中国科技论文统计源期刊 中文核心期刊  
医药导报, 2017, 36(4): 434-438
doi: 10.3870/j.issn.1004-0781.2017.04.019
Relationship Between Improvement on Antibacterials Use and Lowered Incidence of Drug-induced Hyperthermia
张渊1,, 方忠宏2,, 方欢2, 刘玉娟2, 姜玲海2, 吕小群2


目的 以在医疗实践中获取的药源性发热(DIH)数据,进行对照性的DIH回顾性研究,说明DIH发生率与抗菌药物过度使用的相关性。方法 依次查阅复旦大学附属金山医院骨科,在两个不同时段的住院患者的病历,记录DIH病例的相关数据资料,然后进行对比研究。Ⅰ组:有效病例229例,住院时间为2011年2月-4月,在抗菌药物用药显著改进之前。Ⅱ组:有效病例342例,住院时间为2012年7月-9月,在抗菌药物使用显著改进后。DIH纳入标准:①术后第4天口温≥37.6 ℃;②无感染证据; ③发热和可疑药物的用药有时间相关性:用药时发热,停药3 d内体温正常;④无其他疾病原因的发热;⑤出院时口温≤37.6 ℃。DIH排除标准:①可能的病理性发热,例如癌症患者;②住院时间不超过手术后3 d的;③无手术者,④有严重创伤者,例如,内脏或中枢神经系统损伤。结果 所有致DIH药物皆为注射剂。Ⅱ组与Ⅰ组相比,抗菌药物使用时间,总DIH发生率及抗菌药物的DIH发生率均有显著降低(P<0.01),其对比数据分别为:(1.7±1.7)比(4.6±1.8) d,7.3%比30.1%,和1.5%比25.3%。结论 DIH的发生率与药物种类,特别是抗菌药物过度使用有相关性,因用药方案不同而变化。抗菌药物的DIH较中药注射剂的DIH严重,且抗菌药物使用减少与DIH发生率降低呈正相关,安全用药应从抗菌药物合理应用做起。

关键词: 抗菌药物 ; 发热,药源性 ; 发热,术后 ; 抗菌药物预防用药 ; 中药注射剂


Objective To conduct a retrospective study about drug-induced hyperthermia (DIH) based on DIH data obtained in medical practice, and elucidate the relationship between DIH incidence and antibacterials overuse. Methods To investigate successively the medical records of inpatients from orthopaedics department in Fudan university affiliated Jinshan hospital at two different periods, and data of DIH cases were extracted to perform a comparative study. The period for 229 effective cases of group Ⅰ was from Feb. 1 to Apr. 30, 2011, before significant improvement on antibacterials use. The period for 342 effective cases of group Ⅱ was from Jul. 1 to Sep. 30, 2012, after the effective enforcements of regulation on antibacterials use. Inclusion criteria for DIH were: ①an oral temperature ≥37.6 ℃ since postoperative day 4, ②no evidence of infection,③a time relationship between fever and the administration of causative drugs: a fever occurring with drug administration and disappearing after drug cessation within 3 days,④no other causes for the fever,⑤oral temperature≤37.6 ℃ until leaving hospital. Exclusion criteria for DIH were listed below: ①possible pathological fever, e.g., in cancer, ②hospitalization within 3 days,③no surgery,④severe trauma, for example, visceral or central nervous system injury. Results All causative drugs were for injection. By comparison, duration of antibacterial administration is significantly shorter in group Ⅱ than in group Ⅰ (1.7±1.7 vs. 4.6±1.8 days, P<0.01), and total DIH incidence and antibacterials related DIH incidence were significantly lower in group Ⅱ than in group Ⅰ (7.3% vs. 30.1%, 1.5% vs. 25.3%, both P<0.01). Conclusion DIH incidence is related with drug type especially with antibacterials overuse, and changed with drug program. DIH was more serious for injection of antibacterials than injection of traditional Chinese medicine. Decrease of antibacterials usage is positively associated with the decreased DIH incidence. Safe medication should begin from safe usage of antibacterials.

Key words: Antibacterials ; Hyperthermia,drug-induced ; Fever,postoperative ; Antibiotic prophylaxis ; Injection of traditional Chinese medicine

研究统计在住院患者中,约10%发生过药源性发热(drug-induced hyperthermia,DIH)[1]。如果DIH未及时发现,容易被误诊,从而导致不必要的检查和不适当的药物治疗,不良反应增多,医疗费用提高, 患者会住院更长时间和遭受更多伤害[2]。目前DIH的研究都是事后的病例分析或已报告病例的总结。手术后发热(postoperative fever,POF)在临床上亦为常见。到目前为止,还没有区分DIH与POF的研究,因此,从POF中排除DIH具有重要意义。本研究是将两组数据资料进行对比,分析说明抗菌药物使用与DIH发生的相关性,以展示合理用药的深层次价值。

1 资料与方法
1.1 资料

选抗菌药物临床使用显著改进前、后的两个时段,依次查阅复旦大学附属金山医院骨科住院患者的病历资料,记录可能的DIH资料,然后,再次评价确定DIH病例。两组病例提取的数据:诊断,性别,年龄,发热时间,住院时间,抗菌药物及其他术后用药时间。Ⅰ组:时间为2011年2月-4月,排除无效病例49例,有效病例229例,包括86例去内固定等无植入物的清洁手术,在抗菌药物使用显著改进前。Ⅱ组:时间为2012年7月-9月,排除无效病例87例,有效病例342例,包括175例去内固定等无植入物的清洁手术,在抗菌药物使用显著改进后。DIH纳入标准:①术后第4天口温≥37.6 ℃;②无感染证据;③发热和可疑药物的使用有时间相关性:用药时发热,停药3 d内退热;④无其他疾病原因的发热;⑤出院时口温≤37.6 ℃。DIH排除标准:①可能的病理性发热,例如癌症患者;②出院时间不超过手术后3 d的;③无手术者,④有严重创伤者,例如内脏或中枢神经系统损伤。

1.2 方法

将两组的数据进行对比研究,分析说明DIH的发生率和相关可疑药物(抗菌药物、中药注射剂等)使用的相关性。所有数据的统计处理用SPSS 20.0版软件完成,Ⅰ组和Ⅱ组DIH的发生率、抗菌药物相关DIH病例数,用χ2检验进行比较分析;Ⅰ组和Ⅱ组之间的抗菌药物用药时间及术后用药数用Mann Whitney test检验进行比较。

