中国科技论文统计源期刊 中文核心期刊  
医药导报, 2019, 38(5): 595-599
doi: 10.3870/j.issn.1004-0781.2019.05.014
Effect of Small Dose of Dexamethasone on Immune Cells in Patients Undergoing Section Resection of Mammary Gland
袁浩峥, 王宁, 许凤, 杨毅猛, 雷珊, 张蓬勃


目的 观察单次术前静脉注射小剂量地塞米松对乳腺区段切除术后患者免疫细胞及炎症反应的影响。方法 择期行乳腺区段切除女性患者40例,随机分为两组:对照组和治疗组,每组20例。两组均采用喉罩通气下全身麻醉,治疗组术前静脉注射地塞米松4 mg,分别于术前(t1)、术后24 h(t2)、术后48 h(t3)检测血细胞分类计数、血糖、C反应蛋白(CRP)、白细胞介素(IL)-6、IL-8表达水平、CD4+、CD8+比例。结果 与治疗组比较,对照组t2时间点白细胞、中性粒细胞及嗜酸性粒细胞计数均明显下降(P<0.05),淋巴细胞计数显著下降(P<0.01),CRP水平显著增高(P<0.05)。与t1、t3时间点比较,对照组t2时间点 CD4+、CD8+比例及CD4+/CD8+明显下降(P<0.05)。结论 术前静脉注射小剂量地塞米松可以减轻术后24 h炎症反应,改变术后24 h免疫细胞计数,对术后免疫系统有一定影响。

关键词: 地塞米松 ; 免疫细胞 ; 炎症反应


Objective To observe the effect of small dose of dexamethasone on the immunological cell changing and inflammatory response after the section resection of mammary gland. Methods Forty female patients scheduled for mammary gland section resection under general anesthesia were randomly divided into control group and treatment group. The two groups were subjected to general anesthesia under laryngeal mask ventilation. The treatment group was received dexamethasone 4 mg by intravenous before surgery. Blood cell classification count, blood glucose, CRP, IL-6, IL-8 level, CD4+ and CD8+ proportion and their ratios were detected before operation (t1), 24 h after operation (t2) and 48 h after operation (t3). Results Compared with the treatment group, the leucocyte count, neutrophil count and eosinophil count level at t1decreased significantly in the control group, but CRP level was higher (P<0.05), and the lymphocyte count decreased especially significant (P<0.01). Compared with t1 and t3, the proportion of CD4+, CD8+ and CD4+/CD8+ at t2 in the control group decreased significantly (P<0.05). Conclusion Intravenous injection of dexamethasone before operation can reduce the inflammatory reaction 24 h after operation via changing the number of immune cells after operation, which shows an effect on the postoperative immune system.

Key words: Dexamethasone ; Immune cells ; Inflammation reflection

手术创伤伴随着神经内分泌和免疫系统的变化,严重者可以导致炎症反应综合征(system inflammation response syndrome,SIRS)[1]。炎症反应是去除坏死组织、促进伤口愈合的必然过程,但是过度的炎症反应会导致免疫抑制或功能不全。研究发现,术后淋巴细胞功能丧失和T细胞的消耗增加术后感染机会,且与术后恶性肿瘤复发相关[2]。以术后炎症反应为依据,观察术后组织修复、免疫反应和肿瘤复发等情况,是麻醉医生关注的重点。


1 资料与方法
1.1 临床资料

选择择期行乳腺区段切除术女性患者40例,年龄为25~58岁,体质量指数为18~25 kg·(m2)-1,美国麻醉医师协会(American Society of Anesthesiologists,ASA)麻醉分级为Ⅰ或Ⅱ级,所有病例均签署麻醉知情同意书。排除标准:近期服用免疫抑制药;已被确诊为恶性肿瘤,合并高血压、糖尿病、消化性溃疡;服用阿片类药物控制的慢性疼痛;对地塞米松过敏;预计进行术后静脉自控镇痛。采用随机、双盲的原则,按随机数字系统奇偶数的方法随机分为对照组和治疗组各20例。本试验经西安交通大学第二附属医院医学伦理会批准。

