中国科技论文统计源期刊 中文核心期刊  
HERALD OF MEDICINE, 2018, 37(4): 444-448
doi: 10.3870/j.issn.1004-0781.2018.04.009
Molecular Mechanism and Effects of Astragaloside IV on the Interaction Between Monocytes and Renal Tubular Epithelial Cells
岳艳利, 米秀华, 沈丽萍


目的 研究单核细胞与肾小管上皮细胞在肾间质纤维化过程中相互作用的分子机制,并探讨黄芪甲苷(AS-IV)对其相互作用的影响机制。方法 利用共培养体系在体外共培养U973单核细胞与HK-2人近端肾小管上皮细胞,用黄芪甲苷进行处理,Real-time PCR法检测M1型单核细胞标志基因诱导型一氧化氮合酶(iNOs)和M2型单核细胞标志基因精氨酸酶1(Arg-1)的mRNA表达情况。用流式细胞仪检测U973细胞表面分子Toll样受体4(Toll-like receptors 4,TLR-4,又称CD284)表达,并检测黄芪甲苷对TANK 结合蛋白激酶(TBK) /干扰素调节因子 3(IRF3)信号通路mRNA和蛋白水平的影响 。结果 黄芪甲苷处理抑制了HK-2细胞刺激单核细胞发生M1转化引起的iNOs上升和Arg-1下降,同时也抑制了TLR-4的上升,并且阻断了TBK/IRF信号通路。结论 黄芪甲苷抑制肾脏纤维化的作用可能是通过阻断TBK/IRF3信号通路,抑制U973细胞TLR-4表达,抑制U973细胞发生M1型转化,最终减轻炎症因子的产生。

关键词: 黄芪甲苷 ; 单核细胞 ; 肾小管上皮细胞 ; 肾间质纤维化 ; Toll样受体4


Objective To explore the molecular mechanism of the interaction between monocytes and renal tubular epithelial cells in the process of renal interstitial fibrosis and the effects of astragaloside IV on the interaction of the two cells. Methods By using in vitro co-culture system,monocyte cells (U973) and human renal proximal tubular epithelial cells (HK-2) were cultured and treated with astragaloside IV.The mRNA expression of Arg,marker gene of M1 monocytes iNOs and M2 monocytes were tested by real-time PCR.The cell surface marker of U973 TLR-4 was detected by FACS,and the change of TBK/IRF3 signaling expression was explored through mRNA and protein level. Results Astragaloside IV treatment inhibited the increase of iNOs and the decrease of Arg-1 induced by M1 transformation in HK-2 cells stimulated monocytes.Further,the surface marker TLR-4 was also decreased and the TBK/IRF3 signaling pathway was blocked by astragaloside IV . Conclusion Astragaloside IV inhibits renal interstitial fibrosis by blocking the TBK/IRF3 signaling pathway,inhibiting M1 differentiations of U973 cell and the expression of TLR4,and then relieves the production of inflammatory factors.

Key words: Astragaloside IV ; Monocytes ; Renal proximal tubular epithelial cells ; Renal Interstitial fibrosis ; Toll-like receptors 4

肾间质纤维化(interstitial fibrosis,IF)指各种胶原蛋白以及相关分子在间质中的积累,是造成肾功能进行性丢失的主要原因,同时也是多种慢性肾脏疾病(chronic kidney disease,CKD)发展到后期成为终末期肾脏疾病(end stage renal disease,ESRD)时的共同病理学表现[1,2]。炎症反应是其主要发病机制之一,参与细胞包括免疫系统如单核巨噬细胞以及肾脏本身细胞的激活,通过连续产生和释放促纤维化细胞因子和生长因子而促进间质化的过程[3,4]。目前已有报道发现单核细胞与肾小管上皮细胞之间存在相互作用,单核细胞通过核因子κB(NF-κB)信号通路上调ICAM-1诱导肾小管上皮细胞间质转化,从而诱发肾脏纤维化[5]。在另一篇报道中发现在糖尿病肾病中TLR-4的升高与IκB/NF-κB信号通路有关[6],此外也有文献报道TLR4的下游信号通路 TBK/IRF3也参与了肾小管上皮细胞与单核细胞的相互作用[7]。黄芪甲苷(即黄芪皂苷 IV,astragoloside IV,AS-IV)是一种提取自传统中药黄芪的环阿尔廷型三萜皂苷类化合物,近年来其受到了众多学者的关注,在肾脏疾病中也有大量的研究。黄芪甲苷对多种肾损伤模型具有肾保护作用[8,9,10];黄芪甲苷还能抑制肾小管细胞分泌TGF-β1,抑制肾小管上皮细胞的间质转化和凋亡,从而减轻高糖诱导的肾小管上皮细胞损伤[11]。此外已有文献报道黄芪甲苷能够通过TLR4/NF-κB信号通路减轻肾间质纤维化[12]。但笔者未见黄芪甲苷对肾间质纤维化中肾小管上皮细胞与单核细胞之间相互作用影响的报道。因此本实验主要探究黄芪甲苷对肾间质纤维化中肾小管上皮细胞与单核细胞之间相互作用的影响及其机制。

