中国科技论文统计源期刊 中文核心期刊  
医药导报, 2017, 36(6): 659-664
doi: 10.3870/j.issn.1004-0781.2017.06.015
高之涵1,, 金卫东2,


下丘脑-垂体-肾上腺(HPA)轴功能亢进是抑郁症的发病机制之一,也是抑郁症患者常见的神经生物学异常表现之一。在抗抑郁药物的干预下,可增加糖皮质激素受体的敏感性,减弱糖皮质激素抵抗,抑制HPA轴功能,恢复糖皮质激素对HPA轴的负反馈调节, 下调HPA轴的活性,从而改善抑郁症状。

关键词: 抗抑郁药物 ; 抑郁症 ; 下丘脑-垂体-肾上腺轴


下丘脑-垂体-肾上腺(hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal,HPA)轴功能亢进不仅是抑郁症重要的生理变化之一,而且还是可能的重要发病机制之一。因此,针对抑郁症患者的HPA功能的研究逐渐增多,这些研究不仅仅针对抑郁症HPA功能改变的可能的分子生物学机制,更多研究针对抑郁症HPA功能与抗抑郁药物之间的关系,包括抗抑郁药物对抑郁症HPA功能的影响、HPA功能变化对治疗效果的预测。因此,笔者综述抗抑郁药物与抑郁症HPA 功能之间的关系的相关研究,进一步了解抑郁症HPA功能的变化以及临床意义。

1 抑郁症 的 HPA轴功能

HPA轴功能亢进被认为是抑郁症的病理生理学变化。HPA活动增高是抑郁症患者常见的神经生物学异常表现之一。研究表明,下丘脑-垂体活动的增加最主要的因素源于促肾上腺皮质激素释放激素(corticotropin releasing hormone,CRH)过度分泌。因为HPA轴负反馈抑制部分受大脑和垂体腺等部位的盐皮质激素和糖皮质激素的调节[1]

近年来,随着生物技术的发展,抑郁症的研究也深入到受体分子水平,不少研究也从分子水平进一步解释抑郁症HPA功能亢进的机制。糖皮质激素(glucocorticoid,GC)的功能主要通过糖皮质激素受体(glucocorticoid receptor,GR)和盐皮质激素受体(mineralocorticoid receptor,MR)完成,GR介导关于情感、认知和神经元的生存能力、可塑性、基因表达方面的损伤作用,而MR则起着保护作用。MR/GR的平衡对神经元兴奋性、应激反应及行为适应起关键作用。应激状态MR/GR mRNA比例异常,使神经元处于易损状态,易于发生应激损伤性疾病如抑郁症。GR分布于多种淋巴组织及脑的各处, 以海马最多。海马为HPA轴高位调节中枢,海马的MR含有代谢GC的酶,该酶使其受体不致暴露于过高的GC浓度之下。海马的GR与GC亲合力低,只有在高GC浓度时才被激活,当该受体激活时,能抑制葡萄糖转运和增加细胞易损性,导致细胞树突支减少乃至细胞缺失,GC水平长期升高会导致海马神经元的退行性变化,使抑郁症患者发生认知障碍,表现出情绪低下、失眠等症状。抑郁症患者存在GR数量和功能的下调,造成GC对HPA轴负反馈作用减弱,使其功能更为亢进,而形成恶性循环。研究证实抑郁症患者GR减少,特别是地塞米松抑制试验(dexamethosone suppression test,DST)阳性患者[2-5]

2 抗抑郁药干预对抑郁症与HPA轴的影响
2.1 抗抑郁药对抑郁症HPA功能的影响

20世纪50年代,第一个开发的抗抑郁药是单胺氧化酶抑制药(inhibitors of the monoaminooxidase,MAOIs),因严重不良反应而被三环类抗抑郁药(TCAs)取代,后者成为20世纪50年代至80年代世界范围抑郁症治疗一线用药,被称为典型(传统)抗抑郁药。20世纪90年代以后,世界各国陆续开发一些新品种,按其作用机制分类,有选择性5-羟色胺(5-HT)再摄取抑制药(selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors,SSRI)、选择性5-HT和肾上腺素(noradrenaline ,NE)再摄取抑制药(selective serotonin and noradrenaline reuptake inhibitors,SNRIs)、NE及5-HT抗抑郁药(noradrenergic and specific serotonergic antidepressants,NaSSAs),NE和DA再摄取抑制药(norepinephrine and dopamine reuptake inhibitors,NDRIs)、NE再摄取抑制药(noradrenerine reuptake inhibitor,NaRI ),5-HT拮抗药和再摄取抑制药(serotonin antagonist /reuptake inhibitor,SARI)等[6]。BSCHOR等[7]研究发现,伴有单相抑郁30例抑郁症患者,口服抗抑郁药物西酞普兰20 mg·d-1,治疗4周后, DST阳性率下降及CRH刺激促肾上腺皮质激素(adrenocorticotropic hormone,ACTH)明显下降。NIKISCH等[8]研究也发现,无论治疗效果如何,抗抑郁药物艾司西酞普兰都可以降低地塞米松或CRH试验反应阳性率,即刺激后ACTH以及皮质醇水平都显著降低,并且具有时间依赖性。动物实验也提示,首先给予动物一定程度的慢性刺激导致出现抑郁样症状,而后给予抗抑郁药物文拉法辛不仅可以逆转由慢性刺激导致的动物HPA功能调节失调,伴随的抑郁症状也得以改善[9]。这些研究提示,抗抑郁药物有可能降低刺激DST阳性率,实际上就是恢复HPA 轴的调节功能。有意义的是有些研究虽然不赞同这样的研究结论,但是治疗效果却显示同样结果。KUNZEL等[10]研究发现,在235例抑郁症患者中,无论使用抗抑郁药物与否,也不论使用哪一类抗抑郁药物,只要没有治疗效果,DST/CRH试验都没有变化,相反抗癫痫间药物卡马西平以及有效的药物干预可显著改善DST/CRH试验阳性率,提示抗抑郁药物的有效治疗可改善HPA 轴的调节功能。

2.2 抗抑郁药物治疗前后HPA功能变化

近年来,很多证据显示,HPA轴功能的改变是抑郁症的特征之一,且抗抑郁药物有降低HPA轴活性的作用,至少是部分有效[11]。不同种类的抗抑郁药物,包括MAOIs、三环类以及SSRIs,都会导致人类或动物的HPA轴活性下调。有些动物研究表明抗抑郁药物能减少下丘脑CRH mRNA的表达,同样能够增加中枢糖皮质激素受体的数量或活性。研究证据表明GR在抑郁症功能受损,导致减少GR介导的负反馈在HPA轴中增加生产和分泌CRH,在不同的大脑区域假定参与抑郁症的发生有着因果关系[12-13]。HPA轴活性增强是抑郁症主要的生化改变之一,调节HPA轴这种变化往往可在抑郁症患者成功逆转症状或产生抗抑郁药治疗效应。因此,或许抗糖皮质激素可能对重症抑郁、精神病性抑郁等疾病获得与现行抗抑郁药物相同的治疗效果,而且,现在已经有人采用过这样的方法来治疗心境障碍。临床研究表明,抗抑郁药物能够增强糖皮质激素受体功能,改变糖皮质激素抵抗,从而改善抑郁症状[14]


2.3 不同抗抑郁药物治疗效果与HPA功能变化之间的关系

研究显示,随着抗抑郁药物治疗效果的提高,HPA功能越接近正常值,反之,HPA功能则严重失调。抗抑郁药物在治疗抑郁症时,也改善HPA功能亢进。 RUHE等[18]分别对70例抑郁症和51例健康对照组观察基础皮质醇唤醒水平(baseline cortisol levels at awakening,BCL),皮质醇唤醒反应(cortisol awakening response,CAR) 和皮质醇分泌曲线下面积(area under the cortisol curve AUCC),患者给予帕罗西汀,每天20 mg,治疗6周,若没有效果,将药物调整为随机剂量的艾司西酞普兰,观察 6周。结果发现,与正常对照组比较,虽然抑郁症患者BCL、CAR、AUCC均差异无统计学意义,但抑郁症患者经过帕罗西汀治疗后BCL、AUCC明显下降 (P<0.01),特别是那些早期治疗没有效果的患者,CAR在6周没有变化,而12周获得痊愈后CAR明显增加(P<0.05)。结果表明,抗抑郁药物不仅改善抑郁症状,对HPA功能也有影响。还有研究发现,这种现象在大鼠中也有类似发现, SALARI等[19]分别给予20只怀孕大鼠在产前10~12 d进行刺激,并给予氟西汀8 mg·kg-1·d-1,并用常用的方法界定出生后代是否出现抑郁样症状。结果发现,产前仅有刺激的大鼠后代更容易出现抑郁样行为,而且皮质醇水平比较高。可见抑郁障碍患者存在HPA轴过度释放现象,治疗好转后恢复正常,各项内分泌指标的变化与HPA轴功能过度活动和抑郁障碍的病情严重度相关,因此,血浆皮质醇水平升高还可作为抑郁障碍患者病情复燃或复发的指标[20-23]

