中国科技论文统计源期刊 中文核心期刊  
HERALD OF MEDICINE, 2018, 37(5): 551-554
doi: 10.3870/j.issn.1004-0781.2018.05.010
Apatinib Second-line or Laterline Therapy for 26 Cases of Advanced Lung Cancer
陈玲娟, 伍钢, 董晓荣, 张瑞光

摘要: 目的 探讨阿帕替尼二线或二线以上治疗晚期肺癌的临床疗效和安全性。方法 回顾性分析接受过一线及一线以上靶向治疗或化疗失败的晚期肺癌患者26例,给予阿帕替尼250~500 mg·d-1,口服,持续用药至肿瘤进展或出现不可耐受的不良反应。结果 10例患者联合化疗、靶向或放疗手段;16例患者单用阿帕替尼治疗。联合治疗有效8例,疾病控制9例;单药治疗有效6例,疾病控制11例。联合治疗患者中位无进展生存时间(mPFS)为4个月,单药患者mPFS为1.5个月。患者耐受性良好,常见的毒副反应为1~3级手足综合征、血小板降低和蛋白尿。结论 对于接受过一线及以上治疗失败的晚期肺癌患者,阿帕替尼联合化疗或靶向治疗的疗效更好,生存时间更长。
关键词: 阿帕替尼 ; 靶向治疗 ; ; ; 晚期

Objective To assess the efficacy and safety of apatinib second-line or laterline therapy of advanced lung cancer. Methods This was a retrospective study on 26 patients with advanced lung cancer for whom at least first-line of targeted therapy or chemotherapy had failed. The patients received oral apatinib 250-500 mg per day until disease progression or intolerable toxicity. Results 10 patients received combination therapy such as chemotherapy, target therapy or radiation therapy and 16 patients were treated with single apatinib. The response rate(RR) was higher in the combined treatment group compared with the single apatinib group(8/10 vs 6/16). The disease control rate (DCR) was also higher in the combined group(9/10 vs 11/16). Similarly, apatinib combination group prolonged median PFS compared with single group (4 months vs 1.5 months). Apatinib treatment was well tolerated without severe toxicities.The common adverse events included grade 1 to 3 hand foot syndrome, thrombocytopenia and proteinuria. Conclusion These data showed that apatinib treatment improved PFS with an acceptable safety profile in patients with advanced lung cancer refractory to first or later-line of prior system therapy.
Key words: Apatinib ; Targeted therapy ; Cancer ; lung ; advanced

肺癌是发病率及死亡率最高的恶性肿瘤,分别占全部恶性肿瘤的17.1% 和21.7%[1,2]。晚期肺癌的治疗原则是以化学治疗(化疗)、靶向治疗及放射治疗为主的综合治疗[3,4]。近年来,具有个体化用药特点的靶向治疗已应用于临床,抗血管生成药物是目前研究热点之一[5]。阿帕替尼是我国自主研发的小分子血管内皮生长因子受体-2( vascular endothelial growth factor receptor-2,VEGFR-2) 抑制药,在较低浓度即可有效抑制VEGFR。前期研究显示了其在胃癌治疗中的有效性[6,7],目前有关阿帕替尼在肺癌中的应用鲜见报道,本研究通过对我院26 例一线或一线以上治疗失败的晚期肺癌患者临床资料进行分析,探讨阿帕替尼单药或联合治疗二线及以上应用于晚期肺癌的临床疗效及安全性。

1 资料与方法
1.1 临床资料


1.2 治疗方法

患者均口服阿帕替尼(商品名:艾坦,江苏恒瑞医药股份有限公司,批准文号:国药准字H20140105)250~500 mg·d-1,直至病情进展或出现不可耐受的不良反应。

1.3 疗效和不良反应评价

阿帕替尼治疗6周后采用RECIST 1.1版标准进行近期疗效评价,分为完全缓解(complete response,CR)、部分缓解(partial response,PR)、稳定(stable disease,SD)和进展(progression disease,PD),以CR+PR计算有效率(response rate,RR),以CR+PR+SD计算疾病控制率。采用NCI CTC 4.0版标准评价不良反应,分为1~4级。

