中国科技论文统计源期刊 中文核心期刊  
HERALD OF MEDICINE, 2018, 37(1): 117-119
doi: 10.3870/j.issn.1004-0781.2018.01.030
俞颖, 王义俊


目的 为2型糖尿病合并慢性肾脏病患者制定安全有效的个体化降糖方案,减少药物对肾脏的损害。方法 通过参与1例男性2型糖尿病合并慢性肾脏病患者的治疗,临床药师根据患者疾病进展,参考其病理生理变化特点,全程参与降糖治疗,制定个体化降糖方案。结果 患者经过合理的降糖方案选择和治疗6 d后血糖控制平稳。结论 临床药师的参与进一步保证了特殊人群个体化降糖方案的制定,使患者血糖控制达标的同时,也将药物对肾脏的影响降至最低,体现临床药师价值。

关键词: 临床药师 ; 糖尿病,2型 ; 肾功能不全,慢性 ; 治疗,个体化


慢性肾脏疾病(chronic kidney disease,CKD)是指肾脏结构或功能异常超过3个月的病理状态[1],可表现为蛋白尿和(或)估算的肾小球滤过率(estimated glomerular filtration rate,eGFR)逐渐下降[2]。临床上主要根据eGFR进行肾功能分期,可分为1、2、3a、3b、4以及5期[3]。在已确诊和未确诊的糖尿病患者中,约40%都合并有不同程度的慢性肾脏疾病[4]。在2型糖尿病中,由于患者常常合并慢性肾功能不全,导致肾脏代谢功能异常,使得口服降糖药容易在体内蓄积,从而增加低血糖及其他不良反应的发生风险,给降糖方案的选择带来困难[5]。笔者就1例2型糖尿病合并CKD4期患者的降糖治疗方案进行讨论、分析,并提出临床药师的建议。

1 病例资料

患者,男,60岁。因“发现血糖升高20余年”入院。病史:患者20余年前诊断为“2型糖尿病”,经治疗后空腹血糖控制在10.0 mmol·L-1、餐后2 h血糖约15.0 mmol·L-1。6年前患者因反复出现双下肢水肿诊断为“糖尿病肾病”,先后予多种口服降糖药及胰岛素治疗,偶测空腹血糖8.0~11.0 mmol·L-1,餐后2 h血糖11.0~16.0 mmol·L-1。近来降糖方案改为艾塞那肽注射液10 μg,qd,联合地特胰岛素注射液12 U,qn,自测空腹血糖约8.0 mmol·L-1。患者现为进一步控制血糖及筛查糖尿病并发症入院。

体格检查:体温 36.3 ℃,脉搏 105次·min-1,呼吸率18次·min-1,血压138/105 mmHg(1 mmHg=0.133 kPa),身高174 cm,体质量97.0 kg,体质量指数 32.03 kg·(m2)-1。神志清,精神欠佳,体型肥胖;双下肢中度凹陷性水肿,双侧足背动脉搏动存在,无其他特殊阳性体征。

辅助检查:入院随机血糖5.3 mmol·L-1;糖化血红蛋白6.8%;血尿素氮16.6 mmol·L-1,血肌酐428 μmol·L-1;空腹胰岛素4.82 μU·mL-1,空腹C肽1 388 pmol·L-1,餐后胰岛素5.53 μU·mL-1,餐后C肽1 553 pmol·L-1;24 h尿蛋白10 134 mg,24 h尿微量白蛋白3 908.9 mg;泌尿系统B超示慢性肾损伤。


治疗过程:入院后根据患者病情给予艾塞那肽注射液联合地特胰岛素注射液降糖,同时完善相关并发症筛查。患者入院后血糖控制不佳,空腹血糖9.1~11.6 mmol·L-1,餐后2 h血糖10.5~12.8 mmol·L-1。入院第3天相关检查提示为肾功能不全CKD4期。临床药师经过分析,建议根据患者肾功能调整其用药方案,停用艾塞那肽注射液,保留地特胰岛素注射液并加用利格列汀片口服降糖,同时予苯磺酸氨氯地平片控制血压。综合治疗6 d后,患者病情平稳,血糖控制可,空腹血糖8.2 mmol·L-1,餐后2 h血糖7.2 mmol·L-1,较入院时有所改善。同时患者检查完备,予以出院。出院后继续降糖等对症治疗。出院3个月后,患者门诊随访,相关检查提示血糖控制可,肾功能较前无明显改变。

