中国科技论文统计源期刊 中文核心期刊  
医药导报, 2017, 36(10): 1170-1174
doi: 10.3870/j.issn.1004-0781.2017.10.020
Preparation of Oridonin-Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes and Study on Its Adsorption Kinetics
刘晓红, 郭波红, 许丹翘, 邱换然, 易军


目的 探讨冬凌草甲素-单壁碳纳米管载药体系的制备方法及其吸附动力学特征。方法 采用溶液共混法制备冬凌草甲素-单壁碳纳米管载药系统,并用激光粒径仪、电镜、红外光谱、差示扫描量热仪(DSC)、X射线衍射等对其进行表征,进行吸附动力学的研究。结果 冬凌草甲素-单壁碳纳米管载药体系的包封率为(70.23±2.1)%,载药量为(27.29±1.2)%,Zeta电位为(-34.29±1.2) mV,平均粒径为(458±18) nm,冬凌草甲素在羧基化单壁碳纳米管(SWCNTs-COOH)表面的吸附符合准二级动力学吸附模式。结论 冬凌草甲素-单壁碳纳米管载药体系制备工艺简单,储存稳定性好,载药量和包封率高。

关键词: 冬凌草甲素 ; 单壁碳纳米管 ; 动力学 ; 吸附


Objective To investigate the method for preparing oridonin-single-walled carbon nanotubes (ORI-SWCNTs) nanocomposite and study its adsorption kinetics. Methods ORI-SWCNTs nanocomposite was prepared by using the method of solution mixing. The synthesized ORI-SWCNTs nanocomposite was characterized by using Laser particle size analyzer, Fourier transform infrared, DSC analysis, powder X-ray diffraction and electron microscopy techniques. Results The encapsulation efficiency and loading capacity of ORI in SWCNTs-COOH nanocarrier was estimated to be about (70.23±2.1) % and (27.29±1.2) %, respectively. The Zeta potential was (-34.29±1.2) mV, partical size was about (458±18) nm. The absorption of ORI on SWCNTs-COOH could be explained by pseudo-second-order model. Conclusion The established preparation process of ORI-SWCNTs nanocomposite by solution mixing is feasible, with higher loading efficiency and encapsulate efficiency..

Key words: Oridonin ; Single-walled carbon nanotubes ; Kinetics ; adsorption

冬凌草甲素(oridonin,ORI)为唇形科香茶菜属植物冬凌草的主要抗癌有效成分,抗癌谱较广,可通过多种途径诱导癌细胞凋亡,对人肝癌BEL-7402细胞、人白血病HL-60细胞、食管癌CaES-17细胞及结肠癌HCT8细胞等均有明显细胞毒作用[1-3]。然而由于其水溶性差、生物利用度低等原因[4],其临床应用一直受到限制。因此,寻找合适的药物载体,对于提高ORI的生物利用度具有重要的意义。碳纳米管(carbon nanotubes,CNTs)是一种新型纳米碳材料,分为单壁碳纳米管(single-walled carbon nanotubes,SWCNTs)和多壁碳纳米管(multi-walled carbon nanotubes,MWCNTs)。SWCNTs是纳米制剂中性能较优越的一种,为单层中空小管,直径1~2 nm,它所有原子都暴露在表面上,具有非常大的表面积,可有效的沿碳纳米管侧壁装载多个分子,且研究表明,SWCNTs有较强的跨膜能力,能够被动穿过多种细胞膜,而且SWCNTs表面含有sp2杂化的碳原子,能够通过π-π堆积作用与生物分子、药物小分子相结合,因此SWCNTs广泛被用作基因转运体、靶向给药等[5-9]。笔者在本研究以SWCNTs装载ORI有望提高ORI的水溶性,为SWCNTs 作为ORI转运载体提供一定的理论基础。报道如下。

1 材料与仪器
1.1 仪器

NEXUS FT-IR 型傅丽叶变换红外测定仪(美国Thermo Nicolet公司);SCIENTZ-ⅡD超声波细胞粉碎仪(宁波新芝生物科技股份有限公司);DSC-60差示热扫描量热仪(日本岛津公司);Smart 1000 CCD型X-射线单晶衍射仪(德国Bruker公司);JEM-1400高衬度透射电子显微镜(日本电子公司);1430VP扫描电镜(德国LEO公司);Delsa Nano S粒度分析仪(美国Beckman公司);PKZ-1电热恒温振荡水槽(上海精密实验设备有限公司);752紫外-可见分光光度计(上海舜宇恒平科学仪器有限公司);SZCL-2型数显智能控温磁力搅拌器(巩义市予华仪器有限责任公司);H/T18MM台式高速离心机(湖北赫西仪器装备有限公司);Sartorius BS110S电子天平(北京赛多利斯天平有限公司,感量:0.1 mg)。