1.4 随访

患者每周测量血压1次,每2周复查血常规、尿常规、肝肾功能和心电图,每6周行增强CT扫描。随访截止于2017年9月30日。无进展生存时间(progression free survival,PFS)定义为首次服用阿帕替尼至肿瘤进展或患者死亡的时间。

1.5 统计学方法

采用SPSS 16.0版软件处理数据,预后随访采用Kaplan-Meier法绘制生存曲线。以 P<0.05为差异有统计学意义。

2 结果
2.1 患者临床基本资料

26例中男19例,女7例;平均年龄56.3岁(38~69岁);ECOG评分0或1分18例,2分8例;腺癌13例,其中有3例EGFR 19 del突变,5例EGFR 21 L858R 突变,1例20 ins 突变,1例 c-met 3+,3例突变状态未知;鳞癌8例,病理类型为非特指(NOS)2例,这10例患者均为EGFR 野生型;小细胞肺癌3例。单用阿帕替尼治疗16例,联合吉非替尼、埃克替尼或AZD9291等靶向治疗5例,联合多西他赛、吉西他滨或替吉奥等化疗4例,联合肺部放疗1例。3例患者之前接受过1种治疗方案,11例患者接受过2种治疗方案,9例患者接受过3种治疗,有3例接受五线治疗。

2.2 临床近期疗效



Clinical response to apatinib therapy in the different groups of patients 例

治疗方案 例数 CR PR SD PD
二线治疗 3 0 0 2 1
三线治疗 11 1 7 1 2
四线治疗 9 0 5 2 2
五线治疗 3 0 1 1 1

2.3 临床远期疗效

随访至2017年9月30日,有22例患者出现疾病进展,有4例患者在持续用药。其中联合治疗患者的中位无进展生存时间(median progression-free survival,mPFS)为4个月,单药患者mPFS为1.5个月,差异有统计学意义(P=0.019 5)。二线治疗患者的mPFS为4个月,三线治疗为2.5个月,四线治疗与五线治疗均为1.5个月,差异无统计学意义(P=0.091 2)。见图1。

图1 不同组间患者接受阿帕替尼治疗的无进展生存时间

Fig.1 The PFS of different groups of patients receiving apatinib therapy

2.4 不良反应

常见不良反应手足综合征,其中Ⅰ级3例,Ⅱ级1例,Ⅲ级2例,Ⅲ级患者中1例为联合替吉奥治疗患者,经减量处理后无好转而停药,1例为单药阿帕替尼患者,经减量至250 mg后好转;有4例患者出现咯血,2例肺腺癌,2例肺鳞癌,其中1例鳞癌患者出现大咯血死亡;血小板降低有2例,分别为三线和四线治疗患者,其中1例为Ⅲ度血小板降低,直接予以停药处理;黄疸患者1例;III度蛋白尿患者1例,阿帕替尼减量至250 mg 后好转。

3 讨论

近十多年来,靶向血管内皮生长因子家族的治疗药物日新月异,包括一些单克隆抗体及小分子物质。VEGF家族与肿瘤的血管生成、侵袭、迁移和转移密切相关[8]。阻断VEGF /VEGFR 信号传导通路是治疗恶性肿瘤的重要手段之一。

由中国自主研制的小分子酪氨酸激酶抑制药阿帕替尼,能高度选择性竞争细胞内VEGFR-2的ATP 结合位点,阻断下游信号转导,抑制肿瘤血管生成,达到治疗肿瘤的目的[9,10,11]。阿帕替尼已于2014 年底被批准用于二线或二线以上治疗无效的胃腺癌及胃食管结合部癌[7,12]。多项研究证实了阿帕替尼在乳腺癌及肝癌中同样具有显著抗瘤疗效[13,14,15]

阿帕替尼在肺癌中已取得了一定效果,但相关报道少见。ZHANG等[16]进行的Ⅱ期临床研究显示阿帕替尼作为二线后治疗非小细胞肺癌患者mPFS为4.7 个月,而相对应安慰药组的中位PFS 仅为1.9个月。近期研究显示阿帕替尼体内体外试验均可对EGFR-TKI类药物起增敏作用[17],亦有研究显示阿帕替尼可提高多西他赛醇的治疗效果[18],与替吉奥联合亦可取得更好的效果[19]

