中国科技论文统计源期刊 中文核心期刊  
医药导报, 2017, 36(8): 933-936
doi: 10.3870/j.issn.1004-0781.2017.08.022
Investigation on Intervention of Clinical Pharmacists to Develop Pharmaceutical Care in Intensive Care Unit Based on Medication Characteristics
曾芳, 师少军, 黄怡菲


目的 探讨重症监护病房(ICU)药师开展临床工作的切入点。方法 结合日常工作,参考国内外文献,对ICU患者的用药特点展开分析,并以此为线索剖析临床药师的工作切入点。结果 ICU患者的病理生理和用药十分复杂,需要个体化的药学服务。结论 ICU药师应运用药动学/药效学知识,针对治疗过程中的药物剂量调整、药物相互作用和不良事件防范等环节开展药学监护工作。

关键词: 重症监护病房 ; 用药特点 ; 药动学/药效学 ; 药学监护


Objective To investigate the entry points for clinical work of intensive care unit (ICU) pharmacists. Methods Through combination with daily work and referring the domestic and foreign literature,the characteristics of ICU medications were discussed to find out the entry point for clinical work of ICU pharmacists. Results ICU patients particularly need individualized pharmaceutical care because of the special pathophysiological characteristics and medicine use. Conclusion ICU pharmacists should provide pharmaceutical care based on Pharmacokinetics/pharmacodynamics knowledge and focus on the drug dosage adjustment,drug interactions and adverse event prevention.

Key words: Intensive care unit ; Medication characteristics ; Pharmacokinetics/pharmacodynamics ; Pharmaceutical care

早在1970年,美国重症医学会在成立之际便提出药师是重症监护病房(intensive care unit,ICU)治疗团队中的一员[1]。随着我国临床药学事业的发展,国内临床药师的作用也逐步得到行业认可。2014年,中华医学会重症医学分会在年鉴中提出,临床药师是ICU治疗团队的新成员[2]。ICU是一个特殊的临床科室,强调多学科交叉,这也要求ICU药师需掌握比普通专科药师更广泛的临床治疗知识,以及针对危重症患者采取的特殊治疗手段。笔者从ICU患者用药复杂性出发,剖析ICU临床药师的工作切入点。

1 ICU患者的用药复杂性


1.1 患者因素


1.1.1 药物-蛋白结合的改变 对于血浆蛋白结合率高的药物,血清清蛋白水平是药物分布容积(Vd)和清除率(CL)的决定因素。而在ICU中,低清蛋白血症(血清白蛋白<25 g·L-1)的发生率高达40%~50%,在该类患者体内,部分药物的游离浓度会发生显著变化[4]。BURKHARDT等[5]曾研究发现,对严重感染伴低蛋白血症患者常规给予某些β-内酰胺类药物后,实测游离浓度与预测值偏差很大,如蛋白结合率高的头孢曲松与氟氯西林,其偏差可分别达到83.3%与56.8%。这提示,低蛋白血症重症患者使用蛋白结合率较高的药物,其血药浓度可能会增加。

1.1.2 药物分布改变 危重患者发生全身炎症反应综合征(systemic inflammatory response syndrome,SIRS)时,体液从损伤内皮细胞和毛细血管渗漏到组织间隙,产生第三间隙效应[4]。这时,亲水性药物的Vd增加,峰浓度下降。研究表明,与普通患者相比,氨基苷类、β-内酰胺类、糖肽类和利奈唑胺在危重患者体内Vd可增加2倍以上[6-7]。这说明,发生SIRS的患者,在使用浓度依赖型的亲水药物(如氨基苷类抗生素)时,可能无法获得预期的达峰浓度,从而影响药物疗效。

1.1.3 药物代谢改变 肝脏是药物代谢的主要器官。严重脓毒症、脓毒性休克患者,容易出现肝功能障碍,导致药物代谢和清除率降低[4]。在动物休克模型中,CYP3A4酶活性显著降低[8]。因此,对于肝功能障碍患者,只要是主经肝脏代谢的药物,无论是否有肝毒性,都有可能发生药物蓄积中毒。

1.1.4 药物排泄改变 许多创伤、烧伤、胰腺炎等重症患者,在治疗初期,都会接受大量补液或血管加压素治疗,此时,患者的肾清除率也会显著增加(≥130 mL·min-1)[4]。UDY等[9]对52例ICU患者进行临床研究发现,在药物Cmin<MIC的病例中,有82%患者肌酐清除率≥130 mL·min-1,并提出肾清除率增加是给药剂量不足的潜在原因之一。


