中国科技论文统计源期刊 中文核心期刊  
医药导报, 2017, 36(9): 1063-1066
doi: 10.3870/j.issn.1004-0781.2017.09.031
张士洋, 程军


目的 分析尼可地尔致溃疡临床特点。方法 以“尼可地尔” “ 溃疡”及“Nicorandil” “ulceration/ulcer”为关键词,检索中国学术期刊全文数据库、维普中文科技期刊数据库、万方数据库以及PubMed,收集尼可地尔致溃疡的报道文献,记录患者性别、年龄,给药剂量,溃疡发生时间、部位、临床表现,实验室检查特征,治疗措施及转归等,分析临床特点。结果 共检索到尼可地尔致溃疡病例报告57篇,患者共126例,男70例(55.6%),女56例(44.4%),年龄32~93岁。其中最多为口腔溃疡(49例),其次为肛周溃疡(23例)、胃肠道溃疡(22例)、外阴及生殖器溃疡(17例)、造瘘口周围溃疡(10例)、皮肤溃疡(8例)。日用药剂量<20 mg有19例,均为口腔溃疡,日用药剂量40和60 mg发生溃疡分别38和40例。临床表现主要为疼痛剧烈,病理活检结果均示非特异性炎症。107例患者停止使用尼可地尔后,溃疡面数周至数月内愈合,有4例患者未停止服用尼可地尔肛门溃疡未愈合。结论 尼可地尔用药剂量可能与溃疡发生有关,立即停用尼可地尔是改善预后的关键。

关键词: 尼可地尔 ; 溃疡 ; 合理用药


尼可地尔是第一个具有类硝酸酯作用并用于临床的K+-ATP通道开放药,1984年在日本上市,广泛用于冠状动脉粥样硬化性心脏病及各类型心绞痛的治疗,其常见不良反应包括头痛、恶心、头晕、脸红等[1]。近年,英国药品和健康产品管理局提示尼可地尔的溃疡并发症风险[2]。考虑到个案报道能提供丰富完整的病例信息,因此笔者收集国内外数据库尼可地尔致溃疡(nicorandil-induced ulceration,NIU)相关报道,对NIU的临床特点进行分析,以期为临床安全合理用药提供参考。

1 资料与方法
1.1 资料来源

以“尼可地尔”“ 溃疡”为中文关键词,检索“中国学术期刊全文数据库““维普中文科技期刊数据库”“万方数据库”,以“nicorandil” “ulceration/ulcer”为英文关键词,检索Pubmed收载的相关文献,收集NIU相关个案报道。检索时间为建库以来至2016年2月29日。剔除综述性文献、重复文献及病例记载不完整文献。

1.2 方法


2 结果
2.1 患者一般情况


表1 患者性别与年龄分布 例
年龄/岁 合计 构成比/%
32~55 3 2 5 4.0
>55~65 6 6 12 9.5
>65~75 23 20 43 34.1
>75~85 31 23 54 42.9
>85~93 7 5 12 9.5
合计 70 56 126 100.0

表1 患者性别与年龄分布 例

2.2 溃疡发生部位及临床表现


表2 NIU发生部位及活检例数统计
溃疡部位 例数 构成比/% 活检例数
口腔 49 38.9 5
肛周 23 18.3 11
胃肠道 22 17.5 18
外阴及生殖器 17 13.5 11
造瘘口周围 10 7.9 6
皮肤 8 6.3 6
角膜 4 3.2 0

表2 NIU发生部位及活检例数统计

2.3 NIU发生时间


表3 NIU发生的时间分布
时间 例数 构成比/% 溃疡部位
≤2周 3 2.4 造瘘口周围2例,口腔1例
>2周~1个月 4 3.2 口腔4例
>1~3个月 10 7.9 口腔7例,外阴及生殖器、角膜、胃肠道各1例
>3~6个月 7 5.6 口腔5例,胃肠道2例
>6个月~1年 8 6.3 口腔7例,皮肤1例
>1~2年 18 14.3 口腔5例,外阴及生殖器5例,胃肠道3例,造瘘口周围3例,皮肤2例
>2~3年 14 11.1 外阴及生殖器6例,皮肤、肛周、胃肠道各2例,角膜、口腔各1例
>3年 25 19.8 口腔9例,外阴及生殖器4例,肛门4例,胃肠道3例,角膜、皮肤各2
不详 37 29.4 肛周17例,口腔和胃肠道各11例,造瘘口周围4例,外阴及生殖器1例

