中国科技论文统计源期刊 中文核心期刊  
HERALD OF MEDICINE, 2018, 37(6): 758-760
doi: 10.3870/j.issn.1004-0781.2018.06.025
范盾聪, 张蓓霞, 杨玲英


目的 探讨临床药师面对利奈唑胺治疗连续肾脏替代治疗(CRRT)下脓毒症休克患者,如何调整其剂量及开展药学监护。方法 回顾性分析临床药师参与1例CRRT下脓毒症休克患者使用利奈唑胺的治疗过程。结果 临床药师建议减少利奈唑胺剂量为400 mg,q12h,同时加强血小板监测,医师采纳,取得很好疗效,同时避免药物治疗中潜在的风险。结论 临床药师协助医生完善利奈唑胺在CRRT下个体化治疗方案,提高临床治疗的合理性、安全性、有效性。

关键词: 利奈唑胺 ; 脓毒症休克 ; 连续肾脏替代治疗 ; 连续静脉-静脉血液透析滤过


利奈唑胺是第1个人工合成并应用于临床的新型噁唑烷酮类抗菌药物,主要抑制细菌蛋白质合成的最早阶段,其对葡萄球菌属、肺炎链球菌属、肠球菌属细菌均具有高度的抗菌活性,且与其他抗菌药物无交叉耐药性[1],是目前治疗脓毒症休克等重症感染的首选之一。脓毒症休克时患者组织灌注不足,约一半患者因为脓毒症合并急性肾损伤,在重症医学科(ICU)会采取连续肾脏替代疗法(continuous renal replacement therapy,CRRT)的治疗方式替代肾脏工作。然而,此法会一定程度上改变利奈唑胺的药动学特点,同时增加不良反应发生率 [2]。此类患者如何调整给药方案,发挥抗菌药物疗效的同时避免不良反应的发生,值得临床探讨。临床药师通过参与1例CRRT下屎肠球菌血流感染患者使用利奈唑胺抗感染的治疗,充分发挥自身在药学知识方面的优势,协同医师优化治疗方案,更好地为临床服务。

1 病例概况

患者,男,72岁,体质量约43 kg,因“反复上腹部疼痛4个月余,加重伴下肢水肿1个月”,入我院中医科治疗。腹部增强CT、磁共振提示:胰腺颈部占位伴胰管梗阻性扩张,考虑为胰腺癌,诊断“胰腺恶性肿瘤”。因发热,胸闷气促,低氧血症,给予气管插管,收住ICU。入科体检:药物镇静镇痛状态,镇静-躁动评分(SAS)2分。体温37 ℃ ,心率121次·min-1,血压106/54 mmHg(1 mmHg=0.133 kPa),气管插管,呼吸机辅助通气,吸入氧浓度(FIO2)40%,血氧饱和度(SpO2)96%,颈静脉怒张,双肺满布干湿啰音及痰鸣音,腹软,双下肢轻度凹陷性水肿。辅助检查,血常规:白细胞计数(WBC)13.9×109·L-1,嗜中性粒细胞比例(N)90.6%,血小板计数(PLT)307×109·L-1。降钙素原(PCT)5.89 ng·mL-1,超敏C反应蛋白(CRP)157.6 mg·L-1。肝肾功能:丙氨酸氨基转移酶(ALT)25 U·L-1,天冬氨酸氨基转移酶(AST )80 U·L-1,总胆红素(T-BiL)12.1 μmol·L-1,白蛋白 (ALB)26.1 g·L-1,肌酐(Scr)96 μmol·L-1。胸部+上下腹盆腔 CT平扫示:①两肺多发感染性病变,两侧胸腔少量积液。②胰腺癌,伴肝内外胆管及胰管扩张,腹膜后淋巴结多发增大考虑。③肝硬化,脾肿大,食道下段贲门区及脾门部静脉曲张。入科诊断:①胰腺恶性肿瘤;②慢性支气管炎伴感染;③肝功能异常。