1.2 方法

患者入手术室后开放静脉通路,监测无创血压、脉搏氧饱和度和心电图。对照组:术前5 min静脉注射0.9%氯化钠注射液4 mL;治疗组:术前5 min静脉注射含有地塞米松(国药集团容生制药有限公司,批准文号:国药准字H41020036,批号:1709207,规格为1 mL:5 mg)4 mg的0.9%氯化钠注射液4 mL。所有患者均由3位工作5年以上麻醉医生完成,采用统一全凭静脉麻醉方案,手术时间大于30 min,保持脑电双频指数为40~60。术中根据患者情况酌情追加舒芬太尼和瑞芬太尼,所有患者采用容量控制呼吸模式,采用60%氧浓度,必要时增加氧浓度,手术结束常规静脉注射新斯的明混合阿托品拮抗残余肌松药,追加舒芬太尼0.1 μg·kg-1,酮咯酸氨丁三醇0.5 mg·kg-1衔接镇痛。术后疼痛口服布洛芬400 mg,q8 h。术后根据患者发热及伤口换药情况静脉滴注头孢曲松钠。

1.3 观察指标

术前1 d禁食8 h采晨血,作为t1血样,手术结束后24,48 h采血分别作为t2、t3血样。每次采血4 mL入抗凝管;4 mL入PE管,2500 r·min-1离心,血清标本随后置入-80 ℃冰箱冻存;4 mL测全血细胞分类计数、流式细胞仪(Beckman Coulter公司,型号:FC500)检测C D 4 + 、C D 8 + 及自然杀伤(NK)细胞,400 μL血清测血糖浓度,其余血清测白细胞介素(IL)-6、IL-8和C反应蛋白(CRP)浓度。离开麻醉后监测治疗室时按照视觉模拟评分(visual analogue scale,VAS)行疼痛程度评估,术后2 d观察发热、恶心呕吐、疼痛VAS评分、伤口感染情况。

1.4 统计学方法

采用SPSS13.0版统计软件进行分析,计量资料以均数±标准差( x ¯ ±s)表示,两组间率的比较采用χ2检验,其他计量资料的组间比较以单因素方差分析和t检验进行统计分析,以P<0.05为差异有统计学意义。

2 结果
2.1 一般资料比较


表1 两组患者一般资料比较
Tab.1 Comparison of general clinical data between two groups of patients x¯±s,n=20
组别 年龄/
对照组 46.6±9.5 23.6±4.5
治疗组 45.5±9.9 24.3±5.1
组别 手术时间/
对照组 47.4±8.7 750.8±67.8
治疗组 51.6±11.2 772.5±82.6

表1 两组患者一般资料比较

Tab.1 Comparison of general clinical data between two groups of patients x¯±s,n=20

2.2 血细胞分类计数比较


表2 两组患者血细胞分类计数比较
Tab.2 Comparison of blood cell classification between two groups of patients ×109·L-1,x¯±s,n=20
组别与时间 白细胞 中性粒细胞 单核细胞 淋巴细胞 嗜碱粒细胞 嗜酸粒细胞
t1 5.67±1.44 3.63±1.26 0.30±0.09 1.60±0.47 0.02±0.01 0.12±0.09
t2 7.84±2.96 5.58±2.66 0.43±0.19 0.33±0.08 0.02±0.01 0.03±0.00
t3 4.73±1.20 3.17±1.09 0.32±0.07 1.67±0.34 0.18±0.05 0.24±0.08
t1 5.44±1.61 3.77±1.37 0.28±0.09 1.77±0.51 0.03±0.01 0.13±0.07
t2 11.22±2.81*1 9.66±1.27*1 0.63±0.11 0.71±0.22*2 0.04±0.02 0.13±0.05*1
t3 5.22±1.62 3.58±1.33 0.33±0.08 1.47±0.52 0.03±0.01 0.18±0.07


Compared with control group at t2, F=2.582,2.276,0.027, *1P<0.05;F=0.271, *2P<0.01

表2 两组患者血细胞分类计数比较

Tab.2 Comparison of blood cell classification between two groups of patients ×109·L-1,x¯±s,n=20

2.3 两组血糖、炎症因子及免疫细胞亚型比较

两组之间血糖水平差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。与对照组比较,治疗组t2时CRP水平显著下降(P<0.05)。与t1、t3时比较,对照组t2时C D 4 + 、C D 8 + 比例及C D 4 + /C D 8 + 明显下降(P<0.05)。各时间点组内两两比较IL-6、IL-8水平及NK细胞分析比例差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。见表3。

