中国科技论文统计源期刊 中文核心期刊  
医药导报, 2019, 38(5): 663-667
doi: 10.3870/j.issn.1004-0781.2019.05.029
Signal Mining of Neuropsychic Adverse Drug Reactions by Sofosbuvir
王宇1,, 饶友义1, 宁红1, 寇国先2, 杨勇3,


目的 对索非布韦不良反应进行信号挖掘,为临床安全用药提供参考。方法 采用报告比值比法(ROR法)对美国不良事件报告系统(AERS)2014—2015年第二季度索非布韦引起的神经精神不良反应报告进行信号挖掘,分析信号在患者的性别、年龄和剂量中的分布。结果 共挖掘出52个相关不良反应信号,其中49个尚未被说明书收录。ROR值相对较大的不良反应信号为精神障碍(13.49)、宿醉(11.36)、易怒(12.40)、杀人冲动(13.93)、暴力倾向(13.37)等,所有不良反应信号均较弱。上述信号在性别中分布差异无统计学意义(P=0.227),在年龄(P=0.000)及用药剂量(P=0.001)中差异有统计学意义。结论 对索非布韦不良反应信号挖掘可初步为评价其安全性提供参考。

关键词: 索非布韦 ; 不良反应 ; 神经精神系统 ; 信号挖掘分析


Objective To provide reference for clinical rational drug use via signal mining of the side effects of sofosbuvir. Methods The warning signals of sofosbuvir-induced neuropsychic adverse drug reaction (ADR) were mined by proportional reporting ratio(ROR)method from Adverse Event Reporting System in the United States from 2014 to the second quarter of 2015 were mined by proportional repoting ratio (ROR) method. The distribution characteristic of signals, such as gender, age and dosage, were analyzed. Results A total of 52 relevant ADR signals were detected, and 49 were not recorded in the drug label. The ROR of ADR signals which were higher than others were mental disorders (13.49), hangover (11.36), irritability (12.40), homicidal ideation (13.93), violence-related symptom (13.37). The strengths of signals were all weak. There was no significant difference in the distribution of gender (P = 0.227), however, there were significant differences in the in the distribution of patient age (P<0.001) and sofosbuvir dosage (P=0.001). Conclusion Mining and analysis of ADR signals induced by sofosbuvir can provide preliminary references to evaluate the safety.

Key words: Sofosbuvir ; Adverse drug reactions ; neuropsychic ; Signals mining and analysis

目前全球有1.30亿~1.70亿人感染丙型肝炎病毒(hepatitis C virus,HCV),约占总人口的3%,而我国约有4000万人感染HCV,占总人口的3.2%[1,2]。因此,HCV感染逐渐成为了关注焦点之一。既往对慢性HCV感染的治疗手段主要为利巴韦林及聚乙二醇干扰素。但上述疗法存在诸多不足[3],限制了其广泛使用。抗HCV新药索非布韦(sofobuvir)为HCVNS5B RNA聚合酶抑制药,在细胞内代谢形成具有药理学活性三磷酸尿苷的类似物,从而起到抑制HCV病毒增殖的作用[4]。相对于既往治疗手段,索非布韦更为有效、方便、安全。有系统评价显示,其联合利巴韦林治疗HCV较利巴韦林联合干扰素制剂SVR12及24的有效性更高,若采用索非布韦联合利巴韦林+干扰素方案,可使SVR4,12及24较两药联合治疗的有效性大幅度提高,同时大大降低慢性丙型肝炎复发的概率[5]。目前认为,索非布韦对HCV基因2和3型引起的慢性丙型肝炎可全口服治疗,对基因1和4型慢性丙型肝炎需与聚乙二醇干扰素α和利巴韦林联用[6]。因此,索非布韦的问世,对HCV感染患者有着重要意义。该药于2017年9月进入中国。在我国上市时间虽然较短,但国内已开始临床研究[7,8]。其中,对索非布韦临床应用安全性的研究显得十分重要。

