中国科技论文统计源期刊 中文核心期刊  
医药导报, 2017, 36(7): 809-812
doi: 10.3870/j.issn.1004-0781.2017.07.022
叶飞强1,, 钟黛云2, 张勇2, 张建萍2,


目的 分析老年住院患者潜在不适当用药(PIM)情况,探讨影响老年患者发生PIM的因素,为临床老年患者合理用药提供参考。方法 分别采用2012版Beers标准、爱尔兰STOPP和START标准,对武警广东省总队医院老年科2014年65岁及以上住院患者的PIM进行评价,采用多因素 Logistic回归分析确定PIM主要影响因素。结果 458例老年住院患者平均75岁,平均用药9种。根据2012版Beers标准判断,162例存在与药物相关的PIM,22例存在与疾病或状态相关的PIM,9例使用了老年人慎用药物。根据STOPP标准判断,22例存在PIM;根据START标准判断,34例存在潜在处方遗漏。Logistic回归分析显示,年龄、用药种数为PIM主要影响因素。结论 该院老年住院患者PIM较普遍。为降低PIM,应对医生和药师加强老年患者PIM筛查工具的宣传教育。

关键词: 老年患者 ; 潜在不适当用药 ; Beers标准

随着我国逐渐进入老龄化社会,老年人的生活质量和健康问题成为社会关注的焦点。在美国,1/3住院老年患者出现过药品不良反应,未表现出来的药物损害更难以估计[1],一些发达国家也对此制定了干预标准。1991年,由美国老年医学、药学、护理学及精神药理学等专家建立了判断老年人潜在不适当用药(potentially inappropriate medications,PIM)的判断标准(简称Beers标准),为评价老年人合理用药提供了实用性强的工具[2-3]。Beers标准经过3次更新,目前最新版本为2015版,其中2012版Beers判断标准应用非常广泛[4-7]。2008年爱尔兰科克大学制订了老年人不适当处方筛查工具(screening tool of older persons'prescriptions,STOPP)和老年人处方遗漏筛查工具(screening tool to alert to right treatment,START)(以下称STOPP和START标准),该标准在欧洲得到广泛应用。笔者采用上述3种标准对武警广东省总队医院老年科2014年住院患者的PIM进行评价,以期为提高老年人合理用药提供依据和参考。

1 资料与方法
1.1 病例选择

调取武警广东省总队医院信息系统2014年老年科≥65岁住院患者资料。提取内容为患者姓名、住院ID号、年龄、性别、诊断、用药情况、费用,共调取458例患者资料。排除死亡病例、住院时间<48 h者、第一诊断为恶性肿瘤者。

1.2 方法和判断标准


1.3 统计学方法

采用2007版EXCEL软件进行数据收集。采用SPSS 20.0版统计软件进行统计,用多因素非条件Logistic回归分析影响老年患者发生PIM的相关因素,以P<0.05为差异有统计学意义。

2 结果
2.1 患者基本资料


2.2 Beers标准评价结果

采用2012版Beers标准进行评价,共发现204例PIM(占总数44.54%),包括与患者疾病状态无关的PIM 162例(79.41%),与患者疾病状态相关的PIM 33例(16.18%),使用老年人慎用药物9例(4.41%)。影响该院老年患者PIM发生的主要因素为患者年龄和用药种数。

