中国科技论文统计源期刊 中文核心期刊  
医药导报, 2018, 37(9): 1068-1071
doi: 10.3870/j.issn.1004-0781.2018.09.009
Rationality Evaluation on 1843 Neonatal Total Parenteral Nutrition Solution Prescriptions
倪倍倍1,, 吕彩霞1, 秦苗2, 殷衍磊1, 高平1


目的 调查与分析新生儿科全肠外营养(TPN)处方情况,为进一步规范TPN,保障新生儿肠外营养支持的安全性、有效性提供参考。方法 统计青岛大学附属医院静脉用药调配中心(PIVAS)2017年1—6月调配的新生儿TPN处方(共计1843张),从病种、处方配比等方面进行统计分析,探讨新生儿 TPN 合理性及稳定性的影响因素。结果 1843张处方中,病种符合新生儿TPN适应证,支持时间 5~40 d(平均11 d)。葡萄糖浓度较合理,氨基酸浓度不合理处方428张(23.22%),阳离子浓度不合理处方184张(9.98%),热氮比不合理处方276张(14.98%),糖脂比不合理处方316张(17.15%)。结论 TPN处方存在组分不当的情况,药师应严格审核处方,以保障临床新生儿TPN 的安全性和有效性。

关键词: 肠外营养 ; 新生儿 ; 处方分析


Objective To investigate and analyze total parenteral nutrition (TPN) prescriptions in the neonatal units,and to provide further reference for standardized use and ensure the safety and the effectiveness of the neonatal parenteral nutrition support. Methods A total of 1843 newborn parenteral nutrition prescriptions in the pharmacy intravenous admixture services (PIVAS) of the affiliated hospital of Qingdao university were selected from January 2017 to June 2017. Disease category and prescription were statistically analyzed to explore the influence factors on the rationality and stability of TPN. Results The diseases in 1843 prescriptions conformed to indications for neonatal parenteral nutrition. The time of TPN support was 5-40 days (an average of 15 days). Glucose concentration was reasonably controlled. Totally,428 cases (23.22%) had irrational proportion of amino acid,184 cases (9.98%) had irrational amino acid concentration,276 cases (14.98%) unreasonable thermal nitrogen ratio,and 316 cases (17.15%) unreasonable glycolipid ratio. Conclusion There are some problems in component ratio of neonatal TPN prescriptions. Pharmacists should strictly check the prescription to ensure the safety and effectiveness of clinical neonatal TPN.

Key words: Parenteral nutrition ; Neonate ; Prescription analysis

自20世纪60年代末,全肠外营养(total parenteral nutrition,TPN)开始在婴儿和成人患者中广泛应用。肠外营养作为一种重要治疗方法,挽救了千万患儿的生命。一般情况下,足月儿≥5 d不能得到足够的营养,或极低出生体质量儿≥3 d不能达到营养需求,有营养不良的风险,应给予肠外营养[1]。肠外营养对于早产儿尤其极低出生体质量儿和某些新生儿危重症如先天腹裂、短肠综合征、坏死性小肠结肠炎、严重肠梗阻、肠衰竭等通常是救命的治疗。为保证新生儿TPN支持的有效性和安全性,现对我院2017年1—6月的TPN处方进行汇总分析。

1 资料与方法

收集我院静脉用药调配中心(pharmacy intravenous admixture service,PIVAS)2017年1—6月调配的新生儿全肠外营养处方,共计1843 张,从病种、处方配比等方面进行统计分析,探讨新生儿 TPN 合理性及稳定性的影响因素。处方审核标准参考2013年版《中国新生儿营养支持临床营养指南》(以下简称《指南》)和2011年版《临床肠外营养支持治疗》。

2 结果
2.1 处方基本情况

患儿年龄0~28 d,TPN 支持时间5~40 d,平均11 d,接受TPN支持的患儿中早产儿1641例(89.04%),足月儿202例(10.96%)。其中低体质量儿860例(46.66%)、极低体质量儿723例(39.23%)、超低体质量儿124 例(6.73%)。

2.2 TPN处方配比情况

液体量33.8~335.5 mL,平均(140.92 ±51.54)mL。总热量95.47~1 295.38 kJ,平均(360.40±150.23) kJ。葡萄糖浓度1.6%~31.0%,平均(9.48±1.13)%。氨基酸浓度0.7%~6.0%,平均(2.7±0.48)%。热氮比10.66~441.77,平均(119.86±31.88)。糖脂比0.26~20.12,平均(2.12±1.35)。处方中添加的一价阳离子主要是氯化钾和氯化钠。一价阳离子浓度范围为0~331.45 mmol·L-1,平均(63.98±73.27)mmol·L-1 。1843张处方中,无一例添加钙和镁等二价阳离子和胰岛素。处方中各葡萄糖浓度、氨基酸浓度、阳离子浓度、热氮比、糖脂比合理性情况见表1-3。

