中国科技论文统计源期刊 中文核心期刊  
HERALD OF MEDICINE, 2018, 37(4): 465-469
doi: 10.3870/j.issn.1004-0781.2018.04.014
岳颖1,2,, 周珺1,2, 贾正平2, 李茂星2, 张汝学1,2,



关键词: 中药活性成分 ; 糖尿病 ; 肝糖代谢 ; 关键酶



1 葡萄糖激酶(glucokinase,GK)及其中药激动药


1.1 中药有效成分


1.2 中药有效部位


2 G-6-P及其中药抑制药


2.1 中药有效成分


以人参二醇皂苷为底物,用蜗牛酶转化结合效应面分析方法,成功制备人参皂苷Compound K,可有效激活腺苷一磷酸活化蛋白激酶(adenosine monophosphate activated protein kinase,AMPK)活性,抑制糖异生关键基因G-6-P的表达而抑制肝脏过度糖异生,减少内源性葡萄糖输出,降低空腹血糖[21]。小檗碱可以通过抑制线粒体作用,升高AMP/ATP值,增强AMPK的活性,间接抑制G-6-P蛋白表达量,同时抑制G-6-P的Fork head蛋白转录因子FOXO1的活性,其转录RNA也大幅度减少,不依赖胰岛素作用的抑制糖异生[10]


2.2 中药有效部位


3 磷酸烯醇式丙酮酸羧激酶(phosphoenolpyruvate carboxye kinase,PEPCK)及其中药抑制药


3.1 中药有效成分

人参皂苷Compound K可以显著抑制肝细胞肝糖异生途径关键核转录因子过氧化物酶体增殖物激活受体γ辅激活因子1α(peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor γ coactivator 1α,PGC-1α)、FOXO1、HNF4α蛋白表达,从而抑制PEPCK的活性及其蛋白表达而抑制糖异生,减少葡萄糖生成量[24]。生物碱类物质槟榔碱,其低剂量(1 mg·kg-1)可抑制PEPCK及相关的转录因子PGC-1α、FOXO1的过度表达,抑制糖异生的过度活化,发挥降糖作用[25]。小檗碱抑制线粒体作用,升高AMP/ATP值,增强AMPK的活性,间接抑制G-6-P的蛋白表达量和FOXO1的活性,大幅度减少转录RNA,抑制糖异生而不依赖于胰岛素的作用[10]。由于胰岛素抵抗可引起PEPCK基因表达异常增多。丹参提取物15,16-二氢丹参酮Ⅰ可显著改善并降低异常增多的PEPCK基因表达量[23]。益母草碱、熊果酸等均可改善高血糖下的PEPCK表达紊乱,降低PEPK的mRNA表达量来达到调节血糖的作用,而对正常状态的PEPCK的mRNA的表达无影响[9]。肉桂多酚通过抑制PEPCK的活性并抑制PEPCK的mRNA表达,抑制肝糖异生调节血糖[8]

3.2 中药有效部位


4 糖原磷酸化酶(glycogen phosphorylase,GP)及其中药抑制药



5 糖原合成酶激酶-3(glycogen synthase kinase,GSK)及其中药抑制药

GSK作为糖原合成酶(glycogen synthase,GS) 激酶,是一种丝/苏氨酸蛋白激酶,具有多种生物学作用,如:参与细胞信号转导、蛋白质合成、细胞增殖、分化、粘附和凋亡等[38]。GSK-3具有两种异构体,GSK-3α和GSK-3β。GSK-3α主要调节肝糖原合成及沉积,对肌细胞糖原代谢作用弱;在静息细胞中,GSK-3β可以使GS的丝氨酸位点磷酸化,从而抑制GS的活性,减少糖原的合成。同时胰岛素又可间接抑制GSK-3β的活性,胰岛素可通过PI3K/PKB通路使蛋白激酶B(PKB/Akt)活化和聚集,活化的PKB使GSK-3β的丝氨酸位点磷酸化后失活,阻止GSK-3对底物如真核起始因子2B(eIF2B)、GS的磷酸化,从而激活糖原合成酶,促进糖原合成[39]。GSK-3β的活性增强或异常高表达可导致胰岛素抵抗。近年来的研究中,在2型糖尿病动物模型中,GSK-3β抑制药通过增加糖原合成、抑制肝脏糖异生而减少葡萄糖输出,从而增强胰岛素敏感性并改善血糖水平。因此,GSK-3β被认为是治疗2型糖尿病新型有效靶点。

中药有效成分以乙醇为提取剂从甘草根中提取的甘草黄酮,可显著降低糖尿病肝脏组织中GSK-3β蛋白的表达量,增强肝组织的糖原合成,由此改善糖尿病的胰岛素抵抗[40]。葡萄籽提取物原矢车菊素B2( procyanidin B2) 治疗2型糖尿病可显著抑制凋亡和细胞内氧化产物的产生,同时增加GSK-3β的磷酸化[41]。白藜芦醇、石榴花酚及玉米须多糖皆可影响GSK-3β的活性,以此来达到降低血糖的目的[24,42-43]。牡丹皮被广泛用于糖尿病的治疗,在高糖诱导的胰岛素抵抗HepG2 细胞模型中,牡丹皮提取物中的多种化合物均可以通过AMPK通路来影响磷酸化GSK-3β,同时抑制G-6-P的活性,增加肝细胞葡萄糖摄取和糖原合成,改善胰岛素抵抗的症状[44]。肝脏糖代谢相关酶所涉及的中药分类见表1。