1.2 药品与试剂

ORI(西安旭煌生物科技有限公司,批号:110914,含量≥98%);单壁碳纳米管(SWCNTs,直径1~2 nm,长度5~30 μm,含量>95%,中国科学院成都有机化学有限公司);水为纯化水,其余试剂为市售分析纯。

2 方法与结果
2.1 SWCNTs的酸处理

称取SWCNTs0.8 g置于锥形瓶中,加入混合酸(硫酸-硝酸=3:1)160 mL于60 ℃下超声 4 h,冷却至室温,加入大量去离子水稀释,滤过,洗至中性,将残渣于 65 ℃干燥 24 h,即得SWCNTs-COOH[10]

2.2 冬凌草甲素-单壁碳纳米管(ORI-SWCNTs)载药体系的制备

称取处方量的ORI,溶于适量甲醇-水(1:1)中,加入处方量的SWCNTs中(ORI与SWCNTs的重量比为1:1),经细胞破碎仪探头超声(超声功率400 W,工作时间3 s,间隔6 s,超声时间15 min),将上述溶液置于离心管中,以11 000×g离心10 min,弃去上清液,将沉淀用甲醇洗涤3次,置真空干燥箱中50 ℃烘干,得到ORI-SWCNTs固体[11]

2.3 ORI-SWCNTs载药体系的载药性能测定

用分光光度计对ORI溶液进行全谱扫描,发现ORI在238 nm处出现吸收峰(SWCNTs-COOH溶液在此波长处无吸收)。通过测量不同已知浓度ORI溶液在238 nm处吸光度值,以浓度为横坐标,吸光度为纵坐标,线性回归得标准曲线为:Y = 0.023 46X+0.034 82 (r=0.999 5),表明ORI溶液浓度与吸光度间线性关系良好。测定“2.2”项中上清液浓度和洗涤后甲醇溶液的吸光度值,根据标准曲线计算得未被包封ORI的质量,按下式计算SWCNTs-COOH装载ORI的包封率与载药量。包封率(%)=(ORI质量-未被包封ORI质量)/ ORI总质量×100%;载药量(%)=(ORI总质量-未被包封ORI总质量)/ 载药系统总质量×100%。结果ORI-SWCNTs复合物包封率为(70.23±2.10)%,载药量为(27.29±1.20)%。

2.4 测试与表征

2.4.1 粒径和Zeta电位测定 用激光粒径仪测定载药体系的粒径和Zeta电位。结果粒径为(458±18)nm,多分散系数PDI为(0.289±0.020),Zeta电位为(-34.29±1.20)mV,这是因为碳纳米管表面带有羧基而呈现负电性,见图1。

图1 ORI-SWCNTs载药体系的粒径分布和Zeta电位图

Fig.1 Image of particle size distribution and Zeta potential of ORI-SWCNTs
a.particle size distribution; b.Zeta potential

2.4.2 形态分析 将ORI-SWCNTs载药体系用水分散成适当浓度,摄像。采用扫描电子显微镜(SEM)和透射电子显微镜( TEM) 观察载药体系的形貌和结构特征,结果见图2。ORI-SWCNTs载药体系溶液分散均匀,放置1个月后无沉淀现象。从图2中可以看出,SWCNTs-COOH呈丝状束状分布,管壁较薄而且光滑,装载ORI后的碳纳米管,碳纳米管仍然是管状结构,但是碳纳米管的空心管外层局部包覆或内部装载了药物,遮挡透明的管芯,大部分管壁变厚而且表面比较粗糙,从形貌上证明ORI已经装载到SWCNTs-COOH上。


图2 ORI-SWCNTs载药体系的外观和透射电镜图

Fig.2 Appearance and TEM image of ORI-SWCNTs
A.appearance of the compound; B. single-walled carbon nanotube;C. oridonin-single-walled carbon nanotube

图3 ORI-SWCNTs载药体系的扫描电镜图

Fig.3 Scanning electron microscope image of ORI-SWCNTs
a. single-walled carbon nanotube;b.oridonin-single-walled carbon nanotube

