中国科技论文统计源期刊 中文核心期刊  
医药导报, 2017, 36(10): 1103-1107
doi: 10.3870/j.issn.1004-0781.2017.10.004
Effects of Orexin-1 Receptor Inhibitor on Proliferation and Osteogenic Differentiation of Bone Marrow Mesenchymal Stem Cells
张丽媛, 纳青青, 吴天秀


目的 探讨orexin-1受体抑制剂对骨髓间充质干细胞(BMSCs)增殖与成骨分化的影响。方法 提取SD大鼠BMSCs并鉴定,配制10-2,10-3,10-4,10-5,10-6 mol·L-1不同浓度的orexin-1受体抑制剂溶液,分别与第3代BMSCs共培养后,应用噻唑蓝(MTT)法检测orexin-1受体抑制剂对BMSCs增殖的影响。对硝基苯磷酸盐法和双抗体两步夹心酶联免疫吸附法检测碱性磷酸酶和骨钙素,实时荧光定量PCR法检测成骨分化相关基因Runx2、Col1a1 mRNA。结果 orexin-1受体抑制剂最佳促BMSCs增殖浓度为1×10-4 mol·L-1。10-4,10-5,10-6 mol·L-1orexin-1受体抑制剂作用3,5,7 d能升高BMSCs胞浆内碱性磷酸酶表达,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),而且这种作用在第5天达到高峰。10-4,10-5,10-6 mol·L-1orexin-1受体抑制剂作用7 d可使骨钙素含量升高(P<0.05)。10-4,10-5,10-6 mol·L-1orexin-1受体抑制剂上调Runx2、COL1A1 mRNA表达。结论 orexin-1受体抑制剂可促进BMSCs增殖,同时促进其向成骨细胞方向分化,促进BMSCs表达碱性磷酸酶刺激骨钙素的分泌。

关键词: orexin-1受体抑制剂 ; 骨髓间充质干细胞 ; 碱性磷酸酶 ; 骨钙素


Objective To observe the effects of orexin-1 receptor inhibitor on proliferation and estrogenic differentiation of bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells (BMSCs). Methods BMSCs were isolated and cultured from Sprague-Dawley rats, and orexin-1 receptor inhibitor was prepared to different concentration of solutions: 10-2, 10-3, 10-4, 10-5 and 10-6 mol·L-1. Then, the cells at passage 3 were cultured in orexin-1 receptor inhibitor solutions. The cell growth, alkaline phosphatase activity and osteocalcin secretion were measured by MTT, PNPP and ELISA, respectively. The mRNA expression levels of Runx2 and COL1A1 were detected by real-time quantitative PCR. Results The best concentration of orexin-1 receptor inhibitor for the proliferation of BMSCs was 1×10-4 mol·L-1. Orexin-1 receptor inhibitor promoted the proliferation at concentration of 10-6, 10-5, 10-4 mol·L-1 in 3, 5 and 7 days. Orexin-1 receptor inhibitor at concentration of 10-6, 10-5 and 10-4 mol·L-1 for 5 days significantly stimulated ALP activity. Orexin-1 receptor inhibitor significantly up-regulated Runx2 and COL1A1 mRNA expression at concentration of 10-6, 10-5, 10-4 mol·L-1 for 5 days (P<0.05). Conclusion Orexin-1 receptor inhibitor can promote BMSCs proliferation and stimulated ALP activity and osteocalcin secretion.

Key words: Orexin-1 receptor inhibitor ; Bone marrow mesenchymal stem cell ; Alkaline phosphatase ; Osteocalcin

随着人口日益老龄化,老年性疾病,特别骨质疏松症的发病率也在不断上升。目前我国有骨质疏松症患者约9 000万例,到 2050年预计将激增至2亿多例,占我国人口的13.2%[1]。骨质疏松的关键问题就是骨形成减少,但目前用于骨质疏松治疗的骨形成促进药,疗效不确切,副作用明显,已成为目前骨质疏松治疗的瓶颈[2-3]。orexin是神经细胞进行相互通讯的一种蛋白。它们被证实调控许多行为,包括觉醒、食欲、能量消耗和失眠。研究发现,与自发性日间嗜睡相关的Orexin蛋白,在骨形成中发挥至关重要的作用[4]。因此探讨orexin-1受体抑制剂对骨髓间充质干细胞(bone marrow mesenchymal cell,BMSCs)的调节作用,有可能成为治疗骨质疏松的新疗法。