1 材料与方法
1.1 实验试剂

细胞基础培养基:DMEM培养基(美国Gibco);RPMI1640培养基(美国Hycelone);细胞培养用血清:胎牛血清(美国introgen);流式抗体:抗人CD284抗体(英国Abcam );Western blotting抗体:抗人β-actin抗体(英国Abcam,1:5 000),抗人TBK和IRF3抗体(英国 Abcam,1:1 000),辣根过氧化物酶标记的羊抗兔二抗(美国 Proteitech,1:5 000)。 引物合成(杭州,金维智生物科技有限公司)、逆转录试剂盒QuantiTect Reverse Transcription Kit(德国Qiagen公司),荧光定量检测试剂盒(SYBR Green)(北京天根生化科技有限公司)。

1.2 实验仪器

逆转录和荧光定量PCR均为伯乐(Bio-Rad)公司PCR仪,流式检测用的是BD 流式细胞仪,蛋白免疫印迹所用的电泳槽等均为伯乐(Bio-Rad)公司,蛋白印迹使用的是上海天能科技有限公司的ECL成像仪。

1.3 细胞培养

近端肾小管上皮细胞(human proximal tubular epithelial cell line,)HK-2及起源于人组织细胞淋巴瘤单核细胞系U973细胞系均购自ATCC细胞库。HK2细胞培养于含10%新生胎牛血清(FBS),1%双抗的DMEM培养液,采用10%FBS和1%双抗的RPMI1640培养基进行U973细胞培养,每隔2~3 d更换培养液1次。共培养时,首先在6孔无菌培养板或60 mm细胞皿中接种HK2细胞,待细胞汇合度70%~80%时进行剥夺血清过夜饥饿处理,再加入U973细胞继续共培养,U973细胞的浓度约为1×106·mL-1,共培养48 h。

1.4 荧光实时定量聚合酶链式反应(Q-PCR)技术

用Trizol收集细胞总RNA,用Qiagen逆转录试剂盒进行逆转录,所得cDNA用于下一步的Q-PCR实验。Q-PCR的扩增反应根据说明书,总反应体系(20 μL)包括:2X Mix 10 μL,正向引物+反向引物 1 μL,cDNA 2 μL,去离子水补充到20 μL。PCR反应条件:预变性95 ℃3 min,然后95 ℃变性5 s,56 ℃退火10 s,72 ℃延伸15 s,共进行40个循环。内参标准使用Gapdh基因,数据采用2

表1 Q-PCR所用引物序列
Tab.1 Primer sequences of Q-PCR
基因名称 正向引物 反向引物

表1 Q-PCR所用引物序列

Tab.1 Primer sequences of Q-PCR

1.5 流式细胞仪检测TLR-4

收集U973细胞,用70 μm的滤器过滤成单细胞,无菌1%BSA-PBS清洗细胞3次,将1×106个细胞重悬到100 μL无菌1%BSA-PBS中,加入PE标记的TLR-4(CD284)抗体(1:100),PE标记的与抗体同种属来源的IgG1被作为阴性对照,冰上孵育30 min,用无菌1%BSA-PBS清洗细胞3次,重悬细胞到500 μL 1%BSA-PBS溶液中,用BD流式细胞仪进行检测,cellquest Pro 软件分析统计数据。