表1 影响肝脏糖代谢相关酶所涉及的中药分类
治疗糖尿病的机制 酶激动药或抑制药类型
提取物及单体化合物 单味中药
激动GK活性 多糖类:地黄寡糖[5]、麦冬多糖[7]、薏仁多糖[15]、茶多 山药[26]、枸杞[26]、山萸肉[26]、地黄[14]、麦冬[16]、薏仁[15]
[27];酚苷:肉桂多酚[8];碱:小檗碱[10]、益母草碱[9] 苦丁茶[11]、桂皮[16]、凤丹皮[12]、蚕蛹油[13]、芦荟[14]
抑制G-6-P活性 酚苷:黄芪甲苷[19]、栀子苷[23]、肉桂多酚[8]、人参皂 桑枝皮[20]、栎精[28]、桦褐孔菌[29]、黄芪[19]、凤丹皮[12]
[21];碱:小檗碱[10]、益母草碱[9]、槟榔碱[25]、胡芦巴 丹参[23]、益母草[16]、槟榔[22]、胡芦巴[26]、酸枣仁叶、
[26];醇类:白藜芦醇[29] 苦丁茶[14]
抑制PEPCK活性 酚苷:人参皂苷[21]、肉桂多酚[15];碱:小檗碱[17]、槟榔 桑枝皮[2]、生山楂[37]、桦褐孔菌[33]、槟榔[22]
[22]、益母草碱 [35];酸:熊果酸[40];醇类:白藜芦醇[29]
抑制GP活性 酚苷:黄芪甲苷[19]、栀子苷[24];酸:齐墩果酸[34]、阿江揽 黄芪[19]、大花紫薇、橄榄、山楂[35]、番石榴[35]、常春藤[32]
仁酸[34]、没食子酸[35]、常春藤酮酸[34]、熊果酸[40]、科 苦瓜[33]
抑制GSK-3β活性 酚苷:石榴花酚[42];醇类:白藜芦醇[24];多糖:玉米须多 车前子、牡丹皮[44]、葡萄籽[41]、石榴花[42]、玉米须[43]、甘
[43];酮类:甘草黄酮[40] [40]

表1 影响肝脏糖代谢相关酶所涉及的中药分类

6 结束语



The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.


