中国科技论文统计源期刊 中文核心期刊  
医药导报, 2017, 36(12): 1419-1421
doi: 10.3870/j.issn.1004-0781.2017.12.022
Pharmaceutical Care of Hypertension Induced by the Combination of Cyclosporine A and Voriconazole in A Child with Aplastic Anemia
吴劲东1, 仇锦春2, 张永2


目的 探讨临床药师参与药物相互作用引起不良反应处理的药学实践。方法 分析1例再生障碍性贫血儿童联合使用环孢素(CsA)与伏立康唑引起的高血压原因及处理。结果 CsA可能导致患儿持续性高血压,除需进行CsA剂量调整,必要时需使用降压药物治疗,在遴选降压药物时亦应考虑其与CsA的药物相互作用。结论 临床药师可以通过分析药物相互作用,参与药物相关性不良反应处理,体现在治疗团队中的价值。

关键词: 环孢素A ; 伏立康唑 ; 相互作用 ; 药物 ; 高血压


Objective To investigate the pharmacy practice of clinical pharmacists' attendance in the treatment of adverse reactions caused by drug interactions. Methods Analysis was conducted on the causes and treatment of hypertension in one pedinatric patient with aplastic anemia induced by combined use of cyclosporine and voriconazole. Results Cyclosporine A could lead to prolonged hypertension.Cyclosporine A dosage should be adjusted;antihypertensive drugs should be used in necessity.When choosing antihypertensive drugs,drug interaction with cyclosporine A should be considered. Conclusion Clinical pharmacists could manage adverse drug reactions by analyzing drug interactions,and offer suggestions for ADR patients.

Key words: Cyclosporin A ; Voriconazole ; Interactions ; drug ; Hypertension

环孢素A(cyclosporine,CsA)是再生障碍性贫血的主要治疗药物,常见不良反应有恶心、呕吐、牙龈增生、高尿酸血症等,高血压是其十分常见的不良反应,发生率大于10%[1]。后者经常导致CsA治疗中断,而加用降血压药物治疗是常用的应对措施。目前儿童常用的抗高血压药物有利尿药、血管紧张素转化酶抑制药(ACEI)、血管紧张素受体抑制药(ARB)、β受体阻滞剂和钙通道阻滞剂,其中钙通道阻滞剂是最常用的, 因其对CsA引起的肾毒性有较好的保护作用[2]。CsA血药浓度易受多种药物影响[3],合并用药极易引起其血药浓度大幅度波动,进而导致包括高血压在内的多种不良反应发生。三唑类抗真菌药物常用于恶性血液病患者真菌感染的预防和治疗,但几乎所有三唑类抗真菌药物都可以通过抑制CYP3A4酶和P-糖蛋白来抑制环孢素的代谢[4]。笔者参与1例再障患儿联用伏立康唑与CsA引起血压持续升高的的药物治疗,报道如下。

1 病例概况

患儿,男,4岁4个月,因患再生障碍性贫血,于2015年1月6日联合使用兔抗胸腺细胞球蛋白(rATG)和CsA治疗,出院后一直予服用CsA。1个月前院外患儿查血常规示血小板偏低,家长自行将CsA加量(75 mg,q12h),2016年1月25日查CsA血药浓度113.2 ng·mL-1,患儿未诉不适,无头痛、头晕,2016年1月26日因发热再次入院,入院诊断“再生障碍性贫血、菌血症、口腔溃疡”,入院时查血压112/69 mmHg(1 mmHg=0.133 kPa)。

2 主要治疗经过及药学监护

鉴于患儿中性粒细胞缺乏并伴有发热、咳嗽症状,入院后先后予以亚胺培南/西司他丁钠0.74 g,静脉滴注,q8h;万古霉素0.25 g,静脉滴注,q8h;伏立康唑50 mg,po,bid。患儿在入院3 d内(2016年1月27日—30日),预防性口服伏立康唑片,血压在正常范围内波动,但患儿咳嗽症状未有改善,于2016年1月31日改用伏立康唑注射液75 mg,静脉滴注,q12h抗真菌治疗。2016年2月1日患儿诉头痛、恶心,测血压134/102 mmHg,考虑为CsA引起的高血压,予下调CsA剂量(50 mg,q12h)。减量后患儿血压连续3 d偏高,2016年2月4日予以加用硝苯地平5 mg舌下含服1次,降压治疗,并复查CsA血药浓度为190.6 ng·mL-1;因患儿咳嗽缓解,于2016年2月4日停用伏立康唑注射液,血压虽稍有下降,但仍偏高。患儿咳嗽症状反复,在2016年2月8日再次予以口服伏立康唑50 mg,po,bid,抗真菌感染治疗6 d,且分别于2016年2月12日,15日,18日临时给予硝苯地平5 mg舌下含服1次,降压治疗,期间监测CsA血药浓度为197.5 ng·mL-1。治疗期间,患儿高血压未见明显改善,至出院时血压仍偏高。出院后每周随访1次该患儿血压变化情况,血压虽较住院时有所下降,维持在130/92 mmHg,但仍未恢复正常,继续使用硝苯地平降压治疗,并嘱咐家长若血压仍控制不佳,需回院治疗。出院后曾回院一次,复查CsA血药浓度为120.5 ng·mL-1