表1 TPN处方中葡萄糖浓度、氨基酸浓度及电解质浓度情况
Tab.1 Concentration of glucose,amino acid and electrolyte in TPN prescriptions
项目与分组 合理性 处方/
≤23% 合理 1842 99.95
>23% 偏高 1 0.05
≥2.5% 合理 1415 76.78
<2.5% 偏低 428 23.22
≤150 mmol·L-1 合理 1659 90.02
>150 mmol·L-1 偏高 184 9.98

表1 TPN处方中葡萄糖浓度、氨基酸浓度及电解质浓度情况

Tab.1 Concentration of glucose,amino acid and electrolyte in TPN prescriptions

表2 TPN处方中热氮比情况
Tab.2 Ratio of calorie to nitrogen rin TPN prescriptions
热氮比 处方/张 构成比/%
<418 kJ·g-1 262 14.22
418~836 kJ·g-1 1567 85.02
>836 kJ·g-1 14 0.76
合计 1843 100.00

表2 TPN处方中热氮比情况

Tab.2 Ratio of calorie to nitrogen rin TPN prescriptions

表3 TPN处方中糖脂比情况
Tab.3 Ratio of glucose to lipid in TPN prescriptions
糖脂比 处方/张 构成比/%
<1 63 3.42
1~3 1527 82.85
>3 253 13.73
合计 1843 100.00

表3 TPN处方中糖脂比情况

Tab.3 Ratio of glucose to lipid in TPN prescriptions

3 讨论
3.1 TPN 处方稳定性影响因素

3.1.1 葡萄糖终浓度 目前我院新生儿科TPN均采用“全合一”方式输注。“全合一”营养液有很多优点,如减少操作感染风险、给药方便等。但因营养液成分复杂,多种元素共存于有限的体积中,容易出现溶解度和稳定性问题。新生儿TPN体积更小,更容易发生上述问题。脂肪乳pH值在6.0~8.9稳定,pH值<5.3不稳定[2]。而葡萄糖的pH值在3.5~6.5之间。pH值降低会减少脂肪乳的表面电荷,负电位下降,导致脂肪颗粒聚集[3]。2011年版《临床肠外营养支持治疗》推荐混合液中葡萄糖终浓度为2.3%~23%,表1可见,葡萄糖终浓度>23%的处方只有1张。

3.1.2 氨基酸终浓度 氨基酸作为缓冲溶液,能减缓pH值较低的葡萄糖对营养液中脂肪乳的破坏。氨基酸因和阳离子竞争脂肪乳中卵磷脂分子的亲水基团结合点,亦能减轻阳离子对脂肪乳剂的破坏[4]。所以TPN中一定浓度的氨基酸对脂肪乳稳定性有重要作用。2011年版《临床肠外营养支持治疗》推荐氨基酸的终浓度≥2.5%。表1示氨基酸浓度<2.5%的处方428张,占比达23.22%,需加强审核。对于新生儿,热量需求显著高于成年人(418.0~543.4 kJ和104.5~125.4 kJ),往往有较低的氨基酸浓度。此外,小儿专用氨基酸与成人配方相比,含有较多的支链氨基酸如缬氨酸、亮氨酸、异亮氨酸以及牛磺酸,其pH值较成人用氨基酸pH值低,影响其稳定性[5]。有必要根据新生儿TPN特点通过试验进一步考察氨基酸浓度范围。

3.1.3 电解质终浓度 过多的电解质是引起脂肪乳不稳定的另一重要因素。当营养液中离子浓度过高时,脂肪乳易被破坏,形成较大油滴,当离子价增加时,破坏能力加剧。《指南》提醒“全合一”营养液中,一价阳离子浓度不高于150 mmol·L-1,二价阳离子浓度不高于5 mmol·L-1。我院新生儿科1843张处方中方中均未添加Ca2+、Mg2+等二价阳离子,而一价阳离子浓度>150 mmol·L-1的处方有184张,占比9.98%,存在安全隐患。