表3 NIU发生的时间分布

2.4 尼可地尔用药剂量

126例NIU患者中,有110例详细记载尼可地尔日用药剂量,最小日用药剂量为5 mg,最大日用药剂量为160 mg,尼可地尔用药剂量见表4。

表4 不同药物剂量的溃疡病例分布
例数 构成比/% 患者来源 溃疡部位及例数
<20 19 15.1 亚洲17例,欧洲2例 口腔19例
20 16 12.7 欧洲14例,亚洲2例 口腔8例,肛周、皮肤各2例,外阴及生殖器1例,造瘘口周
30 3 2.4 亚洲2例,欧洲1例 口腔3例
40 28 22.2 欧洲28例 胃肠道8例,皮肤5例,口腔4例,外阴及生殖器4例,肛周4例,
60 40 31.7 欧洲40例 肛周14例,口腔10例,胃肠道6例,外阴及生殖器4例,造瘘口周
80 3 2.4 欧洲3例 口腔2例,肛周1例
160 1 0.8 欧洲1例 胃肠道1例
不详 16 12.7 欧洲14例,亚洲2例 外阴及生殖器8例,胃肠道3例,口腔及造瘘口周围各2例,角膜1例

表4 不同药物剂量的溃疡病例分布

2.5 治疗措施及转归


3 讨论

纳入本研究的126例患者中,患者性别及年龄与NIU无明显差异。有两项基于中国台湾地区全民健康保险研究资料库(NHIRD)共纳入1 268例尼可地尔致皮肤溃疡患者及710例尼可地尔致消化道溃疡患者的纵向队列研究均显示,男性和女性患者发生NIU的风险无显著性差异[20-21],而年龄≤75岁发生皮肤溃疡风险相对较高[19],但属于回顾性研究,有待进一步前瞻性研究证实。

110例NIU患者记载了尼可地尔用药剂量,有13例患者小剂量应用尼可地尔无溃疡发生,当增加日用药剂量后,溃疡随即发生;本研究结果显示NIU主要发生在日用药剂量在40和60 mg,收集的文献报道主要为欧洲病例,日用药剂量<20 mg的患者溃疡,发生部位主均为口腔,其中17例为亚洲病例,2例为欧洲病例。欧洲患者的用药剂量远远高于亚洲患者剂量,可见尼可地尔诱发溃疡可能与剂量有关,而口腔溃疡可能在相对较小剂量时发生。尼可地尔药物说明书中用药剂量为5~10 mg,每天3次,欧洲患者主要为超药物说明书剂量使用,建议一般情况下严格遵循药物说明书用药。

89例NIU患者记载NIU发生时间,用药后1年内发生32例,其中有24例为口腔溃疡,主要发生在用药1个月后。最近一项纳入321例尼可地尔致消化系统溃疡患者的研究表明[22],日用药剂量<30 mg的患者发生口腔溃疡的时间(74周)显著长于日用药剂量≥30 mg患者(7.5周),提示口腔溃疡在相对较大日剂量时很快发生有关。因此,在服用较大日剂量尼可地尔1个月时要重点关注口腔溃疡的发生。其他部位溃疡随着用药时间的延长有增多趋势,建议随着服药时间的增加,用药监测应加强,以便及时发现和治疗NIU。




The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.