1 材料与方法
1.1 实验动物


1.2 药品与试剂


1.3 仪器与设备


1.4 BMSCs的提取

参照文献[5]方法。 4周龄SD大鼠,取双侧股骨及胫骨骨髓,置于完全DMEM培养瓶,于二氧化碳培养箱内培养。24 h首次换液,以后每隔3或4 d换液1次。细胞传代:待细胞铺满瓶底,37 ℃消化3 min,按1:2或1:3传代,以选定的培养基、血清及其适宜浓度进行扩增培养。

1.5 BMSCs的鉴定


1.6 MTT法检测orexin-1受体抑制剂对BMSCs体外增殖的影响

参照文献[7]方法。取BMSCsP3细胞消化后,以1×104·(cm2)-1细胞加入96孔板,次日加药,分为空白对照组和orexin-1受体抑制剂组(orexin-1受体抑制剂浓度为10-2,10-3,10-4,10-5,10-6 mol·L-1),加药后24,48,72 h,每孔加入MTT 20 μL,37 ℃避光孵育30 min,4 h后弃去上清液,每孔加入二甲亚砜(DMSO)100 μL,待结晶充分溶解后,酶标仪570 nm波长下检测吸光度值(A值)。

1.7 对硝基苯磷酸盐(P-nitrophenyl phosphate,PNPP)法检测orexin-1受体抑制剂对BMSCs的碱性磷酸酶(ALP)表达影响

参照文献[8]方法。取BMSCs P3细胞消化,以1×104·(cm2)-1细胞数加入96孔板,次日加药,分为空白对照组、成骨诱导组和orexin-1受体抑制剂组(orexin-1受体抑制剂浓度为10-2,10-3,10-4,10-5,10-6 mol·L-1),每3 d更换一次新鲜培养液和药物。加药3,5,7,9 d后,弃去培养液,磷酸盐缓冲液(PBS)洗2次,每孔加入反应液150 μL,37 ℃避光孵育30 min,每孔加0.04 g·mL-1氢氧化钠溶液100 μL终止反应,用酶标仪在405 nm波长下检测其A值。

1.8 酶联免疫吸附测定(ELISA)法检测orexin-1受体抑制剂对BMSCs作用后骨钙素(osteocalcin OCN)表达的影响

取BMSCsP3细胞消化后,以1×104·(cm2)-1细胞数加入48孔板,次日加药,分组参照“1.7”项。每3 d更换一次新鲜的培养液和药物,收集7 d内细胞培养液,按ELISA试剂盒说明检测OCN的含量。

1.9 orexin-1受体抑制剂对成骨分化相关基因表达的影响

参照文献[9]方法。取BMSCsP3细胞消化,3×105·(cm2)-1种于6孔板,次日加药。分组:空白对照组、Wnt3a组(50 μg·L-1)和orexin-1受体抑制剂组(浓度为10-4,10-5,10-6 mol·L-1)。每3 d更换一次新鲜的培养液和药物。收集处理样品后,将样本管放入紫外分光光度计,在260 nm波长处读取A值。A值×稀释倍数,即得RNA浓度(μg·μL-1),在280 nm处测A值,计算A260/A280(1.7< A260/A280<2.1的样本可用于PCR反应)。

1.10 统计学方法

采用SPSS18.0版统计软件进行统计学分析。计量资料以均数±标准差( x ¯ ±s)表示。各组间采用完全随机单因素方差分析,样本均数间两两比较采用t检验,以P<0.05为差异有统计学意义。

2 结果
2.1 BMSCs形态观察及鉴定

2.1.1 形态 BMSCs生长良好,呈旋涡状。见图1。

图1 大鼠BMSCs培养14 d形态(×100)

Fig.1 Morphology of BMSCs at 14 d after culture(×100)

2.1.2 流式细胞检测 结果 P4代大鼠BMSCs表面抗原CD29表达阳性,阳性细胞率>99%;CD90表达阳性,阳性细胞率>99%,CD45表达阴性,阳性细胞率为3.4%;共表达C D 29 + 和C D 90 + 、C D 45 - 细胞率为96.5%,符合BMSCs特征。见图2。