本研究通过对接受阿帕替尼治疗的26 例晚期肺癌患者的临床资料进行分析,以评价阿帕替尼用于肺癌治疗的临床疗效及安全性。研究结果显示,在二线及以上治疗情况下,阿帕替尼有一定有效率,但在患者体能情况允许情况下,能进一步联合化疗、靶向治疗或放疗等手段,患者能有更高的客观疗效及生存获益。本研究进一步对不同治疗线数应用阿帕替尼的情况进行了分析,越早线应用患者有效率越高,生存获益时间越长。但本研究病例数偏少,多线治疗后患者偏多,因此需要更大样本进一步探讨分析。


综上所述,对于一线及一线以上治疗失败的晚期肺癌患者,服用阿帕替尼250~500 mg·d-1能够延长患者的生存时间,与化疗或靶向治疗联用疗效更佳。阿帕替尼的不良反应与既往临床试验报道的类似,多数患者能够耐受。但目前关于阿帕替尼治疗肺癌的研究不多,如何寻找获益人群以及如何联合其他治疗手段,尚需大样本及对照试验进一步探讨。

The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.


[1] CHEN W,ZHENG R,ZENG H,et al.Epidemiology of lung cancer in China[J].Thorac Cancer,2015,6(2):209-215.
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[2] ZHENG R,ZENG H,ZHANG S,et al.National estimates of cancer prevalence in China,2011[J].Cancer Lett,2016,370(1):33-38.
Abstract OBJECTIVE: Little is known about the nationwide cancer prevalence in China. This paper aimed at assessing the 5-year cancer prevalence in China for 25 major cancers. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Incidence data were estimated using data from 177 cancer registries and covering 175 million populations. Survival data were from 17 cancer registries diagnosed during 2003-2005 and followed up until 31 December 2010. Standardized protocols for data collection and validation were adopted. Cancer prevalence for 25 major sites was estimated from year-specific incidence rates and survival probabilities according to standardized formula. RESULTS: The estimated 5-year prevalence for all cancers combined in 2011 in China was 7.49 million (3.68 million for men and 3.81 million for women). Cancer prevalence estimates for 5 years varied by cancer sites, ranging from 11,900 for testicular cancer to 1.02 million for women breast cancer. Those most prevalent five cancers (breast, colorectal, lung, stomach and esophageal cancers) covered 56.1% of cancer burden in China. The proportion for the 5-year prevalence was higher in urban areas compared to rural areas (666 per 100,000 versus 440 per 100,000), while cancer prevalence estimates were higher for women compared to men, with the men/women ratio of 5-year cancer prevalence reaching 0.96. CONCLUSIONS: This paper provides the first systematic analysis on 5-year cancer prevalence for 25 major cancers in China in 2011, which may serve as a baseline for assessment of the overall effectiveness of cancer health care. The huge number of cancer survivors requires resource allocation to improve health care programs and primary prevention, especially in rural areas. Copyright 2015 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
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Abstract The 2015 World Health Organization (WHO) Classification of Tumors of the Lung, Pleura, Thymus and Heart has just been published with numerous important changes from the 2004 WHO classification. The most significant changes in this edition involve (1) use of immunohistochemistry throughout the classification, (2) a new emphasis on genetic studies, in particular, integration of molecular testing to help personalize treatment strategies for advanced lung cancer patients, (3) a new classification for small biopsies and cytology similar to that proposed in the 2011 Association for the Study of Lung Cancer/American Thoracic Society/European Respiratory Society classification, (4) a completely different approach to lung adenocarcinoma as proposed by the 2011 Association for the Study of Lung Cancer/American Thoracic Society/European Respiratory Society classification, (5) restricting the diagnosis of large cell carcinoma only to resected tumors that lack any clear morphologic or immunohistochemical differentiation with reclassification of the remaining former large cell carcinoma subtypes into different categories, (6) reclassifying squamous cell carcinomas into keratinizing, nonkeratinizing, and basaloid subtypes with the nonkeratinizing tumors requiring immunohistochemistry proof of squamous differentiation, (7) grouping of neuroendocrine tumors together in one category, (8) adding NUT carcinoma, (9) changing the term sclerosing hemangioma to sclerosing pneumocytoma, (10) changing the name hamartoma to "pulmonary hamartoma," (11) creating a group of PEComatous