中国科技论文统计源期刊 中文核心期刊  
HERALD OF MEDICINE, 2018, 37(5): 600-604
doi: 10.3870/j.issn.1004-0781.2018.05.020
Determination of the Solubility of Cyclosporine Capsules and Soft Capsules by High Performance Liquid Chromatography
庞文哲, 韩彬, 王强, 王茉莉, 李香荷, 宋更申

摘要: 目的 建立测定环孢素胶囊及软胶囊体外溶出度的高效液相色谱法(HPLC)。方法 采用篮法测定环孢素胶囊溶出度,以0.1 mol·L-1盐酸(含1.0%十二烷基硫酸钠)1 000 mL为溶出介质,转速为100 r·min-1,60 min后取样,采用HPLC法测定。环孢素软胶囊采用桨法,以模拟胃液(胃蛋白酶3.2 g、氯化钠2.0 g、盐酸7.0 mL,N,N-二甲基十二烷基胺-N-氧化物6.9 mL,加水稀释至1 000 mL)为溶出介质,转速75 r·min-1,60 min后取样,采用HPLC法测定。色谱条件为:以十八烷基硅烷键合硅胶为填充剂的色谱柱,以四氢呋喃-0.05 mol·L-1磷酸溶液(45:55)为流动相;柱温为75 ℃;检测波长220 nm;进样量10 μL。结果 回归方程为A=10.304C+1.217 5,r=0.999 9;在检测浓度为0.25~9.90 μg·mL-1范围内呈良好线性关系。共8个厂家生产的环孢素胶囊及软胶囊溶出度在60 min内均>80%。结论 该方法测得的环孢素胶囊及软胶囊的溶出量较高,方法可行性强,灵敏度高,结果准确可靠。
关键词: 环孢素胶囊 ; 环孢素软胶囊 ; 溶出度测定 ; 色谱法 ; 高效液相

Objective To establish a high performance liquid chromatography method for solubility determination of cyclosporin capsules and soft capsules. Methods Solubility of cyclosporine capsules was determined by basket method, with 0.1 mol·L-1 hydrochloric acid solution (1.0% twelve sodium dodecyl sulfate) 1 000 mL as dissolution medium at 100 r·min-1. Samples were taken at 60 minute and determined by HPLC method. Paddle method was adopted for the determination of cyclosporin soft capsules with simulate gastric juice (pepsin 3.2 g, sodium chloride 2.0 g , hydrochloric acid 7.0 mL, N, N- two methyl twelve alkyl amine -N-oxide 6.9 mL, dilute with water to 1 000 mL) 1 000 mL as dissolution medium at 75 r·min-1, samples were taken at 60 minute and determined by HPLC method. HPLC was performed with C18 column,The mobile phase consisted of tetrahydrofuran -0.05 mol·L-1 phosphate (45:55).The column temperature was 75 ℃ and the detection wavelength was 220 nm. The injection volume was 10 μL. Results The linear range of cyclosporin was 0.25-9.90 μg·mL-1(A=10.304C+1.217 5, r=0.999 9). The accumulative release percentage of the samples from eight manufacturers within 60 min were all above 80% of the stated amount. Conclusion In this condition, dissolution rate of the cyclosporine capsules and soft capsules were high, the method is feasibility and highly sensitive and the result is accurate and reliable.
Key words: Cyclosporine capsules ; Cyclosporin soft capsules ; Determination of solubility ; Chromatography ; high performance liquid

环孢素为免疫抑制药,对T细胞依赖性免疫反应作用强,主要用于预防组织器官移植的排斥反应及自身免疫性疾病,环孢素的出现是近几十年来器官移植的重大进展[1,2,3]。环孢素是一种由11个氨基酸组成的环状多肽物质,分子量较大,脂溶性强而亲水性极差。因此环孢素胶囊及软胶囊的溶出度测定对保证药品质量和用药安全有重要意义[4,5,6]。根据《中华人民共和国药典》2015年版的相关规定,参考进口药品标准 JX20000339及文献,本实验建立了高效液相色谱(HPLC)法检测环孢素胶囊及软胶囊的溶出度[7,8,9,10],报道如下。