2 诊疗经过

入科第1天,给予头孢哌酮/舒巴坦钠2.0 g,静脉滴注,q8h,抗感染,同时予维生素K1促凝血因子生成,其他予维持血压、抑酸护胃、止咳化痰及护肝等对症治疗。因患者少尿,Scr值持续升高,治疗第2天起调整头孢哌酮/舒巴坦钠剂量为2.0 g,静脉滴注,q12h 。随后患者CRP、PCT略有下降,但WBC呈上升趋势,且持续低热,有脓性黄痰,量多。多次血培养及痰培养结果均为阴性。胸部CR提示:左全肺及右肺中下野可见片状模糊影,两侧肺门结构模糊,两肺多发性感染性病变考虑。治疗第7天,患者Scr进一步升高至205 μmol·L-1,床边行CRRT治疗,模式:连续静脉-静脉血液透析(CVVHDF),每天维持24 h,置换液1 200 mL·h-1,透析液1 500 mL·h-1,血流120 mL·h-1,超滤率400 mL·h-1。随后患者无发热,PCT逐渐下降至0.53 ng·mL-1,WBC、CRP也呈下降趋势,肾功能好转。治疗第11天夜间,患者突发低热,血常规提示:WBC 12.5×109·L-1,N 92.4%,PLT 95×109·L-1。生化指标:PCT 5.86 ng·mL-1,CRP 107.1 mg·L-1,ALB 28.8 g·L-1,Scr 105 μmol·L-1;血压97/43 mmHg(去甲肾上腺素维持)。血培养报告:屎肠球菌(半数抑制浓度:万古霉素≤0.5 mg·L-1;利奈唑胺2 mg·L-1),脓毒症休克明确。考虑到万古霉素对肾功能的影响,会诊拟予利奈唑胺600 mg,q12h,静脉滴注。药师建议减少利奈唑胺剂量为400 mg,q12h,同时加强PLT监测。医师采纳药师意见。利奈唑胺抗感染期间,患者体温正常,各项炎症指标下降。至治疗第20天,患者体温36.1 ℃,PCT 0.08 ng·mL-1,WBC 5.2×109·L-1,N 82.2%,CRP 63.5 mg·L-1,PLT 72×109·L-1。患者感染控制,停用利奈唑胺,转普通病房继续治疗。

3 治疗方案分析及药学监护
3.1 利奈唑胺剂量调整分析

利奈唑胺是目前治疗革兰阳性菌感染的最有效的药物之一,尤其是对肾功能不全及重症患者,因其肾毒性较万古霉素轻。利奈唑胺治疗成人革兰阳性球菌的常规剂量为600 mg,q12h,其约30%原型经过肾脏排泄,由于分子量小(337 000),蛋白结合率低(30%),CRRT下被清除约30.0%,一般认为肾功能不全及透析患者无需调整给药剂量[3]。《热病》推荐CRRT下给予600 mg,q12h。本例患者肠球菌血流感染致脓毒症休克,合并肾损伤,予床边CVVHDF治疗。近来研究数据显示,CRRT的各种方式对利奈唑胺药动学影响不尽相同,CVVHDF一定程度上会改变利奈唑胺的药动学特点,目前尚无统一的临床数据。药师通过查阅Pubmed,检索到4例个案报道,其中3例认为CVVHDF虽然可以清除部分利奈唑胺,但对血药浓度的影响不大,无需调整给药剂量[4,5,6]。还有1例个案报道[3],1例耐甲氧西林金黄色葡萄球菌(MRSA)感染的老年患者,CVVHDF下予静脉利奈唑胺600 mg ,q12h,发生血小板减少,提出是否可以根据肾功能调整剂量。研究显示,虽然透析可以清除部分利奈唑胺,但是不足以抵消因肾衰竭而导致的药物蓄积,如果使用常规剂量,很容易因药物蓄积而产生严重不良反应,建议透析患者须调整利奈唑胺使用剂量[7]。2016 年ROAER等 [8]小样本研究数据显示,CVVHDF(15 mL·kg-1·h-1+15 mL·kg-1·h-1)下显著影响利奈唑胺的药动学,可降低利奈唑胺临床疗效药动学/药效学(PK/PD)预测指标[在最低抑菌浓度(MIC)=2 mg·L-1下,24 h用药物浓度-时间曲线下面积(AUC24)与MIC比值>80]的达标率(PTA)。并且随着体质量的增加,PTA降低,提示体质量是利奈唑胺药动学的重要影响参数。ABE等 [9]通过合并体质量30~191 kg的455例患者的临床数据,建立群体药动学模型,结果显示利奈唑胺的体内清除率及表观分布容积均与患者体质量密切相关。该结果随后被TSUJI等[10]进一步证实,认为患者体质量、肾小球滤过率、血红蛋白、血清转氨酶等群体药动学参数,均可影响利奈唑胺的清除率和分布容积。体质量较轻患者予常规剂量,可使暴露量增加,从而增加相关不良反应发生率。