tumors that include (a) lymphangioleiomyomatosis, (b) PEComa, benign (with clear cell tumor as a variant) and (c) PEComa, malignant, (12) introducing the entity pulmonary myxoid sarcoma with an EWSR1-CREB1 translocation, (13) adding the entities myoepithelioma and myoepithelial carcinomas, which can show EWSR1 gene rearrangements, (14) recognition of usefulness of WWTR1-CAMTA1 fusions in diagnosis of epithelioid hemangioendotheliomas, (15) adding Erdheim-Chester disease to the lymphoproliferative tumor, and (16) a group of tumors of ectopic origin to include germ cell tumors, intrapulmonary thymoma, melanoma and meningioma.
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[4] TRAVIS W D,BRAMBILLA E,BURKE A P,et al.Introdu-ction to the 2015 World Health Organization Classification of Tumors of the Lung,Pleura,Thymus,and Heart[J].J Thorac Oncol,2015,10(9):1240-1242.
A review of Next-Generation Network Services by Robert Wood
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[5] ZHOU C,WU Y L,CHEN G,et al.Beyond: a randomized,double-blind,placebo-controlled,multicenter,phase III study of first-line carboplatin/paclitaxel plus bevacizumab or placebo in Chinese patients with advanced or recurrent nonsquamous non-small-cell lung cancer[J].J Clin Oncol,2015,33(19):2197-2204.
The phase III BEYOND trial was undertaken to confirm in a Chinese patient population the efficacy seen with first-line bevacizumab plus platinum doublet chemotherapy in globally conducted studies. Patients age 18 years with locally advanced, metastatic, or recurrent advanced nonsquamous non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) were randomly assigned to receive carboplatin (area under the curve, 6) intravenously and paclitaxel (175 mg/m(2)) intravenously (CP) on day 1 of each 3-week cycle, for six cycles, plus placebo (Pl+CP) or bevacizumab (B+CP) 15 mg/kg intravenously, on day 1 of each cycle, until progression, unacceptable toxicity, or death. The primary end point was progression-free survival (PFS); secondary end points were objective response rate, overall survival, exploratory biomarkers, safety. A total of 276 patients were randomly assigned, 138 to each arm. PFS was prolonged with B+CP versus Pl+CP (median, 9.2 v 6.5 months, respectively; hazard ratio [HR], 0.40; 95% CI, 0.29 to 0.54; P < .001). Objective response rate was improved with B+CP compared with Pl+CP (54% v 26%, respectively). Overall survival was also prolonged with B+CP compared with Pl+CP (median, 24.3 v 17.7 months, respectively; HR, 0.68; 95% CI, 0.50 to 0.93; P = .0154). Median PFS was 12.4 months with B+CP and 7.9 months with Pl+CP (HR, 0.27; 95% CI, 0.12 to 0.63) in EGFR mutation-positive tumors and 8.3 and 5.6 months, respectively (HR, 0.33; 95% CI, 0.21 to 0.53), in wild-type tumors. Safety was similar to previous studies of B+CP in NSCLC; no new safety signals were observed. The addition to bevacizumab to carboplatin/paclitaxel was well tolerated and resulted in a clinically meaningful treatment benefit in Chinese patients with advanced nonsquamous NSCLC.
DOI:10.1200/JCO.2014.59.4424      PMID:26014294      URL    
[6] FORNARO L,VASILE E,FALCONE A.Apatinib in advanced gastric cancer:a doubtful step forward[J].J Clin Oncol,2016,34(31):3822-3823.
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[7] LI K,LI J.Current molecular targeted therapy in advanced gastric cancer:a comprehensive review of therapeutic mechanism,clinical trials,and practical application[J].Gastroenterol Res Pract,DOI:10.1155/2016/4105615.
[8] SULLIVAN L A,BREKKEN R A.The VEGF family in cancer and antibody-based strategies for their inhibition[J].MAbs,2010,2(2):165-175.
Angiogenesis is required in normal physiological processes, but is also involved in tumor growth, progression and metastasis. Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), a primary mediator of angiogenesis in normal physiology and in disease, and other VEGF family members and their receptors provide targets that have been explored extensively for cancer therapy. Small molecule inhibitors and antibody/protein-based strategies that target the VEGF pathway have been studied in multiple types of cancer. This review will focus on VEGF pathway targeting antibodies that are currently being evaluated in pre-clinical and clinical studies.
