中国科技论文统计源期刊 中文核心期刊  
医药导报, 2017, 36(6): 691-694
doi: 10.3870/j.issn.1004-0781.2017.06.023
杨晓燕, 王世强, 王雄彪


目的 探讨感冒患者抗菌药物的使用指征。方法 采用回顾性调查,对2015年在上海中医药大学附属普陀医院急诊就诊感冒患者14 682例,随机抽取可追踪病历800份。对患者抗菌药物使用情况进行调查及数据分析。结果 统计发现老年患者抗菌药物使用率高于其他人群,老年患者中有慢性呼吸系统疾病者抗菌药物使用率更高。除合并感染者,抗菌药物预防性使用于有慢性基础疾病患者可明显降低继发感染及复诊率。结论 该院急诊内科感冒患者处方中抗菌药物使用大部分较为合理,老年、慢性基础疾病,尤其是呼吸系统疾病是感冒合并或继发细菌感染的高危因素,抗菌药物的应用应个体化考虑。

关键词: 抗菌药物 ; 感冒 ; 患者 ; 高龄 ; 个体化给药


病毒性感冒根据流行病学特征分为普通感冒和流行性感冒(流感),普通感冒大部分由鼻病毒、冠状病毒、副流感病毒、呼吸道合胞病毒等引起,而流感大部分由流感病毒、冠状病毒等引起。病毒性感冒是最常见的急性呼吸道感染性疾病。由于抗菌药物不能杀灭病毒,同时抗菌药物本身的副作用和诱导细菌耐药,因此,往往认为感冒时应用抗菌药物是一种错误的用法[1]。只有当合并或继发细菌感染时才考虑应用[2]。然而,大量继发细菌感染的存在提出是否需要预防性应用抗菌药物的争议。在实际临床中,经验性使用抗菌药物非常普遍,据报道美国约61%患者得到医生的抗菌药物处方[3]。在重症急性呼吸综合征(severe acute respiratory syndrome,SARS)、禽流感等重症感冒时,抗菌药物的使用更达到极致,最高级的抗菌药物都可见到报道[4-5]。2010年中国哮喘联盟和中国循证医学中心共同组织进行的关于《普通感冒的诊治现状与认知程度的调查》表明[6]:临床医师有过多使用抗菌药物现象。病毒性感冒合并或继发性细菌感染在上海非常常见,但继发性细菌感染的发生率和危险因素尚缺乏科学的统计数据。笔者通过随机获取在本院急诊就诊的800份电子病历,对抗菌药物的应用现状进行分析,现将调查统计结果报道如下。

1 资料与方法
1.1 一般资料

回顾2015年1月1日—12月31日在本院急诊内科就诊感冒患者14 682例,按随机数字表法抽取处方,并调查感冒后1个月的感染情况,获得800份资料,就此分析急诊内科应用抗菌药物的合理情况。急诊患者往往病情较重,并发症多,容易合并和继发感染,经常要讨论抗菌药物是否使用问题,因此纳入标准选择急诊患者。纳入标准:所有我院急诊内科就诊的第一诊断为“急性上呼吸道感染”患者。排除标准:①首次就诊伴咽结膜热、疱疹性咽峡炎、支气管炎、肺炎、化脓性扁桃体炎; ② 任何有细菌感染临床意义的异常实验室检查结果,包括白细胞计数>10×109·L-1 和中性粒细胞比例>80%; ③妊娠或哺乳期妇女。

1.2 方法

1.2.1 调查的内容 全部患者资料来源于医疗保险卡。调查内容主要包括患者性别、年龄、基础疾病、所用抗菌药物的名称、用法、复诊情况。并统计就诊时血常规、C反应蛋白(CRP)等情况。

1.2.2 病毒性感冒诊断标准 诊断主要依据症状、 体征,部分不典型者借助辅助检查进一步明确诊断。症状: 发热、 鼻塞、 流涕、 打喷嚏、 咳嗽及咽痛。体征: 咽部充血、 鼻腔有分泌物。辅助检查:①血常规检查,如为病毒感染,白细胞总数正常或偏低, 淋巴细胞偏高,中性粒细胞偏低。②胸部X线片检查为正常[7]