2 讨论
2.1 该患者降糖治疗中存在的问题及原因分析

患者为2型糖尿病合并糖尿病肾病的男性,入院后继续保持原治疗方案,采用艾塞那肽联合地特胰岛素治疗,但血糖控制不佳。入院后患者实验室检查结果提示血肌酐428 μmol·L-1,临床药师计算其eGFR 22.3 mL·min-1·(1.73 m2)-1,属于CKD4期[6],为重度肾功能不全。因此,结合目前患者肾功能状况和血糖特点,选择适合其的降糖治疗方案,控制血糖、保护肾脏是治疗的关键。患者目前的治疗药物中,艾塞那肽为胰高血糖素样肽-1(glucagon-like peptide 1,GLP-1)受体激动药,主要通过肾脏降解为无活性的小分子多肽片段发挥作用,绝大部分经过肾脏消除。在肾功能损伤的患者中,艾塞那肽的清除率下降,易造成药物蓄积,因此不推荐用于CKD4~5期的患者[7],患者目前处于CKD4期,应用该药存在较高风险。在常见降糖药物中,胰岛素对肾脏影响较小,《中国2型糖尿病防治指南(2013版)》中推荐严重肾功能不全的患者采用胰岛素治疗[6],因此,在严格的血糖监测以及剂量调整的基础上,患者的降糖方案中地特胰岛素可以保留。


2.2 2型糖尿病合并CKD4期降糖治疗方案的选择与分析

临床药师分析:①该患者为2型糖尿病,体型肥胖,并伴有糖尿病肾病,其降糖治疗策略是在有效降糖的同时不增加低血糖发生的风险,避免诱发乳酸酸中毒或增加心力衰竭(心衰)的风险,因此药物的选择应基于药物的药动学特征以及患者的肾功能水平综合判断[8]。选择降糖药物时需考虑:患者目前eGFR为22.3 mL·min-1·(1.73 m2)-1,已处于肾功能重度损伤阶段。根据《中国2型糖尿病防治指南(2013版)》,二甲双胍虽然本身对肾功能没有显著的影响,但在eGFR<45 mL·min-1·(1.73 m2)-1时应当停用[9],以免造成药物在肾脏的蓄积,增加乳酸酸中毒的风险。因此该患者目前不宜使用二甲双胍。②患者目前胰岛功能尚可,在胰岛素促泌药中,瑞格列奈一直被认为是可以安全用于CKD4期且无需调整剂量。但近来也有研究表明[10],在应用瑞格列奈治疗5 d后,与肾功能正常的人群比较,瑞格列奈的半衰期及药物在CKD4期患者体内的暴露量(表现为曲线下面积)均出现了约2倍的增加。因此该类药物在CKD4期患者当中的使用需要谨慎。③对于噻唑烷二酮类药物,在CKD3a~5期的患者中用药经验有限,加之该类药物的不良反应较多、起效较慢,不建议用于该患者目前的降糖治疗首选。④α-糖苷酶抑制剂类药物均禁用于CKD4~5期的患者[4],加之该类药物本身的降糖作用也有限,仅可使糖化血红蛋白下降约0.5%[6],也不推荐使用。⑤在二肽基肽酶(dipeptidyl peptidase,DPP)-4抑制剂类降糖药中,大部分通过肾脏排泄,因此DPP-4抑制药的暴露浓度会随着肾功能下降而相应增加[11]。目前临床应用广泛的几种DPP-4抑制药中,西格列汀、沙格列汀在重度肾功能不全患者当中使用时分别需要将剂量调整为常规剂量的1/4(25 mg·d-1)和1/2(2.5 mg·d-1);维格列汀由于用药经验有限,不推荐用于中、重度肾功能不全的患者[12];较晚上市的一类DPP-4抑制药阿格列汀为原型经肾脏排泄的药物,在重度肾功能不全患者中使用时也需要将剂量调整为常规剂量的1/4(6.25 mg·d-1)[13];利格列汀是唯一一种任何时期CKD患者使用时均不需调整剂量的DPP-4抑制药,该药通过肝脏代谢且没有活性代谢产物[14]。有研究表明,在2型糖尿病合并肾功能损害的患者中给予利格列汀治疗后,患者的蛋白尿显著降低[15]。此外,利格列汀葡萄糖依赖性的降糖机制也能够在保证药效的同时降低低血糖的发生率[7]。相比于其他人群,无论是单药治疗还是联合治疗,利格列汀降低亚洲糖尿病患者糖化血红蛋白的程度显著优于非亚洲人群[16]。在使用上,该药一般一日一次顿服即可,相比其他药物更为方便。由于其他DPP-4抑制药应用于该患者时,有些存在禁忌证,对于无禁忌证而需要调整剂量的DPP-4抑制药来说,剂量的调整不仅可能影响患者的降糖效果,也可能降低患者长期用药的依从性。综合考虑上述各类DPP-4抑制药的优缺点和该患者的用药依从性后,临床药师认为,患者可以试用利格列汀。⑥目前最新的一类口服降糖药钠-葡萄糖协同转运蛋白2(sodium-dependent glucose transporter 2,SGLT-2)抑制药临床应用较少,在此不作讨论。