1 仪器与试药
1.1 仪器

RCZ-8M溶出实验仪(天大天发科技有限公司);RCZ-8B溶出实验仪(天大天发科技有限公司);美国Agilent 1260高效液相色谱仪(DAD检测器)。

1.2 试药

环孢素对照品,由中国食品药品检定研究院提供,批号:130495-200202,含量98.8%;杂质对照品环孢素C、环孢素B、环孢素G、环孢素H、异环孢素A和异环孢素H均由诺华制药有限公司提供;环孢素软胶囊样品的提供厂家:A,规格10 mg(批号:S0040),规格25 mg(批号:S0121),规格100 mg(批号:S0110);环孢素胶囊样品的提供厂家:B,规格25 mg(批号:1105291,1007291)。四氢呋喃为色谱纯,水为超纯水,磷酸,盐酸,十二烷基硫酸钠,胃蛋白酶,氯化钠,30%N,N-二甲基十二烷基胺-N-氧化物。

2 方法与结果
2.1 色谱条件

以十八烷基硅烷键合硅胶为填充剂(250 mm×4.6 mm,5 μm),在色谱柱与进样阀之间连接一根直径0.25 mm、长1 m的不锈钢管作为热交换器(或使用具有预加热模块的柱温箱);以四氢呋喃-0.05 mol·L-1磷酸溶液(45:55)为流动相;不锈钢管温度与柱温均为75 ℃;检测波长220 nm;进样量10 μL。样品溶液、对照品溶液及空白辅料色谱图见图1。空白辅料溶液不干扰测定。

图1 3种溶液的 HPLC图

Fig.1 HPLC chromatogram of three kinds of solution
A.blank solution;B. reference substance solution;C. sample solution;1.cyclosporine

2.2 环孢素胶囊溶出度测定法

取本品,照溶出度测定法篮法,以0.1 mol·L-1盐酸(含1.0%十二烷基硫酸钠)1 000 mL为溶出介质,转速为100 r·min-1,依法操作,经60 min时,取溶液适量,滤过,取续滤液作为供试品溶液。采用HPLC法测定,计算每粒胶囊的溶出量。

2.3 环孢素软胶囊溶出度测定法

取本品,照溶出度测定法桨法,以模拟胃液(取胃蛋白酶3.2 g、氯化钠2.0 g、盐酸7.0 mL,30%N,N-二甲基十二烷基胺-N-氧化物6.9 mL,加水稀释至1 000 mL)为溶出介质,转速为75 r·min-1,经60 min时,取溶液适量,滤过。另精密称取环孢素对照品适量,用溶出介质溶解并稀释制成同浓度的溶液,作为对照品溶液。分别精密量取上述供试品溶液和对照品溶液各10 μL,按“2.1”项下色谱条件测定,计算每粒软胶囊的溶出量。

2.4 系统适用性实验

分别取环孢素C、环孢素B、环孢素G、环孢素H、异环孢素A和异环孢素H杂质对照品各3 mg、环孢素对照品100 mg,置同一个50 ml量瓶中,加入四氢呋喃- 水(80:20)溶解并稀释至刻度,即得系统适用性溶液,色谱图见图2。结果相邻峰的分离度均>1.5。

图2 系统适用性溶液HPLC图 1.环孢素C;2.环孢素B;3.环孢素;4.环孢素G;5.环孢素H;6.异环孢素H;7.异环孢素A

Fig.2 HPLC chromatogram of system applicability solution 1.cyclosporine C;2.cyclosporine B;3.cyclosporine;4.cyclosporine G;5.cyclosporine H;6.ISO cyclosporine H;7.ISO cyclosporine A