2 结果
2.1 Ⅰ组患者的资料分析

DIH病例69例, 其中15例为去内固定等无植入物的清洁手术,54例切开复位加内固定:男37例,女32例,平均(47.7±13.2)岁,平均住院时间(13.0±7.8) d,手术后发热的平均时间(6.6±3.6) d,平均最高口温(38.2±0.5) ℃。在69例DIH患者中,有27例(11例去内固定等无植入物的清洁手术)的温度峰值出现在停用可疑药物后0~1 d。前5位可疑药物分别为:头孢美唑39例,鹿瓜多肽15例,骨肽8例,头孢替安6例,美洛西林/舒巴坦5例。

2.2 Ⅱ组患者的资料分析

DIH病例25例,其中3例为去内固定等无植入物的清洁手术,22例切开复位加内固定术:男19例,女6例,平均(51.6±15.7)岁,平均住院时间(13.1±6.6) d,术后发热平均时间(6.2±2.1) d,平均最高口温(38.2±0.4) ℃。有5例(3例去内固定等无植入物的清洁手术)的温度峰值出现在可疑药物停用后0~1 d。前5位可疑药物:骨瓜提取物7例,蛇毒血凝酶4例,骨肽3例,参附3例,鹿瓜多肽3例。

2.3 两组患者DIH相关资料比较 见表1~4。

表1 2组DIH患者病例数、抗菌药物使用持续时间与术后用药数的比较
Tab.1 Comparison DIH cases, the duration of antibacterial dministration and drug number after surgery between two groups of patients ヌ±s
组别 有效病
Ⅰ组 229 69 58 3.1±1.7 4.6±1.8
Ⅱ组 342 25 5 4.4±1.4 1.7±1.7
χ2 /U 34.07 51.94 1 284.50 180.50
P <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01

表1 2组DIH患者病例数、抗菌药物使用持续时间与术后用药数的比较

Tab.1 Comparison DIH cases, the duration of antibacterial dministration and drug number after surgery between two groups of patients ヌ±s

表2 2组DIH患者的抗菌药物用药时间
Tab.2 Time of antibacterial administration in DIH cases between two groups of patients after surgery d,ヌ±s
组别 例数 无植入物手术用药 切开复位加内固定术用药
Ⅰ组 58 4.3±1.4 4.8±1.9
Ⅱ组 5 0 2.0±1.6

All the patients in Group I received antibacterial


表2 2组DIH患者的抗菌药物用药时间

Tab.2 Time of antibacterial administration in DIH cases between two groups of patients after surgery d,ヌ±s

表3 按药物类别的DIH病例数及百分比
Tab.3 Case number of DIH and percentage according drug category
药物 Ⅰ 组 Ⅱ 组
抗菌药物 45 例(65.2 %):美洛西林/舒巴坦(3例),头孢美唑(32例),头孢孟多( 1例),头孢替安(3例),头孢西丁(2例),头孢唑林(3例),头孢唑肟(1例) 3例(12.0%):头孢替安(2例),头孢唑林(1例)
抗菌药物与其他*1 12例(17.4%):头孢美唑与鹿瓜多肽(7例),头孢替安与鹿瓜多肽(2例),美洛西林/舒巴坦与鹿瓜多肽(1例),美洛西林/舒巴坦与骨肽(1例),头孢西丁与骨肽(1 例) 1例(4.0%):头孢唑林与骨肽(1例)
0例 1例(4.0%):头孢曲松与参附(1 例)
1例 (1.4%):头孢替安与丹红及鹿瓜多肽(1 例) 0例
中药注射剂 0例 3(12.0%):丹红(1例),参附(2例)
中药注射剂与其他*1 2例(2.9%):丹红与鹿瓜多肽(1例),疏血通与骨肽(1 例) 1 (4.0%):丹红与鹿瓜多肽(1例)
其他*1 9例(13.0%):鹿瓜多肽(3例),骨肽(5例),低分子右旋糖酐氨基酸(1例) 16(64.0%):骨瓜提取物(7例),鹿瓜多肽(2例),骨肽(1例),骨肽与血凝酶(1例),七叶皂苷与托拉塞米(1例),七叶皂苷(1例),血凝酶(3例)
总计 69例(100.0%) 25例 (100.0%)

*1Drugs except antibacterial and traditional Chinese medicine injection


表3 按药物类别的DIH病例数及百分比

Tab.3 Case number of DIH and percentage according drug category

表4 各种类可疑药物的DIH病例数
Tab.4 Case count by drug class and each causative drug separately
药物 Ⅰ 组 Ⅱ 组
抗菌药物 58 5
头孢曲松 0 1
头孢唑林 3 2(1+1#)
头孢美唑 39(32+7#) 0
头孢替安 6(3+2#+1&) 2
美洛西林/舒巴坦 5(3+2#) 0
头孢西丁 3(2+1#) 0
头孢唑肟 1 0
头孢孟多 1 0
中药注射剂 3 5
丹红 2(1#+1) 2(1+1#)
参附 0 3(2+1@)
疏血通 1# 0
其他 24 20
鹿瓜多肽 15(3+10@+1$+1) 3(2+1)
骨瓜提取物 0 7
骨肽 8(5+2@+1) 3(1+1@+1#)
低分子右旋糖酐氨基酸 1 0
七叶皂苷 0 2(1+1#)
蛇毒血凝酶 0 4(3+1#)
托拉塞米 0 1#
总计 85 30

The count is one time in case of fever induced by more than two drugs. The codes of drug combination: =traditional Chinese medicine injection; #=other:drugs except antibacterial and traditional Chinese medicine injection;&=other+traditional Chinese medicine injection;= other +antibacterial;@=antibacterial;$= traditional Chinese medicine injection+ antibacterial