2.4.3 红外光谱分析 采用傅立叶红外光谱仪(FTIR)进行相关基团的定性分析,测试分辨率为2.0 cm-1,扫描范围4 000.0~400.0 cm-1,对ORI、SWCNTs、ORI-SWCNTs载药体系进行红外光谱分析,结果见图4。由图4可以看出,ORI的红外光谱图中,3 381 cm-1处是-OH伸缩振动峰,2 941 cm-1处是-CH2的对称伸缩振动吸收峰,1 711 cm-1处是-C=O的振动吸收峰,1 645 cm-1处为-C=C的伸缩振动峰,1 015 cm-1是C-O的振动吸收峰;SWCNTs-COOH的红外光谱图中,在1 717 cm-1和3 436 cm-1处分别是羧基中-C=O的特征吸收峰和-OH的伸缩振动峰;ORI-SWCNTs载药体系中可见2 941 cm-1处是ORI中-CH2的对称伸缩振动吸收峰,1 015 cm-1是ORI中C-O的振动吸收峰,1 683 cm-1处是ORI和SWCNTs-COOH中-C=O的振动吸收峰合变为一个宽峰,因ORI-SWCNTs载药体系已用甲醇洗涤过3次,说明ORI已成功装载于SWCNTs-COOH中。

图4 ORI-SWCNTs载药体系的红外图谱

Fig.4 Infrared spectrogram of ORI-SWCNTs
a. oridonin;b. single-walled carbon nanotube;c. oridonin-single-walled carbon nanotube

2.4.4 DSC结果分析 采用差示描量量热仪测定载药体系的DSC图谱,样品质量5.0 mg,升温速率10.0 ℃·min-1,升温范围40.0~300.0 ℃,气氛N2,结果见图5。

图5 ORI-SWCNTs载药体系的DSC图

Fig.5 DSC image of ORI-SWCNTs
a. oridonin;b. single-walled carbon nanotube;c. oridonin-single-walled carbon nanotube

ORI在其熔点272.30 ℃出现尖锐的熔化吸热峰,△H=329.899(J·g-1);在ORI-SWCNTs中未出现该吸热峰;单壁碳纳米管吸收峰在94.14 ℃,△H=87.208(J·g-1),ORI-SWCNTs载药体系中碳纳米管的吸热峰移至70.80 ℃,△H=92.154(J·g-1),表明ORI被SWCNTs吸附后,不是以晶体形式存在,验证SWCNTs对药物的成功装载。

2.4.5 X射线结果分析 检测条件:Cu靶Kα1射线,电压40 kV,电流40 mA,衍射角( 2θ ) 测定范围:3°~50°,对ORI、单壁碳纳米管、ORI-SWCNTs载药体系进行X-射线衍射分析,结果见图6。

图6 ORI-SWCNTs载药体系的X衍射图

Fig.6 X ray diffraction graph of ORI-SWCNTs
a. oridonin;b. single-walled carbon nanotube;c. oridonin-single-walled carbon nanotube


2.5 吸附动力学研究

称取SWCNTs-COOH 0.03 g置于100 mL 圆底烧瓶中,加入ORI溶液(300 μg·mL-1 )50 mL,25 ℃下恒温搅拌 4 h,在不同时间取样,离心,取上清液0.5 mL置于5 mL量瓶中,稀释至刻度,在238 nm波长处测定吸光度值,计算其吸附量,见公式 (1),并绘制吸附动力学曲线,确定平衡时间和吸附速率等参数。

qt= ( C 0 - C t ) V m (1)


qe= ( C 0 - C e ) V m (2)


ORI 在SWCNTs-COOH表面的吸附曲线见图7。从图7可见,初始吸附阶段,ORI在SWCNTs-COOH表面吸附速率较快,约150 min吸附达到平衡。吸附过程中解吸附现象不明显,可忽略不计。

图7 ORI-SWCNTs的吸附动力学曲线

Fig.7 Absorption kinetic curve of ORI-SWCNTs


lg(qe-qt)=lgqe- k 1 2.303 t (3)


t q t = 1 k 2 q e 2 + 1 q e t (4)


以lg(qe-qt)对t作曲线,结果为非直线,表明ORI在SWCNTs-COOH表面的吸附不符合准一级动力学,化学吸附在该吸附过程中有一定的作用[15- 16]。ORI在SWCNTs-COOH上的准二级吸附动力学曲线见图8,准二级吸附线性方程为Y = 0.000 92X + 0.023 61,k2 = 7.47×10-5g·mg-1·min-1qe = 757.58 mg·g-1,r=0.997 8。r值接近于1,获取qe值与实验所测值接近,这表明ORI在SWCNTs-COOH表面的吸附符合准二级动力学吸附模式。