HATZINGER等[24]研究发现,HPA系统在抑郁症与其发展起关键作用。然而,疾病过程和长期的治疗过程,抑郁症与HPA系统功能之间的相互作用显得复杂。HPA系统变化与治疗反应之间的关系是治疗反应的结果还是一种特质已经引起关注。例如,早期改善或治疗反应就涉及到 HPA 系统功能障碍是状态指标还是特质指标这样的问题。为了弄清这些问题,一些学者进行长期的研究。研究者在试验中对20例情感性精神障碍患者进行治疗,评估抗抑郁治疗研究的早期改善和6 周效果,并进行一项探索性的后续研究。使用联合DST/CRH 测试,结果发现,早期治疗反应和治疗6周后的结果与HPA轴功能的降低有关;在长期的临床观察中,HPA轴功能失调与以后的发作次数有关。这些结果表明,HPA轴对治疗的反应和抑郁的远期疗效有影响。有研究还发现,SSRI类药物舍曲林可提高皮质醇对DST/CRH刺激的反应,说明舍曲林也可以影响到HPA活动[25]

在SSRI类药物的研究中,氟西汀也有同样的效果,氟西汀治疗后,在改善抑郁症状的同时,DST/CRH刺激后的皮质醇水平降低,提示氟西汀也可以改善HPA轴的自身调节作用[26]。在非SSRI类药物研究中,其他类抗抑郁药物也有这种作用,但作用有所差异[27]。GEORGIOS 等[28]研究三环类抗抑郁药物、SSRI、MAOI、NaSSa类药物之间的差异,发现所有的患者经过治疗后,ACTH以及皮质醇对DST/CRH的反应增加,但是NaSSa比MAOI作用逊色,而且这种现象仅仅发生在女性患者,提示不同的抗抑郁药物对HPA轴自身调节作用的影响可能存在着差异。

抗抑郁治疗过程中,抗精神病药物的联用时有发生,特别是针对难治性抑郁或精神病性抑郁更是如此。非典型抗精神病药物喹硫平不仅具有抗抑郁作用,而且对皮质醇的抑制作用比较明显,而艾司西酞普兰仅仅有短暂的这种作用,明显不如喹硫平[29]。当两者联合治疗抑郁症时,这种效果会更加明显,与单一使用艾司西酞普兰比较,联合治疗组明显调节HPA 轴的功能,在治疗5周时,ACTH也明显降低,从而提示喹硫平在抗抑郁治疗过程中对HPA轴有效调节作用[30]


2.4 HPA功能变化对疗效的预测


为了进一步确定这个HPA轴是否可以作为一个有意义的预测抑郁症疗效的生物学指标,ISING等[33]进行了一系列研究,他们对50例住院的抑郁症患者进行观察,发现抑郁症患者ACTH和皮质醇对DST/CRH的反应比正常人明显,在随后的2~3周,36例经过治疗抑郁症患者,这种ACTH和皮质醇对DST/CRH的反应程度好转并趋于正常化,与常人基本相似,而另外未经治疗14例临床症状几乎无改善,同时HPA轴的失调节现象加重,第2次HPA轴调节的正常化与5周的临床疗效及治疗结束的痊愈率相关,因此,他们认为,HPA 调节功能是预测抑郁症疗效的一个生物学指标。

LOZANO-ORTIZ等[34] 对29例抑郁症患者,通过DST检测艾司西酞普兰的抗抑郁疗效,并且与细胞色素P450酶CYP2C19 联系起来进行分析,结果发现,CYP2C19为慢代谢者(poor metabolizer,PM),其DST后皮质醇水平为6~17 mg·L-1,CYP2C19为中速代谢者(intermediate metabolizer,IM),其DST后皮质醇水平为12~35 mg·L-1,CYP2C19为快代谢者(extensive metabolizer,EM),其DST后皮质醇水平为48~132 mg·L-1,这样分别给予不同的滴定药物浓度,3~4,5~8,10~31 mg·d-1,结果发现,DST不仅可作为一个预测艾司西酞普兰疗效的指标,而且还是进行艾司西酞普兰剂量调整的指标,当然这是建立在CYP2C19基因多态性的基础之上的。这也验证NIKISCH等[8]研究结果,不是药物剂量,而是药物浓度与疗效有关,而这个疗效预测反应就是通过DST 来完成的。


由此看来,注重HPA 功能评估,可能有利于抑郁症的治疗和预防,这将使抑郁症的预防发作从心理社会模式转向生物学模式。皮质醇的分泌有昼夜规律,早晨清醒后20~45 min内可以达到一天的分泌高峰,之后开始下降,这种现象叫做皮质醇唤醒反应(cortisol awakening response,CAR),有研究进一步探讨HPA功能,包括这种CAR与抑郁症长期病程的关系[36],HAP功能包括1 h皮质醇唤醒反应、晚间皮质醇水平和DST,随后对符合DSM-Ⅳ的抑郁症患者进行长期的观察和随访,结果发现,41.5%患者没有痊愈超过3个月,病程不理想。调整分析发现,低水平的皮质醇唤醒反应与这种不良病程有关(RR=0.83,P=0.03),但是并没有发现晚间皮质醇水平或DST后皮质醇水平与不良病程相关。他们认为,皮质醇唤醒水平低下,实际上就是HPA轴功能的调节异常,是一个不良病程的预测指标。同样,当CAR处于比较高的水平时,可能提示抑郁症即将复发。HARDEVELD等[37]对549例抑郁症患者进行长时间的观察,不仅有精神症状的观察,而且还有不少于7次的皮质醇样本测定,结果发现特别高水平的CAR与痊愈到复发的时间有关,而晚间皮质醇水平以及DST后皮质醇水平与痊愈到复发的时间没有关系,从而得出结论,较高的CAR预示疾病复发。

3 抗抑郁药作用于下丘脑-腺垂体-肾上腺皮质轴的机制

下丘脑分泌CRH,CRH对CRH1和CRH2受体具有激动效应,因此刺激垂体分泌ACTH。对灵长类动物研究发现,通过脑室内给予CRH引起抑郁症类似的行为表现,如记忆力减退,独居等[38]。垂体分泌ACTH,刺激肾上腺分泌糖皮质激素氢化可的松,氢化可的松对海马,下丘脑-垂体以及糖皮质激素受体具有负反馈作用。HPA轴受5-HT、NE等神经递质的控制,5-HT和NE刺激HPA轴,γ-氨基丁酸(γ-aminobutyric acid,GABA)抑制HPA轴。此外,HPA轴受神经肽如胆囊收缩素(cholecystokinin,CCK)及心房尿钠肽(atrial natriuretic peptide,ANP)的调控。在抑郁症中,HPA轴功能紊乱,抑郁发作时,CRH、ACTH和糖皮质激素水平增高,抑郁症临床缓解后,这些激素水平可恢复正常。目前临床前期实验研究发现CRH1受体拮抗药、类固醇合成抑制药、神经活性类固醇、糖皮质激素受体拮抗药等具有抗抑郁作用[39]

CRH受体有CRH1、CRH2和CRH3三种亚型,CRH主要通过激动CRH1 受体诱导抑郁或焦虑样症状,因而拮抗CRH1受体能使抑郁症患者较快改善抑郁症状。研究表明CRH1受体是新型抗抑郁药的潜在靶标。目前已发现很多基于此靶标的非肽类小分子化合物已经进入Ⅱ期临床试验[40]。以上小分子非肽类化合物在结构上都有3个关键区域A、B、C。其中,A区一般为一个取代的芳环,主要为2,4双取代或是2,4,6三取代苯基,属于最为保守的部分。这个环与中间区域部分相比,是一个扭转的平面;中间区域B由一个五元或六元芳杂环构成,结构变化比较多样,一般是嘧啶环与一个五元环稠和或是与嘧啶环形成线性共轭结构。对于这一区域来讲,最重要的是必须含有一个氮原子,即氢键受体,并与A区的芳环通过2或3个键连接。第三部分C区域是变化最多的部分,唯一不变的是保持它的疏水性。这一区域多通过一个弱碱叔胺与B部分结合。该构效关系对于研究受体与配体相互作用及3D模型的建立起着重要的理论指导作用。2009年12月富马酸喹硫平获得美国食品药品管理局(FDA)批准用于成年人重度抑郁症的辅助治疗,是唯一被FDA批准既用于辅助治疗重度抑郁症,又用于治疗急性躁狂症发作的药物[29]。药理实验证明,在小鼠大脑体外实验中,10 μmol·L-1喹硫平可有效抑制下丘脑分泌的CRH水平活性发挥作用[41]