图2 流式细胞仪检测细胞表面抗原

Fig.2 Detection of cell surface antigens by flow cytometry

2.2 orexin-1受体抑制剂对大鼠BMSCs增殖的影响

结果见表1。表1的结果显示,10-2,10-3 mol·L-1orexin-1受体抑制剂组无促进BMSCs增殖作用。与空白对照组比较,第1天,10-4,10-5,10-6 mol·L-1orexin-1受体抑制剂组促进BMSCs增殖作用,但差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);第2天,10-4 mol·L-1orexin-1受体抑制剂组促进BMSCs增殖差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);第3天,10-4,10-5,10-6 mol·L-1orexin-1受体抑制剂组促进BMSCs增殖,差异有统计学意义(均P<0.05)。第1天,10-6 mol·L-1orexin-1受体抑制剂组细胞数量比10-4 mol·L-1orexin-1受体抑制剂组多(P<0.05)。第2天开始,10-4 mol·L-1orexin-1受体抑制剂组比10-5,10-6 mol·L-1orexin-1受体抑制剂组细胞增殖率高。

表1 6组BMSCs增殖率测定值(A值)
Tab.1 Proliferation of six groups of BMSCs (A value) x¯±s,n=6
组别 第1天 第2天 第3天
空白对照组 0.421 5±0.041 3 0.422 5±0.002 0 0.447 1±0.017 8
10-2mol·L-1 0.422 5±0.078 3 0.425 2±0.019 0 0.455 5±0.043 4
10-3mol·L-1 0.420 0±0.020 5 0.431 0±0.032 0 0.442 1±0.026 2
10-4mol·L-1 0.430 5±0.015 6 0.512 5±0.037 1*1 0.520 3±0.041 1*1
10-5mol·L-1 0.429 7±0.065 3 0.461 9±0.035 5 0.492 5±0.009 7*1
10-6mol·L-1 0.433 1±0.052 4*1 0.477 5±0.088 6*1 0.471 2±0.023 2*1

Compared with blank control group,*1P<0.05


表1 6组BMSCs增殖率测定值(A值)

Tab.1 Proliferation of six groups of BMSCs (A value) x¯±s,n=6

2.3 orexin-1受体抑制剂对BMSCs碱性磷酸酶表达的影响

结果见表2。与空白对照组比较,成骨诱导组第3天抑制碱性磷酸酶表达,第5天促进碱性磷酸酶表达,第7天达到高峰。10-3 mol·L-1 orexin-1受体抑制剂作用7 d抑制细胞碱性磷酸酶的表达(P<0.05)。10-4,10-5,10-6 mol·L-1 orexin-1受体抑制剂作用3,5,7 d能升高BMSCs碱性磷酸酶表达,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。这种促进碱性磷酸酶表达的作用在第5天达到高峰。

表2 7组BMSCs碱性磷酸酶活性(A值表示)
Tab.2 Activity of alkaline phosphatase in seven groups of BMSCs(A value) x¯±s,n=7
组别 第3天 第5天
空白对照组 0.32±0.01 0.33±0.01
成骨诱导组 0.30±0.01*1 0.37±0.06*1
10-2mol·L-1 0.30±0.02 0.31±0.03
10-3mol·L-1 0.32±0.01 0.32±0.01*1
10-4mol·L-1 0.35±0.06*1 0.38±0.02*1
10-5mol·L-1 0.35±0.01*1 0.37±0.01*1
10-6mol·L-1 0.35±0.00*1 0.37±0.01*1
组别 第7天 第9天
空白对照组 0.32±0.02 0.31±0.02
成骨诱导组 0.42±0.02*1 0.39±0.02*1
10-2mol·L-1 0.33±0.01 0.32±0.01
10-3mol·L-1 0.30±0.03*1 0.30±0.01
10-4mol·L-1 0.36±0.00*1 0.32±0.01
10-5mol·L-1 0.36±0.01*1 0.31±0.01
10-6mol·L-1 0.36±0.02*1 0.31±0.02

Compared with blank control group,*1P<0.05


表2 7组BMSCs碱性磷酸酶活性(A值表示)

