中国科技论文统计源期刊 中文核心期刊  
医药导报, 2017, 36(8): 912-917
doi: 10.3870/j.issn.1004-0781.2017.08.017
Process of Purification of Dihydromyricetin by Cooling Crystallization
谢雪佳, 王晨光, 侯小龙, 熊微, 王文清


目的 建立一种工艺简单,操作方便,适合工业化结晶纯化二氢杨梅素的方法。方法 考察冷却结晶工艺中关键参数如温度、乙醇浓度、活性炭用量、吸附时间等对二氢杨梅素收率、纯度的影响。高效液相色谱法和薄层色谱法验证其纯度,紫外-可见分光光度法测定溶解度与温度和乙醇用量关系,高效液相色谱法测定含量,粉末X射线衍射法和热分析确定晶型。结果 乙醇浓度小于10%,溶剂温度大于85 ℃,活性炭用量为0.1%~0.3%,吸附时间为1~3 min时,重结晶所得二氢杨梅素收率大于70%,含量大于98%,晶型不变。结论 采用水为溶剂进行结晶纯化,应严格控制温度,温度骤降会导致产率急剧下降,加入10%乙醇即能大幅提高产率,工艺稳健,产率受温度影响较小。

关键词: 二氢杨梅素 ; 结晶 ; 纯化 ; 工艺稳健性 ; 晶型


Objective To development a cooling crystallization process that is suitable for industrial preparation of purified dihydromyricetin. Methods Screen design was used to investigate effects of process parameters such as,temperature,concentration ethanol aqueous,quantity of activated charcoal and adsorption time on yield and purity of dihydromyricetin.Purity was verified by high performance liquid chromatography and thin layer chromatography.The solubility of dihydromyricetin in water at viable temperature and ethanol proportion was also determined by UV spectrophotometry.The solid form was characterized by thermal analysis and powder X-ray diffractometry. Results When temperature was >85 ℃,ethanol concentration <10%,dosage of activated charcoal 0.1%-0.3%,and adsorption time 1-3 min,yield of dihydromyricetin was more than 70%,and the purity greater than 98%.The crystals,prepared by cooling crystallization from water and ethanol aqueous,had the same physical form and crystal habit. Conclusion Cooling crystallization from low concentration of ethanol aqueous gets higher yield and the process is more robust than crystallization from water.

Key words: Dihydromyricetin ; Crystallization ; Purification ; Process Robustness ; Polymorphism


1 仪器与材料
1.1 仪器

SHIMADZU UV-2450紫外-可见分光光度仪(日本岛津公司);LC-20AD型高效液相色谱仪(日本岛津公司);AUW 220D型双量程分析天平(日本岛津公司,感量:0.1/0.01 mg);PANalytical B.V.粉末X射线衍射仪(荷兰帕纳科公司);热重分析仪[铂金-埃尔默仪器(上海)有限公司];Q2000型差示量热扫描仪(美国TA 仪器有限公司)。

1.2 试剂


2 方法与结果
2.1 溶解度测定

采用摇瓶法测定溶解度,将过量二氢杨梅素固体加入10 mL溶剂中,控制温度,搅拌12 h后,使用紫外-可见分光光度计测定其含量,测定波长为290 nm。根据测得的溶解度曲线(图1A)可知,二氢杨梅素溶解度随温度变化较大,水溶液温度为60 ℃时溶解度约为25 ℃时溶解度的10倍,由此在设计结晶实验时,将溶剂初始温度范围设定在>60 ℃,以减少水用量,加快药物溶解。另根据二氢杨梅素溶解度在乙醇溶液中随乙醇体积比例变化的规律(图1B),笔者发现当乙醇浓度达到20%时,溶解度即可提高5倍。由于在纯化过程中过高的乙醇浓度会造成有机溶剂损失,因此在后续的设计中,将乙醇用量的最大值设定在20%。此前已有文献报道二氢杨梅素的溶解度基本不受pH值影响[8]。因此笔者并未考察pH值对溶解度的影响,但碱性溶剂会加速二氢杨梅素的降解[9-10]。故碱性溶液并不利于工业化提纯二氢杨梅素。