图8 ORI-SWCNTs的准二级吸附动力学曲线

Fig.8 Psedu-second-order absorption kinetic curve of oridonin-single-walled carbon nanotube

3 讨论


碳纳米管具有丰富的纳米空隙结构和巨大的比表面积的特点,决定碳纳米管优异的吸附能力。SWCNTs-COOH对ORI的吸附能力的研究结果表明:ORI主要通过π-π堆积作用吸附于SWCNTs-COOH表面,且SWCNTs-COOH表面基团对其吸附能力存在影响;ORI 在SWCNTs-COOH的吸附动力学满足准二级模型,为进一步研发碳纳米管载药体系提供了有价值的实验基础。

The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.


[1] 左海军,李丹,吴斌,.冬凌草的化学成分及其抗肿瘤活性[J].沈阳药科大学学报,2005,22(4):258-262.
[2] CHEN S,GAO J,HALICKA H D,et al.The cytostatic and cytotoxic effects of oridonin(Rubescenin),a diterpenoid from Rabdosia rubescens,on tumor cells of different lineage[J]. Int J Oncol,2005,26(3):579-588.
Rabdosia rubescens is a herbal medicine used to treat esophageal cancer in China. In this study, the sesquiterpene oridonin, an isoprenoid, was isolated from Rabdosia rubescens. Mass spectroscopy and carbon 13 NMR spectroscopy were used to identify the structure of the purified compound. It was then evaluated for biological activity against human cell lines derived from prostate (DU-145, LNCaP), breast (MCF-7), and ovarian (A2780 and PTX10) cancers. Oridonin exhibited anti-proliferative activity toward all cancer cell lines tested, with an IC50 estimated by the MTT cell viability assay ranging from 5.8卤2.3 to 11.72卤4.8 碌M. Flow cytometric analysis demonstrated that oridonin induced a G1 phase arrest in androgen receptor-positive LNCaP cells containing wt p53, while it blocked the cell cycle at G2 and M phases in androgen receptor-negative DU-145 cells with mutated p53; the arrest in M was verified by examination of cell morphology and by the increased frequency of cells with Ser-10 phosphorylated histone H3. The increased incidence of apoptosis, identified by characteristic changes in cell morphology, was seen in tumor lines treated with oridonin. Notably, at concentrations that induced apoptosis among tumor cells, oridonin failed to induce apoptosis in cultures of normal human fibroblasts. Western blot analysis was used to determine the protein expression of cancer suppressor genes, p53 (wt) and Bax, and the proto-oncogene, Bcl-2 in LNCaP cells following treatment with oridonin. Oridonin up-regulated p53 and Bax and down-regulated Bcl-2 expression in a dose-dependent manner. To further explore the possible interaction between oridonin and DNA, its absorption spectrum was measured in the presence and absence of double stranded (ds) DNA. Spectral shifts and an increase in absorption band intensity were observed indicating interaction of oridonin with DNA bases. The nature of the binding is not clear at present though no evidence of histone H2AX phosphorylation on Ser-139 was apparent in DU-145 cells treated with oridonin that would indicate the induction of ds DNA breaks. In conclusion, oridonin inhibits cancer cell growth in a cell cycle specific manner and shifts the balance between pro- and anti-apoptotic proteins in favor of apoptosis. The present data suggest that further studies are warranted to assess the potential of oridonin in cancer prevention and/or treatment.
DOI:10.3892/ijo.26.3.579      PMID:15703811      URL    
[3] IKEZOE T,CHEN S S,TONG X J,et al.Oridonin induces growth inhibition and apoptosis of a variety of human cancer cells[J].Int J Oncol,2003,23(4):1187-1193.
PC-SPES is an eight herbal mixture that was shown to have activity against prostate cancer. Recently, we purified oridonin from Rabdosia rubescens, one component of PC-SPES, by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). The ability of oridonin to inhibit the proliferation of cancer cells was examined by MTT assay. Oridonin effectively inhibited the proliferation of a wide variety of cancer cells including those from prostate (LNCaP, DU145, PC3), breast (MCF-7, MDA-MB231), non-small cell lung (NSCL) (NCI-H520, NCI-H460, NCI-H1299) cancers, acute promyelocytic leukemia (NB4), and glioblastoma multiforme (U118, U138) with ED50s ranging from 1.8 to 7.5 micro g/ml. TUNEL assay and cell cycle analysis showed that oridonin induced apoptosis and G0/G1 cell cycle arrest in LNCaP prostate cancer cells. In addition, expression of p21waf1 was induced in LNCaP and NCI-H520 cells in a p53-dependent manner. Interestingly, when p53 was suppressed by over-expression of E6 from human papilloma virus type 16 (HPV-16), these cells lost their sensitivity to oridonin-induced growth inhibition and apoptosis. Taken together, oridonin inhibited the proliferation of cancer cells via apoptosis and cell cycle arrest with p53 playing a central role in several cancer types which express the wild-type p53 gene. Oridonin may be a novel, adjunctive therapy for a large variety of malignancies and probably represents one of the major, active components of PC-SPES.