2.2.1 与疾病状态无关的PIM评价结果 涉及药物见表1。发生率较高的药物包括艾司唑仑、硝苯地平、阿普唑仑、螺内酯、苯巴比妥、胺碘酮、山莨菪碱等。

表1 老年科住院患者与疾病无关的PIM发生频数和2012版Beers标准相关建议
药物 频数 2012版Beers标准相关建议
阿普唑仑、艾司唑仑、氯硝西泮、地 65 避免使用任何类型苯二氮类药物治疗失眠、烦躁或谵妄;增加老年人认知功能受
西泮、劳拉西泮、奥沙西泮、 损、谵妄、跌倒和骨折等风险
硝苯地平 21 避免使用;导致低血压;增加突发心肌缺血的风险
胺碘酮、普罗帕酮 16 避免使用抗心律失常药作为心房颤动(房颤)一线用药;控制老年患者心率比心律
获益更多;胺碘酮可致多种毒性(甲状腺、肺)及QT间期延长 ;但在房颤合并心
山莨菪碱、东莨菪碱 15 避免使用;除非在姑息医疗中用于减少口腔分泌物
螺内酯>25 mg·d-1 12 避免用于心力衰竭或肌酐清除率<30 mL·min-1患者,增加心力衰竭者高钾血症
苯巴比妥 11 避免使用;躯体依赖性,易产生耐药
氯丙嗪、氟哌啶醇、奋乃静、阿立哌 6 避免用于痴呆患者的行为异常,除非药物治疗失败或患者对自己或他人造成威
唑、奥氮平、喹硫平、利培酮 胁;增加痴呆患者的脑血管意外(卒中)及死亡风险
苯海索 5 避免使用;不推荐用于抗精神病药物引起的锥体外系反应
赛庚啶、异丙嗪、氯苯那敏 4 避免使用;易导致意识混乱、口干、便秘及其他抗胆碱类不良反应
阿米替林、多塞平 2 避免使用;高抗胆碱活性,导致镇静及直立性低血压
佐匹克隆片 2 佐匹克隆和扎莱普隆可引起中枢神经系统不良反应,避免用于痴呆或认知损害患
多沙唑嗪、特拉唑嗪 2 避免作为降压药;直立性低血压风险较高,不建议作为高血压的常规治疗
甲地孕酮 1 避免使用;增加血栓风险,可能增加死亡率

表1 老年科住院患者与疾病无关的PIM发生频数和2012版Beers标准相关建议

2.2.2 与疾病状态相关的的PIM评价结果 疾病状态和涉及的药物见表2。

表2 老年科住院患者与疾病状态相关的PIM发生频数
疾病或症状 不适当用药 频数
凝血功能障碍或正在接受抗凝治疗 阿司匹林、氯吡格雷 12
慢性便秘 钙拮抗药、抗胆碱药 7
抑郁 长期(3个月以上)使用苯二氮类药物、三环类抗抑郁药、抗交感神经药 4
胃溃疡与十二指肠溃疡 非选择性NSAIDs及阿司匹林(>325 mg) 3
认知障碍 巴比妥盐、抗胆碱药、镇静药、肌松药、中枢神经兴奋药 2
排尿障碍 抗胆碱药和抗组胺药 2
帕金森综合征 甲氧氯普胺 1
失眠 茶碱 1
慢性阻塞性肺疾病 β-受体阻断药 1

表2 老年科住院患者与疾病状态相关的PIM发生频数

2.2.3 老年人慎用药物评价结果 慎用药物和2012版Beers 标准提出的相关建议见表3。其中≥80岁老年患者使用阿司匹林作为预防心血管事件的用药,该情况共发生5例。

表3 老年科住院患者慎用药物使用频数统计和2012版Beers标准相关建议
慎用药物 频数 2012版Beers标准相关建议
阿司匹林作为心血管事件的一级 5 ≥80岁老年人慎用(在≥80岁老年人中,缺少证据证实使用获益大于风险)
卡马西平、抗精神病药、三环抗抑 2 慎用;可能引起或加重抗利尿激素异常分泌综合征或低钠血症,老年人开始使用或
郁药 调整剂量期间须密切监测血钠
扩血管药 2 慎用;可能加重个别有晕厥史患者的晕厥发作

表3 老年科住院患者慎用药物使用频数统计和2012版Beers标准相关建议

2.2.4 老年患者发生PIM的影响因素 以是否存在2012版Beers 标准界定的PIM为因变量,性别、年龄、用药种数、住院天数、患病种数为自变量,采用多因素非条件Logistic回归法进行分析。结果显示,年龄、用药种数为PIM发生的影响因素,随着年龄增大,用药种数增多,PIM发生可能性增加;患病种数也有一定的影响,但差异无统计学意义。见表4。

