中国科技论文统计源期刊 中文核心期刊  
医药导报, 2019, 38(2): 135-146
doi: 10.3870/j.issn.1004-0781.2019.02.001

关键词: 雾化吸入 ; 雾化吸入疗法 ; 合理用药 ; 专家共识


编者按 呼吸系统疾病是严重危害人民健康的常见病、多发病,给社会和国民经济带来沉重负担,同时还伴随着临床不合理用药问题。雾化吸入疗法是呼吸系统相关疾病的重要治疗手段之一,因其临床应用优势被国内外广泛使用。在我国,很多基层医院,甚至大型综合医院由于医务人员对雾化吸入疗法及其药物应用认识不足,临床应用中存在许多不合理用药现象。在这种形式下加强雾化吸入药物的规范管理与合理使用尤为重要!

基于此,由中华医学会临床药学分会和中国药理学会发起,中华医学会临床药学分会合理用药学组组织了“2018年度全国医药学术交流会暨临床药学与药学服务研究进展培训班——雾化吸入疗法合理用药专家研讨会”,正式启动“雾化吸入疗法合理用药专家共识”撰写项目(简称“共识”)。会议由中国药理学会主办、《医药导报》编辑部承办,2018年6月23日在山东省临沂市召开。本次会议确定了编写专家组成员,并对“共识”大纲进行专业细致的研讨。2018年7月10日在湖北省武汉市确定“共识”大纲内容。2018年11月3日在湖北省武汉市召开“中华医学会临床药学分会第三届委员会第二次全体委员会议”上进行“共识”中期审稿,委员及学组专家对“共识”初稿内容进行逐条修订,并提出近50条专业修改建议,对“共识”内容的准确性与药学特色进行了严格的把关。经过多次专家审稿和修订, 2018年12月8日在河南省郑州市召开“中华医学会临床药学分会第三届委员会第三次全体委员会议”,对“共识”的内容进行最后修订,得到编委会专家组的一致认可而最终定稿。



1 常用雾化吸入装置的正确选择

雾化吸入装置是一种将药物转变为气溶胶形态,并经口腔(或鼻腔)吸入的药物输送装置[1]。小容量雾化器是目前临床最为常用的雾化吸入装置,其储液容量一般小于10 mL。根据发生装置特点及原理不同,目前临床常用雾化器可分为射流雾化器(jet nebulizers)、超声雾化器(ultrasonic nebulizers)和振动筛孔雾化器(mesh nebulizers)3种。

1.1 射流雾化器


1.2 超声雾化器


1.3 振动筛孔雾化器

振动筛孔雾化器是通过压电陶瓷片的高频振动,使药液穿过细小的筛孔而产生药雾的装置,减少超声振动液体产热对药物的影响。筛孔的直径可决定产生药雾颗粒的大小。振动筛孔雾化器雾化效率较高且残留药量较少(0.1~0.5 mL),并具有噪音小、小巧轻便等优点。与射流雾化器和超声雾化器比较,震动筛孔雾化器的储药罐可位于呼吸管路上方,方便增加药物剂量。

2 雾化吸入疗法合理用药
2.1 雾化吸入疗法合理用药基本原则

2.1.1 雾化吸入疗法的特点及作用机制 雾化吸入疗法是应用雾化吸入装置,使药液形成粒径0.01~10 μm的气溶胶微粒,被吸入并沉积于气道和肺部,发挥治疗作用。雾化颗粒直径对药物沉积位置有直接影响,有效雾化颗粒直径应在0.5~10 μm。其中粒径5~10 μm的雾粒主要沉积于口咽部,粒径3~<5 μm的雾粒主要沉积于肺部,粒径<3 μm的雾粒50%~60%沉积于肺泡。

2.1.2 雾化吸入药物的理化特性 药物经雾化吸入后可产生局部及全身作用,理想的雾化吸入药物主要在肺部和气道产生作用,而作用于全身的副反应少,在理化特性上具有“两短一长”的特点,即在气道黏膜表面停留时间短、血浆半衰期短和局部组织滞留时间长。

临床常用雾化吸入药物主要有吸入性糖皮质激素(inhaled corticosteroid,ICS)、短效 β2受体激动剂(short-acting beta 2 receptor agonists, SABA),短效胆碱M受体拮抗剂(short-acting muscarinic antagonist,SAMA)和黏液溶解剂等几大类。

2.1.3 雾化吸入药物配伍与常用雾化联合方案 《Trissel 混合组分的稳定性》和Trissel的两个临床药剂学数据库提供国内外多种雾化吸入药物的配伍数据,包括各种药物在同一雾化器中配伍使用的相容性和稳定性数据(表1) [6,7]表1中除布地奈德、沙丁胺醇、异丙托溴铵、乙酰半胱氨酸外,其余药物国内目前无专用雾化吸入制剂。目前临床常用雾化吸入联合方案见表2。

表1 常用雾化吸入药物的配伍
色甘酸 异丙托
阿福特罗 NI NI NI NI NI C*1 NI C*1 C*1 NI NI NI X
左旋沙丁胺醇 NI NI NI NI NI C C*1 C*1 NI NI NI NI X
布地奈德 C C*1 NI C C NI C C C NI X NI X
色甘酸 C NI C NI C*1 C C C C NI X NI X
异丙托溴铵 C C*1 NI NI C*1 C C C C NI C NI X
乙酰半胱氨酸 NI C*1 NI NI NI NI C C C C NI NI X
α-链道酶 X X X X X X X X X X X X X

表1 常用雾化吸入药物的配伍

表2 常用雾化联合方案
联合类型 雾化方案
ICS+SABA +乙酰半胱氨酸
ICS+ SAMA+乙酰半胱氨酸
四联雾化 ICS+SABA+SAMA+乙酰半胱氨酸

表2 常用雾化联合方案

2.1.4 非雾化吸入制剂不推荐用于雾化吸入治疗 非雾化吸入制剂用于雾化吸入治疗属于超说明书用药,临床比较普遍,但存在较大的安全隐患,故不推荐以下使用。①不推荐以静脉制剂替代雾化吸入制剂使用。静脉制剂中常含有酚、亚硝酸盐等防腐剂,吸入后可诱发哮喘发作。而且非雾化吸入制剂的药物无法达到有效雾化颗粒要求,无法经呼吸道清除,可能沉积在肺部,从而增加肺部感染的发生率。如盐酸氨溴索注射液,国内尚无雾化吸入剂型。②不推荐传统“呼三联”方案(地塞米松、庆大霉素、α-糜蛋白酶)。“呼三联”药物无相应雾化吸入制剂,无充分安全性证据,且剂量、疗程及疗效均无统一规范。③不推荐雾化吸入中成药。中成药因无雾化吸入制剂,所含成分较多,安全性有效性证据不足。④因无雾化吸入剂型而不推荐使用的其他药物还包括:抗病毒药物、干扰素[2]、低分子肝素[8,9]、氟尿嘧啶、顺铂、羟喜树碱、生物反应调节剂(如白细胞介素-2、贝伐单抗)[10,11]等。

2.2 常见雾化吸入药物的临床合理应用

2.2.1 ICS ①药理作用机制。糖皮质激素(glucocorticoids,GS)抗炎作用基本机制可分为经典途径(基因途径)和非经典途径(非基因途径)[12,13]。经典途径指GS易通过细胞膜进入细胞,与细胞质内糖皮质激素受体(glucocorticoid receptor,GR)结合形成活化的GS-GR复合物,进入细胞核内启动基因转录,引起转录增加或C:有临床研究确证特定混合物的稳定性和相容性;*1C:来自生产厂家的报告确证特定混合物的稳定性和相容性,在许多情况下,这些例子不适用于综述,通过包装内的说明或与厂家直接沟通确认;X:有证据确认或建议,特定混合物不能配伍;NI:评价配伍稳定性证据不充分,除非将来有证据证明可行;CD:配伍稳定性数据有争议减少,改变介质相关蛋白的水平,对炎症反应所必需的细胞和分子产生影响而发挥抗炎作用。经典途径属于延迟反应,一般需要数小时起效。非基因途径是GS直接作用于细胞膜膜受体,数分钟起效。膜受体的数量仅占受体总量的10%~25%,且解离常数远高于细胞质受体的解离常数。因此,需要大剂量ICS才能启动非经典途径。

②药学特性。理想的ICS应包括以下几个特点:空气动力学粒径<5 μm,口服生物利用度低,受体亲和力高,肺内滞留时间长,蛋白结合率高,系统清除快等。

ICS体内过程:ICS吸入后,部分经气道在肺部沉积而发挥肺部的抗炎效应,而其他大部分沉积在口咽部。ICS生物利用度(systemic bioavailability)是经气道吸收入血(肺生物利用度)和经肠道吸收入血(口服生物利用度)的总和[14],具体代谢过程见图1。

图1 ICS体内代谢过程

颗粒粒径:吸入药物在肺内的分布取决于空气动力学粒径,其影响因素包括物理粒径、晶型、外形、密度等。一般体外测定为物理粒径,如电镜下,丙酸倍氯米松、丙酸氟替卡松均为长约10 μm的针状微粒,布地奈德为粒径2.0~3.0 μm球状颗粒可能更适合肺内分布[15]


表3 常用ICS药效学和药动学特点
药品名称 首关效应
起效时间 亲水性/
生物利用度/% 酯化作用
丙酸倍氯米松 / 60~70/NA 40/1345 3 d内 0.13 4.40 87/NA 150/120 0.5/2.7 13/26 20/36
布地奈德 90 940 3 h 16 3.24 88 84 2.8 11 28
丙酸氟替卡松 99 1800 12 h 0.14 4.20 90 69 7.8 ≤1 26

LogP:油水分配系数,LogP值越大,亲脂性越强,反之,则亲水性越强;亲水性决定ICS透过气道黏液层的速度,原药亲水性越好,透过气道黏液层的速度越快,故仅比较原药分子,未涉及代谢产物;RRA:relative receptor affinity compared with dexamethasone (RRA=100)

表3 常用ICS药效学和药动学特点

亲脂性、酯化作用和分布容积:ICS肺滞留时间延长可增强肺局部抗炎作用,与本身亲脂性和酯化作用相关[17]。 目前临床常用的ICS均具有相对较高的亲脂性,亲脂性高的ICS易穿过靶细胞膜,与细胞质内GR结合。亲脂性过高可导致分布容积增大,不利于ICS在水/酯相间组织转运,使半衰期延长而增加体内药物蓄积风险,因此要求ICS有适度亲脂性和亲水性。具有酯化作用的药物可在气道组织与脂类物质可逆性结合,形成长链脂肪酸复合物贮存于细胞质中,相当于在靶组织中提供ICS的缓释储库,使其肺滞留时间延长[14,18]