表4 各种类可疑药物的DIH病例数

Tab.4 Case count by drug class and each causative drug separately

3 讨论
3.1 跟踪骨科手术后患者的DIH发生率的理由



POF被广泛认同,通常认为是手术后无感染的正常反应[4-5],并伴有血清细胞因子,例如,白细胞介素(IL)-6水平的暂时升高,是对手术或损伤的炎症反应[6]。很多研究证明,POF发生在手术后48 h内[7]。ANGEL等[8]报告了174例手术患者,其中127例(73.0%)出现POF,多数发热出现在手术后36 h内。KENAN等[9]报告了153例整形手术的POF:43例无发热,96/110 (87.3%)的发热在术后24 h内,14/110 (12.7%)在48 h内。WALID等[10]报告,脊柱手术后无感染者的POF主要发生在老年伴贫血及HbA1c控制不佳的患者中,几乎所有的温度峰值在术后第1天,在术后第4天体温正常,其3个研究组的平均住院时间分别为2.0,3.1,5.5 d。DUAN等[11]报告了327例骨科清洁术后POF的发生率为90.2%,多数发热是在术后 2~4 d,其使用抗菌药物情况与Ⅰ组相似,即所有手术病例皆预防使用抗菌药物,抗菌药物存在过度用药。关于手术后预防用抗菌药物的POF国外也有研究,20例患者手术后给予头孢唑林1.0 g,q8 h, 24 h内停药,其中10例在手术后3 d内发热,温度峰值在术后第1天[12]。另有200例膝关节和髋关节置换术的POF研究,所有病例皆静脉滴注抗菌药物48 h,温度峰值在术后第1天,术后第5天体温正常[13]。因为围手术期抗菌药物广泛使用,抗菌药物是全世界公认的致DIH药物[14],故POF与DIH二者易混在一起。VODOVAR等[15]报告了法国自1986年-2007年,167例无皮肤反应的DIH病例,有22种药物与DIH有关,抗菌药物居第一位。在中国2007年之前的DIH报告中,抗菌药物占71.1%。术后抗菌药物使用时间过长在国内较为常见[16]

创伤是炎症因素之一。若手术创伤、抗菌药物与中药注射剂使用三者共存,DIH的发生率会更高。 OHTORI等[17]报道,每天给手术患者用头孢替安2 g,将用药9 d者与用药2 d者进行对比分析,二者住院时间、体温恢复正常的时间及术后第7天升高的CRP水平都有显著差异(P<0.05):27.9 d比20.7 d,6.8 d 比5.1 d,和3.13 比 2.23 mg·dL-1,这显示抗菌药物的使用对患者恢复有不利影响,也意味着某些药物,特别是抗菌药物在术后使用可引起发热 [18]。因为以往抗菌药物在术后广泛使用,其POF中必有DIH存在。除了抗菌药物,国内临床实践已证明中药注射剂也是引起严重变态反应的常见药物[19]表3和表4显示了抗菌药物用药改进前后Ⅰ组、Ⅱ组DIH相关药物的变化情况,并说明抗菌药和中药注射剂两大类药物是DIH主要原因,其ADR需要予以重视。

3.3 本文中DIH定义

正常体温是指方便易测的口温在约37.0 ℃[20]。而口温>37.2 ℃就提示可能有感染存在[21]。在平衡各种因素后,将在无病理性原因的情况下,术后第4天口温≥37.6 ℃判定为DIH。两组所有DIH的患者在停用可疑药物3 d后,其口温皆≤37.2 ℃。Ⅱ组的DIH发生率显著减少(P<0.01),说明本研究DIH定义是合理的,此定义有利于做出正确的医疗决策。

3.4 DIH显著降低的原因

表3知,Ⅰ组中单纯抗菌药物致DIH45例(65.2%),是主因。在抗菌药物规范用药后,Ⅱ组中单纯抗菌药物致DIH仅为3例,占12.0%,非抗菌药物80.0%,说明抗菌药物在DIH中影响很大。Ⅱ组术后的辅助用药成为其DIH的主因,然而DIH发生率显著降低,更加说明抗菌药物在DIH中的作用。Ⅰ组的头孢美唑致DIH 39例(56.5%),Ⅱ组的骨瓜提取物致DIH 7例(28.0%),都与这些药在该时段的用药高频率有关。由表1,2可知,Ⅰ组与Ⅱ组抗菌药物的用药时间比较,Ⅰ组显著长于与Ⅱ组(P<0.01);Ⅰ组中每例术后皆用抗菌药物,Ⅱ组去内固定等无植入物手术未用抗菌药物,有植入物手术者,抗菌药物几乎全部在术后48 h内停用;Ⅰ组与Ⅱ组相比,抗菌药物平均用药时间分别为4.6和1.7 d(P<0.01),Ⅱ组DIH发生率的亦显著降低(P<0.01),Ⅰ组为30.1%,而Ⅱ组为7.3%。抗菌药物相关的DIH病例也显著减少(P<0.01);Ⅰ组术后用药品种数比Ⅱ组多(P<0.01),提示Ⅰ组手术后的过度用药比较严重,除了抗菌药物,还有1种或数种辅助用药。在最近几年,该院抗菌药物合理使用改进显著,从2012年7月起,清洁手术预防用药率不仅达到国家卫生与计生委要求的标准(≤30%),而且更优,用药率为9.0%,合理用药率达96.0%。这些都说明Ⅱ组DIH的显著下降是因为抗菌药物用药率及用药时间的显著减少。在Ⅱ组中,抗菌药物使用改进后,辅助用药成为DIH的主因;提示抗菌药物是致DIH的最重要原因,辅助用药是DIH高危因素。值得重视的是:鹿瓜多肽、骨瓜提取物、骨肽,3种制剂的批文虽为“H……”,但其并无明确的药物分子结构的有效成分,可考虑作为“类中药注射剂”看待,以提示安全用药。Ⅰ组DIH因于抗菌药物与中药注射剂或“类中药注射剂”的总数为68例(98.6%),Ⅱ组因于抗菌药物及中药注射剂或“类中药注射剂”的DIH总数20例(80.0%)。显然,在手术后避免所有不必要的用药,DIH或POF发生率在骨科手术患者中会很低。因此,出于安全用药考虑,建议抗菌药物忌与中药注射剂或“类中药注射剂”在同日内使用。鉴于目前抗菌药物的手术预防用药比若干年前合理、规范了很多,基本上是不用或在手术后24 h内停用[22], DIH或POF的发生率比若干年前会减少很多,故 POF的定义有必要重新考虑。因此,建议定义POF为不超过手术后48 h的发热。否则,就要考虑其他病因。在DIH排除后,应高度重视感染的存在。DIH或POF早确诊将影响治疗决策,并会对最终的医疗质量产生重大影响。

DIH的诊断通常是排除性诊断,发热伴随可疑药物的使用出现,停用可疑药物体温恢复正常,无其他病因时,即考虑为DIH[23]。DIH最主要的原因是免疫介导对药物的反应[2],对药物有发热反应而没有任何皮肤反应,通常患者耐受发热良好[24]。本次调查的DIH正是如此,DIH的发热在术后不高,平均38.2 ℃,骨科医生通常把它视为正常,故患者出院时间不受影响[25]。但是,如果DIH继续,就可能发生一些严重的药源性损伤。因为DIH很可能是严重药源性损伤的早期征兆[26]。1984年报告的首例手术后苯妥英的DIH即如此,在前期15 d无发热或体温≤38.5 ℃,之后出现≥40 ℃高热,并伴有皮疹和肝功能异常[27]。另1例克林霉素的DIH,在停用克林霉素48 h内,患者体温恢复正常,但停药后第3天全身出现大量皮疹[28]。因此,有理由相信,DIH很可能是药物引起过敏的早期阶段。本研究提示,如果术后抗菌药物和中药注射剂避免过度用药(中药注射剂不是骨折术后必用药),DIH或POF会很少或很轻微。建议:在手术后第1周内,除了手术需要和维持生命必需外,禁止使用其他药物,尽可能减少使用抗菌药物。


The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.