表4 PIM影响因素的多因素Logistic回归分析结果
变量 回归
95%CI P
年龄 0.53 1.70 1.23~2.33 0.001
用药种数 1.72 5.56 3.18~9.74 0.000
患病种数 0.96 2.61 0.48~14.36 0.270
住院时间 -0.42 0.66 0.43~1.01 0.053
性别(男) -0.06 0.94 0.62~1.43 0.773

表4 PIM影响因素的多因素Logistic回归分析结果

2.3 STOPP和START标准评价结果


2.3.1 STOPP标准评价结果 根据STOPP标准,老年科住院患者有22例PIM(4.8%),见表5。其中频率最高为阿司匹林、钙通道阻断药等。

表5 老年科住院患者PIM发生频数和STOPP用药审核提示
不适当用药 频数 STOPP用药审核提示
阿司匹林 6 中重度高血压使用存在加重心衰的风险;应选择更有效的治疗方案
阿司匹林 4 有消化性溃疡史或消化道出血史的患者使用NSAID,有消化溃疡复发的
钙通道阻断药 4 慢性便秘者使用会加重便秘;避免使用
苯海拉明、氯苯那敏 2 长期(超过1周)使用第1代抗组胺药物,可能导致镇静或出现抗胆碱药不良反
呋塞米、氢氯噻嗪、螺内酯 2 无有效证据表明能治疗有心衰表现的依赖性踝部水肿;使用弹力袜通常更有效
β-受体阻断药(美托洛尔)) 1 与维拉帕米合用存在心脏阻滞风险;避免合用
三环类抗抑郁药(奋乃静) 1 前列腺疾病或尿潴留病史者使用,存在尿潴留风险;避免使用
甲氧氯普胺 1 帕金森病患使用有加重帕金森病的风险;避免使用
普萘洛尔 1 β受体阻断药与维拉帕米合用存在心脏阻滞风险

表5 老年科住院患者PIM发生频数和STOPP用药审核提示

2.3.2 START标准评价结果 根据START标准,老年患者用药存在34例潜在处方遗漏(表6),处方遗漏药物频率最高的为他汀类药物、抗血小板药、ACEI或ARB类药物、华法林等。

表6 老年科住院患者潜在的处方遗漏(START用药审核提示表)
药物 使用建议 频数
他汀类药物 糖尿病患者存在心血管风险因素没有接受他汀类药物治疗 15
抗血小板药物 糖尿病患者存在心血管风险因素没有接受抗血小板治疗 6
ACEI类或ARB类药物 糖尿病肾病患者没有接受ACEI或ARB类药物治疗(无论血清生化指标是否提示 5
华法林 慢性房颤者没有接受华法林抗凝治疗 3
二甲双胍 2型糖尿病没有接受二甲双胍治疗 2
钙和维生素D 骨质疏松患者没有接受钙和维生素D补充治疗 2
ACEI药物 急性心肌梗死没有使用ACEI药物治疗 1

表6 老年科住院患者潜在的处方遗漏(START用药审核提示表)

3 讨论


中国老年人合理用药研究主要针对住院老年患者用药进行回顾性分析,与药品有关的PIM 发生率4.6%~26.3%,与疾病状态有关的PIM 发生率1.82%~8.7%。本研究与之前研究不同之处是先用2012版Beers标准对住院患者进行PIM筛查,再用STOPP和START进行筛查,PIM查出率更高。但本研究仅在一家三级甲等医院一个科室进行,且影响因素的确定仅为患者的一些基本信息如年龄、性别、用药数量、住院天数等,没有处方医师、患者的配合度等其他因素,结果不具有普遍性,存在不足[8-9]

武警广东省总队医院老年科2014年住院患者与疾病状态无关的PIM 162例,发生率较高的药物主要是苯二氮类药物、速效硝苯地平、胺碘酮和山莨菪碱。有研究表明苯二氮类药物与老年人患者跌倒事件发生有密切关系[10],服用苯二氮类药物也会增加老年患者认知和谵妄风险。速效硝苯地平片使用比例占老年人PIM第二位,为预防患者心绞痛发作,医生常让患者含服1或2片硝苯地平片,但容易导致老年人低血压,增加突发心肌缺血的风险,改为硝苯地平缓释片更安全。胺碘酮常作为抗心律失常药,作为房颤一线用药,但该药不良反应多,特别是老年患者用药,心率减慢效应更加突出,还可导致甲状腺危象和QT间期延长[11],老年人应避免使用。山莨菪碱主要用于胃肠道解痉镇痛,此类药物易导致心率加快和排尿困难,特别是存在前列腺肥大症状的男性老年患者,故此类药物应尽量避免用于老年男性患者。



The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.