美国佛罗里达大学的 BUTTERWECK等将单个饲养的雄性SD大鼠 分为6组,每组10只,分别每天灌胃给予丙米嗪、金丝桃素、金丝桃苷、异槲皮苷、槲皮素-3-半乳糖苷,对照组灌胃含乙醇的去离子水,连续给药2周。发现这5种药物都能降低抑郁大鼠升高的ACTH和空腹血皮质醇,8周后上述被测化合物对血浆ACTH和皮质酮水平皆无影响,这可能与基数水平有关,表明贯叶金丝桃黄酮类化合物中的活性成分金丝桃素、金丝桃苷、异槲皮苷和槲皮素-3-半乳糖苷对HPA轴功能有重要的调控作用[42]

4 结束语

HPA轴和抑郁症有重要的调控关系。抗抑郁药对HPA轴的抑制驱动,在抗抑郁治疗中起关键作用。有证据表明,CRH的减少控制HPA轴的输出[2],从而有效抑制抑郁症的发生发展。贯叶金丝桃、喹硫平新适应证的批准极大地推进了新型抗抑郁症药物的研究。 随着以HPA轴失调为主的抑郁症治疗的研究的深入及相关新药的上市,将实现抑郁症治疗的更加安全化、高效化、个体化。

The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.


[1] MORRIS M C,COMPAS B E,GARBER J.Relations among posttraumatic stress disorder,comorbid major depression,and HPA function: a systematic review and meta-analysis[J].Clin Psychol Rev,2012,32(4):301-315.
Exposure to traumatic stress is associated with increased risk for posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and alterations of hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenocortical (HPA) function. Research linking traumatic stress with HPA function in PTSD has been inconsistent, however, in part due to (a) the inclusion of trauma-exposed individuals without PTSD (TE) in control groups and (b) a failure to consider comorbid major depressive disorder (MDD) and moderating variables. This meta-analysis of 47 studies (123 effect sizes, N=6008 individuals) revealed that daily cortisol output was lower for PTSD (d=-.36, SE=.15, p=.008) and PTSD+MDD (d=-.65, SE=.25, p=.008) groups relative to no trauma controls (NTC); TE and NTC groups did not differ significantly from each other. Afternoon/evening cortisol was lower in TE (d=-.25, SE=.09, p=.007) and PTSD (d=-.27, SE=.12, p=.021) groups and higher in PTSD+MDD groups (d=.49, SE=.24, p=.041) relative to NTC. Post-DST cortisol levels were lower in PTSD (d=-.40, SE=.12, p<.001), PTSD+MDD (d=-.65, SE=.14, p<.001), and TE groups (d=-.53, SE=.14, p<.001) relative to NTC. HPA effect sizes were moderated by age, sex, time since index event, and developmental timing of trauma exposure. These findings suggest that enhanced HPA feedback function may be a marker of trauma-exposure rather than a specific mechanism of vulnerability for PTSD, whereas lower daily cortisol output may be associated with PTSD in particular.
DOI:10.1016/j.cpr.2012.02.002      PMID:22459791      Magsci     URL    
[2] O'KEANE V,FRODL T,DINAN T G.A review of atypical depression in relation to the course of depression and changes in HPA axis organization[J].Psychoneuroendocrinology,2012,37(10):1589-1599.
Abstract Depression is a clinically heterogenous condition defined by sub-types that can have diametrically opposed features, such as sleep and appetite. Within the same individual these features may change over time, and different symptom clusters may respond selectively to different treatments. It has been hypothesized that different pathophysiological processes may be operating in the different sub-types of depression and specifically that Melancholic depression may be associated with relative overactivity, and Atypical depression with relative hypoactivity, of the hypothalamic drive of the HPA axis. A consistent finding that emerges from the literature is that the experience of depression alters over the course of the illness with the features of Atypical depression dominating a more chronic clinical picture. This suggests that different stress states characterize the different profiles of depression as the illness becomes more chronic. There is evidence that the corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) control of HPA axis output is reduced in Atypical, compared to Melancholic, sub-types, but there is no convincing evidence that overall HPA activity, i.e., cortisol output, reduces. We suggest that there is a "switch" in the regulation of the HPA system from CRH to arginine vasopressin (AVP) control as stress becomes more sustained or repeated; resulting in an altered homeostasis within the HPA system. Cortisol, and the neuropeptides CRH and AVP, have different neurobiological, behavioural and experiental effects. The "switch" process should result in different neuropeptide/cortisol combinations and ratios and may explain the changing profile of depression over time. The heuristic merit in making a distinction between the different clinical states of depression will be discussed. Copyright 漏 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
DOI:10.1016/j.psyneuen.2012.03.009      PMID:22497986      URL    
[3] TOUMA C,BUNCK M,GLASL L,et al.Mice selected for high versus low stress reactivity: a new animal model for affective disorders[J].Psychoneuroendocrinology,2008,33(6):839-862.
Taken together, our results suggest that distinct mechanisms influencing the function and regulation of the HPA axis are involved in the respective behavioral and neurobiological endophenotypes. Thus, the generated HR/IR/LR mouse lines can be a valuable model to elucidate molecular genetic, neuroendocrine, and behavioral parameters associated with altered stress reactivity, thereby improving our understanding of affective disorders, presumably including the symptomatology and pathophysiology of specific subtypes of major depression.
DOI:10.1016/j.psyneuen.2008.03.013      PMID:18502051      Magsci     URL    
[4] BELVEDERE M R,PARIANTE C,MONDELLI V,et al.HPA axis and aging in depression: systematic review and meta-analysis[J].Psychoneuroendocrinology,2014,41:46-62.
[5] CHEN F,ZHOU L B,BAI Y Y.Hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis hyperactivity accounts for anxiety-and depression-like behaviors in rats perinatally exposed to bisphenol A[J].J Biomed Res,2015,29(3):250-258.
积累的研究证明了到环境剂量的暴露在老鼠在 anxiety/depression-related 行为引起长期的 potentiation 的那 perinatal。hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA ) 的活动过度轴是在焦虑相关、消沉相关的混乱的最一致的生物调查结果之一。HPA 轴被报导产生发展 reprogramming。现在的学习在 80 只雄的老鼠 perinatally 暴露了到环境剂量的 BPA 的出生后的白天(PND ) 内集中了于 HPA 反应。女 breeders 是什么时候,口头上地管理了 2 &#x02005; &#x003bc;从到哺乳白天 7 的怀孕期白天 10 的 g/( ) BPA,他们的后代(PND 80 暴露 BPA 的老鼠) 显示出明显的 anxiety/depression-like 行为。尤其是,浆液皮质脂酮和 adrenocorticotropin 的重要增加,和释放促肾皮素的荷尔蒙 mRNA 在温和 stressor 前后在暴露 BPA 的老鼠被检测。另外,在马头鱼尾的怪兽的 glucocorticoid 受体 mRNA 的水平,然而并非视下丘,在暴露 BPA 的老鼠被减少。海马趾的 mineralocorticoid 受体 mRNA 的层次, neuronal 氮的氧化物 synthase 和 phosphorylated 营地反应元素绑定蛋白质在暴露 BPA 的老鼠被增加。另外,睾丸激素水平在暴露 BPA 的老鼠。结果显示 HPA 轴的导致改编的活动过度焦虑和消沉地是在 perinatal BPA 暴露和坚持的 potentiation 之间的一个重要连接。
DOI:10.7555/JBR.29.20140058      PMID:26060449      URL    
[6] 沈渔邨. 精神病学[M].4版.北京:人民卫生出版社,2005: 617-630.
[7] BSCHOR T,ISING M,ERBE S,et al.Impact of citalopram on the HPA system.a study of the combined DEX/CRH test in 30 unipolar depressed patients[J].Psychiatr Res,2012,46(1):111-117.
Abstract BACKGROUND: Dysregulation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenocortical (HPA) system is one of the best replicated pathophysiological findings in depression. However, studies on the influence of treatment on the HPA system have partly yielded inconsistent results. OBJECTIVE: To assess the effects of citalopram monotherapy on the HPA system of mainly drug na07ve patients with major depression by means of the combined DEX/CRH test. METHODS: The DEX/CRH test was conducted twice in 30 patients (25 drug na07ve for the index episode) with major depression (single episode or unipolar recurrent; SCID I- and II-confirmed): directly before the start of a citalopram monotherapy (day 0) and four weeks thereafter (day 28). RESULTS: Twenty-three patients responded (≥50% reduction in the HDRS(21)-score), and 17 of them also reached criteria of remission (HDRS02≤027). Baseline (dexamethasone-suppressed) and CRH-stimulated ACTH concentrations significantly decreased from day 0 to day 28. CRH-stimulated cortisol concentrations also fell, although not significantly, but baseline cortisol concentrations exhibited a significant increase from day 0 to day 28. CONCLUSIONS: The blunting of the ACTH response in the DEX/CRH test under citalopram is in line with what has been observed in most studies with antidepressants. However, the partial rise in cortisol concentrations indicates an increase in the sensitivity of the adrenal cortex to ACTH. State-dependent alterations in the volume and the ACTH responsiveness of the adrenal gland have repeatedly been reported in depressed subjects, which indicates the possibility that SSRIs such as citalopram might exhibit a direct or indirect effect on the adrenal cortex. Copyright 08 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
DOI:10.1016/j.jpsychires.2011.09.020      PMID:22030468      URL    
[8] NIKISCH G, MATHE A A,CZERNIK A,et al.Long-term citalopram administration reduces responsiveness of HPA axis in patients with major depression: relationship with S-citalopram concentrations in plasma and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and clinical response[J].Psychopharmacology,2005,181(4):751-760.
[9] MARTISOVA E,AISA B,TORDERA R M,et al.Venlafaxine reverses decreased proliferation in the subventricular zone in a rat model of early life stress[J].Behav Brain Res,2015,292:79-82.
