中国科技论文统计源期刊 中文核心期刊  
HERALD OF MEDICINE, 2018, 37(1): 1-5
doi: 10.3870/j.issn.1004-0781.2018.01.001
Treatment Strategies for Carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae Infections
肖婷婷, 肖永红



关键词: 碳青霉烯类 ; 耐药 ; 肠杆菌科细菌 ; 感染 ; 治疗策略


Objective Carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae infections is becoming a major challenge to clinicians,which resulted in extremely high mortality owing to the limited antibiotics option.It is urgently to explore strategies to manage such bacterial infections.So far,the research is mainly focused on the research and development of new drugs,as well as the re-evaluation of classic antimicrobial drugs and the combined treatment regimens.Tigecycline is available in our country,but the clinical effect is still doubtful.Polymyxin has a good effect on drug sensitivity test in vitro,but the clinical dosing has not been established.Carbapenems combining with other drugs as optimizing treatment program is also being explored.Carbapenemase- inhibitor combination has not yet listed on Chinese market.In the mean time,it is urgent to prevent and to control carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae bacterial infection.

Key words: Carbapenem ; Resistant ; ; Infection ; Treatment strategies

碳青霉烯类抗菌药物对大多数革兰阳性菌、阴性菌、厌氧菌具有较强的抗菌活性,对超广谱β-内酰胺酶(extended-spectrum beta-lactamases,ESBLs)和头孢菌素酶(AmpC)稳定,是耐药肠杆菌科细菌感染的一线抗菌药物。但是近年来由于抗菌药物的不合理使用等原因,耐碳青霉烯类肠杆菌科细菌(carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae,CRE)日益增多,其中最常见的为大肠埃希菌和肺炎克雷伯菌,使临床抗感染治疗面临极大困难,严重威胁患者生命[1-2]。2017年2月27日,世界卫生组织(WHO)在G20会议前发布的最需要新药研发来控制的12种细菌的名单包括了CRE。笔者旨在对CRE感染现状以及抗菌药物治疗策略作介绍。

1 CRE感染流行状况及耐药机制

CRE的流行已呈全球性,在欧洲、亚洲、美洲甚至非洲等都有一定的流行[3]。1996年首次在美国北卡罗莱纳州分离1株对碳青霉烯耐药肺炎克雷伯菌,从这株细菌分离到可以水解碳青霉烯类的β-内酰胺酶,即肺炎克雷伯菌碳青霉烯酶(Klebsiella pneumoniae carbapenemases-1,KPC-1)[4],之后这类碳青霉烯耐药细菌在全球范围内迅速传播。美国疾病控制与预防中心的数据表明,美国CRE感染率由2001年的1.2%上升至2011年的4.2% [5],每年由碳青霉烯耐药的肺炎克雷伯菌或大肠埃希菌引起的感染超过9 000例。中国CHINET近10年耐药性监测结果也显示了类似的趋势,其中以耐碳青霉烯类肺炎克雷伯菌最多,肺炎克雷伯菌对亚胺培南或美罗培南的耐药率变化最明显,由2005年的3.0%上升至2014年的13.4% [6]。CRE可引起各种严重感染,如血流感染、腹腔感染、尿路感染、肺炎等,并能通过一定途径蔓延。CRE主要耐药机制包括以下几种。

1.1 产生碳青霉烯酶

碳青霉烯酶属于β-内酰胺酶,能够水解碳青霉烯类抗菌药物,是CRE最常见的耐药机制。目前临床常见的此类酶包括Ambler A类(如KPC、GES),Ambler B类(如NDM、IMP、VIM)及Ambler D类(如OXA-48、OXA-23等)[7-8]。其中,A类和D类为丝氨酸酶,B类为金属酶。A类酶以KPC酶最常见,能水解几乎所有的β-内酰胺类抗生素和氨曲南,常见于肺炎克雷伯菌和大肠埃希菌,其基因位于质粒上,易在不同菌种间传播;B类酶中NDM金属酶也是一类传播能力很强的碳青霉烯酶,能水解所有的β-内酰胺类抗生素,不能水解氨曲南,主要存在于肺炎克雷伯菌、大肠埃希菌及不动杆菌属等;D类酶包括OXA型酶,能水解青霉素、窄谱头孢菌素、碳青霉烯类,不能水解氨曲南、广谱头孢菌素,主要存在于肺炎克雷伯菌中。目前,已经发现存在于大肠埃希菌属的OXA酶,包括OXA-1、OXA-2、OXA-48、OXA-232等。然而OXA酶水解碳青霉烯类抗生素的作用较弱,经常需合并膜孔蛋白缺失或外排泵活跃才对碳青霉烯类抗生素耐药[9]

1.2 外膜蛋白改变

当某种膜孔蛋白缺失或表达降低,相应的抗菌药物不能通过扩散穿过细胞膜进入菌体,从而导致细菌对碳青霉烯类抗菌药物耐药[10]。肠杆菌科细菌中外膜通道蛋白主要由OmpC和OmpF构成,菌株突变后使OmpF基因失活,导致蛋白表达缺失,产生耐药性。研究表明, OmpK 35、OmpK 36、OmpK 37等膜孔蛋白缺失使菌株对碳青霉烯类抗生素的耐药性增加[11]。然而也有发现,缺失膜孔蛋白OmpK 35和OmpK 36的肺炎克雷伯菌对碳青霉烯类敏感,这可能是由于细菌的磷酸化膜孔蛋白PhoE基因的表达增高而弥补了降低的蛋白表达[12]

1.3 外排泵高表达

存在于细菌细胞膜上的细菌外排泵,可将细胞内的抗菌药物主动泵出,细胞内的抗菌药物浓度下降从而不能有效抑制细菌,产生耐药。在肠杆菌科细菌中,外排泵AcrAB-TolC广泛存在,并且是重要的外排系统,由局部调节因子 AcrR 及全局调节因子 MarA-Sox- Rob 系统调控[13],碳青霉烯类外排泵较少见[14]

2 CRE感染的治疗策略
2.1 抗CRE新药

2.1.1 甘酰胺环素 替加环素(tigecycline)属于四环素类衍生物,通过与细菌30S的核糖体亚基结合抑制蛋白质的合成而发挥抗菌作用。替加环素组织渗透广泛,皮肤、胆囊、肠和肺内组织均可渗透,可用于CRE引起的腹腔、皮肤及肺部感染。由于其血药浓度较低,治疗血流感染很难达到有效的治疗浓度[15]。其清除主要通过胆道和肠道排泄(59%),其余药物从尿液中排出(15%~22%)[16]。临床可与碳青霉烯类联用治疗碳青霉烯类耐药肺炎克雷伯菌引起的血流感染。提高替加环素剂量(100 mg, q12h)治疗碳青霉烯耐药革兰阴性菌感染,疗效优于标准剂量(50 mg, q12h),且耐受性良好[17]。同时也有报道称替加环素单药治疗CRE所致严重感染的疗效差,反而具有较高的死亡风险,可能与其不理想的药动学特征有关[18]。因此,美国食品药品监督管理局(FDA)不推荐常规使用该类药物,但当细菌几乎全耐药时,可基于替加环素具有较高的体外敏感率,推荐与多黏菌素类、碳青霉烯类或氨基苷类等联合应用[19]