3.2 新生儿TPN中营养成分配比

氨基酸只有在非蛋白热量供应充足的情况下,才能进入组织细胞,参与蛋白质的合成代谢。处方中热氮比过低,导致氨基酸转化为能量燃烧浪费。热氮比过高,机体把多余的非蛋白热量转化为脂肪,引起肝脏浸润和高血糖的发生。《指南》推荐氨基酸应选用小儿专用氨基酸。氮:非蛋白热卡=1 g:(418~836) kJ。患者进行营养支持时,为达到最好的节氮效果,糖和脂肪乳应达到一定的比例。但中外指南及文献中未查找到推荐适用于新生儿的最佳糖脂比范围。一般脂肪供能应占总能量的25%~40%[7],当患者存在呼吸功能障碍,且对脂肪耐受良好时,脂肪乳剂供能可达50%。糖脂比过高,会使糖代谢紊乱,增加脏器功能损害发生风险;糖脂比过低,机体内部糖原分解及糖异生会增强,容易导致反应性高血糖,过多的脂肪还可引起免疫抑制、肝功能受损、血脂升高、血栓形成以及增加心血管疾病发生风险。所调查的处方中,热氮比<418 kJ·g-1的处方占比14.22%,>836 kJ·g-1的处方占比0.76%。糖脂比<1的处方占比3.42%,>3的处方占比13.73%,存在不合理现象。

3.3 早产儿TPN中需添加的营养成分

3.3.1 能量及葡萄糖、氨基酸、脂肪乳的供给 我院新生儿科使用TPN比例最大的是早产儿。对于早产儿,应在出生后24 h内给予肠外营养,以防体质量丢失,防止宫外发育受限。早期高蛋白和高能量供给对宫外发育尤其是大脑质量、脑细胞个数、学习和记忆有重要意义。脂肪因其能量密度大是较好的能量来源。建议出生第一天给予167.2 J·kg-1·d-1的能量,随后几天250.8~334.4 kJ·kg-1·d-1,1周达到376.2~418.0 kJ·kg-1·d-1的目标热量。早产儿TPN 处方中总能量通常 45%~55% 来源于碳水化合物,35%~40% 来源于脂肪,10%~15% 来源于氨基酸。<3岁的婴幼儿推荐选用小儿专用氨基酸[6]。长链脂肪酸中的n-6 和 n-3为必需脂肪酸,对中枢神经系统和视网膜的发育起重要作用。对于极低出生体质量儿(very low birth weight,VLBW)早期尤其出生第1天给予静脉脂肪乳剂是安全的。建议出生后第1天给予1 g·kg-1·d-1 中长链脂肪乳,逐渐增加剂量(0.5~1.0 g·kg-1·d-1),如能很好耐受,且无高三酰甘油血症,出生后第1周最大可以达到3.0~ 3.5 g · k g - 1 · d - 1 [ 7 ] 。有研究发现,使用含鱼油的脂肪乳,与单独使用大豆油相比,脓毒症的发生率更低。可能助于降低相关的并发症如胆汁淤积和高胆红素血症[8]。葡萄糖的最大使用量18 g·kg-1·d-1。对于早产儿,血糖调节系统不成熟,血糖紊乱常见。初始低血糖后,VLBW往往出现高血糖。原因为早产儿肝细胞持续的内源性葡萄糖产生、胰岛素敏感性降低合并胰岛素缺乏。高血糖增加了死亡率。对于新生儿,尤其是VLBW,较低的葡萄糖输注速率,比给予胰岛素更易于控制血糖水平,尤其一周内的VLBW普遍有胰岛素抵抗[9]。目前的证据不支持常规给予胰岛素,除非葡萄糖输注速率很低时依然有高血糖。根据新生儿的临床和营养学资料,胰岛素的起始剂量为0.05 U·kg-1·h-1

3.3.2 矿物质的供给 在最初3 d给予钠和钾是非必须的。一般根据血浆钠和钾的水平额外补充。早产儿由于甲状旁腺激素和VD轴不成熟,有低钙血症和低磷血症风险,钙和磷的不足导致骨矿化不良。由于钙和磷的溶解度问题,TPN中很难足量供给。可以通过给予有机制剂,提高钙和磷的补充。钙必须在出生后就给予,防止低钙血症。我院一般中心静脉单独泵入钙,防止与其他成分一起形成钙沉积。由于出生后肾小球滤过滤的降低和肾磷排泄的减少,磷可以推迟2 d给予,2 d之后应补充磷,防止低磷血症。镁很少调整,除非新生儿镁水平很高,或持续的低血钙继发的低血镁。早产儿TPN中矿物质的推荐量为:钙60~100 mg·kg-1·d -1(1.5~2.5 mmol·kg-1·d-1),磷50~80 mg·kg-1·d-1 (1.5~2.5 mmol·kg-1·d-1),镁 6.5~10.5 mg·kg-1·d-1 (0.25~0.4 mmol·kg-1·d-1)。钙摄取不足可导致磷利用不佳,早产儿TPN中最佳钙磷摩尔数比为1:1[10]