[1] 黄渤济,汪彤彤,汪培山,.美国老年人不合理用药的现状和面临的挑战[J].药物流行病学杂志,2002,11(5):243-245.
[2] ADAMS K R,AL-HAMOUZ S,EDMUND E,et al.Inappropriate prescribing in the elderly[J].J R Coll Physicians Lond,2007,32(2):113-121.
Summary Top of page Summary Introduction Challenges in prescribing for older people Polypharmacy Adverse drug reactions Drug utilization review tools Beers’ criteria Improved prescribing in the elderly tool Potentially inappropriate prescribing in europe Outcome studies of drug utilization review tools Conclusion References Background and objective:68 Drug therapy is necessary to treat acute illness, maintain current health and prevent further decline. However, optimizing drug therapy for older patients is challenging and sometimes, drug therapy can do more harm than good. Drug utilization review tools can highlight instances of potentially inappropriate prescribing to those involved in elderly pharmacotherapy, i.e. doctors, nurses and pharmacists. We aim to provide a review of the literature on potentially inappropriate prescribing in the elderly and also to review the explicit criteria that have been designed to detect potentially inappropriate prescribing in the elderly. Methods:68 We performed an electronic search of the PUBMED database for articles published between 1991 and 2006 and a manual search through major journals for articles referenced in those located through PUBMED. Search terms were elderly , inappropriate prescribing , prescriptions , prevalence , Beers criteria , health outcomes and Europe . Results and discussion:68 Prescription of potentially inappropriate medications to older people is highly prevalent in the United States and Europe, ranging from 12% in community-dwelling elderly to 40% in nursing home residents. Inappropriate prescribing is associated with adverse drug events. Limited data exists on health outcomes from use of inappropriate medications. There are no prospective randomized controlled studies that test the tangible clinical benefit to patients of using drug utilization review tools. Existing drug utilization review tools have been designed on the basis of North American and Canadian drug formularies and may not be appropriate for use in European countries because of the differences in national drug formularies and prescribing attitudes. Conclusion:68 Given the high prevalence of inappropriate prescribing despite the widespread use of drug-utilization review tools, prospective randomized controlled trials are necessary to identify useful interventions. Drug utilization review tools should be designed on the basis of a country's national drug formulary and should be evidence based.
DOI:10.1111/j.1365-2710.2007.00793.x      PMID:3820153      URL    
[3] FICK D M,COOPER J W,WADE W E,et al.Updating the Beers criteria for potentially inappropriate medication use in older adults:results of a US consensus panel of experts[J].Arch Intern Med,2003,163(22):2716-2724.
Abstract Medication toxic effects and drug-related problems can have profound medical and safety consequences for older adults and economically affect the health care system. The purpose of this initiative was to revise and update the Beers criteria for potentially inappropriate medication use in adults 65 years and older in the United States. This study used a modified Delphi method, a set of procedures and methods for formulating a group judgment for a subject matter in which precise information is lacking. The criteria reviewed covered 2 types of statements: (1) medications or medication classes that should generally be avoided in persons 65 years or older because they are either ineffective or they pose unnecessarily high risk for older persons and a safer alternative is available and (2) medications that should not be used in older persons known to have specific medical conditions. This study identified 48 individual medications or classes of medications to avoid in older adults and their potential concerns and 20 diseases/conditions and medications to be avoided in older adults with these conditions. Of these potentially inappropriate drugs, 66 were considered by the panel to have adverse outcomes of high severity. This study is an important update of previously established criteria that have been widely used and cited. The application of the Beers criteria and other tools for identifying potentially inappropriate medication use will continue to enable providers to plan interventions for decreasing both drug-related costs and overall costs and thus minimize drug-related problems.