Eravacycline是一种新型含氟四环素类衍生物,细菌所产生的四环素主动外排耐药机制对其无效,对临床常见革兰阳性、阴性需氧及兼性厌氧菌,大多数厌氧菌以及对头孢菌素、大环内酯类、β内酰胺类/ β内酰胺酶抑制剂多重耐药菌均具有广泛的抗菌活性,在复杂的腹内感染的治疗中也可能与厄他培南一样安全有效[20]

2.1.2 新型头孢菌素 头孢地尔(cefiderocol,S-649266)是一种新型的铁载体头孢菌素,在治疗革兰阴性菌严重、复杂的尿道感染患者中,与亚胺培南/西司他丁比较,符合FDA预先指定的非劣效性的主要终点[21]。头孢地尔能有效地穿入革兰阴性病原体。其哌醇与三价铁结合,并通过细菌铁转运蛋白通过外膜被主动转运到细菌细胞中,这种特洛伊木马策略允许头孢地尔在周质空间达到更高的浓度,结合受体以抑制细菌的细胞壁合成。此外,头孢地尔对所有已知的β-内酰胺酶,包括金属蛋白酶和丝氨酸碳青霉烯酶都是稳定的。

2.1.3 碳青霉烯酶抑制剂复方制剂 阿维巴坦(avibactam)和Relebactam属于二氮杂双环辛酮化合物(diazabicyclooctanes,DBOs),是一种新型非β-内酰胺类β-内酰胺酶抑制药,其抑酶谱广,与传统β-内酰胺酶抑制药不同,可与酶长效可逆性共价结合,可抑制 A 类、C 类和某些 D 类 β-内酰胺酶,但不能抑制B类金属β-内酰胺酶[22]。与DBOs不同的另一类抑制剂是硼基芳烃内酰胺酶抑制剂,已证明正在开发的RPX7009对A类碳青霉烯酶,包括ESBLs和KPC酶,有抑制作用,但不能抑制金属酶和D类酶[23]。头孢他啶/阿维巴坦复方已获批准在美国上市,联用可显著改善其对产 β-内酰胺酶的革兰阴性耐药菌的活性,主要用于成人复杂性腹腔感染及复杂性尿路感染,但目前用于CRE感染治疗的临床数据有限。氨曲南/阿维巴坦可能对产金属类β-内酰胺酶的菌株(如产NDM的CRE)感染有效,但仍需进一步研究。

2.1.4 新型氨基糖苷类 Plazomicin(ACHN-490)是Ibis Therapeutics和Achaogen合作开发的新型氨基糖苷类抗菌药,目前处于Ⅲ期临床研究阶段。此类氨基糖苷类药物能抑制常见氨基苷修饰酶(AME),从而对多种耐药的革兰阴性菌和阳性菌有效,可用于治疗细菌性尿路感染、肾盂肾炎[24]。同时其能与β-内酰胺类药物产生协同效应,目前未发现肾毒性和耳毒性等不良反应,具有良好的开发价值和市场前景。

2.2 既有抗菌药物重新评估

2.2.1 多黏菌素 多黏菌素是多肽类抗生素,包括多黏菌素B和多黏菌素E(黏菌素),可竞争性结合革兰阴性菌外膜中的磷酸酯部分,破坏细胞膜的完整性,使细胞内的物质外漏而起杀菌作用。由于其抗菌谱窄,仅对革兰阴性需氧菌(变形杆菌除外)具有较强的抗菌活性,同时其肾毒性较明显,导致多黏菌素被弃用。多黏菌素对CRE具有良好的体外抗菌活性,但存在异质性耐药现象,影响体内疗效,且单药治疗在微生物学清除、临床治愈率及不良反应发生率方面均劣于联合治疗[25]。一般可以通过大剂量或联合用药来解决异质性耐药的问题,但是多黏菌素的治疗窗非常窄,治疗浓度约为2.0 μg·mL-1,接近2.5 μg·mL-1的浓度会导致肾毒性[26],需根据肾功能调整多黏菌素的给药方案,密切监测肾功能,避免与其他致肾损伤药物联合使用。相关药动学/药效学研究表明,多黏菌素与利福平、替加环素及亚胺培南联用均有很好的协同作用,且能延缓耐药菌株的出现。

2.2.2 磷霉素 磷霉素通过竞争性抑制磷酸烯醇丙酮酸合成酶干扰细菌细胞壁早期合成,且不易被细菌转化为对自身有用的物质,对革兰阴性菌和革兰阳性菌均具有广谱抗菌活性,且对80%的CRE有抗菌活性,特别是产KPC的肺炎克雷伯菌,包括对黏菌素和替加环素敏感性降低的菌株[27]。磷霉素药动学特征较复杂,胃肠道吸收 30%~40%,4 h达到峰值,组织、体液分布广泛。磷霉素最大的优势在于其强大的协同作用,可增强其他抗菌药物的杀菌效果,同时具有独特的抗菌机制,耐药菌发展较缓慢。磷霉素静脉制剂与多黏菌素、替加环素、碳青霉烯类及氨基糖苷类联合治疗CRE所致的各种感染(包括血流感染、肺炎、腹膜炎等),总治愈率达81.1%;对于耐多黏菌素的CRE感染患者,磷霉素治疗有效率仍高达60%。不良反应上,磷霉素耐受性良好,约5%患者发生恶心、呕吐、腹泻或皮疹。但是,磷霉素单一用药主要用于泌尿道感染,对治疗 CRE 感染的最佳剂量和持续时间尚不明确,需进一步进行药效研究。

2.2.3 氨基糖苷类 近年耐药监测发现CRE对氨基糖苷类具有一定的敏感性。一项队列研究表明氨基糖苷类治疗CRE感染的微生物清除率为88%,高于多黏菌素(64%)和替加环素(43%)[28]。在治疗剂量选择上,其与中毒剂量接近,限制了此类药物的使用。我国临床分离CRE对阿米卡星敏感率较高,该药物可作为联合用药方案的选择。

2.3 联合用药和优化治疗策略

2.3.1 碳青霉烯类优化治疗策略 研究显示,碳青霉烯类抗菌药物治疗最低抑菌浓度(MIC)>8 μg·mL-1细菌感染时的成功率为25%,MIC为8 μg·mL-1时成功率为66.7%,MIC为4 μg·mL-1时成功率为71.4%,MIC为≤2 μg·mL-1时成功率为72.4%[29],结果提示通过优化碳青霉烯类给药方案,可以使这类药物用于CRE感染的治疗;还有研究发现,在各种联合治疗CRE感染的方案中,含碳青霉烯类药物方案效果较好。根据药动学/药效学原则,碳青霉烯类抗菌药物为时间依赖型,游离药物浓度超过MIC的时间(fT>MIC)达到40%以上时,能满足临床感染治疗需求。有研究显示延长多利培南输注时间,对CRE的治疗更有效[30]。中国专家共识中提出碳青霉烯类抗菌药物对耐药肺炎克雷伯菌的MIC<8 μg·mL-1的病例,可以结合药动学/药效学原理,增加碳青霉烯类剂量,或适当延长给药时间,以及联合其他活性的抗菌药物的方法,但不建议使用双碳青霉烯类进行治疗[31]