1.2.3 合理使用抗菌药物的判定标准 参照《抗菌药物临床应用指导原则》(2015年版)中关于抗菌药物的应用指征,判断其是否应该使用抗菌药物[8]。对所收集的处方进行归类处理。

1.2.4 感冒合并或继发感染诊断依据 全部患者2周内出现黄痰或静脉血化验血常规和CRP,以白细胞、中性粒细胞和CRP一个或多个升高为细菌感染的诊断依据[8]

1.2.5 患者随访 全部患者追踪首诊后4周,记录复诊时间、次数、复诊时抗菌药物使用情况及体温和血常规+CRP情况。

1.3 统计学方法

采用SPSS 15.0版软件进行数据处理和分析,数据采用方差分析。

2 结果
2.1 年龄分布

各个年龄段抗菌药物使用情况见图1。年龄纳入标准为14岁以上, 其中>15~30岁、>60~75岁组例数最高,抗菌药物使用也最多。在800例感冒患者中,口服或静脉使用抗菌药物623例,占77.9%。其中男性患者368例(46.0%),使用抗菌药物302例,占82.1%;女性患者432例(54.0%),使用抗菌药物321例,占74.3%。

图1 不同年龄段抗菌药物使用情况

2.2 初诊抗菌药物使用患者的合并细菌感染的情况


2.3 基础疾病分析


2.4 不同慢性病基础初诊使用抗菌药物的分析


图2 慢性病患者抗菌药物使用情况

2.5 有慢性病基础患者感冒后复诊情况


表1 患者复诊情况
组别 初诊 复诊 复诊使用抗菌药物
% %
使用抗菌药物组 623 181 29.1 181 100.0
未使用抗菌药物组 177 117 66.1 105 89.7
合计 800 298 37.2 286 96.0

表1 患者复诊情况

2.6 无合并细菌感染患者抗菌药物使用分析


表2 并发细菌感染患者抗菌药物使用情况
组别 例数 构成比/
合并感染者 549 68.6 545 99.3
未合并感染者 251 31.4 78 31.1
合计 800 100.0 623 77.9

表2 并发细菌感染患者抗菌药物使用情况

2.7 无合并细菌感染患者的继发感染分析


3 讨论


在病毒感染时合并细菌感染非常多见,在美国2009年甲型流感大流行期间,入住重症监护室的683例患者中207例(30.3%)在72 h内诊断有细菌感染[9],需要住院的呼吸道病毒感染患者中有40%合并细菌感染[10]。病毒性感冒对机体造成严重的打击,导致抗细菌感染能力下降。其机制包括:①先天性免疫机制破坏,包括黏膜上皮损伤[11-12]。 ②应激造成的全身糖皮质激素水平升高,从而导致全身的免疫抑制[13]。③病毒对免疫系统的损伤,包括细胞因子风暴[14]、Th17功能的下降[15]。④病毒本身的毒素[16]

总之,感冒是常见病和多发病,但对于老幼体弱、 免疫力低下或有慢性基础性疾病的患者,感冒往往难以如期痊愈,容易继发细菌感染,最常见的是继发呼吸道细菌感染,例如溶血性链球菌、葡萄球菌、肺炎双球菌等细菌感染。出现细菌感染后患者病情一般会加重,并且可能继续发展,引发急性气管炎、急性支气管炎,甚至是急性肺炎,部分患者还可能发展为脑膜炎和心肌炎等严重并发症,应给予足够重视。因此,抗菌药物要个体化应用,若发现合并细菌感染,及时给予抗菌药物治疗,避免病情进展。美国疾病预防与控制中心医学主任劳拉·希克斯博士指出四种症状往往提示合并细菌感染:第一,高热、寒战往往有细菌感染可能,但是流感也往往有高热表现,在流感盛行期间,必须加以辨别;第二,流黄色或黄绿色鼻涕;第三,咽喉红肿、咽部黏膜上出现白点;第四,一般情况下感冒症状持续超过7~10 d,伴发细菌感染概率就会明显增大。感冒患者如果出现这4种症状,应该高度怀疑可能已经合并细菌感染。