表4 常见雾化吸入ICS和支气管舒张剂的临床应用及推荐给药方案
疾病分类 ICS 支气管舒张剂
急性发作期 ①成人:在哮喘发作或症状加重的初期,雾化吸入支气管舒张剂联合大剂量 首选雾化吸入SABA,中重度哮喘急性发作推荐联合
ICS(2~4倍基础剂量)可以替代或部分替代全身应用糖皮质激素 [21]。② 应用SAMA和SABA[29]。①SABA,成人:推荐初
儿童:轻中度:在吸入SABA的基础上联用雾化吸入大剂量布地奈德(每次 始治疗第1小时,间断(每20 min)或连续雾化给
1 mg)作为起始治疗,bid,或必要时4~6 h重复给药1 次,根据病情恢复情 药,随后根据需要间断给药(每4 h1次)。儿童:雾
况酌情延长给药间隔时间,维持7~10 d[5]。中重度:在第1~2小时起始治 化吸入沙丁胺醇雾化液或特布他林雾化液2.5~
疗中,联用雾化吸入大剂量布地奈德(每次1 mg,每30 min雾化吸入1次, 5.0 mg。②SAMA,异丙托溴铵:成人及>5岁儿童:
连用3次)能显著减少住院治疗率和口服糖皮质激素的使用,并有效改善 每次0.5 mg,每天3或4次;<5岁儿童:每次
肺功能[5],在非危及生命哮喘急性发作可替代或部分替代全身用糖皮质激 0.25 mg,每天3或4次
慢性持续期 ①成人:对于病情较重、需较大剂量治疗的患者,可使用雾化吸入ICS[30] 任何控制治疗级别的哮喘患儿均可按需使用SABA以
②儿童:起始治疗剂量,每次0.5~1.0 mg,bid,1~3个月后进行评估[5] 缓解症状。
急性加重期 每天雾化吸入布地奈德6~8 mg(每次3 mg,bid,或每次2 mg,q6h),能达到与 初始治疗方案可选择SABA联合或不联合SAMA,中
静脉注射甲泼尼龙(40 mg)相当的疗效,疗程10~14 d,根据病情加重严重 重度推荐联合应用SABA和SAMA[31]异丙托溴铵:
程度,调整剂量和疗程[21] 每次0.5 mg,每天3或4次。按个体调整剂量。
2.5~5 mL,每天3或4次
稳定期 雾化吸入ICS适用于年老体弱、吸气流速较低、疾病程度较重、使用干粉吸入
器存在困难的患者[21]。布地奈德每次1 mg,bid,长期应用[32]
急性加重期 除使用抗菌药物外,可按需使用支气管舒张剂和ICS雾化治疗[21]。布地奈 使用的药物和剂量可参照COPD急性加重期部分
德每次3 mg,bid,或布地奈德每次2 mg,q6h,疗程10~14 d[28]
急性发作期 布地奈德每次3 mg,bid,或布地奈德每次2 mg,q6h,疗程10~14 d[28] 对于症状显著、常规治疗效果欠佳者可使用雾化吸入
婴幼儿喘息(如毛细支气管 ①重度:布地奈德每次1.0 mg和支气管舒张剂联合吸入。如病情需要可每 SABA:特布他林,体质量<20 kg,每次2.5 mg,体质量
炎) 20 min1次,连续3次,雾化吸入间隔时间可逐渐延长为4,6,8至12 h;②中 ≥20 kg,每次5.0 mg,每6~8 h1次。沙丁胺醇,<5
度:给予上述联合用药,每天2次,连续2~3 d。③年龄<3岁哮喘高危儿, 岁,每次2.5 mg,用药间隔视病情轻重而定。SAMA:
需长期雾化吸入布地奈德,起始剂量1.0 mg·d-1,逐渐减量,每1~3个月 与ICS、SABA联用,可有效缓解喘息症状。体质量
调整方案,直至最小有效维持剂量(布地奈德为0.25 mg·d-1),疗程个体 ≤20 kg(6岁),每次0.25 mg,>20 kg,每次0.5 mg,
化,酌情吸入3,6,9或12个月[21] 一般可用5~7 d[33]
急性期 在应用大环内酯类药物治疗肺炎支原体感染时, 同时给予ICS雾化吸入辅助 与布地奈德联用,其中支气管舒张剂雾化吸入,bid。
治疗, 可减轻气道炎症反应[5]。如有明显咳嗽、喘息、胸部X光片肺部有 用1~3周[5]
明显炎症反应及肺不张,应用布地奈德每次0.5~1.0 mg,bid,同时联
疾病分类 ICS 支气管舒张剂
恢复期 如有气道高反应性或胸部X线片有小气道炎症病变,或肺不张未完全恢复,
可以用BUD混悬液雾化吸入,0.5~1.0 mg·d-1,1~3个月后复查[5]
气管插管术中和术后 根据患儿年龄,分别于插管前30 min雾化吸入布地奈德1次,拔管后雾化吸
入布地奈德,每30 min 1次,每次0.5~1.0 mg,每天4~6次;依据患儿病情
及拔管后喉部水肿恢复情况而定,一般气管插管术中和术后使用ICS 3~
5 d[21]
急性会厌炎、喉炎 布地奈德每次 2.0~4.0 mg,每0.5 h重复1 次,若2或3 次后呼吸困难不能缓
急性咽炎 布地奈德每次1.0~2.0 mg,每天1或2 次,疗程为7~10 d[21]
围手术期气道管理 对于合并危险因素的手术患者,推荐在术前3~7 d 和术后3~7 d 雾化吸入布 对于存在高危因素的患者,建议术前3~7 d开始使用
地奈德,每次 2.0 mg,每天2或3 次 [21] 异丙托溴铵,每次0.5 mg,每隔6 h雾化吸入一次,
手术当天进入手术室之前雾化吸入;术后24 h内建
议及早雾化吸入,24 h后建议每隔6 h雾化吸入一
次,建议连续用药7 d[34]
人工气道管理 定期评估并调整气道湿化和痰液引流措施可有效避免气道痰痂形成。布地奈 异丙托溴铵,每次O.5 mg,每天2或3次[35]
德1 mg,每天2或3次。严重哮喘或气道痉挛,在积极处理原发病及诱发困
难时,可配合布地奈德2 mg,bid[35]
咳嗽变异性哮喘(CVA) 成人:布地奈德每次1.0~2.0 mg,bid,疗程一般不少于8周[21]。儿童:布地奈 药物剂量与典型哮喘相同
德每次 0.5~1.0 mg,每天1或2次,疗程一般不少于8 周[5]
嗜酸粒细胞性支气管炎 成人:布地奈德每次2.0 mg,bid,应用>8周 [21]。儿童:布地奈德每次0.5~
(EB) 1.0 mg,bid,持续应用≥8周[5]
变应性咳嗽(AC) 成人:布地奈德每次2.0 mg,bid,持续治疗>4 周 [21]。儿童:布地奈德每次
0.5~1.0 mg,bid,ICS 持续治疗需>4 周 [5]
感染后咳嗽(PIC) 成人:布地奈德每次2.0 mg,每天2或3次 [21]。儿童:布地奈德每次0.5~
1.0 mg,使用频次依病情而定,疗程2~3周[5]
急性喉气管支气管炎 多数研究选择雾化吸入布地奈德的初始剂量为1.0~2.0 mg,此后每12 h雾化
吸入1.0 mg。也有研究应用每次2 mg,q12 h,每天最多4次[21]
支气管肺发育不良(BPD) 雾化吸入布地奈德防治BPD的剂量和疗程不明确,有研究采用雾化吸入布地 雾化吸入特布他林或沙丁胺醇2.5~5.0 mg,每6~8 h
奈德每次0.5 mg,bid,共14 d[5] 1次,用于有支气管痉挛表现的临床急性期患儿
腺体样肥大 布地奈德每次1.0 mg,bid,连续用药7~10 d[36]

表4 常见雾化吸入ICS和支气管舒张剂的临床应用及推荐给药方案

2.2.2 SABA ①作用机制。SABA通过兴奋气道平滑肌和肥大细胞膜表面的β2受体,活化腺苷酸环化酶(AC),增加细胞内环磷酸腺苷(cAMP)的合成,舒张气道平滑肌,稳定肥大细胞膜而发挥作用。ICS与SABA联合应用时具有协同作用,ICS可上调β2受体表达,减少因β2受体下调导致的β激动剂耐受性,而SABA可促进糖皮质激素受体易位,增加其抗炎作用。②药学特性。特布他林雾化溶液经吸入后,在数分钟内起效,1.0 h达到峰值,疗效持续4~6 h,主要用于缓解症状,按需使用。沙丁胺醇数分钟内起效,1.0~1.5 h达到峰值,疗效持续3~6 h[37]。③国内常用雾化吸入用SABA的临床应用及推荐用法。目前中国已上市的SABA有特布他林和沙丁胺醇,临床应用和推荐剂量可参见表4。

2.2.3 SAMA ①作用机制。SAMA通过与内源性胆碱竞争靶细胞上的毒蕈碱受体(M受体)而发挥作用。M受体有5个亚型,但呼吸道内只有M1 、M2和M3有明确的生理活性[38]。SAMA拮抗M1及M3受体可舒张支气管平滑肌并抑制黏液高分泌状态,拮抗M2受体则促使神经末梢释放乙酰胆碱,使支气管收缩,因此部分削弱了拮抗M1和M3受体所带来的支气管舒张作用。②药学特性。M3受体主要存在于大气道,支气管收缩的作用最强,故SAMA对大气道的舒张作用强于对周围气道的作用。一般在15 min内起效,1~2 h达峰值[39],持续4~6 h。与SABA比较,SAMA起效时间较慢,但持续时间较长。③国内常用雾化吸入SAMA的临床应用及推荐用法。国内上市的SAMA雾化制剂仅有异丙托溴铵及其复方制剂。SAMA一般与SABA联合应用,常用于COPD和支气管哮喘急性发作时的起始治疗。复方异丙托溴铵含异丙托溴铵0.5 mg 和硫酸沙丁胺醇3.0 mg。适用于需要多种支气管扩张剂联合应用的成人和>12岁青少年,如治疗气道阻塞性疾病有关的可逆性支气管痉挛[40]。由于该制剂本身为复方制剂,尚缺乏本品与其他药物配伍的研究,说明书指出不需要把本品与其他药物混合在同一雾化器中使用。


2.2.4 抗感染药物 目前国外已上市的雾化吸入治疗用的抗感染药物仅有几种[41],我国仅有部分厂家的注射用两性霉素B被批准用于雾化吸入治疗严重的系统性真菌感染[42]


2.2.5 黏液溶解剂 ①作用机制。国内上市的黏液溶解剂雾化吸入制剂仅有乙酰半胱氨酸。其分子结构中含有巯基(-SH)基团,可使黏蛋白分子复合物间的双硫键(-S-S)断裂,从而降低痰液的黏滞性,使液化后容易咳出;还可使脓性痰液的DNA纤维断裂,溶解脓性痰[37]。同时,N-乙酰半胱氨酸能够有效改善纤毛运动,增强纤毛清除功能[44,45],增加肺泡表面活性物质[46]。另一方面还可以抑制黏液细胞增生[47],抑制黏蛋白MUC5AC表达[48],从黏液生成角度进行干预。此外,N-乙酰半胱氨酸作为抗氧化剂谷胱甘肽的前体药物,在外周气道可以发挥清除氧自由基的作用[37]。抑制细菌生物膜形成,破坏已形成生物膜,协同抗生素有效抗菌[49,50]


②药学特性。N-乙酰半胱氨酸经雾化吸入后,可快速到达肺部病变部位。吸收后在肝内脱乙酰基代谢,生成半胱氨酸[37]。口服或注射用药蛋白结合率66%~87%,体内分布容积0.47 L·kg-1,肾脏清除率约占总体清除率的30%[57,58,59]

③常用雾化吸入黏液溶解剂的临床应用及推荐用法。吸入用N-乙酰半胱氨酸溶液在临床用于治疗浓稠黏液分泌物过多的呼吸道疾病如:急性支气管炎[60]、慢性支气管炎及其病情恶化者[61,62]、肺气肿、黏稠物阻塞症[63]以及支气管扩张症[37,64]。吸入用乙酰半胱氨酸溶液用法用量为:雾化吸入,每次300 mg(3 mL),每天雾化吸入1或2次,持续5~10 d,根据患者的临床反应和治疗效果调整用药的相关剂量和次,且不必区别成人和儿童。

3 雾化吸入治疗的药学监护与用药教育


3.1 雾化吸入治疗的药学监护

3.1.1 常用雾化吸入药物的不良反应及处理 ①ICS。与全身用糖皮质激素比较, ICS的不良反应发生率低,安全性较好。但由于给药方式的特殊性,ICS吸入后沉积在口咽部、喉部可造成局部不良反应,使用后立即漱口和漱喉,可有效减少局部不良反应。长期研究并未显示小剂量雾化吸入布地奈德对儿童生长发育、骨质疏松、下丘脑-垂体-肾上腺轴有明显的抑制作用[65,66,67]。对于需要长期吸入大剂量ICS的患者,应定期检查患者的皮肤、骨骼、代谢等情况[68,69]。ICS常见局部不良反应[70]表5。ICS的全身不良反应主要为下丘脑-垂体-肾上腺轴抑制(吸入激素:0.2~2.0 mg),以丙酸氟替卡松抑制强度为1,布地奈德的尿皮质醇抑制率(24 h)低于丙酸氟替卡松4.3倍,血皮质醇抑制率(8:00时)低于丙酸氟替卡松3.7倍;丙酸倍氯米松的尿皮质醇抑制率(24 h)低于丙酸氟替卡松1.9倍[69,71-72]

表5 ICS的常见不良反应
药物 剂量 口咽念珠
丙酸倍氯米松 84 μg·d-1 >75% <2% 14% <2%
布地奈德 200~800 μg,bid 2%~4% 1%~6% 5%~10% <3%
丙酸氟替卡松 88~440 μg,bid 2%~5% 3%~8% 10%~14% <3%

表5 ICS的常见不良反应


表6 几种吸入性支气管舒张剂的常见不良反应
常用药物 常见不良反应
硫酸特布他林雾化液 头痛:>1%;震颤:>1%;心动过速:>1%
硫酸沙丁胺醇 头痛:1%~10%;震颤:1%~10%;心动过速:
异丙托溴铵溶液 头晕、头痛:1%~10%;咳嗽、吸入相关支气管痉
复方异丙托溴铵雾化溶液 与上述β2受体激动剂药物和抗胆碱能药物相

