中国科技论文统计源期刊 中文核心期刊  
HERALD OF MEDICINE, 2018, 37(1): 125-127
doi: 10.3870/j.issn.1004-0781.2018.01.034
肖昌钱, 韩奇

关键词: 替加环素 ; 血小板减少 ; 不良反应


1 病例介绍

例1,女,81岁。因“反复胸闷2个月余,伴气道分泌物增多10 d”于2016年4月22日入院。患者曾因“胸闷待查,冠心病可能”住院治疗。住院期间床边胸部X线片提示“双下肺炎症,肺气肿”,痰培养提示“鲍曼复合醋酸钙不动杆菌”阳性,予哌拉西林/他唑巴坦3.375 g静脉泵入,q6h,抗感染治疗,临床症状略好转。入院前10 d患者气道分泌物增多,黄白黏痰,无发绀气促,无发热,经皮血氧饱和度提示低氧,经无创机械通气及上调氧流量等未见好转,予紧急气管插管呼吸机应用。目前呼吸机仍暂未脱机,为求进一步诊治拟“肺炎,Ⅱ型呼吸衰竭”收入重症监护室(ICU)。患者既往有“原发性高血压”病史近20年,服用氨氯地平治疗。入院后血常规:白细胞(WBC)5.9×109·L-1,中性粒细胞比例(N) 85.9%,血小板(PLT) 259×109·L-1,C-反应蛋白(CRP) 72.53 mg·L-1。临床医生查房后,经验性加用替加环素(浙江海正药业股份有限公司,批号:3160202) 100 mg,q12h,联合哌拉西林/他唑巴坦 3.38 g,q6h,静脉滴注抗感染治疗。4月27日,痰培养结果提示“铜绿假单胞菌”,考虑替加环素对铜绿假单胞菌耐药,且患者有肺炎克雷伯菌引起的尿路感染,故替加环素减量至50 mg,q12h,静脉滴注。4月29日患者WBC 3.2×109·L-1,N 73.7%,PLT 118×109·L-1,CRP 36.2 mg·L-1。5月6日患者PLT下降至 25×109·L-1。临床医生认为替加环素已使用2周,疗程足,停用替加环素,改为左氧氟沙星。5 d后复查血常规,PLT为 68×109·L-1,10 d后PLT 升至120×109·L-1,接近正常水平。

例2,男,89岁。因“反复咳嗽、咯痰10余年,再出现伴发热1 d”于2016年7月8日入院。入院诊断:①慢性阻塞性肺疾病伴急性加重;②间质性肺病。入院后经验性给予头孢哌酮/舒巴坦3.0 g,bid,联合莫西沙星注射液0.4 g,qd,静脉滴注抗感染,氨溴索注射液、多索茶碱针化痰平喘,同时给予甲泼尼龙针40 mg,静脉推注抗炎治疗。7月15日,患者出现高热,无明显咳嗽咳痰,有胸闷气促症状。体检:血压135/68 mmHg(1 mmHg=0.133 kPa),脉搏78次·min-1,呼吸20次·min-1,体温38.1 ℃。血常规:WBC 9.4×109·L-1,N 77.6%,PLT 217×109 ·L-1,CRP 39.83 mg ·L-1 。结合患者肺间质改变,高热,考虑再次感染,停用头孢哌酮钠舒巴坦、莫西沙星,改用亚胺培南/西司他丁0.5 g,q8h。7月18日,血常规:WBC 13.7×109·L-1,N 82.7%,PLT 279×109·L-1,CRP 83.3 mg ·L-1 。医嘱使用吸入用复方异丙托溴铵和布地奈德抗炎平喘,加用卡铂芬净50 mg,qd(首剂70 mg)覆盖真菌感染。7月20日,患者病情危重,面罩吸氧,气急烦躁,口唇发绀。体检:血压150/75 mmHg,脉搏68次·min-1,呼吸24次·min-1,体温36.3 ℃。血气分析示:二氧化碳分压6.038 kPa,氧分压6.783 kPa 。停用亚胺培南/西司他丁,加用替加环素(浙江海正药业股份有限公司,批号:3160301)50 mg,q12h,静脉滴注,甲泼尼龙80 mg,静脉推注,q8h。7月21日,辅助检查:凝血酶时间 14.3 s,国际标准化比值(INR)1.22,PLT 161×109·L-1。医嘱予阿司匹林肠溶片100 mg、氢氯吡格雷片75 mg,口服抑制血小板聚集。使用替加环素4 d后PLT 122×109·L-1,1周后PLT 63×109·L-1。患者肝肾功能未有明显异常。临床考虑药物致血小板降低,停用替加环素。停药3 d后PLT 133×109·L-1,5 d后PLT 169×109·L-1,恢复正常。后未再使用该药,感染控制后出院。