表3 两组血糖、炎症因子及免疫细胞亚型分类比较
Tab..3 Comparison of blood glucose and inflammatory factors and immune cell subtypes between two groups of patients x ¯ ±s,n=20
组别与时间 血糖/
IL-6 IL-8 CD4+ CD8+ CD4+/
(pg·mL-1) %
t1 4.31±1.01 3.90±1.10 3.38±0.74 11.74±1.44 41.98±7.45 33.22±5.33 1.26 19.09±2.41
t2 5.50±0.80 11.60±6.60 7.09±2.37 15.84±3.46 16.70±4.33 26.51±7.29 0.63 12.79±5.09
t3 4.62±0.84 10.70±3.50 7.22±2.49 16.33±3.66 32.72±6.83 43.05±8.66 0.76 11.43±3.16
t1 4.33±0.66 35.60±7.10 3.49±0.93 13.07±2.55 43.64±8.46 34.09±6.33 1.28 17.45±3.19
t2 5.39±0.79 3.10±1.70*1 6.71±1.38 16.55±4.99 28.91±4.53*2 36.19±5.99*2 0.79*2 13.22±8.43
t3 4.59±0.74 10.40±1.10 6.49±1.34 14.54±4.22 37.87±7.31 34.61±8.55 1.09 13.43±3.52


Compared with control group at t2, F=3.721, *1P<0.05;compared with control group at t1,t3, F=1.359,1.483,0.229,*2P<0.05

表3 两组血糖、炎症因子及免疫细胞亚型分类比较

Tab..3 Comparison of blood glucose and inflammatory factors and immune cell subtypes between two groups of patients x ¯ ±s,n=20

2.4 术后不良反应情况比较

治疗组有1例患者术后第1天发热,伤口稍红,无渗出,给予物理降温并静脉滴注抗菌药物2 d后恢复正常;对照组2例及治疗组1例患者术后24 h内出现轻度恶心,未予治疗,自行好转。两组患者术后2 d的VAS评分、阿片类药物总用量、伤口感染及发热发生率、及术后抗菌药物用量比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。所有患者观察期无低氧、苏醒延迟、住院时间延迟等不良事件发生。见表4。

表4 两组患者术后情况比较
Tab.4 Comparison of postoperative situation between two groups of patients x¯±s,n=20
组别 阿片类药物
伤口感染 发热 恶心呕吐
% % %
对照组 41.4±7.6 3.1±0.8 1.20±0.07 0 0.0 0 0.0 2 10.0
治疗组 39.5±8.5 3.4±0.6 0.90±0.04 1 5.0 1 5.0 1 5.0

表4 两组患者术后情况比较

Tab.4 Comparison of postoperative situation between two groups of patients x¯±s,n=20

3 讨论

围手术期炎症反应与术后转归密切相关,广泛、强烈且持续时间长的炎症反应尤其是SIRS延长住院时间,对高危心肌缺血的患者心血管风险增加约10倍[5],不但增加住院患者死亡率,而且与恶性肿瘤切除术后复发、感染相关[6]。腹腔镜比开腹患者预后好的主要原因就是炎症反应较轻,围手术期炎症反应作为可纠正的因素,是治疗改善预后的潜在靶点[7],与控制术后感染相关。由于围手术期炎症反应与手术创伤大小、基因和并存疾病多因素相关,有很大的变异性,一直是研究热点[8,9]。地塞米松是一类人工合成的皮质类固醇激素,是一种肾上腺皮质激素,它通过与糖皮质激素受体(glucocorticoids receptor,GR)结合,通过多种GR反式调节不同的DNA结合转录因子,作用于IL-6、IL-8、环氧化酶(COX)-2、诱导型一氧化氮合酶等多种炎症因子发挥抗炎作用[10]。由于大剂量激素在围手术期应用可能增加术后感染的风险,本研究采用小剂量地塞米松观察其对乳腺区段切除术后炎症反应的影响,发现术前静脉注射地塞米松4 mg对术后血糖水平无影响,可以明显降低术后24 h的CRP水平,48 h恢复正常,说明地塞米松发挥了抗炎作用;术后24 h两组IL-6和IL-8水平的表达与术前比较升高,其炎症反应在术后逐渐增高,但两组之间IL-6和IL-8水平差异无统计学意义,推测术后24 h达到了一个高峰期,但由于炎症反应相对限制,两组之间的浓度差异最大的时间点可能在24 h之内。