DOI:10.4161/mabs.2.2.11360      PMID:2840235      URL    
[9] ZHANG H.Apatinib for molecular targeted therapy in tumor[J].Drug Des Devel Ther,2015,9:6075-6081.
As tumor angiogenesis is one of the hallmarks of cancer, the inhibition of vascular endothelial growth factor signaling has become an attractive anticancer approach. Apatinib, a small-molecule inhibitor of vascular endothelial growth factor receptor-2, has demonstrated encouraging anticancer activity across a broad range of malignancies, including gastric cancer, non-small-cell lung cancer, breast cancer, and hepatocellular carcinoma. In this up-to-date review, focus is not only on the structure, mechanisms, and pharmacokinetics of apatinib, but also on summarizing clinical trials and making recommendations of apatinib for patients with advanced solid tumors.
DOI:10.2147/DDDT.S97235      PMID:26622168      URL    
[10] BROWER V.Apatinib in treatment of refractory gastric cancer[J].Lancet Oncol,2016,17(4):e137.
Antiangiogenesis therapy plays an important role in cancer treatment. Apatinib mesylate, a small molecule tyrosine kinase inhibitor targeting vascular endothelial growth factor receptor-2, has been recommended as third-line treatment for metastatic gastric cancer patients.The current review summarizes the publications and conference reports relating to apatinib from preclinical and clinical research in gastric cancer. Apatinib showed good safety, tolerance and treatment efficacy in Phase I/II studies. In a Phase III study, apatinib prolonged the median overall survival of patients with chemotherapy-refractory metastatic gastric cancer by 55 days and the median progression-free survival by 25 days compared with placebo.Apatinib is a new treatment option for advanced gastric cancer. Apatinib is expected to have a broader application when it has been evaluated worldwide. The key issues are to find biomarkers and overcome drug resistance.
DOI:10.1016/S1470-2045(16)00138-8      PMID:26922857      URL    
[11] LEE H J,MOON J Y,BAEK S W.Is treatment-emergent toxicity a biomarker of efficacy of apatinib in gastric cancer?[J].J Clin Oncol,2016,34(31):3823.
DOI:10.1200/JCO.2016.68.8663      PMID:27528729      URL    
[12] LI J,QIN S,XU J,et al.Randomized,double-blind,placebo-controlled phase III trial of apatinib in patients with chemotherapy-refractory advanced or metastatic adenocarcinoma of the stomach or gastroesophageal junction[J].J Clin Oncol,2016,34(13):1448-1454.
Abstract PURPOSE: There is currently no standard treatment strategy for patients with advanced metastatic gastric cancer experiencing progression after two or more lines of chemotherapy. We assessed the efficacy and safety of apatinib, a novel vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 2 tyrosine kinase inhibitor, in patients with advanced gastric or gastroesophageal junction adenocarcinoma for whom at least two lines of prior chemotherapy had failed. PATIENTS AND METHODS: This was a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled phase III trial. Patients from 32 centers in China with advanced gastric or gastroesophageal junction adenocarcinoma, for whom two or more prior lines of chemotherapy had failed, were enrolled. Patients were randomly assigned to oral apatinib 850 mg or placebo once daily. The primary end points were overall (OS) and progression-free survival (PFS). RESULTS: Between January 2011 and November 2012, 267 patients were enrolled. Median OS was significantly improved in the apatinib group compared with the placebo group (6.5 months; 95% CI, 4.8 to 7.6 v 4.7 months; 95% CI, 3.6 to 5.4; P = .0149; hazard ratio, 0.709; 95% CI, 0.537 to 0.937; P = .0156). Similarly, apatinib significantly prolonged median PFS compared with placebo (2.6 months; 95% CI, 2.0 to 2.9 v 1.8 months; 95% CI, 1.4 to 1.9; P < .001; hazard ratio, 0.444; 95% CI, 0.331 to 0.595; P < .001). The most common grade 3 to 4 nonhematologic adverse events were hand-foot syndrome, proteinuria, and hypertension. CONCLUSION: These data show that apatinib treatment significantly improved OS and PFS with an acceptable safety profile in patients with advanced gastric cancer refractory to two or more lines of prior chemotherapy. 2016 by American Society of Clinical Oncology.