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[4] LOU H,ZHANG X,GAO L,et al.In vitro and in vivo anti-tumor activity of oridonin nanosuspension[J].Int J Pharm,2009,379(1):181-186.
The aim of the present study was to evaluate the antitumor activity of an oridonin (ORI) nanosuspension relative to ORI solution both in vitro and in vivo. ORI nanosuspension with a particle size of 897.202±0214.202nm was prepared by the high pressure homogenization method (HPH). MTT assay showed that ORI nanosuspension could significantly enhance the in vitro cytotoxicity against K562 cells compared to the ORI solution, the IC 50 value at 3602h was reduced from 12.8502μmol/L for ORI solution to 8.1102μmol/L for ORI nanosuspension. Flow cytometric analysis demonstrated that the ORI nanosuspension also induced a higher apoptotic rate in K562 cells compared to ORI solution. In vivo studies in a mouse model of sarcoma-180 solid tumors demonstrated significantly greater inhibition of tumor growth following treatment with ORI nanosuspension than ORI solution at the same dosage. The mice injected with ORI nanosuspension showed a higher reduction in tumor volume and tumor weight at the dose of 2002mg/kg compared to the ORI solution ( P 02<020.01), with the tumor inhibition rate increased from 42.49% for ORI solution to 60.23% for the ORI nanosuspension. Taken together, these results suggest that the delivery of ORI in nanosuspension is a promising approach for the treatment of the tumor.
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The delivery of DNA or RNA to cells represents the limiting step in the development of cancer gene therapy and RNA interference protocols. Single walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs) are of interest as carriers of biologically active molecules because of their ability to cross cell membranes. In this study, we developed a novel strategy for chemical functionalization of SWNTs (f-SWCNTs) with DSPE-PEG-Amine to bind small interfering RNA (siRNA) by disulfide bonds applied to siRNA-mediated gene silencing in breast cancer cells. Results indicated the efficiency of f-SWNTs carrying siRNA reached 83.55%, and the new f-SWNTs-siRNA-MDM2 complexes were successfully introduced into the breast carcinoma B-Cap-37 cells at a concentration of 100 nM in mediums, and caused proliferation inhibition of B-Cap-37 cells significantly. The proliferation inhibition ratio of B-Cap-37 cells was detected as 44.53% for 72 h, and the apoptosis ratio was measured as 30.45%. It was obvious that MDM2 can serve as a novel therapeutic target by an effective carrier system of DSPE-PEG-Amine-functionalized SWNTs, which would be very advanced and significant to therapy of breast cancer further.
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Single walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs) are emerging as promising delivery vehicles for cancer diagnostics and chemotherapies due to their unique properties, including, remarkable cell membrane penetrability, high drug-carrying capacities, pH-dependent therapeutic unloading, prolonged circulating times and intrinsic fluorescent, photothermal, photoacoustic and Raman properties. In this leading opinion paper, we systemically discuss and evaluate the relationship of the biological safety of SWNTs with their physicochemical properties such as their length, purity, agglomeration state, concentration and surface functionalization. Other relevant issues, including the cellular uptake mechanism, biodistribution and metabolism of SWNTs are also reviewed. The design and preparation of SWNT-based drug delivery systems (DDSs) and their pharmacokinetic, cancer targeting and therapeutic properties both in聽vitro and in聽vivo are highlighted. Future opportunities and challenges of SWNT-based DDSs are also discussed.