3.3.3 微量元素的供给 新生儿微量元素的积累一般是在怀孕后3个月完成。患儿因为健康状况不良,体内微量营养素储备不足,对缺乏尤为敏感。在TPN刚开始时,即出生第1天,应当补充锌和硒。尽管目前市场上微量元素制剂提供其他微量元素,但在出生后前两周可能是不必要的。有坏死性小肠结肠炎,尤其是肠切除后回肠造口术的患儿,需要额外补充锌。硒对早产儿很重要,因为硒是组成还原性谷胱甘肽酶的原料。硒由肾脏排出,肾损伤者应减量。早产儿早期TPN铁不需要常规补充,后期补铁是必要的。肠内是补铁的最佳途径,而当需要补铁时,多数早产儿已经可以开始肠内营养了。

本次调查显示,我院新生儿TPN处方配比方面仍有不合理现象,如部分处方氨基酸终浓度过低、一价阳离子浓度超标,糖脂比、热氮比偏高或偏低等。处方配比不合理会影响TPN液的稳定性而产生不良反应,造成安全隐患。PIVAS 药师应该从药学角度加强审方工作,尝试利用信息化手段提高效率,遇到不合理处方及时与临床医师沟通,保障临床新生儿用药的安全性和有效性。

The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.


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Parenteral Nutrition (PN) allows us to meet a neonates requirement for growth and development when their size or condition precludes enteral feeding. Although feeding through the gastrointestinal tract is the preferred route for nutritional management, there are specific conditions where PN as an adjunctive or sole therapy is necessary. In very low birth weight premature infants, due to the immaturity of the gastrointestinal systems, enteral feeding cannot be established in the first few days of life. In critically ill neonates, neonates with protracted diarrhea and neonates who have had major GI surgery, PN can successfully meet the nutritional demands. Parenteral Nutrition solutions, although still evolving, have improved considerably since the early days and complications are now less common when amino acids and lipids are given in a dose of 1-3 g / kg / day. Meticulous attention to asepsis, good nursing care and close biochemical monitoring are absolutely essential for successful PN therapy.
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静脉注射脂肪乳剂是由两种互不相溶的液体(油相和水相)混合而成,是水不溶性药物的良好栽体,可以提高易 水解药物的稳定性并且减少各种毒副作用.脂肪乳荆属于热力学不稳定体系,其会表现出各种不稳定的现象如聚集,絮凝,聚结等,最终可能出现相分离.本文就处 方、工艺及包装等影响脂肪乳剂理化性质及稳定性的主要因素进行综述.
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目的:研究不同存放方式对全肠外营养(TPN)液稳定性的影响。方法:将两种配方的药物注入一次性肠外营养(PN)输液袋内配置成TPN液,分别在4℃、20~25℃和37℃三种条件下存放。放置于4℃条件下的营养液于0、1、2、3和5 d后取样,放置于20~25℃和37℃条件下的营养液于0、1、2和3 d后取样。观察外观性状,测定p H值、渗透浓度、脂肪颗粒直径和有无细菌生长等。结果:两种配方的全合一营养液在4℃、20~25℃和37℃三种条件下各观察期内肉眼上外观无明显变化、培养结果均无细菌生长,p H值、渗透浓度均在安全可用范围。放置4℃下的全合一营养液,在1和2 d内脂肪乳无直径1μm的脂肪颗粒。存放3和5 d后,脂肪颗粒平均直径仍在安全范围内,但有超过10%1μm,且大于存放0 d(P0.05)。放置于20~25℃、37℃下的全合一营养液,1 d脂肪颗粒直径在安全范围内。存放2、3 d仍在安全范围,但明显0 d(P0.05)。脂肪颗粒直径1μm的超过10%。结论:使用一次性PN输液袋配制的TPN液,在4℃保存2 d,22~25℃和37℃保存1 d的稳定性均较好。
DOI:10.16151/j.1007-810x.2015.05.012      URL    
[6] 中国医学会肠外肠内营养学会儿科协作组.中国儿科肠内肠外营养支持临床应用指南[J].中华儿科杂志,2010,48(6):436-441.
一、指南制订背景 自2008年初以来,中华医学会肠外肠内营养学分会儿科协作组、中华医学会儿科学分会、中华医学会小儿外科学分会,共同着手起草了,为我国儿科患者的临床营养支持提供指导性意见.对于新生儿人群的临床营养支持建议见中国新生儿营养支持临床应用指南. 二、指南制订方法主要参照世界卫生组织和AGREE协作网(Appraisal of Guideline Research and Evaluation)的临床指南编写方法.电子数据库检索策略条件见表1.另外,还检索已出版国内外儿科治疗、营养支持临床指南、临床应用手册.
[7] GUELLEC I,GASCOIN G,BEUCHEE A,et al.Biological impact of recent guidelines on parenteral nutrition in preterm infants[J].J Parenter Enteral Nutr,2015,61(6):605-609.
Recent guidelines for preterm neonates recommend early initiation of parenteral nutrition (PN) with high protein and relatively high caloric intake. This review considers whether these changes could influence homeostasis in very preterm infants during the first few postnatal weeks.This systematic review of relevant literature from searches of PubMed and recent guidelines was reviewed by investigators from several perinatal centers in France.New recommendations for PN could be associated with metabolic acidosis via the increase in the amino acid ion gap, hyperchloremic acidosis, and ammonia acidosis. The introduction of high-intake amino acids soon after birth could induce hypophosphatemia and hypercalcemia, simulating a "repeat feeding-like syndrome" and could be prevented by the early intake of phosphorus, especially in preterm infants born after fetal growth restriction. Early high-dose amino acid infusions are relatively well tolerated in the preterm infant with regard to renal function. Additional studies, however, are warranted to determine markers of protein intolerance and to specify the optimal composition and amount of amino acid solutions.Optimal PN following new guidelines in very preterm infants, despite their demonstrated benefits on growth, may induce adverse effects on ionic homeostasis. Clinicians should implement appropriate monitoring to prevent and/or correct them.