2 讨论

以上2例血小板减少的不良反应均为患者使用替加环素后出现,用药与不良反应存在较明确的时间关系。例1合并用哌拉西林/他唑巴坦,但在停用替加环素后仍持续应用该药,血小板数反而增多,因此排除哌拉西林/他唑巴坦引起该不良反应可能。例2使用替加环素的次日血小板出现减少,停用后血小板迅速上升,但在此期间患者延续应用可导致血小板减少的阿司匹林和氢氯吡格雷。说明PLT减少由替加环素所致。替加环素说明书载明偶可引起血小板减少等血液淋巴系统反应。国外有文献[1-3]报道使用替加环素引起的血小板减少,国内相关文献报道较少。杨焕芝等[4]报道替加环素可引起全血细胞减少;张红翠等[5]报道1例替加环素超说明书用药致血小板减少。根据我国药品不良反应关联性评价原则[6],判断上述2例替加环素致血小板减少评价为“很可能”。例1初始给予2倍剂量替加环素,使用5 d后减量为常规剂量,属超说明书用药,推断血小板减少可能与给药剂量偏大有关。


The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.


[1] GUIRAO X,SANCHEZ G M,BASSETTI M,et al.Safety and tolerability of tigecycline for the treatment of complicated skin and soft-tissue and intra-abdominal infections:an analysis based on five European observational studies[J].J Antimicrob Chemother,2013,68(Suppl 2):7908-7917.
Tigecycline is approved for the treatment of complicated skin and soft-tissue infections (cSSTIs) and complicated intra-abdominal infections (cIAIs) in adults. In this analysis the safety and tolerability profile of tigecycline (used alone or in combination) for the treatment of patients with approved indications of cSSTI and cIAI were examined under real-life clinical conditions.Individual patient-level data were pooled from five European observational studies (July 2006 to October 2011). A total of 254 cSSTI and 785 cIAI patients were included. The mean age was 63 years; 34.4% and 56.6% were in intensive care units, 90.9% and 88.1% had at least one comorbidity and mean Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation (APACHE) II scores at the beginning of treatment were 15.0 ± 7.9 and 16.9 ± 7.6, respectively.Data on adverse events (AEs) were available for 198 cSSTI and 590 cIAI patients in three studies. Nausea and vomiting were reported in ≤ 2% of patients. The most common serious AEs were multi-organ failure (4.0% and 10.0% in cSSTI and cIAI patients, respectively) and sepsis (4.0% and 6.1%, respectively). Death was recorded for 24/254 (9.4%) cSSTI and 147/785 (18.7%) cIAI patients. Mortality rates were higher in the group with a baseline APACHE II score of >15 compared with those with a score of ≤ 15 (18.7% versus 3.5% for cSSTI patients and 23.8% versus 16.0% for cIAI patients). A similar trend was seen when cIAI patients were stratified by Sequential Organ Failure Assessment (SOFA) score.The safety and tolerability of tigecycline, alone and in combination, are consistent with the level of critical illness among patients in these real-life studies.
DOI:10.1093/jac/dkt143      PMID:23772045      URL    
[2] ECKMANN C,HEIZMANN W,BODMANN K F,et al.Tigecycline in the treatment of patients with necrotizing skin and soft tissue infections due to multiresistant bacteria[J].Surg Infect,2015,16(5):618-625.
Necrotizing skin and soft tissue infections (NSTI) form a group of aggressive diseases that require radical debridement for infection control. Simultaneously, a high-dose broad spectrum antibiotic regimen needs to be initiated with control of septic complications in the intensive care setting. The aim of this work is to analyze the efficacy and safety of tigecycline in a subpopulation of hospitalized, severely ill surgical NSTI patients who were documented in a large multicenter non-interventional study on tigecycline use in routine clinical practice. A total of 1,025 patients with severe infections including complicated skin and soft-tissue infections (cSSTI, n=163; 15,9%) were enrolled in a prospective multi-center non-interventional study. Patients were to receive an initial intravenous dose of 100 g tigecycline, followed by 50 g twice daily. Prospectively documented parameters included clinical findings, APACHE II score, microbiological and standard laboratory assessments, surgical measures, and clinical outcomes including adverse events. Of 163 patients were treated for cSSTI, with the largest subgroup being NSTI patients (n=50, 30.7% of all cSSTI, mean age 61 , median APACHE II score 20). Forty-eight NSTI