2.3.2 其他联合治疗 CRE对各类抗菌药物的耐药性强,多呈广泛耐药。对CRE敏感率较高的抗菌药物为多黏菌素和替加环素,大多研究建议使用联合治疗CRE严重感染优于单药治疗,但仍存在一定争议[30-33]。TUMBARELLO等[33]发现产KPC肺炎克雷伯菌感染30 d总体死亡率为42%,单一用药治疗方案病死率明显高于联合用药方案,其中替加环素+多黏菌素+美罗培南联合治疗方案的病死率最低。我国广泛耐药革兰阴性菌(XDR)感染诊治专家共识建议使用以多黏菌素和(或)替加环素为基础的联合用药方案治疗XDR肠杆菌科细菌感染[31]。目前针对CRE的联合治疗常用两药联合方案包括多黏菌素+碳青霉烯类、多黏菌素+替加环素、多黏菌素+磷霉素、替加环素+碳青霉烯类、替加环素+氨基糖苷类、替加环素+磷霉素;磷霉素+氨基糖苷类,三药联合主要为多黏菌素+替加环素+碳青霉烯类。其中,多黏菌素联合碳青霉烯类药物是治疗CRE感染最有前景的方案,但仍需进一步研究。

3 CRE感染的控制

2013年美国疾病控制与预防中心发布的“细菌耐药威胁报告”将CRE列为“紧急威胁”的首位。CRE 感染导致患者治疗费用增加,并且病死率很高。2015年11月,美国疾病控制与预防中心更新了“医疗机构CRE控制指南”,其中修订CRE指肠杆菌科细菌对至少一种碳青霉烯类药物产生耐药,且或产一种酶(最常见为碳青霉烯酶)。面对CRE威胁,医疗机构应了解患者CRE感染危险因素,采取相应干预措施 [34-35],包括手卫生、接触隔离、医务人员培训、最低限度使用侵袭性操作、检出CRE时实验室及时通知医护、出院时了解患者CRE感染或定植情况以便再次入院后立即鉴别、促进抗菌药物管理、环境卫生、患者和工作人员队列、CRE筛查、主动监测、氯己定擦浴等。国际上有关CRE控制不乏成功经验,其中以色列在CRE防控中所采取的综合措施值得借鉴。

4 结束语

CRE引起的感染对人类威胁越来越大,目前缺乏确认有效的治疗药物。已有的对CRE的治疗药物主要是多黏菌素、替加环素、磷霉素及氨基糖苷类。多黏菌素具有较好体外抗菌活性,但临床用药方案尚未确立;替加环素在我国临床可供使用,但其血药浓度低,临床疗效仍未确定;新药研究包括新型头孢菌素、碳青霉烯酶抑制剂、甘酰胺环素等;多项研究表明碳青霉烯类药物联合其他药物的优化治疗方案优于单药治疗,但仍正在探索之中。CRE感染的具体治疗方案需要结合耐药菌流行病学特征、药敏试验结果、感染部位及严重程度、抗菌药物的药效学/药动学特点等综合考虑。同时 临床需要高度重视CRE控制。加强抗菌药物管理和有效控制耐药传播途径是预防CRE感染的最佳途径。

The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.


