中国科技论文统计源期刊 中文核心期刊  
医药导报, 2017, 36(4): 413-416
doi: 10.3870/j.issn.1004-0781.2017.04.014
Effect of Ningdong Granules on Tourette‘s Syndrome Concomitant with Sleep Disorder in Children
尹文静1,, 牛笛2, 赵林3, 李继君2,


目的 观察宁动颗粒治疗儿童抽动-秽语综合征伴睡眠障碍的疗效。方法 采用美国精神障碍诊断与统计手册第4版(DSM-Ⅳ)中的抽动-秽语综合征(TS)的西医诊断标准和相关中医诊断标准纳入患儿83例,分成硫必利组25例,宁动颗粒组30例,宁动颗粒+硫必利组28例,治疗3个月前后应用耶鲁综合抽动严重程度量表(YGTSS)和阿森斯失眠量表(Athens)进行评分,并评价临床疗效。结果 硫必利组、宁动颗粒组和宁动颗粒+硫必利组治疗TS疗效的有效率分别为92.0%,90.0%和96.4%;治疗睡眠障碍疗效的有效率分别为84.0%,93.3%和96.4%;3组间TS与睡眠障碍疗效、治疗前后YGTSS与Athens比较,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);宁动颗粒+硫必利组与硫必利组在治疗后Athens比较,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);治疗期间,3组不良反应分别为16,1和8例。结论 宁动颗粒组在治疗TS方面的疗效与硫必利组的疗效接近,但在治疗TS的同时改善患儿睡眠障碍的疗效优于硫必利组,且不良反应发生率低;宁动颗粒联合硫必利治疗TS伴睡眠障碍的临床疗效较佳,并能在一定程度上降低单纯应用硫必利而导致的不良反应发生率。

关键词: 宁动颗粒 ; 硫必利,盐酸 ; 综合征,抽动-秽语 ; 睡眠障碍


Objective To observe curative effect of Ningdong granules on tourette syndrome (TS) concomitant with sleep disorder in children. Methods Eighty-three cases were diagnosed by diagnosis and statistics of mental-disorder (DSM-Ⅳ) TS criterion and diagnostic standard of traditional Chinese medicine, and then were divided into 3 groups: tiapride hydrochloride group (n=25), Ningdong granules group (n=30) and tiapride hydrochloride plus Ningdong granules group (n=28). Yale global tic severity scale (YGTSS) and Athens insomnia scale (Athens) were used for rating the clinical efficacy before and after treatment. The enrolled children were treated for a period of three months. Results The therapeutic effective rate of TS in tiapride hydrochloride group, Ningdong granules group and tiapride hydrochloride plus Ningdong granules group was 92.0%, 90.0% and 96.4%, respectively. The therapeutic effective rate of sleep disorder was 84.0%, 93.3% and 96.4%, respectively. After treatment, YGTSS and Athens scores were significantly changed in all three groups (P<0.05). Athens score was significantly different between tiapride hydrochloride plus Ningdong granules group and tiapride hydrochloride group (P<0.05). The total number of adverse reactions was 16, 1 and 8, with significant difference (P<0.01). Conclusion Curative effect of Ningdong granules is similar to that of tiapride hydrochloride on treating TS, but Ningdong granules is more effective than tiapride hydrochloride on treating sleep disorder with less adverse reactions. Combination therapy of Ningdong granules with tiapride hydrochloride is the better choice for treating TS with sleep disorder, and it can also reduce the incidence of adverse reactions of tiapride hydrochloride.

Key words: granule ; Tiapride, hydrochloride ; Tourette' s syndrome ; Sleep disorder

抽动-秽语综合征(Tourette's syndrome,TS)简称多发性抽动症,临床上多表现为多发的运动性和发声性抽动,主要症状常见头面部、肢体和躯干等部位肌肉多发、突然、快速、不自主、非节律性的反复刻板运动等行为特征,可有爆破状不自主发声和(或)猥亵言语,并常伴有强迫、注意力不集中、多动等行为和情绪障碍,是一种复杂的慢性精神行为障碍性疾病。相关的神经影像学与神经生化学的研究结果表明,TS的病理表现可能与基底神经节、皮质-纹状体-丘脑-皮质环路、多巴胺神经元功能或免疫异常等多种因素相关[1-3]。目前西医方面的治疗以硫必利等精神类药物为主,但不良反应较多[4]。中医辨证治疗TS具有一定的优势,前期的相关研究表明宁动颗粒对心肝亏虚型的TS疗效较好[5-7]。TS常伴发其他神经精神障碍,如注意缺陷及多动障碍、强迫症、自伤行为以及情绪障碍等行为障碍[2]。临床上也发现TS患儿常伴有睡眠障碍,其伴发率高达50%[5-6]。患儿的睡眠障碍症状会严重影响其脑部的发育和该疾病本身的康复治疗,甚至导致患儿疾病症状的加重[8]。近年来,采用宁动颗粒治疗TS伴睡眠障碍取得了较好的疗效[9]

