中国科技论文统计源期刊 中文核心期刊  
医药导报, 2019, 38(3): 400-401
doi: 10.3870/j.issn.1004-0781.2019.03.026
刘培培1,, 冯赵慧子2,


关键词: 利奈唑胺 ; 视物模糊 ; 药品不良反应


1 病例介绍

患者,男,39岁,体质量60 kg。2017年6月11日因发热10 d、咳嗽咯痰4 d入院。起病以来,无明显诱因出现发热,体温最高40 ℃,伴畏寒、寒战,咳较多白色泡沫痰,痰中带血,胸闷、气紧不适。外院胸部CT检查提示:两肺多发玻璃样高密度影,结节状密度增高影及类圆形空洞影。入院诊断:肺部感染;乙型肝炎;肾功能不全,肾性贫血;低蛋白血症。患者既往有静脉吸毒史2年余,否认高血压、肾炎、冠心病病史,否认结核传染病史,否认外伤史、手术史,否认食物、药物过敏史。入院检查,血常规:白细胞15.68×109·L-1,中性粒细胞比率84.6,血红蛋白107 g·L-1,血小板计数75×109·L-1,单核细胞计数0.62×109·L-1,中性粒细胞数13.27×109·L-1。肝功能:白蛋白21.5 g·L-1,总胆红素50.9 μmol·L-1,直接胆红素29.7 μmol·L-1,碱性磷酸酶172 U·L-1,γ-谷氨酰转肽酶73 U·L-1,超敏C-反应蛋白16.5 mg·d-1,胆碱酯酶1466 U·L-1,前白蛋白0.01 g·L-1。肾功能:血尿素氮18.53 mmol·L-1,肌酐265 μmol·L-1,钾3.09 mmol·L-1,钠131.9 mmol·L-1,钙1.72 mmol·L-1,镁1.56 mmol·L-1,磷1.66 mmol·L-1。心脏彩超示:①三尖瓣后瓣中等回声,疑为赘生物,三尖瓣反流(中度);②右房增大;③左室舒张功能、收缩功能正常范围。修正诊断:感染性心内膜炎,乙型肝炎,肾功能不全,肾性贫血,低蛋白血症。

2017年6月11日起给予注射用盐酸万古霉素1 g静脉滴注,q12h;2017年6月14日穿刺细胞学检查:镜下见大量蜕变的中性粒细胞及巨噬细胞,符合炎症性病变。肺泡灌洗液未见细菌、真菌感染。2017年6月14日痰涂片见革兰阳性球菌。2017年6月14日肝功能检查:天冬氨酸氨基转移酶49 U·L-1,白蛋白21.3 g·L-1,总胆红素32.1 μmol·L-1,直接胆红素16.7 μmol·L-1,血尿素氮14.1 mmol·L-1,血肌酐223 μmol·L-1,钙1.78 mmol·L-1,钠126.5 mmol·L-1,胆碱酯酶1324 U·L-1,前白蛋白0.02 g·L-1。2017年6月15日血培养见金黄色葡萄球菌,药敏试验结果提示仅对万古霉素、利奈唑胺敏感。考虑该患者肾功能不全,2017年6月16日起治疗方案调整为利奈唑胺注射液(挪威 Pfizer AS,批号:16J26U50) 0.6 g静脉滴注,q12h。2017年6月18日肺泡灌洗液提示金黄色葡萄球菌及洋葱伯克霍尔德菌感染,药敏试验结果提示对万古霉素、利奈唑胺敏感。

患者使用利奈唑胺22 d时,诉视物模糊,临床医师认为可排除由疾病所致,考虑可能为药物不良反应。临床药师会诊后分析考虑患者视物模糊可能为利奈唑胺所致视神经病变。2017年7月11日停用利奈唑胺,治疗方案调整为注射用盐酸万古霉素1.0 g静脉滴注,q12 h,同时给予护肾、补液等对症支持治疗,患者心脏彩超示赘生物较前有所吸收,且双肺感染较前好转,停用利奈唑胺后患者视物模糊逐渐改善,停药约1周后,视物模糊症状消失。