图1 二氢杨梅素溶解度变化规律

Fig.1 Variation curves of dihydromyricetin solubility
A.variation of water solution versus temperature;B.variation of ethanol solution versus the volume ratio of ethanol

2.2 重结晶工艺设计

取溶剂500 mL升温至一定温度,加入二氢杨梅素5.00 g溶解。加入一定量的活性炭吸附,记录活性炭的吸附时间。抽滤,弃去滤渣。将滤液置室温下冷却24 h析晶,抽滤,弃去滤液,将粉末平铺于蒸发皿中,置60 ℃烘箱中干燥72 h。具体条件见表1。

表1 二氢杨梅素纯化工艺实验
Tab.1 Experiment design for the purified process of dihydromyricetin
编号 乙醇浓
1 0 50 0.3 3 24.0 98.58
2 0 62 0.1 1 40.6 98.13
3 0 62 0.3 3 54.0 98.24
4 0 86 0.3 1 75.0 96.27
5 0 88 0.1 3 78.0 97.01
6 20 62 0.1 3 79.8 97.13
7 20 62 0.3 1 73.2 98.11
8 20 78 0.1 1 79.4 95.67
9 20 78 0.3 3 73.4 96.26

表1 二氢杨梅素纯化工艺实验

Tab.1 Experiment design for the purified process of dihydromyricetin

2.3 收率测定


2.4 含量测定

2.4.1 色谱条件 采用Agilent TC-C18(4.6 mm×250 mm,5 μm)色谱柱,以甲醇-0.1%磷酸水溶液(32:68)为流动相进行测定,检测波长为290 nm,柱温30 ℃,流速0.8 mL·min-1

2.4.2 线性关系考察 精密称取二氢杨梅素工作对照品6.15 mg,置25 mL棕色量瓶,加1%甲酸甲醇溶液溶解并稀释至刻度,摇匀。分别精密量取上述溶液0.5,1.0,2.0,3.0,5.0 mL,置10 mL棕色量瓶,加流动相稀释至刻度,摇匀,制成浓度为12.30,24.60,49.20,73.80及123.00 μg·mL-1的二氢杨梅素溶液。分别精密吸取10 μL进样,按“2.4.1”项下色谱条件测定峰面积。以峰面积为纵坐标(Y),对照品溶液浓度为横坐标(X),绘制标准曲线,得回归方程Y=39.472X+58.306,r=0.999 8。结果表明,二氢杨梅素在12.30~123.00 μg·mL-1范围内,其浓度与峰面积呈良好的线性关系。

2.4.3 精密度实验 精密吸取对照品溶液10 μL,重复进样5次,按“2.4.1”项下色谱条件测定峰面积,结果二氢杨梅素平均峰面积为2 021.85,RSD为0.35%,小于2%,表明仪器的精密度良好。

2.4.4 收率及含量测定结果 测得收率和含量数据见表1,利用JMP软件对收率进行筛选设计可得各效应对比表(表2)和效应半正态图(图2)。由图2可知温度、乙醇浓度以及温度和乙醇浓度的交互作用均对收率具有显著影响。结合实验现象可知,温度显著影响收率的原因在于:当温度下降时,二氢杨梅素在水中的溶解度急剧下降,使得二氢杨梅素从溶剂中析出,在第一次过滤时大量二氢杨梅素固体被弃去,进而导致二氢杨梅素的收率较低。因此在水中重结晶二氢杨梅素必须对温度加以控制,并且使溶剂维持较高温度下过滤。但维持较高温度,需要消耗较多的热量,且长时间加热会导致二氢杨梅素降解,故单纯使用水作为溶剂时,该工艺需要在高温下迅速过滤以避免收率过低、原料结构改变或降解。乙醇浓度能够显著影响二氢杨梅素收率的原因在于:加入少量的乙醇能够大幅提高二氢杨梅素的溶解度,使第一次过滤时二氢杨梅素的损失较低。但乙醇浓度并非越高越好,较高的乙醇浓度不仅浪费有机溶剂,增加了回收有机溶剂的工作,还会使大量二氢杨梅素残留于溶剂中,导致产率下降。当使用乙醇作为溶剂时,温度变化并未显著改变收率,在所有温度下均能使单次收率在73%以上。在后续工艺中降低乙醇浓度至10%,收率仍然稳定在70%以上。由此可见,这一工艺中温度变化对收率的影响并不明显,具有稳健性,其他因素如活性炭用量和吸附时间在本研究的变化范围内均对收率无显著影响,因此二氢杨梅素结晶工艺设计中溶剂种类和温度是关键工艺参数。