1 资料与方法
1.1 临床资料


表1 3组患者临床资料比较
Tab.1 Comparison of the baseline data among three groups of patients ヌ±s
组别 例数 性别

硫必利组 25 21 4 8.2±1.9 22.9±7.3
宁动颗粒组 30 24 6 7.5±2.1 23.8±6.7
宁动颗粒+硫必利组 28 23 5 7.6±1.5 25.1±5.6

表1 3组患者临床资料比较

Tab.1 Comparison of the baseline data among three groups of patients ヌ±s

1.2 纳入标准

采用美国精神病学会《精神障碍诊断与统计学手册》第4版(diagnosis and statistics of mental-disorder,DSM-Ⅳ)中TS的诊断标准:①具有多种运动性抽动及1种或多种发声性抽动,有时不一定在同一时间出现。所指的抽动为突然的、快速的、反复性的、非节律性、刻板的动作或发声。②抽动每天发作多次,通常为一阵阵发作,病情持续或间断发作已超过1年,其无抽动间歇期连续不超过3个月。③上述症状引起明显的不安,显著影响社交、就业和其他重要领域的活动。④发病于18岁前。⑤上述症状不是直接由某些药物(如兴奋剂)或内科疾病(如亨廷顿舞蹈病或病毒感染后脑炎)引起[10]。中医证候学标准基于前期研究成果[11],并参照《中医儿科学》、《中医内科学》及《中医诊断学》标准制定,心肝亏虚型:眨眼,弄鼻,动嘴,皱额,点头,扭颈,耸肩,四肢抽动,脘腹拘挛,异常发声或秽语,学习能力差,注意力不集中,性情急躁易怒,惊悸少寐、易醒或醒后不易入睡、不寐或多梦,不思饮食,口干舌燥,或舌疮频发,神疲乏力,舌质红,苔黄,脉细弦数,所有患者需具备两个主症和一个兼症,综合临床表现及舌象、脉象,辨为心肝亏虚型[12-14]

1.3 排除标准


1.4 剔除标准


1.5 治疗方法

①硫必利组给予盐酸硫必利片(由江苏天士力帝益药业有限公司生产,批准文号:国药准字H32026011,规格:每片100 mg),初始剂量为每次50 mg,每天3次,服用1周后根据患儿的具体情况对服用量进行调整,效果不佳则逐渐加量至每天300 mg。②宁动颗粒组给予宁动颗粒(由钩藤、天麻、龙骨、牡蛎、地龙、党参、麦冬、白芍、五味子、甘草等共15味中药组成,由深圳三九中药配方颗粒室提供,规格:每袋6 g),6岁以下者每次3 g,7~11岁者每次6 g,12岁以上者每次9 g,每天3次,温开水冲服。③宁动颗粒+硫必利组:在服用宁动颗粒同时加服盐酸硫必利片,服用方法按照①②,中药与西药服用间隔30 min~1 h。治疗时间:以3个月为1个疗程。

1.6 TS疗效观察

治疗前后TS症状采用耶鲁综合抽动严重程度量表(Yale global tic severity scale,YGTSS)评分并评价疗效[15]。显效:减分率≥60%;好转:30%≤减分率<60%;无效:减分率<30%。减分率(%)=[(治疗前评分-治疗后评分)/治疗前评分]×100%。以显效和好转合计为有效。

1.7 睡眠障碍疗效观察

治疗前后采用阿森斯失眠量表(Athens insomnia scale,Athens)评分并评价疗效[16]。显效:减分率≥60%;好转:30%≤减分率<60%;无效:减分率<30%。减分率(%)=[(治疗前评分-治疗后评分)/治疗前评分]×100%。以显效和好转合计为有效。