3 讨论
3.1 患儿血压变化的原因及特点

患儿入院后接受抗感染及免疫抑制治疗,治疗药物包括万古霉素、亚胺培南西司他丁钠、伏立康唑和CsA。抗感染治疗最初5 d内,患儿血压平稳,未出现血压升高,调整为伏立康唑静脉治疗后,血压持续上升,考虑静脉使用伏立康唑引起CsA血药浓度升高,继而诱发患儿血压升高。目前已有文献报道,CsA与伏立康唑体内存在药物相互作用,伏立康唑是CYP2C9、CYP2C19和CYP3A4的底物和抑制剂,且其与CsA拥有相同的代谢酶CYP3A4[5]。两者联用会引起CsA的清除率明显下降,半衰期明显延长,最终导致CsA血药浓度上升,引起患儿血压升高。

回顾患儿3次使用伏立康唑的给药时间、给药途径与血压变化有以下特点:①预防真菌感染口服伏立康唑时,血压并未升高,其可能原因是由于儿童口服伏立康唑生物利用度低,联合用药时CsA血药浓度并未出现明显升高,故血压未有明显变化。目前研究表明,口服伏立康唑在2~12岁儿童中生物利用度为45%~80%,波动范围较大,联合用药时产生药物相互作用较弱[6-7]。②静脉使用伏立康唑时,由于伏立康唑生物利用度大幅度提高,CsA血药浓度上升明显而引起高血压。有一项研究显示,在肾移植患者中,伏立康唑能使CsA的Cmax和AUC水平分别提高13%和70%,建议两者合用时,需考虑CsA剂量的调整,以防CsA血药浓度过高,引起毒性反应[5]。予调整CsA剂量和硝苯地平降压治疗后,血压未恢复正常。③在停用伏立康唑2 d后,患儿再次口服伏立康唑,血压仍持续升高,口服6 d后停用伏立康唑,4 d后监测患儿血压仍未恢复正常,因伏立康唑已基本代谢完毕,且患儿出院后,曾回院复测CsA血药浓度在治疗窗范围内,较使用伏立康唑有下降,因而临床药师考虑可能与CsA长期使用引起其后效应相关。一项研究回顾了42例再生障碍性贫血患儿在长期使用免疫抑制剂治疗后,在存活的患儿中发现5例产生了晚期并发症高血压,发生率高达15%,即使在停用CsA后,高血压仍不能马上得到缓解,最短的持续了19个月,最长的持续了207个月,这说明CsA引起的高血压在停药后仍能维持一段较长的时间[8]

3.2 治疗方案调整

研究表明,CsA引起的高血压呈剂量依赖性,在小剂量(1~4 mg·kg-1·d-1)下血压平均升高5 mmHg,在大剂量(>10 mg·kg-1·d-1)下血压平均升高11 mmHg[9]。该患儿在前两次联合用药时,表现出剂量依赖性,调整剂量是解决高血压的首选措施,但该患儿经调整后血压仍偏高。目前有文献报道,对于CsA引起的高血压,在人类和动物的实验中发现,可能存在外周血管和中枢系统两种调控机制,而长期用药后出现的持续高血压可能与上述两种机制密切相关[10-11]。患儿后期停用伏立康唑,单用CsA,血压未见下降。由此可见,单纯通过CsA减量并不能很好地控制血压,反而有可能会使疗效下降,因而此时更应选择合适的降压药物积极对症治疗。