2 讨论

该患者既往有吸毒史2年余,尽管吸食毒品过量及毒瘾发作都可能会出现视物模糊,但患者未出现昏迷、瞳孔缩小、呼吸抑制、心律失常、流涕流泪、肌肉疼痛或抽搐、胃肠痉挛等症状,可排除由毒瘾发作或吸食毒品过量所致视物模糊,考虑利奈唑胺致视神经病变引起视物模糊的可能性较大。该患者给予利奈唑胺0.6 g静脉滴注,q12 h(符合说明书、指南推荐)、疗程22 d,同时联合利奈唑胺使用的其他药物无明显药物相互作用,且患者停用利奈唑胺注射液后,视物模糊症状逐渐改善并消失,说明书和相关文献均指出,<28 d可能引起视力模糊。参照国家药品不良反应报告和监测管理办法,同时依据药品不良反应分析的原则,通过关联性评价分析[很可能 (probable):①时间顺序合理;②该反应与已知的药物不良反应相符合;③停药后反应停止;④无法用患者疾病来合理地解释],患者出现视物模糊很可能为利奈唑胺注射液不良反应所致。患者既往无视神经损伤病史,否认药物过敏史,使用利奈唑胺抗感染治疗后出现视物模糊、看东西不清晰等不适。利奈唑胺药品说明书提示该药可引起视神经病变和周围神经病变,主要为治疗时间超过28 d患者;用药时间<28 d患者也有视力模糊报道。视神经病变可进展至视力丧失。国内外多篇文献均有报道利奈唑胺引起视神经病变不良反应的病例,其中大多数报道使用利奈唑胺超过28 d后出现视神经病变[1,2,3,4],仅有2篇国外文献报道使用利奈唑胺16 d后出现视神经病变[5,6]


目前利奈唑胺所致视神经病变的机制尚不明确,根据国际共识“线粒体功能障碍”学说[10],认为利奈唑胺可能通过与50s 核糖小体上的23s 核糖核酸RNA 结合,从而产生线粒体毒性,进而引起一系列不良反应[11];同时也可能是通过结合线粒体16s核糖体RNA抑制人体线粒体蛋白质合成。视神经对线粒体功能的依赖很强,且视神经容易受线粒体损伤影响。利奈唑胺对中枢神经系统和眼有很强渗透性,因此利奈唑胺可能通过线粒体损伤导致视神经和周围神经病变[12]。利奈唑胺所致视神经和周围神经系统毒性症状可逆,一旦发生神经系统不良反应,需立即停药[13]。利奈唑胺主要通过依赖剂量和时间方式抑制线粒体蛋白质合成,因此,临床在使用利奈唑胺前应评估患者使用疗程,预计疗程超过28 d推荐常规做眼科和神经系统的检查;使用期间应监测患者血常规、肝功能,并询问患者是否有视力改变、丧失或失去颜色等不适;停药之后仍需监测患者视力,必要时行眼科检查。通过科学、合理、全面的药学监护,以减少利奈唑胺所致视神经病变不良反应的发生。

The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.