1.8 统计学方法

采用SPSS17.0版统计软件对数据进行统计处理:计量资料采用均数±标准差( x ̅ ±s)表示,对符合正态分布的计量资料,各组内治疗前后比较方差齐,采用两样本t检验,方差不齐,组间疗效比较采用卡方检验,以P<0.05为差异有统计学意义。

2 结果
2.1 TS疗效组间比较 宁动颗粒+硫必利组与硫必利组比较,差异有统计学意义(P<0.01)。见表2。

表2 3组患者的TS疗效比较
Tab.2 Comparison of the efficacy on TS among three groups of patients
显效 好转 无效 有效
% % % %
硫必利组 25 12 48.0 11 44.0 2 8.0 23 92.0
宁动颗粒组 30 15 50.0 12 40.0 3 10.0 27 90.0
28 17 60.7 10 35.7 1 3.6 27 96.4*1

Compared with tiapride group,*1P<0.01


表2 3组患者的TS疗效比较

Tab.2 Comparison of the efficacy on TS among three groups of patients

2.2 睡眠障碍疗效比较


表3 3组患者睡眠障碍疗效情况比较
Tab.3 Comparison of the efficacy on sleep disorder among three groups of patients
显效 好转 无效 有效
% % % %
硫必利组 25 8 32.0 13 52.0 4 16.0 21 84.0
宁动颗粒组 30 5 16.7 23 76.6 2 6.7 28 93.3*1
28 10 35.7 17 60.7 1 3.6 27 96.4*1

Compared with tiapride group,*1P<0.01


表3 3组患者睡眠障碍疗效情况比较

Tab.3 Comparison of the efficacy on sleep disorder among three groups of patients

2.3 YGTSS量表和Athens量表评分组间治疗前后比较

3组内治疗前后YGTSS量表评分变化比较差异有统计学意义(硫必利组:t=5.178 5,P<0.01;宁动颗粒组:t=7.058 7,P<0.05;宁动颗粒+硫必利组:t=7.285 0,P<0.01);3组内治疗前后Athens量表评分变化比较差异有统计学意义(硫必利组:t=6.755 7,P<0.01;宁动颗粒组:t=12.575 1,P<0.01;宁动颗粒+硫必利组:t=10.757 3,P<0.01);宁动颗粒+硫必利组与硫必利组治疗后Athens量表评分变化组间比较,差异有统计学意义(Q=3.542 8,P<0.05)。见表4。

表4 3组患者治疗前后YGTSS及Athens量表评分情况比较
Tab.4 Comparison of the scores of YFTSS and Athens scale among three groups of patients before and after treatment 分,±s
组别与时间 例数 YGTSS评分 Athens评分
硫必利组 25
治疗前 21.4±6.4 12.8±2.6
治疗后 11.5±7.1*1 6.8±3.6*1
宁动颗粒组 30
治疗前 20.3±1.5 13.0±2.0
治疗后 11.2±6.9*1 5.1±2.8*1
宁动颗粒+硫必利组 28
治疗前 22.5±8.8 13.8±3.2
治疗后 7.6±6.3*1 4.6±3.2*1*2

Compared with the same group before treatment,*1P<0.01,Compared with tiapride group ,*2P<0.05


表4 3组患者治疗前后YGTSS及Athens量表评分情况比较

Tab.4 Comparison of the scores of YFTSS and Athens scale among three groups of patients before and after treatment 分,±s

2.4 治疗期间不良反应组间比较


表5 3组治疗期间不良反应发生情况比较
Tab.5 Comparison of adverse reactions among three groups during treatment
组别 例数 全身酸软乏力 头晕 恶心或厌食 便秘 烦躁、不能静坐 总不良反应
% % % % % %
硫必利组 25 4 16.0 5 20.0 4 16.0 2 8.0 1 4.0 16 64.0
宁动颗粒组 30 0 0.0 0 0.0 1 3.3 0 0.0 0 0.0 1 3.3*1
宁动颗粒+硫必利组 28 2 7.1 3 10.7 2 7.1 1 3.6 0 0.0 8 28.6*1