1.2 药物因素

1.2.1 多药联用 重症患者往往合并有多种疾病或多脏器功能损伤,需要同时使用多种药物,潜在相互作用和配伍禁忌增多,致使药物不良事件(adverse drug event,ADE)发生率增加。据统计,ICU中发生ADE的患者平均用药种类多达15种[4]。同时有研究表明,服用5种以下药物,ADE的发生率为6%~8%,服用6~10种药物时,ADE发生率则上升至40%[10]

1.2.2 药物调整频繁、给药途径特殊 不同于普通患者,ICU 患者病情严重,进展迅速,治疗药物需随时调整。此外,ICU患者的给药途径也特殊,如中心静脉置管、微泵或鼻饲等给药方式对药物的种类、剂型都有较高要求。特别是对于多巴胺、胺碘酮等高危药品的给药速率均有严格规定。因此,药物品种调整快、用法用量要求精准度高,是ICU患者药物治疗复杂的另一个原因。

2 ICU药师的工作切入点


2.1 ICU患者用药方案的动态调整

目前,大多数用药指南与说明书中用法用量主要针对一般患者,ICU患者因严重的病理改变,使药物的分布、代谢、排泄过程发生显著改变,某些治疗药物在该类患者体内血药浓度与预期值存在较大偏差。因此,开展治疗药物浓度监测(therapeutic drug monitoring,TDM),通过体内药物浓度调整给药剂量,优化药物治疗效果,是ICU临床药师开展工作的一个切入点。一项针对医院获得性肺炎患者的临床对照研究表明,与未进行TDM和病原菌MIC监测的患者相比,测定的氨基苷类、氟喹诺酮类和β-内酰胺类药物浓度和病原菌MIC值调整用药方案组患者临床预后和病菌清除率显著增加[11]。对于部分ICU患者,仅一次监测结果并不能代表整个治疗期间的浓度值。如前所述,第三间隙效应强的患者,药物的Vd增加,峰谷浓度均受影响,随着患者病情好转,第三间隙效应逐渐消失,真实的峰谷浓度会发生改变,因此,对于发生SIRS等导致毛细血管渗漏严重的ICU患者,血药浓度的连续监测十分必要。

此外,对于ICU中常见的特殊人群患者(高龄、新生儿、移植患者等)以及行特殊治疗(持续肾脏替代、体外膜肺氧合治疗等)的患者,药物的药动学参数及用法用量往往缺少数据支持,需要ICU药师通过开展文献调研或临床研究来获取相关数据。DONADELLO等[12]通过研究β-内酰胺类抗生素在不同肾功能水平患者体内的药动学/药效学(pharmacokinetics/ pharmacodynamics,PK/PD)特点,为ICU肾损伤患者的用药提供了参考依据。DE ROSA等[13]研究了在体外膜肺氧合治疗下,患者体内利奈唑胺的PK/PD,为呼吸衰竭患者行体外膜肺氧合时用药剂量的确定提供了数据支持。国内也有药师对新生儿ICU患者使用地高辛的群体药动学进行研究,为新生儿使用地高辛提供了较好的借鉴[14]。与测定单个时间下药物浓度相比,基于ICU患者的群体药动学研究成为新的热点,然而由于现阶段研究样本量均较小(10~20例),提高患者剂量预测准确度,仍有赖于进一步大样本临床研究[15]

2.2 减少药物不良事件的发生

2.2.1 重视初始环节的药物重整 ICU收治的患者大多是转科甚至转院来的,部分患者本身就合并有某些基础疾病。在患者医疗交接的过程中,由于治疗方式的改变,容易出现用药差错,导致ADE发生[16]。临床药师通过药物重整,可有效避免药疗偏差,如重复用药、剂量错误和药物相互作用,以保证患者用药的安全性。

针对ICU患者的药物重整,重点关注:①重复用药,由于ICU医生用药相对其他科室会更为积极,容易出现同时使用两种作用机制相同的药物,如护肝时同时开具还原型谷胱甘肽和乙酰半胱氨酸(后者在体内转化为前者);②剂量错误,ICU患者的脏器功能往往是受损并进行性恶化的,部分临床医生对脏器功能损伤程度与剂量之间的调整关系把握不准,容易导致疗效欠佳或诱发不良反应;③药物相互作用,ICU患者用药繁多,药物间相互作用多样,需要具有专业敏感度的临床药师进行分析辨别,将不良反应的发生率降至最低。特别需注意ICU阶段的某些用药可能与患者前期的其他治疗药物存在冲突,如某重症感染患者在入ICU之前使用了头孢哌酮钠注射液,转入ICU后,为治疗感染性休克,医生给予氢化可的松注射液(含50%乙醇),药师在医嘱重整中发现后及时建议改用氢化可的松琥珀酸钠,因使用头孢哌酮期间及用药后5 d内应避免使用含醇制剂,否则会出现双硫仑样反应,医生采纳更换,避免了不良反应的发生。