2.3 治疗措施和结果

患者入院第3天停用艾塞那肽注射液,同时加用利格列汀片口服控制血糖,继续保留地特胰岛素注射液降糖治疗,根据血糖水平变化调整胰岛素剂量。综合治疗6 d并加强用药教育后,患者病情平稳,血糖控制可,准予出院并加强随访。出院后3个月,患者于门诊随访,测糖化血红蛋白6.6%,体质量95 kg,复查肾功能示血肌酐380 μmol·L-1,计算eGFR为24.6 mL·min-1·(1.73 m2)-1,仍为CKD4期,患者经降糖方案调整后,血糖控制平稳,肾功能无进一步受损,说明地特胰岛素联合利格列汀的降糖方案长期应用对该患者来说安全有效。

3 结束语


The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.


[1] Kidney Disease:Improving Global Outcomes(KDIGO) CKD Work Group.KDIGO 2012 clinical practice guideline for the evaluation and management of chronic kidney disease[J].Kidney Int Suppl,2013,3(1):1-150.
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[2] OJO A.Addressing the global burden of chronic kidney dis-ease through clinical and translational research[J].Trans Am Clin Climatol Assoc,2014,125(2):229-246.
Worldwide, an estimated 200 million people have chronic kidney disease (CKD). In the United States, African Americans (AAs) have a four-fold excess risk of CKD compared to non-Hispanic white people and globally, people in the low-to-middle income countries of Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa have the highest rates of CKD. Annually, more than 500,000 individuals develop end-stage renal disease (or CKD stage 5) in Sub-Saharan Africa alone and the vast majority of these patients suffer premature mortality. The health care costs and economic burden of CKD are huge and not sustainable even in advanced Western countries. A recent discovery on the role of Apolipoprotein 1 (APOL1) G1 and G2 renal risk variants in AAs has a huge potential to unravel the etiology of CKD in both AA and other black populations. Under the National Institutes of Health (NIH)-sponsored Human Heredity and Health in Africa (H3Africa) initiative, a large prospective genetic study of CKD is being conducted in 8000 participants in four African countries (Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, and Nigeria; for a total population of 320 million). This and other basic research studies in the United States could potentially shed great insight into the genetics and biologic mechanisms involved in the excess predilection of Africans and AAs to CKD.
DOI:10.1007/978-1-4471-1799-5_10      PMID:25125737      URL    
[3] 中国医师协会内分泌代谢科医师分会.2型糖尿病合并慢性肾脏病患者口服降糖药用药原则中国专家共识[J].中国糖尿病杂志,2013,21(10):865-870.
慢性肾脏病(CKD)是严重威胁人类健康的常见慢性病,病因多种多样,由糖尿病所引发的肾脏病称为糖尿病肾脏病(DKD).T2DM常合并CKD,高血糖是CKD发展的主要原因之一,降糖治疗至关重要.口服降糖药作为临床最常用的降糖手段,对于血糖控制具有重要意义.近年来,T2DM合并CKD患者中口服降糖药治疗证据不断丰富,国外糖尿病及肾脏病权威指南规范了口服降糖药的应用,但我国尚缺乏T2DM合并CKD用药指南或共识.为规范临床用药,中国医师协会内分泌代谢科医师分会组织国内的内分泌科和肾内科领域专家共同制定了本共识.对于口服降糖药在T2DM合并CKD患者的应用,参考药品说明书、近期国际指南及经典专著,如“The Kidney”[1],若缺乏用药经验,则依据从严原则,以保护医患利益.
[4] DAVIES M,CHATTERJEE S,KHUNTI K.The treatment of type 2 diabetes in the presence of renal impairment:what we should know about newer therapies[J].Clin Pharmacol,2016,8(1):61-81.