围手术期外周血细胞类型的变化可以部分反映机体的免疫系统状况,创伤后持续的白细胞增多而淋巴细胞不能恢复正常与手术不良预后有关[11],中性粒细胞和单核细胞是机体固有免疫系统的主要细胞成分,中性粒细胞针对细菌等毒性病原体发挥主要作用,术中中性粒细胞成分的变化对术后免疫抑制,尤其是单核细胞作用途径有重要影响[12];免疫应答的T淋巴细胞和NK细胞是控制术后感染,识别和消灭癌前病变宿主细胞的主要细胞成分[8]。本研究发现,治疗组应用于乳腺区段切除术24 h后,外周白细胞和中性粒细胞较术前增高,反映中性粒细胞从内皮细胞通过与L-选择素的干预表达增加[13],且淋巴细胞计数增高,可能由于手术应激与地塞米松诱导淋巴细胞尤其是T细胞凋亡的协同作用所致。与治疗组比较,对照组24 h淋巴细胞和嗜酸性粒细胞计数全面下降,48 h恢复正常,推测地塞米松可以拮抗这种下降;术后24 h对照组C D 4 + 、C D 8 + 比例及C D 4 + /C D 8 + 明显下降[14],而术后24 h治疗组与术前比差异无统计学意义,可能与地塞米松调节C D 4 + 、C D 8 + T淋巴细胞活性有关,也可能是由于手术和糖皮质激素的协同作用。术后24 h两组的NK细胞比例均有下降,但差异无统计学意义。同时,手术应激、麻醉药物和给药方式、糖皮质激素的应用对神经内分泌系统都有显著影响,地塞米松在影响免疫系统的同时,降低麻醉药和阿片类药物的需求[15]


综上所述,抗呕吐剂量的地塞米松可以减轻乳腺区段切除术后炎症反应,改变术后24 h免疫细胞种类的变化,术后48 h这种变化逐渐减弱,地塞米松可以增加术后24 h中性粒细胞、淋巴细胞和嗜酸性粒细胞计数,而对嗜碱性粒细胞和NK细胞无明显影响,其中影响最大的是淋巴细胞的反应,手术可明显降低C D 4 + 、C D 8 + 比例及其比值,而这些变化是否存在于炎症反应强烈的手术,转移到对免疫功能的变化及对手术感染风险相关性有待进一步研究。

The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.