3.3 降压药物选择及药学监护

患儿出现高血压后血压未能有效控制,持续的高血压有引发心血管疾病的风险,故有必要选择合适的降压药物进行降压治疗。对于CsA引起的高血压,钙通道阻滞药被视为治疗CsA相关性高血压的首选,因其对CsA引起的肾毒性有保护作用[2]。但绝大多数钙通道阻滞药通过CYP3A4酶代谢,并对该酶有抑制作用,因而可引起CsA血药浓度的升高。有文献显示,拉西地平对CsA无明显药物相互作用,是最合适的用于CsA引起高血压的钙通道阻滞药[12]。本例患儿选择的是硝苯地平,有研究表明,硝苯地平对肾移植术后患者血中CsA浓度有很大的影响,它可导致CsA的清除率降低,患者在使用硝苯地平30 mg·d-1,并根据CsA血药浓度调整CsA剂量,1年后CsA剂量减少约0.6 mg·kg-1· d - 1 13 。因此临床上应增加CsA浓度的检测次数,以免发生CsA中毒。另有文献提示,联合使用CsA与硝苯地平治疗银屑病,患者存在牙龈增生的不良反应,而本例患儿暂无牙龈增生的情况,可选用硝苯地平临时降压治疗,但需定期观察牙龈情况[14]。若患儿血压仍持续得不到有效控制,临床药师建议可考虑加用其他降压药,如β受体阻断药阿替洛尔、ACEI依那普利、利尿药呋塞米降压治疗,上述3种药物与CsA无药物相互作用,但仍需注意合并使用ACEI药物需定期监测血钾水平,联合使用利尿药时需定期监测肾功能,避免发生或加重药物性肾损伤。同时有研究表明,CsA引起的高血压的特点是血压昼夜节律紊乱,失去正常夜间血压下降规律,或者出现夜间血压升高,嘱家长临睡前需监测血压,有血压升高的情况时,可临时加用一次降压药物[15]


The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.