Worldwide, an estimated 200 million people have chronic kidney disease (CKD), the most common causes of which include hypertension, arteriosclerosis, and diabetes. Importantly, ~40% of patients with diabetes develop CKD, yet evidence from major multicenter randomized controlled trials shows that intensive blood glucose control through pharmacological intervention can reduce the incidence and progression of CKD. Standard therapies for the treatment of type 2 diabetes include metformin, sulfonylureas, meglitinides, thiazolidinediones, and insulin. While these drugs have an important role in the management of type 2 diabetes, only the thiazolidinedione pioglitazone can be used across the spectrum of CKD (stages 2 5) and without dose adjustment; there are contraindications and dose adjustments required for the remaining standard therapies. Newer therapies, particularly dipeptidyl peptidase-IV inhibitors, glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonists, and sodium-glucose cotransporter-2 inhibitors, are increasingly being used in the treatment of type 2 diabetes; however, a major consideration is whether these newer therapies can also be used safely and effectively across the spectrum of renal impairment. Notably, reductions in albuminuria, a marker of CKD, are observed with many of the drug classes. Dipeptidyl peptidase-IV inhibitors can be used in all stages of renal impairment, with appropriate dose reduction, with the exception of linagliptin, which can be used without dose adjustment. No dose adjustment is required for liraglutide, albiglutide, and dulaglutide in CKD stages 2 and 3, although all glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonists are currently contraindicated in stages 4 and 5 CKD. At stage 3 CKD or greater, the sodium-glucose cotransporter-2 inhibitors (dapagliflozin, canagliflozin, and empagliflozin) either require dose adjustment or are contraindicated. Ongoing trials, such as CARMELINA, MARLINA, CREDENCE, and CANVAS-R, will help determine the position of these new therapy classes and if they have renoprotective effects in patients with CKD.
DOI:10.2147/CPAA.S82008      PMID:4922775      URL    
[5] IOANNIDIS I.Diabetes treatment in patients with renal dis-ease:is the landscape clear enough?[J].World J Diabetes,2014,5(5):651-658.
Diabetes is the most important risk factors for chronic kidney disease(CKD). The risk of CKD attributable to diabetes continues to rise worldwide. Diabetic patients with CKD need complicated treatment for their metabolic disorders as well as for related comorbidities. They have to treat, often intensively, hypertension, dyslipidaemia, bone disease, anaemia, and frequently established cardiovascular disease. The treatment of hypoglycaemia in diabetic persons with CKD must tie their individual goals of glycaemia(usually less tight glycaemic control) and knowledge on the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of drugs available to a person with kidney disease. The problem is complicated from the fact that in many efficacy studies patients with CKD are excluded so data of safety and efficacy for these patients are missing. This results in fear of use by lack of evidence. Metformin is globally accepted as the first choice in practically all therapeutic algorithms for diabetic subjects. The advantages of metformin are low risk of hypoglycaemia, modest weight loss, effectiveness and low cost. Data of UKPDS indicate that treatment based on metformin results in less total as well cardiovascular mortality. Metformin remains the drug of choice for patients with diabetes and CKD provided that their estimate Glomerular Filtration