[1] CUDDY M L.The effects of drugs on thermoregulation[J].AACN Clin Issues,2004,15(2):238-253.
Body temperature is a balance of the hypothalamic set point, neurotransmitter action, generation of body heat, and dissipation of heat. Drugs affect body temperature by different mechanisms. Antipyretics lower body temperature when the body's thermoregulatory set point has been raised by endogenous or exogenous pyrogens. The use of antipyretics may be unnecessary or may interfere with the body's resistance to , mask an important sign of illness, or cause adverse . Drugs may cause increased body temperature in five ways: altered thermoregulatory mechanisms, drug administration-related fever, fever from the pharmacologic action of the drug, idiosyncratic reactions, and reactions. Certain drugs cause hypothermia by of the thermoregulatory set point or prevention of heat conservation. By affecting the balance of thermoregulatory neurotransmitters, drugs may prevent the signs and symptoms of hot flashes.
DOI:10.1097/00044067-200404000-00010      PMID:15461041      URL    
[2] MACKOWIAK P A,LEMAISTRE C F.Drug fever:a critical appraisal of conventional concepts:an analysis of 51 episode s in two Dallas hospitals and 97 episodes reported in the English literature[J].Ann Intern Med,1987,106(5):728-733.
Because no systematic analysis of drug fever has been done, there has been no means for testing the validity of published characterizations of this clinical entity. We reviewed the clinical characteristics of 51 episodes of drug fever in 45 patients hospitalized at two Dallas hospitals between 1959 and 1986, and 97 episodes reported in the English literature between 1966 and 1986. Unlike characterizations found in textbooks and review articles, we found relative bradycardia in a minority of cases reviewed; little risk associated with rechallenge unless underlying cardiovascular disease was present; no characteristic fever pattern; a highly variable lag time between the initiation of the offending agent and the onset of fever; an infrequent association with either rash or eosinophilia; and no apparent association of drug fever with systemic lupus erythematosus, atopy, female sex, or advanced age.
DOI:10.7326/0003-4819-106-5-728      PMID:3565971      URL    
[3] FNAG Z,ZENG H,FANG H,et al.Investigation of drug-induced hyperthermia by cefotiam and other antibacterials[J].Chin Pharmaceutical Affairs,2011,25(4):412-415.
Objective Investigate the drug-induced hyperthermia due to cefotiam and other antibacterials in order to promote safe and rational medical treatment.Methods Medical records of 258 in-patients,including 125 cases treated with cefotiam were analyzed,drug-induced hyperthermia due to cefotiam and other medication ws summarized.Results Cefotiam is widely used in China.The patiensts of drug-induced hyperthermia due to cefotiam were 6 cases possible,8 cases affirmed,totally 14 cased,and the rate among patients administrated cefotiam was 11.2%.The total rate of drug-induced hyperthermia among all the patients was 7.8%.Conclusion The package insert should suggest the possible hyperthermia induced by cefotiam in order to keep the safe and rational medical treatment.Considering the poor PK and PD,and its adverse drug reactions of cefotiam,cefotiam must be used as less as possible.
[4] LIM E,MOTALLEB-ZADEH R,WALLARD M,et al.Pyrexia after cardiac surgery:natural history and association with infection[J].J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg,2003,126(4):1013-1017.
ABSTRACT Pyrexia is common after major surgery, and infection is often an important consideration. To investigate the natural history and association with infection, we performed a prospective observational study. From November 2000 to January 2001, we studied 219 patients undergoing cardiac surgery screening daily for wound, respiratory, urinary tract, and other infections. Pyrexia was defined as temperature above 37.5 degrees C. Of 219 patients, 7 intraoperative deaths occurred and 1 patient was excluded because of preoperative endocarditis, leaving 211. The mean age (SD) was 64 (10) years, consisting of 172 male patients (81.5%). The proportion pyrexial on days 1, 2, and 5 was 30.0%, 25.8%, and 10.3%, respectively. More patients undergoing urgent or emergency procedures (17.7% versus 7.8%; P =.03) subsequently developed pyrexia. However, there were no differences in wound infection (3.4% versus 8.3%; P =.13), positive cultures for respiratory (14.7% versus 11.4%; P =.16), urinary tract (5.2% versus 2.0%; P =.09), or other infection (8.6% versus 7.3%; P =.71) in patients experiencing postoperative pyrexia compared with those who did not. Pyrexia is common after cardiac surgery and resolves in the majority of patients by day 5. Because there is no association between early pyrexia and infection, diagnosis of early postoperative infection by pyrexia alone is insufficient and is better established by clinical assessment with microbiological evidence.
DOI:10.1016/S0022-5223(03)00363-5      PMID:14566240      URL    
[5] PILE J C.Evaluating postoperative fever:a focused approach[J].Cleve Clin J Med,2006,73(Suppl 1):62-66.
Abstract Postoperative fever should be evaluated with a focused approach rather than in "shotgun" fashion. Most fevers that develop within the first 48 hours after surgery are benign and self-limiting. However, it is critical that physicians who provide postoperative care be able to recognize the minority of fevers that demand immediate attention, based on the patient's history, a targeted physical examination, and further studies if appropriate. Fever that develops after the first 2 days following surgery is more likely to have an infectious cause, but noninfectious causes that require further evaluation and treatment must also be considered. When evaluating postoperative fever, a helpful mnemonic is the "four Ws": wind (pulmonary causes: pneumonia, aspiration, and pulmonary embolism, but not atelectasis), water (urinary tract infection), wound (surgical site infection), "what did we do?" (iatrogenic causes: drug fever, blood product reaction, infections related to intravenous lines).
DOI:10.3949/ccjm.73.Suppl_1.S62      PMID:16570551      URL    
[6] FRANK S M,KLUGER M J,KUNKEL S L.Elevated thermostatic setpoint in postoperative patients[J].Anesthesiology,2003,93(6):1426-1431.
[7] BURKE L.Postoperative fever:a normal inflammatory response or cause for concern[J].J Am Acad Nurse Pract,2010,22(4):192-197.