图2 二氢杨梅素纯化工艺中各因素对收率的半正态图

Fig.2 Half normal plot of yield versus factors for the purified process of dihydromyricetin

表2 二氢杨梅素纯化工艺收率效应筛选各因素对比
Tab.2 Comparison of yield effects on various factors for the purified process of dihydromyricetin
因素 对比 Lenth
温度 13.485 5 6.02 0.006 0 0.026 6
乙醇浓度 10.780 1 4.81 0.011 8 0.051 4
活性炭 -1.050 0 -0.47 0.693 4 1.000 0
吸附时间 0.716 1 0.32 0.785 8 1.000 0
温度/温度 -1.817 2 -0.81 0.375 5 0.995 5
温度/乙醇浓度 -6.647 9 -2.97 0.029 5 0.148 7
温度/活性炭 -1.169 5 -0.52 0.654 5 1.000 0
乙醇浓度/活性炭 -3.112 6 -1.39 0.155 6 0.680 2

表2 二氢杨梅素纯化工艺收率效应筛选各因素对比

Tab.2 Comparison of yield effects on various factors for the purified process of dihydromyricetin

2.5 纯度检查

采用高效液相色谱法和薄层色谱法对其纯度进行检查。高效液相色谱条件同“2.4.1”项;薄层色谱法为:取二氢杨梅素重结晶样品适量,溶于乙醇,在硅胶G薄层板上,以甲苯-乙酸乙酯-甲酸(10:8:4)为展开剂,展开,晾干,置紫外灯(295 nm)下检视。对纯度进行筛选设计可得各效应对比表(表3)和效应半正态图(图3)。由此可知,在以上因素设定的考察水平范围内,温度是唯一能够显著影响二氢杨梅素纯度的因素,随着温度升高二氢杨梅素纯度下降,这一结果与二氢杨梅素在溶液中的稳定性有关。另外为验证高效液相色谱法的结果,同时比较两种溶剂间杂质的不同,采用薄层色谱法验证两种溶剂间是否存在差异,结果见图4,5。由图5可知,纯度较低的二氢杨梅素在薄层色谱图中出现额外的绿色斑点,高效液相色谱图中也出现杂质峰,二者结果一致。结果表明,乙醇溶液重结晶的除杂质效果不如水溶液重结晶,若二氢杨梅素中存在杂质可采用水溶液重结晶除去。

图3 二氢杨梅素纯化工艺中温度对收率的半正态图

Fig.3 Half normal plot of yield versus temperature for the purified process of dihydromyricetin

图4 二氢杨梅素HPLC色谱图

Fig.4 HPLC of dihydromyricetin
A.raw material of dihydromyricetin;B.cooling crystallization from 20%ethanol aqueous;C.cooling crystallization from water

图5 二氢杨梅素薄层色谱图(展开温度26 ℃,湿度48%)

Fig.5 TLC of dihydromyricetin(temperature:26 ℃,relative humidity:48%)
a,e.cooling crystallization from 20%ethanol;b,c.cooling crystallization from water;d.raw material 1

表3 二氢杨梅素纯化工艺纯度效应筛选各因素对比
Tab.3 Comparison of purity effects of various factors for the purified process of dihydromyricetin
因素 对比 Lenth
温度 -0.793 913 -2.31 0.039 5 0.219 6
乙醇浓度 -0.411 465 -1.20 0.194 4 0.823 1
活性炭 0.055 414 0.16 0.894 1 1.000 0
吸附时间 0.026 179 0.08 0.951 4 1.000 0
温度/温度 -0.052 171 -0.15 0.899 3 1.000 0
温度/乙醇浓度 -0.250 015 -0.73 0.442 2 1.000 0
温度/活性炭 -0.216 482 -0.63 0.562 5 1.000 0
乙醇浓度/活性炭 0.242 055 0.70 0.465 2 1.000 0

表3 二氢杨梅素纯化工艺纯度效应筛选各因素对比

Tab.3 Comparison of purity effects of various factors for the purified process of dihydromyricetin