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Debate on appropriate triggers for transfusion of allogeneic blood products and their effects on short- and long-term survival in surgical and critically ill patients continue with no definitive evidence or decisive resolution. Although transfusion-related immune modulation (TRIM) is well established, its influence on immune competence in the recipient and its effects on cancer recurrence after a curative resection remains controversial. An association between perioperative transfusion of allogeneic blood products and risk for recurrence has been shown in colorectal cancer in randomized trials; whether the same is true for other types of cancer remains to be determined. This article focuses on the laboratory, animal, and clinical evidence to date on the mechanistic understanding of inflammatory and immune-modulatory effects of blood products and their significance for recurrence in the cancer surgical patient.
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[3] CARDOSO M M,LEITE A O,SANTOS E A,et al.Effect of dexamethasone on prevention of postoperative nausea,vomiting and pain after caesarean section:a randomised,placebo-controlled,double-blind trial[J].Eur J Anaesthesiol,2013,30(3):102-105.
Context Spinal morphine is a common form of postoperative analgesia after caesarean section, but it is associated with postoperative nausea and vomiting.Objective To evaluate the hypothesis that dexamethasone reduces nausea and vomiting in patients undergoing caesarean section under spinal anaesthesia with morphine.Design Interventional, randomised, double-blinded, placebo-controlled study to evaluate a preoperative single dose of dexamethasone.Setting Patients from a tertiary hospital in the city of Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brazil observed from 1 January through 30 June 2008.Patients or other participants Seventy full-term pregnant patients (American Society of Anesthesiologists 1 or 2) were studied. Patients were randomly allocated into two groups determined by a computerised table. Exclusion criteria were contraindication to regional anaesthesia, allergy to dexamethasone, opioids or local anaesthetics, hypertension or diabetes originated during pregnancy and use of any antiemetic drug received before surgery. Spinal anaesthesia consisted of hyperbaric bupivacaine and morphine.Intervention Patients received either dexamethasone 10mg in 100 ml of isotonic saline, intravenously or 100 ml of isotonic saline (placebo) prior to surgery.Main outcome Incidence of postoperative nausea and vomiting in the first 24 h were rated and recorded. Pain scores at rest and on movement were evaluated using a visual analogue scale.Results During the first 24 hours, nausea occured in 12/35 (34.4%) patients receiving dexamethasone and in 32/35 (91.4%) receiving placebo (P Conclusion Dexamethasone reduced the cumulative incidence of nausea and vomiting after caesarean section under spinal anaesthesia with morphine and lowered pain scores on the first postoperative day. Eur J Anaesthesiol 2013; 30:102-105
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[4] MEHRA N,SHARP A,LORENTE D,et al.Neutrophil to ly-mpocyte ratio in castration-resistant prostate cancer patients treated with daily oral corticosteroids[J].Clin Genitourin Cancer,2017,15(6):678-684.
BACKGROUND: The neutrophil to lymphocyte ratio (NLR) has been shown to be highly prognostic across many tumor types, and predictive of treatment outcome in advanced prostate cancer, and has been postulated to be an indirect measure of tumor inflammation. We evaluated the effect of low-dose steroids on NLR in men suffering from castration-resistant prostate cancer (CRPC). PATIENTS AND METHODS: The NLR was evaluated in a prospective randomized phase II trial that compared prednisolone 5 mg twice daily and dexamethasone 0.5 mg daily administered to 75 chemotherapy and abiraterone/enzalutamide-naive CRPC patients. NLR was examined at baseline (BL), after 6 and 12 weeks of corticosteroid treatment; associations with >50% prostate-specific antigen (PSA) response, duration of response (PSA progression-free interval), and overall survival (OS) were tested using logistic regression and Cox regression analysis. RESULTS: The median NLR for all evaluable patients was 2.6 at BL; 2.9 at 6 weeks; and 4.0 at 12 weeks. After low-dose corticosteroid initiation, 46 patients had a decline in PSA with 24 confirmed responders. BL NLR (log10) associated with a PSA response (odds ratio, .029, 95% confidence interval [CI], .002-.493; P = .014), and with the extent of the PSA decline (P = .009). A favorable BL NLR (less than median) associated with a 5.5-fold higher odds of a PSA >50% response (95% CI, 1.3-23.9; P = .02). Higher BL NLR (log10) associated with a shorter time to PSA progression (hazard ratio [HR], 9.5; 95% CI, 2.3-39.9; P = .002). In multivariate analysis BL NLR as a discrete variable was independently associated with PSA progression (HR, 3.5; 95% CI, 1.5-8.1; P = .003). NLR at 6 weeks was also associated with duration of benefit; in the favorable NLR category time to PSA progression was 10.8 months, for those who converted to an unfavorable (greater than median) category 4.5 months, and for those remaining in a unfavorable category only 1.5 months (95% CI, 0.5-2.5; P = .003). OS was 33.1 months (95% CI, 24.2-42.0) and 21.9 months (95% CI, 19.3-24.4) for those with an favorable and unfavorable BL NLR, respectively. CONCLUSION: Treatment-naive CRPC patients with a high BL or during-treatment NLR appear not to benefit from low-dose corticosteroids. The immunological implications of an unfavorable NLR, and whether corticosteroids might drive prostate cancer progression in patients harboring a high NLR, warrant further study.
