中国科技论文统计源期刊 中文核心期刊  
医药导报, 2018, 37(9): 1094-1098
doi: 10.3870/j.issn.1004-0781.2018.09.016
邢荣春1,, 秦周萍2



关键词: 肝癌 ; 免疫治疗 ; 研究进展

原发性肝癌主要分为肝细胞癌(hepatocellular carcinoma,HCC)、胆管细胞癌(cholangiocarcinoma,CCA)和两者混合细胞的肝癌,其中肝细胞癌最多,占所有原发性肝癌的80%。肝细胞癌在导致全世界癌症相关死亡人数中排名第三[1]。原发性肝癌病因主要危险因素包括:感染肝炎病毒、黄曲霉毒素B、烟草、氯乙烯、摄入大量酒精、非酒精性脂肪性肝病、血色素沉着症和糖尿病。近来研究发现肝细胞死亡和代偿性肝细胞增生重复循环,影响突变因子和致癌基因突变对DNA损伤。这种毒性环境有利于肿瘤转化和肝癌的发生。HCC常常是在晚期诊断,预后极差,目前的大部分常规治疗方式无效。肿瘤切除、化学治疗(化疗)和放射治疗(放疗)、经皮无水乙醇注射、射频消融(RFA)、各种栓塞、索拉非尼被应用于临床治疗肝癌[1]。然而,手术切除后的复发率很高,手术后5年生存率30%~40%。

CCA是一种罕见的肿瘤,起源于胆管上皮细胞的恶性转化、肝内外胆管上皮细胞。这是最常见的胆道癌,占所有肝胆恶性肿瘤的10%~20%[2]。感染华支睾吸虫、肝炎病毒(HBV和HCV)和原发性硬化性胆管炎(primary sclerosing cholangitis,PSC)是CCA的主要危险因素。CCA因早期难以诊断导致多数患者预后不良。CCA目前的治疗方案包括放射治疗和手术切除,但即使在这种有创性治疗后复发率也非常高。虽然手术在早期阶段被用作根治性治疗,但放疗更常用于治疗CCA。由于效果非常有限,化疗尚未成为治疗选择,仅用作最后的治疗方案。吉西他滨单独给药或与顺铂、卡培他滨和奥沙利铂组合显示有限的疗效。总体而言,肝移植仍然是 HCC和CCA的最佳可行治疗方案,但由于现有供体肝脏严重短缺,肝移植受限[3],因此免疫替代治疗显示出对肝癌治疗的必要性。

1 肝癌疫苗的研究

针对HCC的几种肿瘤相关抗原疫苗正在用于癌症治疗。其中研究发现Glypican3(GPC-3)是硫酸肝素硫酸蛋白聚糖片段的磷脂酰肌醇蛋白家族的成员,在HCC患者中被过表达,与预后有关[3]。在Ⅰ期临床试验中,当HLA-A*24阳性患者使用GPC3/298-306肽作为TAA,HLA-A*02阳性患者使用GPC3/144-152肽时,33例患者几乎所有患者均有明显的C D 8 + 细胞瘤内浸润[4]。在使用GPC-3疫苗的Ⅱ期临床试验中,在接受疫苗接种手术或RFA的64例患者中,35例复发率较低,GPC3肽疫苗改善了一年复发率[5]。另一方面,用人端粒酶逆转录酶的类似Ⅱ期试验没有证明任何细胞毒T淋巴细胞活性[5]

文献[3]报道了用于治疗HCC的原位癌症疫苗InCVAX的进展。InCVAX通过双管齐下的方法刺激强大的抗肿瘤免疫反应。这包括用激光治疗肿瘤的热处理,然后施用N-二氢-半乳糖壳聚糖(N-dihydro-galacto-chitosan,NDGC)。热处理释放抗原并增加免疫原性,而NDGC作为有效的免疫激活剂[6]。在该研究中,发现用NDGC进行树突状细胞(dendritic cells,DC)激活的局部免疫细胞死亡策略在鼠HCC模型中是有效的。在注射InCVAX后,观察到C D 3 + 、C D 4 + 和C D 8 + 细胞的肿瘤浸润,这表明其可以原位消除肿瘤[6]。含有与热休克蛋白70表位连接的α-甲胎蛋白(α-fetoprotein,AFP)位的疫苗也通过激活AFP特异性C D 8 + T细胞引起抗肿瘤免疫,并有效减少小鼠中的肿瘤细胞[7]。这些疫苗确切的对肿瘤消退和复发的疗效有待进一步改善。

与HCC相比,在对治疗CCA 在一项研究中,36例肝内CCA患者接受了自体肿瘤裂解物脉冲DCs,以及活化T细胞的转移[8]。这些患者的5年无进展生存期和总体生存率显著高于仅接受治愈性切除术的26例患者。这些研究结果表明,DC疫苗和T细胞转移的组合可能预防CCA患者复发并实现长期的生存[9]

另一个潜在的免疫候选者是粘蛋白1(mucin protein 1,MUC1),在59%~77%的CCA中过表达的糖蛋白,其表达与患者的总生存率相关[8]。在非随机试验中,靶向MUC1的DC疫苗显示中位生存时间的适度增加,对患者没有不利影响,表明它对人类的给药是安全的[10]。然而,需要进一步的研究来评估其作用,特别是在早期疾病阶段和在没有免疫抑制治疗的情况下。