药品不良反应(adverse drug reactions,ADR)信号筛选是药物警戒和药品上市后安全性评价的重要内容之一。药物上市前研究存在样本量小、观察期短、选取对象限制等问题,很难发现迟发的、非常见的ADR。对上市后药品安全性的监测及评价,尤其是通过ADR数据库挖掘相关信号,可弥补药物上市前研究的不足[9]。本研究采用报告比值比(reporting odds ratio,ROR)法对索非布韦致神经精神ADR信号进行挖掘,拟初步探寻索非布韦在该领域新ADR表现。

1 资料与方法
1.1 数据来源

数据来源于美国不良事件报告系统收集到的2014年及2015年第一、二季度ADR报告。为保证数据分析标准的一致性,将ADR按药事管理医学用语词典(Medical Dictionary for Regulatory Activities,MedDRA)首选语(preferred terms,PT)进行编码[10,11]

1.2 数据处理

排除ADR名称不确定和重复的报告,得到ADR 4 422 088例。通过ACCESS2007版软件检索药物通用名称sofosbuvir及商品名Sovaldi,得到索非布韦为首要怀疑药物的报告8003例。然后将上述报告按MedDRA的SOC(system organ class)标准进行统计分类,将属于“神经系统障碍”及“精神疾病”的报告进行归类。同时排除上报后因信息不全及ADR报告例数小于3例的报告,共得到最终ADR报告共1666例。

1.3 方法选择


表1 ROR法所需要的四格表
Tab.1 Fourfold table of ROR measurement
项目 目标不良事件
目标药物 a b a+b
其他药物 c d c+d
合计 a+c b+d a+b+c+d

表1 ROR法所需要的四格表

Tab.1 Fourfold table of ROR measurement

1.4 检测标准

1.4.1 信号检测标准 使用ROR法时应同时满足以下条件,则挖掘到的ADR可以算作一个信号:①报告数≥3。按ROR法计算原理,若ADR的发生数<3,对于整个信号存在与否的判断意义不大。②ROR95%可信区间(CI)下限>1。具体的计算公式如下[10,12]

计算公式:ROR= a / c b / d

ROR值95%CI= e ln ( ROR ) ± 1.96 1 a + 1 b + 1 c + 1 d

1.4.2 ADR信号强弱的判断 1< ROR-1.96SE <50,ADR信号强度较弱,用“+”表示; 50≤ROR-1.96SE <1000,ADR信号强度中等,用“++”表示; 1000≤ROR-1.96SE,ADR信号强度强,用“+++”表示。ADR信号越强越提示药物与不良反应之间可能存在关系,需开展人工评阅等研究进一步明确[13,14]

1.4.3 ADR信号在性别、年龄和剂量中的分布 提取索非布韦致神经精神ADR能生成信号的报告中对应的患者性别、年龄、用药剂量,应用SPSS19.0版统计软件进行χ2检验,根据P值判断目标系统ADR信号在各影响因素中的分布差异是否存在统计学意义,检验水准为α=0.05。