[1] TEMKIN E,ADLER A,LERNER A,et al.Carbapenemres-istant Enterobacteriaceae:biology,epidemiology,and management[J].Ann New York Acad Sci ,2014,1323(1):22-42.
Introduced in the 1980s, carbapenem antibiotics have served as the last line of defense against multidrug-resistant Gram-negative organisms. Over the last decade, carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae (CRE) have emerged as a significant public health threat. This review summarizes the molecular genetics, natural history, and epidemiology of CRE and discusses approaches to prevention and treatment.
DOI:10.1111/nyas.12537      PMID:25195939      URL    
[2] TEO J,CAI Y,TANG S,et al.Risk factors,molecular epi-demiology and outcomes of ertapenem-resistant,carbapenem-susceptible Enterobacteriaceae:a case-case-control study[J].PLoS One,2012,7(3):e34254.
Background Increasing prevalence of ertapenem-resistant, carbapenem-susceptible Enterobacteriaceae (ERE) in Singapore presents a major therapeutic problem. Our objective was to determine risk factors associated with the acquisition of ERE in hospitalized patients; to assess associated patient outcomes; and to describe the molecular characteristics of ERE. Methods A retrospective case-case-control study was conducted in 2009 at a tertiary care hospital. Hospitalized patients with ERE and those with ertapenem-sensitive Enterobacteriaceae (ESE) were compared with a common control group consisting of patients with no prior gram-negative infections. Risk factors analyzed included demographics; co-morbidities; instrumentation and antibiotic exposures. Two parallel multivariate logistic regression models were performed to identify independent variables associated with ERE and ESE acquisition respectively. Clinical outcomes were compared between ERE and ESE patients. Results Twenty-nine ERE cases, 29 ESE cases and 87 controls were analyzed. Multivariate logistic regression showed that previous hospitalization (Odds ratio [OR], 10.40; 95% confidence interval [CI], 2.19 49.20) and duration of fluoroquinolones exposure (OR, 1.18 per day increase; 95% CI, 1.05 1.34) were unique independent predictors for acquiring ERE. Duration of 4th-generation cephalosporin exposure was found to predict for ESE acquisition (OR, 1.63 per day increase; 95% CI, 1.05 2.54). In-hospital mortality rates and clinical response rates were significantly different between ERE and ESE groups, however ERE infection was not a predictor of mortality. ERE isolates were clonally distinct. Ertapenem resistance was likely to be mediated by the presence of extended-spectrum -lactamases or plasmid-borne AmpC in combination with impermeability due to porin loss and/or efflux pumps. Conclusion Prior hospitalization and duration of fluoroquinolone treatment were predictors of ERE acquisition. ERE infections were associated with higher mortality rates and poorer clinical response rates when compared to ESE infections.
DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0034254      PMID:22461908      URL    
[3] NORDMANN P,NAAS T,POIREL L.Global spread of car-bapenemase-producing Enterobacteriaceae[J].Emerg Infect Dis,2011,17(10):1791-1798.
Carbapenemases increasingly have been reported in Enterobacteriaceae in the past 10 years. Klebsiella pneumoniae carbapenemases have been reported in the United States and then worldwide, with a marked endemicity at least in the United States and Greece. Metallo-enzymes (Verona integron-encoded metallo--lactamase, IMP) also have been reported worldwide, with a higher prevalence in southern Europe and Asia. Carbapenemases of the oxacillinase-48 type have been identified mostly in Mediterranean and European countries and in India. Recent identification of New Delhi metallo--lactamase-1 producers, originally in the United Kingdom, India, and Pakistan and now worldwide, is worrisome. Detection of infected patients and carriers with carbapenemase producers is necessary for prevention of their spread. Identification of the carbapenemase genes relies mostly on molecular techniques, whereas detection of carriers is possible by using screening culture media. This strategy may help prevent development of nosocomial outbreaks caused by carbapenemase producers, particularly K. pneumoniae.
DOI:10.3201/eid1710.110655      PMID:3310682      URL    
[4] MACKENZIE F M,FORBES K J,DORAIJOHN T,et al.Emergence of a carbapenem-resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae[J].Lancet,1997,350(9080):783.
DOI:10.1016/S0140-6736(05)62567-6      URL    
[5] GUH A Y,LIMBAGO B M,KALLEN A J.Epidemiology and prevention of carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae in the United States[J].Expert Rev Anti Infect Ther, 2014,12(5):565-580.
Carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae (CRE) are multidrug-resistant organisms with few treatment options that cause infections associated with substantial morbidity and mortality. CRE outbreaks have been increasingly reported worldwide and are mainly due to the emergence and spread of strains that produce carbapenemases. In the United States, transmission of CRE is primarily driven by the spread of organisms carrying the Klebsiella pneumoniae carbapenemase enzyme, but other carbapenemase enzymes, such as the New-Delhi metallo--lactamase, have also emerged. Currently recommended control strategies for healthcare facilities include the detection of patients infected or colonized with CRE and implementation of measures to prevent further spread. In addition to efforts in individual facilities, effective CRE control requires coordination across all healthcare facilities in a region. This review describes the current epidemiology and surveillance of CRE in the United States and the recommended approach to prevention.
DOI:10.1586/14787210.2014.902306      PMID:24666262      URL    
[6] HU F P,GUO Y,ZHU D M,et al.Resistance trends among clinical isolates in China reported from CHINET surveillance of bacterial resistance,2005-2014[J].Clin Microbiol Infect,2016,22(Suppl 1):9-14
With the aim of gathering temporal trends on bacterial epidemiology and resistance from multiple laboratories in China, the CHINET surveillance system was organized in 2005. Antimicrobial susceptibility testing was carried out according to a unified protocol using the Kirby-Bauer method or automated systems. Results were analyzed according to Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI) 2014 definitions. Between 2005 and 2014, the number of bacterial isolates ranged between 22774 and 84572 annually. Rates of extended-spectrum 尾-lactamase production among Escherichia coli isolates were stable, between 51.7 and 55.8%. Resistance of E.coli and Klebsiella pneumoniae to amikacin, ciprofloxacin, piperacillin/tazobactam and cefoperazone/sulbactam decreased with time. Carbapenem resistance among K.pneumoniae isolates increased from 2.4 to 13.4%. Resistance of Pseudomonas aeruginosa strains against all of antimicrobial agents tested including imipenem and meropenem decreased with time. On the contrary, resistance of Acinetobacter baumannii strains to carbapenems increased from 31 to 66.7%. A marked decrease of methicillin resistance from 69% in 2005 to 44.6% in 2014 was observed for Staphylococcus aureus. Carbapenem resistance rates in K.pneumoniae and A.baumannii in China are high. Our results indicate the importance of bacterial surveillance studies.
DOI:10.1016/j.cmi.2016.01.001      PMID:27000156      URL    
[7] BAE I K,KANG H K,JANG I H,et al.Detection of carba-penemases in clinical enterobacteriaceae isolates using the VITEK AST-N202 card[J].Infect Chemother,2015,47(3):167-174.