2 肝癌过继细胞治疗的研究

过继细胞疗法(adoptive cell therapy,ACT)涉及到患者自身的免疫细胞,以识别和破坏其肿瘤。在这种方法中,收集来自健康患者血液的T细胞,并进行基因修饰以表达由参与T细胞信号传导的细胞表面分子特异性抗体的可变片段组成的人造受体。这种工程化受体(称为嵌合抗原受体(CAR))允许T细胞识别肿瘤细胞上的特异性抗原。CAR-T细胞然后在细胞培养物中繁殖直至数量达数十亿,并注射到患者血液中。输注后,CAR-T细胞设计用于识别肿瘤细胞并杀死它们。CAR-T细胞具有优于T细胞受体修饰的T(TCR-T)细胞的优点,因为它们识别没有MHC限制的肿瘤细胞[11],将允许改善患者靶向并克服MHC损失的肿瘤逃逸机制。急性淋巴细胞性白血病、急性骨髓性白血病和胃肠癌临床试验中[12],这种ACT方法显示出了希望[3]。应注意使用内源性T细胞的自体转移与同种异体的方法之间的明确区别。前一种方法涉及识别具有人类淋巴细胞抗原限制的肽的修饰的T细胞受体,而在后者中不存在人类淋巴细胞抗原限制,并且其涉及将细胞从免疫个体转移至非免疫接受者。这种差异对于评估与抗肿瘤外和靶向效应相关的毒性程度至关重要[3]


细胞因子诱导的细胞,包括活化的T细胞和自然杀伤细胞,在过继免疫治疗中已经显示临床益处。使用细胞因子诱导的杀伤(CIK)细胞的辅助免疫治疗的随机临床试验显示HCC的混合结果。在一项研究中,尽管无复发生存率增加,但仍未观察到患者存活率的改善,其他研究显示淋巴细胞输注(C D 3 + 、C D 3 + /HLA-DR+、C D 4 + 、C D 8 + )降低复发并改善HCC患者手术后无复发结局[3];CIK治疗改善了HCC患者的总生存期。另外输注C D 3 + /C D 56 + 和C D 3 + /C D 56 - T细胞,以及C D 3 - /C D 56 + NKT细胞增加了经手术切除或RFA或经皮乙醇注射的HCC患者的无复发和总生存期[14]。两项研究表明,在那些不适合手术的肝癌患者中,CIK治疗也可以降低接受RFA和TACE联合治疗的患者的1年复发率 [1]。总而言之,这些临床试验表明,CIK治疗可能更适合于晚期HCC患者。

用CIK细胞免疫治疗进行的研究有限。在一项研究中,包含C D 3 + T细胞和C D 3 + /C D 56 + T细胞的人类CIK细胞能够降低SCID小鼠中接种的CCA细胞的生长[15]。在另一项研究中,表达可诱导共刺激剂的CIK细胞在体外和体内对CCA细胞具有明显细胞毒作用[16]。CIK细胞与西妥昔单抗组合,与单独使用比较,显著增强人CCA细胞在体外的细胞毒性[17]。需要进一步的研究来评估CIK细胞用于治疗CCA的临床应用。另一个有趣的研究方向是肽疫苗与ACT的结合。最近研究显示,使用引发强烈免疫反应的个性化肽疫苗的病例报告在转移性CCA患者中有效[18]。使用肽疫苗的免疫治疗以及T细胞的过继转移也成为令人振奋的选择[18]

3 肝癌免疫检查点阻断的研究

近年来,阻断针对肿瘤细胞的免疫应答(如PD-1、PD-L1和CTLA-4)的检查点分子已经成为肿瘤学中的新型治疗方法[19]。靶向这些分子的抗体已经开发出来,并且显示出显著的疗效。 其中彭博拉珠单抗(pembrolizumab)和nivolumab靶向于PD-1、tremelimumab和ipilimumab靶向于CTLA-4[20]。彭博拉珠单抗已被美国食品药品管理局(FDA)批准用于治疗转移性黑色素瘤(metastatic melanoma,MM)和非小细胞肺癌(NSCLC);MM、NSCLC和肾细胞癌的nivolumab和MM的ipilimumab作为单一药剂或组合使用[21]。 这些也被欧洲药物管理局批准[22]

3.1 程序死亡1(programmed death-1,PD-1)