1.6 Western blotting检测蛋白表达

对细胞进行相应处理之后,利用胰酶消化收集细胞。总蛋白提取利用RIPA裂解液和蛋白酶抑制剂苯甲基磺酰氟(phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride,PMSF,1 mmol·L-1)冰上孵育30 min提取总蛋白,蛋白定量采用BCA法,蛋白样品在100 ℃变性10 min。然后进行聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳,其中分离胶为12%,浓缩胶为5%。电泳后用电转移仪转移到0.45 μmol·L-1的PVDF膜上,室温下用5%的脱脂奶粉在摇床上缓慢摇动封闭1 h。然后分别加入一抗(小鼠抗人TBK 、IRF3单克隆抗体 1:1 000 及β-actin 多克隆抗体 1:5 000),4 ℃过夜。第2天回收一抗,用PBST(含聚山梨酯的磷酸盐缓冲液)洗膜3次,10 min 1次,再用结合辣根过氧化酶标记的二抗 (羊抗鼠二抗,1:10 000)室温摇床孵育1 h,再洗膜3次。应用 ECL 化学发光试剂在天能ECL成像仪上成像获得蛋白条带。数据分析应用ImageJ软件进行条带灰度统计,然后所有数据以内参蛋白β-actin为标准进行统计。

1.7 统计学方法

采用Graphd Prism 6.0版软件包进行统计学处理,所有计量数据以均数±标准差(\(\overline{x}\)±s)表示,以P<0.05为差异有统计学意义。

2 结果
2.1 黄芪甲苷对HK-2细胞诱导U973细胞M1型转化的抑制作用

U973单核细胞与HK-2人近端肾小管上皮细胞培养48 h后,U973细胞M1型单核巨噬细胞标志物iNOs mRNA表达明显增加,而M2性单核巨噬细胞标志物Arg-1 mRNA表达减少,提示U973细胞正向M1型转化,黄芪甲苷处理之后由于共培养引起的U973细胞的iNOs上升和Arg下降得到了明显的抑制,见图1。

图1 黄芪甲苷处理抑制U973细胞的M1型转化(\(\overline{x}\)±s,n=3)

Fig.1 Inhibition of M1 differentiation of U973 cells treated by Astragaloside IV(\(\overline{x}\)±s,n=3)
A.mRNA expression of iNOs;B.mRNA expression of Arg-1;Gapdh was used as the internal standard,compared with U973 group,*1P<0.01,*3P<0.05;compared with U973+HK-2 group,*2P<0.05

2.2 黄芪甲苷抑制U973细胞表面TLR-4受体表达量的上升

TLR-4受体属于表达于单核巨噬细胞表面的受体,U973单核细胞与HK-2人近端肾小管上皮细胞共培养48 h,U973单核细胞表面的TLR-4受体表达明显增加,而经黄芪甲苷处理后,利用流式检测,发现共培养使得TLR-4在细胞表面的表达量百分比上升,黄芪甲苷处理能抑制该变化。见图2。

图2 黄芪甲苷抑制U973细胞表面标志物TLR-4的改变(\(\overline{x}\)±s,n=3)

Fig.2 Inhibition of TLR-4 increase of U973 cells by Astragaloside IV(\(\overline{x}\)±s,n=3)
Compared with U973 group,*1P<0.05;compared with U973+ HK-2 group,*2P<0.05

2.3 黄芪甲苷抑制TBK/IRF3信号通路


图3 Q-PCR检测mRNA变化(\(\overline{x}\)±s,n=3)

Fig.3 The mRNA expression detected by Q-PCR(\(\overline{x}\)±s,n=3)
Compared with U973 group,*1P<0.05;compared with U973+HK-2 group,*2P<0.05

图4 WB检测蛋白变化的条带图

Fig.4 Band image of proteins detected by WB

图5图4中的条带利用Image J 软件进行灰度统计后的分析图(\(\overline{x}\)±s,n=3)

Fig.5 Analysis of gray intensity on the bonds in Fig.4 by Image J saftware(\(\overline{x}\)±s,n=3)
Compared with U973 group,*1P<0.05,*3P<0.01;compared with U973+HK-2 group,*2P<0.05,*4P<0.01

3 讨论




The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.