DOI:10.1016/j.biomaterials.2011.11.004      PMID:22137127      URL    
[7] WANG L,ZHANG M Y,ZHANG N,et al.Synergistic enh-ancement of cancer therapy using acombination of docetaxel and photothermal ablation induced by single-walled carbon nanotubes[J].Int J Nanomedicine,2011,6:2641-2652.
Single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWNT) are poorly soluble in water, so their applications are limited. Therefore, aqueous solutions of SWNT, designed by noncovalent functionalization and without toxicity, are required for biomedical applications. In this study, we conjugated docetaxel with SWNT via accumulation and used a surfactant to functionalize SWNT noncovalently. The SWNT were then conjugated with docetaxel (DTX-SWNT) and linked with NGR (Asn-Gly-Arg) peptide, which targets tumor angiogenesis, to obtain a water-soluble and tumor-targeting SWNT-NGR-DTX drug delivery system. SWNT-NGR-DTX showed higher efficacy than docetaxel in suppressing tumor growth in a cultured PC3 cell line in vitro and in a murine S180 cancer model. Tumor volumes in the S180 mouse model decreased considerably under near-infrared radiation compared with the control group. The SWNT-NGR-DTX drug delivery system may be promising for high treatment efficacy with minimal side effects in future cancer therapy.
DOI:10.2147/IJN.S24167      PMID:3218578      URL    
[8] KAWAGUCHI M,YAMAZAKI J,OHNO J,et al.Preparation and binding study of a complex made of DNA-treated single walled carbon nanotubes and antibody for specific delivery of a “molecular heater” platform[J].Int J Nanomedicine,2012,7:4363-4372.
Carbon nanotubes have been explored as heat-delivery vehicles for thermal ablation of tumors. To use single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWNT) as a “molecular heater” for hyperthermia therapy in cancer, stable dispersibility and smart-delivery potential will be needed, as well as lack of toxicity. This paper reports the preparation of a model complex comprising DNA-treated SWNT and anti-human IgG antibody and the specific binding ability of this model complex with the targeted protein, ie, human IgG. Treatment with double-stranded DNA enabled stable dispersibility of a complex composed of SWNT and the antibody under physiological conditions. Quartz crystal microbalance results suggest that there was one immobilized IgG molecule to every 21,700 carbon atoms in the complex containing DNA-treated SWNT and the antibody. The DNA-SWNT antibody complex showed good selectivity for binding to the targeted protein. Binding analysis revealed that treatment with DNA did not interfere with binding affinity or capacity between the immobilized antibody and the targeted protein. The results of this study demonstrate that the DNA-SWNT antibody complex is a useful tool for use as a smart “molecular heater” platform applicable to various types of antibodies targeting a specific antigen.
DOI:10.2147/IJN.S34202      PMID:3419506      URL    
[9] YUAN J F,GAO H C,CHING C B.Comparative protein profile of human hepatoma HepG2 cells treated with grapheme and single walled carbon nanotubes:an iTRAQ-coupled 2D LC-MS/MS proteome analysis[J].Toxicol Lett,2011,207(3) :213-221.
Graphitic nanomaterials are promising candidates for applications in electronics, energy, materials and biomedical areas. Nevertheless, few detailed studies related to the mechanistic understanding of these nanomaterials with the living systems have been performed to date. In the present study, our group applied the iTRAQ-coupled 2D LC鈥揗S/MS approach to analyze the protein profile change of human hepatoma HepG2 cells treated with graphene and single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs), with the purpose of characterizing the interactions between living system and these nanomaterials at molecular level. Overall 37 differentially expressed proteins involved in metabolic pathway, redox regulation, cytoskeleton formation and cell growth were identified. Based on the protein profile, we found SWCNTs severely interfered the intracellular metabolic routes, protein synthesis and cytoskeletal systems. Moreover, our data suggested that SWCNTs might induce oxidative stress, thereby activating p53-mediated DNA damage checkpoint signals and leading to apoptosis. However, only moderate variation of protein levels for the cells treated with graphene was observed, which indicated graphene was less toxic and might be promising candidate for biomedical applications. We envision that this systematic characterization of cellular response at protein expression level will be of great importance to evaluate biocompatibility of nanomaterials.