PD-1是跨膜受体的CD28免疫球蛋白超家族的阴性共刺激分子,是T细胞应答的强抑制剂。因此,阻止其功能是免疫治疗的策略。 B7共刺激分子家族的PD-L1和PD-L2是PD-1的配体。 PD-L1和PD-L2与PD-1的结合抑制C D 4 + T细胞的T细胞受体介导的淋巴细胞增殖和细胞因子产生。在17例HCC肝硬化患者和HCV患者中使用tremeimumab的临床试验显示,3例患者发生部分反应,中位生存期为8.2个月,HCV特异性T细胞反应与肿瘤消退无关。因此,TAA特异性C D 8 + T细胞应答可以减少HCC的复发,表明通过诸如肽疫苗等手段诱导TAA特异性CTL的免疫治疗可能是局部治疗后HCC患者的有效临床应用[23]。在另一项随机试验中,对慢性HCV感染患者给予单剂量的抗体尼莫单抗(BMS-936558),没有显著的不良反应,三分之一的接受者减少了病毒载量。 阻止PD-1功能也可能改善CCA中的疾病结果,最近研究表明,高水平的可溶性PD-L1患者的总体存活率低于配体水平较低的患者[24]。在另一项研究中,27例肝内CCA肿瘤样本中8例和11例分别升高PD-L1和MHC I类表达。而所有肿瘤样本均有C D 8 + T细胞浸润[25]。有结果也表明,MHC I类抗原表达和肿瘤细胞的高PD-L1表达可能为他们提供免疫逃逸机制。因此,具有正常MHCI类表达患者抗PD-1抗体的免疫治疗可能是治疗肝内CCA 的有效策略[25]

3.2 CD160

研究发现CD160-共刺激分子与慢性HCV感染患者的T细胞耗尽相关,其中外周血中HCV特异性C D 8 + T细胞过表达。然而,HCV特异性C D 8 + T细胞中不会过表达[25]。需要进一步的研究来了解CD160/CD160L阻断的重要性。

3.3 自然杀伤(natural killer,NK)细胞受体2B4

NK细胞受体2B4也被发现在慢性HCV患者的血液中过表达。其配体CD48与CD2(一种涉及NK和T细胞活化调节的分子)具有比2B4强6~8倍的亲和力。2B4对HCV特异性C D 8 + T细胞的表达也与PD-1的过表达相关,其在肝细胞中高于血细胞[26]。这些发现表明2B4的上调潜在地与PD-1表达相关。

3.4 淋巴细胞激活基因-3(lymphocyte activation gene-3,LAG-3)

LAG-3是另一种在HCV特异性C D 8 + 细胞上过表达的受体,其在慢性HCV患者中有负调节这些细胞的功能[27]。阻断LAG-3恢复了T细胞效应子功能,在HBV相关HCC患者的研究中获得了类似的结果[27]

3.5 T细胞免疫球蛋白和粘蛋白结构域3(T-cell immunoglobulin and mucin-domain containing-3,Tim-3)

Tim-3通过其配体galectin-9的结合被鉴定为T辅助1型免疫的负调节物。在慢性HCV患者的C D 8 + 细胞中上调,其阻断恢复了这些细胞的效应功能[28]。因此,Tim-3是免疫治疗的首选。

3.6 糖蛋白2(glycoprotein-2,GP-2)

原发性硬化性胆管炎(primary sclerosing cholangitis,PSC)患者GP-2抗体升高,与患者生存率相关[29]。研究表明,高水平的抗GP2 IgA也与PSC患者的CCA发展相关。 因此,抗GP2 IgA可能是PSC患者危险分层的有价值工具。

4 肝癌抗血小板治疗的研究

血小板是存在于血液中的小的去核细胞。当发生血管损伤时,血小板被活化,导致生长因子如肝细胞生长因子(hepatocyte growth factor,HGF)、成纤维细胞生长因子(fibroblast growth factor,FGF)、胰岛素样生长因子(insulin-like growth factor,IGF)-1、VEGF、EGF和血小板衍生生长因子(PDGF)[30]增加,在血栓形成的过程中,血小板通过灭活HSC来减少胶原蛋白生成并促进肝脏再生来改善肝纤维化[31]。当血液中血小板数量升高时发生血小板增多症,并且在肝细胞癌和血小板增多症之间发现了强烈的关联。在1154例HCC患者的回顾性研究中,发现血小板增多症患者的AFP水平较高,肿瘤体积大,血小板数量高,存活率较低[31]。研究表明,高血小板计数可能是晚期HCC肝外转移的可靠标志物[32]。最近还报道了CCA的高血小板水平[33]。另一方面,血小板减少症(血小板计数低的病例)也显示与肝硬化背景下的HCC相关,与HCC患者的总体生存率降低相关[34]。这些结果表明血小板在预测肝癌患者的总生存率方面起重要作用。

在肝窦内,循环C D 8 + T细胞通过CD44诱导结合窦状透明质酸的血小板聚集体停滞[1]。在HBV的小鼠模型中,具有效应功能的C D 8 + T细胞通过沿肝窦状体爬行来控制肝致病性病原体。活化血小板介导急性病毒性肝炎小鼠模型中CTL诱导的肝损伤。控制阻断血小板活化的阿司匹林和氯吡格雷(Asp/Clo)可以预防HCC并改善慢性HBV感染的小鼠模型中的存活率,肝纤维化进展的显著降低。类似地,接受阿司匹林和氯吡格雷的HBV相关HCC患者与没有抗血小板治疗的患者相比,无复发生存期和总生存期更长[35]。血小板与T细胞相互作用的机制尚未知,抗血小板治疗可以减少TGF-β的释放,因为血小板是这种促纤维细胞因子的主要储存库。由于血小板对各种其他感染如疟疾有保护作用,阻断血小板活化可能是危险的,因为抗血小板治疗可能会增加肝功能受损患者的出血风险[35]。需要进一步的研究来评估抗血小板药物对肝脏炎症和肝癌的影响。

5 展望




免疫治疗的最新进展不仅为治疗肿瘤复发,而且为防止肝硬化肝癌发展垫定了基础。 肝脏的免疫耐受性仍然是一个主要问题。然而,正在努力通过使用免疫检查点抑制药来规避这个问题。临床前研究和临床试验在这方面已经取得了有希望的成果。 目前,联合治疗如疫苗和(或)免疫检查点抑制药与局部烧蚀疗法是治疗肝癌的有吸引力的方法。在将这些免疫治疗干预措施应用于临床之前,必须解决临床试验中的安全性、毒性和疗效问题。

The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.