DOI:10.1016/j.clgc.2017.05.012      PMID:28606735      URL    
[5] MCMANUS D D,BEAULIEU L M,MICK E,et al.Relation-ship among circulating inflammatory proteins,platelet gene expression,and cardiovascular risk[J].Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol,2013,33(11):2666-2673.
Objective Cardiovascular disease is a complex disorder influenced by interactions of genetic variants with environmental factors. However, there is no information from large community-based studies examining the relationship of circulating cell-specific RNA to inflammatory proteins. In light of the associations among inflammatory biomarkers, obesity, platelet function, and cardiovascular disease, we sought to examine the relationships of C-reactive protein (CRP) and interleukin-6 (IL-6) to the expression of key inflammatory transcripts in platelets.Approach and Results We quantified circulating levels of CRP and IL-6 in 1625 participants of the Framingham Heart Study (FHS) Offspring cohort examination 8 (mean age, 66.66.6 years; 46% men). We measured the expression of 15 relevant genes by high-throughput quantitative reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction from platelet-derived RNA and used multivariable regression to relate serum concentrations of CRP and IL-6 with gene expression. Levels of CRP and IL-6 were associated with 10 of the 15 platelet-derived inflammatory transcripts, ALOX5, CRP, IFIT1, IL6, PTGER2, S100A9, SELENBP1, TLR2, TLR4, and TNFRSF1B (PConclusions Our data highlight the strong connection between the circulating inflammatory biomarkers CRP and IL-6 and platelet gene expression, adjusting for cardiovascular disease risk factors. Our results also suggest that body weight may directly influence these associations.
DOI:10.1161/ATVBAHA.112.301112      PMID:4289138      URL    
[6] HILLER J G,SAMPURNO S,MILLEN R,et al.Impact of celecoxib on inflammation during cancer surgery: a randomized clinical trial[J].Can J Anaesth,2017,64(5):497-505.
Abstract PURPOSE: During cancer surgery, prostaglandin-mediated inflammation may promote and activate micrometastatic disease with a consequent increase in long-term cancer recurrence. Cyclooxygenase-2 inhibitors, known to have anti-proliferative properties, may offset such perioperative perturbation. We investigated the effectiveness of these agents to minimize inflammatory changes during cancer surgery. METHODS: Following ethics approval, 32 patients who were to undergo major intracavity cancer surgery were enrolled in this prospective, randomized, clinical trial. The treatment group received 4000002mg celecoxib preoperatively followed by five 2000002mg 12-hourly doses. The control group received no anti-inflammatory agents. Inflammatory and immunomodulatory end points were measured serially. The primary end points were the measured plasma and urinary prostaglandin E metabolite (PGE M ) levels 480002hours following surgery. Secondary endpoints included interleukin levels, leucocyte profile, and clinical end points. RESULTS: No differences in the 48-hr plasma or urinary PGE M levels were observed between the celecoxib and control groups. Linear mixed modeling, used to accommodate differences in baseline PGE M levels, showed that celecoxib (cf. control) administration lowered plasma PGE M over the entire 48-hr period following surgery ( -1 ; 95% confidence interval: -0.69 to -0.06; P = 0.021). Celecoxib administration also lowered postoperative pain scores. DISCUSSION: Standard dosing of the cyclooxygenase-2 inhibitor celecoxib slightly reduced perioperative cyclooxygenase activity during cancer surgery. Given cyclooxygenase's role in cancer pathways, we recommend dose-finding studies be undertaken before prospective clinical trials are conducted testing the currently unsubstantiated hypothesis that perioperative anti-inflammatory administration improves long-term cancer outcomes. This trial was registered at: Australian New Zealand Clinical Trial Registry: ACTRN12615000041550;
DOI:10.1007/s12630-017-0818-z      PMID:28092065      URL    
[7] FRETLAND A A,SOKOLOV A,POSTRIGANOVA N,et al.Inflammatory response after laparoscopic versus open resection of colorectal liver metastases:data from the oslo-coMet trial[J].Medicine(Baltimore),2015,94(42):e1786.
Abstract In the article ''Inflammatory Response After Laparoscopic Versus Open Resection of Colorectal Liver Metastases Data From the Oslo-CoMet Trial'', which appeared in Volume 94, Issue 42 of Medicine, the University of Oslo was not credited as the affiliation for several authors. The article has since been corrected online.