DOI:10.1001/archinte.163.22.2716      PMID:14662625      URL    
[4] RANCOURT C,MOISAN J,BAILLARGEON L,et al.Potentially inappropriate prescriptions for older patients in long- term care[J].BMC Geriatr,2004,4:9.
Background Inappropriate medication use is a major healthcare issue for the elderly population. This study explored the prevalence of potentially inappropriate prescriptions (PIPs) in long-term care in metropolitan Quebec. Methods A cross sectional chart review of 2,633 long-term care older patients of the Quebec City area was performed. An explicit criteria list for PIPs was developed based on the literature and validated by a modified Delphi method. Medication orders were reviewed to describe prescribing patterns and to determine the prevalence of PIPs. A multivariate analysis was performed to identify predictors of PIPs. Results Almost all residents (94.0%) were receiving one or more prescribed medication; on average patients had 4.8 prescribed medications. A majority (54.7%) of treated patients had a potentially inappropriate prescription (PIP). Most common PIPs were drug interactions (33.9% of treated patients), followed by potentially inappropriate duration (23.6%), potentially inappropriate medication (14.7%) and potentially inappropriate dosage (9.6%). PIPs were most frequent for medications of the central nervous system (10.8% of prescribed medication). The likelihood of PIP increased significantly as the number of drugs prescribed increased (odds ratio [OR]: 1.38, 95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.33 1.43) and with the length of stay (OR: 1.78, CI: 1.43 2.20). On the other hand, the risk of receiving a PIP decreased with age. Conclusion Potentially inappropriate prescribing is a serious problem in the highly medicated long-term care population in metropolitan Quebec. Use of explicit criteria lists may help identify the most critical issues and prioritize interventions to improve quality of care and patient safety.
DOI:10.1186/1471-2318-4-9      PMID:15488143      URL    
[5] CHANG C M,LIU P Y,YANG Y H,et al.Potentially inappropriate drug prescribing among first- visit elderly outpatients in Taiwan[J].Pharmacotherapy,2004,24(7):848-855.
Study Objective. To determine the prevalence and risk factors of potentially inappropriate drug prescribing among first-visit elderly outpatients.Design. Cross-sectional survey.Setting. An urban tertiary care and academic medical center in southern Taiwan.Patients. Eight hundred eighty-two patients aged 65 years or older who were prescribed drugs at their first visit to either the medical center's outpatient internal medicine clinic or family medicine clinic between March 1, 2001, and July 31, 2001.Measurements and Main Results. Potentially inappropriate drug prescribing was assessed according to updated Beers criteria. Ninety-seven potentially inappropriate drugs were identified in 93 (10.5%) patients. The most common classes were sedative-hypnotics (18.6%) and muscle relaxants (17.5%). Twenty (20.6%) of these inappropriate drugs had a high severity potential according to the Beers criteria. Patients prescribed potentially inappropriate drugs were more likely to be prescribed several drugs versus those who were not prescribed potentially inappropriate drugs (4.0 卤 1.9 vs 2.8 卤 1.4, p<0.001). Multiple logistic regression analysis revealed an interaction between age and the number of prescribed drugs on the risk of having potentially inappropriate drugs prescribed. In patients who were prescribed four agents or less, the risk was not associated with increasing age; in those who were prescribed five drugs or more, the risk was positively associated with increasing age.Conclusion. Potentially inappropriate drug prescribing among first-visit elderly outpatients was relatively low. Increasing patient age combined with increased number of drugs prescribed was associated with increased risk of having potentially inappropriate drugs prescribed.