2 结果
2.1 索非布韦神经精神不良反应事件的信号及强度


表2 神经精神系统ADR首选语及数据
Tab.2 PT and data of neuropsychic ADR
首选语 a值 ROR值 ROR值
首选语 a值 ROR值 ROR值
神经过敏 6 5.23 2.34 + 耳鸣 7 1.21 0.58
半夜失眠 7 7.01 3.33 + 神经麻痹 3 1.40 0.45
头痛 285 5.96 5.29 + + 偏头痛 11 1.78 0.98
味觉障碍 14 2.05 1.21 + 头部不适 3 1.87 0.60
脑病 23 3.37 2.24 + 语言障碍 6 1.33 0.60
头晕 110 2.89 2.39 + 构音障碍 4 1.47 0.55
干扰注意力 27 6.32 4.32 + 味觉丧失 4 2.46 0.92
睑痉挛 3 9.93 3.17 + 痉挛 14 1.18 0.70
梦境异常 7 2.50 1.19 + 行为异常 7 2.02 0.96
激怒 22 3.80 2.5 + 攻击性行为 5 1.39 0.58
意识状态改变 4 3.07 1.15 + 认知障碍 6 1.32 0.59
失忆 13 2.58 1.49 + 自杀致死 4 2.05 0.77
愤怒 14 5.43 3.21 + 妄想症 3 2.67 0.86
焦虑 79 3.95 3.16 + 意识沮丧 5 2.39 0.99
冷漠 9 9.18 4.75 + 抑郁情绪 6 1.51 0.68
食欲障碍 4 8.41 3.13 + 步态障碍 7 0.45 0.21
平衡障碍 16 2.67 1.63 + 听觉迟钝 3 1.45 0.47
昏迷 7 2.29 1.09 + 触觉减退 20 1.40 0.90
精神混乱 42 3.44 2.54 + 神经系统紊乱 3 0.65 0.21
抑郁症 114 5.98 4.96 + 神经痛 3 0.65 0.21
定向障碍 9 3.03 1.57 + 周围神经病变 6 0.77 0.35
情绪障碍 15 2.33 1.4 + 噩梦 5 1.41 0.59
感觉异常 36 1.65 1.19 + 恐慌 6 0.44 0.20
紧张不安 5 2.97 1.23 + 癫痫发作 14 1.04 0.61
幻觉 11 2.44 1.35 + 嗜眠症 18 1.20 0.75
幻视 5 4.24 1.76 + 语言障碍 3 0.66 0.21
宿醉 3 11.36 3.62 + 感觉压力 8 1.57 0.79
杀人冲动 3 13.93 4.43 + 自杀企图 4 1.28 0.48
嗜睡 6 2.41 1.08 + 思维异常 4 2.50 0.94
失眠 200 9.11 7.91 + + 闪光的幻觉 5 7.57 3.13 +
易怒 1 12.40 9.61 + + 睡眠质量差 5 2.97 1.23 +
意识丧失 28 3.03 2.09 + 不安 6 2.51 1.13 +
躁狂 6 4.72 2.11 + 睡眠障碍 21 4.75 3.09 +
记忆障碍 30 2.57 1.79 + 迟缓 3 3.48 1.12 +
精神障碍 36 13.49 9.68 + 自杀意念 18 2.89 1.81 +
精神状态改变 7 3.35 1.59 + 晕厥 24 3.08 2.06 +
情绪改变 10 4.10 2.2 + 眩晕 13 2.86 1.66 +
情绪波动 19 6.22 3.95 + 暴力倾向 3 13.37 4.25 +
紧张 9 1.96 1.02 + 畏光 6 5.03 2.25 +
盗汗 6 2.62 1.18 + 嗅觉倒错 3 4.99 1.6 +
感觉异常 21 1.54 1.01 +

表2 神经精神系统ADR首选语及数据

Tab.2 PT and data of neuropsychic ADR

2.2 索非布韦神经精神ADR信号在性别、年龄、剂量中的分布

排除相关信息不完整的病例后,对数据进行进一步分析。其中目标系统ADR信号在患者性别分布中差异无统计学意义(P=0.227)。在年龄分布中差异有统计学意义(P=0.000):经两两比较,40岁以下组(青年)及65岁以上组(老年),40~65岁组(中年)及65岁以上组之间分布差异有统计学意义。在剂量分布中差异有统计学意义(P=0.001):经两两比较,神经精神ADR信号在400 mg·d-1组与800 mg·d-1组,800 mg·d-1组与>800 mg·d-1组之间分布差异有统计学意义。结果见表3。

表3 信号影响因素的卡方检验结果
Tab.3 Result of Chi-square test for signal effect factors
总报告数 检验结果
508 2067
369 1398 χ2=1.46,P=0.227
<40岁(A) 43 133
40~65岁(B) 546 1679
>65岁(C) 70 368 χ2=26.37,P=0.000
400 mg·d-1(D) 298 942
800 mg·d-1(E) 13 98
>800 mg·d-1(F) 7 18 χ2=14.93,P=0.001