DOI:10.1097/      PMID:4620756      URL    
[8] ALBERTSMEIER M,QUAISER D,VON DOSSOW-HANF-STINGL V,et al.Major surgical trauma differentially affects T-cells and APC[J].Innate Immun,2015,21(1):55-64.
Macrophages have been reported to initiate immunosuppression following trauma and hemorrhage, and recent experimental studies suggest a pivotal role of T-cells in maintaining immunosuppression. The aim of the present study was to investigate the interaction of APC and T-cells in humans following major surgery. First, APC and T-cells from 14 surgical patients were isolated, counted and characterized by their specific surface marker profile 2 and 2465h postoperatively. Then, these cells were co-incubated with cells of the other type, which had been isolated pre-operatively. Chemokine secretion from pre-operative cells as measured by enzyme immunoassay served as a bioassay for the function of the stimulating postoperative cells. CD3(+) T-cells and surface marker CD28 were markedly suppressed postoperatively, while CD3(+)CD25(+)CD127(-)Tregs were not suppressed. CD14(+)APC counts were increased with the most significant increase observed in CD14(+)HLA-DR(-) myeloid-derived suppressor cells. In co-cultures, APC showed increased postoperative secretion of TNF-α and IL-6 independently of whether they had been co-incubated with pre- or postoperative T-cells. T-cells incubated with CD14(+) cells 265h postoperatively secreted diminished amounts of IFN-γ. The results of the study suggest that T-cells play a pivotal role in mediating immunosuppression after major abdominal surgery.
DOI:10.1177/1753425913516659      PMID:24398860      URL    
[9] NEAL C P,MANN C D,GARCEA G,et al.Preoperative systemic inflammation and infectious complications after resection of colorectal liver metastases[J].Arch Surg,2011,146(4):471-478.
Postoperative complications are associated with a poor long-term prognosis after resection of colorectal liver metastases via an undetermined mechanism. The preoperative systemic inflammatory response, itself a predictor of poor survival, was recently shown to independently predict postoperative infectious complications after primary colorectal cancer resection.To examine the association of postoperative infectious complications with preoperative systemic inflammation and survival in patients undergoing resection of colorectal liver metastases.Retrospective study based on a prospectively updated database.A United Kingdom tertiary referral hepatobiliary unit.A total of 202 consecutive patients with colorectal liver metastases undergoing hepatectomy between January 1, 2000, and April 30, 2006.Multivariable analyses were performed to correlate preoperative and operative variables with postoperative complications and to correlate complications with long-term survival after metastasectomy.Ninety-day mortality and morbidity were 2.0% and 25.7%, respectively. The preoperative systemic inflammatory response independently predicted the development of infectious complications (P = .009) and major infectious complications (P = .005) after hepatectomy, along with performance of trisectionectomy. Infectious complications were associated with poor long-term survival after metastasectomy but lost independent significance when systemic inflammatory variables were included in multivariable analyses.The preoperative systemic inflammatory response independently predicts the development of infectious complications after colorectal liver metastases resection. Although infectious complications are associated with adverse long-term prognosis after hepatectomy, they lacked independent prognostic value when systemic inflammatory variables were also considered, suggesting that much of their prognostic value arises from their association with the preoperative systemic inflammatory response.
DOI:10.1001/archsurg.2011.50      PMID:21502458      URL    
[10] ZHENG Y,IZUMI K,LI Y,et al.Contrary regulation of bladder cancer cell proliferation and invasion by dexamethasone-mediated glucocorticoid receptor signals[J].Mol Cancer Ther,2012,11(12):2621-2632.
In patients with advanced bladder cancer, glucocorticoids are frequently given to reduce acute toxicity, particularly hyperemesis, during chemotherapy, as well as to improve cachectic conditions. However, it remains unclear whether glucocorticoids directly affect the development and progression of bladder cancer through the glucocorticoid receptor pathway. Glucocorticoid receptor expression was first investigated in human bladder cancer lines and tissue microarrays. Then, the effects of dexamethasone on glucocorticoid receptor transcription, cell proliferation, apoptosis/cell cycle, and invasion were examined in bladder cancer lines. Finally, mouse xenograft models for bladder cancer were used to assess the efficacy of dexamethasone on tumor progression. All the cell lines and tissues examined were found to express glucocorticoid receptor. Dexamethasone increased glucocorticoid receptor–mediated reporter activity and cell proliferation, and inhibited