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Type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM) is a pro-inflammatory state with increased toll-like receptor (TLR) activity. Inflammation is crucial in diabetic nephropathy (DN). We tested the effect of global deficiency of TLR4 on renal inflammation, fibrosis and podocytopathy using control (C) and streptozotocin (STZ) induced diabetic wildtype (WT) and TLR4-knockout (TLR4KO) mice. Following STZ treatment, mice were euthanized at 17weeks and plasma and kidneys collected. Compared to C, STZ-WT mice had significantly increased macrophage and TLR4 immunostaining in kidney, significant increases in MyD88, Interferon Regulatory Factor-3, NFKappaB activity, TNF-Alpha, IL-6, and MCP-1; all these were significantly decreased in the STZ-TLR4KO compared to STZ-WT mice. Compared to C, there were significant increases in fibrosis markers (collagen 4, and transforming growth factor-beta) in STZ-WT which were significantly decreased in the STZ-TLR4KO versus STZ-WT. Podocyte numbers and podocin were decreased in the STZ-WT versus C and increased in the STZ-TLR4KO mice. Global genetic deficiency of TLR4 also ameliorates renal inflammation, fibrosis and podocytopathy and could be important in DN.
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Oxidative stress and apoptosis play key role in the pathogenesis of acute kidney injury (AKI). We hypothesize that Astragaloside IV(AS-IV) prevents AKI through inhibiting oxidative stress and apoptosis. The rats were divided into sham control, saline-,vehicle-, or AS-IV-treated groups. AS-IV (2002mg/kg) was orally administered once daily to the rats for 7 consecutive days before terminating the experiments. In ischemia-induced AKI model, experimental rats were subjected to bilateral clamping of the renal arteries for 4502min, followed by reperfusion for 2402h. In contrast-induced AKI model, iopamidol (2.902g02iodine/kg) was administered intravenously into the rats. Renal function, histopathology, oxidative stress and apoptosis were evaluated in these models. Pretreatment with AS-IV significantly decreased blood urea nitrogen, serum creatinine, cystatin C and neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin levels, as well as urinary kidney injury molecule-1 level and tubular injury. AS-IV also reduced oxidative stress and tubular cell apoptosis. The p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase phosphorylation and caspase-3 activity were elevated in kidney tissues from AKI rats, accompanied by an increase in Bax expression and a decrease in Bcl-2 expression at mRNA and protein levels. These changes were prevented by AS-IV pretreatment. Therefore, AS-IV can be developed as a novel therapeutic approach to prevent AKI through targeting inhibition of oxidative stress and apoptosis pathways.
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61UUO-induce renal fibrosis and increase inflammation.61Astragaloside IV ameliorates renal fibrosis through anti-inflammatory effects.61TLR4/NF-кB signal pathways are involved in inhibiting inflammation.
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Studies on monocyte and macrophage biology and differentiation have revealed the pleiotropic activities of these cells. Macrophages are tissue sentinels that maintain tissue integrity by eliminating/repairing damaged cells and matrices. In this M2-like mode, they can also promote tumor growth. Conversely, M1-like macrophages are key effector cells for the elimination of pathogens, virally infected, and cancer cells. Macrophage differentiation from monocytes occurs in the tissue in concomitance with the acquisition of a functional phenotype that depends on microenvironmental signals, thereby accounting for the many and apparently opposed macrophage functions. Many questions arise. When monocytes differentiate into macrophages in a tissue (concomitantly adopting a specific functional program, M1 or M2), do they all die during the inflammatory reaction, or do some of them survive? Do those that survive become quiescent tissue macrophages, able to react as na07ve cells to a new challenge? Or, do monocyte-derived tissue macrophages conserve a “memory” of their past inflammatory activation? This review will address some of these important questions under the general framework of the role of monocytes and macrophages in the initiation, development, resolution, and chronicization of inflammation.
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Chronic kidney disease (CKD) has become a major health problem worldwide. This review describes the role of macrophages in CKD and highlights the importance of anti-inflammatory M2 macrophage activation in both renal fibrosis and wound healing processes. Furthermore, the mechanisms by which M2 macrophages induce renal repair and regeneration are still under debate and currently demand more attention. The M1/M2 macrophage balance is related to the renal microenvironment and could influence CKD progression. In fact, an inflammatory renal environment and M2 plasticity can be the major hurdles to establishing macrophage cell-based therapies in CKD. M2 macrophage cell-based therapy is promising if the M2 phenotype remains stable and is ‘fixed’ byin vitromanipulation. However, a greater understanding of phenotype polarization is still required. Moreover, better strategies and targets to induce reparative macrophagesin vivoshould guide future investigations in order to abate kidney diseases.
DOI:10.1093/ckj/sfw096      PMID:27994852      URL    
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关键词(key words)

Astragaloside IV
Renal proximal tubular ep...
Renal Interstitial fibros...
Toll-like receptors 4


YUE Yanli
MI Xiuhua
SHEN Liping