关于预防性抗菌药物的使用,笔者认为,要实事求是,要个性化, 对于身体条件好的,要坚决反对滥用抗菌药物,但对于有细菌感染高危因素的人群(高龄、脏器功能不全、糖尿病、慢性呼吸系统疾病),应适量短期应用抗菌药物,以免继发细菌感染,但预防性抗菌药物的品种、剂量和使用时间都需要个性化考虑。如前所述继发感染以阳性球菌多见,预防应用抗菌药物以第1和第2代头孢菌素和青霉素类为主,但同时要考虑到患者肝肾功能、药物变态反应情况合理选择抗菌药物。

The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.


[1] 白春学. 患了感冒以后的三个错误做法[J].求医问药,2008,(2):44-45.
[2] 中国医师协会呼吸医师分会,中国医师协会急诊医师分会.普通感冒规范诊治的专家共识[J].中华内科杂志,2012,51(4):330-333.
普通感冒( common cold)是最常见的急性呼吸道感染性疾病.但普通感冒并不“普通”,据国内外资料显示,普通感冒可造成严重的社会和经济负担,并可产生严重的并发症,甚 至威胁患者生命而致死.2010年由中国哮喘联盟和中国循证医学中心联合组织的“普通感冒的诊治现状与认知程度的调查”表明,临床医师对普通感冒的认知程 度存在一定差距,临床实践中存在重复用药、不恰当联合用药、滥用抗菌药物和抗病毒药物等情况.为进一步增进临床医师对普通感冒的正确认识,避免因治疗不当 给患者带来的危害,进一步提高我国普通感冒的临床诊治水平,中国医师协会呼吸医师分会和中国医师协会急诊医师分会共同组织有关专家进行了认真讨论,参考国 内外有关普通感冒诊治的共识和指导意见以及相关文献,起草了本共识,以规范普通感冒的诊治,指导正确合理用药,从而提高普通感冒的诊治水平,降低医疗成 本.
DOI:10.3760/cma.j.issn.0578-1426.2012.04.026      Magsci     URL    
[3] DONNELLY J P,BADDLEY J W,WANG H E.Antibiotic utilization for acute respiratory tract infections in U.S.emergency departments[J].Antimicrob Agents Chemother,2014,58(3):1451-1457.
Inappropriate use of antibiotics for acute respiratory tract infections (ARTIs) has decreased in many outpatient settings. For patients presenting to U.S. emergency departments (EDs) with ARTIs, antibiotic utilization patterns are unclear. We conducted a retrospective cohort study of ED patients from 2001 to 2010 using data from the National Hospital Ambulatory Medical Care Survey (NHAMCS). We identified patients presenting to U.S. EDs with ARTIs and calculated rates of antibiotic utilization. Diagnoses were classified as antibiotic appropriate (otitis media, sinusitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, and nonviral pneumonia) or antibiotic inappropriate (nasopharyngitis, unspecified upper respiratory tract infection, bronchitis or bronchiolitis, viral pneumonia, and influenza).There were 126 million ED visits with a diagnosis of ARTI, and antibiotics were prescribed in 61%. Between 2001 and 2010, antibiotic utilization decreased for patients aged<5 presenting with antibiotic-inappropriate ARTI (rate ratio [RR], 0.94; confidence interval [CI], 0.88 to 1.00). Utilization also decreased significantly for antibiotic-inappropriate ARTI patients aged 5 to 19 years (RR, 0.89; CI, 0.85 to 0.94). Utilization remained stable for antibiotic-inappropriate ARTI among adult patients aged 20 to 64 years (RR, 0.99; CI, 0.97 to 1.01). Among adults, rates of quinolone use for ARTI increased significantly from 83 per 1,000 visits in 2001 to 2002 to 105 per 1,000 in 2009 to 2010 (RR, 1.08; CI, 1.03 to 1.14). Although significant progress has been made toward reduction of antibiotic utilization for pediatric patients with ARTI, the proportion of adult ARTI patients receiving antibiotics in U.S. EDs is inappropriately high. Institution of measures to reduce inappropriate antibiotic use in the ED setting is warranted.
DOI:10.1128/AAC.02039-13      PMID:24342652      URL    
[4] 席秀红,李涛,刘惜年,.人感染H7N9禽流行性感冒三例的临床特点及治疗体会[J].中华传染病杂志,2013,31(4):201-202.
[5] 左云龙,杨镒宇,洪婕,.重症甲型流行性感冒15例诊治分析[J].中华儿科杂志,2014,52(2):142-145.
目的 探讨重症甲型流行性感冒(甲流)的诊治特点.方法 采用原卫生部(2011年版)重症甲流诊断标准为入选标准,对2013年1月至5月广州市妇女儿童医疗中心儿童院区重症监护室(PICU)收治的15例重 症甲流患儿的临床表现、胸X线片、电子纤维支气管镜检查及其取出物的病理结果、救治经过和转归等进行回顾性分析.结果 15例重症甲流患儿中,男11例,年龄2岁3个月~11岁;女4例,年龄1个月~5岁;占同期因流行性感冒住院的4.2% (15/360);3例有基础疾病(2例为肾病综合征,1例为先天性心脏病);所有患儿均有发热、咳嗽和气促,均诊断为重症甲流并发支气管肺炎、呼吸衰 竭;均采用H1N1和H7N9试剂盒分型,10例为H1N1亚型,5例排除H1N1亚型;15例均排除H7N9亚型.并发症:肺不张8例,气胸4例,纵隔 气肿3例,胸腔积液4例,肺出血1例;7例痰培养发现合并细菌或真菌等感染;4例涂片发现:2例革兰阳性球菌,2例革兰阴性杆菌.治疗方法:12例接受气 管插管和机械通气治疗,1例接受无创通气治疗,2例患儿仅面罩吸氧.10例行电子纤维支气管镜检查发现,5例树枝样或冻胶样支气管塑形,病理检查1例为纤 维素性渗出物,伴有大量中性粒细胞、嗜酸粒细胞浸润,4例为纤维素性渗出物伴坏死物改变,伴有中性粒细胞浸润;4例经过吸除支气管管型后,病情得到明显改 善.所有病例均强化左右侧身体位引流,电动振荡按摩拍背,加强吸痰,协助改善患儿肺部通气功能.预后:12例顺利转出PICU,死亡3例,其中1例为入院 时出现肺出血、肾功能衰竭和多器官功能障碍综合征后放弃治疗,1例合并肾病综合征患儿,1例为合并先天性心脏病并入院后行矫治手术患儿.结论 重症甲流有基础疾病者死亡率高.临床上出现进行性呼吸困难,喘憋症状明显伴有肺不张、非对称性实变或肺气肿时,应考虑是否并发塑形性支气管炎,尽早进行电 子纤维支气管镜检查.肺部物理治疗是改善患儿双肺通气功能重要辅助措施.