patients (96%) had at least one comorbidity. In 80% of patients, the treatment was started after previous antibiotic treatment had failed and in 34% resistant pathogens were isolated (28% methicillin resistant Staphyloccocus aureus [MRSA], 4% extended-spectrum-beta-lactamase (ESBL)-producing bacteria, and 2% vancomycin-resistant Enterococci (VRE). Tigecycline was administered as a single agent in 32 patients; 17 received combination regimens. Data from one patient were not reported. Rates of clinical cure or improvement with tigecycline treatment were 90.2%. Two patients (4%) had drug related adverse events (one thrombocytopenia and one fever/chills); 10 patients (20%) died. Tigecycline alone or in combination therapy was an effective and safe antibiotic treatment in critically ill and antimicrobially pre-treated patients with NSTI frequently caused by resistant pathogens.
DOI:10.1089/sur.2014.089      PMID:26115414      URL    
[3] 盛长城,谢娟,顾鹏.1例抗菌药物致出血患者的药学监护[J].医药导报,2015,34(9):1248-1250.
目的:探讨临床药师在处理药品不良反应时的作用。方法临床药师参与1例老年重症感染患者联用替加环素和头 孢哌酮/舒巴坦致严重出血的分析与处理,临床药师充分利用药学专业知识,建议停头孢哌酮/舒巴坦、替加环素,补充维生素 K,并予相应止血处理。结果患者血小板、活化部分凝血酶时间逐渐恢复趋于正常,大便隐血阴性。结论临床药师应特别关注老年、危重患者的用药安全,及时、正 确处理不良反应,促进临床安全合理用药。
[4] 杨焕芝,宋沧桑,李兴德,.替加环素致全血细胞减少不良反应1例[J].中国医院药学杂志,2015,35(3):277-278.
[5] 张红翠,王晓伟,朱曼.1 例替加环素超说明书用药致血小板降低的案例分析[J].中国药物应用与监测,2016,13(2):125-127.
[6] 国家食品药品监督管理局药品安全监管司,国家药品不良反应中心.药品不良反报告和监测工作手册[S].2005:46.
[7] BMJ Group.What role for tigecycline in infections?[J].Drug Thera Bull,2008,46(8):62-64.
DOI:10.1136/dtb.2008.07.0018      URL    
[8] MAXIMOVA N,ZANON D,VERZEGNASSI F,et al.Neutrophils engraftment delay during tigecycline treatment in 2 bone marrow-transplanted patients[J].J Pediatr Hematol Oncol,2013,35(1):e33-37.
Tigecycline is the first available drug of glycylcycline family. Because of recent introduction, some of its adverse effects could be still unexplored.We report the cases of 2 boys who underwent an allogenic bone marrow transplantation for acute myeloid leukemia and were treated with tigecycline. Erythrocyte and platelet engraftment followed a normal course, but the neutrophil count remained low despite the increase in leukocyte count. After tigecycline interruption, the neutrophil count rapidly raised in both cases.Neutropenia was suspected to be secondary to tigecycline exposure. In vitro experiments were performed, which suggested tigecycline influence on myeloid cells survival.
DOI:10.1097/MPH.0b013e318279eec2      PMID:23171996      URL    
[9] TANG C,YANG L,JIANG X,et al.Antibiotic drug tigecy-cline inhibited cell proliferation and induced autophagy in gastric cancer cells[J].Biochem Biophys Res Commun,2014,446(1):105-112.
Tigecycline acts as a glycylcycline class bacteriostatic agent, and actively resists a series of bacteria, specifically drug fast bacteria. However, accumulating evidence showed that tetracycline and their derivatives such as doxycycline and minocycline have anti-cancer properties, which are out of their broader antimicrobial activity. We found that tigecycline dramatically inhibited gastric cancer cell proliferation and provided an evidence that tigecycline induced autophagy but not apoptosis in human gastric cancer cells. Further experiments demonstrated that AMPK pathway was activated accompanied with the suppression of its downstream targets including mTOR and p70S6K, and ultimately induced cell autophagy and inhibited cell growth. So our data suggested that tigecycline might act as a candidate agent for pre-clinical evaluation in treatment of patients suffering from gastric cancer.
DOI:10.1016/j.bbrc.2014.02.043      PMID:24582751      URL    
[10] FANTIN F,MANICA A,SOLDANI F,et al.Use of tigecyc-line in elderly patients for clostridium difficile infection[J].Geri Gerontol Int,2015,15(2):230-231.
No abstract is available for this article.
DOI:10.1111/ggi.12336      PMID:25619268      URL    
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