DOI:10.1592/phco.24.9.848.36095      PMID:15303449      URL    
[6] ONDER G,LANDI F,CESARI M,et al.Inappropriate medication use among hospitalized older adults in Italy:results from the Italian Group of Pharmacoepidemiology in the Elderly[J].Eur J Clin Pharmacol,2003,59(2):157-162.
Objective To determine the prevalence of inappropriate medication use among hospitalized older adults and to identify predictors of this use. Methods A total of 5734 patients (mean age 7902years) admitted to geriatric and internal medicine wards participating in the study in 1995 and 1997 were included in this analysis. Inappropriate medication use was defined on the basis of the criteria published by Beers in 1997. Only medications used during hospital stay were considered for the present study. Results During hospital stay, 837 (14.6%) patients received one or more medications classified as inappropriate based on Beers criteria. Ticlopidine ( n =346; 6.0% of the study sample) was the most frequently used medication among those in Beers' list, followed by digoxin ( n =174; 3.0%) and amytriptyline ( n =113; 2.0%). The multivariate analysis showed that age [75–8402years vs 65–7402years, odds ratio (OR) 0.85, 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.71–1.00; ≥8502years vs 65–7402years, OR 0.58, 95% CI 0.46–0.73], cognitive impairment (OR 0.77, 95% CI 0.64–0.94), Charlson co-morbidity index (≥2 vs 0–1, OR 1.20, 95% CI 1.02–1.40) and overall number of medications used during hospital stay (5–8 medications vs <5 medications, OR 2.20, 95% CI 1.72–2.82; ≥9 medications vs <5 medications, OR 3.68, 95% CI 2.86–4.73) were significantly associated with use of inappropriate medications. Conclusions Inappropriate medication use was common among hospitalized older adults. The most important determinant of risk of receiving an inappropriate medication was the number of drugs being taken. Older age and cognitive impairment were associated with a reduced likelihood of using an inappropriate medication.
DOI:10.1007/s00228-003-0600-8      PMID:12734610      Magsci     URL    
[7] By the American Geriatrics Society 2015 Beers Criteria Update Expert Panel. American Geriatrics Society 2015 updated Beers criteria for potentially inappropriate medication use in older adults Society 2015 Beers Criteria Update Expert Panel. American Geriatrics Society 2015 updated Beers criteria for potentially inappropriate medication use in older adults[J].J Am Geriatr Soc,2015,63(11):2227-2246.
[8] JANO E,APARSU R R.Healthcare outcomes associated with Beers' criteria:a systematic review[J].Ann Pharmacother,2007,41(3):438-447.
OBJECTIVE: To examine healthcare outcomes associated with Beers' criteria of inappropriate medication use based on a literature review. DATA SOURCES: A search of MEDLINE, International Pharmaceutical Abstracts, and Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature was conducted to identify articles published from October 1991 to October 2006. The following key words were used: Beers, inappropriate, medication, drug, use, prescribing, and elderly. A manual search was also conducted using the references listed in the articles identified through the database search. STUDY SELECTION AND DATA EXTRACTION: Studies that examined the impact or outcomes of Beers' criteria of inappropriate medication use (1991, 1997, and 2003 critera) were selected. Each article was examined for study setting, data source, study sample, study design, criteria, analysis and covariates, type of healthcare outcome, and study findings. Of 235 articles retrieved, 18 presented studies that examined healthcare outcomes associatedwith inappropriate medication use based on Beers' criteria. Specifically, setting-specific evidence as well as overall evidence was examined from the selected studies. The review considered evidence of association if more than 50% of the findings were statistically significant. DATA SYNTHESIS: Most of the 18 studies evaluated were retrospective cohort studies involving patients 65 years of age or older from diverse healthcare settings. In community settings, there was no evidence of association with respect to mortality and other healthcare use, and evidence regarding quality of life and costs was inconclusive. However, inappropriate medication use was associated with hospitalization measures in community elderly. In nursing homes, there was no evidence of association with mortality and the association with hospitalization measures was inconclusive. In hospitals, there was inconclusive evidence to make any generalizations. Across healthcare settings, inappropriate medi