2.6 晶型确证

为验证20%的乙醇用量是否导致二氢杨梅素结晶的晶型改变,采用粉末X射线衍射分析(powder X-ray diffractometry,PXRD)、差示量热扫描法(differential scanning calorimetry,DSC)和热重分析法(thermogravimetric analysis,TGA)法对原料及溶剂中冷却结晶获得二氢杨梅素粉末进行测定。

2.6.1 PXRD 粉末X射线衍射是固态分析技术中常用且能够快速有效分辨多晶型的技术。本实验中靶为Cu-Kα辐射,波长1.540 6 Å,管电压为40 kV,管电流40 mA,步长0.02°,每步时间为0.2 s,扫描范围为5°~45°。

2.6.2 热分析法 DSC:取样品3~5 mg 装入密封的金属铝制坩埚中,氮气流速为50 mL·min-1,升温范围为0~300 ℃,升温速度为5 ℃·min-1。TGA:取样品5~10 mg加入敞口的金属铝制坩埚中,升温范围为室温~500 ℃,升温速度为10 ℃·min-1

PXRD结果如图6。由图6可知,20%乙醇中冷却结晶的固体与文献[10]报道消旋的二水合物XRD一致,表明其立体构型中分子排布基本相同。热分析作为验证其是否为二水合物的重要手段,DSC和TGA结果见图7。由图7中DSC结果可知,重结晶产物在约70℃时开始失去水分子,且失去两分子结晶水的阶段并不明显,熔点为254.20 ℃与已发表的二氢杨梅素消旋二水合物的结果类似。由图7中TGA结果可知,重结晶产物在约70 ℃时开始减失重量,至120 ℃时失重达到9.98%,对应两分子结晶水理论值10.11%。由此可知20%的乙醇溶液中冷却结晶条件下并未产生新的晶型,产物仍为常温下最为稳定的消旋二氢杨梅素二水合物。

图6 二氢杨梅素粉末X射线衍射图

Fig.6 PXRD of dihydromyricetin
A.cooling crystallization from water;B.cooling crystallized by 20% ethanol;C.raw material 1;D.simulation of reference 10

图7 二氢杨梅素热分析结果

Fig.7 Result of thermal analysis on dihydromyricetin

2.7 统计分析结果

当存在多个因素影响结果时,对各个因素的效应分析常采用单因素考察或正交设计,但前者实验次数多且不能考察各个因素间的交互作用,后者则在固定各个水平后失去了实验的灵活性[11]。为更好的分析各因素对结果的影响,采用JMP 9.0(SAS)软件对结果进行效应筛选分析和绘图,实现对多因素水平随机变化时的效应分析。

3 讨论


在设计药物重结晶纯化工艺时,应充分利用药物在溶液中的稳定性和溶解度数据。在二氢杨梅素冷却结晶工艺设计中,根据溶液稳定性结果,选择中性或酸性溶剂,最高升温至约90 ℃,且需在保证收率的条件下尽量缩短加热时间。根据其溶解度结果,水溶液中升温至60 ℃即可提高溶解度(×10),20%乙醇即提高溶解度(×5),但考虑到过高的乙醇浓度和温度均会导致乙醇大量挥发,不利于工业化生产,因此在设计实验时应选择合适的乙醇浓度和温度范围。


根据筛选实验结果可知:①以水为溶剂进行冷却结晶时,应严格控制温度,温度骤降会导致产率急剧下降,单次提纯产率可能小于25%。②加入少量乙醇(10%乙醇溶液)即可大幅提高产率,且产率受温度影响较小,稳定在70%以上。③过高的温度对应较低的纯度。④在本实验考察范围内,活性炭用量(0.1%~0.3%)和吸附时间(1~3 min)对纯度和收率的影响较小。

即当乙醇浓度小于10%,溶剂温度大于85 ℃,活性炭用量为0.1%~0.3%,吸附时间为1~3 min时,重结晶所得二氢杨梅素收率大于70%,含量大于98%,晶型不变,工艺稳健,产率受温度影响较小,适合在工业生产中使用。

The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.