P1 comparison between A and B,P2 comparison between A and C,P3 comparison between B and C,P4 comparison between D and E,P5 comparison between D and F,P6 comparison between E and F.P1=0.964(χ2=0.00),P2=0.000(χ2=29.88), P3=0.000(χ2=26.14), P4=0.000(χ2=14.29) ,P5=0.513(χ2=0.43), P6=0.008(χ2=7.00)

A与B比较设为P1,A与C比较设为P2,B与C比较设为P3,D与E比较设为P4,D与F比较设为P5,E与F比较设为P6,P1=0.964(χ2=0.00),P2=0.000(χ2=29.88), P3=0.000(χ2=26.14), P4=0.000(χ2=14.29) ,P5=0.513(χ2=0.43), P6=0.008(χ2=7.00)

表3 信号影响因素的卡方检验结果

Tab.3 Result of Chi-square test for signal effect factors

3 讨论





本研究结果还提示,索非布韦致神经精神系统ADR信号在性别分布中无明显差异;老年及剂量为800 mg·d-1人群中分布较少,且青年患者与中年患者,400 mg·d-1与>800 mg·d-1人群分布情况差异无统计学意义。提示该药神经精神ADR发生率可能无明显年龄剂量相关性。但上述结果可能由于样本量较小,存在偏倚有关,具体结论有待进一步研究。


The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.