2.2.2 关注治疗环节的药物不良事件监测 ICU患者因病情严重、脏器功能障碍、合并用药复杂多样,整个治疗过程中ADE发生风险高。ADE的预防一方面可以通过TDM实现,另一方面可以借助于信息技术,如全面触发工具(global trigger tool,GTT)。GTT由美国健康促进研究所(institute for healthcare improvement,IHI)于2003年推出,GTT在审查病历的基础上引入了触发器(检测ADE线索)的概念,其中用药模块能够定位病历中ADE相关内容,提高病历审查效率和准确性[17]。基于GTT的ADE预警系统,针对ICU患者常见ADE设定触发器的触发条件,使用过程中连续跟踪患者相关检验指标及体征描述的变化,提前暴露患者的ADE,帮助药师及时对将要发生的ADE进行评估和干预。国外医疗机构已将GTT作为日常监测患者用药安全的实用工具[18]。国内也有多家医院开始将GTT技术应用于ADE的分析监测,取得良好的效果,大幅降低药师的工作负荷,提高ADE的报告率[19]

3 讨论


The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.


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Critical care pharmacy services in the ICU have expanded from traditional dispensing responsibilities to being recognized as an essential component of multidisciplinary care for critically ill patients. Augmented by technology and resource utilization, this shift in roles has allowed pharmacists to provide valuable services in the form of assisting physicians and clinicians with pharmacotherapy decision-making, reducing medication errors, and improving medication safety systems to optimize patient outcomes. Documented improvements in the management of infections, anticoagulation therapy, sedation, and analgesia for patients receiving mechanical ventilation and in emergency response help to justify the need for clinical pharmacy services for critically ill patients. Contributions to quality improvement initiatives, scholarly and research activities, and the education and training of interdisciplinary personnel are also valued services offered by clinical pharmacists. Partnering with physician and nursing champions can garner support from hospital administrators for the addition of clinical pharmacy critical care services. The addition of a pharmacist to an interprofessional critical care team should be encouraged as health-care systems focus on improving the quality and efficiency of care delivered to improve patient outcomes.
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To describe three levels of hospital-based critical care centers to optimally match services and personnel with community needs, and to recommend essential intensive care unit services and personnel for each critical care level.A multidisciplinary writing panel of professionals with expertise in the clinical practice of critical care medicine working under the direction of the American College of Critical Care Medicine (ACCM).Relevant medical literature was accessed through a systematic Medline search and synthesized by the ACCM writing panel, a multidisciplinary group of critical care experts. Consensus for the final written document was reached through collaboration in meetings and through electronic communication modalities. Literature cited included previously written guidelines from the ACCM, published expert opinion and statements from official organizations, published review articles, and nonrandomized, historical cohort investigations. With this background, the ACCM writing panel described a three-tiered system of intensive care units determined by service-based criteria.Guidelines for optimal intensive care unit services and personnel for hospitals with varying resources will facilitate both local and regional delivery of consistent and excellent care to critically ill patients.
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The article discusses the risk factors, prevention and the need for disclosure of the incidence of medication errors in the intensive care units in Canada. It explores several components that contribute to the incidence of medication errors including the situation of the patients, inexperience and lack of knowledge of healthcare providers, and the existing environment in the health care facilities. It highlights various techniques and strategies on how to prevent medication errors such as the provision of medical education for patients, pharmacology education and risk factor awareness for nurses, and an effective health care administration. It suggests clinicians that disclosure of harmful errors and medical errors is an ethical imperative.
DOI:10.1503/cmaj.080869      PMID:2670906      URL    