Tab.2 Activity of alkaline phosphatase in seven groups of BMSCs(A value) x¯±s,n=7

2.4 orexin-1受体抑制剂对大鼠BMSCs骨钙素的影响

结果见表3。经成骨诱导液诱导7 d,BMSCs分泌骨钙素比空白对照组多;与空白对照组比较,10-2,10-3 mol·L-1orexin-1受体抑制剂处理,差异无统计学意义;10-4,10-5,10-6 mol·L-1的orexin-1受体抑制剂处理BMSCs7 d,骨钙素分泌增多,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。

表3 7组BMSCs分泌骨钙素检测值
Tab.3 Osteocalcin secretion in seven groups of BMSCs mg·L-1,x¯±s,n=6
组别 骨钙素浓度
空白对照组 0.712 2±0.053 0
成骨诱导组 0.815 0±0.047 5*1
10-2 mol·L-1 0.714 8±0.006 8
10-3 mol·L-1 0.718 2±0.031 9
10-4 mol·L-1 1.077 7±0.099 5*1
10-5 mol·L-1 1.020 1±0.033 9*1
10-6 mol·L-1 0.982 2±0.051 56*1

Compared with blank control group,*1P<0.05


表3 7组BMSCs分泌骨钙素检测值

Tab.3 Osteocalcin secretion in seven groups of BMSCs mg·L-1,x¯±s,n=6

2.5 orexin-1受体抑制剂对成骨分化基因表达的影响

结果见表4。与空白对照组比较,Wnt3a上调Runx2 mRNA、COL1A1 mRNA的表达(P<0.05);orexin-1受体抑制剂也上调Runx2 mRNA、COL1A1 mRNA的表达(P<0.05),这种作用和orexin-1受体抑制剂浓度有相关性。

表4 5组BMSCs靶基因的表达
Tab.4 Target gene expression of five groups of BMSCs x¯±s,n=3
组别与浓度 COL1A1表达 Runx2表达
空白对照组 1.02±0.22 1.16±0.25
Wnt3a组 3.12±0.33*1 4.37±0.21*1
10-4mol·L-1 3.23±0.14*1 4.11±0.53*1
10-5mol·L-1 3.18±0.43*1 4.08±0.78*1
10-6mol·L-1 2.88±0.29*1 2.89±0.51*1

Compared with blank control group,*1P<0.05


表4 5组BMSCs靶基因的表达

Tab.4 Target gene expression of five groups of BMSCs x¯±s,n=3

3 讨论


本实验结果明确orexin-1受体抑制剂有促进BMSCs增殖的作用。10-3 mol·L-1orexin-1受体抑制剂会抑制BMSCs碱性磷酸酶表达,10-4,10-5,10-6 mol·L-1orexin-1受体抑制剂能升高BMSCs碱性磷酸酶表达,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。从第3,5,7,9天检测数据发现,成骨诱导组碱性磷酸酶表达在第7天达到高峰;而orexin-1受体抑制剂组碱性磷酸酶表达在第5天达到高峰。与空白对照组比较,经orexin-1受体抑制剂处理7 d,BMSCs分泌的骨钙素增多,orexin-1受体抑制剂各浓度组骨钙素分泌量与相应各组ALP含量的变化趋势一致。与空白对照组比较,Wnt3a组上调COL1A1 mRNA、Runx2 mRNA;与空白对照组比较,orexin-1受体抑制剂组也上调COL1A1 mRNA、Runx2 mRNA。实验结果提示orexin-1受体抑制剂能促进BMSCs的早期成骨分化指标碱性磷酸酶和成骨分化晚期指标OCN的表达,启动COL1A1 mRNA、Runx2 mRNA,促进BMSCs成骨分化。

The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.