表6 几种吸入性支气管舒张剂的常见不良反应



3.1.2 雾化吸入治疗相关不良事件及处理 ①雾化器及装置相关不良事件。戴面罩进行雾化吸入治疗时,药物可能会沉积在眼部,刺激眼球,如发生应立即用清水清洗,并换用咬嘴[2]。气溶胶温度过低、输送的气溶胶密度过高、雾化溶液pH值不当、低渗及高渗气溶胶或可导致哮喘或其他呼吸系统疾病患者发生支气管痉挛[75],应立即停止雾化吸入,并予以相应治疗措施。②患者相关不良事件。雾化吸入治疗根据其吸入药物的不同,可出现口腔干燥症、龋齿、口腔黏膜改变、溃疡、牙龈炎、牙周炎、味觉障碍等多种口腔疾病,通常与患者个人卫生习惯和治疗期间未注重口腔护理有关[76]。如出现上述口腔问题,应积极就医,加强口腔护理。对于长期治疗患者应定期进行口腔检查。

3.1.3 对特殊人群加强用药监护


②儿童患者:布地奈德混悬液是目前美国食品药品管理局(FDA)批准的唯一可用于4岁以下儿童的ICS雾化剂型[5,78],是我国2018年版《国家基本药物目录》中唯一推荐用于平喘的ICS雾化剂型。也是世界卫生组织(WHO)儿童基药目录(适用于12 岁以下儿童)中唯一推荐用于治疗哮喘的ICS[79]。SABA是治疗任何年龄儿童喘息发作的首选药物[35]



美国儿科学会(American Academy of Pediatrics,AAP)声明[83],特布他林很少经母乳排泄,可作为哺乳期妇女优先选用的SABA。


3.2 雾化吸入治疗的用药教育


3.2.1 药物贮藏 应按说明书要求贮存。使用前应仔细检查药品,确保药品在有效期内,颜色性状均正常。

3.2.2 药物配置 碱性药液、高渗盐水及纯化水可引起气道高反应性,应避免用于雾化吸入。油性制剂可能引起脂质性肺炎,不能用于雾化吸入。雾化吸入制剂应在开瓶后立即使用。部分药物不能在同一容器中混合使用,应严格遵医嘱用药。

3.2.3 雾化吸入治疗前 雾化吸入治疗前1 h不应进食,清洁口腔分泌物和食物残渣,以防雾化过程中气流刺激引起呕吐;洗脸、不抹油性面膏,以免药物吸附在皮肤上。对于婴幼儿和儿童,为保持平静呼吸宜在安静或睡眠状态下治疗,前30 min内不应进食。

3.2.4 雾化吸入治疗中 ①按医嘱将药液配置好放入雾化吸入器内,如采用氧气驱动雾化,应调整好氧流量至6~8 L·min-1,观察出雾情况,注意勿将药液溅入眼内。②采用舒适的坐位或半卧位,用嘴深吸气、鼻呼气方式进行深呼吸,使药液充分达到支气管和肺部。③密切关注患者雾化吸入治疗中潜在的药物不良反应。出现急剧频繁咳嗽及喘息加重,如是雾化吸入过快或过猛导致,应放缓雾化吸入的速度;出现震颤、肌肉痉挛等不适,不必恐慌,及时停药,如为SABA类药物,如特布他林引起,一般停药后即可恢复,后随访告知医生;出现呼吸急促、感到困倦或突然胸痛,应停止治疗并立即就医。

3.2.5 雾化吸入治疗后 ①使用面罩者嘱其及时洗脸,或用湿毛巾抹干净口鼻部以下的雾珠,以防残留雾滴刺激口鼻皮肤引起皮肤过敏或受损。婴幼儿面部皮肤薄,血管丰富,残留药液更易被吸收,需及时洗漱。②年幼儿童可用棉球蘸水擦拭口腔后,再适量喂水,特别是使用激素类药物后,以减少口咽部的激素沉积,减少真菌感染等不良反应的发生。③及时翻身拍背有助于使粘附于气管、支气管壁上的痰液脱落,保持呼吸道通畅。

3.2.6 雾化吸入装置 雾化吸入装置应该专人专用,避免交叉污染。每次使用后需进行清洁并干燥存放,以防受到污染后成为感染源,影响治疗。


编写组长:杜光 赵杰


巴桑拉姆 西藏自治区人民医院

曹力 南昌大学第一附属医院

陈万生 上海第二军医大学

陈孝 中山大学附属第一医院

陈英 广西壮族自治区人民医院

董亚琳 西安交通大学医学院第一附属医院

杜光 华中科技大学同济医学院附属同济医院

杜智敏 哈尔滨医科大学附属第二医院

方晴霞 浙江省人民医院

冯婉玉 中国医科大学第一附属医院

高申 海军军医大学附属长海医院

葛卫红 南京大学医学院附属鼓楼医院

龚志成 中南大学湘雅医院

郭代红 中国人民解放军总医院

郭瑞臣 山东大学齐鲁医院

侯锐钢 山西医科大学第二医院

胡欣 卫计委北京医院

黄红谦 海南医学院附属医院

黄品芳 福建医科大学附属第一医院

菅凌燕 中国医科大学附属盛京医院

姜玲 安徽省立医院

阚全程 郑州大学第一附属医院

李焕德 中南大学湘雅二医院

李丽 海南医学院第一附属医院

李雪松 昆明医学院第一附属医院云大医院

刘皋林 上海市第一人民医院

刘景丰 福建医科大学孟超肝胆医院

刘丽宏 首都医科大学附属北京朝阳医院

刘世霆 南方医科大学南方医院

刘小玲 内蒙古自治区人民医院

刘玉梅 吉林大学中日联谊医院

卢海儒 青海省人民医院

吕迁洲 复旦大学附属中山医院

马瑞莲 内蒙古医学院附属医院

梅丹 中国医学科学院北京协和医院

缪丽燕 苏州大学附属第一医院

齐晓勇 河北省人民医院

邱峰 重庆医科大学附属第一医院

沈承武 山东省立医院

师少军 华中科技大学同济医学院协和医院

宋金春 武汉大学人民医院、湖北省人民医院

隋忠国 青岛大学附属医院

孙洲亮 厦门大学附属第一医院

童荣生 四川省医学科学院·四川省人民医院

王春革 天津市第一中心医院

王建华 新疆医科大学第一附属医院

文爱东 第四军医大学西京医院

文友民 宁夏医科大学总医院

武新安 兰州大学第一附属医院

夏培元 第三军医大学第一附属医院

胥婕 北京大学第三医院

杨宏昕 内蒙古自治区人民医院

杨婉花 上海交通大学医学院附属瑞金医院

于倩 吉林大学中日联谊医院

张健 上海交通大学医学院附属新华医院

张鉴 山东省立医院

张抗怀 西安交通大学第二附属医院西北医院

张抒扬 北京协和医院

张伟 河南省人民医院

张文婷 华中科技大学同济医学院附属同济医院

张相林 卫生部中日友好医院

张晓坚 郑州大学第一附属医院

张幸国 浙江大学医学院附属第一医院

张永军 石河子大学医学院第一附属医院

张玉 华中科技大学同济医学院附属协和医院

张志清 河北医科大学第二医院

张志仁 哈尔滨医科大学附属肿瘤医院

赵杰 郑州大学第一附属医院

赵庆春 沈阳军区总医院

赵志刚 首都医科大学附属天坛医院

郑志昌 贵阳医学院附属医院

左笑丛 中南大学湘雅三医院


卜书红 上海交通大学医学院附属新华医院

陈娜 浙江大学医学院附属第一医院

陈瑞玲 首都医科大学附属天坛医院

陈万生 海军军医大学长征医院

陈孝 中山大学附属第一医院

陈泳伍 安徽省立医院

戴智勇 中南大学湘雅医院

杜光 华中科技大学同济医学院附属同济医院

冯瑾 海军军医大学长征医院

高杰 苏州大学附属第一医院

高申 海军军医大学附属长海医院

葛卫红 南京大学医学院附属鼓楼医院

郭瑞臣 山东大学齐鲁医院

菅凌燕 中国医科大学附属盛京医院

姜玲 安徽省立医院

李峰 郑州大学第一附属医院

李佳 中山大学附属第一医院

李玉平 上海肺科医院

刘皋林 上海市第一人民医院

卢晓阳 浙江大学医学院附属第一医院

吕迁州 复旦大学附属中山医院

闵光宁 兰州大学第一医院

缪丽燕 苏州大学附属第一医院

沈承武 山东省立医院

隋忠国 青岛大学附属医院

童荣生 四川省医学科学院·四川省人民医院

王春革 天津市第一中心医院

王卓 海军军医大学附属长海医院

武新安 兰州大学第一附属医院

徐珽 四川大学华西医院

叶晓芬 复旦大学附属中山医院

尹桃 中南大学湘雅医院

游一中 常州市第一人民医院

张健 上海交通大学医学院附属新华医院

张玮 上海肺科医院

张文婷 华中科技大学同济医学院附属同济医院

张晓坚 郑州大学第一附属医院

赵杰 郑州大学第一附属医院

赵志刚 首都医科大学附属天坛医院

朱立勤 天津市第一中心医院

邹东娜 山东省立医院

The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.