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[7] WANG XP,WANG QX,LIN HP,et al.Recombinant heat shock protein 70 functional peptide and alpha-fetoprotein epitope peptide vaccine elicits specific anti-tumor immunity[J].Oncotarget,2016,7(44):71274-71284.
[8] SHIMIZU K,KOTERA Y,ARUGA A,et al.Clinical utiliza-tion of postoperative dendritic cell vaccine plus activated T-cell transfer in patients with intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma[J].J Hepatobiliary Pancreat Sci,2012,19(2):171-178.
DOI:10.1007/s00534-011-0437-y      URL    
[9] MALL A S,TYLER M G,HO S B,et al.The expression of MUC mucin in cholangiocarcinoma[J].Pathol Res Pract,2010,206(12):805-809.
Cholangiocarcinoma (CC) is a highly malignant epithelial cancer of the biliary tract, the cellular and molecular pathogenesis of which remains unclear. Malignant transformation of glandular epithelial cells is associated with the altered expression of mucin. We investigated the type of mucins expressed in CC. Twenty-six patients with histologically confirmed CC were included in this study. The expression of mucin was studied by immunohistochemistry using antibodies to MUC1, MUC1 core, MUC2, MUC3, MUC4, MUC5AC, and MUC6. There was extensive (>50%) expression of mucin, mainly MUC1 in 11/25 and MUC5AC in 12/26 cases. In the case of MUC3, 6/26 cases expressed mucin extensively, whilst only 1/26 had MUC2, MUC4, and MUC6 expression. Well-differentiated tumors significantly expressed MUC3 extensively compared to poor or moderately differentiated tumors ( p = 0.003). Fifteen of 25 cases had metastatic disease. MUC1 was extensively expressed in 9/15 cases with metastatic disease. In contrast, MUC1 expression was present in 2/10 cases where metastases were absent. Hilar lesions were less likely to express MUC1, but this was not statistically significant. Fifteen of 25 cases had metastatic disease. Extensive MUC3 expression was significantly associated with well-differentiated tumors, whilst there was an approaching significance between the extensive expression of MUC1 and metastasis in cholangiocarcinoma.
DOI:10.1016/j.prp.2010.08.004      PMID:20947262      URL    
[10] KOBAYASHI M,SAKABE T,ABE H,et al.Dendritic cell-based immunotherapy targeting synthesized peptides for advanced biliary tract cancer[J].J Gastrointest Surg,2013,17(9):1609-1617.
DOI:10.1007/s11605-013-2286-2      URL    
[11] WANG L,MA N,OKAMOTO S,et al.Efficient tumor regression by adoptively transferred CEA-specific CAR-T cells associated with symptoms of mild cytokine release syndrome[J].Oncoimmunology,2016,5(9):e1211218.
DOI:10.1080/2162402X.2016.1211218      URL    
[12] LEE D W,KOCHENDERFER J N,STETLER-STEVEN-SON M,et al.T cells expressing CD19 chimeric antigen receptors for acute lymphoblastic leukaemia in children and young adults:A phase 1 dose-escalation trial[J].Lancet,2015,385(9967):517-528.
DOI:10.1016/S0140-6736(14)61403-3      URL    
[13] AMERS C H,SLEIJFER S,VAN STEENBERGEN S,et al.Treatment of metastatic renal cell carcinoma with CAIX CAR-engineered T cells:clinical evaluation and management of on-target toxicity[J].Mol Ther,2013,21(4):904-912.
DOI:10.1038/mt.2013.17      URL    
[14] LEE J H,LIM Y S,YEON J E,et al.Adjuvant immuno-therapy with autologous cytokine-induced killer cells for hepatocellular carcinoma[J].Gastroenterology,2015,148(7):1383-1391.
DOI:10.1053/j.gastro.2015.02.055      URL    
[15] WONGKAJORNSILP A,SOMCHITPRASERT T,BUTRA-PORN R,et al.Human cytokine-induced killer cells specifically infiltrated and retarded the growth of the inoculated human cholangiocarcinoma cells in SCID mice[J].Cancer Invest,2009,27(2):140-148.
DOI:10.1080/07357900802189832      URL    
[16] HE M,WANG Y,SHI W J,et al.Immunomodulation of inducible co-stimulator(ICOS) inhumancytokine-induced killer cells against cholangiocarcinoma through ICOS/ICOS ligand interaction[J].J Dig Dis,2011,12(2):393-400.
DOI:10.1111/cdd.2011.12.issue-5      URL    
[17] MORISAKI T,UMEBAYASHI M,KIYOTA,et al.Combin-ing cetuximab with killer lymphocytes synergistically inhibits human cholangiocarcinoma cells in vitro[J].Anticancer Res,2012,32(6):2249-2256.
[18] LOFFLER M W,CHANDRAN P A,LASKE K,et al.Perso-nalized peptide vaccine-induced immune response associated with long-term survival of a metastatic cholangiocarcinoma patient[J].J Hepatol,2016,65(4):849-855.
DOI:10.1016/j.jhep.2016.06.027      URL    
[19] MAHONEY K M,FREEMAN G J,MCDERMOTT D F.The next immune-checkpoint inhibitors:PD-1/PD-L1 blockade in melanoma[J].Clin Ther,2015,37(4):764-782.