Purpose: To devise a systematic diagnostic strategy displayed in algorithm format to assist advanced practice registered nurses (APRNs) in determining when postoperative fever is simply a normal inflammatory response and when further investigation is needed to rule out infection or other serious noninfectious causes of fever.Data sources: Selected research and clinical articles.Conclusions: Postoperative fever is often a normal inflammatory response to surgery, but it can also be a manifestation of a serious underlying infectious or noninfectious etiology. Therefore, it is important to approach each instance of postoperative fever in a systematic manner.Implications for practice: The role of the APRN in managing surgical patients requires being able to accurately assess and evaluate the cause of postoperative fever and take action accordingly. That means taking into account a variety of factors (e.g., patient's medical history, physical examination findings, and type of surgery), so that appropriate diagnostic tests can be ordered to evaluate the cause of the postoperative fever. By being aware of the causes of postoperative fever, the APRN can also take prophylactic action to decrease the risk associated with many of these potential febrile causes.
DOI:10.1111/j.1745-7599.2010.00492.x      PMID:20409256      URL    
[8] ANGEL J D,BLASIER R D,ALLISON R.Postoperative fever in pediatric orthopaedic patients[J].J Pediatr Orthop,1994,14(6):799-801.
Abstract Fever in hospitalized patients causes a great deal of concern. Its value in predicting complications, however, is questionable. For this reason, a retrospective analysis was performed on 200 records of children's orthopaedic admissions. Demographic data, would status, fever work-up, and daily peak temperatures were recorded. There were 174 patients who underwent surgical procedures and 26 patients who did not have surgery. Seventy-three percent (127/174) of the surgical patients had postoperative fever [temperature > 38 degrees C (100.4 degrees F)] Twenty-seven percent of the nonsurgical patients had fever. There were only three acute complications--one pneumonia and two wound infections. Complications were easily diagnosed by clinical means. In postoperative patients, the accuracy in predicting complications was 28%. Postoperative fever is a poor predictor of complications, and, therefore, should not delay discharge or indicate investigation for sepsis.
DOI:10.1097/01241398-199414060-00021      PMID:7814598      URL    
[9] KENAN S,LIEBERGALL M,SIMCHEN E,et al.Fever following orthopedic operations in children[J].J Pediatr Orthop,1986,6(2):139-142.
One hundred fifty-three orthopedic operations in 129 children were analyzed for the significance of (POF) as a predictive factor for possible complications. In 72% of the operations, a temperature of greater than 37 degrees C was recorded. In 63 operations (41%), the temperature was greater than 38 degrees C. Sixteen children had positive clinical signs that might explain the fever, and all of them had a temperature of greater than 38 degrees C. Duration of operation of greater than 1 h, clubfoot releases, open reduction of fractures, and spine fusion operations gave higher incidences of POF. POF indicates a complication only when associated with positive physical findings. A postoperative temperature of greater than 38 degrees C, therefore, mandates repeated physical examination, which is the most reliable method of discovering the presence of complications.
DOI:10.1097/01241398-198603000-00003      PMID:3958164      URL    
[10] WALID M S,WOODALL M N,NUTTER J P,et al.Causes and risk factors for postoperative fever in spine surgery patients[J].South Med J,2009,102(3):283-286.
Postoperative fever is a common dilemma faced by neurosurgeons. To study this problem, we prospectively collected patients who developed fever after spine surgery during the academic year 2007-2008 for whom the internist's consultation was requested. Eighty-five (85) patients were identified, of which 17 had an identifiable infectious cause for their febrile reaction (20%) - fever was attributed to urinary tract infection in 8 cases, pneumonia in 5 cases, wound infection in 3 cases (all lumbar), and cholecystitis in 1 case. The remaining 68 patients (80%) had no definitive diagnosis and fever was attributed to a peripheral venous line which, in this case, was replaced or discontinued. In 32 (37.6%) of the patients, the fever developed on postoperative day (POD) 2 or later. There was no statistically significant relationship between day of fever appearance and whether the fever was due to definite infection (P = 0.737). Comparing the basic group with another group of 456 spine surgery patients from 2006-2007 who might or might not have developed fever postoperatively using ANOVA, we found a significant difference in age (P = 0.011) and a very significant difference in hemoglobin level (P = 0.000) and HbA1c level (P = 0.000), but not in body mass index (BMI) (P = 0.289). Thus, most of the postoperative fever cases after spine surgery have no identifiable infectious focus and develop mainly in older patients with anemia and inadequately controlled HbA1c. A meticulous investigation of the source of fever including laboratory and radiological studies remains essential. Early mobilization is recommended for individuals undergoing lower spine surgery in order to decrease bacterial contamination from the gluteal cleavage.
DOI:10.1097/SMJ.0b013e31819676a4      PMID:19204624      URL    
[11] DUAN Y,WAND S,GU Y,et al.Cause analysis and treatment of postoperative fever after clean surgery in orthopaedics[J].Traditional Chin Orthopedics Traumatol,2004,16(2):152-153.
[12] ANDRES B M,TAUB D D,GURKAN I,et al.Postoperative fever after total knee arthroplasty:the role of cytokines[J].Clin Orthop Relat Res,2003 (415):221-231.
Febrile temperatures commonly are seen after total knee arthroplasty, but their source and importance are unclear. The goal of the current study was to determine whether such fevers are part of the normal physiologic response to surgery mediated by inflammatory cytokines. In 20 patients who had total knee arthroplasty, serum and wound drain fluid samples were collected preoperatively and at 1, 6, 24, and 48 hours postoperatively; oral temperatures were measured postoperatively every 4 hours for 3 days. Concentrations of interleukin 1beta, interleukin 6, and tumor necrosis factor alpha in the samples were measured via enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays and compared in patients who did and did not have fevers develop (>or=38.5 degrees C). Gender, age, operative time, amount of blood loss or drain output, anesthesia type, drop in hematocrit, and transfusion administration were not associated with fever. Significant increases were seen postoperatively in drain fluid concentrations of interleukin 1beta and interleukin 6 and in serum concentrations of interleukin 6. Patients who were febrile had significantly higher drain and serum interleukin 6 concentrations than patients who were afebrile. These findings suggest that fevers seen after total knee arthroplasty are at least partly the result of surgical site inflammation and subsequent local and systemic release of the endogenous pyrogen interleukin 6.
DOI:10.1097/01.blo.0000093914.26658.55      PMID:14612649      URL    