DOI:10.1200/JCO.2015.63.5995      PMID:26884585      URL    
[13] HU X,CAO J,HU W,et al.Multicenter phase II study of apatinib in non-triple-negative metastatic breast cancer[J].BMC Cancer,2014,14:820.
Background Apatinib is a tyrosine kinase inhibitor targeting vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 2(VEGFR-2). This study was conducted to assess the efficacy and safety of apatinib in patients with non-triple-negative metastatic breast cancer who had received prior chemotherapy for their metastatic disease. Methods This multicenter, open-label, single arm study enrolled patients with non-triple-negative breast cancer, pretreated with anthracycline, taxanes and capecitabine, and who failed in the metastatic setting at least 1 and at most 4 prior chemotherapy regimens and at least one endocrine drug for hormone receptor-positive patients as well as at least one anti-Her2 drug for Her2-positive patients. The primary end point of this study was progression free survival (PFS). Secondary end points included objective response rate (ORR), disease control rate (DCR), overall survival (OS), and toxicity. Apatinib was administered as 50002mg daily on days 1 through 28 of each 4-week cycle. Results 38 patients were enrolled with a median age of 4902years (range, 35 to 6202years) and received apatinib for a median of 402cycles (range from 0 to 1002cycles). 18 (47.4%) patients experienced dose reduction during treatment. The median relative dose intensity (relative to assigned dose for each cycle) was 82% (range, 45.0% to 100.0%). Median follow-up time was 10.102months. Median PFS of all 38 patients was 4.002months (95% confidence interval (CI), 2.802m ??? 5.202m). 36 patients were eligible for efficacy analysis. ORR was 16.7% (6/36). DCR was 66.7% (24/36). Median OS was 10.302months (95% CI, 9.102m ??? 11.602m). The most common grade 3/4 treatment-related AEs were hypertension (20.5%), hand-foot syndrome (10.3%), and proteinuria (5.1%). Of three possibly drug-related SAEs recorded in the study, 2 (3.4%) deaths occurred within 2802days of last treatment and were both considered to be the result of disease progression. The other one was grade 2 diarrhea needing hospitalization. Conclusions Apatinib exhibited objective efficacy in heavily pretreated, metastatic non-triple-negative breast cancer with manageable toxicity, and it might be better to be tested in breast cancer with high angiogenesis dependency. Trial registration NCT01653561.
DOI:10.1186/1471-2407-14-820      PMID:25376790      URL    
[14] HU X,ZHANG J,XU B,et al.Multicenter phase II study of apatinib,a novel VEGFR inhibitor in heavily pretreated patients with metastatic triple-negative breast cancer[J].Int J Cancer,2014,135(8):1961-1969.
Apatinib is an oral, highly potent tyrosine-kinase inhibitor targeting VEGFR2. Phase I study showed the recommended dose of 750 mg/day with substantial antitumor activity. This phase II study aims to evaluate the optimum dose level for the efficacy and safety of apatinib monotherapy in heavily pretreated patients with metastatic triple negative breast cancer (mTNBC) in China. Phase IIa was first performed among 25 patients previously treated with anthracycline and/or taxane. All patients received apatinib 750 mg/day p.o. in a 4-week cycle. Subsequently, a phase IIb study of 59 patients was activated, with the endpoint progression-free survival (PFS). The dosage of drug for the Phase IIb was determined according to safety, tolerability and efficacy from the phase IIa study. As a result of toxicity associated with the 750 mg dose in phase IIa, the recommended initial dose of apatinib in the phase IIb was 500 mg/day. In phase IIb, grade 3/4 hematologic toxicities were thrombocytopenia (13.6%), leukopenia (6.8%), neutropenia (3.4%) and anemia (1.7%). The most frequent grade 3/4 nonhematologic toxicities were hand–foot syndrome, proteinuria, hypertension, and increased ALT. In the 56 evaluable patients, overall response rate and clinical benefit rate (CBR) were 10.7 and 25.0%, respectively. Median PFS and overall survival were 3.3 (95% CI 1.7–5.0) and 10.6 (95% CI 5.6–15.7) months, respectively. Our results indicate that apatinib dose of 500 mg rather than 750 mg is the recommended starting dose for the heavily pretreated mTNBC patients with measurable rate of partial response and PFS.