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Fenugreek and its active compound diosgenin are ancient herbal medicines recommended by the World Health Organization. In this study, the effect of diosgenin on changes in carbohydrate metabolic enzymes and glycogen content in muscle and kidneys of streptozotocin-induced diabetes rats were evaluated. Diabetes was induced in male albino Wistar rats by intraperitoneal administration of streptozotocin. The diosgenin at different doses (15, 30 and 60 mg/kg body weight) was administered orally to normal and streptozotocin-diabetic rats for 45 days. Streptozotocin intoxication led to a significant increase (p<0.05) in blood glucose and a decrease in insulin levels. The carbohydrate metabolic enzymes and glycogen content were also altered. The daily oral administration of diosgenin at different doses (15, 30 and 60 mg/kg body weight) to diabetic rats for 45 days resulted a significant (p<0.05) decline in blood glucose level and a significant increase in plasma insulin level. The altered activities of carbohydrate metabolic key enzymes in muscle and kidneys of diabetic rats were significantly (p<0.05) reverted to near normal level by the administration of diosgenin. The obtained results were compared with glibenclamide, a standard oral hypoglycemia drug. The modulatory effects of diosgenin on attenuating the activities of carbohydrate metabolic enzymes afford a promise for persistent use for the treatment of diabetes in the future, even though clinical studies to evaluate this possibility may be warranted.
DOI:10.1016/j.jcjd.2014.02.004      PMID:24993510      URL    
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Abstract Sterol regulatory element-binding protein-1 (SREBP-1) is a key transcription factor that regulates genes in the de novo lipogenesis and glycolysis pathways. The levels of SREBP-1 are significantly elevated in obese patients and in animal models of obesity and type 2 diabetes, and a vast number of studies have implicated this transcription factor as a contributor to hepatic lipid accumulation and insulin resistance. However, its role in regulating carbohydrate metabolism is poorly understood. Here we have addressed whether SREBP-1 is needed for regulating glucose homeostasis. Using RNAi and a new generation of adenoviral vector, we have silenced hepatic SREBP-1 in normal and obese mice. In normal animals, SREBP-1 deficiency increased Pck1 and reduced glycogen deposition during fed conditions, providing evidence that SREBP-1 is necessary to regulate carbohydrate metabolism during the fed state. Knocking SREBP-1 down in db/db mice resulted in a significant reduction in triglyceride accumulation, as anticipated. However, mice remained hyperglycemic, which was associated with up-regulation of gluconeogenesis gene expression as well as decreased glycolysis and glycogen synthesis gene expression. Furthermore, glycogen synthase activity and glycogen accumulation were significantly reduced. In conclusion, silencing both isoforms of SREBP-1 leads to significant changes in carbohydrate metabolism and does not improve insulin resistance despite reducing steatosis in an animal model of obesity and type 2 diabetes.
DOI:10.1074/jbc.M113.541110      PMID:3937627      URL    
[4] 韩向晖,季光.肝脏糖异生的分子机制研究进展[C].第二十次全国中西医结合消化系统疾病学术会议暨消化疾病诊治进展学习班论文汇编,2008:3659-3665.
[5] 张汝学,贾正平,刘景龙,.地黄寡糖对2型糖尿病大鼠肝脏糖代谢关键酶活性及基因表达的影响[J].中草药,2012,43(2):1184-1187.
目的通过研究地黄寡糖对2型糖尿病大鼠肝脏糖代谢关键酶活性和基因表达的影响,揭示地黄寡糖治疗糖尿病的机制。方法 Wistar雌性大鼠以高脂饲料喂养2月后,一次性ip链脲佐菌素(STZ)30 mg/kg诱发大鼠2型糖尿病。7 d后大鼠分为模型组、地黄寡糖低和高剂量(100、200 mg/kg)组、二甲双胍阳性对照组,每天ig给药1次,连续4周,另设对照组。给药4周后处死大鼠,取肝脏检测肝糖原的量及葡萄糖激酶(GK)和葡萄糖-6-脱氢酶(G-6-Pase)活性,用RT-PCR技术检测GK和G-6-Pase基因表达。结果与模型组相比,地黄寡糖能显著增加肝糖原的量(P0.01),增强GK活性(P0.01)和基因表达(P0.05),减弱G-6-Pase活性(P0.01)及其基因表达(P0.05)。结论地黄寡糖可能通过改善糖尿病大鼠肝糖代谢关键酶活性及基因表达发挥治疗糖尿病作用。
[6] 雷蕾,刘泉,申竹芳.以葡萄糖激酶为靶点的2型糖尿病药物研究现状[J].中国新药杂志,2011,20(3):213-218.
[7] 肖作奇. 湖北麦冬多糖质量控制与抗糖尿病活性研究[D].武汉:华中科技大学,2014:1-120.
[8] 徐洁,钟丽娟.肉桂对2型糖尿病大鼠肝糖原、肌糖原的影响[J].中国中医药科技,2007,14(3):171-172.
目的:观察肉桂对2型糖尿病大鼠肝糖原、肌糖原的影响,探讨其改 善胰岛素抵抗的机理.方法:采用小剂量静脉注射STZ并喂养高热量饮食办法建立动物模型.动物分为糖尿病组、糖尿病肉桂治疗组和正常对照组.糖尿病肉桂治 疗组大鼠喂药2周,检测各不同处理组空腹血糖、葡萄糖耐量、血胰岛素、肝糖原、肌糖原的水平.结果:糖尿病组大鼠与正常组大鼠肝糖原相比显著下降 (P<0.01),同时肌糖原也明显下降(P<0.05).而糖尿病肉桂治疗组大鼠肝糖原、肌糖原与糖尿病组大鼠相比皆明显增加(P<0.05).结论: 肉桂可以增加2型糖尿病大鼠肝糖原、肌糖原储存量,从而提高外周组织对葡萄糖的利用,改善2型糖尿病大鼠的胰岛素抵抗.
[9] 黄慧.益母草碱(SCM-198)对2型糖尿病治疗作用的初步研究及其可能的机制探讨[D].上海:复旦大学,2011:29-35.
[10] XIA X,YAN J,SHEN Y et al.Berberine improves glucose metabolism in diabetic rats by inhibition of hepatic gluconeogenesis[J].PLoS One,2011,6(2):e16556.
