治疗方法

对照组给予常规治疗:脑血管二级预防(阿司匹林,每晚100 mg+立普妥,每晚20 mg)以及小剂量的多芭丝肼片(商品名:美多芭,上海罗氏制药有限公司,批准文号:国药准字H10930198)每次62.5~250 mg,每天3次。治疗组给予常规治疗+丹红注射液(菏泽步长制药有限公司生产,批准文号:国药准字Z20026866)每天20 mL+0.9%氯化钠注射液250 mL,静脉滴注。疗程均为7~10 d。

1.3 观察指标

记录两组病例在年龄、性别、Hoehn-Yahr分级、基础疾病及多芭丝肼片等效剂量(levodopa equivalent dose,LED)用量;对两组患者治疗前、后及3个月后进行帕金森病症状评分量表(unified Parkinson’s disease rating scale,UPDRS)、Hoehn-Yahr分级、日常生活能力评分量表(activities of daily life,ADL)评分;同时记录治疗前,治疗后3个月血脂、半胱氨酸(homocysteine,Hcy)以及血液粘稠度指标。其中涉及问卷调查时,一般由患者本人独立完成,必要时经家属补充并证实。

1.4 安全性评价


1.5 统计学方法


2 结果
2.1 一般资料比较


表1 两组患者一般资料比较
组别 例数 年龄/
对照组 42 26 16 66.35±8.42
治疗组 44 27 17 65.78±7.54
组别 高血压 糖尿病 腔隙性脑梗死 LED/
对照组 36 25 35 397.58±88.31
治疗组 39 27 37 402.78±78.39

表1 两组患者一般资料比较

2.2 两组患者在治疗前、后及3个月后进行UPDRS、ADL评分比较


表2 两组不同时间点UPDRS、ADL评分的比较 分,x¯±s
组别与时间 例数 UPDRS ADL
对照组 42
治疗前 16.25±6.026 64.83±9.77
治疗后 16.79±7.226 67.39±11.47
治疗后3个月 16.17±7.965 67.98±12.09
治疗组 44
治疗前 17.04±7.020 65.74±10.24
治疗后 9.68±5.414*1 77.33±12.06*1
治疗后3个月 18.04±8.085 68.35±11.68


表2 两组不同时间点UPDRS、ADL评分的比较 分,x¯±s

2.3 两组患者治疗前、后及3个月后Hoehn-Yahr分级比较


表3 两组不同时间点Hoehn-Yahr分级例数的比较 例
组别与时间 例数 Ⅰ级 Ⅱ级 Ⅲ或Ⅳ级
对照组 42
治疗前 22 17 3
治疗后 18 20 4
治疗后3个月 16 20 6
治疗组 44
治疗前 25 15 4
治疗后 33*1 9*1 2*1
治疗后3个月 22 18 4


表3 两组不同时间点Hoehn-Yahr分级例数的比较 例

2.4 两组患者治疗前、治疗3个月后在血脂、同型半胱氨酸(HCY)及全血还原黏度的比较


表4 两组不同时间点血脂、HCY及全血还原黏度的比较 x¯±s
组别与时间 例数 TC TG HDL-C LDL-C HCY 高切 低切
(mmol·L-1) (mPa·s-1)
对照组 42
治疗前 6.091±1.980 3.191±1.072 0.869±0.245 4.370±1.093 20.69±11.34 6.684±1.892 10.87±4.3647
治疗后3个月 5.457±1.392 2.883±0.938 0.907±0.351 3.289±1.337 17.37±8.692 5.553±1.326 9.325±5.104
治疗组 44
治疗前 6.173±1.695 3.267±0.984 0.875±0.243 4.493±1.683 23.77±10.28 6.493±1.783 11.79±3.487
治疗后3个月 4.864±1.758*1 2.685±1.125*2 1.033±0.2542*2 2.837±1.561*2 14.29±7.283*2 4.439±0.972*2 8.924±5.275*2