[1] 熊一力,封增凯.新型扩管药——尼可地尔[J].中国医院药学杂志,1992,12(6):282-283.
正 尼可地尔(Nicorandil,SG—75)是由日本Chugi公司研制的新型扩管药。目前在许多国家颇受青睐、尼可地尔是具有硝酸盐侧链的烟酰胺衍生 物,具有扩张动脉、静脉、冠脉、保护心脏等多种作用。可用于冠心病,充血性心衰,原发性高血压等,经口服、舌下、静脉、冠脉等途径给药,剂量范围宽,不良 反应轻微。本药无明显首次通过效应及耐受性,生物利用度高,显著增加冠流,同时降低
[2] 国家药品不良反应监测中心.英国提示尼可地尔的溃疡并发症风险[J].中国药物警戒,2016,13(4):256.
[3] TERAI H,YAMANISHI H,SHIMAHARA M.Nicorandil-in-duced tongue ulceration with or without fungal infection[J].Odontology,2012,100(1):100-103.
Oral ulceration is one of the common adverse effects of nicorandil in European countries. In Japan, however, only 9 cases of nicorandil-induced oral ulceration have been reported. Here, we report 3 cases of nicorandil-induced oral ulceration, one of which exhibited a unique clinical course associated with Candida infection. In this case, the initial discontinuation of nicorandil failed to ameliorate the lesion. However, the second discontinuation of the drug after the control of the Candida infection overlying the surface of the ulcer produced a favorable effect. This patient was diagnosed with nicorandil-induced tongue ulceration with Candida infection.
DOI:10.1007/s10266-011-0015-4      PMID:21553069      Magsci     URL    
[4] YAMAMOTO K,MATSUSUE Y,HORITA S,et al.Nicoran-dilinduced oral ulceration:report of 3 cases and review of the Japanese literature[J].Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod,2011,112(6):754-759.
Nicorandil-induced oral ulceration in 3 Japanese patients is reported. The patients were men aged 86, 81, and 91 years. Ulcers of 15, 10, and 12 mm in diameter, respectively, were observed at the border of all of the patients' tongues. These were painful and persistent but not indurated. Irritation by the teeth or dentures was not evident. They had been administered nicorandil at a dose of 15 mg for 22, 54, and 90 months, respectively; therefore, ulceration induced by nicorandil was suspected. In consultation with the doctor, nicorandil was withdrawn. The ulcers disappeared 5, 8, and 9 weeks, respectively, after the cessation of nicorandil. No relapse of the ulcer was noted. The findings suggest that these were the examples of nicorandil-induced oral ulceration.
DOI:10.1016/j.tripleo.2011.05.031      PMID:21872503      URL    
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Author information: (1)Department of Surgery, Derby City General Hospital, Derby, UK.
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[6] 石琪,郭婷婷.尼可地尔致口腔溃疡1例[J].中国药物警戒,2015,12(8):508.
正病例:患者,男,78岁。因"间断胸痛伴咳嗽、咳痰半月,加重伴发热2天"于2014年12月7日入住我院。既往有高血压病史10余年,最高血压达180/90 mmHg,口服硝苯地平缓释片20 mg,qd、富马酸比索洛尔2.5 mg,qd,血压控制尚可;有冠心病、陈旧性心肌梗死病史,2014年4月行冠脉造影术,冠脉造影检查提示左主干狭窄50%,术后口服阿司匹林肠溶片100 mg,qd;氯吡格雷75 mg,qd;阿托伐他汀钙20 mg,qn;有磺胺、左氧氟
[7] CAMPOLMI N,GUY C,CINOTTI E,et al.Corneal perfora-tion:another side effect of nicorandil[J].Cutan Ocul Toxicol,2014,33(2):96-98.
Context: Nicorandil is an antianginal drug used for 20 years in Japan and introduced in France in 1994. Since 1997, side effects such as mucocutaneous ulcerations have regularly been reported.<br/>Objective: To describe the first case of a patient with a spontaneous corneal perforation associated with mucocutaneous ulcerations while taking Nicorandil.<br/>Materials and methods: A 81-year-old patient, with no past history of ocular disease but a long past history of cardiovascular disease, presented with a spontaneous paracentral corneal perforation. This was consecutive to 5 months of recurrent keratoconjunctivitis and mucocutaneous ulcerations resistant to conventional therapy. (He was taking nicorandil for 5 years.) A penetrating keratoplasty was performed in emergency.<br/>Results: Inflammatory and infectious causes of spontaneous corneal perforation were ruled out. After initial uneventful post-operative wound healing, an epithelial ulcer appeared on the graft. Dermatologists suggested the iatrogenic role of nicorandil and the drug was discontinued. Both mucocutaneous and corneal ulcerations resolved rapidly.<br/>Discussion: Although mucocutaneous ulcerations have been attributed several times to nicorandil, this is, to our knowledge, the first major corneal damage due to this antianginal drug. Timing, pattern of illness, absence of other aetiology, recurrence of epithelial ulceration on the corneal graft and its spontaneous healing after nicorandil discontinuation make it highly apparent probable that nicorandil was directly involved in this corneal perforation.<br/>Conclusion: Ophthalmologists and dermatologists should be aware of the risk of severe but reversible corneal ulcerations in patients treated with nicorandil. A pharmacovigilance warning statement should be compulsory.