Blocking the interaction between the programmed cell death (PD)-1 protein and one of its ligands, PD-L1, has been reported to have impressive antitumor responses. Therapeutics targeting this pathway are currently in clinical trials. Pembrolizumab and nivolumab are the first of this anti-PD-1 pathway family of checkpoint inhibitors to gain accelerated approval from the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for the treatment of ipilimumab-refractory melanoma. Nivolumab has been associated with improved overall survival compared with dacarbazine in patients with previously untreated wild-type serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf proto-oncogene BRAF melanoma. Although the most mature data are in the treatment of melanoma, the FDA has granted approval of nivolumab for squamous cell lung cancer and the breakthrough therapy designation to immune- checkpoint inhibitors for use in other cancers: nivolumab, an anti-PD-1 monoclonal antibody, for Hodgkin lymphoma, and MPDL-3280A, an anti-PD-L1 monoclonal antibody, for bladder cancer and non mall cell lung cancer. Here we review the literature on PD-1 and PD-L1 blockade and focus on the reported clinical studies that have included patients with melanoma. PubMed was searched to identify relevant clinical studies of PD-1/PD-L1 argeted therapies in melanoma. A review of data from the current trials on was incorporated, as well as data presented in abstracts at the 2014 annual meeting of the American Society of Clinical Oncology, given the limited number of published clinical trials on this topic. The anti-PD-1 and anti-PD-L1 agents have been reported to have impressive antitumor effects in several malignancies, including melanoma. The greatest clinical activity in unselected patients has been seen in melanoma. Tumor expression of PD-L1 is a suggestive, but inadequate, biomarker predictive of response to immune-checkpoint blockade. However, tumors expressing little or no PD-L1 are less likely to respond to PD-1 pathway blockade. Combination checkpoint blockade with PD-1 plus cytotoxic T-lymphocyte antigen (CTLA)-4 blockade appears to improve response rates in patients who are less likely to respond to single-checkpoint blockade. Toxicity with PD-1 blocking agents is less than the toxicity with previous immunotherapies (eg, interleukin 2, CTLA-4 blockade). Certain adverse events can be severe and potentially life threatening, but most can be prevented or reversed with close monitoring and appropriate management. This family of immune-checkpoint inhibitors benefits not only patients with metastatic melanoma but also those with historically less responsive tumor types. Although a subset of patients responds to single-agent blockade, the initial trial of checkpoint-inhibitor combinations has reported a potential to improve response rates. Combination therapies appear to be a means of increasing response rates, albeit with increased immune-related adverse events. As these treatments become available to patients, education regarding the recognition and management of immune-related effects of immune-checkpoint blockade will be essential for maximizing clinical benefit.
DOI:10.1016/j.clinthera.2015.02.018      PMID:4497957      URL    
[20] LEE J Y,LEE H T,SHIN W,et al.Structural basis of checkpoint blockade by monoclonal antibodies in cancer immunotherapy[J].Nat Commun,2016,7(10):13354.
Abstract Cancer cells express tumour-specific antigens derived via genetic and epigenetic alterations, which may be targeted by T-cell-mediated immune responses. However, cancer cells can avoid immune surveillance by suppressing immunity through activation of specific inhibitory signalling pathways, referred to as immune checkpoints. In recent years, the blockade of checkpoint molecules such as PD-1, PD-L1 and CTLA-4, with monoclonal antibodies has enabled the development of breakthrough therapies in oncology, and four therapeutic antibodies targeting these checkpoint molecules have been approved by the FDA for the treatment of several types of cancer. Here, we report the crystal structures of checkpoint molecules in complex with the Fab fragments of therapeutic antibodies, including PD-1/pembrolizumab, PD-1/nivolumab, PD-L1/BMS-936559 and CTLA-4/tremelimumab. These complex structures elucidate the precise epitopes of the antibodies and the molecular mechanisms underlying checkpoint blockade, providing useful information for the improvement of monoclonal antibodies capable of attenuating checkpoint signalling for the treatment of cancer.
DOI:10.1038/ncomms13354      PMID:27796306      URL    
[21] LEE J,KEFFORD R,CARLINO M.PD-1 and PD-L1 inhi-bitors in melanoma treatment:past success,present application and future challenges[J].Immunotherapy,2016,8(6):733-746.
DOI:10.2217/imt-2016-0022      URL    
[22] SPECENIER P.Ipilimumab in melanoma[J].Expert Rev Anticancer Ther,2016,16(8):811-826.
DOI:10.1080/14737140.2016.1211936      URL    
[23] HIROISHI K,EGUCHI J,BABA T,et al.Strong C$D^{+}_{8}$ T-cell responses against tumor-associated antigens prolong the recurrence-free interval after tumor treatment in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma[J].J Gastroenterol,2010,45(4):451-458.
DOI:10.1007/s00535-009-0155-2      URL    
[24] HA H,NAM A R,BANG J H,et al.Soluble programmed death-ligand 1 (sPDL1) and neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio (NLR) predicts survival in advanced biliary tract cancer patients treated with palliative chemotherapy[J].Oncotarget,2016,7(47):76604-76612.
[25] SABBATINO F,VILLANI V,YEARLEY J H,et al.PD-L1 and HLA class 1 antigen expression and clinical course of the disease in intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma[J].Clin Cancer Res,2016,22(2):470-478.
DOI:10.1158/1078-0432.CCR-15-0715      URL    