Compared with tiapride group,*1P<0.01


表5 3组治疗期间不良反应发生情况比较

Tab.5 Comparison of adverse reactions among three groups during treatment

3 讨论

TS伴睡眠障碍属于中医学惊风、抽搐、瘛疭、筋惕肉瞤、脏躁、不寐、不得眠、不得卧、目不暝等范畴,病位在心、肝、脾、肾等脏,其中与肝、心、肾三脏的关系最为密切。因为肝体阴用阳,为风木之脏,主藏血,喜条达而主疏泄,其声为呼,变动为握,宋人钱乙的《小儿药证直诀·肝有风甚》曰:“凡病或新或久,皆引肝风,风动而上于头目,目属肝,肝风入于目,上下左右如风吹,不轻不重,儿不能任,故目连答也”,故气机不畅,郁而化火,引动肝风,上扰清窍,则见皱眉眨眼,摇头耸肩,口出异声秽语[17]。清代唐容川《血证论》亦云:“肝病不寐者,肝藏魂,人寤则魂游于目,寐则魂返于肝。若阳浮于外,魂不入肝,则不寐,其证并不烦躁,清醒而不得寐,宜敛其阳魂,使入于肝”[18]。 由此肝火扰动心神,则神不安宁。另外,心火内炽,不能下交于肾,热扰神明,则致不寐,故明朝张介宾的《景岳全书·不寐》有:“真阴精血之不足,阴阳不交,而神有不安其室”[19]。宁动颗粒以天麻、钩藤为君药,平肝风,除心热,主通利血脉、息风定惊之功;以龙骨、牡蛎、地龙为臣药,助镇惊安神解痉之力;辅党参、麦冬、白芍、五味子等品,以养血柔肝、宁心安神;使甘草调和诸药,共奏柔肝熄风止抽、宁动安神助寐之效。


The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.