Rate(eGFR) remains above 30 mL/min per square meter. For diabetic patients with eGFR between 30-60 mL/min per square meter more frequent monitoring of renal function and dose reduction of metformin is needed. The use of sulfonylureas, glinides and insulin carry a higher risk of hypoglycemia in these patients and must be very careful. Lower doses and slower titration of the dose is needed. Is better to avoid sulfonylureas with active hepatic metabolites, which are renally excreted. Very useful drugs for this group of patients emerge dipeptidyl peptidase 4 inhibitors. These drugs do not cause hypoglycemia and most of them(linagliptin is an exception) require dose reduction in various stages of renal disease.
DOI:10.4239/wjd.v5.i5.651      PMID:25317242      URL    
[6] 中华医学会糖尿病学分会.中国2型糖尿病防治指南(2013年版)[J].中国糖尿病杂志,2014,22(8):2-42.
千百年来医学不断探索,寻找治疗人类疾病的良方,探索的脚步从未停息。提高人们的生活质量,延长生命一直是医者的神圣使命。 随着经济高速发展和工业化进程的加速,生活方式的改变和老龄化进程的加速,使我国糖尿病的患病率正呈快速上升的趋势,成为继心脑血管疾病、肿瘤之后另一个严重危害人民健康的重要慢性非传染性疾病。据世界卫生组织估计,2005到2015年间中国由于糖尿病及相关心血管疾病导致的经济损失达5577亿美元。而近年的多项调查表明:无论是欧美发达国家还是发展中国家如中国,糖尿病控制状况均不容乐观。我国党和政府十分重视以糖尿病为代表的慢性非传染性疾病的防治工作,糖尿病和高血压患者的管理自2009年开始作为促进基本公共卫生服务均等化的重要措施,纳入深化医疗卫生体制改革的3年实施方案。
[7] Canadian Diabetes Association Clinical Practice Guidelines Expert Commnittee,BOOTH G,CHENG A Y.Canadian Diabetes Association.2013 clinical practice guidelines for the prevention and management of diabetes in Canada[J].Can J Diabetes,2013,37(Suppl1):S4-7.
[8] BSCPHM M L.Optimal medication dosing in patients with diabetes mellitus and chronic kidney disease[J].Can J Diabetes,2014,38(2):334-343.
Le diabète sucré est la cause principale de la néphropathie chronique (NC) au Canada. Les taux de diabète augmentent, tout comme la prévalence de la NC. Le diabète et la NC sont des maladies chroniques pour lesquelles le traitement exige de nombreux médicaments. Plusieurs des effets anticipés de ces médicaments sont altérés par les modifications physiologiques apparaissant au cours de la NC. Le fait de ne pas individualiser la posologie chez cette population peut mener à l’échec thérapeutique en raison d’une toxicité ou d’une diminution de la réponse thérapeutique. Parfois, cela pose tout un défi pour une multitude de raisons, notamment les limites des calculs disponibles pour estimer le fonctionnement rénal, les recommandations contradictoires de posologie et le manque de recommandations sur la posologie de certains médicaments. Les cliniciens soignant ces patients doivent envisager une approche de pharmacothérapie individualisée qui garantira des résultats optimaux. Plus la compréhension des cliniciens sur ces difficultés sera bonne, plus ils seront efficaces pour utiliser l’information disponible conjointement à leur jugement professionnel pour faire des changements appropriés de posologie. Cet article traite : 1) des modifications physiologiques apparaissant au cours de la NC et de leurs conséquences sur la posologie; 2) des avantages et des désavantages des divers calculs utilisés pour estimer le fonctionnement rénal; 3) des modifications pharmacocinétiques et pharmacodynamiques de certains des médicaments communément utilisés lors de diabète; 4) d’une approche d’individualisation de la posologie pour traiter cette population de patients.