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为了优化骨质疏松症( Osteoporosis , OP)的治疗策略,Cummings等学者提出了制定骨质疏松症治疗的直接目标,并认为骨密度(Bone mineral density, BMD)、骨折风险性及骨转换标志物(Bone turnover markers, BTM)可能作为重要的目标参数。这一目标的确立具有重要的临床价值,有利于临床更合理的选择初始治疗的方案,有利于改善患者在治疗中的随诊,有利于更恰当的评估药物对BMD和骨折风险性的效应,而且帮助临床医师决定是否转变治疗方案及何时停药。确立了直接目标,治疗就应以此目标为基准,以最大可能性达到目标的治疗方案作为最合适的治疗选择,并以接近此目标的周期性评估作为最合理的评估方案。尽管确立OP治疗的直接目标尚存在许多亟待解决和有待探讨的问题,它的确立已成为OP治疗的必然趋势,具有深远的临床意义。故本文就骨质疏松治疗的直接目标及其国内外现状和共识问题做一综述。
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<p>骨质疏松是一种以骨量减少和骨组织微结构破坏为特征,并能导致骨脆性增加和易于骨折的全身性疾病. 目前治疗该病的主要目的是预防骨折的发生,但仍没有特效药. 在治疗骨质疏松的3类药物中,骨吸收抑制剂是当前的主要药物,它通过抑制骨的重吸收来提高骨密度;骨形成促进剂可以直接刺激骨形成,并且有重建骨组织的效应;骨矿化物是防治骨质疏松的基础药物,包括钙剂和维生素D. 然而,随着科学研究的不断深入,出现了一些新的治疗理念和策略,靶向治疗成为未来药物的发展趋势. 当前以RANKL信号通路和Wnt信号通路的研究为依据的各种骨生长因子制剂 (如denosumab,sclerostin antibody等)逐渐被开发,疗效也较好. 另外,BMP信号通路作为骨生长的重要调节通路,其刺激骨形成的作用十分突出,且在该通路的调节蛋白中存在较多潜在靶点,如Smurf1,CKIP-1等. 这在靶向治疗骨质疏松的新药研发领域值得深入探讨.</p>
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Orexin neuropeptides promote arousal, appetite, reward, and energy expenditure. However, whether orexin affects bone mass accrual is unknown. Here, we show that orexin functions centrally through orexin receptor 2 (OX2R) in the brain to enhance bone formation. OX2R null mice exhibit low bone mass owing to elevated circulating leptin, whereas central administration of an OX2R-selective agonist augments bone mass. Conversely, orexin also functions peripherally through orexin receptor 1 (OX1R) in the bone to suppress bone formation. OX1R null mice exhibit high bone mass owing to a differentiation shift from marrow adipocyte to osteoblast that results from higher osseous ghrelin expression. The central action is dominant because bone mass is reduced in orexin null and OX1R2R double null mice but enhanced in orexin-overexpressing transgenic mice. These findings reveal orexin as a critical rheostat of skeletal homeostasis that exerts a yin-yang dual regulation and highlight orexin as a therapeutic target for osteoporosis.
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[5] 李晓峰,赵劲民,苏伟,.大鼠骨髓间充质干细胞的培养与鉴定[J].中国组织工程研究与临床康复,2011,15(10):1721-1725.
背景:骨髓间充质干细胞在骨髓中含量极低,体外培养难度较大.体外分离培养纯度高、活力强、生物特性均一的间充质干细胞,对组织工程及细胞的体内、体外实验显得至关重要.目的:建立大鼠骨髓间充质干细胞的分离、培养、纯化方法,并进行细胞形态学观察、表面标志物鉴定及多向分化能力检测.方法:通过全骨髓贴壁法体外分离、培养、纯化大鼠骨髓间充质干细胞,进行形态学观察,绘制生长曲线,细胞周期分析,流式细胞仪检测细胞表面标记物,分别向成骨、成脂方向诱导分化.结果与结论:大鼠骨髓间充质干细胞生长以梭形细胞为主,呈放射状排列的细胞集落,细胞生长旺盛,可连续稳定传代10代以上.生长曲线及细胞周期显示骨髓间充质干细胞符合正常细胞生长特征且生长活跃.第3代骨髓间充质干细胞CD44,CD90,CD105均呈阳性表达,而CD34,CD45呈阴性表达.成脂、成骨诱导后,油红O染色、碱性磷酸酶染色、von Kossa法染色和茜素红染色均呈阳性.全骨髓贴壁培养法操作简单,可大量分离、纯化、扩增骨髓间充质干细胞,所获细胞具有间充质干细胞的一般生物学特性,经诱导培养后具有多向分化潜能.实验所用的全骨髓贴壁法法为组织工程提供充足的种子细胞来源具有重要的现实意义.
[6] 祝旭龙,颜谭,姚维杰,.大鼠骨髓间充质干细胞的分离与培养方法优化[J].南方医科大学学报,2014,11(34):1621-1626.
[7] LIU R F,LI J Q,HOU R X,et al.Impact of BMSCs from different sources on proliferation of C cells[J].Genet Mol Res,2015,14(1):474-482.
Abstract There are significant differences on the biological characteristics of bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells (BMMSCs), immunological response, and antigen-presenting functions between patients with psoriasis and normal subjects, but there are no significant differences in aborted fetuses. We examined the differences in BMMSCs between aborted fetuses and patients with psoriasis in this study. Bone marrow from normal subjects, aborted fetuses, and patients with psoriasis were obtained using a MidiMACS machine. Density gradient centrifugation method was used to isolate the bone marrow mononuclear cells of patients with psoriasis and aborted fetus and the cells were cultivated. Bone marrow CD34(+) cells from normal subjects were isolated. MTT colorimetric detection was used to test the proliferation activity of bone marrow CD34(+) cells. The purity of bone marrow CD34(+) cells and BMMSCs was determined by flow cytometry. The BMMSC culture supernatant fluid of patients with psoriasis and aborted fetuses showed no statistically significant difference with bone marrow CD34(+) cell proliferation in normal subjects (P > 0.05).