DOI:10.3109/15569527.2013.812105      Magsci    
[8] TRECHOT P,BAZARD M C,PETITPAIN N,et al.Conjun-ctival and corneal ulcerations:keep a sharp eye on nicorandil[J].Br J Ophthalmol,2012,96(3):463-464.
PubMed comprises more than 23 million citations for biomedical literature from MEDLINE, life science journals, and online books. Citations may include links to full-text content from PubMed Central and publisher web sites.
DOI:10.1136/bjophthalmol-2011-301302      PMID:22241924      URL    
[9] SHAPEY I M,AGBAMU D,NEWALL N,et al.Nicorandil-associated ulceration of the gastrointestinal tract:side effects requiring surgical intervention[J].Int J Colorectal Dis,2015,30(8):1143-1145.
Author information: (1)Department of Colorectal Surgery, Wirral University Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, Arrowe Park Hospital, Arrowe Park Road, Wirral, Merseyside, CH49 5PE, UK,
DOI:10.1007/s00384-014-2112-7      PMID:25579162      URL    
[10] KING P M,SUTTIE S A,JANSEN J O,et al.Perforation of the terminal ileum:a possible complication of nicorandil therapy[J].Surgeon,2004,2(1):56-57.
Recent reports have implicated nicorandil as a possible causative agent in the pathogenesis of anal and oral ulceration. We report a case of ulceration and perforation of the terminal ileum in a patient taking nicorandil. The possibility of an association between nicorandil therapy and gastrointestinal ulceration is discussed.
DOI:10.1016/S1479-666X(04)80140-9      PMID:15570809      URL    
[11] NEELY D T,MINFORD E J.Nicorandil-induced rectovag-inal fistula[J].Am J Obstet Gynecol,2011,204(4):e5-6.
Abstract An 82-year-old woman was admitted with feculent vaginal discharge and bleeding per vagina. Investigations revealed the presence of a rectovaginal fistula with no obvious etiology. Due to the surgical team's previous experience with nicorandil-induced ulceration, the drug was stopped. The rectovaginal fistula healed completely within 6 months. Copyright 漏 2011 Mosby, Inc. All rights reserved.
DOI:10.1016/j.ajog.2010.12.035      PMID:21306699      URL    
[12] CHAUDHERY B,NEWMAN P A,LYONS A.De novo rectovaginal fistulation and multisite ulceration as a consequence of nicorandil therapy[J].Int J Colorectal Dis,2014,29(3):415-416.
Dear Editor: Nicorandil has been implicated with multisite ulceration, gastrointestinal perforation and fistulation in the presence of diverticular disease. We describe a case rectovaginal fistulation and vulval ulceration in a patient who was taking nicorandil who did not have diverticular disease. A 77-year-old Caucasian lady was referred to the colorectal outpatient clinic with perineal pain, rectal bleeding and vaginal discharge. She had six per vaginal deliveries without obstetric complications and described no additional gastrointestinal or gynaecological symptoms. Her past medical history included ischaemic heart disease for which she was on nicorandil (30聽mg twice daily) for the last 8聽years. Examination revealed bilateral punched out vulval ulcers and possible rectovaginal fistulation; further examination was not possible due to patient discomfort. Examination under anaesthesia confirmed a rectovaginal fistula. There was a small 0.5-cm-diameter rectal opening above the sphincter ...
DOI:10.1007/s00384-013-1799-1      PMID:24281429      Magsci     URL    
[13] WILLIAMS C,TAMUNO P,SMITH A J,et al.Perianal ulceration and other cutaneous ulcerations complicating nicorandil therapy[J].J Am Acad Dermatol,2007,56(5 Suppl):116-117.
Williams C, Tamuno P, Smith AJ, Walker SL, Lyon CC.
DOI:10.1016/j.jaad.2006.05.034      PMID:17434035      URL    
[14] GOH C,WONG S C,BORLAND C.Persistent orocutaneous and anal fistulae induced by nicorandil:a case report[J].J Med Case Rep,2009,12(3):119.
Introduction Although nicorandil is prescribed widely, awareness of its potential to cause serious complications to the gastrointestinal tract mucosa is limited. Whilst nicorandil-induced oral and anal ulceration is well documented in the literature, nicorandil-induced fistulation is not. This is the first report in the literature of a single patient demonstrating simultaneous orocutaneous and anal fistulae during nicorandil therapy. Two separate cases of orocutaneous and anal fistulae associated nicorandil usage have previously been documented in specialist journals. Case presentation A 71-year-old Caucasian man presented with a 3-year history of concurrent orocutaneous and anal fistulae. He had been exposed to 30 mg twice-daily nicorandil therapy for 4 years. Both fistulae responded poorly to intensive and prolonged conventional treatment but healed promptly on reduction and eventual withdrawal of nicorandil therapy. Conclusion Management of resistant cases of orocutaneous and anal fistulae in patients on high-dose nicorandil therapy may be impossible without reduction or even withdrawal of nicorandil.