Berberine (BBR) is a compound originally identified in a Chinese herbal medicine Huanglian (Coptis chinensis French). It improves glucose metabolism in type 2 diabetic patients. The mechanisms involve in activation of adenosine monophosphate activated protein kinase (AMPK) and improvement of insulin sensitivity. However, it is not clear if BBR reduces blood glucose through other mechanism. In this study, we addressed this issue by examining liver response to BBR in diabetic rats, in which hyperglycemia was induced in Sprague-Dawley rats by high fat diet. We observed that BBR decreased fasting glucose significantly. Gluconeogenic genes, Phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase (PEPCK) and Glucose-6-phosphatase (G6Pase), were decreased in liver by BBR. Hepatic steatosis was also reduced by BBR and expression of fatty acid synthase (FAS) was inhibited in liver. Activities of transcription factors including Forkhead transcription factor O1 (FoxO1), sterol regulatory element-binding protein 1c (SREBP1) and carbohydrate responsive element-binding protein (ChREBP) were decreased. Insulin signaling pathway was not altered in the liver. In cultured hepatocytes, BBR inhibited oxygen consumption and reduced intracellular adenosine triphosphate (ATP) level. The data suggest that BBR improves fasting blood glucose by direct inhibition of gluconeogenesis in liver. This activity is not dependent on insulin action. The gluconeogenic inhibition is likely a result of mitochondria inhibition by BBR. The observation supports that BBR improves glucose metabolism through an insulin-independent pathway.
DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0016556      PMID:21304897      URL    
[11] 徐梓辉,周世文,黄林清,.薏苡仁多糖对实验性2型糖尿病大鼠胰岛素抵抗的影响[J].中国糖尿病杂志,2002,10(1):44-48 .
目的观察薏苡仁多糖对实验性2型糖尿病大鼠胰岛素抵抗的影响.方法用小剂量链脲佐菌素(25mg/kg,iv)加高热量饲料(热卡:20.083J/g)建立实验性2型糖尿病大鼠模型,然后用薏苡仁多糖分三个剂量组(25、50、1 00mg/kg,ip)给药治疗2周,并测定葡萄糖耐量,血浆胰岛素以及肝糖原、肌糖原、肝细胞膜胰岛素受体结合率和肝葡萄糖激酶活性.结果薏苡仁多糖能改善实验性2型糖尿病大鼠糖耐量异常,增加肝糖原量和肝葡萄糖激酶活性,且呈现一定的量效关系.但对血浆胰岛素水平及胰岛素受体最大结合率和受体最大结合容量均无影响.结论薏苡仁多糖能够改善实验性2型糖尿病大鼠胰岛素抵抗,这可能与其调节糖代谢酶的活性有关.
[12] 彭晓辉. 海南苦丁茶提取物对二型糖尿病小鼠降血糖作用及其机制的研究[D].武汉:湖北中医药大学,2013:1-56.
[13] 王松笛. 凤丹皮降血糖的活性成分研究[D].武汉:湖北中医药大学,2012:1-45.
[14] 谢园沁,陈伟平,胡嘉磊.蚕蛹油对糖尿病大鼠血糖和糖代谢相关酶的影响[J].中草药,2012,43(6):1136-1141.
目的研究蚕蛹油对链脲佐菌素(STZ)诱导的糖尿病大鼠血糖及糖代谢相关酶的影响。方法 SD大鼠以STZ诱导糖尿病模型,大鼠按血糖随机分成6组:模型组,蚕蛹油低、中、高剂量(4.5、6.0、7.5 mL/kg)组,二甲双胍(90 mg/kg)阳性对照组和亚麻籽油(6.0 mL/kg)阳性对照组,另设对照组。各给药组每天ig给药1次,连续4周,对照组和模型组ig生理盐水。每天测大鼠饮食量和饮水量1次,每周末测大鼠体质量和血糖水平,4周后检测大鼠肝脏中己糖激酶(HK)、丙酮酸激酶(PK)以及小肠黏膜中的麦芽糖酶、蔗糖酶、淀粉酶的活性,并进行淀粉耐量检测。结果蚕蛹油各给药组糖尿病大鼠血糖水平呈下降趋势,并呈剂量相关性,HK、PK、麦芽糖酶、蔗糖酶、淀粉酶活性与模型组相比均具有显著差异(P〈0.05),且大鼠血糖水平与HK、PK、麦芽糖酶、蔗糖酶、淀粉酶活性的相关性显著(P〈0.000 1)。淀粉耐量检测显示,蚕蛹油各给药组大鼠血糖峰值和曲线下面积显著下降(P〈0.05)。结论蚕蛹油剂量相关地抑制STZ诱导的大鼠血糖升高,抑制α-葡萄糖苷酶活性,提高HK、PK活性可能是其降血糖作用机制之一。
[15] 万金志,张军丽,乔悦昕,.芦荟抗糖尿病作用的研究进展[J].中国新药杂志,2005,14(12):1407-1410.
[16] 褚伟,祁友松,张雯娟.丁香等中药对 2 型糖尿病大鼠糖代谢的影响[J].中国医院药学杂志,2006,26(12):1472-1475.
[17] KUMAR M,RAWAT P,KHAN M F,et al.Phenolic glycosides from dodecadeniagrandiflora and their glucose-6-phosphatase inhibitory activity[J].Fitoterapia,2010,81(6):475-479.
Three new compounds were isolated from D. grandiflora leaves, these compounds exhibited significant glucose-6-phosphatase inhibitory activity.
DOI:10.1016/j.fitote.2010.01.011      PMID:20079814      URL    
[18] LEONID K,MANAMLEY N,SNYDER W,et al.AMG 151 (ARRY-403),a novel glucokinase activator,decreases fasting and postprandial glycemia in patients with type 2 diabetes[J].Diabetes Obes Metab,2015,18:245-252.
Phase I studies have shown that AMG 151 activates glucokinase, a key enzyme in glucose homeostasis. The present randomized, placebo-controlled phase IIa study evaluated the dose–effect relationship of the glucokinase activator AMG 151 relative to placebo on fasting plasma glucose (FPG) in 236 patients (33–35 patients per arm) with type 2 diabetes treated with metformin. Patients received oral AMG 151 at 50, 100 or 20065mg twice daily, AMG 151 at 100, 200 or 40065mg once daily or matching placebo for 2865days. A significant linear dose–effect trend was observed with the twice-daily regimen (p65=650.004) for change in FPG to day6528. No trend was observed with the once-daily regimen. A higher incidence of hypoglycaemia and hypertriglyceridaemia was observed with AMG 151 administration. AMG 151 significantly reduced FPG when administered twice daily but not when administered once daily in patients with type 2 diabetes treated with metformin.
DOI:10.1111/dom.12586      PMID:26434934      URL    
[19] LYU L,WU S Y,WANG G F,et al.Effect of astragaloside IV on hepatic glucose-regulating enzymes in diabetic mice induced by a high-fat diet and streptozotocin[J].Phytother Res,2010,24(2) :219-223.
Abstract Aim: Hepatic glycogen phosphorylase (GP) and glucose-6-phosphatase (G6Pase) are important in control of blood glucose homeostasis, and are considered to be potential targets for antidiabetic drugs. Astragaloside IV has been reported to have a hypoglycemic effect. However, the biochemical mechanisms by which astragaloside IV regulates hepatic glucose-metabolizing enzymes remain unknown. The present study examines whether GP and G6Pase mediate the hypoglycemic effect of astragaloside IV. Methods: Type 2 diabetic mice were treated with astragaloside IV for 2 weeks. Blood glucose and insulin levels were measured by a glucometer and the ELISA method, respectively. Total cholesterol (TC) and triglyceride (TG) levels were determined using Labassay TM kits. Activities of hepatic GP and G6Pase were measured by the glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase-coupled reaction. The mRNA and protein levels of both enzymes were determined by real-time RT-PCR and Western blotting. Results: Astragaloside IV at 25 and 50鈥塵g/kg significally decreased the blood glucose, TG and insulin levels, and inhibited the mRNA and protein expression as well as enzyme activity of GP and G6Pase in diabetic mice. Conclusions: Astragaloside IV exhibited a hypoglycemic effect in diabetic mice. The hypoglycemic effect of this compound may be explained, in part, by its inhibition of hepatic GP and G6Pase activities. Copyright 漏 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