DOI:10.1345/aph.1H473      PMID:17311835      URL    
[9] HILL-TAYLOR B,SKETRIS I,HAYDEN J,et al.Application of the STOPP/START criteria:a systematic review of the prevalence of potentially inappropriate prescribing in older adults,and evidence of clinical,humanistic and economic impact[J].J Clin Pharm Ther,2013,38(5):360-372.
What is known and Objective Potentially inappropriate prescribing (PIP) has significant clinical, humanistic and economic impacts. Identifying PIP in older adults may reduce their burden of adverse drug events. Tools with explicit criteria are being developed to screen for PIP in this population. These tools vary in their ability to identify PIP in specific care settings and jurisdictions due to such factors as local prescribing practices and formularies. One promising set of screening tools are the STOPP (Screening Tool of Older Person's potentially inappropriate Prescriptions) and START (Screening Tool of Alert doctors to the Right Treatment) criteria. We conducted a systematic review of research studies that describe the application of the STOPP/START criteria and examined the evidence of the impact of STOPP/START on clinical, humanistic and economic outcomes in older adults.<br/>Methods We performed a systematic review of studies from relevant biomedical databases and grey literature sources published from January 2007 to January 2012. We searched citation and reference lists and contacted content experts to identify additional studies. Two authors independently selected studies using a predefined protocol. We did not restrict selection to particular study designs; however, non-English studies were excluded during the selection process. Independent extraction of articles by two authors used predefined data fields. For randomized controlled trials and observational studies comparing STOPP/START to other explicit criteria, we assessed risk of bias using an adapted tool.<br/>Results and Discussion We included 13 studies: a single randomized controlled trial and 12 observational studies. We performed a descriptive analysis as heterogeneity of study populations, interventions and study design precluded meta-analysis. All observational studies reported the prevalence of PIP; however, the application of the criteria was not consistent across all studies. Seven of the observational studies compared STOPP/START with other explicit criteria. The STOPP/START criteria were reported to be more sensitive than the more-frequently-cited Beers criteria in six studies, but less sensitive than a set of criteria developed in Australia. The STOPP criteria identified more medications associated with adverse drug events than the 2002 version of the Beers criteria. Patients with PIP, as identified by STOPP, had an 85% increased risk of adverse drug events in one study (OR=1<bold>85</bold>, 95% CI: 1<bold>51</bold>-2<bold>26</bold>; P<0<bold>001</bold>). There was limited evidence that the application of STOPP/START criteria optimized prescribing. Research involving the application of STOPP/START on the impact on the quality of life was not found. The direct costs of PIP were documented in three studies from Ireland, but more extensive analyses on the economic impact or studies from other jurisdictions were not found.<br/>What is new and Conclusion The STOPP/START criteria have been used to review the medication profiles of community-dwelling, acute care and long-term care older patients in Europe, Asia and North America. Observational studies have reported the prevalence and predictors of PIP. The STOPP/START criteria appear to be more sensitive than the 2002 version of the Beers criteria. Limited evidence was found related to the clinical and economic impact of the STOPP/START criteria.