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We sought to evaluate the effect of intravenous administration of the nitric oxide--donor substance nitroglycerin (NTG) on metabolic coronary-flow regulation in patients with coronary artery disease (CAD). In 12 patients with stable CAD, we measured coronary sinus blood flow and myocardial oxygen supply and consumption (MVO2) at sinus rhythm and during atrial pacing (30 beats/min above sinus rate), both at control and during infusion of NTG, 1 microg/kg/min, and NTG, 2 microg/kg/min. To study metabolic coronary vasodilation, changes in myocardial oxygen supply were related to pacing-induced changes in MVO2, by using standard regression analysis. The myocardial oxygen supply/consumption ratio (i.e., the slope of the regression line at control, characterizing physiological metabolic coronary flow regulation) was compared with the ratios obtained during infusion of NTG. Compared with control measurements, NTG, 1 microg/kg/min, and NTG, 2 microg/kg/min, attenuated pacing-induced increases in MVO2 by 29 and 60%, respectively, whereas coronary blood flow during pacing remained unchanged. At control, normal metabolic coronary-flow regulation resulted in a myocardial oxygen supply/demand ratio of 1.39 (95% CI, 1.29-1.49). This ratio did not change during NTG, 1 microg/kg/min: 1.44 (95% CI, 1.33-1.56). However, during NTG, 2 microg/kg/min, this ratio significantly increased to 1.84 (95% CI, 1.63-2.05; p<0.01). Intravenous administration of high-dose NTG, a donor of exogenous NO, blunts pacing-induced increases in MVO2 and may increase metabolic coronary vasodilation in patients with CAD.
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Objective: Voriconazole is a broad-spectrum triazole antifungal agent under investigation for opportunistic infections that often target immunosuppressed patients. This study investigated the effect of voriconazole on the pharmacokinetics of cyclosporine (INN, ciclosporin). Methods: This was a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, crossover study in kidney transplant recipients with stable renal function who were receiving cyclosporine (150-375 mg/d). During the first study period (7.5 days), subjects in group A received concomitant voriconazole (200 mg every 12 hours); group B received a matched placebo. After a washout period (4 days), subjects were crossed over to the other treatment regimen. Results: In the 7 subjects who completed both regimens, concomitant administration with voriconazole resulted in a 1.7-fold increase in mean cyclosporine area under the plasma concentration-time curve within a dosage interval (AUC
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BACKGROUND: Voriconazole pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic data are lacking in children. METHODS: Records at the Childrens Hospital Los Angeles were reviewed for children with > or =1 serum voriconazole concentration measured from 1 May 2006 through 1 June 2007. Information on demographic characteristics, dosing histories, serum concentrations, toxicity and survival, and outcomes was obtained. RESULTS: A total of 207 voriconazole measurements were obtained from 46 patients (age, 0.8-20.5 years). A 2-compartment Michaelis-Menten pharmacokinetic model fit the data best but explained only 80% of the observed variability. The crude mortality rate was 28%, and each trough serum voriconazole concentration 1000 ng/mL in most patients, but with a wide range of possible concentrations. CONCLUSIONS: We found a pharmacodynamic association between a voriconazole trough >1000 ng/mL and survival and marked pharmacokinetic variability, particularly after enteral dosing, justifying the measurement of serum concentrations.
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[8] PONGTANAKUL B,DAS P K,CHARPENTIER K,et al.Outcome of children with aplastic anemia treated with immunosuppressive therapy[J].Pediatric Blood Cancer,2008,50(1):52-57.
Abstract Background Immunosuppressive therapy (IST) is the alternative treatment in children with aplastic anemia (AA) who do not have an HLA-matched sibling. The aim of this study is to evaluate the outcome of children with AA treated with IST. Methods We retrospectively reviewed the hospital records of children with AA from 1984 to 2004, treated at our institution with antithymocyte globulin (ATG), cyclosporine (CS), and short course of prednisone. Result Forty-two patients were treated with IST (24 boys, 18 girls); of whom 26% received G-CSF. The median age at diagnosis was 8.5 years. Sixty-nine, 19, and 12% were diagnosed with severe, very severe, and moderate AA, respectively. Twenty-one percent had hepatitis-associated AA. Median follow-up time was 53.3 months. Sixty-two percent had complete response; 19% had partial response. Two patients relapsed and received a second course of ATG; both had a partial response. The actuarial 5 years survival rate was 67.5%. Two patients developed myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS); both received long-term G-CSF and had partial response after two courses of IST. Fifteen percent of survivors had significant hypertension which persisted after CS was discontinued. Conclusions This study shows promising response in children with AA treated with IST; however, the outcome was inferior to our institutional results with hematopoietic stem cell transplantation from a sibling donor. Hypertension and MDS are late complications. Longer follow-up, larger cohorts, and prospective studies are warranted to evaluate late complications and risk factors. Pediatr Blood Cancer 2008;50:52-57. 2007 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
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[10] EL-GOWELLI H M,EL-MAS M M.Central modulation of cyclosporine-induced hypertension[J].Arch Fur Exper Pathol Pharmakol,2015,388(3):351-361.