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Infections in critically ill patients are associated with persistently poor clinical outcomes. These patients have severely altered and variable antibiotic pharmacokinetics and are infected by less susceptible pathogens. Antibiotic dosing that does not account for these features is likely to result in suboptimum outcomes. In this Review, we explore the challenges related to patients and pathogens that contribute to inadequate antibiotic dosing and discuss how to implement a process for individualised antibiotic therapy that increases the accuracy of dosing and optimises care for critically ill patients. To improve antibiotic dosing, any physiological changes in patients that could alter antibiotic concentrations should first be established; such changes include altered fluid status, changes in serum albumin concentrations and renal and hepatic function, and microvascular failure. Second, antibiotic susceptibility of pathogens should be confirmed with microbiological techniques. Data for bacterial susceptibility could then be combined with measured data for antibiotic concentrations (when available) in clinical dosing software, which uses pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic derived models from critically ill patients to predict accurately the dosing needs for individual patients. Individualisation of dosing could optimise antibiotic exposure and maximise effectiveness.
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Antimicrobial pharmacokinetics (PK) and pharmacodynamics (PD) are important considerations, particularly in critically ill patients with severe sepsis and septic shock. The pathophysiologic changes that occur in these conditions can have a major effect on pharmacokinetic parameters, which in turn could result in failure to achieve pharmacodynamic targets for antimicrobials thus adversely affecting clinical outcome. This paper discusses the pathophysiologic changes that occur during severe sepsis and septic shock and the consequent effects on antimicrobial PK and PD. The effect of PK/PD on specific antimicrobial classes is discussed and a rational framework for antimicrobial dosing is provided. Knowledge of PK/PD properties of antimicrobials can be used to personalize dosing regimens not only to maximize antimicrobial activity but also to minimize toxicity and reduce the development of antimicrobial resistance.
DOI:10.1016/j.ccc.2010.09.006      PMID:21144984      Magsci     URL    
[9] UDY A,VARGHESE J,ALTUKRONI M,et al.Subtherape-utic initial β-lactam concentrations in select critically ill patients:association between augmented renal clearance and low trough drug concentrations[J].Chest,2012,142(1):30-39.
β-Lactams are routinely used as empirical therapy in critical illness, with extended concentrations above the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of the infecting organism required for effective treatment. Changes in renal function in this setting can significantly impact the probability of achieving such targets.Analysis was made of trough plasma drug concentrations obtained via therapeutic drug monitoring, compared with renal function, in critically ill patients receiving empirical β-lactam therapy. Drug concentrations were measured by means of high-performance liquid chromatography and corrected for protein binding. Therapeutic levels were defined as greater than or equal to MIC and greater than or equal to four times MIC (maximum bacterial eradication), respectively. Renal function was assessed by means of an 8-h creatinine clearance (CLCR).Fifty-two concurrent trough concentrations and CLCR measures were used in analysis. Piperacillin was the most frequent β-lactam prescribed (48%), whereas empirical cover and Staphylococcus species were the most common indications for therapy (62%). Most patients were mechanically ventilated on the day of study (85%), although only 25% were receiving vasopressors. In only 58% (n = 30) was the trough drug concentration greater than or equal to MIC, falling to 31% (n = 16) when using four times MIC as the target. CLCR values ≥ 130 mL/min/1.73 m2 were associated with trough concentrations less than MIC in 82% (P < .001) and less than four times MIC in 72% (P < .001). CLCR remained a significant predictor of subtherapeutic concentrations in multivariate analysis.Elevated CLCR appears to be an important predictor of subtherapeutic β-lactam concentrations and suggests an important role in identifying such patients in the ICU.
DOI:10.1378/chest.11-1671      PMID:22194591      Magsci     URL    
[10] FASOLINO T,SNYDER R.Linking nurse characteristics,team member effectiveness,practice environment,and medication error incidence[J].J Nurs Care Qual,2012,27(2):E9-E16.
Abstract Clinical unit nurse characteristics, practice environment, and team member effectiveness are assumed to play a critical role in medication safety. This study used a multimethod approach to examine the association of these factors with medication errors. Findings suggested that older, more experienced registered nurses made less medication errors. Environment and team member effectiveness were not strongly associated with medication error incidence. Numerous system factors limited implementation and outcomes of this safety study and are discussed.
DOI:10.1097/NCQ.0b013e318241da17      PMID:22218262      Magsci     URL    
[11] SCAGLINOE F,ESPOSITO S,LEONE S,et al.Feedback dose alteration significantly affects probability of pathogen eradication in nosocomial pneumonia[J].Eur Respir J,2009,34(2):394-400.