DOI:10.1111/jcpt.12059      Magsci    
[10] 张彩华,朱宏霞,瞿杨,.中枢神经系统药物对老年患者跌倒的影响及护理措施[J].上海护理,2009,9(6):5-7.
目的 了解中枢神经系统药物对老年患者发生跌倒的影响,并提出针对性的护理措施.方法 2007年3月-2009年3月在我科入住的老年患者中,因服用中枢神经系统药物后发生跌倒的患者38例,分析患者服用中枢神经系统药物后跌倒的发生率与 性别、教育程度、健康状况、泌尿问题、视力问题及认知功能障碍的关系,以及服药时间与药物剂量与跌倒之间关系.结果 男性跌倒发生率达78.95%,明显高于女性(21.05%);年龄在76~85岁之间跌倒发生率最高,达52.63%;伴发心血管疾病和代谢疾病发生跌 倒率明显高于其他类疾病;有基础性疾病者跌倒率明显增高.高剂量组和服药后0.5~1 h跌倒发生率明显增高,与低剂量和其他时间段比较差异有统计学意义,P<0.05.结论 服用中枢神经系统药物对老年人跌倒的发生有严重影响;护理人员应特别重视老年患者中使用高剂量药物以及服药后1 h内的观察,日常应加强用药宣教和陪护者跌倒防范意识的指导,减少老年患者跌倒事件的发生,有助于患者的康复.
[11] 顾智淳,刘晓琰,李峥,.胺碘酮对房颤患者QTc间期的影响及安全性评价[J].临床药物治疗杂志,2014,12(6):31-36.
目的:评价胺碘酮对我院房颤患者Q Tc间期的影响及其药品不良反应。方法:研究纳入2013年1月-2014年5月间上海交通大学医学院附属仁济医院房颤住院患者共l56例,记录患者一般 资料及合用药物等信息,观察应用胺碘酮注射液或胺碘酮片剂后心率、Q T间期、Q Tc间期的变化,以及在胺碘酮用药期间是否发生与用药相关的不良反应。结果:用药后房颤患者的平均心率显著减慢(79.2±21.6)bpm比 (72.9±13.1)bpm (P500ms,17例患者用药后QTc50ms。共有22例患者合并使用一种或多种可延长QT间期的 药物,包括氟哌噻吨美利曲辛片(10例),多塞平(7例),左氧氟沙星(6例)等。心动过缓、2型糖尿病、合用其他影响QT间期药物为延长QTc间期的因 素(P500ms、△QTc>50ms或合并使用其他可延长QT间期药物的患者,需调 整胺碘酮剂量并严密监测心电图,警惕恶性心律失常的发生。
[12] VINKS T H,EGBERTS T C,DE LANGE T M,et al.Pharmacist-based medication review reduces potential drug-related problems in the elderly:the SMOG controlled trial[J].Drugs Aging,2009,26(2):123-133.
Background: The high prevalence of drug-related problems (DRPs) in the elderly, occurring as a result of multiple drug use combined with age-related changes in pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics, is a well known phenomenon. However, effective intervention strategies are uncommon. Objective : A pharmacy-based controlled trial (SMOG [Screening Medicatie Oudere Geneesmiddelgebruiker; Screening Medications in the Older Drug User]) was performed to investigate whether a community pharmacist-led intervention reduces the number of potential DRPs in patients aged ≥65 years using six or more drugs concomitantly. Methods: This intervention study was conducted from June 2002 until June 2003 in 16 community pharmacies in the Netherlands. Medication assessment was undertaken in elderly patients aged ≥65 years using six or more drugs concomitantly on the date of inclusion. Ten types of potential DRPs were determined and grouped into the following three categories: (i) patient-related potential DRPs: non-compliance; (ii) prescriber-related potential DRPs: expired indication, therapeutic duplication, inappropriate dosage (over- and under-dosage), off-label use, undertreatment, inconvenience of use; and (iii) drug-related potential DRPs: contraindications, drug-drug interactions, drug treatment of adverse drug reactions. A list of recommended changes in medication was compiled by the pharmacist for the patients in the intervention group. Recommendations for medication change were discussed with the general practitioner (GP). Four months after the date of inclusion, the medications of each patient were again reviewed and screened for potential DRPs. The primary outcome corresponded to the change in the number of potential DRPs; the secondary outcome was related to the change in number of used medications between the intervention group and the control group at baseline and 4 months later. Results: A total of 174 patients were analysed: 87 patients in the intervention arm and 87 patients in the usual care arm. After a 4-month period, we observed a significant reduction in the mean number of DRPs per patient (mean difference 6116.3%; 95% CI 6124.3, 618.3). The mean number of drugs per patient was not significantly reduced (mean difference 614.7%; 95% CI 619.6, 0.2). Conclusion: This study showed a positive influence of the community pharmacist in reducing potential DRPs in the elderly. Future interventions should also focus on actual outcomes, including quality of life, morbidity and mortality.
DOI:10.2165/0002512-200926020-00004      PMID:19220069      URL    
[13] ZERMANSKY A G,ALLDRED D P,et al.PETTY D R.Clinical medication review by a pharmacist of elderly people living in care homes-Randomised controlled trial[J].Age Ageing,2006,35(6):586-591.
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