DOI:10.1016/j.jcjd.2014.04.006      PMID:25284697      URL    
[9] 母义明,纪立农,宁光,.二甲双胍临床应用专家共识(2016年版)[J].中国糖尿病杂志,2016,24(10):871-884.
[10] European Medicines Agency. Novo Norm 0.5 mg tablets:summary of product characteristics[Z/OL].[2011-11-24].
[11] 广东省药学会.DPP-4抑制剂超药物说明书用法专家共识[J].药品评价,2014,11(13):10-17.
中国20岁以上人口的2型糖尿病的患病率已经达到9.7%。传统降糖药物 在2型糖尿病的防治中发挥了重要作用,但仍存在低血糖、体重增加、增加心血管风险以及药物继发失效使血糖控制进行性恶化等局限性。二肽基肽酶 -4(dipeptidyl peptidase-4, DPP-4)抑制剂是近年研发的口服降糖药,因作用机制独特、疗效确定、低血糖发生率少、对体重中性作用或轻度降低、心血管安全性良好等特点受到普遍关 注,临床应用越来越广泛。DPP-4抑制剂减少体内胰高血糖素样肽-1(glucagon-like peptide-1, GLP-1)降解而增加循环GLP-1浓度2~3倍,GLP-1通过血糖依赖性刺激胰岛β细胞分泌胰岛素,抑制胰岛α细胞分泌胰高血糖素而发挥降低血糖的 作用。
[12] 谷伟军. 不同DPP-4抑制剂在特殊人群中的用药差异[J].药品评价,2015,12(23):20-23.
[13] 杨君义. 2 型糖尿病治疗药物阿格列汀[J].医药导报,2014,33(11):1464-1467.
阿格列汀为高选择性二肽基酶-4抑制药,通过对二肽基酶-4的抑制而使胰 高血糖素样肽-1及糖依赖性胰岛素释放肽浓度增加,从而降低空腹和餐后血糖浓度。该药吸收迅速,生物利用度高,体内分布广泛,主要以原型在尿中排泄。单独 应用或与其他口服降糖药物联用,对2型糖尿病都具有较好的疗效。最常见的不良反应为鼻咽炎、头痛、上呼吸道感染等。
DOI:10.3870/yydb.2014.11.017      URL    
[14] DEACON C F.Dipeptidyl peptidase-4 inhibitors in the treatment of type 2 diabetes:a comparative review[J].Diabetes Obes Metab,2011,13(1):7-18.
The dipeptidyl peptidase (DPP)-4 inhibitors are a new class of antihyperglycaemic agents which were developed for the treatment of type 2 diabetes by rational drug design, based on an understanding of the underlying mechanism of action and knowledge of the structure of the target enzyme. Although they differ in terms of their chemistry, they are all small molecules which are orally available. There are some differences between them in terms of their absorption, distribution, metabolism and elimination, as well as in their potency and duration of action, but their efficacy, both in terms of inhibiting plasma DPP-4 activity and as antidiabetic agents, appears to be similar. They improve glycaemic control, reducing both fasting and postprandial glucose levels to lower HbA1c levels, without weight gain and with an apparently benign adverse event profile. At present, there seems to be little to distinguish between the different inhibitors in terms of their efficacy as antidiabetic agents and their safety. Long-term accumulated clinical experience will reveal whether compound-related characteristics lead to any clinically relevant differences.
DOI:10.1111/j.1463-1326.2010.01306.x      PMID:21114598      URL    
[15] GROOP P H,COOPER M E,PERKOCIC V,et al.Linagli-ptin lowers albuminuria on top of recommended standard treatment in patients with type 2 diabetes and renal dysfunction[J].Diabetes Care,2013,36(11):3460-3468.
OBJECTIVEPreclinical data suggest that linagliptin, a dipeptidyl peptidase-4 inhibitor, may lower urinary albumin excretion. The ability of linagliptin to lower albuminuria on top of renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system (RAAS) inhibition in humans was analyzed by pooling data from four similarly designed, 24-week, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, phase III trials.RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODSA pooled analysis of four completed studies identified 217 subjects with type 2 diabetes and prevalent albuminuria (defined as a urinary albumin-to-creatinine ratio [UACR] of 30-3,000 mg/g creatinine) while