表4 两组不同时间点血脂、HCY及全血还原黏度的比较 x¯±s

2.5 安全性观察


3 讨论

一般认为VP可分为两种类型,一种为急性起病,常伴基底节区梗死灶;一种为隐匿起病,伴有脑白质疏松(white matter lesions,WML)[3]。其中亚急性起病患者可表现为下肢沉重感、行走拖曳、动作缓慢僵硬、头晕等症状,这种以下肢症状为主要临床表现的VP,有时又称之为“下肢帕金森综合征”。可能的原因为基底节区的梗死,导致运动输出增加(如苍白球外侧部或黑质致密部),或者丘脑皮层通路输出减少,出现运动减少、肌强直、步态障碍等帕金森样症状[4]。本组资料表明VP患者多数并发高血压、糖尿病、腔隙性脑梗死,提示VP患者的主要病因与脑血管因素相关。

目前关于VP的治疗尚无统一推荐方案,多数观点认为VP患者在早期应该接受多巴胺代替治疗,以改善运动症状和提高生活质量[5];同时辅以抗血小板聚集、改善微循环、神经保护、控制血糖、血压、血脂、血浆HCY等治疗[6]。本研究所选病例均使用小剂量多巴胺(LED约500 mg),主要原因为VP患者的少动可能为多巴胺制剂的相对不足,而非帕金森病(PD)患者多巴胺绝对不足[7];以及入选VP患者Hoehn-Yahr分级多数集中在I或Ⅱ级之间,病情相对较轻有关。




The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.