apoptosis in the presence or absence of cisplatin. In contrast, dexamethasone suppressed cell invasion, the expression of its related genes [MMP-2/MMP-9, interleukin (IL)-6, VEGF], and the activity of MMP-2/MMP-9, and also induced mesenchymal-to-epithelial transition. In addition, dexamethasone increased IκBα protein levels and cytosolic accumulation of NF-κB. In xenograft-bearing mice, dexamethasone slightly augmented the growth of the inoculated tumors but completely prevented the development of bloody ascites, suggestive of peritoneal dissemination of tumor cells, and actual metastasis. In all these assays, dexamethasone effects were abolished by a glucocorticoid receptor antagonist or glucocorticoid receptor knockdown via RNA interference. Thus, glucocorticoid receptor activation resulted in promotion of cell proliferation via inhibiting apoptosis yet repression of cell invasion and metastasis. These results may provide a basis of developing improved chemotherapy regimens, including or excluding glucocorticoid receptor agonists/antagonists, for urothelial carcinoma. Mol Cancer Ther; 11(12); 2621–32. 082012 AACR.
DOI:10.1158/1535-7163.MCT-12-0621      PMID:23033490      URL    
[11] NAVEGANTES K C,DE SOUZA G R,PEREIRA P,et al.Immune modulation of some autoimmune diseases:the critical role of macrophages and neutrophils in the innate and adaptive immunity[J].J Transl Med,2017,15(1):36.
Macrophages and neutrophils are key components involved in the regulation of numerous chronic inflammatory diseases, infectious disorders, and especially certain autoimmune disease. However, little is known regarding the contribution of these cells to the pathogenesis of autoimmune disorders. Recent studies have aimed to clarify certain important factors affecting the immunogenicity of these cells, including the type and dose of antigen, the microenvironment of the cell-antigen encounter, and the number, subset, and phenotype of these cells, which can prevent or induce autoimmune responses. This review highlights the role of macrophage subsets and neutrophils in injured tissues, supporting their cooperation during the pathogenesis of certain autoimmune diseases.
DOI:10.1186/s12967-017-1141-8      PMID:28202039      URL    
[12] SILVA M T.When two is better than one:macrophages and neutrophils work in concert in innate immunity as complementary and cooperative partners of a myeloid phagocyte system[J].J Leukoc Biol,2010,87(1):93-106.
The antimicrobial effector activity of phagocytes is crucial in the host innate defense against infection, and the classic view is that the phagocytes operating against intracellular and extracellular microbial pathogens are,respectively, macrophages and neutrophils. As a result of the common origin of the two phagocytes, they share several functionalities, including avid phagocytosis,similar kinetic behavior under inflammatory/infectious conditions, and antimicrobial and immunomodulatory activities. However, consequent to specialization during their differentiation, macrophages and neutrophils acquire distinctive, complementary features that originate different levels of antimicrobial capacities and cytotoxicity and different tissue localization and lifespan.This review highlights data suggesting the perspective that the combination of overlapping and complementary characteristics of the two professional phagocytes promotes their cooperative participation as effectors and modulators in innate immunity against infection and as orchestrators of adaptive immunity. In the concerted activities operating in antimicrobial innate immunity, macrophages and neutrophils are not able to replace each other. The common and complementary developmental,kinetic, and functional properties of neutrophils and macrophages make them the effector arms of a myeloid phagocyte system that groups neutrophils with members of the old mononuclear phagocyte system. The use by mammals of a system with two dedicated phagocytic cells working cooperatively represents an advantageous innate immune attack strategy that allows the efficient and safe use of powerful but dangerous microbicidal molecules.This crucial strategy is a target of key virulence mechanisms of successful pathogens.
DOI:10.1189/jlb.0809549      PMID:19850881      URL    
[13] NAKAGAWA M,TERASHIMA T,D'YACHKOVA Y,et al.Glucocorticoid-induced granulocytosis:contribution of marrow release and demargination of intravascular granulocytes[J].Circulation,1998,98(21):2307-2313.
DOI:10.1161/01.CIR.98.21.2307      URL    
[14] 苏和毅,郭振辉.持续炎性反应-免疫抑制-分解代谢综合征治疗策略初控[J].中华胃肠外科杂志,2017,20(12):1444-1447.
[15] 张扬,冯勇,商瑜.不同麻醉方式对急腹症感染性休克患者血流动力学和炎症应激反应及免疫功能的影响[J].医药导报,2017,36(5):520-523.
目的 观察不同麻醉方式对急腹症合并感染性休克患者血流动力学、炎症应激反应及免疫功能的影响.方法 选取急腹症合并感染性休克患者46例,随机分为治疗组和对照组,各23例.治疗组采用瑞芬太尼复合丙泊酚麻醉,对照组采用丙泊酚异氟烷静脉、呼吸复合麻醉.分别于不同时间点比较两种麻醉方式对患者血流动力学、炎症应激反应及免疫功能的影响.结果 在诱导期、插管时、拔管时、拔管后30 min两组患者心率(HR)、平均动脉压(MAP)、全心舒张末期容量指数(GEDVI)较麻醉前均有明显下降(均P0.05).结论 对于急腹症合并感染性休克患者,瑞芬太尼复合丙泊酚静脉麻醉对血流动力学及免疫功能影响较小,并且可更好地减轻炎症应激反应.
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关键词(key words)

Immune cells
Inflammation reflection


YUAN Haozheng
XU Feng
YANG Yimeng
LEI Shan
ZHANG Pengbo