Nosocomial pneumonia (NP) is associated with considerable morbidity and mortality. Data have shown that inadequate initial antibiotic therapy is a major risk for infection-attributed mortality. The aim of the present study was to measure antibiotic concentration and minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) in infected hospitalised patients early in therapy, in order to determine whether dose alterations, in those with low drug concentrations, could affect outcomes.
DOI:10.1183/09031936.00149508      PMID:19213786      URL    
[12] DONADELLO K,ANTONUCCI E,CRISTALLINI S,et al.β-Lactam pharmacokinetics during extracorporeal membrane oxygenation therapy:a case-control study[J].Int J Antimicrob Agents,2015,45(3):278-282.
Most adult patients receiving extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) require antibiotic therapy, however the pharmacokinetics of -lactams have not been well studied in these conditions. In this study, data from all patients receiving ECMO support and meropenem (MEM) or piperacillin/tazobactam (TZP) were reviewed. Drug concentrations were measured 2h after the start of a 30-min infusion and just before the subsequent dose. Therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM) results in ECMO patients were matched with those in non-ECMO patients for (i) drug regimen, (ii) renal function, (iii) total body weight, (iv) severity of organ dysfunction and (v) age. Drug concentrations were considered adequate if they remained 4-8 the clinical MIC breakpoint for Pseudomonas aeruginosa for 50% (TZP) or 40% (MEM) of the dosing interval. A total of 41 TDM results (27 MEM; 14 TZP) were obtained in 26 ECMO patients, with 41 matched controls. There were no significant differences in serum concentrations or pharmacokinetic parameters between ECMO and non-ECMO patients, including Vd [0.38 (0.27-0.68) vs. 0.46 (0.33-0.79)L/kg; P=0.37], half-life [2.6 (1.8-4.4) vs. 2.9 (1.7-3.7)h; P=0.96] and clearance [132 (66-200) vs. 141 (93-197)mL/min; P=0.52]. The proportion of insufficient (13/41 vs. 12/41), adequate (15/41 vs. 19/41) and excessive (13/41 vs. 10/41) drug concentrations was similar in ECMO and non-ECMO patients. Achievement of target concentrations of these -lactams was poor in ECMO and non-ECMO patients. The influence of ECMO on MEM and TZP pharmacokinetics does not appear to be significant.
DOI:10.1016/j.ijantimicag.2014.11.005      PMID:25542059      URL    
[13] DE ROSA F,CORCIONE S,BAIETTO L,et al.Pharmaco-kinetics of linezolid during extracorporeal embraneoxy-genation[J].Int J Antimicrob Agents,2013,41(6):590-591.
[14] GONG Y,CHEN Y,LI Q,et al.Population pharmacokinetic analysis of digoxin in Chinese neonates and infants[J].J Pharmacol Sci,2014,125(2):142-149.
To obtain more information regarding the influence of various covariates on the disposition of digoxin in Chinese neonates and infants, routine clinical pharmacokinetic data were retrospectively collected from 131 hospitalized patients. A nonlinear mixed effects modeling (NONMEM) method was applied to the data. A one-compartment/first-order absorption model was employed to estimate the influence of total body weight (allometric power model), postnatal age, serum creatinine, gender, presence of heart congestive failure, and concomitant medications on apparent total clearance and apparent drug distribution of digoxin. Pharmacokinetic parameter estimates for CL/F and V/F were 0.147 L (-1) g(-1) and 15.7 L/kg, respectively. Total body weight and postnatal age were identified as the important factors affecting total clearance of digoxin; total body weight was the covariate identified to influence the apparent distribution volume. Both internal (bootstrap method, visual predictive checks, and normalized prediction distributed error) and external validation supported the stable and predictive performance of the final model. We concluded that the model can be used to choose an appropriate dose regimen in Chinese neonates and infants.
DOI:10.1254/jphs.13233FP      PMID:24837877      Magsci     URL    
[15] JASON A,MOHD H,JEFFREY L,et al.Challenges and potential solutions-individualized antibiotic dosing at the bed-side for critically ill patients:a structured review[J].Lancet Infect Dis,2014,14(6):498-509.