It is believed that glucocorticoids control the proliferation of neural progenitor cells, and this process is highly involved in mood disorders and cognitive processes. Using the maternal separation model of chronic neonatal stress, it has been found that stress induced depressive-like behavior, cognitive deficits and a decrease in proliferation in the subventricular zone (SVZ). Venlafaxine reversed all deleterious effects of chronic stress by modulating HPA activity. These outcomes suggest modulation of stress-mediated glucocorticoid secretion as a target for the treatment of mood disorders and neurodegenerative processes.
DOI:10.1016/j.bbr.2015.05.059      PMID:26051818      URL    
[10] KUNZEL H E,BINDER E B,NICKEL T,et al.Pharmacological and nonpharmacological factors influencing hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenocortical axis reactivity in acutely depressed psychiatric in-patients,measured by the Dex-CRH test[J].Neuropsychopharmacology,2003,28(12):2169-2178.
[11] MARCUS I, SONJA H, STEFAN K.Combined dexamethasone/corticotropin releasing hormone test predicts treatment response in major depression- a potential biomarker?[J].Biolog Psych,2006,62(1):47-54.
[12] UYS J D,MARIS L,FAURE J.Developmental trauma is associated with behavioral hyperarousal,altered HPA axis activity,and decreasedhippocampal neurotrophin expression in the adult rat[J].Ann N Y Acad Sci,2006,1071(1):542-546.
Abstract Abstract:鈥 Effects of early-life trauma on adult behavioral responses, corticosterone (CORT) concentration, and levels of nerve growth factor (NGF), brain-derived neutrophic factor (BDNF), and neurotrophin-3 (NT-3) in hippocampus and frontal cortex were investigated. Traumatized animals showed an increase in rearing in both the elevated plus maze and open field after adult restress, higher basal levels of CORT, lower levels of BDNF in dorsal hippocampus, and lower levels of NT-3 in dorsal and ventral hippocampus. Trauma-related behavioral hyperarousal and altered hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis activity may be mediated by decreases in hippocampal neurotrophin expression.
DOI:10.1196/annals.1364.060      PMID:16891615      URL    
[13] GEORG N.Involvement and role of antidepressant drugs of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis and glucocorticoid receptor function[J].Neuroendocrinol Lett,2009,30(1):11-16.
ABSTRACT Changes in the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis are characteristic of major depression. Because the effects of glucocorticoids are mediated by intracellular receptors including, most notably, the glucocorticoid receptor (GR), several studies have examined the number and/or function of GR's in depressed patients. Review scientific evidences have consistently demonstrated that GR function is impaired in major depression, resulting in reduced GR-mediated negative feedback on the HPA axis and increased production and secretion of corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) in various brain regions postulated to be involved in the causality of major depression. Hyperactivity of HPA axis is the main biochemical change, besides disturbed monoaminergic neurotransmission, observed in the patients suffering from a major depression. High incidence of depression in Cushing's syndrome as well as antidepressant effects of adrenocortical enzyme inhibitors in major depression support hypothesis that hyperactivity of HPA axis may be involved in pathogenesis of depression. Major alterations of the HPA axis that can be reversed by successful antidepressant therapy are often seen in depressed patients. A possible explanation for this is that the antidepressant-induced increase in GR's renders the HPA axis more sensitive to glucocorticoid feedback. This new insight into antidepressant drug action suggests a novel approach to the development of antidepressant drugs.
DOI:10.1038/ncpendmet1096      PMID:19300389      URL    
[14] WANG S, NI Y, GUO F,et al.Differential expression of hypothalamic fear- and stress-related genes in broiler chickens showing short or long tonic immobility[J].Domest Anim Endocrinol,2014,47:65-72.
The serotonin system and the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis play important roles in modulating fear and stress-coping characteristics. Tonic immobility (TI) is a fear-related phenotype, and previously we have shown that broiler chickens showing short TI (STI) duration experience better growth performance and higher adaptability to stress. Here, we sought to further elucidate the central mechanisms underlying the phenotypic differences between chickens showing STI and long TI duration, by comparing the hypothalamic expression of genes in the serotonergic system and the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis under basal and corticosterone-exposed situations. The STI broilers had significantly lower ( P < 0.01) hypothalamic expression of serotonin reuptake transporter and serotonin receptor 1A. Moreover, 11尾-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 2 was expressed significantly lower in STI chickens at the level of both mRNA ( P < 0.01) and protein ( P < 0.05). Hypothalamic expression of glucocorticoid receptor (GR) mRNA tended to be higher ( P < 0.059) in long TI chickens, but the protein content was approximately 2 times higher ( P < 0.01) in STI chickens. The uncoupled expression of GR mRNA and protein was associated with significantly lower ( P < 0.05) expression of gga-miR-181a, gga-miR-211, and gga-miR-22 , which are predicted to target GR , in STI chickens. Corticosterone administration reduced the mRNA expression of postsynaptic serotonin receptors, 5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 1B ( P = 0.059) and 5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 7 ( P < 0.05), yet significantly increased the protein content of 11尾-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 2 ( P < 0.05). These results suggest that broilers of different TI phenotypes have a distinct pattern of hypothalamic expression of fear- and stress-related genes.
DOI:10.1016/j.domaniend.2013.11.005      PMID:24360202      URL    
[15] VENTURA-JUNCA R,SYMON A,LOPEZ P,et al.Relationship of cortisol levels and genetic polymorphisms to antidepressant response to placebo and fluoxetine in patients with major depressive disorder: a prospective study[J].BMC Psychiatry,2014,14:220.
Background Increased cortisol levels and genetic polymorphisms have been related to both major depressive disorder and antidepressant treatment outcome. The aim of this study is to evaluate the relationship between circadian salivary cortisol levels, cortisol suppression by dexamethasone and genetic polymorphisms in some HPA axis-related genes to the response to placebo and fluoxetine in depressed patients. Methods The diagnosis and severity of depression were performed using the Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview (M.I.N.I.) and Hamilton depression scale (HAM-D17), respectively. Euthyroid patients were treated with placebo (one week) followed by fluoxetine (20聽mg) (two months). Severity of depression was re-evaluated after placebo, three weeks and two months of fluoxetine treatments. Placebo response was defined as HAM-D17 score reductions of at least 25% and to???<???15. Early response and response were reductions of at least 50% after three weeks and two months, and remission with?????????7 after two months. Plasma TSH, free-T4, circadian salivary cortisol levels and cortisol suppression by dexamethasone were evaluated. Seven genetic polymorphisms located in the Corticotrophin-releasing-hormone-receptor-1 (rs242939, rs242941, rs1876828), Corticotrophin-releasing-hormone-receptor-2 (rs2270007), Glucocorticoid-receptor (rs41423247), FK506-binding-protein-5 (rs1360780), and Arginine-vasopressin (rs3729965) genes were determined. Association analyses between response to placebo/fluoxetine and polymorphism were performed by chi-square or Fisher exact test. Cortisol levels were compared by t-test, ANOVA and the general linear model for repeated measures. Results 208 depressed patients were recruited, 187 of whom were euthyroid. Placebo responders, fluoxetine responders and remitters exhibited significantly lower circadian cortisol levels than those who did not respond (p-values of 0.014, 0.008 and 0.021 respectively). Patients who abandoned treatment before the third week also exhibited a trend to low cortisol levels (p???=???0.057). The polymorphisms rs242939 (CRHR1) and rs2270007 (CRHR2) were not in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. Only the rs242939 polymorphism (CRHR1) exhibited association with early response (three weeks) to fluoxetine (p-value???=???0.043). No other association between outcomes and polymorphisms was observed. Conclusions These results support the clinical relevance of low salivary cortisol levels as a predictor of antidepressant response, either to placebo or to fluoxetine. Only one polymorphism in the CRHR1 gene was associated with the early response. Other factors may be involved in antidepressant response, although further studies are needed to identify them.
DOI:10.1186/s12888-014-0220-0      PMID:2508645210001000      URL    
[16] MANTHEY L,GILTAY E J,VAN VEEN T,et al.Long-term benzodiazepine use and salivary cortisol: the Netherlands Study of Depression and Anxiety (NESDA)[J].J Clin Psychopharmacol,2010,30(2):160-168.