DOI:10.1002/ptr.2915      PMID:19610026      URL    
[20] 房蒙. 桑树枝条韧皮部提取物的体内降血糖作用及其机制探讨[D].苏州:苏州大学,2013:1-66.
[21] 李伟. 人参皂苷Compound K对2型糖尿病的降血糖作用及肝糖异生信号转导通路调控[D].长春:吉林大学,2012:1-127.
[22] 姚起鑫. 槟榔碱通过CAR、PXR改善高糖诱导的2型糖尿病大鼠肝糖代谢紊乱[D].衡阳:南华大学,2010:1-48.
[23] LIU Q,YU Z,LIN Z,et al.Danshen extract 15,16-dihydrotanshinone I functions as a potential modulator against metabolic syndrome through multi-target pathways[J].J Steroid Biochem,2010,120(4/5):155-163.
Hypertension is a common complication of type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM), and is the main cause for T2DM-associated mortality. Although the stringent control of blood pressure is known to be beneficial in reducing the cardiovascular mortality of T2DM patients, drugs with both anti-hypertensive and anti-hyperglycemic effects are seldom reported. The traditional Chinese medicine danshen has long been used for lowering both blood pressure and blood glucose in T2DM patients, shedding lights on the development of such medication. However, the molecular mechanism and active component remain unclear. Here, we report that the lipophilic component, 15,16-dihydrotanshinone I (DHTH) from danshen potently antagonized both mineralocorticoid and glucocorticoid receptors, and efficiently inhibited the expression of their target genes like Na+/K+ ATPase, glucose 6-phosphatase (G6Pase), and phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase (PEPCK). In addition, DHTH increased AMPK伪 phosphorylation and regulated its downstream pathways, including increasing acetyl-CoA carboxylase (ACC) phosphorylation, inhibiting transducer of regulated CREB activity 2 (TORC2) translocation and promoting glucose uptake. Such discovered multi-target effects of DHTH are expected to have provided additional understandings on the molecular basis of the therapeutic effects of danshen against the metabolic syndrome.
DOI:10.1016/j.jsbmb.2010.03.090      PMID:20380878      URL    
[24] WU S Y,WANG G F,LIU Z Q,et al.Effect of geniposide,a hypoglycemic glucoside,on hepatic regulating enzymes in diabetic mice induced by a high-fat diet and Streptozotocin[J].Acta Pharmacol Sin,2009,30(2):202-207.
DOI:10.1038/aps.2008.17      PMID:4002460      URL    
[25] PARI L,SANKARANARAYANAN C.Beneficial effects of thymoquinone on hepatic key enzymes in Streptozotocin-nicotinamide induced diabetic rats[J].Life Sci,2009,85(s23-26):830-834.
The present study was designed to evaluate the antihyperglycemic potential of thymoquinone (TQ), major constituent of Nigella sativa seeds on the activities of key enzymes of carbohydrate metabolism in streptozotocin (STZ)-nicotinamide (NA)-induced diabetic rats. Diabetes was induced in experimental rats weighing 180鈥220 g, by a single intraperitoneal (i.p) injection of STZ (45 mg/kg b.w), 15 min after the i.p administration of NA (110 mg/kg b.w). Diabetic rats were administered TQ intragastrically at 20, 40, 80 mg/kg b.w for 45 days. The levels of plasma glucose, insulin, glycated hemoglobin (HbA 1C) and hemoglobin (Hb) were measured. The activities of hexokinase, glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase, glucose 6-phosphatase and fructose 1,6-bisphosphatase were assayed in liver homogenates. Oral administration of TQ for 45 days, dose dependently improved the glycemic status in STZ-NA induced diabetic rats. The levels of insulin, Hb increased with significant decrease in glucose and HbA 1C levels. The altered activities of carbohydrate metabolic enzymes were restored to near normal. No significant changes were noticed in normal rats treated with TQ. These results show that TQ at 80 mg/kg b.w is associated with beneficial changes in hepatic enzyme activities and thereby exerts potential antihyperglycemic effects.
DOI:10.1016/j.lfs.2009.10.021      PMID:19903489      URL    
[26] YOSHINARI O,IGARASHI K.Anti-diabetic effect of trigonelline and nicotinic acid,on KK-A(y) mice[J].Curr Med Chem,2010,17(20):2196-2202.
Trigonelline (TRG) and nicotinic acid (NA), in which the former but not the latter improved the blood glucose level in the oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) in Goto-Kakizaki (GK) rats were tested for anti-diabetic effects in mellitus models of KK-Ay obese mice that had type 2 diabetes. <br/> Blood glucose level in OGTT carried out on day 22-23 was lowered after feeding in mice fed TRG and NA than that of the control mice not fed these compounds, indicating that both TRG and NA have sufficient activity to improve glucose tolerance in diabetes with obesity. The serum insulin levels at fasting showed significantly lower levels in mice fed TRG, and a lower tendency in mice fed NA, compared with the control mice. The triglyceride (TG) levels in the liver and adipose tissue in mice fed TRG and NA showed lower values or a lower tendency than those of the control mice, indicating that TRG and NA were also effective to improve the changes in lipid levels accompanied with diabetes. Higher values or a higher tendency of the glucokinase (GLK) / glucose-6-phosphatase (G6Pase) ratio in the liver and lower levels of the serum tumor necrosis factor (TNF) -脦卤 in the TRG- and NA-fed mice, compared to the control mice, suggested that the regulation of GLK and G6Pase, and TNF-脦卤 production by TRG and NA are closely related in suppressing the progression of diabetes in the KK-Ay mice.