本例患者床边行CVVHDF治疗,体质量较轻,约为43 kg,以上均可影响利奈唑胺在体内的清除及分布容积。我院不具备血药浓度监测条件,药师建议根据日本学者MATSUMOTO 等[11]推荐的利奈唑胺群体药动学模型,以及CVVHDF下抗菌药物剂量调整原则[12],制定利奈唑胺的给药剂量。本例患者药敏试验提示利奈唑胺MIC为2 mg·L-1,根据临床疗效预测指标AUC/MIC≥100,根据公式(1)计算AUC24达200 mg·h·L-1的浓度要求Cmin≥3.6 mg·L-1

AUC24=18.2×Cmin+134.4 (1)

故设定患者维持血药浓度Cmin为4 mg·L-1,根据以下公式推算本例患者的给药剂量。

Ccr=(140-Age)×BW/(0.818×Scr) (2)

代入数字,Ccr =(140-72)×43/(0.818×105)≈34 mL·min-1

CL=0.0258×CCr+2.03 (3)

R (mg·d-1)=CL×AUC24 (4)

代入数字,R=(0.0258×CCr+2.03)×(18.2×Cmin+134.4)=(0.0258×34 mL·min-1+2.03)×(18.2×4 mg·L-1+134.4) ≈600 mg·L-1

R为体内每日清除量,Ccr为肌酐清除率,Age为年龄,BW为体质量,Scr为肌酐值,CL为药物体内清除率,AUC24 为24 h药时曲线下面积,Cmin维持血药浓度。

患者CVVHDF下,前置换液流量1 200 mL·h-1,透析液流量1 500 mL·h-1,超滤率400 mL·h-1,根据公式:

CLHDF=(Qf+Qd)×Sd (5)

Sd ≈ 1-PB (6)

代入数字,CLHDF=(1 200 mL·h-1+1 500 mL·h-1+400 mL·h-1)×(1-31%)≈2.0 mL·h-1

R HDF=CLHDF×Cmin×24 h (7)

代入数字,R HDF =2.0 mL·h-1×4 mg·L-1×24 h=192 mg·d-1


R=R+RHDF=600+192=792 mg·d-1 (8)

计算CVVHDF可清除利奈唑胺约192 mg·d-1。故药师建议给予患者利奈唑胺总日剂量为792 mg。为方便给药,医师最后予利奈唑胺400 mg,q12h,静脉滴注。

3.2 药学监护

利奈唑胺虽然一般只发生轻度的不良反应,但应警惕骨髓抑制,尤其是PLT减少的发生。文献报道高龄、长疗程、肾功能不全、低基础PLT计数和原发病危重程度高等因素是利奈唑胺导致PLT减少的危险因素[13]。本例患者脓毒症休克合并肾损伤行CRRT治疗,且基础PLT计数低,药师建议加强监测患者炎症指标及PLT、血红蛋白指标。一旦出现PLT减少、 中性粒细胞减少等情况,应立即停药,并及时对症治疗。同时建议在使用过程中,及时补充维生素B6以预防利奈唑胺引起的贫血。研究显示,利奈唑胺的使用时间>10 d,可增加发生PLT减少的风险[14]。提醒医生,不要超过利奈唑胺的推荐疗程。患者在利奈唑胺治疗8 d后,感染控制,PLT计数略有下降,停用利奈唑胺转普通病房继续治疗。

4 结束语


The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.