[1] YEVGENIYA L.Ethambutol/linezolid toxic optic neuropathy[J].Optometry Vision Sci,2016,93(2):211-217.
ABSTRACT Purpose: To report a rare toxic optic neuropathy after long-term use of two medications: ethambutol and linezolid. Case report: A 65-year-old man presented to the Miami Veterans Affairs Medical Center in December 2014 for evaluation of progressive vision decrease in both eyes. The patient presented with best-corrected visual acuities of 20/400 in the right eye and counting fingers at 5 feet in the left eye. Color vision was significantly reduced in both eyes. Visual fields revealed a cecocentral defect in both eyes. His fundus and optic nerve examination was unremarkable. Because vision continued to decline after discontinuation of ethambutol, linezolid was also discontinued, after which vision, color vision, and visual fields improved. Because of these findings, the final diagnosis was toxic optic neuropathy. Final visual outcome was 20/30 in the right eye and 20/40 in the left eye. Conclusions: Drug-associated toxic optic neuropathy is a rare but vision-threatening condition. Diagnosis is made based on an extensive case history and careful clinical examination. The examination findings include varying decrease in vision, normal pupils and extraocular muscles, and unremarkable fundoscopy, with the possibility of swollen optic discs in the acute stage of the optic neuropathy. Other important findings descriptive of toxic optic neuropathy include decreased color vision and cecocentral visual field defects. This case illustrates the importance of knowledge of all medications and/or substances a patient consumes that may cause a toxic reaction and discontinuing them immediately if the visual functions are worsening or not improving.
DOI:10.1097/OPX.0000000000000783      PMID:26636399      URL    
[2] JOSE A,ANTHONY C,ROBERT N,et al.Safety of long-term use of linezolid:results of an open-label study[J].Ther Clin Risk Manag,2016,12:1347-1354.
The objective of this study was to assess the long-term safety of linezolid in patients with chronic infections requiring treatment for ≥6 weeks. Enhanced monitoring for optic neuropathy was included to characterize the early development of this side effect and to identify ophthalmologic tests that might be valuable in early detection of this event. This was a multicenter, open-label, pilot study of patients aged ≥18 years on long-term linezolid therapy. Matched control patients were included for baseline assessment comparison. Patients were assessed at study entry, monthly while on treatment, at the end of treatment, and 30 days following the last dose. Aggregate ocular safety data were reviewed. Response to treatment was reported. The study was terminated owing to slow enrollment. Twenty-four patients received linezolid; nine patients were included as matched controls. Linezolid was prescribed for a median of 80.5 days (range, 50–254 days). In patients with a reported clinical outcome, the majority were considered improved or cured. Common treatment-related adverse events (AEs) included anemia, peripheral neuropathy, polyneuropathy, vomiting, and asthenia, and were consistent with the known safety profile. Most AEs resolved or stabilized with discontinuation of treatment. Results of ophthalmologic tests in the one case adjudicated as probable linezolid-associated optic neuropathy revealed abnormal color vision, characteristic changes in the optic disk, and central scotomas in each eye. In our small population, linezolid was generally well tolerated and AEs were consistent with the known safety profile. Extensive ophthalmologic testing of all 24 linezolid-treated patients identified one case adjudicated as probable, linezolid-associated optic neuropathy.
DOI:10.2147/TCRM.S109444      PMID:27621644      URL    
[3] KATSUJI K,MIKI M,CHIEMI K,et al.Linezolid-associated optic neuropathy in a patient with ocular sarcoidosis[J].Jpn J Ophthalmol,2009,53(4):420-424.
We describe a case of bilateral linezolid-associated optic neuropathy in a patient with ocular sarcoidosis.A 70-year-old woman with sarcoidosis noted foggy vision in both eyes. Best-corrected visual acuity was 0.5 in the right eye and 0.9 in the left. No abnormality other than slight optic disc hyperemia was visible in either eye. A central scotoma in both eyes and enlargement of the blind spot in the right eye were detected by Goldmann perimetry examination, and magnetic resonance imaging demonstrated an edematous optic nerve in the right eye. Therefore, retrobulbar optic neuritis resulting from sarcoidosis was initially suspected. Sub-Tenon's capsule injection of triamcinolone acetonide along with steroid pulse therapy was given; however, best-corrected visual acuity worsened to 0.06 in the right eye and 0.08 in the left. Pulse therapy was discontinued on day 1, and the possibility of linezolid-associated optic neuropathy was speculated because linezolid had been given for methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus osteomyelitis 2 years before by an orthopedist. After discontinuation of linezolid, best-corrected visual acuity improved to 0.8 in the right eye and 0.9 in the left, and the optic disc hyperemia in both eyes disappeared.Our findings demonstrate that it is important for ophthalmologists as well as physicians and orthopedists to consider the possibility of optic neuropathy caused by long-term use of linezolid.
DOI:10.1007/s10384-009-0678-3      PMID:19763761      Magsci     URL    
[4] STEVEN H,ROD F.Optic neuropathy associated with linezolid treatment[J].J Neuro Ophthalmol,2005,25(1):18-21.
[5] LEONARD A,SANDA-MARIA C,KLARA B,et al.Complete blindness after optic neuropathy induced by short-term linezolid treatment in a patient suffering from muscle dystrophy[J].Pharmacoepidem DR S,2007,16(4):402-404.
We present a case of severe optic neuropathy following linezolid treatment, which led to complete irreversible blindness, in a patient with progressive muscular dystrophy, treated with linezolid for 16 days for methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) pneumonia. Interruption of antibiotic therapy did not lead to remission of ocular symptoms. Administration of linezolid may lead to severe neuropathy even in the case of short-term treatment. Copyright 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