Abstract BACKGROUND: As benzodiazepines (BZDs) have anxiolytic effects, it is expected that they influence the stress system. During short-term treatment, BZD use was found to suppress cortisol levels. However, little research has been done on the effects of long-term BZD administration on the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis. METHODS: The association between long-term BZD use and cortisol levels was investigated in subjects of the Netherlands Study of Depression and Anxiety with a lifetime diagnosis of anxiety or depression (n = 1531). The subjects were categorized as "daily BZD users" (n = 96), "infrequent BZD users" (n = 172), and "nonusers" (n = 1263). Possible associations between characteristics of BZD use (dose, duration, and dependence) and salivary cortisol levels were analyzed. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE: Subjects provided 7 saliva samples, from which 4 cortisol indicators were calculated: the cortisol awakening response, diurnal slope, evening cortisol, and cortisol suppression after ingestion of 0.5 mg of dexamethasone. RESULTS: Daily users used BZDs for a median duration of 26.5 months and had a median daily dosage of 6.0 mg as measured in diazepam equivalents. Evening cortisol levels were significantly lower in daily users (P = 0.004; effect size: d = 0.24) and infrequent users (P = 0.04; effect size: d = 0.12) compared to nonusers. We did not find significant differences in the cortisol awakening response, diurnal slope, or in the dexamethasone suppression test. CONCLUSIONS: Despite the finding of slightly lower evening cortisol levels in daily and infrequent BZD users compared to nonusers, results indicate that long-term BZD use is not convincingly associated with HPA axis alterations.
DOI:10.1097/JCP.0b013e3181d41f41      PMID:20520289      URL    
[17] BINDER E B,KUNZEL H E,NICKEL T,et al.HPA-axis regulation at in-patient admission is associated with antidepressant therapy outcome in male but not in female depressed patients[J].Psychoneuroendocrinology,2009,34(1):99-109.
A concatenation of data implicates a hyperactivity of the hypothalamus pituitary adrenal ()-axis in the of and its normalization as a necessary predecessor of clinical response to . In addition, regulation of the -axis has been shown to be dependent on sex hormones. We therefore investigated gender differences in -axis regulation in and its normalization during remission of clinical symptoms. We used the combined suppression/stimulation (-) test to evaluate the degree of -axis dysregulation in 194 in-patients with from the Munich Antidepressant Response Signature () study at both admission and discharge. The Hamilton (HAM-D) Rating Scale was used to monitor clinical response to antidepressant treatment. For both genders, we observed a normalization of -axis dysregulation in remitters but not in non-remitters, both after 5 weeks of treatment and at discharge. The pattern of -axis normalization with remission of depressive symptoms, however, showed gender-specific differences. In male patients, remission after 5 weeks of in-patient treatment was associated with a significantly higher response in the -test at admission. In female patients, 5-week remitters and non-remitters had a comparable response at admission. response at admission was not correlated with gonadal steroid levels at this time point and the results were similar for pre-menopausal women vs. post-menopausal women. Gender-associated biological characteristics, likely independent of circulating gonadal steroids, thus seem to influence -axis regulation in . In male patients, a single measure of -axis dysregulation at admission may serve as a predictor of response to antidepressant treatment in addition to the previously reported repeated measure of the -test.
DOI:10.1016/j.psyneuen.2008.08.018      PMID:18829172      Magsci     URL    
[18] RUHE H G,KHOENKHOEN S J,OTTENHOF K W,et al.Longitudinal effects of the SSRI paroxetine on salivary cortisol in major depressive disorder[J].Psychoneuroendocrinology,2015,52:261-271.
In conclusion, paroxetine seems to interfere with HPA-axis dysregulation, reflected in significant overall decreases in BCL and AUC during treatment. Paroxetine appears to decrease HPA-axis set-point in MDD, which might result in increased HPA-axis activity over time, which is further improved when patients achieve remission (ISRCTN register nr. ISRCTN44111488).
DOI:10.1016/j.psyneuen.2014.10.024      PMID:25544738      URL    
[19] SALARI A A,FATEHI-GHAREHLAR L,MOTAYAGHENI N,et al.Fluoxetine normalizes the effects of prenatal maternal stress on depression-and anxiety-like behaviors in mouse dams and male offspring[J].Behav Brain Res,2016,311:354-367.
Maternal depression during pregnancy and the postpartum period (lactation) is a common debilitating condition affecting mother-fetus/-infant interactions, which can be a risk factor for cognitive and affective disorders in mothers and their children. Selective-serotonin-reuptake-inhibitor-(SSRI) pharmacotherapy is known as the first-line treatment of maternal depression. However, its use during pregnancy and lactation is a topic of concern. The present study aimed to investigate the effects of prenatal stress alone or in combination with fluoxetine (FLX) on hypothalamic鈥損ituitary鈥揳drenal axis (HPA) activity, anxiety-/depression-like behaviors in dams and in offspring. To do this, gestationally-stressed and non-stressed mouse dams were orally treated with FLX-(8/mg/kg/day) from gestational day 10 to lactation day 20. The behavioral outcomes of prenatal stress and FLX treatment in dams and male offspring were assessed using the sucrose preference, forced swim, zero maze, and light-dark box tests. Stress-induced corticosterone levels were also evaluated as indicative of abnormal HPA-axis function. Our findings indicated that maternal stress resulted in increased depression-like behavior and HPA axis hyperactivity in dams during pregnancy and lactation which were reversed by FLX. Furthermore, prenatal stress increased anxiety/depression-like behaviors and HPA-axis reactivity in male offspring. These effects were reversed by maternal FLX treatment. Developmental FLX exposure, without prenatal stress, did not have any adverse effects on the above measured parameters. Our results suggest that prenatal stress induces maternal depression-like behavior which affects the development of affective symptoms in male offspring, and that remediation of maternal depression-like behavior coincidences with the normalization of anxiety-and depression-like symptoms in male offspring.
DOI:10.1016/j.bbr.2016.05.062      PMID:27263073      URL    
[20] KASCKOW J W,BAKER D,GERACIOTI T D.Corticotropin-releasing hormone in depression and post-traumatic disorder[J].Peptides, 2001,22(5): 845-851.
Corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) has been implicated in the regulation of a wide range of behaviors including arousal, motor function, feeding, and reproduction. Because depressed patients are often hypercortisolemic and intracerebroventricular administration of CRH to experimental animals produces a syndrome reminiscent of depression, dysregulation of this compound has been suggested to be involved in the pathogenesis of depressive and anxiety disorders. Studies of cerebrospinal fluid CRH levels and clinical neuroendocrine tests in patients with anxiety and affective disorders have supported this hypothesis. This review discusses these neuroendocrine findings in melancholic and atypical depression as well as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Overall, the data suggest that melancholic depression is characterized by hyperactive central CRH systems with overactivity of the pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis. On the other hand, atypical depression is characterized by hypoactive central CRH systems and accompanying underactivity of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis. Furthermore, the neuroendocrinology of PTSD appears to be unique, in that patients have hyperactive central CRH systems with underactivity of the pituitary-adrenal axis.
DOI:10.1016/S0196-9781(01)00399-0      PMID:11337099      URL    
[21] HOLSBOER F.Stress,hypercortisolism and corti-costeroid receptors in depression: implications for therapy[J].J Affect Disord,2001,62(1/2): 77-91.
[22] WATSON S,GALLAGHER P,RITCHIE J C,et al.Hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis function in patients with bipolar disorder[J].Br J Psychiatry,2004,184:496-502.
[23] WATSON S,GALLAGHER P,SMITH M S,et al.The dex /CRH test is it better than the DST?[J].Psychoneuroendocrinology,2006,31(7): 889-894.
The dexamethasone suppression test (DST), frequently abnormal in mood disorder patients, is considered to measure glucocorticoid receptor-mediated negative feedback. We examined the hypothesis that the, apparently more sensitive, dexamethasone/corticotrophin-releasing-hormone (dex/CRH) test unveils subtle hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal axis disturbance not detected by the DST in 82 patients with mood disorders and 28 controls. There was a close correlation between the cortisol responses on the two tests ( r s=0.73, p<0.0005). However, ROC analysis revealed that the dex/CRH test had better diagnostic performance than the DST ( p=0.031). The sensitivity of delta cortisol (from the dex/CRH) was 61.9% and the specificity 71.4%. The sensitivity of 1500 h cortisol (the DST) was 66.6% and the specificity was 47.6%. This suggests that the two tests measure common pathology but that the dex/CRH test has better diagnostic utility.