The rapid and accurate detection of carbapenemase-producing Enterobacteriaceae (CPE) in clinical microbiology laboratories is essential for the treatment and control of infections caused by these microorganisms. This study was performed to evaluate the ability of the VITEK AST-N202 card to detect CPE isolates.A total of 43 (Klebsiella pneumoniae, n = 37; Escherichia coli, n = 3; and Enterobacter cloacae, n = 3) CPE isolates and 79 carbapenemase-non-producing Enterobacteriaceae (CNE) isolates were included in this study. The CPE isolates harbored KPC-2 (n = 11), KPC-3 (n = 20), GES-5 (n = 5), VIM-2 (n = 2), IMP-1 (n = 1), NDM-1 (n = 2), or OXA-232 (n = 2). Of the 79 CNE isolates, eight K. pneumoniae isolates were resistant to ertapenem, imipenem, and meropenem, while the remaining 71 isolates were susceptible to the carbapenems. Antimicrobial susceptibilities were tested using the VITEK AST-N202 card, and the results were interpreted as positive when the isolates showed resistant or intermediate results. Modified-Hodge tests (MHTs) were performed using ertapenem or meropenem disks for the screening of carbapenemase production. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and direct sequencing were used to identify 尾-lactamase genes.Sensitivity of MHT with ertapenem and meropenem disks for the detection of carbapenemase was 81.4% (35/43) and 81.4% (35/43), respectively, and a combination with both antibiotic disks increased the sensitivity to 88.4% (38/43). Specificity of the MHT was 100% (79/79) for the CNE isolates. Sensitivity of ertapenem, imipenem, and meropenem as assessed by the VITEK AST-N202 card was 100% (43/43), 93% (40/43), and 95.3% (41/43), respectively. Specificity (89.8%, 71/79) of the test with each carbapenem was improved to 100% (71/71) when eight carbapenem-resistant CNE isolates were excluded from the testing.The VITEK AST-N202 card showed high sensitivity for the detection of carbapenemases in Enterobacteriaceae strains. PCR and sequencing experiments for the detection of carbapenemases are recommended when clinical Enterobacteriaceae isolates show non-susceptibility to carbapenems.
DOI:10.3947/ic.2015.47.3.167      PMID:26483990      URL    
[8] BANERJEE P,JAGGI T,HAIDER M,et al. Prevalence of carbapenemases and metallo-β-lactamases in clinical isolates of enterobacter cloacae[J].J Clin Diagn Res,2014,8(11):DM01-DM02.
[9] HU F,CHEN S,XU X,et al.Emergence of carbapenem-resistant clinical Enterobacteriaceae isolates from a teaching hospital in Shanghai,China[J].J Med Microbiol,2012,61(Pt1):132-136.
Carbapenems such as imipenem and meropenem are first-line agents for the treatment of serious nosocomial infections caused by multidrug-resistant clinical isolates of bacteria belonging to the family Enterobacteriaceae. However, resistance to carbapenems has increased dramatically among members of the family Enterobacteriaceae isolated from a teaching hospital in Shanghai, China. In the present study, we investigated the prevalence and molecular characteristics of carbapenem-resistant clinical isolates of Enterobacteriaceae. None of the 77 clinical isolates collected from 2002 to 2009 were susceptible to ertapenem and only 6.5 % and 1.3 % of isolates were susceptible to imipenem and meropenem, respectively. Colistin and tigecycline were found to be the most active agents against carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae isolates, inhibiting 90 % of isolates at a concentration of 1 g ml(-1) and 4 g ml(-1), respectively. The results of PFGE analysis suggested that many of the KPC-2-producing isolates of Citrobacter freundii and Klebsiella pneumoniae were clonally related. Most of these isolates were isolated from the same ward, namely the neurosurgical ward, suggesting horizontal transfer of the KPC-2-encoding gene in these isolates. Of the 77 isolates, 84.4 % were found, by PCR, to be capable of carbapenemase production. SDS-PAGE analysis revealed that 75.3 % (58/77) of the isolates had lost at least one porin protein. Our results suggested that the prompt detection of carbapenemase-producing strains is critical for the containment of nosocomial transmission. As no novel antimicrobials have been identified for use in the treatment of these pan-drug-resistant isolates, further studies should focus on the rational use of available antibiotics, the implementation of active antibiotic resistance surveillance and the strict implementation of infection control measures to avoid the rapid spread or outbreak of carbapenemase-producing Enterobacteriaceae in health-care facilities.
DOI:10.1099/jmm.0.036483-0      PMID:21903823      URL    
[10] LOGAN L K.Carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae:an emerging problem in children[J].Clin Infect Dis,2012,55(6):852-859.
Antibiotic resistance among gram-negative bacteria has reached critical levels. The rise of carbapenem resistance in Enterobacteriaceae carrying additional resistance genes to multiple antibiotic classes has created a generation of organisms nearly resistant to all available therapy. Carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae (CRE) infections are known to be associated with significant morbidity and mortality, and these pathogens have now made their way to the most vulnerable populations, including children. This review provides a brief overview of CRE, with a focus on CRE infections in children, and highlights available data on the epidemiology, clinical characteristics, carbapenemase types, risk factors, treatment, and outcomes of these multi-drug resistant infections in the pediatric population.
DOI:10.1093/cid/cis543      PMID:22700827      URL    
[11] TSAI Y K,FUNG C P,LIN J C,et al.Klebsiella pneumoniae outer membrane porins OmpK35 and OmpK36 play roles in both antimicrobial resistance and virulence[J].Antimicrob Agents Chemother,2011,55(4):1485-1493.
OmpK35 and OmpK36 are the major outer membrane porins of Klebsiella pneumoniae. In this study, a virulent clinical isolate was selected to study the role of these two porins in antimicrobial resistance and virulence. The single deletion of ompK36 (ΔompK36) resulted in MIC shifts of cefazolin, cephalothin, and cefoxitin from susceptible to resistant, while the single deletion of ompK35 (ΔompK35) had no significant effect. A double deletion of ompK35 and ompK36 (ΔompK35/36) further increased these MICs to high-level resistance and led to 8- and 16-fold increases in the MICs of meropenem and cefepime, respectively. In contrast to the routine testing medium, which is of high osmolarity, susceptibility tests using low-osmolarity medium showed that the ΔompK35 mutation resulted in a significant (≥ 4-fold) increase in the MICs of cefazolin and ceftazidime, whereas a ΔompK36 deletion conferred a significantly (4-fold) lower increase in the MIC of cefazolin. In the virulence assays, a significant (P < 0.05) defect in the growth rate was found only in the ΔompK35/36 mutant, indicating the effect on metabolic fitness. A significant (P < 0.05) increase in susceptibility to neutrophil phagocytosis was observed in both ΔompK36 and ΔompK35/36 mutants. In a mouse peritonitis model, the ΔompK35 mutant showed no change in virulence, and the ΔompK36 mutant exhibited significantly (P < 0.01) lower virulence, whereas the ΔompK35/36 mutant presented the highest 50% lethal dose of these strains. In conclusion, porin deficiency in K. pneumoniae could increase antimicrobial resistance but decrease virulence at the same time.
DOI:10.1128/AAC.01275-10      PMID:3067157      URL    
[12] FRANK M K,FADIA D H,WENCHI S,et al.High-level carbapenem resistance in a Klebsiella pneumoniae clinical isolate is due to the combiniation of b/aACT-1 β-lactamase production,porin OmpK35/36 insertional inactiviation,and down-regulation of the phosphate transport porin phoE[J].Antimicrob Agents Chemother,2006,50(10):3396-3406.
DOI:10.1128/AAC.00285-06      URL    
[13] HOBBS E C,YIN X,PAULA B J,et al.Conserved small protein associates with the multidrug efflux pump AcrB and differentially affects antibiotic resistance[J].Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A,2012,109(41):16696-16701.
DOI:10.1073/pnas.1210093109      URL    
[14] ZHANG R,CAI J C,ZHOU H W,et al.Genotypic charac-terization and in vitro activities of tigecycline and polymyxin B for members of the Enterobacteriaceae with decreased susceptibility to carbapenems[J].J Med Microbiol,2011,60(Pt 12):1813-1819.
Carbapenem resistance in members of the Enterobacteriaceae is increasing. To evaluate the effects of tigecycline and polymyxin B against carbapenem-non-susceptible pathogens, 89 representative clinical carbapenem-non-susceptible Enterobacteriaceae isolates were recovered from seven hospitals from four cities in China during 2006-2009: 30 Serratia marcescens, 35 Klebsiella pneumoniae, seven Enterobacter cloacae, six Enterobacter aerogenes, five Escherichia coli, four Citrobacter freundii and two Klebsiella oxytoca isolates. Twenty-eight S. marcescens isolates were indistinguishable. The 35 K. pneumoniae isolates belonged to 12 clonal strains. Among the 89 Enterobacteriaceae isolates, 82 produced KPC-2, seven produced IMP (three produced KPC-2 simultaneously), three did not produce any carbapenemases and nine were deficient in porins. Polymyxin B was much more active than tigecycline against carbapenem-non-susceptible Enterobacteriaceae. The MIC(50) and MIC(90) of imipenem, meropenem, ertapenem, polymyxin B and tigecycline were 8 and 32 08g ml(-1), 8 and 32 08g ml(-1), 16 and 128 08g ml(-1), 0.5 and 16 08g ml(-1), and 4 and 16 08g ml(-1), respectively. Rates of susceptibility to imipenem, meropenem, ertapenem and polymyxin B were 30.0%, 27.5%, 2.5% and 89.2% by CLSI criteria. The rate of susceptibility to tigecycline was 40% and 17.5% by Food and Drug Administration (MIC ≤2 08g ml(-1)) and European Committee on Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing (MIC ≤1 08g ml(-1)) criteria, respectively. KPC-2- or IMP-producing E. coli transconjugants exhibited reduced susceptibility to carbapenems but were susceptible to polymyxin B and tigecycline with an MIC range of 0.5-2 08g ml(-1), 0.25-2 08g ml(-1), 0.5-4 08g ml(-1), 0.5 08g ml(-1) and 0.5-1 08g ml(-1). In conclusion, carbapenem resistance in Enterobacteriaceae is mainly due to production of KPC-2, and polymyxin B is active for the carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae.