[1] JACOB B,O'DRISCOLL B R,DENNIS J H.Practical hand-book of nebulizer therapy[M].Taylor & Francis,2003.
[2] 洪建国,陈强,陈志敏,.儿童常见呼吸道疾病雾化吸入治疗专家共识[J].中国实用儿科杂志,2012,27(4):265-269.
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[5] 申昆玲,邓力,李云珠,.糖皮质激素雾化吸入疗法在儿科应用的专家共识(2018年修订版)[J].临床儿科杂志,2018,36(2):95-107.
吸入型糖皮质激素(inhaled corticosteroids,Ics)是治疗气道急、慢性炎症的常用药物。ICS不同剂型的药物,如压力定量气雾剂、干粉剂和雾化吸入混悬液,在临床应用中均显示出良好的疗效,其中雾化吸人糖皮质激素以其可靠疗效、良好安全性和易操作性,在我国儿科临床获得了广泛应用,尤其是在年幼儿童,包括各级医疗机构以及家庭;不仅用于支气管哮喘的长期控制和急性发作,也用于其他呼吸系统疾病。
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[7] BURCHETT D K,DARKO W,ZAHRA J,et al.Mixing and compatibility guide for commonly used aerosolized medications[J].Am J Health Syst Pharm,2010,67(3):227-230.
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[8] QI Y,ZHAO G,LIU D,et al.Delivery of therapeutic levels of heparin and low-molecular-weight heparin through a pulmonary route[J].Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A,2004,101(26):9867-9872.
Although heparin and low-molecular-weight heparins (LMWH) have been widely used clinically as anticoagulants, their broader use has been limited by the lack of noninvasive delivery methods for this class of molecules. In this study, we demonstrate an efficient, rapid, and reproducible delivery system for heparin through the lungs that is not confined to particles of a certain geometric or aerodynamic diameter. Importantly, blood levels after intrapulmonary administration of either heparin or LMWH were comparable to that of s.c. administration but are characterized by a more rapid onset of action (t(1/2) = 40 min vs. 2.5 h, respectively). Furthermore, we show in animal models, that inhaled heparin species efficiently inhibit diseases such as thrombosis and emphysema, and that the repetitive inhalation of formulated LMWH results in no observable toxicity from the delivery of reproducible systemic levels of heparin or LMWH.
DOI:10.1073/pnas.0402891101      URL    
[9] 吴晓东,江莲,谢伟国.低分子肝素钙雾化吸入治疗慢性肺源性心脏病的临床研究[J].临床肺科杂志,2010,15(9):1269-1270.
目的探讨低分子肝素钙雾化吸入对慢性肺源性心脏病(肺心病)的治疗效果。方法 90例肺心病患者随机分为治疗组与对照组,对照组给予常规治疗,治疗组在常规治疗的基础上应用低分子肝素钙雾化吸入,100IU/kg,q12h,疗程7 天。治疗前后监测动脉血气分析、血凝及纤溶指标,治疗后评估疗效。结果临床疗效治疗组优于对照组(P〈0.05),治疗7天后治疗组血液流变学指标明显改 善,PaO2明显上升,PaCO2明显下降,血液学指标变化不明显。结论低分子肝素钙雾化吸入可明显改善肺心病患者的血液粘稠度和肺通气功能,给药方便, 安全有效。
[10] 周芊,王东. 雾化吸入抗癌药物治疗肺部肿瘤的研究进展[J].重庆医学,2015,44(10):1410-1413.
正雾化吸入抗肿瘤药物为肺癌及肺转移瘤的治疗,提供了一种有效、低毒的治疗方法。本文重点介绍了雾化吸入抗肿瘤药物的种类、常见不良反应,以及脂质体药物的进展,对临床推广和规范雾化吸入抗肿瘤药物治疗肺部恶性肿瘤具有重要意义。非小细胞肺癌(non-small cell lung carcinoma,NSCLC)是原发于肺部的高度异质性肿瘤,全球发病率和致死率最高,5年生存率仅15%。尽管随着新的治疗途径和新药物剂型的不断发展,但
[11] 栗娜.雾化吸入抗癌药物治疗肺部肿瘤的临床效果分析[J].世界最新医学信息文摘,2016,16(43):143,148.
[12] HORVATH G,WANNER A.Inhaled corticosteroids:effects on the airway vasculature in bronchial asthma[J].Eur Resp J,2006,27(1):172-187.
Abstract Inhaled corticosteroids suppress airway inflammation and components of airway remodelling in bronchial asthma. In the tracheobronchial (airway) vasculature, these include the inhibition of inflammatory hyperperfusion, microvascular hyperpermeability, mucosal oedema formation, and the formation of new blood vessels (angiogenesis). Corticosteroids are now known to exert their effects on the airway vasculature through genomic and nongenomic mechanisms. Genomic actions involve the regulation of target genes, and suppress most of the vascular elements of inflammation and angiogenesis in the airway. In contrast, nongenomic actions are mediated by rapid cellular mechanisms, and induce transient vasoconstriction in the airway, thereby reversing inflammatory hyperperfusion. The vascular actions of corticosteroids contribute to controlling clinical symptoms of asthma primarily by influencing airway calibre in the lung periphery and airway hyperreactivity. In this review article, recent advances into the understanding of cellular mechanisms and the clinical implications of the interaction of inhaled corticosteroids and the airway vasculature in asthma are reviewed.
DOI:10.1183/09031936.06.00048605      PMID:16387951      URL    
[13] SONG I H,BUTTGEREIT F.Non-genomic glucocorticoid effects to provide the basis for new drug developments[J].Mol Cell Endocrinol,2006,246(1/2):142-146.
Glucocorticoids act via genomic and non-genomic actions. The genomic glucocorticoid actions are well known and new details on processes of transactivation and transrepression have been reported recently. Here we describe the current knowledge on non-genomic glucocorticoid actions and discuss why these actions are considered to be of therapeutic relevance. It is assumed that rapid non-genomic glucocorticoid effects are mediated by three different mechanisms: (1) physicochemical interactions with cellular membranes (non-specific non-genomic effects); (2) membrane-bound glucocorticoid receptor (mGCR)-mediated non-genomic effects; and (3) cytosolic glucocorticoid receptor (cGCR)-mediated non-genomic effects. With regard to the first mechanism, we discuss here lazaroids and the novel development of drug targeting with liposomes as the carrier system for glucocorticoids. The clinical use of the latter two mechanisms is still speculative, but intriguing ideas are being discussed in this regard.
DOI:10.1016/j.mce.2005.11.012      PMID:16388891      URL    
[14] MILLER-LARSSON A,JANSSON P,RUNSTROM A,et al.Prolonged airway activity and improved selectivity of budesonide possibly due to esterification[J].Am J Respir Crit Care Med,2000,162(4Pt1):1455-1461.
DOI:10.1164/ajrccm.162.4.9806112      URL    
[15] VAGHI A,BERG E,LILJEDAHL S,et al.In vitro compari-son of nebulised budesonide (Pulmicort Respules) and beclomethasone dipropionate (Clenil per Aerosol)[J].Pulm Pharmacol Ther,2005,18(2):151-153.
This study compared the in vitro performance of two inhaled corticosteroid products for nebulisation, Pulmicort Respules03 (budesonide 0.5mg/mL) and Clenil03 per Aerosol (beclomethasone dipropionate (BDP) 0.4mg/mL). Each product was used in combination with three different nebulisers (2mL/test, 5min run time) and the dose to the lungs was determined according to standard methods. The shape of the suspended particles in each product was studied using scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Overall, a higher fine particle dose was achieved with Pulmicort Respules03 versus Clenil03 per Aerosol, with estimated dose to the lungs of 8–14 and 3–6% of nominal dose, respectively. SEM showed that budesonide particles were small, typically 652–3μm in diameter, whereas those of BDP were needle-shaped and up to 6510μm long. The more favourable particle shape and size of suspended budesonide may explain the higher fine particle dose with Pulmicort Respules03 versus Clenil03 per Aerosol.
DOI:10.1016/j.pupt.2004.10.004      PMID:15649857      URL    
[16] ADCOCK I M,GILBEY T,GELDER C M,et al.Glucocorti-coid receptor localization in normal and asthmatic lung[J].Am J Respir Crit Care Med,1996,154(3Pt1):771-782.
The localization and distribution of the human glucocorticoid receptor (GR) mRNA and protein was investigated in human lung obtained from transplant donors and recipients by in situ hybridization, RNA blot analysis, immunolocalization, and Western analysis. Subjects were either nonasthmatic or had mild asthma requiring only beta(2)-agonists. No difference in amount of GR mRNA was found in total RNA isolated from nonasthmatic or asthmatic donor lung. In situ hybridization showed the highest concentration of GR mRNA in the alveolar walls and vascular endothelium and smooth muscle, with lesser amounts in the airway epithelium and smooth muscle. There was no change in the level or sites of expression of GR mRNA between normal and asthmatic subjects. Immunolocalization of GR confirmed the in situ hybridization data. There was no change in the level or sites of expression of GR, in either the lung or airway, between normal and asthmatic subjects. Immunolocalization of GR in bronchial biopsies from two normal and asthmatic subjects confirmed the localization and distribution of GR. Western analysis and mobility shift assays confirmed no differences in GR levels between the two subject groups. The localization of GR mRNA and protein to specific cell types within lung and airway will make it possible to study the cellular targets of glucocorticoid therapy in inflammatory lung diseases such as asthma.
DOI:10.1164/ajrccm.154.3.8810618      PMID:8810618      URL    
[17] DERENDORF H,NAVE R,DROLLMANN A,et al.Releva-nce of pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of inhaled corticosteroids to asthma[J].Eur Respir J,2006,28(5):1042-1050.
Elsevier’s Scopus, the largest abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature. Search and access research from the science, technology, medicine, social sciences and arts and humanities fields.
DOI:10.1183/09031936.00074905      PMID:17074919      URL    
[18] TUNEK A,SJODIN K,HALLSTROM G.Reversible forma-tion of fatty acid esters of budesonide,an antiasthma glucocorticoid,in human lung and liver microsomes[J].Drug Metab Dispos,1997,25(11):1311-1317.
ABSTRACT Microsomes from human lung and liver catalyze the formation of fatty acid esters of budesonide, a glucocorticoid used for inhalation treatment of asthma. The conjugation was dependent on coenzyme A and ATP. Addition of free fatty acids to the incubations affected the pattern of metabolites, but ester formation was observed also without such addition. Budesonide oleate, palmitate, linoleate, palmitoleate, and arachidonate were identified as metabolites. The fatty acid conjugates of budesonide were shown to be substrates for lipase in vitro, thus budesonide is regainable from the conjugates. The data suggest that an equilibrium between budesonide and these pharmacologically inactive lipoidal conjugates will be established in tissues at repeated exposure to budesonide. Since the fatty acid conjugates most likely will be retained intracellularly for a longer time than unchanged budesonide, the duration of tissue exposure to budesonide will depend partly on the rate of lipase-catalyzed hydrolysis of the conjugates. The findings in this study provide a possible explanation for the efficacy of budesonide in mild asthmatics also when inhaled once daily.
DOI:10.1016/S1359-6446(97)88120-2      PMID:9351909      URL    
[19] WINKLER J,HOCHHAUS G,DERENDORF H.How the lung handles drugs:pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of inhaled corticosteroids[J].Proc Am Thorac Soc,2004,1(4):356-363.
Abstract Bronchial asthma and allergic rhinitis are among the most common diseases of modern society and to an increasing degree a major cause of illness, hospitalization, loss of productivity, and death. Despite improvements in drug therapy over the years, the incidence is still increasing. Inhaled and intranasal corticosteroids are the drugs of choice in the therapy of asthma and allergic rhinitis. Inhalation and intranasal use result in better, target-specific delivery of corticosteroids. Higher concentrations at the site of action and minimized systemic exposure provide improved therapeutic ratios. However, there is still considerable concern over the risk of systemic side effects. It is the goal of inhaled and intranasal corticosteroid therapy to produce long-lasting therapeutic effects at the site of action and minimize systemic side effects with high clearance, low oral bioavailability and high plasma protein binding. This article reviews the pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic properties of corticosteroids used in asthma and allergic rhinitis.
DOI:10.1513/pats.200403-025MS      PMID:16113458      URL    
[20] LUND-PERO M,JEPPSON B,ARNEKLO-NOBIN B,et al.Non-specific steroidal esterase activity and distribution in human and other mammalian tissues[J].Clin Chim Acta,1994,224(1):9-20.