2.5 环孢素检出限与定量限

采用逐步稀释法测定,以S/N=3时计算环孢素检出限,为3 ng,以S/N=10时计算环孢素定量限,为9.9 ng。

2.6 线性关系与范围



Linear relationship and its range

物质 线性范围/
环孢素C 1.95~195.00 0.999 9
环孢素B 2.03~203.00 0.999 9
环孢素 0.25~9.90 0.999 9
环孢素G 1.83~182.80 1.000 0
环孢素H 1.26~125.80 1.000 0
异环孢素H 1.81~180.80 0.999 8
异环孢素A 2.02~202.40 0.999 9

2.7 精密度实验

取“2.3”项下对照品溶液10 μL,按“2.1”项下色谱条件,连续进样6次,结果平均含量为97.4%,RSD为 0.1%,表明仪器精密度良好。

2.8 稳定性实验

取样品(批号:1105291),按“2.2”项下方法得到供试品溶液,分别放置0,2,4,6,8 h时进样测定,环孢素的RSD为0.1%,表明供试品溶液在8 h内稳定。

2.9 回收率实验

精密称取环孢素对照品约50 mg,分别置25 mL量瓶中,用四氢呋喃-水(80:20)溶解并稀释制成测定浓度80%,100%,120%的溶液,按照“2.1”项下色谱条件进行分析,计算回收率,结果见表2。


Results of recovery test of cyclosporine

原有量 加入量 测得量 回收率 RSD
mg %
80 50.23 30.15 80.22 99.47
50.23 30.08 80.02 99.04 0.57
50.23 30.33 80.06 98.35
100 50.23 50.32 99.81 98.53
50.23 50.21 99.79 98.71 0.43
50.23 50.06 99.96 99.34
120 50.23 70.02 120.12 99.81
50.23 70.22 120.09 99.49 0.17
50.23 70.09 120.02 99.57

2.10 环孢素胶囊溶出曲线

取环孢素胶囊样品,厂家B(批号:1105291),每批6粒,采用篮法,转速:100 r·min-1,分别在水、0.1 mol·L-1盐酸、pH值4.5醋酸盐缓冲液、pH值6.0磷酸盐缓冲液、0.1 mol·L-1盐酸+0.5%十二烷基硫酸钠、0.1 mol·L-1盐酸+1.0%十二烷基硫酸钠等6种溶出介质中于第5,10,15,30,45,60,75分钟时取样,按照“2.1”项色谱条件测定溶出量,并绘制溶出曲线,溶出曲线见图3。图中的系列1~6分别代表每批中6粒胶囊的溶出情况。

图3 环孢素胶囊样品在6种介质中的溶出曲线

Fig.3 Release curve of cyclosporine samples in six kinds of medium

2.11 环孢素软胶囊溶出曲线

取环孢素软胶囊样品,厂家A(批号:S0121),每批6粒,采用浆法,转速:75 r·min-1,分别在水、0.1 mol·L-1盐酸溶液、拟定溶出介质中于第5,10,15,30,45,60,75分钟时取样,照“2.1”项下色谱条件测定溶出量,并绘制溶出曲线,溶出曲线见图4。可以看出,样品在水和0.1 mol·L-1盐酸中无法完全溶出,而在拟定溶出介质溶出量较好。其中图中的系列1~6分别代表每批中6粒软胶囊的溶出情况。

图4 环孢素软胶囊样品在3种介质中的溶出曲线

Fig.4 Release curve of samples of cyclosporine soft capsule in three kinds of mediums

2.12 溶出度测定结果


3 讨论

系统适用性实验溶液在不同品牌及同一品牌不同型号的C18柱上的色谱行为差异较大,主要差异表现在出峰顺序和相对保留时间,为了更准确地采用相对保留时间,应对质量标准中C18柱的品牌和型号加以限制,可规定为Merck Hibar®250 mm×4.6 mm,5 μm ;LiChrospher®100,250 mm×4.6 mm,5 μm。