DOI:10.1099/jmm.0.025668-0      PMID:21835972      URL    
[15] MEAGHER A K,AMBROSE P G,GRASELA T H,et al.The pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic profile of tigecycline[J].Clin Infect Dis,2005,41(Suppl 5):333-340.
Tigecycline, a first-in-class expanded-spectrum , has demonstrated efficacy in the treatment of complicated intra-abdominal and skin and skin-structure . This new antibiotic is available as an intravenous formulation and exhibits linear pharmacokinetics. It is rapidly distributed and has a large volume of distribution, indicating extensive tissue penetration. After a 100-milligram loading dose, followed by 50 milligrams every 12 h, the steady-state maximum concentration in serum after a 1-h infusion is approximately 0.6 microg/mL, the 24-h steady-state area under the concentration-time curve is approximately 5-6 microg.h/mL, and the terminal elimination half-life is approximately 40 h. The major route of elimination of tigecycline is through the feces, primarily as unchanged drug. The pharmacokinetic profile is not affected by severe or , nor is it significantly altered by hemodialysis. The pharmacokinetics of tigecycline are also not affected by food, although tolerability is increased if the drug is administered following a meal.
DOI:10.1086/431674      PMID:16080071      URL    
[16] NOSKIN G A.Tigecycline:a new glycylcycline for treat-ment of serious infections[J].Clin Infect Dis,2005,41(Suppl 5):S303-314.
Tigecycline is a new semisynthetic glycylcycline for the treatment of serious . Of the glycylcyclines, tigecycline is the most studied and appears to hold promise as a new that can be administered as monotherapy to patients with many types of serious . For patients with serious , the initial choice for empirical therapy with broad-spectrum antibiotics is crucial, and, if the choice is inappropriate, it may have adverse consequences for the patient. Tigecycline has been designed to overcome many existing mechanisms of resistance among and confers broad antibiotic coverage against -resistant enterococci, -resistant , and many species of multidrug-resistant gram-negative . Tigecycline has been efficacious and well tolerated in clinical phase 2 studies, which warranted further evaluation of tigecycline in larger studies for treatment of many indications, including complicated skin and skin-structure , complicated , and of the lower respiratory tract.
DOI:10.1086/431672      PMID:16080069      URL    
[17] FALAGAS M E,VARDAKAS K Z,TSIVERIOTIS K P,et al.Effectiveness and safety of high-dose tigecycline-containing regimens for the treatment of severe bacterial infections[J].Int J Antimicrob Agents,2014,44(1):1-7.
Here we review the effectiveness and safety of high-dose tigecycline (200mg daily). A systematic search was performed in PubMed and Scopus databases as well as of abstracts presented at scientific conferences. Eight studies (263 patients; 58% critically ill) were included, comprising one randomised controlled trial (RCT), four non-randomised cohorts and three case reports. Klebsiella pneumoniae was the most commonly isolated pathogen (reported in seven studies). In the RCT, response in the clinically evaluable patients was 85.0% (17/20) in the 100mg every 12h (q12h) group and 69.6% (16/23) in the 75mg q12h group (P=0.4). More episodes of diarrhoea, treatment-related nausea and vomiting developed in the high-dose group (14.3% vs. 2.8%, 8.6% vs. 2.8% and 5.7% vs. 2.8%, respectively; P>0.05 for all comparisons). Three (8.6%) and 7 (19.6%) patients died in the 200mg and 150mg daily dose groups, respectively. The cohort studies enrolled patients with severe infections, including ventilator-associated pneumonia and complicated intra-abdominal infections. Mortality with high-dose tigecycline (100mg q12h) in the cohort studies ranged from 8.3% to 26%; mortality in the low-dose groups (50mg q12h) ranged from 8% to 61% and depended on the severity of the underlying infection. There are limited available data regarding the effectiveness and safety of high-dose tigecycline. Most of the data come from critically ill patients with difficult-to-treat infections. Pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic properties of tigecycline suggest that high-dose regimens may be more effective than low-dose regimens. Candidates for administration of high-dose tigecycline should be also defined.
DOI:10.1016/j.ijantimicag.2014.01.006      PMID:24602499      URL    
[18] YAHAV D,LADOR A,PAUL M,et al.Efficacy and safety of tigecycline:a systematic review and meta-analysis[J].J Antimicrob Chemother,2011,66(9):1963-1971.
Tigecycline is a novel glycylcycline that exhibits broad-spectrum antibacterial activity. Recently, the US FDA issued a warning concerning increased mortality with tigecycline in randomized controlled trials (RCTs).We conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis of RCTs that compared tigecycline with any other antibiotic regimen for the treatment of any infection. A comprehensive search, without publication status or other restrictions, was conducted. The primary outcome was overall 30 day mortality. The secondary outcome included clinical and microbiological failure, superinfections and adverse events (AEs). The trials' risks of bias and their effects on results were assessed. Two reviewers independently extracted the data. Individual trials' relative risks (RRs) were pooled using a fixed effect meta-analysis.Fifteen trials (7654 patients) were included. Overall mortality was higher with tigecycline compared with other regimens [RR 1.29, 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.02-1.64, without heterogeneity]. The type of infection assessed and the trials' reported risks of bias did not affect this result. Clinical failure was significantly higher with tigecycline (RR 1.16, 95% CI 1.06-1.27) and non-statistically significant higher rates of microbiological failure were demonstrated (RR 1.13, 95% CI 0.99-1.30). Development of septic shock was significantly more frequent with tigecycline (RR 7.01, 95% CI 1.27-38.66). Superinfections were significantly more common with tigecycline and so were AEs, including all AEs and AEs requiring discontinuation.In the light of the increased mortality, probably explained by decreased clinical and microbiological efficacy, clinicians should avoid tigecycline monotherapy in the treatment of severe infections and reserve it as a last-resort drug.
DOI:10.1093/jac/dkr242      PMID:2020202020202032020202020      URL    
[19] PRASAD P,SUN J,DANNER R L,et al.Excess deaths associated with tigecycline after approval based on noninferiority trials[J].Clin Infect Dis,2012,54(12):1699-1709.
Background. On the basis of noninferiority trials, tigecycline received Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval in 2005. In 2010, the FDA warned in a safety communication that tigecycline was associated with an increased risk of death.
DOI:10.1093/cid/cis270      PMID:22467668      URL    
[20] SOLOMKIN J S,RAMESH M K,CESNAUSKAS G,et al.Phase 2,randomized,double-blind study of the efficacy and safety of two dose regimens of eravacycline versus ertapenem for adult community acquired complicated intra-abdominal infections[J].Antimicrob Agents Chemother,2014,58(4):1847-1854.