[1] GLASS P G,LEES A J,BACELALR A,et al.The clinical features of pathologically confirmed vascular parkinsonism[J].J Neurol Neuros Psych,2012,83(10):1027-1029.
To evaluate in detail the clinical features in a large series of pathologically confirmed cases of vascular Parkinsonism (VP).In the absence of widely accepted diagnostic criteria for VP pathological confirmation of diagnosis is necessary to ensure diagnostic reliability, and has only been reported in a few small series.The archival records of the Queen Square Brain Bank (QSBB) have been used to identify cases of Parkinsonism where cerebrovascular disease was the only pathological finding. Clinical notes were scrutinised and milestones of disease progression were compared with other atypical Parkinsonian syndromes from previous QSBB studies.Twenty-eight cases were included. Mean age of onset and disease duration were 70.6 (SD卤 6.42) and 10.5 (SD卤 66.1) years respectively. Bradykinesia was present in all cases, rigidity in 96%, falls in 76%, pyramidal signs in 54%, urinary incontinence in 50% and dementia in 39%.Visual hallucinations in 0%. Two-thirds had an insidious onset and a relentless rather than stepwise progression of disability. When compared with other Parkinsonian syndromes, VP had an older age of onset.In comparison with other Parkinsonian syndromes the patients were older and had an extremely low frequency of visual hallucinations compared with Parkinson's disease.
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[2] MEHANNA R,JANKOVIC J.Movement disorders in cerebrovascular disease[J].J Lancet Neurol,2013,12(6):597-608.
Movement disorders can occur as primary (idiopathic) or genetic disease, as a manifestation of an underlying neurodegenerative disorder, or secondary to a wide range of neurological or systemic diseases. Cerebrovascular diseases represent up to 22% of secondary movement disorders, and involuntary movements develop after 1-4% of strokes. Post-stroke movement disorders can manifest in parkinsonism or a wide range of hyperkinetic movement disorders including chorea, ballism, athetosis, dystonia, tremor, myoclonus, stereotypies, and akathisia. Some of these disorders occur immediately after acute stroke, whereas others can develop later, and yet others represent delayed-onset progressive movement disorders. These movement disorders have been encountered in patients with ischaemic and haemorrhagic strokes, subarachnoid haemorrhage, cerebrovascular malformations, and dural arteriovenous fistula affecting the basal ganglia, their connections, or both.
DOI:10.1016/S1474-4422(13)70057-7      PMID:23602779      URL    
[3] CHEN Y F,TSENG Y L,LAN M Y,et al.The relationship of leukoaraiosis and the clinical severity of vascular parkinsonism[J].J Neurol Sci,2014,346(1-2):255-259.
61Vascular Parkinsonism (VP) occurs with lacunar state or white matter micro-angiopathy.61Vascular Parkinsonism is associated with white matter lesions (WML).61No associations between WML score and age, or CVD risk factors in VP61The severity of WML is correlated with motor and non-motor manifestations in VP.
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[4] VIZCARRA J A,LANG A E,SETHI K D,et al.Vascular parkinsonism:deconstructing a syndrome[J].J Movement Disorders,2015,30(7):886-894.
Progressive ambulatory impairment and abnormal white matter (WM) signal on neuroimaging come together under the diagnostic umbrella of vascular parkinsonism (VaP). A critical appraisal of the literature, however, suggests that (1) no abnormal structural imaging pattern is specific to VaP; (2) there is poor correlation between brain MRI hyperintensities and microangiopathic brain disease and parkinsonism from available clinicopathologic data; (3) pure parkinsonism from vascular injury ("definite" vascular parkinsonism) consistently results from ischemic or hemorrhagic strokes involving the SN and/or nigrostriatal pathway, but sparing the striatum itself, the cortex, and the intervening WM; and (4) many cases reported as VaP may represent pseudovascular parkinsonism (e.g., Parkinson's disease or another neurodegenerative parkinsonism, such as PSP with nonspecific neuroimaging signal abnormalities), vascular pseudoparkinsonism (e.g., akinetic mutism resulting from bilateral mesial frontal strokes or apathetic depression from bilateral striatal lacunar strokes), or pseudovascular pseudoparkinsonism (e.g., higher-level gait disorders, including normal-pressure hydrocephalus with transependimal exudate). These syndromic designations are preferable over VaP until pathology or validated biomarkers confirm the underlying nature and relevance of the leukoaraiosis. 2015 International Parkinson and Movement Disorder Society.
DOI:10.1002/mds.26263      PMID:4478160      URL    
[5] GAGO M F,FERNANDES V,FERREIRA J,et al.The effect of levodopa on postural stability evaluated by wearable inertial measurement units for idiopathic and vascular Parkinson’s disease[J].J Gait Posture,2015,41:459-464.