DOI:10.2174/092986710791299902      PMID:20423301      URL    
[27] 芮莉莉,萧建中,程义勇.茶多糖对2型糖尿病小鼠降糖作用研究[J].中日友好医院学报,2005,19(2):93-96.
目的:探讨茶多糖对2型糖尿病小鼠的降血糖作用及其机制.方法:将KK-Ay 2型糖尿病小鼠随机分为高、中、低3个剂量组和对照组,分别以等体积的50、100、150 mg/kg/d的茶多糖和生理盐水连续灌胃8周.4周末时检测各组小鼠的糖耐量,8周末时测其空腹血糖、胰岛素、果糖胺、血脂以及肝糖原等指标.结果:4周末时高剂量组小鼠的葡萄糖耐量得到显著改善(P<0.01),至第8周时,中、高剂量组血糖、血清胰岛素、血清甘油三酯和果糖胺水平均较对照组显著降低(P<0.05,P<0.01),肝糖原显著升高(P<0.01).结论:茶多糖可有效降低KK-Ay糖尿病小鼠的血糖水平,并对糖代谢、脂质代谢有改善作用,提示其作用机理可能与增加胰岛素的敏感性有关.
[28] 孙颖,刘德敏,赵慧茹,.栎精对葡萄糖-6-磷酸酶基因表达及活性的影响[J].天津医药,2007,35(12):918-920.
[29] 常影. 桦褐孔菌在2型糖尿病大鼠对传导通路的影响[D].延吉:延边大学,2013:1-47.
[30] SOARES A F,CARVALHO R A,VEIGA F J,et al.Restoration of direct pathway glycogen synthesis flux in the STZ-diabetes rat model by insulin administration[J].Am J Physiol-Endoc M,2012,303(7):875-885.
Abstract Type 1 diabetes subjects are characterized by impaired direct pathway synthesis of hepatic glycogen that is unresponsive to insulin therapy. Since it is not known whether this is an irreversible defect of insulin-dependent diabetes, direct and indirect pathway glycogen fluxes were quantified in streptozotocin (STZ)-induced diabetic rats and compared with STZ rats that received subcutaneous or intraperitoneal insulin (I-SC or I-IP). Three groups of STZ rats were studied at 18 days post-STZ treatment. One group was administered I-SC and another I-IP as two daily injections of short-acting insulin at the start of each light and dark period for days 9-18. A third group did not receive any insulin, and a fourth group of nondiabetic rats was used as control. Glycogen synthesis via direct and indirect pathways, de novo lipogenesis, and gluconeogenesis were determined over the nocturnal feeding period using deuterated water. Direct pathway was residual in STZ rats, and glucokinase activity was also reduced significantly from control levels. Insulin administration restored both net glycogen synthesis via the direct pathway and glucokinase activity to nondiabetic control levels and improved the lipogenic pathway despite an inefficient normalization of the gluconeogenic pathway. We conclude that the reduced direct pathway flux is not an irreversible defect of insulin-dependent diabetes.
DOI:10.1152/ajpendo.00161.2012      PMID:22850684      URL    
[31] 杨秋香. 当归多糖对2型糖尿病预防及治疗作用的初步研究[D].武汉:华中科技大学,2013:1-99.
[32] RASINENI K,BELLAMKONDA R,SINGAREDDY S R,et al.Antihyperglycemic activity of Catharanthusroseus leaf powder in Streptozotocin-induced diabetic rat[J].Pharmacognosy Res,2010,2(3) :195-197.
DOI:10.4103/0974-8490.65523      URL    
[33] SEKAR D S,SIVAGNANAM K S.Antidiabetic activity of Momordicacharantia seeds on Streptozotocin induced diabetic rats[J].Pharmazie,2005,60(5):383-387.
[34] WEN X A,LIU J,ZHANG L Y,et al.Synthesis and biological evaluation of arjunolic acid,bayogenin,hederagonic acid and 4-epihederagonic acid as glycogen phosphorylase inhibitors[J].Chin J Nat Med,2010,8(6):441-448.
AIM: To study glycogen phosphorylase inhibitory activity of natural pentacyclic triterpenes bearing 23-hydroxy or 24-hydroxy. METHODS: Arjunolic acid, bayogenin, hederagonic acid and 4-epi-hederagonic acid were synthesized from oleanolic acid as the starting material and biologically evaluated as glycogen phosphorylase inhibitors. RESULTS: Arjunolic acid, bayogenin, hederagonic acid and 4-epi-hederagonic acid were successfully semi-synthesized by multiple steps. The synthesis of arjunolic acid was via 11 steps in about 10% overall yield, and bayogenin via 14 steps in about 12% overall yield. Biological evaluation indicated that arjunolic acid, bayogenin, hederagonic acid and 4-epi-hederagonic acid showed moderate potency of glycogen phosphorylase inhibition with IC50 of 53-103 渭mol路L?1. CONCLUSION: Arjunolic acid, bayogenin, hederagonic acid and 4-epi-hederagonic acid are gly-cogen phosphorylase inhibitors with moderate potency. Insert of 23-hydroxy or 24-hydroxy to oleanane skeleton has a tendency to be unfavorable to GP inhibition.
DOI:10.1016/S1875-5364(11)60006-X      URL    
[35] PUNITHAVATHI V R,PRINCE P S M,KUMAR R,et al.Antihyperglycaemic,antilipidperoxidative and antioxidant effects of gallic acid on Streptozotocin induced diabetic Wistar rats[J].Eur J Pharmacol,2011,650(1):465-471.
The present study aims to evaluate the antihyperglycaemic, antilipid peroxidative and antioxidant effects of gallic acid on streptozotocin induced diabetic male Wistar rats. To induce diabetes mellitus, rats were injected with streptozotocin intraperitoneally at a single dose of 4002mg/kg. Streptozotocin induced diabetic rats showed significant ( P 02<020.05) increase in the levels of blood glucose, glycosylated haemoglobin and significant ( P 02<020.05) decrease in the levels of plasma insulin, body weight and total haemoglobin. Diabetic rats also showed significant ( P 02<020.05) decrease in the activity of hepatic hexokinase and significant ( P 02<020.05) increase in the activities of glucose-6-phosphatase and fructose-1, 6-bisphosphatase. The pancreatic thiobarbituric acid reactive substances and lipid hydroperoxides were significantly ( P 02<020.05) increased and the activities of pancreatic superoxide dismutase, catalase and glutathione peroxidase were significantly ( P 02<020.05) decreased in diabetic rats. Oral treatment with gallic acid (10 and 2002mg/kg) daily for a period of 2102days showed significant ( P 02<020.05) protective effects on all the biochemical parameters studied. Histopathology of pancreas confirmed the protective effects of gallic acid in diabetic rats. In vitro study also revealed the potent antioxidant effect of gallic acid. Thus, the study shows the antihyperglycaemic, antilipid peroxidative and antioxidant effects of gallic acid on streptozotocin induced diabetic rats. The effect exerted by 20mg/kg body weight of gallic acid was more effective than 1002mg/kg body weight of gallic acid.