DOI:10.1016/S0960-9776(13)70054-7      PMID:24604288      URL    
[15] LU W,JIN X L,YANG C,et al.Comparison of efficacy between TACE combined with apatinib and TACE alone in the treatment of intermediate and advanced hepatocellular carcinoma:a single-center randomized controlled trial[J].Cancer Biol Ther,2017,18(6):433-438.
This study was designed to compare the clinical efficacy and safety of transcatheter arterial chemoembolization (TACE) combined with apatinib and TACE alone in the treatment of intermediate and advanced hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). From March 2015 to August 2015, a total of 44 patients with moderate and advanced HCC, who were admitted in the Navy General Hospital of China, were included into this study. These patients were randomly divided into two groups: group A and group B. Patients in group A underwent TACE alone, while patients in group B underwent the combined treatment of TACE with apatinib. Differences in preoperative general data between these two groups were not statistically significant (P>0.05). All patients were followed up for 12-18 months. Changes in alpha-fetal protein (AFP) at three months after treatment and the objective response rate (ORR) at three, six, nine and twelve months after treatment were compared between these two groups. Furthermore, progression-free survival (PFS) and the incidence of adverse reactions were also compared between these two groups. AFP levels in groups A and B significantly decreased after three months of treatment, compared with the levels before treatment, and the differences were statistically significant (P<0.05). However, at three months after treatment, the difference between these two groups was not statistically significant (P>0.05). ORR at three, six, nine and twelve months after treatment was 36.36%, 27.27%, 13.64% and 9.09%, respectively, in group A; and 60%, 50%, 45% and 35%, respectively, in group B. At three and six months after treatment, the differences between these two groups were not statistically significant (P>0.05); while at nine and twelve months after treatment, the differences between these two groups were statistically significant (P<0.05). The median PFS was 6.0 months in group A and 12.5 months in group B, and the difference was statistically significant (P<0.05). The incidences of complications were related to oral apatinib, such as hypertension, hand-foot syndrome and proteinuria, were higher in group B than in group A, and the differences were statistically significant (P<0.05). These symptoms all alleviated after symptomatic treatments. For intermediate and advanced HCC, the long-term curative effect of TACE combined with apatinib is better than that of TACE alone. The former can obviously prolong the PFS of patients and has a confirmed safety.
DOI:10.1080/15384047.2017.1323589      PMID:28548587      URL    
[16] ZHANG L,SHI M,HUANG C,et al.A phase II,multicen-ter,placebo-controlled trial of apatinib in patients with advanced nonsquamous non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) after two previous treatment regimens[J].J Clin Oncol,2012,30(15 Suppl) :7548.
[17] LI F,ZHU T,ZHU X,et al.Apatinib to enhance antitumor activity of gefitinib in non-small cell lung cancer[J].J Clin Oncol,2017,35(15 Suppl):e20086.
[18] ZHOU F,FENG S,ZHANG J,et al.Combined treatment of apatinib with docetaxel in non-small-cell lung cancer mice and its material basis of pharmacokinetics[J].J Clin Oncol,2017,35(15 Suppl):e14069.
[19] WU Z,WU J,DAI G,et al.The efficiency of apatinib plus S-1 as second-line or laterline chemotherapy for advanced non-small-cell lung cancer[J].J Clin Oncol,2017,35(15 Suppl):e20549.
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Targeted therapy


CHEN Lingjuan
WU Gang
DONG Xiaorong
ZHANG Ruiguang