[1] 李成凤,曾祥龙,黄娟,.二氢杨梅素上调SIRT1信号通路改善HepG2细胞甘油三酯蓄积[J].第三军医大学学报,2016,38(5):443-448.
目的 探究二氢杨梅素(dihydromyricetin,DHM)对肝细胞脂质代谢的影响及其与SIRT1信号通路的关系.方法 0.2 mmol/L棕榈酸(palmitic acid,PA)处理HepG2细胞24 h,诱导为脂肪变性肝细胞模型,再用0、5、10、20μmol/L DHM及20 μmol/L DHM+2μmol/L SIRT1抑制剂(EX527)分别干预24 h,CCK-8检测细胞增殖活性,油红0染色检测细胞脂滴形成情况,酶偶联比色法检测甘油三酯(triglyceride,TG)含量,蛋白免疫印迹法检 测沉默信息调节因子1(silent information regulator 1,SIRT1)、腺苷酸活化蛋白激酶(adenosine monophosphate activated protein kinase,AMPK)、固醇调节元件结合蛋白1c(sterol regulatory element binding protein-1,SREBP-1c)、脂肪酸合成酶(fatty acid synthetase,FAS)、乙酰辅酶A羧化酶(acetyl-CoA carboxylase,ACC)的表达.结果 0.2 mmol/L PA和5、10、20 μmol/L DHM对细胞增殖活力没有显著影响(P>0.05);5、10、20 μmol/L DHM处理后明显减少脂肪变性的HepG2细胞脂滴蓄积和甘油三酯含量(P<0.01),增加磷酸化的AMPK(p-AMPK)和SIRT1的表达水平, 并且降低脂质合成相关基因SREBP-lc、FAS、磷酸化的ACC(p-ACC)的蛋白表达,SIRT1抑制剂能显著增加脂肪变性的HepG2细胞的甘 油三酯含量(P<0.01),削弱DHM对脂肪变性HepG2细胞SREBP-1c、FAS、P-ACC表达的抑制作用.结论 DHM通过上调脂肪变性HepG2细胞SIRT1信号通路改善肝细胞脂肪变性.
DOI:10.16016/j.1000-5404.201509009      URL    
[2] 白倩,谢琦,彭晓莉,.二氢杨梅素通过抑制甲基转移酶诱导人乳腺癌MCF-7细胞PTEN基因去甲基化[J].第三军医大学学报,2014,36(1):20-24.
目的 观察二氢杨梅素对人乳腺癌MCF-7细胞中第10号染色体缺失的磷酸酶和张力蛋白同源基因(phosphatase and tensin homology deleted on chromosome ten,PTEN)甲基化及其表达的影响,并探讨相关作用机制.方法 以CCK-8法检测细胞活力,qRT-PCR检测PTEN和DNA甲基转移酶(DNA methyhransferase,DNMT)DNMT1、DNMT3a、DNMT3b的mRNA表达,Western blot法检测PTEN的蛋白表达,荧光法检测细胞DNA甲基转移酶总活性,甲基化特异性PCR法(methylation-specific PCR,MSP)检测PTEN基因甲基化水平.结果 细胞活力检测结果表明,二氢杨梅素可剂量依赖性降低乳腺癌MCF-7细胞活力(P< 0.05);qRT-PCR和Western blot检测结果表明,二氢杨梅素可显著上调PTEN的表达(P<0.05),并呈现剂量-效应关系;MSP检测结果显示,二氢杨梅素可显著诱导MCF-7细胞PTEN基因去甲基化;qRT-PCR和荧光法检测结果显示,二氢杨梅素可显著降低MCF-7细胞DNMT1表达和DNMT活性(P<0.05).结论 二氢杨梅素显著诱导乳腺癌细胞PTEN基因去甲基化,促进其表达,其机制可能主要涉及对DNMT1表达和活性的抑制.
[3] 孙大永,左彦珍,梁鸿鹄,.二氢杨梅素对肺癌A549细胞凋亡的作用[J].解剖学报,2015,46(3):359-362.
目的探讨二氢杨梅素(DMY)对肺癌A549细胞的诱导凋亡作用。方法以肺癌A549细胞为研究对象,采用MTT法研究DMY对A549细胞的抗肿瘤作用,并进一步通过流式细胞术检测DMY对A549细胞的凋亡作用,免疫印迹法(Western blotting)检测促凋亡因子Bax和抗凋亡因子Bcl-2表达水平,进一步探讨其机制。结果DMY浓度越大,对A549细胞的抑制作用越明显,48h的IC50为64.45g/L;流式细胞术显示,随着DMY浓度的增加A549细胞凋亡也逐渐增加;Western blotting结果显示,DMY可诱导A549细胞中凋亡因子Bax蛋白表达增加,同时抗凋亡因子Bcl-2蛋白表达减少,尤其高浓度组改变明显。结论 DMY可以在体外诱导A549细胞凋亡。
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The concept of materials science tetrahedron (MST) concisely depicts the inter-dependent relationship among the structure, properties, performance, and processing of a drug. Similar to its role in traditional materials science, MST encompasses the development in the emerging field of pharmaceutical materials science and forms a scientific foundation to the design and development of new drug products. Examples are given to demonstrate the applicability of MST to both pharmaceutical research and product development. It is proposed that a systematic implementation of MST can expedite the transformation of pharmaceutical product development from an art to a science. By following the principle of MST, integration of research among different laboratories can be attained. The pharmaceutical science community as a whole can conduct more efficient, collaborative, and coherent research. 2008 Wiley-Liss, Inc. and the American Pharmacists Association J Pharm Sci 98:1671-1687, 2009
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Michael Glodek, Merck & Co. Stephen Liebowitz, Bristol-Myers Squibb Randal McCarthy, Schering Plough Grace McNally, FDA Cynthia Oksanen, Pfizer Thomas Schultz, Johnson&Johnson Mani Sundararajan, AstraZeneca Rod Vorkapich, Bayer Healthcare Kimberly Vukovinsky,