Arterial hypertension is a considerable side effect that accompanies the clinical use of immunosuppressant drugs such as cyclosporine (CSA). In addition to promoting graft rejection, uncontrolled hypertension is a major risk factor for atherosclerosis, left ventricular hypertrophy, heart failure, and premature death. Most, if not all, reports that reviewed the hypertensive effect of CSA and underlying mechanisms focused on the roles of peripheral vasoactive machinaries, perhaps because of the limited capacity of CSA to diffuse to brain tissues and the lack of any appreciable effect for centrally administered CSA on blood pressure (BP) or central sympathetic outflow. This review focuses primarily on evidence that supports a modulatory role for central neural pathways, as go-between afferent and efferent sympathetic circuits, in the elicitation of the hypertensive action of CSA. Other areas covered briefly in the review include (1) an outline of peripheral mechanisms that contribute to the hypertensive action of CSA, and (2) comparisons of the BP effects of CSA and other calcineurin-dependent (tacrolimus) and independent (sirolimus) immunosuppressants. The knowledge of these mechanisms, central and peripheral, may permit the identification of new therapeutic strategies against CSA hypertension.
DOI:10.1007/s00210-014-1074-1      PMID:25430438      URL    
[11] HOORN E J,WALSH S B,MCCORMICK J A,et al.Patho-genesis of calcineurin inhibitor-induced hypertension[J].J Nephr,2012,25(3):269-275.
Abstract This article reviews the current understanding of the mechanisms of calcineurin inhibitor-induced hypertension. Already early after the introduction of cyclosporine in the 1980s, vasoconstriction, sympathetic excitation and sodium retention by the kidney had been shown to play a role in this form of hypertension. The vasoconstrictive effects of calcineurin inhibitors are related to interference with the balance of vasoactive substances, including endothelin and nitric oxide. Until recently, the renal site of the sodium-retaining effect of calcineurin inhibitors was unknown. We and others have shown that calcineurin inhibitors increase the activity of the thiazide-sensitive sodium chloride cotransporter through an effect on the kinases WNK and SPAK. Here, we review the pertinent literature on the hypertensinogenic effects of calcineurin inhibitors, including neural, vascular and renal effects, and we propose an integrated model of calcineurin inhibitor-induced hypertension.
DOI:10.5301/jn.5000174      PMID:4048819      URL    
[12] ELODIE B,SYLVAIN G,YCES B,et al.Pharmacokinetic drug-drug interaction of calcium channel blockers with cyclosporine in hematopoietic stem cell transplant children[J].Ann Pharmacoth,2014,48(12):1580-1584.
Abstract Background: Cyclosporine (CsA) is frequently responsible for hypertension in bone marrow transplant children. Calcium channel blockers (CCBs) are considered to be the best treatment for CsA-induced hypertension, but they may alter the exposure and the effect of CsA by inhibiting the CYP3A4 pathway of CsA metabolism or P-gp. However, the inhibitory effect on CYP3A4 may vary among CCBs. Methods: This study aimed to quantify the pharmacokinetic drug-drug interaction between CsA and nicardipine, amlodipine, and lacidipine. In all, 51 children who received CsA and CCB concomitantly were included. Results: Dose-normalized CsA trough blood concentrations significantly increased in patients treated with nicardipine and amlodipine, whereas they remained stable in patients treated with lacidipine. Conclusions: Because lacidipine appears to have no effect on CsA exposure, it may be the best option among CCBs for treating high blood pressure caused by CsA in children.
DOI:10.1177/1060028014550644      PMID:25280976      URL    
[13] 张卫民,王军,于大海.硝苯地平对肾移植术后患者血中环孢素A浓度的影响[J].武警医学院学报,2002,11(3):169-170.
目的:观察硝苯地平(商品名:拜新同Nifedipine)对肾移植术后患者血中环孢素A浓度的影响.方法:把服用环孢素A(商品名:赛斯平 Cycloprine A,CSA)的肾移植术后的患者分为服用硝苯地平(A组)和未服用硝苯地平(B组)两组,应用荧光偏振免疫测定法监测他们血中CSA的药物浓度.结果:术 后1个月时两组服用CSA的量为A组:6.45±0.78mg/kg*d-1;B组:6.78±0.83mg/kg*d-1.CSA浓度分别为A 组:478.4±58.2ng/ml;B组:324.7±68.5ng/ml.12个月时两组服用CSA的量为A组:2.44±0.27mg/kg /d;B组:3.06±0.55mg/kg*d-1.CSA的浓度为A组:196.7±41.5ng/ml;B组:184.8±46.6ng/ml.两组 有显著性差异(P<0.01).结论:硝苯地平对肾移植术后患者血中CSA浓度有很大的影响,它可以导致CSA的清除率降低,从而大大地提高了CSA的血 药浓度.因此临床上应增加CSA浓度的检测次数,以免发生CSA中毒.
[14] NAKAYAMA J,KOGA T,FERUE M.Long-term efficacy and adverse event of nifedipine sustained-release tablets for cyclosporin A-induced hypertension in patients with psoriasis[J].Eur J Dermat Ejd,1998,8(8):563-568.
Thirteen psoriatic patients with hypertension during the course of cyclosporin A therapy were treated for 25 months with a calcium channel blocker, sustained-release nifedipine, to study the clinical antihypertensive effects and adverse events during treatment with both drugs. Seven of the 13 patients had exhibited a subclinical hypertensive state before cyclosporin A therapy. Both systolic and diastolic blood pressures of these 13 patients were decreased significantly after 4 weeks of nifedipine therapy, and blood pressure was maintained within the normal range thereafter for 25 months. The adverse events during combined therapy with cyclosporin A and nifedipine included an increase in blood urea nitrogen levels in 9 of the 13 patients and development of gingival hyperplasia in 2 of the 13 patients. Our findings indicate that sustained-release nifedipine is useful for hypertensive psoriatic patients under long-term treatment with cyclosporin A, but that these patients should be monitored for gingival hyperplasia.
DOI:10.1111/j.1600-0536.1998.tb05966.x      PMID:9889429      URL    
[15] CIFKOVA R,HALLEN H.Cyclosporin-induced hypertension[J].J Hypert,2001,19(12):2283-2285.
DOI:10.1097/00004872-200112000-00025      URL    
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Cyclosporin A


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