Abstract An NADPH dependent arylamine carcinogen and fatty acid steroid ester metabolizing esterase activity belonging to the B- or carboxylesterase class of non-specific esterase (EC was measured by two different methods: (i) a spectrophotometric assay using alpha naphthyl acetate (ANA) as substrate and (ii) a radiometric method using the conversion of beclomethasone-17,21-dipropionate to beclomethasone-17-monopropionate as the endpoint. The two methods were strongly correlated when assayed in human mononuclear leukocytes (r = 0.89, P < 0.0001) and human mammary tissue (r = 0.91, P < 0.0001). Hence it was concluded that the two substrates are metabolized at least in part by the same enzyme. This esterase activity was abundant in human monocytes, present in T-lymphocytes and equally divided between CD4 and CD8 T-lymphocyte subsets. The same activity was expressed in human liver, colon, stomach, breast and brain tissues. The distribution of this esterase in human tissues showed high activity in liver, intermediate activity in colon, stomach and breast and low activity in brain tissue. The interorgan distribution observed in human tissues was closely mimicked when the esterase activity was assessed in liver, colon and brain tissues from three mouse strains and three rat strains. The non-specific steroidal esterase activity determined by ANA metabolism in human mammary tissue was shown to be reproducible when assayed as triplicate samples from each of 16 different women (intraclass correlation coefficient 67.3%, P < 0.03). The interindividual variation in mammary tissue was high (18.4-fold) and there was a positive correlation between the esterase activity and age (r = 0.58, P < 0.01), as well as a tendency toward bimodal distribution. To our knowledge, these data represent the first systematic study of interorgan and interspecies comparisons of a non-specific steroidal esterase activity.
DOI:10.1016/0009-8981(94)90116-3      PMID:8174283      URL    
[21] 蔡映云,吕迁洲.临床药物治疗学呼吸系统疾病[M].北京:人民卫生出版社,2016.
[22] 中国医师协会急诊医师分会.雾化吸入疗法急诊临床应用专家共识(2018)[J].中国急救医学,2018,38(7):565-575.
[23] CHEN A H,ZENG G Q,CHEN R C,et al.Effects of nebulized high-dose budesonide on moderate-to-severe acute exacerbation of asthma in children:a randomized,double-blind,placebo-controlled study[J].Respirology,2013,18(suppl 3):47-52.
Background and objectiveThe efficacy of inhaled corticosteroids (ICS) in asthma exacerbation are yet to be clarified. The aim of this study was to investigate the efficacy of nebulized ICS in children with moderate-to-severe acute exacerbation of asthma in an emergency room setting in order to elucidate the potential use of ICS as the first-line therapy in the management of acute exacerbation of asthma.MethodsThis was a prospective, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study. Paediatric patients with moderate-to-severe acute exacerbation of asthma in emergency room were randomized to receive nebulized salbutamol and ipratropium bromide, with the addition of nebulized high-dose budesonide (BUD group, n090009=09000960) or normal saline (control group, n090009=09000958), three doses in the first hour.ResultsThe improvement in forced expiratory volume in 1090009s was similar in both groups at 0090009h after three doses of nebulization, but there was significantly further improvement at 1 and 2090009h in the BUD group (0.09509000900±0900090.062090009L and 0.10009000900±0900090.120090009L, respectively) compared with the control group (0.05909000900±0900090.082090009L and 0.02109000900±0900090.128090009L, respectively), P090009=0900090.013 and 0.001, respectively. Complete remission rate was significantly higher (84.7% vs 46.3%, P090009=0900090.004) and need for oral corticosteroids was significantly lower (16.9% vs 46.3%, P090009=0900090.011) in BUD group than in control group.ConclusionOn the basis of nebulized short-acting bronchodilators, addition of nebulized high-dose budesonide resulted in clinical improvement in children with moderate-to-severe acute exacerbation of asthma, suggesting that nebulized high-dose ICS can be used as first-line therapy for non-life-threatening acute exacerbation of asthma in children.
DOI:10.1111/resp.12168      PMID:24188203      URL    
[24] BRATTSAND R,MILLER-LARSSON A.The role of intrace-llular esterification in budesonide once-daily dosing and airway selectivity[J].Clin Ther,2003,25(suppl C):28-41.
Background: Since their introduction in the 1970s, inhaled corticosteroids (ICSs) have been used to control airway inflammation associated with asthma. Budesonide is one of the ICSs recommended as first-line therapy for mild to moderate persistent asthma. Objective: This article describes the esterification of budesonide and how it results in prolonged, location-specific retention of drug in the airways, allowing once-daily dosing. Results: Studies conducted over the past decade have shown that budesonide forms reversible fatty acid esters within the cells of airway tissue, resulting in the formation of an intracellular depot pool of inactive drug. As the intracellular concentration of free budesonide decreases, these budesonide esters are hydrolyzed back to their active state. This process increases budesonide's retention in the airways, prolongs its duration of action, and lowers the risk of systemic effects. Conclusions: By extending budesonide's local anti-inflammatory effect and increasing its airway selectivity, the esterification process appears to contribute to the drug's efficacy, particularly during once-daily administration. Reducing the number of required daily inhalations may increase patient compliance with asthma therapy, although this remains to be evaluated.
DOI:10.1016/S0149-2918(03)80304-1      PMID:14642802      URL    
[25] ZHOU J,LIU D F,LIU C,et al.Glucocorticoids inhibit deg-ranulation of mast cells in allergic asthma via nongenomic mechanism[J].Allergy,2008,63(9):1177-1185.
Background: Glucocorticoids (GCs) are the most potent anti-inflammatory agents available for allergic diseases including asthma, which are routinely believed to need several hours to take effect through regulating gene expression. Our previous report had shown that GCs could inhibit allergic asthma within 10 min, which the classical mechanism could not explain. Objective: To confirm the existence and verify the sites of GCs' rapid action, we investigated nongenomic effects of GCs on degranulation of mast cells in allergic asthma. Methods: The GCs' rapid action on airway mast cells deregulations was evaluated in the allergic asthma model of guinea pigs by the computer-assisted morphometry. Using whole-cell patch clamp and fluorometric assay, we examined GCs' nongenomic effect on IgE-mediated exocytosis and histamine release of rat basophilic leukaemia-2H3 mast cells. Employing the flash photolysis technique, we studied the role of Ca 2+ signal in the GCs' nongenomic effect. Results: Inhaled GCs significantly inhibited airway mast cells degranulation in the allergic asthma model of guinea pigs within 10 min. In vitro , GCs could rapidly inhibit IgE-mediated exocytosis and histamine release of mast cells, and neither GC nuclear receptor antagonist nor protein synthesis inhibitor could block the rapid action. We further demonstrated that GCs' nongenomic effect was not through direct action on secretory machinery, but was mediated by a reduction in the [Ca 2+ ] i elevation. Conclusions: The study suggested for the first time that nongenomic pathway was involved in GCs' rapid inhibition on allergic asthma, and raised the possibility of new therapeutic strategies for allergic diseases including asthma.
DOI:10.1111/j.1398-9995.2008.01725.x      PMID:18699934      URL    
[26] MENDES E S,REBOLLEDO P,CAMPOS M,et al.Imme-diate antiinflammatory effects of inhaled budesonide in patients with asthma[J].Ann Am Thorac Soc,2014,11(5):706-711.
Abstract BACKGROUND: In patients with asthma, single doses of inhaled glucocorticosteroids (ICS) have been reported to have antiinflammatory actions that can be detected several hours after drug administration. However, the onset and duration of the effect have not been investigated. We therefore measured airway blood flow ([Formula: see text]aw) as an index of airway inflammation to determine the time course and dose dependence of the antiinflammatory action of an ICS in 20 patients with moderate asthma receiving regular ICS treatment. METHODS: [Formula: see text]aw and spirometry were measured before and serially for 360 minutes after a single inhaled dose of 360 g, 720 g, and 1,440 g budesonide or placebo as well as after four repetitive 720-g budesonide doses given 30 minutes apart. RESULTS: Baseline mean [Formula: see text]aw was increased and FEV1 was decreased without significant differences among the 5 treatment days. After budesonide inhalation, there was a transient, dose-dependent decrease in mean [Formula: see text]aw from 12 to 21%, with significant differences from baseline at 60 and 90 minutes for the 720-g and 1,440-g doses (P < 0.05). Thirty minutes after four repetitive budesonide administrations, mean [Formula: see text]aw was 28% below baseline (P < 0.05) and remained 11% below baseline after 270 minutes. There was no change in mean FEV1 after any of the treatments. CONCLUSIONS: In subjects with moderate asthma who use ICS regularly, inhaled budesonide caused a transient dose-dependent vasoconstriction in the airway, thereby reversing one manifestation of airway inflammation. These results suggest that a pure controller medication can have immediate beneficial effects not paralleled by changes in airflow. Clinical trial registered with ( NCT 01219738 ).
DOI:10.1513/AnnalsATS.201307-220OC      PMID:24735128      URL    
[27] TSAI Y G,LEE M Y,YANG K D,et al.A single dose of nebulized budesonide decreases exhaled nitric oxide in children with acute asthma[J].J Pediatr,2001,139(3):433-437.
This study was conducted to investigate whether a single dose of nebulized budesonide effectively decreased airway inflammation as demonstrated by exhaled nitric oxide (eNO) levels. A single dose of nebulized budesonide, but not nebulized terbutaline, rapidly decreased eNO levels in 6 hours. The decrease in eNO levels induced by nebulized budesonide was correlated to an increase in peak expiratory flow rate. (J Pediatr 2001;139:433-7)
DOI:10.1067/mpd.2001.116295      PMID:11562625      URL    
[28] 中华医学会呼吸病学分会《雾化吸入疗法在呼吸疾病中的应用专家共识》制定专家组.雾化吸入疗法在呼吸疾病中的应用专家共识[J].中华医学杂志,2016,96(34):2696-2708.
[29] 中华医学会呼吸病学分会哮喘学组,中国哮喘联盟.支气管哮喘急性发作评估及处理中国专家共识[J].中华内科杂志,2018,57(1):4-14.
[30] 王海燕,沈悌.糖皮质激素在内科疾病中的合理应用[M].人民卫生出版社,2011:92-95.
[31] Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease(GO-LD).Global strategy for the diagnosis,management and prevention of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease(2019 REPORT) [R/OL]..
[32] 崔石磊,李向阳,周伊南,.高龄慢性阻塞性肺疾病患者长期雾化吸入布地奈德的疗效及安全性评估[J].老年医学与保健,2015,21(2):101-103.
目的 观察高龄慢性阻塞性肺疾病(chronic obstructive pulmonary disease,COPD)患者雾化吸入布地奈德混悬液的临床疗效及安全性评估.方法 25例高龄COPD稳定期患者随机分为两组,分别给予布地奈德1mg bid,2 mg bid雾化吸入1年.15例正常高龄老人为对照组.结果 雾化吸入布地奈德2mg bid明显改善COPD患者PaCO2(P<0.01)、FEV1 (P<0.05).治疗6m后两组CAT评分均较治疗前明显改善(P< 0.05,P<0.01);较高剂量组治疗12 m后CAT评分较治疗6m后有进一步改善(P<0.05),治疗6m后及12 m后的CAT改善率均优于较低剂量组(P<0.05,P< 0.01).两组患者治疗期内慢性阻塞性肺疾病急性加重的发生率无明显差异.治疗组与正常对照组相比,糖代谢及血尿骨代谢均无明显影响.治疗期间两组患者肺炎的发生率无明显差异.结论 雾化吸入布地奈德1年可改善中重度COPD高龄患者肺功能和临床症状,未对糖代谢和骨代谢产生不良影响.较高剂量雾化吸入布地奈德1年未增加COPD患者的肺炎发生率.
DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1008-8296.2015-12      URL    
[33] 国家卫生计生委儿童用药专家委员会,中华医学会儿科学分会呼吸学组.儿童喘息性疾病合理用药指南[J].中国实用儿科临床杂志,2018,33(19):1460-1472.
[34] 王天佑. 吸入型抗胆碱能药物在围手术期肺保护中的应用专家共识[J].中华胸心血管外科杂志,2011,27(9):513-515.
[35] 中华医学会神经外科学分会,中国神经外科重症协作组.中国神经外科重症患者气道管理专家共识(2016)[J].中华医学杂志,2016,96(21):1639-1642.
[36] 陈坤,魏廷静,刘领兵,.吸入用布地奈德混悬液雾化吸入治疗儿童腺样体肥大的疗效分析[J].中医眼耳鼻喉杂志,2015,5(3):137-138.
目的 评价吸入用布地奈德混悬液雾化吸入对儿童腺样体大小的改善疗效.方法 114例腺样体肥大儿童自身前后对照方法,患者家长对于常见症状评分,腺样体经纤维鼻咽镜检查X线鼻咽侧位拍片.予以吸入用布地奈德混悬液雾化吸入,同时口服标准桃金娘油肠溶胶囊.结果 经治疗后儿童腺样体肥大引起的常见症状评分及体积变化差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05).入组114例病例中,显效79例,有效21例继续一个疗程治疗后明显好转,无效14例改行手术治疗,有效率87.7%.结论 吸入用布地奈德混悬液雾化吸入治疗儿童腺样体肥大临床效果良好,副作用小.
[37] 卫生部合理用药专家委员会.中国医师药师临床用药指南 [M].2版.重庆:重庆出版社,2014.
[38] IKEDA T,ANISUZZAMAN A S,YOSHIKI H,et al.Regional quantification of muscarinic acetylcholine receptors and beta-adrenoceptors in human airways[J].Br J Pharmacol,2012,166(6):1804-1814.
BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE Muscarinic acetylcholine receptors (mAChRs) and 0205-adrenoceptors in the airways and lungs are clinically important in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and asthma. However, the quantitative and qualitative estimation of these receptors by radioligand binding approaches in human airways has not yet been reported because of tissue limitations.EXPERIMENTAL APPROACH The regional distribution and relative proportion of mAChR and 0205-adrenoceptor subtypes were evaluated in human bronchus and lung parenchyma by a tissue segment binding method with [3H]-N-methylscopolamine ([3H]-NMS) for mAChRs and [3H]-CGP-12,177 for 0205-adrenoceptors. Functional responses to carbachol and isoprenaline were also analysed in the bronchus.KEY RESULTS The M3 subtype predominantly occurred in the bronchus, but the density decreased from the segmental to subsegmental bronchus, and was absent in lung parenchyma. On the other hand, the M1 subtype occurred in the lung only, and the M2 subtype was distributed ubiquitously in the bronchus and lungs. 02052-adrenoceptors were increased along the airways, and their densities in the subsegmental bronchus and lung parenchyma were approximately twofold higher than those of mAChRs in the same region. 02051-adrenoceptors were also detected in lung parenchyma but not in the bronchus. The muscarinic contractions and adrenoceptor relaxations in both bronchial regions were mediated through M3-mAChRs and 02052-adrenoceptors, respectively.CONCLUSIONS AND IMPLICATIONS From the present radioligand binding approach with intact tissue segments, we constructed a distribution map of mAChRs and 0205-adrenoceptors in human bronchus and lung parenchyma for the first time, providing important evidence for future pharmacotherapy and new drug development for respiratory disorders.