DOI:10.1186/1752-1947-3-119      URL    
[15] MOSLEY F,BHASIN N,DAVIES J B,et al.Life-threatening haemorrhage secondary to nicorandil-induced severe peri-anal ulceration[J].Ann R Coll Surg Engl,2010,92(6):39-40.
Nicorandil-induced ulceration is rare but has been reported at multiple sites throughout the gastrointestinal tract. We report a life-threatening complication of such ulceration - catastrophic per-rectal haemorrhage requiring emergency surgery with no prior symptoms. Whilst nicorandil should be considered in cases of chronic peri-anal and peristomal ulceration which fail to respond to conventional treatments, this case highlights its importance in the setting of acute surgical presentations.
DOI:10.1308/147870810X12699662981519      PMID:20615301      URL    
[16] KIDD L,DIXON C.Nicorandil-induced peristomal ulceration[J].Int Wound J,2010,7(6):541.
Kidd L, Dixon C.
DOI:10.1111/j.1742-481X.2010.00720.x      PMID:21073685      URL    
[17] THRUMURTHY S G,DATE R S,OWA O S,et al.Nicorandil-induced colonic ulceration:an unusually delayed presentation of a rare complication[J].Int J Colorectal Dis,2011,26(12):1631-1632.
Dear Editor: Nicorandil is a potassium-channel activator used widely as a third-line treatment for ischaemic heart disease. Its action of relaxing vascular smooth muscle causes both arterial and venous dilatation, consequently enhancing cardiac perfusion. Its rare side effect of gastrointestinal ulceration manifests mainly in the oro鈥揳nal regions, although involvement of other parts of the gut have been described. The exact pathogenesis of these ulcers remains unknown but they appear to be related to the dose of Nicorandil, and resolve upon withdrawal of the drug, with a median healing time of 12聽weeks. Two proposed pathogenic mechanisms are vascular steal phenomenon and the direct local effect of either Nicorandil or its metabolite. This article describes the first reported instance of late-onset colonic ulceration induced by Nicorandil, and adds to the growing evidence of this idiopathic side effect in susceptible patients. An 82-year-old woman presented with a 3-month history of progr ...
DOI:10.1007/s00384-011-1184-x      PMID:21424712      Magsci     URL    
[18] AL-HILLI Z,PRITCHARD R,ROCHE-NAGLE G,et al.Nicorandil related anal ulcer[J].Br J Dermatol Ir J Med Sci,2006,175(3):62-63 .
BACKGROUND: Anal ulceration is uncommon. Patients are typically referred because of severe anal pain, bleeding, discharge, and ulceration. It is important to exclude anal carcinoma, and to consider more unusual causes. METHODS: A 74-year-old lady presented with severe anal pain and ulceration. This was subsequently noted to be related to nicorandil, a potassium channel activator used in the treatment of angina. Discontinuation of nicorandil and faecal diversion allowed symptom relief and ulcer healing. CONCLUSION: Knowledge of the association between nicorandil and anal ulceration is essential in order to appropriately diagnose and manage this condition.
DOI:10.1007/BF03169175      PMID:17073250      URL    
[19] ABDELRAZEQ A S,OWEN C,SMITH L,et al.Nicorandil-associated para-stomal ulceration:case series[J].Eur J Gastroenterol Hepatol,18(12):1293-1295.
Nicorandil is a vasodilator used to control severe angina. It has been associated with oral and anal ulceration that resolves upon withdrawal of the drug. We report a series of four patients, all of whom were receiving nicorandil therapy and developed nonspecific para-stomal ulcerations of similar clinical and histological appearance. All ulcers healed on withdrawal of nicorandil with no relapse. To the best of our knowledge, nicorandil-associated para-stomal ulcers have not been reported before. It is imperative to be aware of this association to prevent the persistence of these extremely painful ulcerations, and to avoid unnecessary and inappropriate interventions with substantial morbidity in a group of high-risk patients.
DOI:10.1097/01.meg.0000243880.02197.8b      PMID:17099379      URL    
[20] LEE M T,LIN H Y,LEE S H,et al.Risk of skin ulcera-tions associated with oral nicorandil therapy:a population-based study[J].Br J Dermatol,2015,173(2):498-509.