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In quality by design (QbD) paradigm, specifications on active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) are a critical component of the overall control strategy to ensure drug product quality. In establishing appropriate specifications for highly correlated API properties, multivariate specifications were advocated recently (Duchesne C, MacGregor JF. 2004. J Qual Technol 36:78-94). In this text, we reviewed several scenarios where API properties are of varying degrees of intercorrelation, and discussed the corresponding control strategies. One scenario was further analyzed, in which high degree of property intercorrelation could afford a single univariate specification and, thereby, simplify the control strategy. In the case study provided, we first mapped the potential design space of the API physical properties, and subsequently compared the effectiveness of univariate and multivariate control strategies. On the basis of the comparison, a single univariate control scheme was proposed and boundary was defined. Finally, width of the design space for API physical properties was assessed, and the effectiveness of the API manufacturing process control was preliminarily evaluated.
DOI:10.1002/jps.22754      PMID:21918985      URL    
[12] PERUMALLA S R,SUN C C.Enabling tablet product dev-elopment of 5-fluorocytosine through integrated crystal and particle engineering[J].J Pharm Sci,2014,103(4):1126-1132.
The antifungal drug, 5-fluorocytosine (FC), is marketed as a capsule (250 or 500 mg strength) instead of the preferred tablet dosage form. Through systematic characterization of solid-state properties, including mechanical properties, we identify tabletability and poor physical stability of FC as the problems that likely have prevented the successful development of a FC tablet product. We then design an FC oxalate 2:1 salt (FCOXA21), based on established relationship between crystal structure and properties, to address these deficient properties. FCOXA21 is subsequently used to develop a direct compression tablet product using predictive and material-sparing powder characterization tools, that is, ring shear cell for powder flowability and compaction simulator for powder tabletability. The initial tablet formulation, which contains 84.5% (wt %) FCOXA21, exhibits excellent tabletability but inadequate flowability. We solve the powder flowability problem through controlling the particle size of FCOXA21. A batch of FCOXA21 tablets (500 mg FC equivalent dose) is then prepared. Finally, systematic evaluation on tablet weight variation, content uniformity, friability, and dissolution using standard methods confirms the commercial manufacturability of FC tablets. Through this work, we have demonstrated the potential of integrated crystal and particle engineering in expediting the development of tablet products of challenging drugs using the economical direct compression process.
DOI:10.1002/jps.23876      PMID:24515970      URL    
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Process Robustness


XIE Xuejia
WANG Chenguang
HOU Xiaolong
WANG Wenqing