[26] KROY D C,CIUFFREDA D,COOPERRIDER J H,et al.Liver environment and HCV replication affect human T-cell phenotype and expression of inhibitory receptors[J].Gastroenterology,2014,146(2):550-561.
[27] CHEN N,LIU Y,GUO Y,et al.Lymphocyte activation gene 3 negatively regulates the function of intrahepatic hepatitis C virus-specific C$D^{+}_{8}$ T cells T cells[J].J Gastroenterol Hepatol,2015,30(12):1788-1795.
DOI:10.1111/jgh.13017      URL    
[28] MCMAHAN R H,GOLDEN-MASON L,NISHIMURA M I,et al.Tim-3 expression on PD-1 + HCV-specific human CTLs is associated with viral persistence,and its blockade restores hepatocyte-directed in vitro cytotoxicity[J].J Clin Investig,2010,120(12):4546-4557.
DOI:10.1172/JCI43127      URL    
[29] JENDREK S T,GOTTHARDT D,NITZSCHE T,et al.Anti-GP2 IgA autoantibodies are associated with poor survival and cholangiocarcinoma in primary sclerosing cholangitis[J].Gut,2016,66(1):137-144.
[30] YILMAZ Y,ERDAL E,ATABEY N,et al.Platelets,micro-environment and hepatocellular carcinoma[J].Biochem Anal Biochem.2016,5(2):281.
Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is the commonest type of liver cancer and has a high mortality rate. Currently treatment options are limited and new therapies are urgently needed. Platelets are enucleated small cells, derived from mature megakaryocytes and besides their role in thrombosis; they actively take part in carcinogenesis and metastasis. Platelet number in the blood is associated with disease progression, overall survival and HCC subgrouping. Both thrombocytosis and thrombocytopenia are associated with HCC phenotype and size, related with other factors like cirrhosis background. Platelet counts and also platelet-to-lymphocyte ratio (PLR) and neutrophil-tolymphocyte ratio (NLR) are considered in decision making in management. Since platelets also take up nucleotides and cytokines from tumor cells, isolating and studying platelets might provide valuable information for understanding tumor cells and may help to develop personalized treatment. Anticoagulants and antiplatelet agents are commonly used potential cancer therapeutics, which are also being studied for HCC treatment. Thus, platelets are one aspect of a complex microenvironmental milieu, the affects the biology of HCC and other tumors.
DOI:10.4172/2161-1009.1000281      URL    
[31] KUROKAWA T,ZHENG Y W,OHKOHCHI N.Novel func-tions of platelets in the liver[J].J Gastroenterol,Hepatol,2016,31(4):745-751.
Platelets contain not only proteins needed for hemostasis but also many growth factors that are required for organ development, tissue regeneration, and repair. Thrombocytopenia, which is frequently observed in patients with chronic liver disease (CLD) and cirrhosis, is due to various causes, such as decreased thrombopoietin production and accelerated platelet destruction caused by hypersplenism; however, the relationship between thrombocytopenia and hepatic pathogenesis and the role of platelets in CLD are poorly understood. Thus, in this paper, the experimental evidence for platelets improving liver fibrosis and accelerating liver regeneration is summarized and addressed based on studies conducted in our laboratory and current progress reports from other investigators. Platelets improve liver fibrosis by inactivating hepatic stellate cells to decrease collagen production. The level of intracellular cAMP is increased by adenosine through its receptors on hepatic stellate cells, thereby resulting in inactivation of these cells. Adenosine is produced by degradation of adenine nucleotides, which are stored in abundance within the dense granules of platelets. The regenerative effect of platelets in the liver consists of three mechanisms: a direct effect on hepatocytes, a cooperative effect with liver sinusoidal endothelial cells, and a collaborative effect with Kupffer cells. Based on these experiments, a clinical trial suggested that the increase in platelets induced by platelet transfusion improved liver function in patients with CLD in a clinical setting.We highlight the current knowledge concerning the role of platelets in CLD and expect to open a novel avenue for application of these clinical therapies to treat liver disease.
DOI:10.1111/jgh.13244      PMID:26632220      URL    
[32] LEE C H,LIN Y J,LIN C C,et al.Pretreatment platelet count early predicts extrahepatic metastasis of human hepatoma[J].Liver Int,2015(10):35,2327-2336.
Abstract Background & Aims Thrombocytosis is associated with metastasis in many human cancers. Most hepatocellular carcinomas (HCC) develop in cirrhotic livers, which are characterized by thrombocytopenia. We aimed to elucidate the pretreatment platelet count in prediction of extrahepatic metastasis of HCC during the follow-up. Methods Three cohorts containing 1660, 480 and 965 HCC patients enrolled from three hospitals were used for discovery and validation respectively. Pretreatment clinical factors associated with extrahepatic metastasis during follow-up up to 502years were identified using multivariate Cox regression model. Results <p>In early-stage HCC (BCLC stage 0-A), pretreatment platelet count (hazard ratio [HR], 1.04 per 10,000/μl; 95% CI, 1.01–1.07; P =020.010) and serum alpha-foetoprotein (AFP) >10002ng/ml (HR, 1.70; 95% CI, 1.04–2.78; P =020.033) were the only two independent factors associated with extrahepatic metastasis. Receiver operating characteristic evidenced that pretreatment platelet count predicted metastasis better than AFP did. Survival tree analysis identified platelet counts 212,000/μl (HR, 2.12; 95% CI, 1.67–2.70; P Conclusions Pretreatment platelet count is a reliable marker to predict extrahepatic metastasis of early-stage HCC following curative treatment. Cirrhotic thrombocytopenia contributes to relatively low metastasis incidence of HCC than many other cancers. High platelet count identifies a subgroup of HCC patients at high risk of metastasis, who might benefit from adjuvant therapies following initial curative treatment.