Infections in critically ill patients are associated with persistently poor clinical outcomes. These patients have severely altered and variable antibiotic pharmacokinetics and are infected by less susceptible pathogens. Antibiotic dosing that does not account for these features is likely to result in suboptimum outcomes. In this Review, we explore the challenges related to patients and pathogens that contribute to inadequate antibiotic dosing and discuss how to implement a process for individualised antibiotic therapy that increases the accuracy of dosing and optimises care for critically ill patients. To improve antibiotic dosing, any physiological changes in patients that could alter antibiotic concentrations should first be established; such changes indude altered fluid status, changes in serum albumin concentrations and renal and hepatic function, and microvascular failure. Second, antibiotic susceptibility of pathogens should be confirmed with microbiological techniques. Data for bacterial susceptibility could then be combined with measured data for antibiotic concentrations (when available) in clinical dosing software, which uses pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic derived models from critically ill patients to predict accurately the dosing needs for individual patients. Individualisation of dosing could optimise antibiotic exposure and maximise effectiveness.
DOI:10.1016/S1473-3099(14)70036-2      Magsci    
[16] 徐姗姗,赵环宇,李荔,.临床药师开展药物重整服务在防范用药差错中的作用与实践[J].实用药物与临床,2015,18(6):709-711.
目的 探讨临床药师开展药物重整服务在防范用药差错中的作用与实践. 方法 结合具体临床案例分析药物重整中发现的常见问题及其在防范用药差错中的作用. 结果 药物重整可减少发生药物遗漏或重复给药、用法用量不适宜、药物选择不适宜、停药不及时、血药浓度监测不连贯、药物相互作用等现象. 结论药物重整服务在减少用药差错中具有重要作用,为临床药师参与临床提供了一种新的方式.
DOI:10.14053/j.cnki.ppcr.201506023      URL    
[17] RESAR R K,ROZICH J D,CLASSEN D.Methodology and rationale for the measurement of harm with trigger tools[J].Qual Saf Health care,2003,12(Suppl 2):ii39-ii45.
The growing recognition of harm as an unwelcome and frequently unrecognized byproduct of health care has initiated focused efforts to create highly reliable organizations for safe healthcare delivery. While debate continues over the exact magnitude of harm, there is a general acceptance of the need to improve our ability to deliver care in a safer manner. A major barrier to progress in safety has been the ability to effectively measure harm consistently and thus develop effective and targeted strategies to prevent its occurrence. This has resulted in a shift from initiatives focused exclusively on analysis of errors to those targeting events linked to harm. There is a growing recognition of a distinction between errors and adverse events as they often represent unique concepts fostering different strategies for improvement of safety. Conventional approaches to identifying and quantifying harm such as individual chart audits, incident reports, or voluntary administrative reporting have often been less successful in improving the detection of adverse events. As a result, a new method of measuring harm--the trigger tool--has been developed. It is easily customized and can be readily taught, enabling consistent and accurate measurement of harm. The history, application, and impact of the trigger tool concept in identifying and quantifying harm are discussed.
DOI:10.1136/qhc.12.suppl_2.ii39      PMID:14645894      URL    
[18] KENNERLY D A,KUDYAKOV R,GRACA B,et al.Chara-cterization of adverse events detected in a large health care delivery system using an enhanced global trigger tool over a five-year interval[J].Health Serv Res,2014,49(5):1407-1425.
Objective. To report 5 years of adverse events (AEs) identified using an enhanced Global Trigger Tool (GTT) in a large health care system.<br/>Study Setting. Records from monthly random samples of adults admitted to eight acute care hospitals from 2007 to 2011 with lengths of stay >= 3 days were reviewed.<br/>Study Design. We examined AE incidence overall and by presence on admission, severity, stemming from care provided versus omitted, preventability, and category; and the overlap with commonly used AE-detection systems.<br/>Data Collection. Professional nurse reviewers abstracted 9,017 records using the enhanced GTT, recording triggers and AEs. Medical record/account numbers were matched to identify overlapping voluntary reports or AHRQ Patient Safety Indicators (PSIs).<br/>Principal Findings. Estimated AE rates were as follows: 61.4 AEs/1,000 patient-days, 38.1 AEs/100 discharges, and 32.1 percent of patients with >= 1 AE. Of 1,300 presenton- admission AEs (37.9 percent of total), 78.5 percent showed NCC-MERP level F harm and 87.6 percent were "preventable/possibly preventable." Of 2,129 hospital-acquired AEs, 63.3 percent had level E harm, 70.8 percent were "preventable/possibly preventable"; the most common category was "surgical/procedural" (40.5 percent). Voluntary reports and PSIs captured <5 percent of encounters with hospital-acquired AEs.<br/>Conclusions. AEs are common and potentially amenable to prevention. GTT-identified AEs are seldom caught by commonly used AE-detection systems.
DOI:10.1111/1475-6773.12163      Magsci    
[19] 边原,闫峻峰,杜姗,.全面触发工具在药品不良事件分析中的应用[J].中国新药与临床杂志,2015,34(9):726-731.
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Intensive care unit
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SHI Shaojun