[6] 苏楠,林江涛,刘关键,.我国各级医院医师对普通感冒认知与诊治现状的调查[J].中华内科杂志,2012,51(4):266-269.
目的 通过了解各级医院医师对普通感冒的认知程度、诊断、感冒药物的用药习惯,为今后开展医学继续教育及合理用药提供参考依据.方法 采用自行设计的感冒调查表,就医师一般情况、对感冒的认知与治疗向既往3个月内处治过感冒的医师进行问卷调查.结果 实际共计调查1001名医师.749名(74.83%)医师认为感冒是指“普通感冒和流行性感冒”,其中79.84%(293/367)的住院医师和 56.76%( 42/74)的主任医师认为感冒是指“普通感冒和流行性感冒”;745名(74.43%)医师认为感冒一般病程为4 ~7 d;895名(89.41%)医师认为老年人是最易出现感冒并发症的人群;669名(66.83%)医师认为冬季最易出现感冒;841名(84.02%) 医师使用临床诊断方法诊断感冒;736名(73.53%)医师认为感冒虽然是一种自限性疾病,充分对症治疗可以减轻症状、改善生活质量,若病情加重应及时 就医;745名(74.43%)医师认为临床治疗感冒时首选治疗方案为对症治疗,61.60%(494/802)的医师是根据患者的临床症状进行处方感冒 药物,505名(54.24%)医师临床治疗感冒时选择复方感冒药物,但仍有43名(4.30%)医师选择了抗菌药物治疗感冒.结论 我国临床医师对感冒的认知与治疗水平存在误区和差异,需进一步规范,应根据国内外指南规范感冒的诊疗行为.
DOI:10.3760/cma.j.issn.0578-1426.2012.04.005      Magsci     URL    
[7] 王吉耀. 八年制内科学[M].2版.北京:人民卫生出版社,2010:26.
[8] 钟南山,王明贵,汪复,.抗菌药物临床应用指导原则[M].北京:国家卫生计生委,2015:47.
[9] RICE T W,RUBINSON L,UYEKI T M,et al.Critical illness from 2009 pandemic influenza A virus and bacterial coinfection in the United States[J].Crit Care Med, 2012,40(5):1487-1498.
The contribution of bacterial coinfection to critical illness associated with 2009 influenza A virus infection remains uncertain. The objective of this study was to determine whether bacterial coinfection increased the morbidity and mortality of 2009 influenza A.Retrospective and prospective cohort study.Thirty-five adult U.S. intensive care units over the course of 1 yr.Six hundred eighty-three critically ill adults with confirmed or probable 2009 influenza A.None.A confirmed or probable case was defined as a positive 2009 influenza A test result or positive test for influenza A that was otherwise not subtyped. Bacterial coinfection was defined as documented bacteremia or any presumed bacterial pneumonia with or without positive respiratory tract culture within 72 hrs of intensive care unit admission. The mean age was 45卤16 yrs, mean body mass index was 32.5卤11.1 kg/m, and mean Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Examination II score was 21卤9, with 76% having at least one comorbidity. Of 207 (30.3%) patients with bacterial coinfection on intensive care unit admission, 154 had positive cultures with Staphylococcus aureus (n=57) and Streptococcus pneumoniae (n=19), the most commonly identified pathogens. Bacterial coinfected patients were more likely to present with shock (21% vs. 10%; p=.0001), require mechanical ventilation at the time of intensive care unit admission (63% vs. 52%; p=.005), and have longer duration of intensive care unit care (median, 7 vs. 6 days; p=.05). Hospital mortality was 23%; 31% in bacterial coinfected patients and 21% in patients without coinfection (p=.002). Immunosuppression (relative risk 1.57; 95% confidence interval 1.20 -2.06; p=.0009) and Staphylococcus aureus at admission (relative risk 2.82; 95% confidence interval 1.76-4.51; p<.0001) were independently associated with increased mortality.Among intensive care unit patients with 2009 influenza A, bacterial coinfection diagnosed within 72 hrs of admission, especially with Staphylococcus aureus, was associated with significantly higher morbidity and mortality.