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Purpose of review;This review considers the recent literature pertaining to the neurobiology, genetics and treatment of Tourette syndrome.<br/>Recent findings;Over the last several years, both neuropathological and genetic findings have further focused attention on long-standing hypotheses regarding the role of the basal ganglia in causing tics and Tourette syndrome. Moreover, although the field awaits the results the first large-scale genetic studies, recent findings have already mirrored developments in the neuropsychiatric genetics literature more broadly, highlighting the value of the study of rare variation and the overlap of risks among seemingly disparate diagnostic categories. Finally, treatment studies have underscored the importance of cognitive-behavioral as well as pharmacological interventions for the treatment of tic disorders.<br/>Summary;Recent findings have led to novel, testable hypotheses regarding the molecular and cellular mechanisms underlying Tourette syndrome. These, in turn, have begun to provide new avenues to conceptualizing treatment strategies. Although the development of additional medication options is a pressing need, recent data has demonstrated both the safety and efficacy of nonpharmacological approaches.
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Tourette's syndrome (TS) is a chronic neuropsychiatric disorder characterised by motor and vocal tics. Diagnosis is based solely on clinical criteria. The prevalence of this syndrome is estimated to be between one and ten per 1000 children and adolescents and the outcome is generally favourable; most patients improve by their late teens or early adulthood. Affected individuals are at increased risk of various comorbid neurobehavioural problems, the negative effects of which commonly exceed those of tics. Despite evidence that TS is an inherited disorder, the exact genetic abnormality is unknown. Environmental factors might have an important role in the expression of tics, and a poststreptococcal autoimmune cause has been proposed but is unproven. Brain imaging, neurophysiological, and post-mortem studies support involvement of cortical-striatal-thalamocortical pathways, but the definitive pathophysiological mechanism or neurotransmitter abnormality is unknown. Recent evidence, however, suggests a prefrontal dopaminergic abnormality. Traditional neuroleptics are the standard treatment for TS, but there is increasing interest in non-neuroleptic drugs, behavioural therapies, and surgical approaches.
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Tourette syndrome (TS) is a heterogenous neuropsychiatric disorder. In most cases, tics are self-limited or can be treated by behavioral or pharmacological therapy. However, for some individuals, tics can cause lifelong impairment and life-threatening symptoms, which are intractable to traditional treatment. Neural stem cell (NSC) is a potential tool to treat certain neurological diseases. In this study, we proposed to use neural stem cell transplantation as a novel therapy to treat TS and discussed its efficacy. Wistar rats were microinfused with TS sera into the striatum followed by the transplantation of NSCs or vehicle at the infusion site. The sera of the TS patients were identified to have enriched antineural antibodies. Prior to grafting, rat embryonic NSCs were co-cultured with 5-bromodeoxyuridine (Brdu) for 24h. Stereotypic behaviors were counted at 1, 7, 14 and 21 days after transplantation of NSCs. Morphological analyses revealed that NSCs survived and differentiated into neurons and astrocytes in the striatum 3 weeks after grafting. To sum it up, rat embryonic neural stem cell grafts survived and differentiated in the striatum of TS rat may help relieve stereotypic behaviors of the host. Our results suggest that transplantation of NSCs intrastriatum may have therapeutic potential for TS.
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[7] LU H,LI A,MA H,et al.Effects of Ningdong Granule on the dopamine system of Tourette' s syndrome rat models[J].J Ethnopharmacol,2009,124(3): 488-492.
Abstract ETHNOPHARMACOLOGICAL RELEVANCE: Ningdong granula (NDG) is a traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) preparation for the treatment of Tourette's syndrome (TS). AIM OF THE STUDY: To explore the effects of NDG on stereotyped behavior, homovanillic acid (HVA) in sera, dopamine (DA) and dopamine D2 receptor (DRD2) in striatum in TS rats. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Sixty-four rats were randomly divided into control group and three experimental groups. TS rat models were induced by intraperitoneal injection (i.p.) of Apomorphine (Apo, 2 mg/kg) in the experimental groups. After Apo i.p., rats were intragastrically injected (i.g.) with NDG at 370 mg/kg (NDG+Apo group), haloperidol (Hal) at 1.0 mg/kg (Hal+Apo group), and normal saline (0.9%) at 10 ml/kg (control group and Apo group), respectively, once a day for 12 weeks. The behaviors of the rats were observed and recorded each day. After 12 weeks, all rats were sacrificed and sera and striatum were collected. The levels of HVA in sera, DA in striatum were examined by ELISA, and the expression of DRD2 mRNA in striatum was measured by RT-PCR. RESULTS: NDG could increase the HVA content in sera (P<0.05), meanwhile downregulate the expression of DRD2 mRNA in striatum (P<0.05), and inhibit the stereotyped behaviors induced by Apo (P<0.01) in TS rats, the same effects with Hal. NDG could also reduce the DA content in striatum (P<0.01), while Hal could not. CONCLUSIONS: NDG could effectively inhibit the stereotyped behaviors in TS rats, and the mechanisms may be related to the suppression of DA system by increasing the content of HVA in sera, decrease the content of DA and repressing the expression of DRD2 mRNA in striatum.