Eravacycline is a novel fluorocycline, highly active against Gram-positive and Gram-negative pathogens in vitro, including those with tetracycline and multidrug resistance. This phase 2, randomized, double-blind study was conducted to evaluate the efficacy and safety of two dose regimens of eravacycline compared with ertapenem in adult hospitalized patients with complicated intra-abdominal infections (cIAIs). Patients with confirmed cIAI requiring surgical or percutaneous intervention and antibacterial therapy were randomized (2:2:1) to receive eravacycline at 1.5 mg/kg of body weight every 24 h (q24h), eravacycline at 1.0 mg/kg every 12 h (q12h), or ertapenem at 1 g (q24h) for a minimum of 4 days and a maximum of 14 days. The primary efficacy endpoint was the clinical response in microbiologically evaluable (ME) patients at the test-of-cure (TOC) visit 10 to 14 days after the last dose of study drug therapy. Overall, 53 patients received eravacycline at 1.5 mg/kg q24h, 56 received eravacycline at 1.0 mg/kg q12h, and 30 received ertapenem. For the ME population, the clinical success rate at the TOC visit was 92.9% (39/42) in the group receiving eravacycline at 1.5 mg/kg q24h, 100% (41/41) in the group receiving eravacycline at 1.0 mg/kg q12h, and 92.3% (24/26) in the ertapenem group. The incidences of treatment-emergent adverse events were 35.8%, 28.6%, and 26.7%, respectively. Incidence rates of nausea and vomiting were low in both eravacycline groups. Both dose regimens of eravacycline were as efficacious as the comparator, ertapenem, in patients with cIAI and were well tolerated. These results support the continued development of eravacycline for the treatment of serious infections, including those caused by drug-resistant Gram-negative pathogens. (This study has been registered at under registration no. NCT01265784.).
DOI:10.1128/AAC.01614-13      PMID:24342651      URL    
[21] NAKAMURA R,TOBA S,TSUJI M,et al.A novel sidero-phore cephalosporin:IV.In vivo ef cacy in various murine infection models[C].Presented at 54th Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy (ICAAC 2014),Washington,DC:Poster ,2014:5-9.
[22] MACVANE S H,CRANDON J L,NICHOLS W W,et al.In vivo efficacy of humanized exposures of ceftazidime- avibactam in comparison with ceftazidime against contemporary enterobacteriaceae isolates[J].Antimicrob Agents Chemother,2014,58(11):6913-6919.
Ceftazidime-avibactam is a β-lactam β-lactamase inhibitor combination under investigation for the treatment of serious Gram-negative infections. When combined with avibactam, a novel non-β-lactam β-lactamase inhibitor, ceftazidime has activity against isolates that produce Ambler class A, class C, and some class D β-lactamases. However, little is known of the in vivo efficacy of the combination against these targeted ceftazidime- and carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae. Using humanized exposures in the murine thigh model, we evaluated the efficacy of ceftazidime-avibactam against Enterobacteriaceae exhibiting MICs of ≥8 μg/ml to aid in the assignment of interpretive susceptibility criteria. Eighteen clinical Enterobacteriaceae isolates, including nine carbapenem-resistant strains, were evaluated against ceftazidime-avibactam (2,000 mg/500 mg) as a 2-h infusion every 8 h. To highlight the impact of avibactam, 13 select isolates were tested in the neutropenic model against a humanized regimen of 2,000 mg ceftazidime every 8 h (2-h infusion). Additionally, nine isolates were evaluated in immunocompetent animals. The efficacy was evaluated as the change in log10 CFU compared with that of 0-h controls after 24 h. The vast majority (17/18, 94%) of the isolates were resistant to ceftazidime alone. The ceftazidime monotherapy failed to have activity against 10 of 13 isolates, while ceftazidime-avibactam produced reductions in bacterial density against 16 of 18 isolates. Ceftazidime-avibactam (2,000 mg/500 mg) every 8 h (2-h infusion) displayed dependable activity against the Enterobacteriaceae isolates, exhibiting MICs of ≤16 μg/ml (free drug concentration above the MIC [fT>MIC] of ≥62%) and variable activity was noted at an MIC of 32 μg/ml (fT>MIC of 34%). The presence of a functioning immune system enhanced the efficacy for both regimens against all tested isolates. These data support further examination of the use of ceftazidime-avibactam as an effective therapy against infections due to Gram-negative infections, including carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae.
DOI:10.1128/AAC.03267-14      PMID:25223999      URL    
[23] DRAWZ S M,PAPP-WALLACE K M,BONOMO R A.New beta-lactamase inhibitors:a therapeutic renaissance in an MDR world[J].Antimicrob Agents Chemother,2014,58(4):1835-1846.
DOI:10.1128/AAC.00826-13      URL    
[24] PANKUCH G A,LIN G,KUBO A,et al.Activity of ACHN-490 tested alone and in combination with other agents against Pseudomonas aeruginosa[J].Antimicrob Agents Chemother,2011,55(5):2463-2465.
Abstract ACHN-490 was tested alone and in combination with cefepime, doripenem, imipenem, or piperacillin-tazobactam in a synergy time-kill analysis against 25 Pseudomonas aeruginosa strains with different resistance phenotypes. Each combination was synergistic against most isolates at 24 h, and antagonism was not observed. Combinations of ACHN-490 with cefepime, doripenem, imipenem, or piperacillin-tazobactam yielded synergies in 09090670% and 09090680% of strains at 6 and 12 h, respectively, and in 09090668% at 24 h.
DOI:10.1128/AAC.01390-10      PMID:21282445      URL    
[25] 罗晶,雷兆锦,李忠东.含多黏菌素E多药联合方案与单药方案的有效性和安全性Meta分析[J].临床药物治疗杂志,2014,12(1):33-40.
[26] LANDERSDORFER C B,NATION R L.Colistin:how shou-ld it be dosed for the critically ill?[J].Semin Respir Crit Care Med,2015,36(1):126-135.
ABSTRACT Colistin, an "old" polymyxin antibiotic, is increasingly being used as last-line treatment against infections caused by multidrug-resistant gram-negative bacteria. It is administered in patients, parenterally or by inhalation, as its inactive prodrug colistin methanesulfonate (CMS). Scientifically based recommendations on how to optimally dose colistin in critically ill patients have become available over the last decade and are extremely important as colistin has a narrow therapeutic window. A dosing algorithm has been developed to achieve desired plasma colistin concentrations in critically ill patients. This includes the necessary dose adjustments for patients with impaired kidney function and those on renal replacement therapy. Due to the slow conversion of CMS to colistin, a loading dose is needed to generate effective concentrations within a reasonable time period. Therapeutic drug monitoring is warranted, where available; because of the observed high interpatient variability in plasma colistin concentrations. Combination therapy should be considered when the infecting pathogen has a colistin minimum inhibitory concentration above 1 mg/L, as increasing the dose may not be feasible due to the risk for nephrotoxicity. Inhalation of CMS achieves considerably higher colistin concentrations in lung fluids than is possible with intravenous administration, with negligible plasma exposure. Similarly, for central nervous system infections, dosing CMS directly into the cerebrospinal fluid generates significantly higher colistin concentrations at the infection site compared with what can be achieved with systemic administration. While questions remain to be addressed via ongoing research, this article reviews the significant advances that have been made toward optimizing the clinical use of colistin. Thieme Medical Publishers 333 Seventh Avenue, New York, NY 10001, USA.
DOI:10.1055/s-0034-1398390      URL    
[27] FALAGAS M E,GIANNOPOULOU K P,KOKOLAKIS G N.Fosfomycin:use beyond urinary tract and gastrointestinal infections [J ].Clin Infect Dis,2008,46(7):1069-1077.
【Key Words】:
DOI:10.1086/527442      PMID:18444827      URL    
[28] SATLIN M J,KUBIN C J,BLUMENTHAL J S,et al.Com-parative effectiveness of aminoglycosides,polymyxin B,and tigecycline for clearance of carbapenem-resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae from urine[J].Antimicrob Agents Chemother,2011,55(12):5893-5899.
Abstract Carbapenem-resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae (CRKP) is an increasingly common cause of health care-associated urinary tract infections. Antimicrobials with in vitro activity against CRKP are typically limited to polymyxins, tigecycline, and often, aminoglycosides. We conducted a retrospective cohort study of cases of CRKP bacteriuria at New York-Presbyterian Hospital from January 2005 through June 2010 to compare microbiologic clearance rates based on the use of polymyxin B, tigecycline, or an aminoglycoside. We constructed three active antimicrobial cohorts based on the active agent used and an untreated cohort of cases that did not receive antimicrobial therapy with Gram-negative activity. Microbiologic clearance was defined as having a follow-up urine culture that did not yield CRKP. Cases without an appropriate follow-up culture or that received multiple active agents or less than 3 days of the active agent were excluded. Eighty-seven cases were included in the active antimicrobial cohorts, and 69 were included in the untreated cohort. The microbiologic clearance rate was 88% in the aminoglycoside cohort (n = 41), compared to 64% in the polymyxin B (P = 0.02; n = 25), 43% in the tigecycline (P < 0.001; n = 21), and 36% in the untreated (P < 0.001; n = 69) cohorts. Using multivariate analysis, the odds of clearance were lower for the polymyxin B (odds ratio [OR], 0.10; P = 0.003), tigecycline (OR, 0.08; P = 0.001), and untreated (OR, 0.14; P = 0.003) cohorts than for the aminoglycoside cohort. Treatment with an aminoglycoside, when active in vitro, was associated with a significantly higher rate of microbiologic clearance of CRKP bacteriuria than treatment with either polymyxin B or tigecycline.