DOI:10.1016/j.psyneuen.2006.03.001      PMID:16701957      URL    
[24] HATZINGER M,HEMMETER U M,BAUMANN K.The combined DEX-CRH test in treatment course and long-term outcome of major depression[J].J Psychiatr Res,2002,36(5):287-297.
Neuroendocrine studies strongly suggest that the hypothalamic鈥損ituitary鈥揳drenocortical (HPA) system plays a crucial role in the development and course of depression. The interaction between the disease process and HPA system function in long-term course, however, is unclear. Since improvement of HPA system deterioration has been demonstrated to be associated with treatment response, the question has arisen whether the course of therapy response as reflected by, for example, early improvement or response (after 1 or 2 weeks of therapy) is also based on HPA system dysfunction and whether the course of HPA regulation during treatment is only a state marker or has additional predictive implications for long-term outcome. In order to elucidate these questions a long-term study was carried out to investigate whether HPA system disturbance is associated (1) with the course of treatment response, predominantly early treatment response, during acute depression and (2) with the long-term course of depression, i.e. number of episodes. Twenty patients with affective disorders who participated in earlier controlled antidepressant treatment studies over 6 weeks were enrolled in an exploratory follow-up study. Using the combined DEX/CRH test it was demonstrated that (1) early improvement, early treatment response and beneficial treatment outcome after 6 weeks were associated with a lower HPA system activity and that (2) in long-term course of depression the HPA system deterioration increases in parallel with the number of previous episodes. These findings suggest that HPA system alterations are closely related to treatment response and long-term outcome of depression.
DOI:10.1016/S0022-3956(02)00021-3      PMID:12127596      URL    
[25] CARPENTER L L,TYRKA A R,LEE J K,et al.A placebo-controlled study of sertraline's effect on cortisol response to the dexamethasone/corticotropin-releasing hormone test in healthy adults[J].Psychopharmacology (Berl),2011,218(2):371-379.
The dexamethasone/corticotropin-releasing hormone (Dex/CRH) test is a neuroendocrine probe involving serial blood sampling of cortisol during a standardized pharmacological challenge without inducing psychological distress in humans. Some past studies in depressed patients have shown a "normalization" or decrease in cortisol response to the Dex/CRH test following successful treatment with an antidepressant. Studies in nondepressed healthy adult samples have also shown aberrant cortisol reactivity to be associated with depression risk factors. These findings prompted research into the use of the Dex/CRH test as a tool for developing antidepressant drugs.In this study, the Dex/CRH test was evaluated with regard to its potential utility for drug development in nonclinical samples.The Dex/CRH test was administered before and after 6 weeks of blinded treatment with either sertraline 100 mg/day or matching placebo in 22 healthy adults (13 women, nine men).Cortisol response to the Dex/CRH test increased following treatment with standard doses of sertraline, compared to placebo, after controlling for age and sex.The observed pattern of change contrasts with results from published studies in depressed patients and with our initial hypothesis.
DOI:10.1007/s00213-011-2336-y      PMID:4467780      URL    
[26] PASLAKIS G,HEUSER I,SCHWEIGER U,et al.A single DEX/CRH test in male drug-free depressed patients is associated with the clinical response to treatment with fluoxetine[J].J Psychiatr Res,2010,44(16):1154-1157.
The DEX/CRH test has been proposed to be suitable as a biomarker for the prediction of treatment response in depression.We performed the DEX/CRH test in 10 severely depressed male patients with melancholic features before initiation of antidepressant treatment with 20 mg fluoxetine.We found a low cortisol response (as measured by cortisol AUC) to a single DEX/CRH test to be associated with clinical response to treatment.A strength of this study lies in the inclusion of patients after a drug wash-out phase. Despite a certain inconsistency described in the literature, several studies support the notion that it might be of importance to measure baseline HPA system activity before choice of treatment. Further systematic studies are warranted.
DOI:10.1016/j.jpsychires.2010.04.010      PMID:20447650      Magsci     URL    
[27] HORSTMANN S,DOSE T,LUCAE S,et al.Suppressive effect of mirtazapine on the HPA system in acutely depressed women seems to be transient and not related to antidepressant action[J].Psychoneuroendocrinology,2009,34(2):238-248.
Abstract Impaired regulation of the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenocortical (HPA) system is a consistent finding among patients with depression, which can be most sensitively detected with the combined dexamethasone (dex)/corticotrophin releasing hormone (CRH) test. The majority of patients with acute depression shows an exaggerated plasma corticotrophin (ACTH) and cortisol response to this test that normalizes gradually during successful antidepressant therapy. In contrast, persistently high HPA-responses to this challenge are prognostically less favorable. It has been recently questioned, whether this observation applies also to treatment with the atypical antidepressant mirtazapine, as patients treated with this drug showed a distinct attenuation of the endocrine response to the dex/CRH test already after 1 week of treatment. In the present study, we investigated whether the attenuating effect of mirtazapine on the HPA system is an acute pharmacological reaction disappearing after physiological adaptation or whether this effect is related to the antidepressant action of the drug. We examined plasma ACTH and cortisol responses to the dex/CRH test in acutely depressed inpatients treated either with mirtazapine (n=55) or a monoamine reuptake inhibitor (n=105) according to doctor's choice and compared the test results with healthy controls (n=40). Patients treated with monoamine reuptake inhibitors received either selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRI), tricyclic antidepressants (TCA) or the combined serotonin and noradrenalin reuptake inhibitor venlafaxine. We found increased plasma ACTH and cortisol responses to the dex/CRH test in depressed patients compared with healthy controls, but also significantly (p=.017) attenuated plasma cortisol secretion in the mirtazapine group compared to the group of monoamine reuptake inhibitor treated patients. This effect was not significant in male patients. Furthermore this effect was independent of the psychopathological state, but depended on treatment duration. Patient treatment with mirtazapine for up to 7 days resulted in dex/CRH test outcome that was indistinguishable from controls. This effect, however waned as it was not observable in patients treated for a longer period. These results suggest that short-term administration of mirtazapine has immediate but only transient suppressive effects on the HPA system predominantly in women. Our results confirm that dex/CRH tests can be used as predictors of clinical course also under mirtazapine treatment.
DOI:10.1016/j.psyneuen.2008.09.004      PMID:18926641      Magsci     URL    
[28] GEORGIOS P,BERTRAM K,MARIA G,et al.Discrimination between patients with melancholic depression and healthy controls: comparison between 24 h cortisol profiles,the DST and the Dex/CRH test[J].Psychoneuroendocrinology,2010,36(5):691-698.
Diurnal (24-h) cortisol profiles were compared to DST and Dex/CRH test outcomes with regard to their discriminative power in depressive disorder. With regard to several statistical measures (effect sizes, area under the curve) we found 24-h cortisol profiles to better discriminate between healthy controls and inpatients with the melancholic subtype of depression compared to the DST and Dex/CRH test. In search of a shortened time interval we found the 2-h time window 1000-1200 h of the cortisol profile to be the one with the highest sensitivity (83.3%) and specificity (87.9%). The specificity of the DST was 93.3% and somewhat higher than that of the cortisol profiles and the Dex/CRH test (87.9% and 78.8.%, respectively). However, the sensitivity of the DST was very low (30.8%), in fact similar to that of the Dex/CRH test (30.8%), but much lower than that of the 1000-1200 h interval (83.3%). The assessment of cortisol in plasma is an easy to perform, cost-saving method for the evaluation of the HPA system activity, which may have a series of clinical and scientific implications for the depressive disorder.