[13] SHAW J A,CHUNG R.Febrile response after knee and hip arthroplasty[J].Clin Orthop Relat Res,1999 (367):181-189.
Documentation of the normal fever response after total knee and hip replacement is important to avoid an unnecessary workup for sepsis, and to provide justification for early discharge (dictated by the current medical reimbursement climate) despite persistent postoperative fever. One hundred patients who underwent total knee arthroplasty and 100 patients who underwent total hip arthroplasty were reviewed, several of whom had extensive sepsis workups for evaluation of postoperative fever. No patient in this series had a documented joint infection. All patients were treated with warfarin for deep vein thombrosis prophylaxis. All patients used incentive spirometry and were started on ambulation training on postoperative Day 1. All were given antibiotic prophylaxis for 48 hours. The maximum daily postoperative temperature occurred in most patients on postoperative Day 1 and gradually leveled off toward normal by postoperative Day 5. Only one patient had a maximum temperature on postoperative Day 4 that was greater than that on postoperative Day 3. Patients undergoing revision procedures tended to have a more pronounced febrile response, but the differences were not statistically significant. No significant differences were seen between patients who had epidural anesthesia and patients who had general anesthesia. Seventeen patients had postoperative chest radiographs for evaluation of fever. None had significant atelectasis. The presence of a positive urine culture had no effect on the fever response, with most positive results being identified after the fever had returned toward normal. Postoperative fever after total joint arthroplasty is a normal inflammatory response. A workup for sepsis is not indicated in the perioperative period unless corroborating signs or symptoms are present. Early discharge is appropriate if the febrile response is decreasing progressively.
DOI:10.1016/j.cplett.2008.05.100      PMID:10546613      URL    
[14] CUNHA B A.Antibiotic side effects[J].Med Clin North Am,2001,85(1):149-185.
Abstract BACKGROUND: One-week triple therapy is currently regarded as the reference of anti-Helicobacter pylori treatment. However, antibiotic-associated gastrointestinal side effects are among the major pitfalls of such regimens. Probiotic supplementation may be regarded as a therapeutic tool to prevent or reduce these troublesome drug-related manifestations. AIM: To determine whether the addition of the probiotic Lactobacillus GG to an anti-H. pylori standard triple therapy could help to prevent or minimize the occurrence of gastrointestinal side effects. METHODS: One hundred and twenty healthy asymptomatic subjects screened positive for H. pylori infection and deciding to receive eradication therapy were randomized either to 1-week pantoprazole (40 mg b.i.d.), clarithromycin (500 mg b.i.d.), tinidazole (500 mg b.i.d.) or to the same regimen supplemented with Lactobacillus GG for 14 days. Patients filled in validated questionnaires during follow-up to determine the type and severity of side effects and to judge overall tolerability. RESULTS: Bloating, diarrhea and taste disturbances were the most frequent side effects during the eradication week and were significantly reduced in the Lactobacillus GG-supplemented group (RR = 0.4, CI 0.2-0.8; RR = 0.3, CI 0.1-0.8; RR = 0.3, CI 0.1-0.7, respectively). The same pattern was observed throughout the follow-up period. Overall assessment of treatment tolerability showed a significant trend in favor of the Lactobacillus GG-supplemented group (p = 0.03). CONCLUSIONS: Lactobacillus GG supplementation beneficially affects H. pylori therapy-related side effects and overall treatment tolerance. Copyright 2001 S. Karger AG, Basel
PMID:11173893      URL    
[15] VODOVAR D,LEBELLER C,MEGARBANE B,et al.Drug fever: a descriptive cohort study from the French national pharmacovigilance database[J].Drug Saf,2012,35(9):759-767.
Although known as a rare adverse drug reaction (ADR), drug fever (DF) remains an important issue in medicine, with the risk of leading to inappropriate and potentially harmful diagnostic and therapeutic interventions. Only sparse data regarding DF have been published.The aim of the study was to investigate which drugs were associated with DF, and report outcomes.Cases of DF without skin reactions were selected from all ADRs reported from 1986 to 2007 in the French National Pharmacovigilance Database. Drugs potentially responsible for DF were assessed using a qualitative case-by-case analysis (Naranjo's criteria) and quantitative measurement (proportional reporting ratio [PRR]). A drug was implicated as the cause of DF when the following criteria were validated: three or more cases and PRR of at least two with a Chi-squared value of at least four.A total of 167 DF cases involving 115 drugs were eligible. Based on the PRR, 22 drugs were significantly associated with DF. Antibacterials represented the most frequently reported drugs, including amikacin (PRR 39.6 [95% CI 23.6, 69.0], oxacillin (9.1 [3.6, 23.4]), cefotaxime (5.5 [2.0, 15.3]), ceftriaxone (5.4 [2.6, 11.3]), rifampicin (4.0 [1.8, 9.2]), vancomycin (4.0 [1.4, 11.5]), ciprofloxacin (3.1 [1.2, 8.0]), isoniazid (3.9 [1.4, 11.4]), pristinamycin (3.1 [1.0, 9.1]) and cotrimoxazole (2.6 [1.2, 5.8]). Median time [interquartile range] from drug administration to fever onset was 2 days [1.0-10.5]. A diagnosis of DF was made following cessation of the suspected drugs (3 days [1.0-11.5] after fever onset. Drug rechallenge was performed (38.0%), resulting in recurrence of DF in all cases. DF resulted in life-threatening events (0.6%), hospitalization or prolonged hospital stay (24.5%) and persistent disability (0.6%). Final outcome was favourable in 96.9% of cases after drug discontinuation.Diagnosing DF is challenging. Based on this large series, antibacterials remain the major class of drugs responsible for DF.
DOI:10.2165/11630640-000000000-00000      PMID:22830618      URL    
[16] FANG Z,ZHANG K,ZENG H,et al.Study of the safe and rational use of drugs in medical practice under pharmacists’ concern[J].Chin Pharmaceutical Affairs,2010,24(11):1136-1141.
Objective To value the promoting effect on the rational use of drugs and quality of medical practice by clinical pharmacists(CPs)' work-going around the wards and joining in the clinical conference.Methods The two groups were chosen: 55 patients without CPs' concern randomised as group A,and 55 patients under CPs' concern randomised as group B.The days in hospital,total cost,the cost of all drugs,the cost of antibacterials,the days of antibacterial administration,the sorts of antibacterials used of the two groups were counted by the records as charged,which were statistically analysed by t test with SPSS 13.0.So CPs' value was proved.Results Between group A and group B,the days in hospital had no statistical difference(P0.05);the total fees,the cost of all drugs,the cost of antibacterials,the days of antibacterial administration significantly lowered(P0.01).Conclusion The work of CPs in medical practice can promote the rational and safe use of drugs,and can reduce medical cost,and plays an important role on solving the health matters,such as,high medical cost.Laws are needed to support CPs' work.