[1] WHO.Guidelines for the screening care and treatment of persons with hepatitis C infection[M].Geneva:World Health Organization,2014.
[2] LAVANCHY D.Evolving epidemiology of hepatitis C virus[J].Clin Microbiol Infect,2011,17(2):107-115.
More than 20 years after the discovery of the hepatitis C virus (HCV), it is now well established that HCV is of global importance affecting all countries, leading to a major global health problem that requires widespread active interventions for its prevention and control. Chronic hepatitis C was linked to the development of cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma in many areas of the world. Current epidemiological assessments have identified complex patterns with highly variable local prevalence rates between countries and within countries. HCV infection patterns have not significantly changed in most parts of the world since 1997, when first analyzed, partly due to the lack of new and more accurate data. The assessment of the national HCV prevalence and transmission modes should be completed to enable national authorities to prioritize preventive measures and to make the most appropriate use of available resources. The 090004patchy090005 epidemiological situation in some areas will continue to complicate the task of the establishment of global, regional and national base line data. The present assessment finds a global prevalence of 2.35%, affecting 160 million chronically infected individuals. There is an urgent need for more accurate Information on the costs and burden of HCV to society. Twenty-one year after the discovery of HCV, the assessment is far from being complete and little progress has been made in the past 10 years in many countries. In some countries significant increases have been reported and this may also apply to countries were insufficient data exist. A safe and efficient vaccine against HCV is urgently needed.
DOI:10.1111/j.1469-0691.2010.03432.x      PMID:21091831      URL    
[3] MCHUTCHISON J G,LAWITZ E J,SHIFFMAN M L,et al.Peginterferon alfa-2b or alfa-2a with ribavirin for treatment of hepatitis C infection[J].N Engl J Med,2009,361(6):580-593.
Abstract BACKGROUND: Treatment guidelines recommend the use of peginterferon alfa-2b or peginterferon alfa-2a in combination with ribavirin for chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection. However, these regimens have not been adequately compared. METHODS: At 118 sites, patients who had HCV genotype 1 infection and who had not previously been treated were randomly assigned to undergo 48 weeks of treatment with one of three regimens: peginterferon alfa-2b at a standard dose of 1.5 microg per kilogram of body weight per week or a low dose of 1.0 microg per kilogram per week, plus ribavirin at a dose of 800 to 1400 mg per day, or peginterferon alfa-2a at a dose of 180 microg per week plus ribavirin at a dose of 1000 to 1200 mg per day. We compared the rate of sustained virologic response and the safety and adverse-event profiles between the peginterferon alfa-2b regimens and between the standard-dose peginterferon alfa-2b regimen and the peginterferon alfa-2a regimen. RESULTS: Among 3070 patients, rates of sustained virologic response were similar among the regimens: 39.8% with standard-dose peginterferon alfa-2b, 38.0% with low-dose peginterferon alfa-2b, and 40.9% with peginterferon alfa-2a (P=0.20 for standard-dose vs. low-dose peginterferon alfa-2b; P=0.57 for standard-dose peginterferon alfa-2b vs. peginterferon alfa-2a). Estimated differences in response rates were 1.8% (95% confidence interval [CI], -2.3 to 6.0) between standard-dose and low-dose peginterferon alfa-2b and -1.1% (95% CI, -5.3 to 3.0) between standard-dose peginterferon alfa-2b and peginterferon alfa-2a. Relapse rates were 23.5% (95% CI, 19.9 to 27.2) for standard-dose peginterferon alfa-2b, 20.0% (95% CI, 16.4 to 23.6) for low-dose peginterferon alfa-2b, and 31.5% (95% CI, 27.9 to 35.2) for peginterferon alfa-2a. The safety profile was similar among the three groups; serious adverse events were observed in 8.6 to 11.7% of patients. Among the patients with undetectable HCV RNA levels at treatment weeks 4 and 12, a sustained virologic response was achieved in 86.2% and 78.7%, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: In patients infected with HCV genotype 1, the rates of sustained virologic response and tolerability did not differ significantly between the two available peginterferon-ribavirin regimens or between the two doses of peginterferon alfa-2b. ( number, NCT00081770 .) 2009 Massachusetts Medical Society