Postural stability analysis has shown that postural control is impaired in untreated idiopathic Parkinson's disease (IPD), even in the early stages of the disease. Vascular Parkinson's disease (VPD) lacks consensus clinical criteria or diagnostic tests. Moreover, the levodopa effect on postural balance remains undefined for IPD and even less so for VPD.To characterize postural stability, using kinematic analysis with wearable inertial measurement units, in IPD and VPD patients without clinical PI, and to subsequently analyze the response to levodopa.Ten patients with akinetic-rigid IPD and five patients with VPD were included. Clinical and postural stability kinematic analysis was performed before and after levodopa challenge, on different standing tasks: normal stance (NS), Romberg eyes open (REO) and Romberg eyes closed.In the "off state", VPD patients had higher mean distances and higher maximal distance of postural sway on NS and REO tasks, respectively. VPD patients maintained a higher range of anterior-posterior (AP) postural sway after levodopa. In the absence of PI and non-significant differences in UPDRS-III, a higher mPIGD score in the VPD patients was mainly due to gait disturbance. Gait disturbance, and not UPDRS-III, influenced the degree of postural sway response to levodopa for VPD patients.Quantitative postural sway evaluation is useful in the investigation of Parkinsonian syndromes. VPD patients have higher AP postural sway that is correlated with their gait disturbance burden and also not responsive to levodopa. These observations corroborate the interconnection of postural control and locomotor networks.
DOI:10.1016/j.gaitpost.2014.11.008      PMID:25480163      URL    
[6] 朱灿敏,焦玲,李世容.血管性帕金森综合征临床特点的分析[J].神经损伤与功能重建,2009,4(3):200-202.
DOI:10.3870/sjsscj.2009.03.013      URL    
[7] KALRA S,GROSSET D G,BENAMER H T.Differentiating vascular parkinsonism from idiopathic Parkinson’s disease:a systematic review[J].Mov Disord,2010,25(2):149-156.
Vascular parkinsonism (VP) remains a loose constellation of various clinical features. We systematically reviewed studies comparing clinical, neuroimaging and other investigations that might distinguish VP from idiopathic Parkinson's disease (PD). Medline, Embase, Cinahl (R), and PsycINFO were searched by querying appropriate key words. Reports were included if the study population contained comparative findings between patients with VP and PD. Twenty-five articles fulfilled the selection criteria. Patients with VP were older, with a shorter duration of illness, presented with symmetrical gait difficulties, were less responsive to levodopa, and were more prone to postural instability, falls, and dementia. Pyramidal signs, pseudobulbar palsy, and incontinence were more common in VP. Tremor was not a main feature of VP. Structural neuroimaging was more likely to be abnormal in VP (90-100% of cases) than in PD (12-43% of cases), but there was no specific abnormal structural imaging pattern for VP. Two studies of presynaptic striatal dopamine transporters (using single photon emission computed tomography) showed a significant reduction in striatal uptake ratios in PD but not in VP, whereas another study found that only the mean asymmetry index was significantly lower in VP. Various other investigations, including alternative imaging techniques, electrophysiological, and neuropsychological studies, are reported, but the diverse diagnostic criteria used makes it difficult to reach any firm conclusions. The development of accepted international diagnostic criteria for VP is urgently needed to facilitate further studies.
DOI:10.1002/mds.22937      PMID:20077476      URL    
[8] 董婷,杨文明,王晓旸,.灯盏细辛对早期血管性帕金森综合征的作用探讨[J].广东医学,2013,34(11),1759-1762.
目的探讨灯盏细辛对早期血管性帕金森综合征的疗效。方法选用确诊的血管性帕金森综合征患者 80例,随机分为观察组和对照组各40例,观察组予以灯盏细辛注射液静脉滴注;对照组予以川芎嗪冻干粉静脉滴注,疗程均为14 d。观察两组患者治疗效果,治疗前后血液流变学的变化,UPDRS评分变化和Hoehn-Yahr评分变化。结果两组治疗后改良UPDRS评分均较治疗前 下降,差异均有统计学意义(P〈0.05),而观察组明显下降,差异有统计学意义(P〈0.05),观察组疗效优于对照组(P〈0.05)。结论灯盏细辛 注射液治疗早期血管性帕金森综合征效果明确。
[9] HE Y,WAN H Y,DU Y G,et al.Protective effect of Danhong injection on cerebral ischemia-reperfusion injury in rats[J].J Ethnopharmacol,2012,144(2):387-391.
Aim Establishing model of cerebral ischemia-reperfusion injury and intervening with Danhong injection,then observing morphological changes of cerebral cell in damaged area and Golgi,detecting Golgi Matrix Protein 130(GM130) expression,and exploring protective mechanism of Danhong injection on cerebral ischemia-reperfusion injury in rats.Methods 72 healthy adult SD rats were randomly divided into normal controlled group(6),sham operation group(6),ischemia-reperfusion group(30),and Danhong intervention group(30).According to the reperfusion time after ischemia 2 h,sham operation group and ischemia-reperfusion group were respectively divided into 6 h,24 h,48 h,72 h,and 7 days five subgroups,there were 6 rats in each subgroup.After the success of cerebral ischemia-reperfusion model,the rats in Danhong intervention group were interved with Danhong injection(8ml/kg,QD) by intraperitoneal injection from the recovery of reperfusion until they were executed;At the same time,the rats in ischemia-reperfusion group were treated with the same dose of normal saline by intraperitoneal injection.Results Morphology showed cortical neuronal survival number were significantly increased in Danhong intervention 7 d group compared with the other groups,and the damage degree was the lightest;In ischemia-reperfusion injury 7 d group,Golgi morphology took significantly impaired change,lack of network structure,lightly staining,granules decreasing or disappearing,and even some broken,but in Danhong intervention 7 d group,Golgi morphology kept normal.GM130 expression decreased with the prolongation of ischemia-reperfusion time,increased with the prolongation of Danhong injection intervention time.GM130 expression of Danhong intervention 7 d group was the highest compared with the other groups(P0.05).Conclusion Danhong injection may maintain the Golgi stability through the up-regulation of GM130 expression,and thus play a neuroprotective role.
DOI:10.1016/j.jep.2012.09.025      PMID:23010366      URL    
[10] 李美娇,郭虹,刘青青,.丹红注射液对脑缺血缺氧损伤的保护作用[J].中国实验方剂学杂志,2013,19(17):221-224.
[11] 范正达,陈海鹰,蒋春.丹红注射液治疗缺血性卒中患者的临床疗效及对血脂代谢和神经功能的影响[J].中国循证心血管医学杂志,2015,7(6):809-811.
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