[17] OHTORI S,INOUE G,KOSHI T,et al.Long-term intravenous administration of antibiotics for lumbar spinal surgery prolongs the duration of hospital stay and time to normalize body temperature after surgery[J].Spine,2008,33(26):2935-2937.
Abstract STUDY DESIGN: Comparative study of differing durations of antibiotics for spinal surgery. OBJECTIVE: To compare rate of infection, duration of hospital stay, days until normal body temperature, and a panel of blood tests after surgery between long-term and short-term administration of antibiotics for spinal surgery using instrumentation. SUMMARY OF BACKGROUND DATA: Recent studies have reported that long-term administration of intravenous antibiotics is not necessary to avoid superficial and deep infections. We therefore changed the duration of administration from 9 to 2 days in our lumbar surgery patients. METHODS: We examined 135 patients (average age, 64.9 years) who underwent lumbar spinal surgery to insert a pedicle screw system to treat spinal canal stenosis. We administered 2 g of cefotiam daily to 60 patients for 9 days after surgery and to 75 patients for 2 days after surgery. Surgical time, loss of blood, rate of infection, duration of hospital stay, days until normal body temperature, and data from blood analysis (white blood cell count, and C-reactive protein [CRP] level) were statistically compared between the 2 groups. RESULTS: No significant differences in intraoperative measures of surgical invasion were observed between the 2 groups (surgical time, 209 vs. 220 minutes; blood loss, 530 vs. 576 mL; blood transfusion, 344 vs. 380 mL for the long-term and short-term groups, respectively). No acute infections occurred in either group. However, the duration of hospital stay (20.7 days), time until normal body temperature (5.1 days), and CRP level (2.23 mg/dL) at day 7 after surgery were significantly less in the short-term group than those in the long-term group (27.9 days, 6.8 days, and 3.13 mg/dL, respectively; P < 0.05). DISCUSSION: These results indicate that short-term intravenous administration of antibiotics did not elevate the infection rate after spinal surgery using instrumentation. However, long-term administration of antibiotics prolonged the duration of hospital stay, inhibited normalization of body temperature, and elevated CRP levels. Long-term administration of antibiotics may suppress normal, beneficial bacteria, thereby having an adverse effect on patient recovery.
DOI:10.1097/BRS.0b013e3181895939      PMID:19092628      URL    
[18] HENKER R,CARLSON K K.Fever: applying research to bedside practice[J].AACN Advanced Critical Care,2007,18(1):76-87.
Fever occurs frequently in patients and requires knowledgeable assessment and treatment by critical care nurses. Fever can result from or inflammation and should be differentiated from simple hyperthermia. Although temperature measurement and fever management are not often priorities in the management of a patient, the physiologic consequences of fever may affect patient morbidity. This article defines and describes fever and its pathophysiology. An evidence-based plan of care for the assessment, planning, intervention, and evaluation of the patient with fever is outlined, using levels of recommendation based on the strength of the available evidence. A case study is presented to illustrate application to clinical practice. Commentary about the case is provided to review the salient points of care.
PMID:17284951      URL    
[19] WEIKUN L,JUNJIAN K.Investigation on the adverse drug reactions and adverse events of 18 traditional Chinese medical injections by data analysis[J].China Licensed Pharmacist,2011,8(1):4-9.
Objective: To investigate the adverse drug reactions (ADR) and adverse events (ADE) of 18 traditional Chinese medical injections (TCM) by data analysis. To retrieve basic ADR information and research trends related to TCM and to provide evidence for the rational use of TCM, pharmacovigilance and risk management. Methods: To analize the retrieved ADR/ADE of 18 TCMs in Chinese Journals. Results: Among 5 816 cases of ADR/ADE involved in the 18 TCMs, most ADRs/ADEs were related to Ciwujia, Shenmai, Yinzhihuang injections (each of the three injections has more than 900 ADRs, accounting for 74.95% of the tota1). The Ministry of Health and the State Food and Drug Administration (SFDA) have taken measures for the supervision. The four kinds of TCMs (Shuanghuanglian, Ciwujia, Yuxingcao, and Yinzhihuang injections) which were the top 4 reported ADRs/ADEs in literatures were removed from market or suspended for production by part of manufacturers. 5 816 cases of ADRs/ADEs were mostly occur in the age groups of over 40. They usually occurred in the first 30 minutes after taking the drug. The main ADRs reflected as allergic reactions (74.15%). The mortality rate is 0.17%. Conclusion: It is necessary to pay more attention to the ADR, and enforce safety reevaluation of TCM and to promote the clinical rational use.
[20] O'GRADY N P,BARIE P S,BARTLETT J G,et al.Guidelines for evaluation of new fever in critically ill adult patients: 2008 update from the American College of Critical Care Medicine and the Infectious Diseases Society of America[J].Crit Care Med,2008,36(4):1330-1349.
Abstract OBJECTIVE: To update the practice parameters for the evaluation of adult patients who develop a new fever in the intensive care unit, for the purpose of guiding clinical practice. PARTICIPANTS: A task force of 11 experts in the disciplines related to critical care medicine and infectious diseases was convened from the membership of the Society of Critical Care Medicine and the Infectious Diseases Society of America. Specialties represented included critical care medicine, surgery, internal medicine, infectious diseases, neurology, and laboratory medicine/microbiology. EVIDENCE: The task force members provided personal experience and determined the published literature (MEDLINE articles, textbooks, etc.) from which consensus was obtained. Published literature was reviewed and classified into one of four categories, according to study design and scientific value. CONSENSUS PROCESS: The task force met twice in person, several times by teleconference, and held multiple e-mail discussions during a 2-yr period to identify the pertinent literature and arrive at consensus recommendations. Consideration was given to the relationship between the weight of scientific evidence and the strength of the recommendation. Draft documents were composed and debated by the task force until consensus was reached by nominal group process. CONCLUSIONS: The panel concluded that, because fever can have many infectious and noninfectious etiologies, a new fever in a patient in the intensive care unit should trigger a careful clinical assessment rather than automatic orders for laboratory and radiologic tests. A cost-conscious approach to obtaining cultures and imaging studies should be undertaken if indicated after a clinical evaluation. The goal of such an approach is to determine, in a directed manner, whether infection is present so that additional testing can be avoided and therapeutic decisions can be made.