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The in vitro activity of the oxazolidinone linezolid was compared with the activities of vancomycin and teicoplanin against 450 Gram-positive clinical isolates, including a variety of multiply resistant strains. Linezolid inhibited all microorganisms tested at < or = 4 mg/L, including methicillin- and teicoplanin-resistant staphylococci, glycopeptide-resistant enterococci, penicillin- and multiply resistant pneumococci and viridans streptococci, and erythromycin-resistant beta-haemolytic streptococci. The MIC(90) of linezolid for all isolates was 2 mg/L.
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The major adverse event associated with linezolid treatment is reversible myelosuppression, mostly thrombocytopenia. Recent studies have reported that the incidence of linezolid-induced thrombocytopenia was higher in patients with renal failure than in patients with normal renal function, although the underlying mechanisms of this toxicity are still unknown. The present study thus aimed to investigate the relationship between renal function and linezolid exposure as well as the effects of drug exposure on thrombocytopenia. A statistically significant (P<0.01) strong correlation (r=0.933) was observed between linezolid clearance and creatinine clearance. A negative correlation (r=-0.567) was also shown between linezolid clearance and blood urea nitrogen, although the correlation was not statistically significant. In thrombocytopenic patients, the trough concentration was 14.4-35.6 mg/L and the area under the plasma linezolid concentration-time curve for 24h (AUC(24h)) was 513.1-994.6 mg h/L; in non-thrombocytopenic patients, drug exposure was relatively low (6.9 mg/L and 7.2mg/L for trough concentration and 294.3 mg h/L and 323.6 mg h/L for AUC(24h)). These results provide a pharmacokinetic explanation for the mechanism of the adverse event that renal dysfunction increased linezolid trough concentration and AUC and that higher drug exposure induced thrombocytopenia.
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Abstract BACKGROUND: Linezolid is being used increasingly for life-threatening vancomycin-resistant infections in critically ill patients. Limited data suggest that linezolid is cleared by intermittent hemodialysis. However, information on clearance of linezolid by continuous renal replacement therapy is limited. A patient undergoing continuous venovenous hemodiafiltration (CVVHDF) was evaluated to determine linezolid clearance through CVVHDF. METHODS: A 33-year-old man with necrotizing fasciitis and acute-on-chronic renal failure requiring CVVHDF was treated with linezolid, 600 mg every 12 hours, for a vancomycin-resistant urinary tract infection. The study was performed on day 4 of therapy after a 1-hour infusion of linezolid. A series of blood samples and all urine and diafiltrate were collected during a 12-hour period. Linezolid concentrations were determined by using high-performance liquid chromatography assay. Linezolid clearance through CVVHDF was determined by using 2 methods. Method 1 evaluated the amount of drug recovered in diafiltrate. Method 2 evaluated plasma drug concentrations in prefilter and postfilter (PAN-10 Hemofilter; Asahi Medical Co, Tokyo, Japan) samples. RESULTS: Clearance of linezolid through CVVHDF was 15.6 mL/min by method 1 and 21.6 mL/min by method 2. Total-body clearance was 189 mL/min. The amount of linezolid recovered in diafiltrate was 50 mg (8.3% of the dose). CONCLUSION: Clearance of linezolid through CVVHDF in this patient was marginal. It does not appear that supplemental dosing of linezolid is necessary in patients undergoing CVVHDF.
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Linezolid (LZD) is an option for treating infections caused by multi-resistant Gram-positive bacteria. The protein-binding rate of LZD markedly influences its elimination by dialysis, with limited data suggesting that LZD is cleared by intermittent hemodialysis. Here, we investigated the protein-binding rate and elimination efficiency of LZD in a sepsis patient receiving dialysis. The oral administration of LZD at 600 mg/day resulted in protein-binding and free rates of the drug of 20.4% and 79.6%, respectively, 24 h after administration. By comparing the LZD concentration before and after dialysis, the elimination efficiency of free LZD as a result of dialysis was found to be 40.6%. Our sepsis patient showed higher plasma concentrations of LZD at trough after hemodialysis than the reported concentrations in normal renal function patients. However, it is not clear from our present findings if a relationship exists between myelosuppression and plasma LZD concentration.