环孢素胶囊现执行的标准为国家药品标准YBH10622008,采用溶出度测定法第2法,以水为溶出介质,转速为100 r·min-1,溶出时间45 min,限度为70%。《美国药典》第33版采用篮法,以0.1 mol·L-1盐酸(含0.5%十二烷基硫酸钠)为溶剂,转速为150 r·min-1,溶出时间90 min,限度为80%。现行国家药品标准YBH10622008以浆法测定,需加沉降篮,操作不方便,另现行标准存在样品溶出不完全的问题。基于上述问题,拟参考《美国药典》第33版,修订为篮法。经实验,生产企业提供的样品在水、0.1 mol·L-1盐酸、pH值4.5醋酸盐缓冲液、pH值6.0磷酸盐缓冲液中均不能完全溶出,故考虑加入十二烷基硫酸钠,经对系列浓度十二烷基硫酸钠进行研究,选定0.1 mol·L-1盐酸(含有1.0%十二烷基硫酸钠)为溶出介质,转速为100 r·min-1,溶出时间60 min,限度为80%。实验结果表明,60 min时溶出量可达到100.0%,溶出量较好。

环孢素软胶囊溶出度测定的实验中,分别在水、0.1 mol·L-1盐酸、拟定溶出介质中进行溶出曲线的测定,样品在水、0.1 mol·L-1盐酸溶液中均无法完全溶出,因此拟采用进口药品标准JX20000339以模拟胃液(胃蛋白酶3.2 g、氯化钠2.0 g、盐酸7.0 mL,30%N,N二甲基十二烷基胺-N-氧化物6.9 mL,加水稀释至1 000 mL)为溶出介质,结果表明样品在60 min时溶出量可达到100.0%,溶出量较好。

综上所述,环孢素胶囊采用篮法,以0.1 mol·L-1盐酸溶液(含1.0%十二烷基硫酸钠)1 000 mL为溶出介质,转速为100 r·min-1,经60 min时,取溶液适量采用HPLC法测定环孢素胶囊的溶出度,该方法灵敏度高,专属性强,结果准确。环孢素软胶囊采用桨法,以模拟胃液1 000 mL为溶出介质,转速为75 r·min-1,经60 min时,取溶液适量,采用HPLC法测定环孢素软胶囊的溶出度,该方法可行性强,可为药品的质量控制提供参考[11,12,13]

The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.