DOI:10.4238/2015.January.23.22      PMID:25729981      URL    
[8] 赵弻洲,田佳灵,余占海,.淫羊藿苷对人牙周膜细胞OCN表达水平的影响[J].西部中医药,2014,27(1):26-28.
[9] 于健. 成骨细胞分化过程中相关基因的表达[D].济南:山东大学,2013:14-18.
[10] SAKURAI T,AMENMIYA A,ISHII M,et al.Orexins and orexin receptors:a family of hypothalamic neuropeptides and G protein-coupled receptors that regulate feeding behavior[J].Cell,1998,92(4):573-585.
The hypothalamus plays a central role in the integrated control of feeding and energy homeostasis. We have identified two novel neuropeptides, both derived from the same precursor by proteolytic processing, that bind and activate two closely related (previously) orphan G protein-coupled receptors. These peptides, termed orexin-A and -B, have no significant structural similarities to known families of regulatory peptides. prepro-orexin mRNA and immunoreactive orexin-A are localized in neurons within and around the lateral and posterior hypothalamus in the adult rat brain. When administered centrally to rats, these peptides stimulate food consumption. prepro-orexin mRNA level is up-regulated upon fasting, suggesting a physiological role for the peptides as mediators in the central feedback mechanism that regulates feeding behavior.
DOI:10.1016/S0092-8674(00)80949-6      PMID:9527442      URL    
[11] FUNATO H,TSAI A L,WILLIE J T,et al.Enhanced orexin receptor-2 signaling prevents diet induced obesity and improves leptin sensitivity[J].Cell Metab,2009,9(1) :64-76.
The hypothalamic orexin neuropeptide acutely promotes appetite, yet orexin deficiency in humans and mice is associated with obesity. Prolonged effects of increased orexin signaling upon energy homeostasis have not been fully characterized. Here, we examine the metabolic effects of orexin gain of function utilizing genetic and pharmacologic techniques in mice. Transgenic orexin overexpression confers resistance to high-fat diet-induced obesity and insulin insensitivity by promoting energy expenditure and reducing consumption. Genetic studies indicate that orexin receptor-2 (OX2R), rather than OX1R signaling, predominantly mediates this phenotype. Likewise, prolonged central administration of an OX2R-selective peptide agonist inhibits diet-induced obesity. While orexin overexpression enhances the anorectic-catabolic effects of central leptin administration, obese leptin-deficient mice are completely resistant to the metabolic effects of orexin overexpression or OX2R agonist infusion. We conclude that enhanced orexin-OX2R signaling confers resistance to diet-induced features of the metabolic syndrome through negative energy homeostasis and improved leptin sensitivity.
DOI:10.1016/j.cmet.2008.10.010      PMID:2630400      URL    
[12] HAYNES A C,CHAPMAN H,TAYLOR C,et al.Anorectic,thermogeni and anti-obesity activity of a selective orexin-1 receptor antagonist in ob /ob mice[J].Regul Pept,2002,104(1/3) :153-159.