DOI:10.1016/j.psyneuen.2010.10.002      PMID:21035272      URL    
[29] SARUBIN N,NOTHDURFTER C,SCHMOTZ C.Impact on cortisol and antidepressant efficacy of quetiapine and escitalopram in depression[J].Psychoneuroendocrinology,2014,39:141-151.
[30] NOTHDURFTER C,SCHMOTZ C,SARUBIN N,et al.Effects of escitalopram/quetiapine combination therapy versus escitalopram monotherapy on hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal-axis activity in relation to antidepressant effectiveness[J].J Psychiatr Res,2014,52:15-20.
The hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenocortical (HPA) system is believed to play an important role in the pathophysiology of major depressive disorder. In this context, the atypical antipsychotic quetiapine (QUE) has been shown to inhibit HPA system activity in healthy subjects. In this study we investigated whether the putative inhibitory effects of QUE on HPA system activity may contribute to its antidepressant efficacy. We analyzed the effects of QUE as an augmentation to the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) escitalopram (ESC) on HPA system activity in comparison to a monotherapy with ESC in relation to the antidepressant effectiveness. HPA axis activity (cortisol and ACTH) was measured by means of the dexamethasone/corticotropin-releasing hormone (DEX/CRH) test which was performed before (week 0) and during (week 1, week 5) antidepressant psychopharmacotherapy. The combination therapy, but not the ESC monotherapy showed significantly inhibiting effects on HPA system activity leading to stepwise down-regulation. ACTH concentrations were reduced in the ESC/QUE group during five weeks of treatment. The inhibitory effect of QUE maybe involved in its antidepressant effects as an augmentation strategy.
DOI:10.1016/j.jpsychires.2014.01.013      PMID:24513501      URL    
[31] KUNZEL H E,ACKL N,HATZINGER M,et al.Outcome in delusional depression comparing trimipramine monotherapy with a combination of amitriptyline and haloperidol-a double-blind multicenter trial[J].J Psychiatr Res,2009,43(7):702-710.
BACKGROUND: Patients with delusional depression are difficult to treat. The atypical antidepressant trimipramine was effective in a previous 4-week open label pilot study in patients with this disorder. The major neurobiological effect of trimipramine is the inhibition of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenocortical (HPA) system. In delusional depression HPA overactivity is more distinct than in other subtypes of depression. HPA suppression is thought to contribute to the action of trimipramine. METHODS: In a double-blind, randomized, placebo controlled multicenter trial we compared the effects of trimipramine monotherapy versus a combination of amitriptyline and haloperidol. Dosage was increased stepwise from 100mg up to 400mg trimipramine and from 100mg up to 200mg amitriptyline combined with 2mg up to 7.5mg haloperidol. The average dose of trimipramine was higher than that of amitriptyline throughout the trial. During sixth week mean dosage (+/-standard deviation) were 356.1+/-61.2mg trimipramine, 184.0+/-23.6 mg amitriptyline and 6.3+/-1.8 mg haloperidol. During six weeks psychometric assessments were performed weekly. For HPA monitoring a dexamethasone/corticotropin-releasing hormone (Dex/CRH) test was performed before active medication and at the end of treatment. Additionally tolerability was monitored by ECG, EEG assessment of extrapyramidal symptoms and akathisia, clinical laboratory routine and recording of blood pressure and heart rate. Adverse events were documented. RESULTS: 94 patients were enclosed into the study. The per protocol sample consisted of 33 patients of the trimipramine group and of 24 patients of the amitriptyline/haloperidol group. The decrease of the Hamilton depression (HAMD) score (24 items) showed non-inferiority of trimipramine compared to amitriptyline/haloperidol. Twenty-eight patients (84.84%) in the trimipramine arm and 17 patients (70.83%) in the amitriptyline/haloperidol arm were responders (HAMD <or=50%). Remission (HAMD<8
DOI:10.1016/j.jpsychires.2008.10.004      PMID:19038406      Magsci     URL    
[32] HENNINGS J M,OWASHI T,BINDER E B.Clinical characteristics and treatment outcome in a representative sample of depressed inpatients-findings from the munich antidepressant response signature (MARS) project[J].J Psychiatr Res,2009,43(3):215-229.
<h2 class="secHeading" id="section_abstract">Abstract</h2><p id="simple-para0050">Depression is a common and often difficult-to-treat clinical condition with a high rate of patients showing insufficient treatment response and persistence of symptoms. We report the characteristics of a representative sample of depressed inpatients participating in the Munich Antidepressant Response Signature (MARS) project. Eight hundred and forty-two inpatients admitted to a psychiatric hospital for treatment of a major depressive episode, recurrent or bipolar depression were thoroughly characterized with respect to demographic factors, clinical history, and the degree of HPA-axis dysregulation evaluated by means of combined dex/CRH tests, and the predictive value of these factors for treatment outcome is investigated. 80.8% of patients responded to treatment (i.e., improvement in symptom severity of at least 50%) and 57.9% reached remission (i.e., near absence of residual depressive symptoms) at discharge after a mean treatment period of 11.8 weeks. Regression analysis identified early partial response (within 2 weeks) as the most important positive predictor for achieving remission. Previous ineffective treatment trials in the current episode and presence of a migration background are potent negative predictors for treatment outcome. In addition, remitters were characterized by a more pronounced normalization of an initially dysregulated HPA-axis. We could show that a large majority of inpatients suffering from depression benefits from antidepressant treatment during hospitalization. However, a considerable number of patients failed to achieve remission. We demonstrated that this subgroup can be characterized by a set of demographic, clinical and neuroendocrine variables allowing to predict unfavorable outcome at an early stage of treatment.</p>
DOI:10.1016/j.jpsychires.2008.05.002      Magsci     URL    
[33] ISING M,HORSTMANN S,KLOIBER S,et al.Combined dexamethasone/corticotropin releasing hormone test predicts treatment response in major depression-a potential biomarker?[J].Biol Psychiatry,2007,62(1):47-54.
[34] LOZANO-ORTIZ R,MARIN-LACASA R,PASCUAL-GARCIA A,et al.Therapeutic monitoring of escitalopram by dexamethasone suppression test[J].Actas Esp Psiquiatr,2012,40(5):275-280.
INTRODUCTION: is associated with a dysfunction of regulation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal, HPA, which is reflected in the alteration of the suppression test, . and other SSRIs decrease the HPA axis response to the , beeing the aim of this study validate the as a surrogate marker of central serotonergic activity in the treatment with and its application to the calculation of the dosage regimens.: Prospective observational study on 29 patients, upon whom was performed the -test with 0.25 mg of and subsequent genetic analysis of by Progenika PHARMAchip test.: The range of plasma levels post-associated with each phenotypic group were: PM phenotype= 0.6 to 1.7 mcg/dl, IM phenotype= 1.2 to 3.5 mcg/dl and EM phenotype = 4.8 to 13.2 mcg/dl, being carried out the dose titration and correspondng, respectively, the following dose regimens: 3-4 mg/day, 5-8 mg/day and 10-31 mg/day.: It has been shown that the test can be used as a surrogate marker of drug response to and as a tool for dose adjustment, providing significant data on different phenotypes of metabolizers.
DOI:10.4314/ajpsy.v15i5.45      PMID:23076610      URL    
[35] HATZINGER M,HEMMETER U M,BAUMANN K,et al.The combined DEX-CRH test in treatment course and long-term outcome of major depression[J].J Psychiatr Res,2002,36(5):287-297.
Neuroendocrine studies strongly suggest that the hypothalamic鈥損ituitary鈥揳drenocortical (HPA) system plays a crucial role in the development and course of depression. The interaction between the disease process and HPA system function in long-term course, however, is unclear. Since improvement of HPA system deterioration has been demonstrated to be associated with treatment response, the question has arisen whether the course of therapy response as reflected by, for example, early improvement or response (after 1 or 2 weeks of therapy) is also based on HPA system dysfunction and whether the course of HPA regulation during treatment is only a state marker or has additional predictive implications for long-term outcome. In order to elucidate these questions a long-term study was carried out to investigate whether HPA system disturbance is associated (1) with the course of treatment response, predominantly early treatment response, during acute depression and (2) with the long-term course of depression, i.e. number of episodes. Twenty patients with affective disorders who participated in earlier controlled antidepressant treatment studies over 6 weeks were enrolled in an exploratory follow-up study. Using the combined DEX/CRH test it was demonstrated that (1) early improvement, early treatment response and beneficial treatment outcome after 6 weeks were associated with a lower HPA system activity and that (2) in long-term course of depression the HPA system deterioration increases in parallel with the number of previous episodes. These findings suggest that HPA system alterations are closely related to treatment response and long-term outcome of depression.