DOI:10.1016/j.jep.2009.05.015      PMID:19467315      URL    
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小儿多发性抽动症又称抽动-秽语综合征(Tourette Syndrome,TS),是一种原因不明的、慢性的、复杂的神经精神障碍性疾病,以头面部、肢体和躯干等部位肌肉多发性、突然的、快速的、不自主的、非 节律性的反复抽动为主要特征,可有爆破状不自主发声和(或)猥亵言语,常伴强迫、注意力不集中、多动等行为和情绪障碍,常表现为眨眼、皱眉、歪嘴、摇头、 点头、抬臂、耸肩、扭腰、踢腿、跺脚、干咳、清嗓、骂人等症状.本病多发于学龄期儿童,男孩多发于女孩,病程较长,症状常反复变化不定,时轻时重,病情迁 延持续,治疗较为困难.
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[11] 李继君,王淑臻,赵林,.126例抽动-秽语综合征患儿的中医证候学特点[J].中医杂志,2010,51(7):659-641.
目的调查研究抽动-秽语综合征(TS)的中医证候学特点,为中医辨证治疗寻求依据。方法在前期研究的基础上,设计TS中医证候学调查量表,对126例TS患儿一般资料、主要临床症状及辨证分型进行调查,统计各证候出现频率。结果 126例TS患儿中,男性患儿97例,约占77%,所有受调查者平均年龄8.31岁,其中有家族史者32例,占25.4%。抽动行为中面部肌肉抽动及肢体抽动二者占肌肉刻板抽动行为的91.6%;发声行为中咽喉、鼻部发声占发声行为居多占42.1%;伴随症状中注意力不集中最多占69.8%;性格偏移中任性冲动占49.2%,急躁多动者占78.6%,沉默寡言者仅占7.1%。舌质红或红绛者超过50%,苔厚或腻居多;脉象弦或滑者占总数的近70%。证型分布中心肝亏虚、虚风内动证和肝肾阴虚、阳亢风动证两型最为常见,分别占总数的41.3%、34.1%。结论抽动-秽语综合征以心肝亏虚、虚风内动证和肝肾阴虚、阳亢风动证型最为常见,治疗以滋阴潜阳,平肝熄风为基本治则,同时不可忽视健脾养心、化痰开窍等方法相结合辨证施治。
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Despite the overt nature of most motor and phonic phenomena, the of valid and reliable scales to rate severity has been an elusive goal. The Yale Global Severity Scale (YGTSS) is a new clinical rating instrument that was designed for use in studies of and other disorders. The YGTSS provides an evaluation of the number, frequency, intensity, complexity, and interference of motor and phonic symptoms. Data from 105 subjects, aged 5 to 51 years, support the construct, convergent, and discriminant validity of the instrument. These results indicate that the YGTSS is a promising instrument for the assessment of severity in children, adolescents and adults.
DOI:10.1097/00004583-198907000-00015      PMID:2768151      URL    
[16] CHUNG K F,KAN K K,YEUNG W F.Assessing insomnia in adolescents: comparison of insomnia severity index,athens insomnia scale and sleep quality index[J].Sleep Med,2011,12(5): 463-470.
Abstract OBJECTIVES: To compare the psychometric properties of the Chinese versions of Insomnia Severity Index (ISI), Athens Insomnia Scale (AIS) and Sleep Quality Index (SQI) for assessment and screening of insomnia in adolescents. METHODS: This is a school-based survey of 1516 adolescents aged 12-19 years. Sleep-wake habit questionnaire, ISI, AIS, SQI, Epworth Sleepiness Scale (ESS) and 12-item General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-12) were administered. Insomnia Interview Schedule was used to assess the severity of insomnia symptoms and DSM-IV-TR diagnosis of insomnia. RESULTS: The Cronbach's alpha of ISI, AIS and SQI were 0.83, 0.81 and 0.65, respectively, and the 2-week test-retest reliability were 0.79, 0.80 and 0.72. All three scales had a 2-factor structure, and their scores were significantly correlated with sleep-wake variables, ESS and GHQ-12 scores, smoking and drinking habits, and academic performance. The areas under curve of ISI, AIS and SQI for detecting clinical insomnia were 0.85, 0.80 and 0.85, respectively. The optimal cut-offs for ISI, AIS and SQI were a total score of nine (sensitivity/specificity: 0.87/0.75), seven (sensitivity/specificity: 0.78/0.74) and five (sensitivity/specificity: 0.83/0.79), respectively. CONCLUSION: The Chinese versions of ISI, AIS and SQI are reliable and valid instruments. The ISI and AIS appear to have better psychometric properties than the SQI. Copyright 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
DOI:10.1016/j.sleep.2010.09.019      PMID:21493134      URL    
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[20] MOGWITZ S,BUSE J,EHRLICH S,et al.Clinical pharmacology of dopamine-modulating agents in Tourette's syndrome[J].Int Rev Neurobiol,2013,112:281-349.
ABSTRACT Forty years of research and clinical practice have proved dopamine (DA) receptor antagonists to be effective agents in the treatment of Tourette's syndrome (TS), allowing a significant tic reduction of about 70%. Their main effect seems to be mediated by the blockade of the striatal DA-D2 receptors. Various typical and atypical agents are available and there is still discord between experts about which of them should be considered as first choice. In addition, there are suggestions to use DA receptor agonists such as pergolide or non-DA-modulating agents. The present chapter is focusing on the clinical pharmacology of DA-modulating agents in the treatment of TS. The introduction outlines their clinical relevance and touches on the hypotheses of the role of DA in the pathophysiology of TS. Subsequently, general information about the mechanisms of action and adverse effects are provided. The central part of the chapter forms a systematic review of all DA-modulating agents used in the treatment of TS, including an overview of studies on their effectiveness, and a critical discussion of their specific adverse effects. The present chapter closes with a summary of the body of evidence and a description of the resulting recommendations for the pharmacological treatment of TS.
DOI:10.1016/B978-0-12-411546-0.00010-X      PMID:24295625      URL    
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关键词(key words)

Tiapride, hydrochloride
Tourette' s syndrome
Sleep disorder


YIN Wenjing
LI Jijun