DOI:10.1111/liv.12817      PMID:25752212      URL    
[33] WATANABE A,ARAKI K,HIRAI K,et al.A novel clinical factor,D-dimer platelet multiplication,may predict postoperative recurrence and prognosis for patients with cholangiocarcinoma[J].Ann Surg Oncol,2016,23(Suppl5):886-891.
DOI:10.1245/s10434-016-5422-x      URL    
[34] PANG Q,QU K,ZHANG J Y,et al.The prognostic value of platelet count in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma:A systematic review and meta-analysis[J].Medicine,2015,94(37):e1431.
Thrombocytopenia has been acknowledged to be a crucial risk factor for cirrhosis formation and hepatocarcinogenesis in chronic liver diseases. However, to date, the association between platelet count (PLT) and the prognosis of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) remains inconsistent and controversial. The aim of the present study was to determine whether PLT could be used as a useful predictor of survival in patients with HCC. We performed systematic review in online databases, including PubMed, EmBase, and Web of Science, from inception until 2014. Studies were included if a statistical relationship was investigated between PLT and survival for HCC, and hazard ratio (HR) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) for overall survival (OS) or recurrence-free survival (RFS) were provided. The quality of each included study was assessed by Newcastle–Ottawa scale score. To synthesize these studies, a random-effects model or a fixed-effects model was applied as appropriate. Then, we calculated heterogeneity, performed sensitivity analysis, tested publication bias, and did subgrouped and meta-regression analysis. Finally, we identified 33 eligible articles (published from 1998 to 2014) involved 5545 patients by retrieval. A low level of preoperative PLT was found to be significantly associated with apoorsurvival of HCC. Irrespective of the therapy used, the pooled HRs for OS and RFS were 1.41 (95% CI, 1.14–1.75) and 1.44 (95% CI, 1.13–1.83), respectively. Specifically, in patients who underwent liver resection, the pooled HRs for OS and RFS were 1.67 (95% CI, 1.22–2.27) and 1.44 (95% CI, 1.04–1.99), respectively. Furthermore, patients with preoperative thrombocytopenia (PLT66<6610066×66109/L) had a worse OS (HR: 1.73, 95% CI, 1.29–2.32) and RFS (HR: 1.57, 95% CI, 1.31–1.87) in comparison with patients without thrombocytopenia. All our findings showed no significant changes due to the removal of any study or the use of an opposite-effects model, and there was no significant publication bias. The limitations of this meat-analysis were nonuniform cut-off values of PLT, high between-study heterogeneities, potential confounders, and a bias of publication year. A low preoperative PLT level results in an unfavorable outcome in HCC. PLT is a simple, inexpensive, and useful predictor of survival in patients with HCC.
DOI:10.1097/MD.0000000000001431      PMID:4635796      URL    
[35] LEE P C,YEH C M,HU Y W,et al.Antiplatelet therapy is associated with a better prognosis for patients with hepatitis B virus-related hepatocellular carcinoma after liver resection[J].Ann Surg Oncol,2016,23(Suppl 5):874-883.
DOI:10.1245/s10434-016-5520-9      URL    
[36] TAPPER E B,CATANA A M,SETHI N,et al.Direct costs of care for hepatocellular carcinoma in patients with hepatitis C cirrhosis[J].Cancer,2016,122(6):852-858.
BACKGROUND Hepatitis C virus (HCV) is the commonest cause of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) in the United States. The benefits of HCV therapy may be measured in part by the prevention of HCC and other complications of cirrhosis. The true cost of care of the HCV patient with HCC is unknown. METHODS One hundred patients were randomly selected from a cohort of all HCC patients with HCV at a US transplant center between 2003 and 2013. Patients were categorized by the primary treatment modality, Barcelona class, and ultimate transplant status. Costs included the unit costs of procedures, imaging, hospitalizations, medications, and all subsequent care of the HCC patient until either death or the end of follow-up. Associations with survival and cost were assessed in multivariate regression models. RESULTS Overall costs included a median of $176,456 (interquartile range [IQR], $84,489-$292,192) per patient or $6279 (IQR, $4043-$9720) per patient-month of observation. The median costs per patient-month were $7492 (IQR, $5137-$11,057) for transplant patients and $4830 for nontransplant patients. The highest median monthly costs were for transplant patients with Barcelona A4 disease ($11,349) and patients who received chemoembolization whether they underwent transplantation ($10,244) or not ($8853). Transarterial chemoembolization and radiofrequency ablation were independently associated with a 28% increase and a 22% decrease in costs, respectively, with adjustments for the severity of liver disease and Barcelona class. CONCLUSIONS These data represent real-world estimates of the cost of HCC care provided at a transplant center and should inform economic studies of HCV therapy. Cancer 2016;122:852 8. 2015 American Cancer Society .