DOI:10.1056/NEJMoa0808010      PMID:19625712      URL    
[4] 陈丹,汤姝岚.抗丙型肝炎病毒药索非布韦的临床研究进展[J].中国药房,2015,26(16):2284-2286.
目的:综述抗丙型肝炎病毒(HCV)药索非布韦的临床研究进展。方法:以"Sofosbuvir""索非布韦""索氟布韦""丙型肝炎"和"NS5B聚合酶抑制剂"等为关键词,组合检索2010年1月至2015年2月Pub Med、万方、维普、中国知网等数据库,对索非布韦的临床药理(作用机制、药动学、药物相互作用、耐药性)、适用特殊人群、临床试验及安全性评价等内容进行综述。结果:共检索到相关文献76条,其中有效文献20条。作用机制方面,索非布韦通过与HCV的RNA核苷酸竞争HCV特异性NS5B聚合酶活化位点而发挥抗病毒作用,给药剂量为400 mg/d时对病毒的抑制作用最佳。临床应用方面,索非布韦适用于HCV初治患者和既往干扰素治疗失败的患者,不同HCV基因型感染可采用不同的给药方案;索非布韦对HCV感染合并肝硬化、肝脏移植和人类免疫缺陷病毒感染患者也有效,且给药时无需调整剂量。此外,索非布韦的耐药性较好、药物相互作用少、不良事件发生率较低。结论:索非布韦用于慢性HCV感染治疗,具有病毒学应答率高、适用人群广、不良反应发生率低、给药方式简单等特点,相信在未来会拥有良好的应用前景。
[5] HYE J Y,JU Y R,BONG K Y.Meta-analysis of the efficacy and safety of sofosbuvir for the treatment of hepatitis C virus infection[J].Int J Clin Pharm,2015,37(5):698-708
Abstract BACKGROUND: Hepatitis C virus infection is a worldwide health problem and one of the leading causes of cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma. Recently, sofosbuvir was introduced to the therapeutic arsenal against this virus, thereby paving the way for all-oral regimen. Aims of the review This study aimed to systematically analyze the efficacy and safety of sofosbuvir for the treatment of hepatitis C virus infection. METHOD: PubMed and EMBASE database searches were conducted using "sofosbuvir" as the search term. Phase III clinical studies retrieved from the two databases and resources posted on the Drug@FDA and websites were evaluated with regard to outcomes of the efficacy and safety analyses of the drug. RESULTS: Eight Phase III clinical studies compared the efficacy and safety of sofosbuvir. When sofosbuvir replaced peginterferon which was used in the previous standard regimen, a superior sustained virologic response, as defined by a viral RNA load less than the lower limit of quantification 12 weeks after cessation of therapy, was obtained (74.3 vs. 66.7%, p < 0.05). The response improved even more (90.8 vs. 66.7%, p < 0.0001) when sofosbuvir was used as an add-on therapy to the standard regimen. The overall odds ratio to achieve the response in the sofosbuvir-containing arm of the eight clinical studies was 3.66 times greater (95% CI 3.00-4.46) than that of the standard regimen arm. During the eight clinical studies, adverse events were observed in 83.61 and 87.22% of the patients in the sofosbuvir and non-sofosbuvir arms, respectively, with the most frequent events being mild central nervous system symptoms such as fatigue, headache, and asthenia. CONCLUSIONS: Sofosbuvir was safe and effective in the treatment of hepatitis C virus genotype 1, 2, 3, or 4 infections. However, the lack of persistence of the sustained virologic response beyond the study duration and long-term safety concerns need to be addressed in future studies.
DOI:10.1007/s11096-015-0144-x      PMID:26047942      URL    
[6] 陈本川. 抗丙型肝炎病毒药:索非布韦[J].医药导报,2014,33(8):1118-1120.
[7] 陈恩华 .聚乙二醇干扰素利巴韦林单用及联合索非布韦治疗慢性丙型肝炎疗效观察[J].母婴世界,2016,16(2) :74.
[8] 范雪娟,冯黎明,潘琳琳.索非布韦治疗丙型病毒性肝炎的临床疗效观察[J].医药前沿,2016,6(14):75-76.
[9] 张晓兰,夏佳.浅谈药物警戒中的安全信号与信号管理[J].药物流行病学杂志,2012,21(2):90-94.
正在探索药物安全性问题的过程中,各国政府、相关专业机构和制药企业均投入了大量时间、精力、资金来收集安全相关信息,包括从临床试验中收集的安全信息、上市后药品不良反应(adverse drug reaction,ADR)报告、文献中个案报道和案例系列等。前期的种种投入,最初往往是围绕数据的采集而展
[10] 彭媛,王程程,唐利,.西格列汀上市后致皮肤不良反应的信号挖掘与评价[J].中国药房,2014,25(2):156-158.
[11] 彭媛,王程程,唐利,.西格列汀上市后安全警戒信号的挖掘与评价[J].中国医院药学杂志,2014,34(1):33-36.
目的:挖掘和评价西格列汀上市后的安全警戒信号,为临床用药提供参考.方法:采用报告比值比法(ROR)对美国食品药品监督管理局(FDA)的不良事件报告系统(AERS)进行西格列汀的安全信号挖掘,利用SPSS 16.0分析年龄、性别、用药时间、剂量对安全信号的影响.结果:纳入2009-2011年AERS的数据共挖掘出西格列汀165个可疑的不良反应信号,其中消化系统不良反应信号51个.通过统计学分析发现消化系统不良反应相对其他不良反应在性别(P=0.134)、年龄(P=0.395)、用药剂量(P=0.641)中的分布差异均无统计学意义,在用药时间(P =0.000)差异有统计学意义.消化系统ADR中,性别构成无差异;45~65岁组和65岁以上组的患者明显多于25岁以下组和25~45岁组;ADR较多发生在用药半年内;剂量集中在50~100 mg·d-1.结论:通过对西格列汀安全信号的挖掘和评价为进一步的研究奠定基础.
[12] SAKAEDA T,KADOYAMA K,OKUNO Y.Statin- associa-ted muscular and renal adverse events :data mining of the public version of the FDA adverse event reporting system[J].PLoS One,2011,6(12):e28124.