DOI:10.1097/CCM.0b013e3182416f23      PMID:3653183      Magsci     URL    
[10] FALSEY A R,BECKER K L,SWINBURNE A J,et al.Bacterial complications of respiratory tract viral illness: a comprehensive evaluation[J].J Infect Dis,2013,208(3):432-441.
Respiratory tract infection is one of the most common reasons for hospitalization among adults, and recent evidence suggests that many of these illnesses are associated with viruses. Although bacterial infection is known to complicate viral infections, the frequency and impact of mixed viral-bacterial infections has not been well studied.Adults hospitalized with respiratory illness during 3 winters underwent comprehensive viral and bacterial testing. This assessment was augmented by measuring the serum level of procalcitonin (PCT) as a marker of bacterial infection. Mixed viral-bacterial infection was defined as a positive viral test result plus a positive bacterial assay result or a serum PCT level of 鈮 0.25 ng/mL on admission or day 2 of hospitalization.Of 842 hospitalizations (771 patients) evaluated, 348 (41%) had evidence of viral infection. A total of 212 hospitalizations (61%) involved patients with viral infection alone. Of the remaining 136 hospitalizations (39%) involving viral infection, results of bacterial tests were positive in 64 (18%), and PCT analysis identified bacterial infection in an additional 72 (21%). Subjects hospitalized with mixed viral-bacterial infections were older and more commonly received a diagnosis of pneumonia. Over 90% of hospitalizations in both groups involved subjects who received antibiotics. Notably, 4 of 10 deaths among subjects hospitalized with viral infection alone were secondary to complications of Clostridium difficile colitis.Bacterial coinfection is associated with approximately 40% of viral respiratory tract infections requiring hospitalization. Patients with positive results of viral tests should be carefully evaluated for concomitant bacterial infection. Early empirical antibiotic therapy for patients with an unstable condition is appropriate but is not without risk.
DOI:10.1093/infdis/jit190      PMID:23661797      Magsci     URL    
[11] CHIRKOVA T,BOYOGLU-BARNUM S,GASTON K A,et al.Respiratory syncytial virus G protein CX3C motif impairs human airway epithelial and immune cell responses[J].J Virol,2013,87(24):13466-13479.
Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is a major cause of severe lower respiratory infection in infants and young children and causes disease in the elderly and persons with compromised cardiac, pulmonary, or immune systems. Despite the high morbidity rates of RSV infection, no highly effective treatment or vaccine is yet available. The RSV G protein is an important contributor to the disease process. A conserved CX3C chemokine-like motif in G likely contributes to the pathogenesis of disease. Through this motif, G protein binds to CX3CR1 present on various immune cells and affects immune responses to RSV, as has been shown in the mouse model of RSV infection. However, very little is known of the role of RSV CX3C-CX3CR1 interactions in human disease. In this study, we use an in vitro model of human RSV infection comprised of human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) separated by a permeable membrane from human airway epithelial cells (A549) infected with RSV with either an intact CX3C motif (CX3C) or a mutated motif (CX4C). We show that the CX4C virus induces higher levels of type I/III interferon (IFN) in A549 