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Linezolid (Zyvox), belonging to oxazolidinone antibiotics, is commonly used for the treatment of patients infected with methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus and vancomycin-resistant enterococci. Although linezolid has been approved worldwide, the Japanese pharmacokinetic (PK) profile has not been characterized in detail. The objective of this study is to develop a population PK model for linezolid that can be applied to a Japanese population. This population PK model was established based on the 1 Japanese phase III and 4 Caucasian phase II/III studies. A total of 2539 linezolid plasma concentration measurements from 455 patients, aged 18 to 98 years and body weight 30 to 190.5 kg, were used for the analysis. The data were analyzed using nonlinear mixed effects modeling. Body weight (BW), age, ethnicity, and gender were investigated as covariates. The final model was validated by the bootstrap technique. The PK profiles of linezolid were described with a 1-compartment PK model with first-order absorption and first-order elimination. In the final population PK model, BW and age were influential covariates on clearance, and the distribution volume was affected by BW. The present population PK model of linezolid described well the PK profiles in Japanese patients who have lower BW and are relatively older compared with those in the United States/European Union.
DOI:10.1177/0091270009337947      PMID:19549796      URL    
[10] TSUJI Y,YUKAWA E,HIRAKI Y,et al.Population phar-macokinetic analysis of linezolid in low body weight patients with renal dysfunction[J].J Clin Pharmacol,2013,53(9):967-973.
Linezolid has antibacterial activity against aerobic Gram-positive cocci, including methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). Adjustment of the dose of linezolid has been proposed to be unnecessary in patients with reduced renal function. However, platelet counts and hemoglobin levels were shown to be significantly lower in such patients than in patients with normal renal function. The population pharmacokinetic (PPK) of linezolid was investigated in MRSA infected patients with renal dysfunction. Linezolid concentrations in serum were measured by high-performance liquid chromatography. PPK analysis was performed in the nonlinear mixed effects model (NONMEM) computer program. In the final PPK model, total body weight (TBW), estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR), hemoglobin (HB), and alanine amino transferase (ALT) were influential covariates on total body clearance (CL), and the volume of distribution (Vd) was affected by TBW, which was expressed as CL (L/h)090009=0900090.003270900090103090009TBW0900090103090009eGFR0.4280900090103090009HB0.50209000901030900090.283 (ALT090009090906090009100090009IU/L) and CL (L/h)090009=0900090.003270900090103090009TBW0900090103090009eGFR0.4280900090103090009HB0.502 (ALT090009<090009100090009IU/L), Vd (L)090009=0900091.3100900090103090009TBW. The PPK parameters of linezolid obtained here are useful for the optimal use of linezolid with similar patient population characteristics.
DOI:10.1002/jcph.133      PMID:23918457      URL    
[11] MATSUMOTO K,SHIGEMI A,TAKESHITA A,et al.Analysis of thrombocytopenic effects and population pharmacokinetics of linezolid:a dosage strategy according to the trough concentration target and renal function in adult patients[J].Int J Antimicrob Agents,2014 ,44(3):242-247.
The pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic (PK/PD) index for the efficacy of linezolid is a 24-h area under the plasma drug concentration–time curve (AUC 24 )/minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) ratio of ≥100. The main adverse event associated with administration of linezolid is thrombocytopenia. Therefore, the aims of the present study were to define PD thresholds that would minimise linezolid-induced thrombocytopenia and to perform a population PK analysis to identify factors influencing the pharmacokinetics of linezolid. Population PK analysis revealed that creatinine clearance (CL Cr ) significantly affected linezolid pharmacokinetics: the mean parameter estimate of drug clearance (CL; in L/h)02=020.025802×02CL Cr 02+022.03. A strong correlation ( r 02=020.970) was found between AUC 24 and trough plasma concentrations ( C min ) [AUC 24 02=0218.202×02 C min 02+02134.4]. The C min value for AUC 24 02=02200 (in the case of MIC02=02202μg/mL) was estimated to be 3.602μg/mL. Regarding safety, C min was a significant predictor of thrombocytopenia during treatment, and its threshold to minimise linezolid-induced thrombocytopenia was 8.202μg/mL. A Kaplan–Meier plot revealed that the median time from initiation of therapy to the development of thrombocytopenia was 15 days. Therefore, the target C min range was 3.6–8.202μg/mL. The following formula to achieve a target C min in patients with different degrees of renal function was proposed based on these results: initial daily dose (mg/day)02=02CL02×02AUC 24 02=02(0.025802×02CL Cr 02+022.03)02×02(18.202×02 C min 02+02134.4). This recommended initial dosage and subsequent dosage adjustment for the target concentration range should avoid adverse events, thereby enabling effective linezolid-based therapies to be continued.
DOI:10.1016/j.ijantimicag.2014.05.010      PMID:25108880      URL    
[12] CHOI G,GOMERSALL CD,TIAN Q,et al.Principles of antibacterial dosing in continuous renal replacement therapy[J].Blood Purif,2010,30(3):195-212.
Background: Appropriate antibacterial therapy is important to maximize patient survival in sepsis. Acute renal failure complicates optimal antibiotic administration. Methods: MEDLINE search from 1986 to 2010 using the terms &#x2018;acute renal failure&#x2019;, &#x2018;pharmacokinetics&#x2019;, &#x2018;clearance&#x2019;, &#x2018;dosage&#x2019;, &#x2018;h(a)emofiltration&#x2019;, &#x2018;h(a)emodialysis&#x2019;, &#x2018;h(a)emodiafiltration&#x2019;, &#x2018;continuous renal replacement therapy&#x2019;, &#x2018;antibiotics&#x2019;, &#x2018;intensive care&#x2019; and &#x2018;critically ill&#x2019;. Results: Maximal bacterial killing and minimization of side effects depend on achieving pharmacokinetic targets appropriate to the selected antibacterial agent. Volume of distribution and clearance may be altered by critical illness and/or acute kidney injury. Clearance is determined by nonrenal clearance, residual renal clearance and continuous renal replacement therapy dose. Sieving and saturation coefficients are membrane specific, but may be altered by changes in protein binding induced by critical illness. A significant proportion of studies failed to report the essential dataset required for adequate antibacterial dosage calculation. Conclusions: Individualized dosing based on first principles may be the most appropriate method of dosing, particularly when enhanced by therapeutic drug monitoring.
DOI:10.1159/000321488      PMID:19487930      URL    
[13] 穆玉,范春芳,朱铁梁,.重症患者利奈唑胺所致血小板减少危险因素分析[J].中国感染与化疗杂志,2012,12(1):10-14.
目的了解ICU危重患者利奈唑胺治疗中并发血小板减少症的情况及相关因素分析。方法回顾性分 析65例患者的临床资料,单因素和多因素逐步Logistic回归分析利奈唑胺治疗中并发血小板减少症的相关危险因素。结果利奈唑胺治疗中并发血小板减少 症的发生率为13.8%,并发血小板减少症组血小板基线值(PLT baseline)较未并发组低[(144.11±47.88)×10^9/L: (234.96±112.82)×10^9/L,P=0.021],APACHEII评分高[(24.67±5.15): (17.45±6.55),P=0.003];多因素逐步Logistic回归显示利奈唑胺治疗中并发血小板减少症的相关因素包括性别 (OR57.03,95%CI2.629~1237,P=0.010),用药时间(OR47.46,95%CI1.814~1241,P=0.020)和 APACHE II评分(OR41.53,95%CI2.695~640.0,P=0.008)。结论危重患者在使用利奈唑胺过程中应警惕血小板减少症的发生,尤其是血 小板基线值≤200×10^9/L,APACHEⅡ评分≥20分和用药时间≥10d的患者。
[14] ATTASSI K,HERSHBERGER E,ALAM R,et al.Thrombocytopenia associated with linezolid therapy[J].Clin Infect Dis,2002,34(5):695-698.
We evaluated the incidence and clinical characteristics of linezolid-induced thrombocytopenia in 19 patients who were treated with linezolid. Overall, thrombocytopenia (platelet count, <100,000 platelets/mm(3)) was observed in 32% of patients who received linezolid for >10 days; gastrointestinal bleeding was observed in 1 patient and 4 patients required platelet transfusions. These data suggest that even patients who are not considered to be at risk for development of thrombocytopenia should be monitored closely if linezolid therapy is continued for >10 days.
DOI:10.1086/338403      PMID:11803505      URL    
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