DOI:10.1111/j.1476-5381.2012.01881.x      PMID:22300233      URL    
[39] CAZZOLA M,PAGE C P,CALZETTA L,et al.Pharmaco-logy and therapeutics of bronchodilators[J].Pharmacol Rev,2012,64(3):450-504.
Abstract Bronchodilators are central in the treatment of of airways disorders. They are the mainstay of the current management of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and are critical in the symptomatic management of asthma, although controversies around the use of these drugs remain. Bronchodilators work through their direct relaxation effect on airway smooth muscle cells. at present, three major classes of bronchodilators, (2)-adrenoceptor (AR) agonists, muscarinic receptor antagonists, and xanthines are available and can be used individually or in combination. The use of the inhaled route is currently preferred to minimize systemic effects. Fast- and short-acting agents are best used for rescue of symptoms, whereas long-acting agents are best used for maintenance therapy. It has proven difficult to discover novel classes of bronchodilator drugs, although potential new targets are emerging. Consequently, the logical approach has been to improve the existing bronchodilators, although several novel broncholytic classes are under development. An important step in simplifying asthma and COPD management and improving adherence with prescribed therapy is to reduce the dose frequency to the minimum necessary to maintain disease control. Therefore, the incorporation of once-daily dose administration is an important strategy to improve adherence. Several once-daily (2)-AR agonists or ultra-long-acting (2)-AR-agonists (LABAs), such as indacaterol, olodaterol, and vilanterol, are already in the market or under development for the treatment of COPD and asthma, but current recommendations suggest the use of LABAs only in combination with an inhaled corticosteroid. In addition, some new potentially long-acting antimuscarinic agents, such as glycopyrronium bromide (NVA-237), aclidinium bromide, and umeclidinium bromide (GSK573719), are under development, as well as combinations of several classes of long-acting bronchodilator drugs, in an attempt to simplify treatment regimens as much as possible. This review will describe the pharmacology and therapeutics of old, new, and emerging classes of bronchodilator.
DOI:10.1124/pr.111.004580      PMID:22611179      URL    
[40] SCS Boehringer Ingelheim Comm V.可必特(吸入用复方异丙托溴铵溶液)说明书[Z].2006-10-27.
[41] QUON B S,GOSS C H,RAMSEY B W.Inhaled antibiotics for lower airway infections[J].Ann Am Thorac Soc,2014,11(3):425-434.
Abstract Inhaled antibiotics have been used to treat chronic airway infections since the 1940s. The earliest experience with inhaled antibiotics involved aerosolizing antibiotics designed for parenteral administration. These formulations caused significant bronchial irritation due to added preservatives and nonphysiologic chemical composition. A major therapeutic advance took place in 1997, when tobramycin designed for inhalation was approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for use in patients with cystic fibrosis (CF) with chronic Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection. Attracted by the clinical benefits observed in CF and the availability of dry powder antibiotic formulations, there has been a growing interest in the use of inhaled antibiotics in other lower respiratory tract infections, such as non-CF bronchiectasis, ventilator-associated pneumonia, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, mycobacterial disease, and in the post-lung transplant setting over the past decade. Antibiotics currently marketed for inhalation include nebulized and dry powder forms of tobramycin and colistin and nebulized aztreonam. Although both the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and European Medicines Agency have approved their use in CF, they have not been approved in other disease areas due to lack of supportive clinical trial evidence. Injectable formulations of gentamicin, tobramycin, amikacin, ceftazidime, and amphotericin are currently nebulized "off-label" to manage non-CF bronchiectasis, drug-resistant nontuberculous mycobacterial infections, ventilator-associated pneumonia, and post-transplant airway infections. Future inhaled antibiotic trials must focus on disease areas outside of CF with sample sizes large enough to evaluate clinically important endpoints such as exacerbations. Extrapolating from CF, the impact of eradicating organisms such as P. aeruginosa in non-CF bronchiectasis should also be evaluated.
DOI:10.1513/AnnalsATS.201311-395FR      PMID:24673698      URL    
[42] 国家药典委员会.中华人民共和国药典(二部)[M].北京:中国医药科技出版社,2015.
[43] 雷婷婷,赵荣生.雾化吸入给药的临床应用现状及研究进展[J].临床药物治疗杂志,2016,14(3):1-5.
[44] IRAVANI J,MELVILLE G N,HORSTMANN G.N-Acetylc-ysteine and mucociliary activity in mammalian airways[J].Arzneimittelforschung,1978,28(2):250-254.
The effect of on mucus trasnport velocity (MV), ciliary beat frequency (), mucus production (MP), mucus lysis and on the micro-morphology of the secretory cells was studied in mammalian airways. The results showed that: 1. MV increased in healthy and , as well as in bronchitic , after concentrations as low as 10(-14) g/ml. of MV occurred first at 10(-6) and 10(-5) g/ml in healthy and bronchitic , respectively. 2. was stimulated at concentrations between 10(-12) and 10(-10) g/ml and decreased at concentrations above 10(-8) g/ml. 3. MP increased by approximately 100% over control values. 4. Lysis of stagnant mucus was evident first at a concentration of 10(-11) g/ml after 15 min incubation. 5. TEM confirmed the increased activity of the mucus secreting cells and showed that no pathological changes occurred within the cell following incubation at 10(-7) g/ml for up to 150 min. The importance of these findings on the overall mucociliary function is discussed.
DOI:10.1002/ardp.19783111212      PMID:580387      URL    
[45] OLIVIERI D,MARSICO S A,DEL DONNO M.Improvement of mucociliary transport in smokers by mucolytics[J].Eur J Respir Dis Suppl,1985,139:142-145.
Abstract The purpose of the present study was to compare the effects of two mucolytic drugs with different mechanism of action on mucociliary transport (MCT). N-acetylcysteine (NAC-600 mg/day) and ambroxol (AMB-90 mg/day) were administered according to a double-blind cross-over scheme to 12 heavy smokers suffering from hypersecretory bronchitis and homogeneous reduction of the MCT. Placebo of both treatments was administered during an interval of ten days between the administrations of NAC and AMB. The entire treatment period was 30 days. The data were analyzed according to ANOVA for the two-period cross-over clinical trial. The results indicate that: NAC and AMB, administered both before and after placebo, produce a significant increase in MCT, NAC showed a slightly greater efficacy than AMB, but the differences are not statistically significant. The overall efficacy of NAC and AMB is consistently greater than that of placebo. The sequence of administration of the drugs does not influence their effect.
PMID:3862608      URL    
[46] MERETO G C,BALESTRA L,HENRIQUET F.Alveolar sur-factant in lungs of operated patients after acetylcysteine treatment[J].Eur J Respir Dis Suppl,1980,111:160-161.
Mereto GC, Balestra L, Henriquet F.
DOI:10.1378/chest.77.6.815-b      PMID:6938402      URL    
[47] ROGERS D F,GODFREY R W,MAJUMDAR S,et al.Oral N-acetylcysteine speeds reversal of cigarette smoke-induced mucous cell hyperplasia in the rat[J].Exp Lung Res,1988,14(1):19-35.
DOI:10.3109/01902148809062848      URL    
[48] MATA M,RUIZ A,CERDA M,et al.Oral N-acetylcysteine reduces bleomycin-induced lung damage and mucin Muc5ac expression in rats[J].Eur Respir J,2003,22(6):900-905.
Oxidative stress is involved in the pathogenesis of pulmonary fibrosis, therefore antioxidants may be of therapeutic value. Clinical work indicates that N-acetylcysteine (NAC) may be beneficial in this disease. The activity of this antioxidant was examined on bleomycin-induced lung damage, mucus secretory cells hyperplasia and mucin Muc5ac gene expression in rats. NAC (3 mmol x kg(-1) x day(-1)) or saline was given orally to Sprague-Dawley rats for 1 week prior to a single intratracheal instillation of bleomycin (2.5 U x kg(-1)) and for 14 days postinstillation. NAC decreased collagen deposition in bleomycin-exposed rats (hydroxyproline content was 4,257+/-323 and 3,200+/-192 microg x lung(-1) in vehicle- and NAC-treated rats, respectively) and lessened the fibrotic area assessed by morphometric analysis. The bleomycin-induced increases in lung tumour necrosis factor-alpha and myeloperoxidase activity were reduced by NAC treatment. The numbers of mucus secretory cells in airway epithelium, and the Muc5ac messenger ribonucleic acid and protein expression, were markedly augmented in rats exposed to bleomycin. These changes were significantly reduced in NAC-treated rats. These results indicate that bleomycin increases the number of airway secretory cells and their mucin production, and that oral N-acetylcysteine improved pulmonary lesions and reduced the mucus hypersecretion in the bleomycin rat model.
DOI:10.1183/09031936.03.00018003      PMID:14680076      URL    
[49] DINICOLA S,DE GRAZIA S,CARLOMAGNO G,et al.N-acetylcysteine as powerful molecule to destroy bacterial biofilms.A systematic review[J].Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci,2014,18(19):2942-2948.
Biofilms are microbial communities consisting of bacteria, extremely capable to self-reproduce on biological surfaces, causing infections. Frequently, these biofilms are resistant to classical antibacterial treatments and host immune response. Thus, new adjuvant molecules are mandatory in clinical practice. N-acetylcysteine (NAC), a precursor to the antioxidant glutathione, has been investigated for its effectiveness both in inhibiting biofilm formation and in destroying developed biofilms. The aim of our study was to conduct a systematic literature review of clinical trials involving NAC as adjuvant treatment to eradicate pre-formed mature biofilms and to inhibit new biofilm production.A careful analysis of the Medline was conducted and eight studies were selected according to the following criteria: site of infection, kind of bacteria, design of the research, dose of the treatment, administration, biological effects and results. We fixed an arbitrary scale of scores from 0 (lowest score) to 5 (highest score) for each criterion and a threshold value of 3.The studies analyzed, with score over 3, suggested a potential role for NAC as adjuvant molecule in the treatment of bacterial biofilms, with an excellent safety and efficacy profile. NAC, in combination with different antibiotics, significantly promoted their permeability to the deepest layers of the biofilm, overcoming the problem of the resistance to the classic antibacterial therapeutic approach.Overall, these results are encouraging to a more widespread clinical use of NAC, as adjuvant therapy for microbial infections followed by biofilm settle, which may occur in several body districts, such as the vaginal cavity.
PMID:25339490      URL    
[50] GOSWAMI M,JAWALI N.N-acetylcysteine-mediated modu-lation of bacterial antibiotic susceptibility[J].Antimicrob Agents Chemother,2010,54(8):3529-3530.
Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 2010 Aug;54(8):3529-30. doi: 10.1128/AAC.00710-10. Epub 2010 Jun 14. Letter
DOI:10.1128/AAC.00710-10      PMID:2916349      URL    
[51] 胡安辉. 氨溴索静滴与雾化吸入联用对新生儿肺炎的疗效评价[J].抗感染药学,2014,11(4):363-364.
[52] 毛全高. 盐酸氨溴索雾化吸入疗法用于治疗老年慢性支气管炎的疗效观察[J].临床合理用药杂志,2018,11(2):55-56.
[53] 王秀玲,张晔,宋伟,.静脉滴注联合雾化吸入盐酸氨溴索注射液治疗新生儿肺炎临床疗效的 Meta 分析[J].实用心脑肺血管病杂志,2015,23(10):6-10.