receiving stable doses of RAAS inhibitors. Participants were randomized to either linagliptin 5 mg/day (n = 162) or placebo (n= 55). The primary end point was the percentage change in geometric mean UACR from baseline to week 24.RESULTSUACR at week 24 was reduced by 32% (95% CI -42 to -21; P < 0.05) with linagliptin compared with 6% (95% CI -27 to +23) with placebo, with a between-group difference of 28% (95% CI -47 to -2; P = 0.0357). The between-group difference in the change in HbA(1c) from baseline to week 24 was -0.61% (-6.7 mmol/mol) in favor of linagliptin (95% CI -0.88 to -0.34% [-9.6 to -3.7 mmol/mol]; P < 0.0001). The albuminuria-lowering effect of linagliptin, however, was not influenced by race or HbA(1c) and systolic blood pressure (SBP) values at baseline or after treatment.CONCLUSIONSLinagliptin administered in addition to stable RAAS inhibitors led to a significant reduction in albuminuria in patients with type 2 diabetes and renal dysfunction. This observation was independent of changes in glucose level or SBP. Further research to prospectively investigate the renal effects of linagliptin is underway.
DOI:10.2337/dc13-0323      PMID:3816860      URL    
[16] KIM Y G,HAHN S,OH T J,et al.Differences in the glu-cose-lowering efficacy of dipeptidyl peptidase-4 inhibitors between Asian and non-Asians:a systematic review and meta-analysis[J].Diabetologia,2013,56(4):696-708.
The aim of this work was to compare the glucose-lowering efficacy of dipeptidyl peptidase-4 (DPP-4) inhibitors between Asian and non-Asian patients with type 2 diabetes.We searched MEDLINE, EMBASE, LILACS, CENTRAL, and conference proceedings. Studies were eligible if they were randomised controlled trials with a treatment duration of at least 12weeks, compared a DPP-4 inhibitor with a placebo as either monotherapy or oral combination therapy, had information on ethnicity and HbA1c values and were published or described in English. A systematic review and meta-analysis with a meta-regression analysis was conducted.Among 809 potentially relevant studies, 55 trials were included. A meta-analysis revealed that DPP-4 inhibitors lowered HbA1c to a greater extent in studies with ≥50% Asian participants (weighted mean difference [WMD] -0.92%; 95% CI -1.03, -0.82) than in studies with <50% Asian participants (WMD -0.65%; 95% CI -0.69, -0.60). The between-group difference was -0.26% (95% CI -0.36, -0.17, p65<650.001). The baseline BMI significantly correlated with the HbA1c-lowering efficacy of DPP-4 inhibitors. The RR of achieving the goal of HbA1c <7.0% (53.0mmol/mol) was higher in studies with ≥50% Asian participants (3.4 [95% CI 2.6, 4.7] vs 1.9 [95% CI 1.8, 2.0]). The fasting plasma glucose-lowering efficacy was higher with monotherapy in the Asian-dominant studies, but the postprandial glucose-lowering efficacy and changes in body weight were comparable between the two groups.DPP-4 inhibitors exhibit a better glucose-lowering efficacy in Asians than in other ethnic groups; this requires further investigation to understand the underlying mechanism, particularly in relation to BMI.
DOI:10.1007/s00125-012-2827-3      PMID:23344728      URL    
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