DOI:10.1016/j.toxlet.2011.09.014      PMID:21963432      URL    
[10] LI C C,LIN J L,HUANG S J,et al.A new and acid-exclu-sive method for dispersing carbon multi-walled nanotubes in aqueous suspensions[J].Colloids Surf A,2007,297(1):275-281.
Carbon multi-walled nanotubes (MWNTs) can be easily dispersed in water using a new and effective method herewith by pretreatment with H 2O 2 followed by dispersing with ammonium polyacrylic acid. The structure morphology and surface chemistry of H 2O 2-treated MWNTs were characterized, respectively, by transmission electron microscopy and Fourier transform-infrared spectroscopy, and the results were compared with MWNTs treated with a mixture of concentrated HNO 3 and H 2SO 4 acids in a 3:1 volume ratio. It was found that the MWNTs with H 2O 2-treatment had fewer microstructure defects than those treated with concentrated acids. The dispersion stability of as-prepared aqueous suspensions was analyzed by rheology and settling experiments. The aqueous suspension prepared by the new method has neutral pH and high dispersion stability, but that prepared from the acid-treated MWNTs was acidic with pH 2鈥3 although their dispersion stability was also good. Besides, the dispersed suspension from the new method stayed highly fluid without becoming coagulated or gelled at solid contents up to 5 wt.%.
DOI:10.1016/j.colsurfa.2006.10.022      URL    
[11] 张艳艳,付旭东,刘康栋,.NGR-单壁碳纳米管-紫杉醇复合物的制备及其靶向性研究[J].中国药学杂志,2013,48(20):1748-1754.
目的 探讨NGR-单壁碳纳米管-紫杉醇复合物的最佳制备方法及其靶向性。方法 溶液共混法制备单壁碳纳米管-紫杉醇,将其连接NGR构建NGR-单壁碳纳米管-紫杉醇载药系统,并对其进行表征。考察单壁碳纳米管-紫杉醇制备中表面活性剂的种类、探头超声次数、碳纳米管的量等因素对载药量和包封率的影响。以S180荷瘤小鼠为模型,分别静注NGR-单壁碳纳米管-紫杉醇,单壁碳纳米管-紫杉醇和紫杉醇,采用高效液相色谱法测定小鼠脾、心、肝、肺、肾、肿瘤各组织的药物浓度,用靶向效率(TE)评价制剂的靶向性。结果 碳纳米管-紫杉醇为1∶2;表面活性剂Poloxamer188和苯丙氨酸以7∶3混合;选择功率600 W,超声15次为探头超声条件制得单壁碳纳米管-紫杉醇,与NGR反应得到NGR-单壁碳纳米管-紫杉醇复合物,其包封率为(83.9&plusmn;2.7)%,载药量为(69.3&plusmn;1.5)%,Zeta电位为(-22.6&plusmn;1.5)mV,平均粒径为(182.1&plusmn;2.4)nm。在小鼠脾、肝、肺和肿瘤组织中NGR-单壁碳纳米管-紫杉醇和单壁碳纳米管-紫杉醇的AUC显著大于紫杉醇组(<em>P</em>&lt;0.05,<em>P</em>&lt;0.01)。在小鼠脾、肝、肺组织中单壁碳纳米管-紫杉醇和NGR-单壁碳纳米管-紫杉醇的靶向效率无明显差别,在心、肾组织中的靶向效率有所下降(<em>P</em>&lt;0.05),在肿瘤中靶向效率分别为6.78%和21.33%,差异显著(<em>P</em>&lt;0.01)。结论 优化条件制备的NGR-单壁碳纳米管-紫杉醇复合物制备工艺和储存稳定性好,载药量和包封率高,且能显著提高紫杉醇的肿瘤靶向性。
DOI:10.11669/cpj.2013.20.015      Magsci     URL    
[12] TAN J M,KARTHIVASHAN G,ARULSELVAN P,et al.Characterization and in vitro studies of the anticancer effect of oxidized carbon nanotubes functionalized with betulinic acid[J].Drug Des Devel Ther,2014,8:2333-2343.
Julia M Tan,1 Govindarajan Karthivashan,2 Palanisamy Arulselvan,2 Sharida Fakurazi,2,3 Mohd Zobir Hussein1 1Materials Synthesis and Characterization Laboratory, Institute of Advanced Technology (ITMA), Universiti Putra Malaysia, Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia; 2Laboratory ofnbsp;Vaccine and Immunotherapeutics, Institute of Bioscience (IBS), Universiti Putra Malaysia, Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia; 3Department ofnbsp;Human Anatomy, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Universiti Putra Malaysia, Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia Abstract: Among the array of nanomaterials, carbon nanotubes have shown great potential as drug carriers in the field of nanomedicine, owing to their attractive physicochemical structure, which facilitates functionalization of therapeutic molecules onto their external walls or being encapsulated inside the tubes. The aim of this preliminary study was to formulate betulinic acid (BA), a poorly water-soluble drug, in oxidized multiwalled carbon nanotubes (MWCNT-COOH) for enhanced delivery efficiency into cancer cells with reduced cytotoxicity. The synthesized MWCNT-BA nanocomposite was characterized using ultraviolet-visible, Fourier transform infrared, thermogravimetric analysis, powder X-ray