A single dose of the orexin-1 (OX 1 ) receptor antagonist 1-(2-methylbenzoxazol-6-yl)-3-[1,5] naphthyridin-4-yl urea hydrochloride (SB-334867-A) reduces orexin-A-induced feeding and natural feeding in Sprague Dawley rats. In this study, the anti-obesity effects of SB-334867-A were determined in genetically obese ( ob / ob ) mice dosed with SB-334867-A (30 mg/kg, i.p.) once daily for 7 days, and then twice daily for a further 7 days. SB-334867-A reduced cumulative food intake and body weight gain over 14 days. Total fat mass gain, determined by Dual Emission X-ray Absorptiometry, was reduced, while gain in fat-free mass was unchanged. Fasting (5 h) blood glucose was also reduced at the end of the study, with a trend to reduced plasma insulin. Interscapular brown adipose tissue (BAT) weight was reduced, the tissue was noticeably darker in colour and quantitative PCR (TaqMan) analysis of this tissue showed a trend to an increase in uncoupling protein-1 mRNA expression, suggesting that SB-334867-A might stimulate thermogenesis. This was confirmed in a separate study in which a single dose of SB-334867-A (30 mg/kg, i.p.) increased metabolic rate over 4 h in ob / ob mice. OX 1 receptor mRNA was detected in BAT, and its expression was increased by 58% by treatment with SB-334867-A. This is the first demonstration that OX 1 receptor antagonists have potential as both anti-obesity and anti-diabetic agents.
DOI:10.1016/S0167-0115(01)00358-5      PMID:11830290      URL    
[13] ZIOLKOWSKA,A,RUCINSKI,M,TYCZEWSKA M,et al.Orexin B inhibits proliferation and stimulates specialized function of cultured rat calvarial osteoblast-like cell[J].Int J Mol Med,2008,22(6):749-755.
Abstract Orexin-A (OXA) and orexin-B (OXB) are polypeptides derived from the same 130 amino acid long precursor (prepro-orexin) that bind and activate two closely related orphan G protein-coupled receptors OX1-R and OX2-R. These hypothalamic neuropeptides stimulate food intake and energy expenditure and play a significant role in sleep-wakefulness regulation. Present studies aimed to investigate the effects of orexins on proliferative activity and osteocalcin secretion by cultured rat calvarial osteoblast-like (ROB) cells. Conventional RT-PCR methods detected expression of the OX1-R gene in freshly isolated ROB cells and cells cultured for 7, 14 and 21 days. In contrast, at all time points tested, expression of prepro-OX or OX2-R genes was not demonstrated. QPCR revealed the highest expression of OX1-R gene in freshly isolated bone cells and a notably lower one in cultured ROB cells. Exposure of cultured cells to both OXA and OXB stimulated expression of the OX1-R gene. However, this effect was seen at the lowest tested concentration (1x10(-10) M). Exposure of cultured ROB cells to OXA for 48 h did not change osteocalcin concentrations in media analyzed at days 7, 14 and 21 of culture. On the contrary, OXB notably stimulated osteocalcin concentrations in media taken at days 14 and 21 of culture. In contrast, OXA exerted a notable inhibitory effect on the proliferative activity of ROB cells at day 7 of culture, while OXB exerted a similar effect at day 14. Thus, the obtained results suggest that: (i)(ROB) cells are provided with functional OX1-R gene; (ii) in ROB cells expression of this gene seems to be up-regulated by low concentrations of both OXA and OXB; (iii) OXB exerts inhibitory effects on proliferative activity and stimulating effects on osteocalcin secretion by cultured ROB cells; (iv) rat calvarial osteoblasts provided with OX receptor may be a target for circulating orexins. Thus, orexins may be included in the expanding group of neuropeptides involved in the physiological regulation of the major bone cell types.
DOI:10.3892/ijmm_00000081      PMID:19020772      URL    
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Orexin-1 receptor inhibit...
Bone marrow mesenchymal s...
Alkaline phosphatase


ZHANG Liyuan
NA Qingqing
WU Tianxiu