DOI:10.1002/pds.1320      PMID:16998949      URL    
[6] LAVNISH J,SIMON R J T,OLIVER L,et al.A Case of optic neuropathy after short-term linezolid use in a patient with acute lymphocytic leukemia[J].Clin Infect Dis,2009,48(7):73-74.
Abstract A patient undergoing chemotherapy for treatment of acute lymphocytic leukemia developed septicemia that was treated with linezolid for 16 days. The patient subsequently reported reduced vision in both eyes and was found to have bilateral optic neuropathy. After the discontinuation of linezolid treatment, both the optic neuropathy and visual impairment resolved without sequelae.
DOI:10.1086/597298      PMID:19231981      URL    
[7] HABIB G,HOEN B,TORNOS P,et al.Guidelines on the prevention,diagnosis,and treatment of infective endocarditis (new version 2009):the task force on the prevention,diagnosis,and treatment of infective endocarditis of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC).Endorsed by the european society of clinical microbiology and infectious diseases (ESCMID) and the international society of chemotherapy (ISC) for infection and cancer[J].Eur Heart J,2009,30(19):2369-2413.
[8] GOULD F K,DENNING D W,ELLIOTT T S,et al.Guidelines for the diagnosis and antibiotic treatment of endocarditis in adults:a report of the Working Party of the British Society for Antimicrobial Chemotherapy[J].J Antimicrob Chemother,2012,67(2):269-289.
The BSAC guidelines on treatment of infectious (IE) were last published in 2004. The guidelines presented here have been updated and extended to reflect developments in diagnostics, new trial data and the availability of new antibiotics. The aim of these guidelines, which cover both native valve and , is to standardize the initial investigation and treatment of IE. An extensive review of the literature using a number of different search criteria has been carried out and cited publications used to support any changes we have made to the existing guidelines. Publications referring to in vitro or animal models have only been cited if appropriate clinical data are not available. Randomized, controlled trials suitable for the development of evidenced-based guidelines in this area are still lacking and therefore a consensus approach has again been adopted for most recommendations; however, we have attempted to grade the evidence, where possible. The guidelines have also been extended by the inclusion of sections on clinical diagnosis, echocardiography and surgery.
DOI:10.1093/jac/dkr450      PMID:22086858      URL    
[9] LAURIDSEN T,BRUUN L,RASMUSSEN R,et al.Linezolid as rescue treatment for left-sided infective endocarditis:an observational,retrospective,multicenter study[J].Eur J Clin Microbiol Infect Dis,2012,31(10):2567-2574.
The increasing number of resistant bacterial strains in infective endocarditis (IE) emphasizes the need for a constant development of antimicrobials. Linezolid is an oxazolidinone with an effect on Gram-positive cocci. Only a few casuistic reports describe its utilization in the treatment of IE. The objective of this study is to report our experience with linezolid from a large consecutive cohort of IE patients. In a retrospective cohort study, data on 550 consecutive IE patients were collected at two tertiary University Hospitals in Copenhagen, Denmark. The main endpoints were differences in the in-hospital and 12 months post-discharge mortality between IE patients receiving linezolid for a part of the treatment and IE patients receiving conventional treatment. Of the 550 patients enrolled in the study, 38 patients received linezolid treatment and 512 received conventional treatment. Reasons for adding linezolid were antibiotic intolerance ( n 65=6513), nephrotoxicity ( n 65=655), pharmaceutical interactions ( n 65=651), inadequate clinical response ( n 65=6514), or inadequate microbial response ( n 65=655). No significant differences in the cure rate (7402% vs. 7102%, p > 0.05), in-hospital mortality (1302% vs. 1402%, p 65>650.05), or post-discharge mortality at 1202months follow-up (2602% vs. 2602%, p > 0.05) were observed. In the current study, we found that linezolid, in general, was well tolerated and associated with the same outcome as in patients with Gram-positive IE treated with other antibiotics.
DOI:10.1007/s10096-012-1597-7      PMID:22431272      URL    
[10] WANG M Y,SADUN A A,CHAN J W,et al.Drug-related mitochondrial optic neuropathies[J].J Clin Neuro Ophthalmol,2013,33(2):172-178.
There is a group of optic neuropathies of either genetic or acquired origin characterized by similar clinical manifestations with preferential involvement of the papillomacular bundle (PMB). PMB fibers are most susceptible to injury as they are small, unmyelinated, and have high-energy demands. These optic neuropathies share a presumed common pathophysiology of mitochondrial dysfunction. A variety of medications cause optic neuropathy by interfering with mitochondrial function. The evidence linking these therapeutic agents as a cause of mitochondrial optic neuropathy (MON) is well established in some and less certain in others. The differential diagnosis includes other optic nerve disorders producing bilateral, symmetric visual loss, including certain nutritional deficiencies, toxins, and genetic diseases. Ethambutol, chloramphenicol, linezolid, erythromycin, streptomycin, and antiretroviral drugs can cause drug-related MON. In many cases, drug toxicity is dose and duration dependent, and discontinuation of the drug in a timely manner can lead to significant visual recovery. Mitochondrial optic neuropathies are increasingly recognized as a spectrum of conditions that reach a similar end point by compromising a common pathway of mitochondrial dysfunction. Clinicians should be aware of drugs that can cause a MON. Prompt recognition of this association is critical in preventing irreversible, profound visual loss.
DOI:10.1097/WNO.0b013e3182901969      PMID:23681241      URL    
[11] JAVAHERI M,KHURANA R N,HEAM T M O’,et al.Linezolid-induced optic neuropathy:a mitochondrial disorder?[J].Br J Ophthalmol,2007,91(1):111-115.
[12] 周玥,杨明,赵曜,.利奈唑胺不良反应研究进展[J].中国药房,2010,21(2):179-181.
[13] 王文静,陶臻,吴会玲,.利奈唑胺补救治疗成人革兰阳性菌感染性心内膜炎的临床分析[J].亚洲心脑血管病例研究,2017,5(1):1-6.
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