DOI:10.1097/CCM.0b013e318169eda9      PMID:18379262      URL    
[21] BENTLEY D W,BRADLEY S,HIGH K,et al.Practice guideline for evaluation of fever and infection in longterm care facilities[J].Clin Infect Dis,2000,31(3):640-653.
[22] BRATZLER D W,HOUDK P M.Antimicrobial prophylaxis for surgery:an advisory statement from the national surgical infection prevention project[J].Clin Infect Dis,2004,38(12):1706-1715.
In January 2003, leadership of the Medicare National Surgical Infection Prevention Project hosted the Surgical Infection Prevention Guideline Writers Workgroup meeting. The objectives were to review areas of agreement among the published guidelines for surgical antimicrobial prophylaxis, to address inconsistencies, and to discuss issues not currently addressed. The participants included authors from most of the published North American guidelines for antimicrobial prophylaxis and several specialty colleges. The workgroup reviewed currently published guidelines for antimicrobial prophylaxis. Nominal group process was used to draft a consensus paper that was widely circulated for comment. The consensus positions of the workgroup include that infusion of the first antimicrobial dose should begin within 60 minutes before surgical incision and that prophylactic antimicrobial agents should be discontinued within 24 hours of the end of surgery. This advisory statement provides an overview of other issues related to antimicrobial prophylaxis including specific suggestions regarding antimicrobial selection.
DOI:10.1016/j.amjsurg.2005.01.015      PMID:15227616      URL    
[23] MACKOWIAK P A.Drug fever: mechanisms,maxims and misconceptions[J].Am J Med Sci,1987,294(4):275-286.
Although drug fever is a clinical entity that has received considerable attention in textbooks and review articles, only recently have such writings been subjected to critical analysis. In the present review, mechanisms responsible for drug fever are examined. In addition, published characterizations of the syndrome are compared with the results of a recently published systematic analysis of 148 cases of drug fever. This comparison identified a number of important areas in which descriptions of the clinical entity in textbooks and review articles are at odds with the clinical profile exhibited by actual cases of drug fever.
PMID:3310641      URL    
[24] JOHNSON D H,CUNHA B A.Drug fever[J].Infect Dis Clin North Am,1996,10(1):85-91.
[25] WALID M S,SAHINER G,ROBISON C,et al.Postoperative fever discharge guidelines increase hospital charges associated with spine surgery[J].Neurosurgery,2011, 68(4):945-949.
Postoperative fever is a common sequel of spine surgery. In the presence of rigid nationally mandated clinical guidelines, fever management may consume more health care resources than is reasonably appropriate.To study the relationship between postoperative fever, infection rate, and hospital charges in a cohort of spine surgery patients.We retrospectively reviewed 578 spine surgery patients (lumbar microdiskectomy [LMD], anterior cervical decompression and fusion [ACDF], and lumbar decompression and fusion [LDF]). Differences in length of stay and hospital charges as well as risk factors and correlation with infection and readmission rates were studied.Postoperative fever occurred in 41.7% of all spine surgery patients and more often in LDF patients (77.2%). Type of surgery was the most important variable affecting the prevalence of postoperative fever. Significant differences in length of stay were elicited between patients with and without postoperative fever in the ACDF and LMD groups and in hospital cost in the LMD group. The average length of stay was 2.41 vs 4.47 (P .05) in the LDF group. The average hospital charges were $1665261 vs $2265166 (P .05) in the ACDF group, and $5365627 vs $5365210 (P > .05) in the LDF group. Obesity, female sex, and ≥102°F postoperative temperature were the most significant predictors of infection. Delayed discharge referable to postoperative fever did not seem to influence the infection readmission rate.Postoperative fever in spine surgery patients is associated with a delay in patient discharge and increases in hospital charges. Postoperative fever discharge guidelines should be regularly and publicly subjected to appropriate cost-benefit analysis.
DOI:10.1227/NEU.0b013e318209c80a      PMID:21242842      URL    
[26] PATEL R A,GALLAGHER J C.Drug fever[J].Pharmacotherapy,2010,30(1):57-69.
[27] CARPENTER J,SANDER G,NEWBY N,et al.Phenytoin hypersensitivity presenting as postoperative fever[J].Neurosurgery,1980,6(4):426-429.
One of the most catastrophic complications of intracranial surgery is infection. These infections present frequently as postoperative fever and a change in sensorium. Phenytoin is used frequently in conjunction with intracranial operation to prevent seizures. We report two patients in whom, although the full phenytoin sensitivity syndrome ultimately developed, the presenting sign was postoperative fever. The phenytoin sensitivity syndrome is reviewed with emphasis on the fact that all components of the syndrome are not always present initially. The clinical significance of the presentation of phenytoin hypersensitivity as postoperative fever is discussed.
DOI:10.1055/s-2008-1071406      PMID:7393425      URL    
[28] FANG Z,ZENG H,ZHANG J.One case of clindamycin-induced hyperthermia and the review of drug-induced hyperthermia[J].Clin Med J,2012,10(3):58-60.
The present invention relates to methods of identifying, collecting and isolating pluripotent stem cells, and compositions of purified stem cells for the diagnosis of susceptibility to drug induced myopathy (DIM) and malignant hyperthermia (MH). Specifically, the present invention provides methods of producing skeletal muscle myocytes from patient-specific stem cells, and methods for identifying susceptibility to DIM and MH in patient-specific skeletal muscle myocytes generated from patient-specific stem cells. The present invention also relates to methods, compositions and kits for screening drugs for DIM and MH risk.
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关键词(key words)

Antibiotic prophylaxis
Injection of traditional ...


FANG Zhonghong
LIU Yujuan
JIANG Linghai
LYU Xiaoqun