cells, increased IFN-伪 and tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-伪) production by human plasmacytoid dendritic cells (pDCs) and monocytes, and increased IFN-纬 production in effector/memory T cell subpopulations. Treatment of CX3C virus-infected cells with the F(ab')2 form of an anti-G monoclonal antibody (MAb) that blocks binding to CX3CR1 gave results similar to those with the CX4C virus. Our data suggest that the RSV G protein CX3C motif impairs innate and adaptive human immune responses and may be important to vaccine and antiviral drug development.
DOI:10.1128/JVI.01741-13      PMID:24089561      URL    
[12] METZGER D W,SUN K.Immune dysfunction and bacterial coinfections following influenza[J].J Immunol,2013,191(5):2047-2052.
Secondary by encapsulated including and following represent a common and challenging clinical problem. The reasons for this polymicrobial synergy are still not completely understood, hampering of effective prophylactic and therapeutic interventions. Although it has been commonly thought that viral-induced epithelial cell damage allows bacterial invasiveness, recent studies by several groups have now implicated dysfunctional innate immune defenses following as the primary culprit for enhanced susceptibility to secondary . Understanding the immunological imbalances that are responsible for virus/synergy will ultimately allow the design of effective, broad-spectrum therapeutic approaches for prevention of enhanced susceptibility to these pathogens.
DOI:10.4049/jimmunol.1301152      PMID:3760235      Magsci     URL    
[13] JAMIESON A M,YU S,ANNICELLI C H,et al.Influenza virus-induced glucocorticoids compromise innate host defense against a secondary bacterial infection[J].Cell Host Microbe, 2010,7(2):103-114.
Multicellular organisms are continuously exposed to many different pathogens. Because different classes of pathogens require different types of immune responses, understanding how an ongoing immune response to one type of infection affects the host's ability to respond to another pathogen is essential for a complete understanding of host-pathogen interactions. Here, we used a mouse model of coinfection to gain insight into the effect of respiratory influenza virus infection on a subsequent systemic bacterial infection. We found that influenza infection triggered a generalized stress response leading to a sustained increase in serum glucocorticoid levels, resulting in a systemic suppression of immune responses. However, virus-induced glucocorticoid production was necessary to control the inflammatory response and prevent lethal immunopathology during coinfection. This study demonstrates that activation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis controls the balance between immune defense and immunopathology and is an important component of the host response to coinfection.
DOI:10.1016/j.chom.2010.01.010      PMID:20159617      Magsci     URL    
[14] 张海祥,谢鑫,张科进,.细胞因子风暴在流行性感冒病毒感染中的作用及防治研究[J].细胞与分子免疫学杂志,2013,29(5):556-559.
[15] ROBINSON K M,CHOI S M,MCHUGH K J,et al.Influenza a exacerbates Staphylococcus aureus pneumonia by attenuating IL-1β production in mice[J].J Immunol,2013,191(10):5153-5159.