DOI:10.1128/AAC.00387-11      PMID:21968368      URL    
[29] BULIK C C,TESSIER P R,KEEL R A,et al.In vivo com-parison of CXA-101 (FR264205) with and without tazobactam versus piperacillin-tazobactam using human simulated exposures against phenotypically diverse gram-negative organisms[J].Antimicrob Agents Chemother,2012,56(1):544-549.
Abstract CXA-101 is a novel antipseudomonal cephalosporin with enhanced activity against Gram-negative organisms displaying various resistance mechanisms. This study evaluates the efficacy of exposures approximating human percent free time above the MIC (%fT > MIC) of CXA-101 with or without tazobactam and piperacillin-tazobactam (TZP) against target Gram-negative organisms, including those expressing extended-spectrum β-lactamases (ESBLs). Sixteen clinical Gram-negative isolates (6 Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolates [piperacillin-tazobactam MIC range, 8 to 64 μg/ml], 4 Escherichia coli isolates (2 ESBL and 2 non-ESBL expressing), and 4 Klebsiella pneumoniae isolates (3 ESBL and 1 non-ESBL expressing) were used in an immunocompetent murine thigh infection model. After infection, groups of mice were administered doses of CXA-101 with or without tazobactam (2:1) designed to approximate the %fT > MIC observed in humans given 1 g of CXA-101 with or without tazobactam every 8 h as a 1-h infusion. As a comparison, groups of mice were administered piperacillin-tazobactam doses designed to approximate the %fT > MIC observed in humans given 4.5 g piperacillin-tazobactam every 6 h as a 30-min infusion. Predicted piperacillin-tazobactam %fT > MIC exposures of greater than 40% resulted in static to >1 log decreases in CFU in non-ESBL-expressing organisms with MICs of ≤32 μg/ml after 24 h of therapy. Predicted CXA-101 with or without tazobactam %fT > MIC exposures of ≥37.5% resulted in 1- to 3-log-unit decreases in CFU in non-ESBL-expressing organisms, with MICs of ≤16 μg/ml after 24 h of therapy. With regard to the ESBL-expressing organisms, the inhibitor combinations showed enhanced CFU decreases versus CXA-101 alone. Due to enhanced in vitro potency and resultant increased in vivo exposure, CXA-101 produced statistically significant reductions in CFU in 9 isolates compared with piperacillin-tazobactam. The addition of tazobactam to CXA-101 produced significant reductions in CFU for 7 isolates compared with piperacillin-tazobactam. Overall, human simulated exposures of CXA-101 with or without tazobactam demonstrated improved efficacy versus piperacillin-tazobactam.
DOI:10.1128/AAC.01752-10      PMID:3256089      URL    
[30] DAIKOS G L,MARKOGIANNAKIS A,SOULI M,et al.Bloodstream infections caused by carbapenemase-producing Klebsiella pneumoniae:a clinical perspective[J].Expert Rev Anti Infect Ther,2012,10(12):1393-1404.
DOI:10.1586/eri.12.138      URL    
[31] GROUP C X C W,GUAN X,HE L,et al.Laboratory diag-nosis,clinical management and infection control of the infections caused by extensively drug-resistant Gram-negative bacilli:a Chinese consensus statement[J].Clin Microbiol Infect,2016,22( Suppl 1):S15-S25.
Extensively drug-resistant (XDR) Gram-negative bacilli (GNB) are defined as bacterial isolates susceptible to two or fewer antimicrobial categories. XDR-GNB mainly occur inEnterobacteriaceae,Acinetobacter baumannii,Pseudomonas aeruginosa, andStenotrophomonas maltophilia. The prevalence of XDR-GNB is on the rise in China and in other countries, and it poses a major public health threat as a result of the lack of adequate therapeutic options. A group of Chinese clinical experts, microbiologists and pharmacologists came together to discuss and draft a consensus on the laboratory diagnosis, clinical management and infection control of XDR-GNB infections. Lists of antimicrobial categories proposed for antimicrobial susceptibility testing were created according to documents from the Clinical Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI), the European Committee on Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing (EUCAST) and the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Multiple risk factors of XDR-GNB infections are analyzed, with long-term exposure to extended-spectrum antimicrobials being the most important one. Combination therapeutic regimens are summarized for treatment of XDR-GNB infections caused by different bacteria based on limited clinical studies and/or laboratory data. Most frequently used antimicrobials used for the combination therapies include aminoglycosides, carbapenems, colistin, fosfomycin and tigecycline. Strict infection control measures including hand hygiene, contact isolation, active screening, environmental surface disinfections, decolonization and restrictive antibiotic stewardship are recommended to curb the XDR-GNB spread.
DOI:10.1016/j.cmi.2015.11.004      PMID:26627340      URL    
[32] DAVID VA D,KEITH S K,ELIZABETH A,et al.Carba-penem-resistant enterobacteriaceae:a review of treatment and outcomes[J].Diagn Microbiol Infect Dis,2013,75(2):115-120.
The emergence of carbapenem resistance in Enterobacteriaceae is an important threat to global health. Reported outcomes of infections with carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae (CRE) are poor. Very few options remain for the treatment of these virulent organisms. Antibiotics which are currently in use to treat CRE infections include aminoglycosides, polymyxins, tigecycline, fosfomycin, and temocillin. In addition, the role of combination therapy, including carbapenem containing regimens, remains to be defined. There are several important concerns regarding all of these treatment options such as limited efficacy, increasing reports of resistance, and specific toxicities. Data from retrospective studies favor combination therapy over single-agent therapy for the treatment of CRE bloodstream infections. In summary, new antibiotics are greatly needed, as is additional prospective research.
DOI:10.1016/j.diagmicrobio.2012.11.009      PMID:23290507      URL    
[33] TUMBARELLO M,VIALE P,VISCOLI C,et al.Predictors of mortality in bloodstream infections caused by Klebsiella pneumoniae carbapenemase-producing K.pneumoniae:importance of combination therapy[J].Clin Infect Dis,2012,55(6):943-950.
F1000Prime Recommended Article: Predictors of mortality in bloodstream infections caused by Klebsiella pneumoniae carbapenemase-producing K. pneumoniae: importance of combination therapy.
DOI:10.1093/cid/cis588      PMID:22752516      URL    
[34] 徐英春,肖永红,卓超,.中国碳青霉烯类耐药肠杆菌科细菌的流行病学和防控策略[J].中国执业药师,2013,10(4):3-8.
1 背景 中国与全球各国都面临细菌耐药的挑战,各地区和各国家耐药的具体情况有所不同.亚洲属于耐药高负担的地区,积极应对细菌耐药是各国的重要任务,为此2011年世界卫生组织(WHO)提出了"遏制细菌耐药,今天不采取行动,明天就无药可用"的口号,细菌耐药已成为一个极其重要的公共卫生安全问题.
[35] FRIEDMAN N D,CARMELI Y,WALTON A L,et al.Car-bapenem-resistant enterobacteriaceae:a strategic roadmap for infection control[J].Infect Control Hosp Epidem,2017,38(5):580-594.
Abstract The incidence of carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae (CRE) has increased worldwide with great regional variability. Infections caused by these organisms are associated with crude mortality rates of up to 70%. The spread of CRE in healthcare settings is both an important medical problem and a major global public health threat. All countries are at risk of falling victim to the emergence of CRE; therefore, a preparedness plan is required to avoid the catastrophic natural course of this epidemic. Proactive and adequate preventive measures locally, regionally, and nationally are required to contain the spread of these bacteria. The keys to success in preventing the establishment of CRE endemicity in a region are early detection through targeted laboratory protocols and containment of spread through comprehensive infection control measures. This guideline provides a strategic roadmap for infection control measures based on the best available evidence and expert opinion, to enable preparation of a multifaceted preparedness plan to abort epidemics of CRE. Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol 2017;1-15.
DOI:10.1017/ice.2017.42      PMID:28294079      URL    
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