目的评价静脉滴注联合雾化吸入盐酸氨溴索注射液治疗新生儿肺炎的临床疗效。方法计算机检索中国知网(CNKI)、维普中文数据库(VIP)、中国生物医学全文数据库(CBM)和万方数据等数据库,筛选有关静脉滴注联合雾化吸入盐酸氨溴索注射液治疗新生儿肺炎的随机对照研究(RCT),其中试验组患儿采用静脉滴注联合雾化吸入盐酸氨溴索注射液治疗,对照组患儿采用盐酸氨溴索注射液静脉滴注治疗。比较两组患儿临床疗效、咳嗽消失时间、气喘消失时间、肺部啰音消失时间、住院时间及药物不良反应发生率。结果最终共有11篇文献纳入Meta分析,共包含1 007例患儿。Meta分析结果显示,试验组患儿临床疗效优于对照组〔OR=3.60,95%CI(2.38,5.45),P〈0.000 01〕,咳嗽消失时间〔MD=-1.56,95%CI(-1.77,-1.35),P〈0.000 01〕、气喘消失时间〔MD=-0.89,95%CI(-1.28,-0.51),P〈0.000 01〕、肺部啰音消失时间〔MD=-1.31,95%CI(-1.51,-1.11),P〈0.00001〕和住院时间〔MD=-2.13,95%CI(-2.36,-1.91),P〈0.000 01〕短于对照组;两组患儿药物不良反应发生率比较,差异无统计学意义〔OR=1.09,95%CI(0.48,2.50),P=0.83〕。结论静脉滴注联合雾化吸入盐酸氨溴索注射液能提高新生儿肺炎的临床疗效,缩短临床症状消失时间及住院时间,且不增加药物不良反应发生风险。
[54] 池卫明,廖华.系统评价盐酸氨溴索注射液静脉滴注联合雾化吸入治疗新生儿肺炎的疗效和安全性[J].中国药房,2016,27(3):341-344.
目的:系统评价盐酸氨溴索注射液静脉滴注联合雾化吸入治疗新生儿肺炎的疗效和安全性,以为临床提供循证参考.方法:计算机检索PubMed、Medline、中国生物医学文献数据库、中国期刊全文数据库、中文科技期刊数据库和万方数据库,收集盐酸氨溴索注射液静脉滴注联合雾化吸入(试验组)对比单用盐酸氨溴索注射液静脉滴注(对照组)治疗新生儿肺炎的随机对照试验(RCT),对符合纳入标准的临床研究进行资料提取,并采用Cochrane系统评价员手册5.1.0进行质量评价,采用Rev Man 5.2统计软件进行Meta分析.结果:共纳入14项RCT,合计1 407例患儿.Meta分析结果显示,试验组患儿的临床总有效率[RR=1.19, 95%CI(1.13,1.24),P<0.001]显著高于对照组,咳嗽消失时间[MD=-1.75,95%CI(-1.91,-1.58),P<0.001]、气喘消失时间[MD=-1.38,95%CI(-1.67,-1.08),P<0.001]、肺部啰音消失时间[MD=-1.44,95%CI(-1.77,-1.11),P<0.001]和住院天数[MD=-2.04,95%CI(-2.25,-1.82),P<0.001]均显著短于对照组,差异均有统计学意义;两组患儿不良反应发生率比较差异无统计学意义[RR=1.00,95%CI(0.49,2.05),P=1.00].结论:盐酸氨溴索注射液静脉滴注联合雾化吸入治疗新生儿肺炎的疗效和安全性均较好.
[55] 王向荣. 氧驱雾化吸入盐酸氨溴索治疗慢阻肺急性加重期患者疗效观察与护理心得[J].世界最新医学信息文摘,2016,16(64):289-290.
[56] 时海洋. 雾化吸入氨溴索在慢性阻塞性肺疾病急性加重期治疗中的作用与安全性评价[D].济南:山东大学,2015.
[57] HOLDINESS M R.Clinical pharmacokinetics of N-acetylcys-teine[J].Clin Pharmacokinet,1991,20(2):123-134.
N -Acetylcysteine is useful as a mucolytic agent for treatment of chronic bronchitis and other pulmonary diseases complicated by the production of viscous mucus. It is also used as an antidote to paracetamol (acetaminophen) poisoning and found to be effective for the prevention of car-diotoxicity by doxorubicin and hae norrhagic cystitis from oxazaphosphorines.After an oral dose of N -acetylcysteine 200 to 400mg the peak plasma concentration of 0.35 to 4 mg/L is achieved within 1 to 2 hours. Although the data are conflicting, it appears that the administration of charcoal may interfere with drug absorption, with up to 96% of the drug adsorbed on to the charcoal. Information on absorption in the presence of food or other drugs is not available. The volume of distribution ranges from 0.33 to 0.47 L/kg and protein binding is significant, reaching approximately 50% 4 hours after the dose. Pharmacokinetic information is not available as to whether or not N -acetylcysteine crosses the blood-brain barrier or placenta, or into breast milk. Renal clearance has been reponed as 0.190 to 0.211 L/h/ke and approximately 70% of the total body clearance is nonrenal. Following oral administration, reduced /V-acetyl-cysteine has a terminal half-life of 6.25h. Little is known of the metabolism of this agent, although it is believed to be rapidly metabolised and incorporated on to proteins. The major excretory product is inorganic sulphate.Frequently reported side effects are nausea, vomiting and diarrhoea. Biochemical and hae-matological adverse effects are observed but are not clinically relevant. Drug interactions of clinical significance have been observed with paracetamol, glutathione and anticancer agents.
DOI:10.2165/00003088-199120020-00004      PMID:2029805      URL    
[58] Cumberland Pharmaceuticals Inc.ACETADOTE(R) intra-venous injection,acetylcysteine intravenous injection[Z].2016.
[59] Arbor Pharmaceuticals.CETYLEV oral effervescent tablets for solution,acetylcysteine oral effervescent tablets for solution[Z].2016.
[60] 杨兴莉. 乙酰半胱氨酸雾化吸入治疗小儿气管炎的效果观察[J].医药前沿,2017,7(28):71-72.
[61] 汪宏苗,唐冬,李刚.N-乙酰半胱氨酸雾化吸入治疗老年AECOPD患者的临床观察[J].临床肺科杂志,2017,22(8):1437-1439.
目的 探讨评价在老年慢性阻塞性肺疾病急性加重期(AECOPD)患者中使用N-乙酰半胱氨酸(NAC)雾化吸入治疗的临床疗效.方法 将60例IV级AECOPD患者随机分为观察组和对照组各30例,两组均给予常规治疗,观察组在常规治疗的基础上加用N-乙酰半胱氨酸(NAC)雾化吸入,2次/天.在入院第1天和入院后第14天测定比较两组患者血气分析(PaO2、PaCO2)、肺功能(FEV1%prd、FEV1/FVC%)及血清中CRP、PCT水平.结果 治疗第14天两组患者血气分析(PaO2、PaCO2)、肺功能(FEV1%prd、FEV1/FVC%)及血清中CRP、PCT水平均有好转(P〈0.05),且观察组较对照组改善更加明显,差异有统计学意义(P〈0.05). 结论 N-乙酰半胱氨酸(NAC)雾化吸入辅助治疗可明显改善老年AECOPD患者的临床症状和肺功能,减轻炎症反应,且安全有效.
[62] 魏文平,王芳,王东.N-乙酰半胱氨酸提高慢性阻塞性肺病患者运动耐量和生活质量[J].当代医学,2014,24(19):45-47.
研究N-乙酰半胱氨酸(NAC)雾化吸入对稳定期COPD患者运动耐量和生活质量的影响。方法研究纳入 140例2012年4月~2013年6月在兰州石化总医院就诊的COPD稳定期患者。将上述患者随机分为仅有常规治疗的对照组和联合了NAC雾化吸入的观 察组。治疗6个月后,检测1秒用力呼气量(FEV 1)、深吸气量(IC),功能残气量(FRC)、最大耗氧量(VO2 max)等指标,并进行6分钟步行试验和Brog呼吸困难评分,圣乔治呼吸问卷评估患者生活质量。结果2组患者的肺功能指标、VO2max、六分钟步行试 验行走距离、圣乔治呼吸问卷评分均比治疗前有所改善,但是观察组上述指标的改善更明显,在反应运动耐量的指标方面要优于对照组(P<0.05)。结 论 NAC雾化吸入能够改善COPD患者的运动耐量和生活质量。
[63] FONCERRADA G,CULNAN D M,CAPEK K D,et al.Inhalation Injury in the Burned Patient[J].Ann Plast Surg,2018,80(3 suppl 2):98-105.
Abstract Inhalation injury causes a heterogeneous cascade of insults that increase morbidity and mortality among the burn population. Despite major advancements in burn care for the past several decades, there remains a significant burden of disease attributable to inhalation injury. For this reason, effort has been devoted to finding new therapeutic approaches to improve outcomes for patients who sustain inhalation injuries.The three major injury classes are the following: supraglottic, subglottic, and systemic. Treatment options for these three subtypes differ based on the pathophysiologic changes that each one elicits.Currently, no consensus exists for diagnosis or grading of the injury, and there are large variations in treatment worldwide, ranging from observation and conservative management to advanced therapies with nebulization of different pharmacologic agents.The main pathophysiologic change after a subglottic inhalation injury is an increase in the bronchial blood flow. An induced mucosal hyperemia leads to edema, increases mucus secretion and plasma transudation into the airways, disables the mucociliary escalator, and inactivates hypoxic vasocontriction. Collectively, these insults potentiate airway obstruction with casts formed from epithelial debris, fibrin clots, and inspissated mucus, resulting in impaired ventilation. Prompt bronchoscopic diagnosis and multimodal treatment improve outcomes. Despite the lack of globally accepted standard treatments, data exist to support the use of bronchoscopy and suctioning to remove debris, nebulized heparin for fibrin casts, nebulized N-acetylcysteine for mucus casts, and bronchodilators.Systemic effects of inhalation injury occur both indirectly from hypoxia or hypercapnia resulting from loss of pulmonary function and systemic effects of proinflammatory cytokines, as well as directly from metabolic poisons such as carbon monoxide and cyanide. Both present with nonspecific clinical symptoms including cardiovascular collapse. Carbon monoxide intoxication should be treated with oxygen and cyanide with hydroxocobalamin.Inhalation injury remains a great challenge for clinicians and an area of opportunity for scientists. Management of this concomitant injury lags behind other aspects of burn care. More clinical research is required to improve the outcome of inhalation injury.The goal of this review is to comprehensively summarize the diagnoses, treatment options, and current research.
DOI:10.1097/SAP.0000000000001377      PMID:29461292     
[64] 马小芬,欧阳修河,张学平,.富露施雾化吸入对支气管扩张住院患者临床疗效分析[J].医药前沿,2016,6(9):201-202.
[65] AGERTOFT L,PEDERSEN S.Effect of long-term treatment with inhaled budesonide on adult height in children with asthma[J].N Engl J Med,2000,343(15):1064-1069.
Background Short-term studies have shown that inhaled corticosteroids may reduce the growth of children with asthma. However, the effect of long-term treatment on adult height is uncertain. Methods We conducted a prospective study in children with asthma to examine the effect of long-term treatment with inhaled budesonide on adult height. We report on 211 children who have attained adult height: 142 budesonide-treated children with asthma, 18 control patients with asthma who have never received inhaled corticosteroids, and 51 healthy siblings of patients in the budesonide group, who also served as controls. Results The children in the budesonide group attained adult height after a mean of 9.2 years of budesonide treatment (range, 3 to 13) at a mean daily dose of 412 mug (range, 110 to 877). The mean cumulative dose of budesonide was 1.35 g (range, 0.41 to 3.99). The mean differences between the measured and target adult heights were +0.3 cm (95 percent confidence interval, -0.6 to +1.2) for the budesonide-treated children, -0.2 cm (95 percent confidence interval, -2.4 to +2.1) for the control children with asthma, and +0.9 cm (95 percent confidence interval, -0.4 to +2.2) for the healthy siblings. The adult height depended significantly (P<0.001) on the child's height before budesonide treatment. Although growth rates were significantly reduced during the first years of budesonide treatment, these changes in growth rate were not significantly associated with adult height. Conclusions Children with asthma who have received long-term treatment with budesonide attain normal adult height.
DOI:10.1056/nejm200010123431502      PMID:11027740      URL    
[66] TURPEINEN M,PELKONEN A S,NIKANDER K,et al.Bone mineral density in children treated with daily or periodical inhaled budesonide:the Helsinki Early Intervention Childhood Asthma study[J].Pediatr Res,2010,68(2):169-173.
Pediatric Research publishes original papers, invited reviews, and commentaries on the etiologies of diseases of children and disorders of development, extending from molecular biology to epidemiology. Use of model organisms and in vitro techniques relevant to developmental biology and medicine are acceptable, as are translational human studies.
DOI:10.1203/PDR.0b013e3181e69e36      PMID:20485203      URL    
[67] LEFLEIN J G,GAWCHIK S M,GALANT S P,et al.Safety of budesonide inhalation suspension (Pulmicort Respules) after up to 52 weeks of treatment in infants and young children with persistent asthma[J].Allergy Asthma Proc,2001,22(6):359-366.
Three open-label extension trials evaluated the safety of budesonide inhalation suspension (BIS; Pulmicort Respules) in 670 children (8 months-9 years of age) with mild-to-severe persistent asthma. Patients were randomized to receive either BIS or conventional asthma therapy (CAT) for 52 weeks. The percentage of patients who discontinued because of clinical adverse events was low and similar among the CAT (0.4%) and BIS (0.7%) groups. After adjusting for length of time in the studies, there were no clinically relevant differences between the BIS and CAT groups in the type, incidence, or intensity of adverse events; vital signs or physical examination outcomes; or changes in clinical laboratory evaluations or oral fungal cultures.
DOI:10.1016/j.etap.2015.05.012      PMID:11775393      URL    
[68] ROLAND N J,BHALLA R K,EARIS J.The local side effects of inhaled corticosteroids:current understanding and review of the literature[J].Chest,2004,126(1):213-219.
DOI:10.1378/chest.126.1.213      URL    
[69] LIPWORTH B J.Systemic adverse effects of inhaled cortic-osteroid therapy:a systematic review and meta-analysis[J].Arch Intern Med,1999,159(9):941-955.
DOI:10.1001/archinte.159.9.941      URL    
[70] BUHL R.Local oropharyngeal side effects of inhaled corti-costeroids in patients with asthma[J].Allergy,2006,61(5):518-526.
The widespread use of inhaled corticosteroids (ICS) for the treatment of persistent asthma, although highly effective, may be associated with both systemic and local side effects. Systemic side effects of ICS have been extensively studied. In contrast, relatively few studies have been performed to specifically evaluate local side effects of ICS. These local side effects 090009 including oropharyngeal candidiasis, dysphonia, pharyngitis, and cough 090009 are generally viewed as minor complications of therapy. However, they can be clinically significant, affect patient quality of life, hinder compliance with therapy, and mask symptoms of more serious disease. Local side effects result from deposition of an active ICS in the oropharynx during administration of the drug. Numerous factors can influence the proportion of an inhaled dose that is deposited in the oropharyngeal cavity, including the ICS formulation, type of delivery system, and patient compliance with administration instructions. Therefore, the incidence of local side effects can vary widely. The goal in developing a new ICS is to include key pharmacologic characteristics that reduce oropharyngeal exposure to active drug while maintaining efficacy comparable with currently available ICS.