DOI:10.1016/j.ejphar.2010.08.059      PMID:20863784      URL    
[36] WU S Y,WANG G F,LIU Z Q,et al.Effect of geniposide,a hypoglycemic glucoside,on hepatic regulating enzymes in diabetic mice induced by a high-fat diet and Streptozotocin[J].Acta Pharmacol Sin,2009,30(2):202-208.
DOI:10.1038/aps.2008.17      PMID:4002460      URL    
[37] LIU J,WANG X,CHEN Y P,et al.Maslinic acid modulates glycogen metabolism by enhancing the insulin signaling pathway and inhibiting glycogen phosphorylase[J].Chin J Nat Med,2014,12(4):259-265.
[38] KIM J J Y,TAN Y,XIAO L,et al.Green tea polyphenol epigallocatechin-3-gallate enhance glycogen synthesis and inhibit lipogenesis in hepatocytes[J].Biomed Res Int,2013,2013(3):920128-920129.
The beneficial effects of green tea polyphenols (GTP) against metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes by suppressing appetite and nutrient absorption have been well reported. However the direct effects and mechanisms of GTP on glucose and lipid metabolism remain to be elucidated. Since the liver is an important organ involved in glucose and lipid metabolism, we examined the effects and mechanisms of GTP on glycogen synthesis and lipogenesis in HepG2 cells. Concentrations of GTP containing 68% naturally occurring (???)-epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG) were incubated in HepG2 cells with high glucose (30???mM) under 100???nM of insulin stimulation for 24???h. GTP enhanced glycogen synthesis in a dose-dependent manner. 10?????M of EGCG significantly increased glycogen synthesis by 2fold (P<0.05) compared with insulin alone. Western blotting revealed that phosphorylation of Ser9 glycogen synthase kinase 3?? and Ser641 glycogen synthase was significantly increased in GTP-treated HepG2 cells compared with nontreated cells. 10?????M of EGCG also significantly inhibited lipogenesis (P<0.01). We further demonstrated that this mechanism involves enhanced expression of phosphorylated AMP-activated protein kinase ?? and acetyl-CoA carboxylase in HepG2 cells. Our results showed that GTP is capable of enhancing insulin-mediated glucose and lipid metabolism by regulating enzymes involved in glycogen synthesis and lipogenesis.
DOI:10.1155/2013/920128      PMID:3771263      URL    
[39] KIM K M,LEE K S,LEE G Y,et al.Anti-diabetic efficacy of KICG1338,a novel glycogen synthase kinase-3β inhibitor,and its molecular characterization in animal models of type 2 diabetes and insulin resistance[J].Mol Cell Endocrinol,2015,11(3):4-21.
Selective inhibition of glycogen synthase kinase-3 (GSK3) has been targeted as a novel therapeutic strategy for diabetes mellitus. We investigated the anti-diabetic efficacy and molecular mechanisms of KICG1338 (2-(4-fluoro-phenyl)-3 H -imidazo[4,5-b]pyridine-7-carboxylic acid(4-methyl-pyridin-3-yl)-amide), a GSK3尾 inhibitor, in three animal models: Otsuka Long-Evans Tokushima Fatty (OLETF) rats, leptin receptors-deficient db / db mice, and diet-induced obese (DIO) mice. Biochemical parameters including glucose tolerance tests and gene expressions associated with glucose metabolism were investigated. Glucose excursion decreased significantly by KICG1338-treated OLETF rats, accompanied by increase in insulin receptor substrate-1 and glucose transporter (GLUT)-4 expressions in muscle and decreased GLUT-2 expression in liver. Glucose-lowering effects were similarly observed in KICG1338-treated db / db and DIO mice. KICG1338 treatment increased adiponectin levels and decreased TNF-伪 levels. KICG1338 therapy also led to greater 尾-cell preservation and less hepatic fat infiltration with decreased expressions of genes involved in inflammation and endoplasmic reticulum stress. These data demonstrate anti-diabetic efficacy of KICG1338, a novel GSK3尾 inhibitor.
DOI:10.1016/j.mce.2015.03.011      PMID:25802191      URL    
[40] 金鑫,赵海燕,马永平.甘草黄酮对2型糖尿病大鼠肝脏中GSK-3β蛋白表达的影响[J].天然产物研究与开发,2014,26(3):419-422.
[41] JANG S M,KIM M J,CHOI M S,et al.Inhibitory effects of ursolic acid on hepatic polyol pathway and glucose production in Streptozotocin-induced diabetic mice[J].Metabolism,2010,59(4):512-519.