Although healthcare products regulatory agencies have issued warnings on risk of ulceration associated with the use of nicorandil, a population-based study has not been carried out.To determine the relationship between use of nicorandil and skin ulceration.We carried out a population-based study using a cohort of 1 million people assembled from Taiwan's national health insurance database. The association between nicorandil use and skin ulcers was estimated by a Cox proportional hazards regression model adjusting for a nicorandil-specific propensity score (PS) comprising of 86 potential predictors (c-statistic = 0·91).The prospective cohort was longitudinally followed from January 2005 to December 2009, during which 1268 new users of nicorandil and 771 136 nonusers were identified. A higher frequency of skin ulcers (29 of 1268; 2·3%) was observed for users of nicorandil compared with nonusers (3231 of 771 136; 0·4%). Compared with nonusers, the crude hazard ratio (HR) associating nicorandil use with skin ulcers was 5·52 [95% confidence interval (CI) 3·82-7·95] and the PS-adjusted HR was 1·85 (95% CI 1·27-2·69). A risk period analysis showed that the risk of skin ulceration among users of nicorandil was greatest in the first year. Subgroup analysis found that the interaction term reached statistical significance (P < 0·05) for age and diabetes.Use of nicorandil was found to be associated with an increased risk for skin ulceration, especially in the first year after incident exposure. We suggest that regulatory agencies re-evaluate the risk for skin ulceration associated with use of nicorandil.
DOI:10.1111/bjd.13884      PMID:25939634      URL    
[21] LEE C C,CHANG S S,LEE S H,et al.Use of nicorandil is associated with increased risk for gastrointestinal ulceration and perforation- a nationally representative population-based study[J].Sci Rep,2015,29(5):11495.
Nicorandil is a vasodilatory drug used to relieve angina symptoms. Several healthcare products regulatory agencies have issued a warning associating the use of nicorandil and gastrointestinal (GI) ulceration. We aimed to evaluate the association between use of nicorandil and GI ulceration/perforation. A population-based cohort study involving 1 million randomly sampled participants in Taiwan鈥檚 National Health Insurance Research Database was carried out. We estimated the association between use of nicorandil and GI ulceration/perforation by a Cox proportional hazards regression model. A nicorandil-specific propensity score (PS) was also created for adjustment of 75 covariates and matching. 25.8% (183/710) of nicorandil-treated patients developed new GI ulcer events and 1.6% (20/1254) developed new GI perforation events in the three-year follow-up period, as compared to 9.3% (61,281/659,081) and 0.3% (2,488/770,537) in the general population comparator cohort. Patients treated with nicorandil were at significantly increased risk of GI ulcer (PS adjusted hazard ratio 1.43, 95% CI, 1.23 to 1.65, 6848 excess cases per 100,000 person years) or GI perforation (aHR 1.60, 95% CI 1.02鈥2.51, 315 excess cases per 100,000 person years) compared with the nicorandil unexposed population. Our finding may warn the clinicians to weigh the overall risk-benefit balance of nicorandil treatment in patients.
DOI:10.1038/srep11495      PMID:4483775      URL    
[22] PISANO U,DEOSARAN J,LESLIE S J,et al.Nicorandil,gastrointestinal adverse drug reactions and ulcerations:a systematic review[J].Adv Ther,2016,33(3):320-344.
Abstract INTRODUCTION: Nicorandil is a popular anti-anginal drug in Europe and Japan. Apart from some common adverse drug reactions (ADR), its safety is satisfactory. Several reports have suggested a link between nicorandil, gastrointestinal (GI) ulceration and fistulas. The review aims to critically appraise, synthesize and present the available evidence of all known GI ADR per anatomical location. METHODS: The study complied with the PRISMA statement. Literature and pharmacovigilance databases were used to provide rate and/or calculate parameters (median age, median dose, history of symptoms, length of therapy and healing time after withdrawal of the drug). Differences in distribution of quantitative variables were analyzed via Mann-Whitney test. Correlation between quantitative variables was assessed with a Spearman's correlation coefficient. A p value <0.05 was significant. RESULTS: Oral ulcerations occur in 0.2% of the subjects, anal ulcerations are present between 0.07% and 0.37% of patients. Oral and distal