DOI:10.1002/cncr.29855      PMID:26716758      URL    
[37] TSUCHIYA N,SAWADA Y,ENDO I,et al.Potentiality of immunotherapy against hepatocellular carcinoma[J].World J Gastroenterol,2015,21(36):10314-10326.
Hepatocellular carcinoma(HCC),the predominant form of primary liver cancer,is the fifth most common cancer worldwide and the second leading cause of cancer-related death. Despite the high incidence,treatment options remain limited for advanced HCC,and as a result prognosis continues to be poor. Current therapeutic options,surgery,chemotherapy and radiotherapy,have only modest efficacy. New treatment modalities to prolong survival and to minimize the risk of adverse response are desperately needed for patients with advanced HCC. Tumor immunotherapy is a promising,novel treatment strategy that may lead to improvements in both treatment-associated toxicity and outcome. The strategies have developed in part through genomic studies that have yielded candidate target molecules and in part through basic biology studies that have defined the pathways and cell types regulating immune response. Here,we summarize the various types of HCC immunotherapy and argue that the newfound field of HCC immunotherapy might provide critical advantages in the effort to improve prognosis of patients with advanced HCC. Already several immunotherapies,such as tumor-associated antigen therapy,immune checkpoint inhibitors and cell transfer immunotherapy,have demonstrated safety and feasibility in HCC patients. Unfortunately,immunotherapy currently has low efficacy in advanced stage HCC patients; overcoming this chal lenge will place immunotherapy at the forefront of HCC treatment,possibly in the near future.
DOI:10.3748/wjg.v21.i36.10314      PMID:26420958      URL    
[38] TAMPELLINI M,SALVIA L A,SCAGLIOTTI G V.Novel investigational therapies for treating biliary tract carcinoma[J].Expert Opin Investig Drugs,2016,25(12):1423-1436.
Abstract Cholangiocarcinoma (CCA) is an epithelial cell malignancy arising from bile ducts and/or peribiliary glands. Even though it is considered as a rare neoplasm, its incidence is raising, particularly in developed countries. Prognosis is generally poor with few patients who present the inclusion criteria for surgery (the mainstay treatment for this tumour). Several genetic alterations potentially driving tumour progression have been described, representing a possible target for new compounds. Areas covered: A clinical trial search in encompassing a literature search in PubMed and ASCO/ESMO Websites was undertaken in March 2016. Expert opinion: Notwithstanding a large number of drug tested, results are still disappointing. The main reasons could be the low number of patients enrolled in trials, and the lack of a patient selection based on the biological profile of the tumours. Potential active drugs could have been discharged simply because beneficial in a particular subgroup of patients and not in un unselected population. The future direction of the research should consider biomarker evaluation in order to describe the genetic alteration/s that drive tumour progression and aggressiveness and the mechanisms of drug resistance. Finally, it will be of great interest to consider the results of immunotherapy whenever available.
DOI:10.1080/13543784.2016.1252330      PMID:27771967      URL    
[39] HUNIG T.The rise and fall of the CD28 superagonist TGN1412 and its return as TAB08:a personal account[J].FASEB J,2016,283(18):3325-3334.
Abstract Two decades ago, we discovered “superagonistic” monoclonal antibodies specific for the CD28 molecule which are able to polyclonally activate T-cells, in particular regulatory T-cells, and are therapeutically active in many rodent models of autoimmunity, inflammation, transplantation and tissue repair. A phase I trial of the human CD28 superagonist TGN1412 failed in 2006 due an unexpected cytokine release syndrome, but after it became clear that dose-reduction allows to preferentially address regulatory T-cells also in humans, clinical development was resumed under the name TAB08. Here, I recount the story of CD28 superagonist development from a personal perspective with an emphasis on the dramatic events during and after the 2006 phase I trial, the reasons for the failure of preclinical research to warn of the impending cytokine storm, and on the research which allowed resumption of clinical development. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
DOI:10.1111/febs.13754      PMID:27191544      URL    
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