The effects of ursolic acid on the polyol pathway and glucose homeostasis鈥搑elated metabolism were examined in the livers of streptozotocin (STZ)-induced diabetic mice fed a high-fat (37% calories from fat) diet for 4 weeks. Male mice were divided into nondiabetic, diabetic control, and diabetic鈥搖rsolic acid (0.05% wt/wt) groups. Diabetes was induced by the injection of STZ (200 mg/kg body weight, intraperitoneally). Although an ursolic acid supplement lowered the blood glucose level, it did not affect the plasma leptin and adiponectin levels. The present study shows that the blood glucose levels have a positive correlation with the hepatic sorbitol dehydrogenase activities ( r = 0.39, P < .05). Ursolic acid significantly inhibited sorbitol dehydrogenase activity as well as aldose reductase activity in the liver. The supplementation of ursolic acid significantly increased glucokinase activity, while decreasing glucose-6-phosphatase activity in the livers of STZ-induced diabetic mice. Ursolic acid significantly elevated the hepatic glycogen content compared with the diabetic control group. Supplementation with ursolic acid significantly lowered the plasma total cholesterol, free fatty acid, and triglyceride concentrations compared with the diabetic control group, whereas it normalized hepatic triglyceride concentration. A negative correlation was found between the hepatic triglyceride concentration and blood glucose levels ( r = 鈭0.50, P < .01) in regard to insulin-dependent diabetic mice. The hepatic fatty acid synthase activity was significantly lower in the ursolic acid group than in the diabetic control group, whereas hepatic fatty acid 尾-oxidation and carnitine palmitoyltransferase activities were significantly higher. These results indicate that ursolic acid may be beneficial in preventing diabetic complications by improving the polyol pathway as well as the lipid metabolism and that it can function as a potential modulator of hepatic glucose production, which is partly mediated by up-regulating glucose utilization and glycogen storage and down-regulating glyconeogenesis in the liver.
DOI:10.1016/j.metabol.2009.07.040      PMID:19846180      URL    
[42] YIN J,ZUBERI A,GAO Z,et al.Shilianhua extract inhibits GSK-3beta and promotes glucose metabolism[J].Am J Physiol Endoc M,2009,296(6) :E1275.
Abstract The extract of plant Shilianhua (SLH; Sinocrassula indica Berge) is a component in a commercial product for control of blood glucose. However, it remains to be investigated whether the SLH extract enhances insulin sensitivity in a model of type 2 diabetes. To address this question, the SLH crude extract was fractionated into four parts on the basis of polarity, and bioactivities of each part were tested in cells. One of the fractions, F100, exhibited a strong activity in the stimulation of glucose consumption in vitro. Glucose consumption was induced significantly by F100 in 3T3-L1 adipocytes, L6 myotubes, and H4IIE hepatocytes in the absence of insulin. F100 also increased insulin-stimulated glucose consumption in L6 myotubes and H4IIE hepatocytes. It increased insulin-independent glucose uptake in 3T3-L1 adipocytes and insulin-dependent glucose uptake in L6 cells. The glucose transporter-1 (GLUT1) protein was induced in 3T3-L1 cells, and the GLUT4 protein was induced in L6 cells by F100. Mechanism study indicated that F100 induced GSK-3beta phosphorylation, which was comparable with that induced by insulin. Additionally, the transcriptional activity of NF-kappaB was inhibited by F100. In RAW 264.7 macrophages, mRNA expression of NF-kappaB target genes (TNFalpha and MCP-1) was suppressed by F100. In KK.Cg-A(y)/+ mice, F100 decreased fasting insulin and blood glucose and improved insulin tolerance significantly. We conclude that the F100 may be a bioactive component in the SLH plant. It promotes glucose metabolism in vitro and in vivo. Inhibition of GSK-3beta and NF-kappaB may be the potential mechanism.
DOI:10.1152/ajpendo.00092.2009      PMID:19351808      URL    
[43] 张艳. 玉米须多糖提取工艺参数优化及玉米须多糖5降血糖作用和机制研究[D].长春:吉林大学,2012:1-153.
[44] DO THI H,TRINH NAM T,TRAN THI H,et al.Selected compounds derived from Moutan Cortex stimulated glucose uptake and glycogen synthesis via AMPK activation in human HepG2 cells[J].J Ethnopharmacol,2011,47(47):209-216.
To evaluate the effect of selected compounds derived from Moutan Cortex on glucose uptake and glycogen synthesis associated with AMPK activation in insulin-resistant human HepG2 cell. The effect of isolated compounds ( 1– 16) on glucose uptake and glycogen synthesis was performed using HepG2 cells. The western blot was used to determine the expression of AMPK and its downstream substrates, ACC, p-ACC, and p-GSK-3β. The effects of the 16 compounds from Moutan Cortex on glucose metabolism in HepG2 cells under high glucose conditions were evaluated. Compounds 2, 3, and 6 displayed highly potent effects on the stimulation of glucose uptake and glycogen synthesis in human HepG2 cells under high glucose conditions. Compounds 2, 3, and 6 phosphorylate AMPK (AMP-activated protein kinase), and resulted in increased phosphorylation of GSK-3β and suppression of lipogenic expression (ACC and FAS) in a dose-dependent manner. Compounds 2, 3, and 6 also demonstrated interesting, strong eNOS phosphorylation in human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs). Compounds 1, 4, 5–12, and 14 displayed considerable effects on hepatic glucose production, AMPK activation, and phosphorylation of GSK-3β in HepG2 cells under high glucose conditions. These effects may indicate that the activation of AMPK by the active compounds from Moutan Cortex has considerable potential for reversing the metabolic abnormalities associated with type-2 diabetes.
DOI:10.1016/j.jep.2010.07.010      PMID:20633632      URL    
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