DOI:10.1016/S0022-3956(02)00021-3      PMID:12127596      URL    
[36] VREEBURG S A,HOOGENDIJK W J,DERIJK R H,et al.Salivary cortisol levels and the 2-year course of depressive and anxiety disorders[J].Psychoneuroendocrinology,2013,38(9):1494-1502.
Depression and anxiety disorders have been associated with hyperactivity of the hypothalamic-pituitary adrenal (HPA) axis. However, lower cortisol levels have also been observed in depressed patients. Whether cortisol level predicts the course of these disorders has not been examined in detail. We examined whether salivary cortisol indicators predict the 2-year course of depression and anxiety disorders.Longitudinal data are obtained from 837 participants of the Netherlands Study of Depression and Anxiety, with a DSM-IV based depressive and/or anxiety disorder at baseline. At baseline, seven saliva samples were obtained, including the 1-h cortisol awakening response, evening cortisol level and a 0.5mg dexamethasone suppression test. At follow-up, DSM-IV based diagnostic interviews and Life Chart Interview integrating diagnostic and symptom trajectories over 2 years were administered to determine an unfavorable course.41.5% of the respondents had a 2-year unfavorable course trajectory without remission longer than 3 months. Adjusted analyses showed that a lower awakening response was associated with an unfavorable course (RR=0.83, p=0.03). No associations were found between evening cortisol or cortisol suppression after dexamethasone ingestion and an unfavorable course trajectory.Among patients with depressive or anxiety disorders, a lower cortisol awakening response - which may be indicative of underlying exhaustion of the HPA axis - predicted an unfavorable course trajectory.
DOI:10.1016/j.psyneuen.2012.12.017      PMID:23313277      URL    
[37] HARDEVELD F,SPIJKER J,VREEBURG S A,et al.Increased cortisol awakening response was associated with time to recurrence of major depressive disorder[J].Psychoneuroendocrinology,2014,50:62-71.
Our data support previous studies reporting that subjects with a higher CAR are more vulnerable to recurrence of MDD.
DOI:10.1016/j.psyneuen.2014.07.027      PMID:25179322      URL    
[38] OWASHI T,OTSUBO T,OSHIMA A.Longitudinal neuroendocrine changes assessed by dexamethasone/CRH and growth hormone releasing hormone tests in psychotic depression[J].Psychoneuroendocrinology,2007,33(2):152-161.
Although psychotic depression has been reported to exhibit a greater degree of dysregulation of hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenocortical (HPA) function than non-psychotic depression, little is known concerning hypothalamic-pituitary-somatotropic (HPS) function in psychotic depression and how neuroendocrine function changes after treatment. To investigate the longitudinal changes in HPA and HPS system function in psychotic depression, we performed repeated dexamethasone/corticotropin releasing hormone (DEX/CRH) tests and growth hormone (GH) releasing hormone (GHRH) tests in inpatients with major depressive disorder. The psychotic depression group exhibited greater elevation of ACTH responses to the DEX/CRH test and stronger decreases in GH responses to the GHRH test than the non-psychotic depression group at admission. At discharge, the neuroendocrine responses to the DEX/CRH test of the psychotic depression group were still stronger than those of the non-psychotic depression group, though there were no significant differences in severity of depression between the groups. There were significant longitudinal changes in neuroendocrine responses to the DEX/CRH test between admission and discharge. The psychotic depression group exhibited increased GH responses to GHRH at discharge compared with those at admission, whereas no significant longitudinal change in GH response was found in the non-psychotic depression group. Consequently, there were no significant differences in GH responses to GHRH between the psychotic and non-psychotic depression groups at discharge. The results of GHRH test showed no significant relationships with severity of depression except psychotic features and the results of the DEX/CRH test. Our findings suggest that the HPS axis may be associated with psychotic features rather than general severity of depression. Further longitudinal studies are needed to clarify the role of HPS function in psychotic depression and whether sustained dysregulation of HPA function in psychotic depression is associated with a poor outcome after discharge.
DOI:10.1016/j.psyneuen.2007.10.011      PMID:18068306      URL    
[39] SORBERA L A,CASTANER J,BAYES M,at al.Aprepitant and L758298[J].Drugs Fut,2002,27:211-222.
[40] HOLSBOER F,ISING M.Central CRH system in depression and anxiety-evidence from clinical studies with CRH1 receptor antagonists[J].Eur J Pharmacol,2008,583(2/3): 350-357.
Basic and clinical studies provide convincing evidence that altered stress hormone regulation frequently observed in depression and anxiety are caused by elevated secretion of the hypothalamic neuropeptides corticotrophin releasing hormone (CRH) and vasopressin. CRH predominantly acts through CRH 1 receptors to produce a number of anxiety- and depression-like symptoms, which resulted in extensive validation of CRH 1 receptors as potential drug target. A number of orally available nonpeptidergic small molecules capable to pass the blood-brain barrier have been discovered; only some of these compounds entered clinical development. Here, we summarize results from clinical studies of two CRH 1 receptor antagonists. In the first study originally designed as a safety and tolerability trial in major depression, it was observed that the CRH 1 receptor antagonist NBI-30775/R121919 has a clinical profile comparable to the antidepressant paroxetine. In a second study the effect of another CRH 1 receptor antagonist, NBI-34041, upon stress hormone secretion in response to a psychosocial stressor was investigated. Administration of this compound reduced the stress-elicited secretion of cortisol. Both compounds, however, did not impair the CRH-induced release of ACTH and cortisol rejecting the possibility that the peripheral stress hormone system is impaired by CRH 1 receptor antagonists. From these studies we conclude that both CRH 1 receptor antagonists have psychotropic effects unrelated to their neuroendocrine action, which is in line with behavioral data obtained from transgenic mice. The results of the clinical studies underscore that CRH 1 receptor antagonists represent promising novel therapeutics in the psychopharmacology of depression and anxiety.
DOI:10.1016/j.ejphar.2007.12.032      PMID:18272149      URL    
[41] TRINGALI T G,LISI L,DE SIMONE M L,et al.Effects of olanzapine and quetiapine on corticotropin-releasing hormone release in the rat brain[J].Prog Neuropsychopharmacol Biol Psychiatry,2009,33(6):1017-1021.
An altered regulation of the corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) system in the CNS is consistently associated with anxiety and depression; several drugs used to treat CNS disorders modulate--usually in a negative manner--CRH turnover in the brain, and it can be postulated that their effectiveness may be at least in part related to their effects on CRH. This study was aimed to investigate the effects of two atypical antipsychotics also employed in the treatment of bipolar disorders, i.e. quetiapine (QTP) and olanzapine (OLZ), on CRH release from isolated rat brain regions. Acute rat hypothalamic and hippocampal explants were exposed for 1 h to plain medium or medium containing the test drugs, either under baseline conditions or after stimulation of CRH release by veratridine or 56 mM KCl. CRH immunoreactivity present in the incubation medium and in the tissues was assessed by radioimmunoassay. QTP 10 microM but not OLZ inhibited baseline CRH secretion from the hypothalamus; neither drug affected basal CRH release from the hippocampus. Both QTP and OLZ, 1 and 10 microM, inhibited veratridine- or K(+)-stimulated CRH release from the hypothalamus, whereas OLZ only, when given at 10 microM, was able to inhibit stimulated CRH release from the hippocampus. In conclusion, two widely used atypical antipsychotics, QTP and OLZ are able to acutely reduce the release of CRH from isolated rat hypothalami and hippocampi.
DOI:10.1016/j.pnpbp.2009.05.012      PMID:19467289132      URL    
[42] 孙锴,潘家祜.贯叶金丝桃中的黄酮类化合物可减弱大鼠下丘脑-垂体-肾上腺轴的功能[J].国外医药:植物药分册,2005,20(6):262.
正 下丘脑-垂体-肾上腺(HPA)轴的激活是严重抑郁症患者常见的生物学变化,表现为促肾上腺皮质激素(ACTH)和皮质醇的分泌过多。某些抗抑郁药可纠正抑郁症患者HPA的机能亢进,因而表明HPA轴可能是抗抑郁作用的重要靶点。作者研究了贯叶金丝桃中的活性成分黄酮类化合物金丝桃素、金丝桃苷、异槲皮苷和miquelianin能否调控HPA轴的功能。
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