Pneumonia is a leading cause of death worldwide. Staphylococcal aureus can be a cause of severe pneumonia alone or a common pathogen in secondary pneumonia following influenza. Recently, we reported that preceding influenza attenuated the Type 17 pathway, increasing the lung's susceptibility to secondary infection. IL-1β is known to regulate host defense, including playing a role in Th17 polarization. We examined whether IL-1β signaling is required for S. aureus host defense and whether influenza infection impacted S. aureus-induced IL-1β production and subsequent Type 17 pathway activation. Mice were challenged with S. aureus (USA 300), with or without preceding Influenza A/PR/8/34 H1N1 infection. IL-1R1(-/-) mice had significantly higher S. aureus burden, increased mortality, and decreased Type 17 pathway activation following S. aureus challenge. Coinfected mice had significantly decreased IL-1β production versus S. aureus infection alone at early time points following bacterial challenge. Preceding influenza did not attenuate S. aureus-induced inflammasome activation, but there was early suppression of NF-κB activation, suggesting an inhibition of NF-κB-dependent transcription of pro-IL-1β. Furthermore, overexpression of IL-1β in influenza and S. aureus-coinfected mice rescued the induction of IL-17 and IL-22 by S. aureus and improved bacterial clearance. Finally, exogenous IL-1β did not significantly rescue S. aureus host defense during coinfection in IL-17RA(-/-) mice or in mice in which IL-17 and IL-22 activity were blocked. These data reveal a novel mechanism by which Influenza A inhibits S. aureus-induced IL-1β production, resulting in attenuation of Type 17 immunity and increased susceptibility to bacterial infection.
DOI:10.4049/jimmunol.1301237      PMID:3827735      URL    
[16] ALYMOVA I V,SAMARASINGHE A,VOGEL P,et al.A novel cytotoxic sequence contributes to influenza a viral protein PB1-F2 pathogenicity and predisposition to secondary bacterial infection[J].J Virol,2014,88(1):503-515.
Enhancement of cell death is a distinguishing feature of H1N1 influenza virus A/Puerto Rico/8/34 protein PB1-F2. Comparing the sequences (amino acids [aa] 61 to 87 using PB1-F2 amino acid numbering) of the PB1-F2-derived C-terminal peptides from influenza A viruses inducing high or low levels of cell death, we identified a unique I68, L69, and V70 motif in A/Puerto Rico/8/34 PB1-F2 responsible for promotion of the peptide's cytotoxicity and permeabilization of the mitochondrial membrane. When administered to mice, a 27-mer PB1-F2-derived C-terminal peptide with this amino acid motif caused significantly greater weight loss and pulmonary inflammation than the peptide without it (due to I68T, L69Q, and V70G mutations). Similar to the wild-type peptide, A/Puerto Rico/8/34 elicited significantly higher levels of macrophages, neutrophils, and cytokines in the bronchoalveolar lavage fluid of mice than its mutant counterpart 7 days after infection. Additionally, infection of mice with A/Puerto Rico/8/34 significantly enhanced the levels of morphologically transformed epithelial and immune mononuclear cells recruited in the airways compared with the mutant virus. In the mouse bacterial superinfection model, both peptide and virus with the I68, L69, and V70 sequence accelerated development of pneumococcal pneumonia, as reflected by increased levels of viral and bacterial lung titers and by greater mortality. Here we provide evidence suggesting that the newly identified cytotoxic sequence I68, L69, and V70 of A/Puerto Rico/8/34 PB1-F2 contributes to the pathogenesis of both primary viral and secondary bacterial infections.
DOI:10.1128/JVI.01373-13      PMID:24173220      Magsci     URL    
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