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目的:用高效液相色谱法(HPLC法)测定环孢素A的血药浓度. 方法:采用SP HPLC仪,Nova-Pak CN色谱柱(150 mm×3.9 mm,4μm),流动相为甲醇-水(47:53),流速为0.6 mL/min,检测波长为214 nm,AT=16,柱温为50℃,按外标法用峰高定量,回归方程为C=13.02H+8.14,r=0.999 8.结果:回收率试验结果稳定、可靠.结论:采用Nova-Pak CN柱,当温度升至50℃时环孢素A即能达到良好的分离度,并且分析柱寿命大大延长.
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用HPLC法,ODS柱,水-四氢呋喃-0.4mol/L磷酸正丙胺溶液(0.4mol/L 正丙胺溶液,用磷酸调pH值为2.6)(590:400:10)为流动相;柱温:70℃;检测波长:220nm,测定环孢素胶囊中环孢素及降解产物的含 量.在248~1982μg/ml浓度范围内,环孢素浓度与峰面积线性关系良好,r=0.9999.环孢素的回收率为99.9%,RSD=0.21% (n=6).环孢素及降解产物的含量测定结果与采用瑞士Novartis公司方法所得结果相符.
[4] 岳莉. 青蒿琥酯片溶出度测定的方法学验证[J].中国现代医生,2014,26(3):67-70.
目的:对青蒿琥脂片的溶出度检查进行方法学验证。方法参照《中国药典》2010年版二部附录ⅩC第二法对其溶出度进行检查[1]。采用紫外分光光度法,在289 nm的波长处测定吸光度,进行方法学验证。结果采用该方法测定青蒿琥脂片,分别在pH1.2、4.5、6.8、水四种溶出介质中,以浓度对吸收度进行线性回归,青蒿琥酯在10~60μg/mL范围内浓度与吸收度呈良好的线性关系。在以上四种溶出介质中的平均回收率和标准偏差均符合要求。结论本法测定青蒿琥酯片溶出量方法尚可,可用于该产品的质量控制。
[5] 王翼,李珊珊,詹长娟,.5个不同厂家卡马西平溶出度分析[J].医药导报,2015,34(8):1090-1093.
目的对国内5个厂家(A、B、 C、D、E)生产卡马西平片的体外溶出度进行分析。方法采用紫外分光光度法测定,分别根据《中华人民共和国药典》和日本《医疗用药品品质情报集》橙皮书对 溶出度实验的要求,以稀盐酸24 m L加水定容至1 000 m L(介质Ⅰ)及水、p H1.2盐酸溶液、p H4.0醋酸盐缓冲液、p H6.8磷酸盐缓冲液900 m L为介质,进行体外溶出实验。并采用相似因子f2法与参比制剂(F厂家)进行溶出曲线的相似性比较。结果 5厂家产品在介质Ⅰ中,60 min时溶出度均70%,满足《中华人民共和国药典》要求;在其余4种介质中,5 min时溶出度均低于55%,但在30 min时A、B、C厂家产品不超过70%,且5厂家产品与参比制剂的溶出曲线相似因子f2均50,所以5厂家产品均不满足日本橙皮书要求。结论卡马西平片 的仿制产品质量有待提高,有必要对市售产品进行整体内在品质再评价。
DOI:10.3870/yydb.2015.08.028      URL    
[6] 李碧峰,冯惠平,贾晋蓉,.反相高效液相色谱法测定全血中环孢素的浓度[J].中国药师,2007,10(7):649-651.
[7] 程庆兵,徐小梅.高效液相色谱法同时测定益气和胃胶囊中4种成分的含量[J].医药导报,2017,36(1):70-72.
目的 建立益气和胃胶囊中4种成分的含量测定方法。方法 采用反相高效液相色谱(RP-HPLC)法,Themo C18色谱柱(150 mm×4.6 mm,0.5μm),流动相为乙腈-水(用磷酸溶液调节p H值至3)(20∶80);流速为1.0 m L·min^-1,检测波长为283 nm。结果 黄芩苷在(0.573 5-5.736 0)×10-2mg·mL^-1、柚皮苷在(0.194 0-1.939 5)×10-2mg·mL^-1、橙皮苷在(0.205 1-2.051 0)×10-3mg·mL^-1、新橙皮苷在(0.202 0-2.020 0)×10-2mg·mL^-1范围内各自峰面积积分值均呈良好的线性关系;RSD分别为0.28%,0.54%,0.54%,0.31%(n=5)。黄芩苷、柚皮苷、橙皮苷、新橙皮苷的平均回收率分别为103.94%,98.06%,103.09%,95.67%。结论 该方法简便、灵敏、准确,可用于益气和胃胶囊的制剂质量控制。
[8] 国家药典委员会.中华人民共和国药典(四部)[M].北京:中国医药科技出版社,2015:121-124.
[9] 王冀,缪娅妮,詹长娟,.尼群地平片在不同介质中的溶出度比较[J].医药导报,2014,33(12):1639-1641.
目的比较5个不同厂家尼群地平片的体外溶出情况,为临床用药提供参考。方法采用紫外分光光度法,参考现行标准《中华人民共和国药典》2010年版及药品品质再评价标准,分别选取0.1 mol·L-1盐酸-乙醇(70∶30)溶液及含有0.15%聚山梨酯80的水溶液、p H1.2盐酸溶液、p H4.0醋酸盐缓冲液、p H6.8磷酸盐缓冲液为溶出介质,测定尼群地平片的溶出度。结果在0.1 mol·L-1盐酸-乙醇(70∶30)介质中,60 min时,溶出度均75%,而在其余4种介质中,45 min溶出均未超过70%,根据相似因子f2法不同介质中的溶出曲线不相似。结论所考察厂家产品符合现行质量标准的要求,但均不符合药品品质再评价的标准。尼群地平片在不同介质中的溶出行为有差异。
DOI:10.3870/yydb.2014.12.027      URL    
[10] 洪利娅,孙晓明,王建,.高效液相色谱法测定罗红霉素片与罗红霉素分散片溶出度[J].医药导报,2011,30(2):251-253.
[11] AC L,LI Y,GUIRGUIS M,et al.Advantages of using tetrahydrofuran- water as mobile phases in the quantitation of cyclosporin A in monkey and rat plasma by liquid chromatography- tandem mass spectrometry[J].J Pharm Biomed Anal,2007,43(1) :277-280.
Abstract A new analytical method is described here for the quantitation of anti-inflammatory drug cyclosporin A (CyA) in monkey and rat plasma. The method used tetrahydrofuran (THF)-water mobile phases to elute the analyte and internal standard, cyclosporin C (CyC). The gradient mobile phase program successfully eluted CyA into a sharp peak and therefore improved resolution between the analyte and possible interfering materials compared with previously reported analytical approaches, where CyA was eluted as a broad peak due to the rapid conversion between different conformers. The sharp peak resulted from this method facilitated the quantitative