diffraction, and field emission scanning electron microscopy techniques. The loading of BA in MWCNT-COOH nanocarrier was estimated to be about 14.5%ndash;14.8% (w/w), as determined by ultraviolet-visible and thermogravimetric analysis. Fourier transform infrared study shows that the peaks of the resulting MWCNT-BA nanocomposite correlate to the characteristic functional groups of BA and MWCNT-COOH. The powder X-ray diffraction results confirmed that the tubular structures of MWCNT-COOH were not affected by the drug loading mechanism of BA. The release profiles demonstrated that approximately 98% of BA could be released within 22nbsp;hours by phosphate-buffered saline solution at pH 7.4nbsp;compared with about 22% within 24nbsp;hours at pH 4.8. The biocompatibility studies revealed that MWCNT-BA at concentrations lt;50nbsp;micro;g/mL expressed no cytotoxicity effects for mouse embryo fibroblast cells after 72nbsp;hours of treatment. The anticancer activity of MWCNT-BA was observed to be more sensitive to human lung cancer cell line when compared with human liver cancer cell line, with half maximal inhibitory concentration values of 2.7nbsp;and 11.0nbsp;micro;g/mL, respectively. Our findings form a fundamental platform for further investigation of the MWCNT-BA formulation against different types of cancer cells. Keywords: multiwalled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs), drug delivery, controlled release, cytotoxicity, A549nbsp;cell line, HepG2nbsp;cell line
DOI:10.2147/DDDT.S70650      PMID:4242135      URL    
[13] LAGERGREN S.About the theory of so-called adsorption of soluble substances [J].Kun Sven Veten Hand,1898,24(4):1-39.
[14] HO Y S.Adsorption of heavy metals from waste streams by peat [D].Birmingham:University of Birmingham,1995.
[15] HO Y S,MCKAY G.Pseudo-second order model for sorp-tion processes[J].Process Biochem,1999,34(5):451-465.
A literature review of the use of sorbents and biosorbents to treat polluted aqueous effluents containing dyes/organics or metal ions has been conducted. Over 70 systems have been reported since 1984 and over 43 of these reported the mechanism as being a pseudo-first order kinetic mechanism. Three sorption kinetic models are presented in this paper and have been used to test 11 of the literature systems previously reported as first order kinetics and one system previously reported as a second order process. In all 12 systems, the highest correlation coefficients were obtained for the pseudo-second order kinetic model.
DOI:10.1016/S0032-9592(98)00112-5      URL    
[16] BOPARAI H K,JOSEPH M,O’CARROLL D M.Kinetics and thermodynamics of cadmium ion removal by adsorption onto nano zerovalent iron particles[J].J Hazard Mater,2011,186(1):458-465.
Nano zerovalent iron (nZVI) is an effective adsorbent for removing various organic and inorganic contaminants. In this study, nZVI particles were used to investigate the removal of Cd(2+) in the concentration range of 25-450 mg L(-1). The effect of temperature on kinetics and equilibrium of cadmium sorption on nZVI particles was thoroughly examined. Consistent with an endothermic reaction, an increase in the temperature resulted in increasing cadmium adsorption rate. The adsorption kinetics well fitted using a pseudo second-order kinetic model. The calculated activation energy for adsorption was 54.8 kJ mol(-1), indicating the adsorption process to be chemisorption. The intraparticle diffusion model described that the intraparticle diffusion was not the only rate-limiting step. The adsorption isotherm data could be well described by the Langmuir as well as Temkin equations. The maximum adsorption capacity of nZVI for Cd(2+) was found to be 769.2 mg g(-1) at 297 K. Thermodynamic parameters (i.e., change in the free energy (G(o)), the enthalpy (H(o)), and the entropy (S(o))) were also evaluated. The overall adsorption process was endothermic and spontaneous in nature. EDX analysis indicated the presence of cadmium ions on the nZVI surface. These results suggest that nZVI could be employed as an efficient adsorbent for the removal of cadmium from contaminated water sources.
DOI:10.1016/j.jhazmat.2010.11.029      PMID:21130566      URL    
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