DOI:10.1097/MPG.0000000000000898      PMID:26147627      URL    
[8] PARK H W,LEE N M,KIM J H,et al.Parenteral fish oil-containing lipid emulsions may reverse parenteral nutrition-associated cholestasis in neonates:a systematic review and Meta-analysis[J].J Nutr,2015,145(2):277-283.
DOI:10.3945/jn.114.204974      URL    
[9] GARGASZ A.Neonatal and pediatric parenteral nutrition[J].AACN Advanced Critical Care,2012,23(4):451-464.
Parenteral nutrition is one of the most important therapeutic modalities invented in the last several decades. Since its introduction in the 1960s, this modality has saved thousands of lives by providing nutrients parenterally to sustain growth in premature neonates with severe intestinal immaturity and other pediatric patients with intestinal failure, such as a gastrointestinal fistula or short bowel syndrome. Although parenteral nutrition can be a lifesaving treatment, it is not benign. Many complications can result from either short- or long-term usage. This review discusses the nutritional requirements, common complications, medication additives, and special considerations for pediatric patients requiring parenteral nutrition.
DOI:10.1097/NCI.0b013e31826e8f8b      PMID:23095971      URL    
[10] RISKIN A,HARTMAN C,SHAMIR R,et al.Parenteral nutrition in very low birth weight preterm infants[J].IMAJ,2015,17(5):310-315.
Parenteral nutrition (PN) must be initiated as soon as possible after delivery in very low birth weight (VLBW) preterm infants in order to prevent postnatal growth failure and improve neurodevelopmental outcome. When administered early, high levels of parenteral amino acids (AA) are well tolerated and prevent negative nitrogen balance. Although proteins are the driving force for growth, protein synthesis is energy-demanding. Intravenous lipid emulsions (ILE) constitute a good energy source because of their high energy density and provide essential fatty acids (FA) along with their long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acid (LC-PUFA) derivatives necessary for central nervous system and retinal development. Early supply of ILE is not associated with increased morbidity. No significant differences were found between ILE based on soybean oil only and mixed ILE containing soybean oil in combination with other fat sources, except for a reduction in the incidence of sepsis with non-pure soybean ILE, and possibly less PN-associated liver disease with mixed ILE containing some fish oil. In preterm infants glucose homeostasis is still immature in the first days of life and abnormalities of glucose homeostasis are common. VLBW infants may not tolerate high levels of glucose infusion without hyperglycemia. Administering lower levels of glucose infusion as part of full early PN seems more successful than insulin at this stage. Postpartum there is a transition period when the water and electrolyte balance may be severely disturbed and should be closely monitored. Avoiding fluid overload is critical for preventing respiratory and other morbidities.
PMID:26137659      URL    
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关键词(key words)

Parenteral nutrition
Prescription analysis


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LYU Caixia
QIN Miao
YIN Yanlei
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