DOI:10.1111/j.1398-9995.2006.01090.x      PMID:16629778      URL    
[71] LOKE Y K,BLANCO P,THAVARAJAH M,et al.Impact of inhaled corticosteroids on growth in children with asthma:systematic review and meta-analysis[J].PLoS One,2015,10(7):e0133428.
Long-term inhaled corticosteroids (ICS) may reduce growth velocity and final height of children with asthma. We aimed to evaluate the association between ICS use of >12 months and growth. We initially searched MEDLINE and EMBASE in July 2013, followed by a PubMed search updated to December 2014. We selected RCTs and controlled observational studies of ICS use in patients with asthma. We conducted random effects meta-analysis of mean differences in growth velocity (cm/year) or final height (cm) between groups. Heterogeneity was assessed using the I2 statistic. We found 23 relevant studies (twenty RCTs and three observational studies) after screening 1882 hits. Meta-analysis of 16 RCTs showed that ICS use significantly reduced growth velocity at one year follow-up (mean difference -0.48 cm/year (95% CI -0.66 to -0.29)). There was evidence of a dose-response effect in three RCTs. Final adult height showed a mean reduction of -1.20 cm (95% CI -1.90 cm to -0.50 cm) with budesonide versus placebo in a high quality RCT. Meta-analysis of two lower quality observational studies revealed uncertainty in the association between ICS use and final adult height, pooled mean difference -0.85 cm (95% CI -3.35 to 1.65). Use of ICS for >12 months in children with asthma has a limited impact on annual growth velocity. In ICS users, there is a slight reduction of about a centimeter in final adult height, which when interpreted in the context of average adult height in England (175 cm for men and 161 cm for women), represents a 0.7% reduction compared to non-ICS users.
DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0133428      PMID:4507851      URL    
[72] HANANIA N A,CHAPMAN K R,KESTEN S.Adverse eff-ects of inhaled corticosteroids[J].Am J Med,1995,98(2):196-208.
Corticosteroids have a significant role in the management of asthma due to their powerful anti-inflammatory actions. However, when given orally, they cause significant and unwanted side-effects. Early attempts to circumvent these side-effects were largely unsuccessful. Recently, new synthetic corticosteroids have been developed that have powerful topical action but weak generalised effects due to rapid systemic metabolism. These new compounds provide adequate control of airways' obstruction in almost all asthmatics. Oral candidiasis may occur but can generally be controlled by adjusting the frequency of dosage and changing delivery systems. In high doses, there is biochemical evidence of adrenal suppression, but the clinical importance of this is not yet clear and there is no evidence of a significant effect on growth in children. High dose inhaled corticosteroids have been shown to affect biochemical indices of bone turnover in the short term. The long term clinical consequences of this are still under evaluation. Inhaled corticosteroids have provided a significant advance in the management of asthma, but physicans need to remain alert for the possibility of systemic side effects when used in high doses for long periods of time.
DOI:10.1016/0753-3322(90)90047-D      PMID:2495041      URL    
[73] 陈萍萍,施月菊,苏梅玉.β2受体激动剂雾化吸入治疗哮喘不良反应的观察[J].儿科药学杂志,2000,6(3):36.
[74] Zambon S.p.A.富露施(吸入用乙酰半胱氨酸溶液)说明书[Z].2012-01-05.
[75] SNELL N J.Adverse reactions to inhaled drugs[J].Respir Med,1990,84(5):345-348.
Clearly, determining the cause of a suspectedadverse reaction to an inhaled medication may not be straightforward. An increasing number of drugs are being prescribed by the inhaled route using unlicensed formulations, presumably on the physician's own responsibility; these include a variety of antibiotic agents and recently the diuretic agents frusemide (34) and amiloride (35). It is the responsibility of all medical practitioners to find out the physico-chemical characteristics and the actual components of the medications they prescribe, in order to minimize the occurrence of the adverse reactions reviewed above.
DOI:10.1016/S0954-6111(08)80066-2      PMID:2247663      URL    
[76] GODARA N,GODARA R,KHULLAR M.Impact of inhala-tion therapy on oral health[J].Lung India,2011,28(4):272-275.
Inhalation therapy has been employed as the mainstay of the treatment in chronic respiratory diseases such as asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Beta-2 agonists, anticholinergic bronchodilators, inhaled corticosteroids, and sodium cromoglycate are often used alone or in combination in an inhaled form. Studies have shown that inhaled drugs used in the treatment have some adverse effects on the oral health based on their dosage, frequency, and duration of use. Several oral conditions such as xerostomia, dental caries, candidiasis, ulceration, gingivitis, periodontitis, and taste changes have been associated with inhalation therapy. Since the prevalence of chronic respiratory diseases is rising, it is important to provide optimal oral care to the individuals receiving inhalation therapy. This article will review the influence of inhaled drugs on the oral health of individuals and adequate management and prevention of the same.
DOI:10.4103/0970-2113.85689      PMID:22084541      URL    
[77] WANG C Y,LAI C C,YANG W C,et al.The association between inhaled corticosteroid and pneumonia in COPD patients:the improvement of patients' life quality with COPD in Taiwan (IMPACT) study[J].Int J Chron Obstruct Pulmon Dis,2016,11:2775-2783.
DOI:10.2147/COPD      URL    
[78] Astra Zeneca Pharmaceuticals LP.Pulmicort Respules(budesonide inhalation suspension) 0.25 mg and 0.5 mg,Rx only[Z].2000.
[79] World Health Organization Expert Committee on the Selec-tion Use of Essential Medicines.WHO model list of essential medicines for children:6st list(2017)[DB/OL]..
[80] National Asthma Education and Prevention Program.Expert Panel Report 3 (EPR-3):Guidelines for the diagnosis and management of asthma-summary report 2007[J].J Allergy Clin Immunol,2007,120(5 suppl):94-138.
Highlights of the National Asthma Education and Prevention Program's Expert Panel Report 3 (EPR-3): Guidelines for the Diagnosis and Management of Asthma-Full Report 2007 are presented in this EPR-3 summary report. The updated guidelines emphasize the importance of asthma control. Asthma control is the degree to which the manifestations of asthma are minimized by therapeutic intervention and the goals of therapy are met. Because asthma is highly variable, the level of control must be monitored on a periodic basis to determine whether therapy should be maintained or adjusted (stepped up if necessary, stepped down if possible). On the other hand, asthma severity is the intrinsic intensity of the disease process, most easily and directly measured in a patient not receiving long-term control therapy. For managing asthma, the recommendation is to assess severity to initiate therapy and assess control to adjust therapy. Recommendations for managing asthma include an expanded section on childhood asthma with addition of an age group 5 to 11 years old (earlier guidelines combined this group with adults). The guidelines provide new recommendations on patient education in settings beyond the physician's office, and new advice for controlling environmental factors that can cause asthma symptoms.The concepts of current impairment (frequency and intensity of symptoms, low lung function, and limitations of daily activities) and future risk (likelihood of exacerbations, progressive loss of lung function, or adverse side effects from medications) support a new approach to assessing and monitoring the patient's level of asthma control through use of multiple measures. The guidelines stress that some patients can still be at high risk for frequent exacerbations even if they have few day-to-day effects of asthma.Moreover, EPR-3 confirms the importance of teaching patients skills to self-monitor and manage asthma and to use a written asthma action plan, which should include instruction
DOI:10.1016/j.jaci.2007.09.043      PMID:17983880      URL    
[81] DOMBROWSKI M P,SCHATZ M,ACOG Committee on Practice Bulletins-Obstetrics.ACOG practice bulletin:clinical management guidelines for obstetrician-gynecologists number 90,February 2008:asthma in pregnancy[J].Obstet Gynecol,2008,111(2 Pt 1):457-464.
DOI:10.1097/AOG.0b013e3181665ff4      URL    
[82] NORJAVAARA E,DE VERDIER M G.Normal pregnancy outcomes in a population-based study including 2968 pregnant women exposed to budesonide[J].J Allergy Clin Immunol,2003,111(4):736-742.
Background: Inhaled corticosteroids are recommended as first-line therapy for pregnant women with moderate to severe asthma, although the effects on pregnancy outcome are uncertain. A low compliance with the recommendations might lead to inadequate control of asthma, which has been associated with adverse outcomes both for the mother and the infant. Objective: To investigate whether the reported use of inhaled budesonide (Pulmicort) during pregnancy influences birth outcome. Methods: Data were derived from the Swedish Medical Birth Register, which includes 99% of births in Sweden. During 1995 to 1998, 293,948 newborn infants were identified. Pregnancy outcomes were compared for mothers in Sweden reporting asthma medication usage with those reporting no asthma medication usage. Results: The 2968 mothers who reported use of inhaled budesonide during early pregnancy gave birth to infants of normal gestational age, birth weight, and length, with no increased rate of stillbirths or multiple births. The rate of caesarean births was higher among mothers who used asthma medication during their pregnancy than among the control group. Conclusions: The use of inhaled budesonide in Sweden is not linked with any clinically relevant effects associated with pregnancy outcome.
DOI:10.1067/mai.2003.1340      PMID:12704351      URL    
[83] American Academy of Pediatrics Committee on Drugs.The transfer of drugs and other chemicals into human milk[J].Pediatrics,2001,108(3):776-789.
DOI:10.1542/peds.108.3.776      URL    
[84] 中华医学会呼吸病学分会呼吸治疗学组.机械通气时雾化吸入专家共识(草案)[J].中华结核和呼吸杂志,2014,37(11):812-815.
[85] 熊应权,黄淑萍,张洁.气道高反应性疾病的药物治疗现状[J].天津药学,2017,29(6):61-65.
气道高反应性( B H R ) 是目前临床上很多疾病的常见症状, 且没有良好的治疗方法, 发病率高, 长期导致患者病情加重, 严重影响患者生存质量, 目前临床治疗 B H R疾病主要通过雾化吸入方式, 如糖皮质激素类药物布地奈德、 β受体激动剂沙丁胺醇和抗胆碱能药物异丙托溴铵; 口服平滑肌松弛类药物茶碱类和抗白三烯类药物孟鲁司特钠等方法控制B H R疾病.糖皮质激素是控制气道高反应性疾病相对有效的方法, 中药在缩短病程, 治疗病因方面有独特的优势.本文总结了针对气道高反应性疾病临床研究情况, 阐述了各类药物在治疗该疾病中的优劣势, 以期对此类疾病的治疗提供参考.
[86] 熊亮,陶晓南.气道高反应性发生机制及与之相关临床疾病[J].国际呼吸杂志,2006,26(3):223-225.
[87] 杨柳,崔晓光.吸入性糖皮质激素对气道高反应性的应用及作用机制[J].临床与病理杂志,2018,38(3):664-669.
[88] BURCHETT D K,DARKO W,ZAHRA J,et al.Mixing and compatibility guide for commonly used aerosolized medications[J].Am J Health Syst Pharm,2010,67(3):227-230.
DOI:10.2146/ajhp080261      PMID:20101066      URL    
[89] American Thoracic Society.Statement on home care for patients with respiratory disorders[J].Am J Respir Crit Care Med,2005,171(12):1443-1464.
To identify Mycobacterium tuberculosis virulence factors, we integrated comparative genomics and epidemiologic data analysis to investigate the relationship between certain genomic insertions and deletions in the phospholipase-C gene D (plcD) with the clinical presentation of tuberculosis (TB). Four hundred ninety-six well-characterized M. tuberculosis clinical isolates were studied. Approximately 30% (147) of the isolates had an interruption of the plcD gene. Patients infected with the plcD mutant were twice as likely to have extrathoracic disease as those infected by a strain without an interruption (adjusted odds ratio, 2.19; 95% confidence interval, 1.27, 3.76). When we limited the analysis to the 275 isolates with distinct DNA fingerprint patterns, we observed the same association (adjusted odds ratio, 2.74; 95% confidence interval, 1.35, 5.56). Furthermore, the magnitude of the association appeared to differ with the type of extrathoracic TB. Our findings suggest that the plcD gene of M. tuberculosis is potentially involved in the pathogenesis of TB, and the clinical presentation of the disease may be influenced by the genetic variability of the plcD region.
DOI:10.1164/rccm.2504001      PMID:15941843      URL    
[90] Irish Thoracic Society.Guidelines for use of nebuliser syste-ms in the home environment[DB/OL]..
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