GI involvements are the most common ADR (28-29% and 27-31% of all GI ADR, respectively). The hepatobiliary system, the pancreas and salivary glands are not affected by nicorandil exposure. The time to develop oral ulcerations is 7402weeks among people on <3002mg/day compared to only 7.502weeks in individuals on higher regimens (p02=020.47). There is a significant correlation between dose and ulcer healing time (Spearman's 0.525, p02<020.001). CONCLUSIONS: Ulcerative disease is a very commonly reported GI ADR. A delayed ulcerative tendency supports the hypothesis of an ulcerogenic metabolite. Nicorandil seems to act as a cause of the ulcerations, but appears to also work in synergy with other promoting factors. Whether the action of the metabolites relies on a specific mechanism or a simple chemical ulceration is still to be established.
DOI:10.1007/s12325-016-0294-9      PMID:26861848      URL    
[23] FRASER S J,PINION S B,ADAMSON B,et al.Vulval ulceration induced by the potassium-channel activator nicorandil:a case series of five patients[J].BJOG,2009,116(10):1400-1402.
Fraser SJ, Pinion SB, Adamson B, Allan SJ.
DOI:10.1111/j.1471-0528.2009.02260.x      PMID:19538410      URL    
[24] KATORY M,DAVIES B,KELTY C,et al.Nicorandil and idiopathic anal ulceration[J].Dis Colon Rectum,2005,48(7):1442-1446.
Abstract PURPOSE: Several reports have implicated nicorandil as a reversible cause of anal ulceration. We have recently commenced a specialist clinic for patients presenting with severe anal ulceration to assess treatment in this difficult group. Recognition of this association may avoid unnecessary surgery. METHODS: Twenty-six patients treated with nicorandil had severe painful anal ulceration. Examination under anesthesia was required to biopsy the lesions to exclude neoplasia or inflammatory bowel disease. In total, three patients had proximal diverting stomas without subsequent ulcer resolution, two had perineal debridement with one requiring subsequent skin grafting, and one had an abdominoperineal excision for unremitting pain. RESULTS: The association of perianal ulceration with nicorandil became apparent only in the latter part of this series. Ten ulcers successfully re-epithelialized when nicorandil was stopped. Nine patients reported anal pain relief and partial healing on clinical examination at two months but failed to show subsequent complete resolution. One patient agreed to nicorandil cessation and reported symptomatic anal pain relief at two weeks but subsequently developed unstable angina requiring hospital admission. Nicorandil was recommenced with anal pain relapse. CONCLUSIONS: Failure to recognize nicorandil as an etiologic factor in the development of anal ulceration, when other potential underlying well-recognized inflammatory or neoplastic processes have been excluded, may lead to unnecessary surgical intervention in a group of high-risk patients. One of our patients had a potentially avoidable abdominoperineal resection. Pharmaceutical manipulation with alternative antiangina medication may induce healing. Pharmacologic manipulation should be coordinated with a physician to minimize precipitation of unstable angina.
DOI:10.1007/s10350-005-0027-7      PMID:15906129      Magsci     URL    
[25] TRECHOT P,BARBAUD A,PETITPAIN N B,et al.Nico-randil and ulcerations:a NAD/NADP and nicotinic acid-dependent side-effect?[J].Br J Dermatol,2008,158(5):1150-1151.
Sir, Nicorandil is a vasodilator used to control angina by decreasing cardiac preload and afterload. Since our initial case report in 1997 of nicorandil-induced major aphthous stomatitis, many authors have described single and multiple localizations of similar nicorandil-induced ulcerations in anal, perianal, vulval, perivulval, intestinal, colonic and peristomal locations. Cutaneous ulcerations have recently been reported, sometimes even at a distance from mucosal ulcerations, and the theoretical link between fistulating bowel disease and nicorandil therapy is currently being investigated.Today, the mechanism of these adverse drug reactions remains unknown but is thought to involve the toxicity of the drug or its metabolites as well as vascular steal phenomenon in vulnerable sites.The hypothetical interaction between the metabolic pathways of nicorandil and the endogenous pool of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide/phosphate (NAD/NADP) is proposed here for the first time.
DOI:10.1111/j.1365-2133.2008.08490.x      PMID:18341661      URL    
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