Objective Adverse event reports (AERs) submitted to the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) were reviewed to assess the muscular and renal adverse events induced by the administration of 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A (HMG-CoA) reductase inhibitors (statins) and to attempt to determine the rank-order of the association. Methods After a revision of arbitrary drug names and the deletion of duplicated submissions, AERs involving pravastatin, simvastatin, atorvastatin, or rosuvastatin were analyzed. Authorized pharmacovigilance tools were used for quantitative detection of signals, i.e., drug-associated adverse events, including the proportional reporting ratio, the reporting odds ratio, the information component given by a Bayesian confidence propagation neural network, and the empirical Bayes geometric mean. Myalgia, rhabdomyolysis and an increase in creatine phosphokinase level were focused on as the muscular adverse events, and acute renal failure, non-acute renal failure, and an increase in blood creatinine level as the renal adverse events. Results Based on 1,644,220 AERs from 2004 to 2009, signals were detected for 4 statins with respect to myalgia, rhabdomyolysis, and an increase in creatine phosphokinase level, but these signals were stronger for rosuvastatin than pravastatin and atorvastatin. Signals were also detected for acute renal failure, though in the case of atorvastatin, the association was marginal, and furthermore, a signal was not detected for non-acute renal failure or for an increase in blood creatinine level. Conclusions Data mining of the FDA's adverse event reporting system, AERS, is useful for examining statin-associated muscular and renal adverse events. The data strongly suggest the necessity of well-organized clinical studies with respect to statin-associated adverse events.
DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0028124      PMID:3243683      URL    
[13] 魏志军,程能能,何乐,.上海市药品不良反应自发呈报数据库定量信号检测系统的建立[J].复旦学报(医学版),2006,33(4):475-490.
[14] 汤榕,李林贵,孙维红,.药品不良反应报告常用信号检测方法应用研究[J].中国药房,2012,23(14):1309-1311.
[15] ROTHMAN K J,LANES S,SACKS S T.The reporting odds ratio and its advantages over the proportional reporting ratio[J].Pharm Drug Saf,2004,13(8):519-523.
Abstract Purpose The proportional reporting ratio (PRR) is the proportion of spontaneous reports for a given drug that are linked to a specific adverse outcome, divided by the corresponding proportion for all or several other drugs. The PRR is similar to the proportional mortality ratio (PMR), an old epidemiologic measure calculated from death registries and constructed in similar fashion to the PRR. The PMR has important deficiencies, however, which the PRR shares. Miettinen and Wang demonstrated that the PMR could be improved by reformulating it as an odds ratio and applying the principles of a case-control study to the measure. In this paper, we review the problem with the PRR and show how the corresponding odds ratio represents an improvement over the PRR. Methods The method used is discussion and illustration by way of a hypothetical example. Results The PRR does not estimate relative risk. If, however, a spontaneous report database is viewed as source data for a case-control study, the reporting odds ratio (ROR) can be used to estimate relative risk. Treating the data as source data for a case-control study allows for further reduction of bias by the judicious choice of controls. Conclusions Calculating the ROR in spontaneous report databases offers advantages over the PRR. It allows for estimation of the relative risk, and focuses attention on which people or reports should be included or excluded from the control series, permitting more deliberate elimination of biases. It also highlights the inherent weaknesses in spontaneous report data, which become more evident in light of the usual principles of control selection in case-control studies.
DOI:10.1002/pds.1001      PMID:15317031      URL    
[16] 陈本川. 抗丙型肝炎病毒药——盐酸达克拉韦[J].医药导报,2016,35(2):215-219.
[17] 王超,叶小飞,钱维,.药品不良反应信号检测中的关联规则[J].中国药物警戒,2010,7(3):145-147.
Meta分析是系统综述中数据的定量统计分析方法,目前已涌现出一些关于Meta分析在药物 流行病学中的研究,Meta分析应用于药品不良反应有其独特优势。通过介绍Meta分析的概念、研究步骤,结合噻唑烷二酮类药物引起的心血管事件、药品不 良反应发生率及种族差异间的Meta分析实例,指出在药品不良反应信号检测的Meta分析时,应注意灵敏度分析、亚组分析及选择正确的模型。
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Adverse drug reactions
Signals mining and analys...


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