calculation as multiple smoothing and large number of bunching factors were not necessary. The chromatography in the new method was performed at 30 degrees C instead of 65-70 degrees C as reported previously. Other advantages of the method included simple and fast sample extraction-protein precipitation, direct injection of the extraction supernatant to column for analysis, and elimination of evaporation and reconstitution steps, which were needed in solid phase extraction or liquid-liquid extraction reported before. This method is amenable to high-throughput analysis with a total chromatographic run time of 3 min. This approach has been verified as sensitive, linear (0.977-4000 ng/mL), accurate and precise for the quantitation of CyA in monkey and rat plasma. However, compared with the usage of conventional mobile phases, the only drawback of this approach was the reduced detection response from the mass spectrometer that was possibly caused by poor desolvation in the ionization source. This is the first report to demonstrate the advantages of using THF-water mobile phases to elute CyA in liquid chromatography.
DOI:10.1016/j.jpba.2006.06.040      PMID:16887315      URL    
[12] SALM P,TAYLOR P J,LYNCH S V,et al.A rapid HPLC-mass spectrometry cyclosporine method suitable for current monitoring practices[J].Clin Biochem,2005,38(7) :667-671.
This high-throughput method provides accurate, precise, and specific measurement of cyclosporin in blood over a wide analytical range, thus making it suitable for current clinical monitoring strategies.
DOI:10.1016/j.clinbiochem.2005.04.009      PMID:15904912      URL    
[13] MORA P,CEGLAREK U,MANZOTTI F,et al.Cyclosporin A in the ocular fluids of uveitis patients following long - term systemic administration[J].Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol,2008,246(7) :1047-1050.
Background/aims To determine the levels of cyclosporin A ( CsA ) in tears and the anterior segment of the eye following long-term oral intake for autoimmune diseases. Methods Subjects taking oral CsA to treat relapsing autoimmune ocular inflammation were included in this study. All of the patients had been quiescent for at least 602months. In patients scheduled for cataract extraction (group A), the CsA levels in the blood, aqueous humour and anterior capsule of the lens were determined. In subjects not requiring surgical intervention (group B), CsA was measured in tears and blood. The samples were analysed using turbulent flow chromatography coupled with liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry ( LC-MS /MS). Results There were 19 subjects in group A and 43 subjects in group B. CsA was detectable in all of the tear samples with a mean value of 22.465±6520.202ng/ml and there was a significant positive correlation between the CsA levels in tears and blood ( P 65=650.012). CsA was not detected in any of the surgical samples. Conclusion LC-MS /MS proved very sensitive for detecting CsA in low-volume biological samples. CsA was present in human tears in proportion to the blood level after an average of 1202hours from the last oral intake.
DOI:10.1007/s00417-008-0825-4      PMID:18458935      URL    
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关键词(key words)

Cyclosporine capsules
Cyclosporin soft capsules
Determination of solubili...
high performance liquid


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