中国科技论文统计源期刊 中文核心期刊  
医药导报, 2019, 38(5): 622-625
doi: 10.3870/j.issn.1004-0781.2019.05.020
赵婕1,, 谢健2,



关键词: 镇痛药 ; 抗抑郁药 ; 疼痛 ; 慢性 ; 抑郁症 ; 神经生物机制




1 慢性疼痛和抑郁症相同的神经生物学机制
1.1 单胺类神经递质


1.2 细胞因子


1.3 脑源性神经营养因子(BDNF)


1.4 P物质


1.5 谷氨酸及其受体亚型



2 镇痛药治疗慢性疼痛及其所致抑郁
2.1 阿片类药物


TENORE等[13]研究显示,μ受体激动剂和κ受体拮抗剂的联合效应可能会减少烦躁行为的发生。κ受体参与人体重度抑郁症的发生[14]。δ 受体敲除的小鼠抑郁行为增加,表明δ 受体可能成为一个潜在的抗抑郁靶点[15]



2.2 苯二氮··类药物

苯二氮··类药物已被证实在治疗慢性疼痛,包括神经性疼痛和炎症性疼痛方面有作用[18]。γ-氨基丁酸A型受体(GABAaR)是苯二氮··类在脊髓上的分子靶点,苯二氮··类药物镇痛机制可能与GABAaR的抗疼痛作用有关。因为GABAaR,包括α1、α2、 α3、 o或α5亚型,也被发现与情绪管理有关[19],表明苯二氮··类药物对慢性疼痛所致抑郁症有潜在的治疗作用。

3 抗抑郁药治疗慢性疼痛
3.1 三环类抗抑郁药


3.2 NE和特异性5-HT抗抑郁药(NaSSA)


3.3 单胺类再摄取抑制药

单胺类再摄取抑制药包括选择性5-HT再摄取抑制药(SSRIs)和5-HT、NE再摄取抑制药(SNRIs),通过选择性抑制5-HT 和(或)NE再摄取,增加5-HT 和(或)NE浓度,增强单胺类神经传递功能,起到抗抑郁效果,并成为一线新型抗抑郁药物。研究显示,西酞普兰可能对疼痛患者有中度镇痛作用,并且这种镇痛作用似乎与抑郁症的变化无关[25]。度洛西汀是一种SNRI类药物,已被证明可治疗抑郁和慢性疼痛,其镇痛作用包括对神经性疼痛的影响,如糖尿病神经病变所致疼痛[26]和慢性肌肉骨骼疼痛的缓解[27]。文拉法辛是一种安全有效的SNRIs药物,可用于神经疼痛的对症治疗[28]

3.4 谷氨酸抗抑郁药

氯胺酮是N-甲基-D-天冬氨酸(NMDA)受体拮抗药。氯胺酮对NMDA受体的抑制有助于减少外周和中枢致敏,促进镇痛。氯胺酮作为镇痛药的其他机制包括其对P物质的抑制作用 [29]。氯胺酮的抗抑郁作用机制目前尚不清楚,但可能与氯胺酮的NMDA拮抗有关。氯胺酮通过抑制NMDA受体,可增加BDNF和哺乳动物雷帕霉素复合物1(mTORC1)靶蛋白的生成,这两者都与突触发生有关,这两种物质已被证实,在重度抑郁的患者中减少[30]


3.5 非药物治疗方法


4 结束语


The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.


[1] KESSLER R C,BERGLUND P,DEMLER O,et al.Lifetime prevalence and age-of-onset distributions of DSM-IV disorders in the National Comorbidity Survey Replication[J].Arch Gen Psychiatry,2005,62(6):593-602.
Heeringa: Data are presented on the lifetime prevalence, projected lifetime risk, and age-of-onset distributions of mental disorders in the World Health Organiz...
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[2] GREENBERG P E,KESSLER R C,BIRNBAUM H G,et al.The economic burden of depression in the United States:how did it change between 1990 and 2000?[J].J Clin Psychiatry,1993,54(11):405.
[3] MIKA J,ZYCHOWSKA M,MAKUCH W,et al.Neuronal and immunological basis of action of antidepressants in chronic pain-clinical and experimental studies[J].Pharmacol Reports,2013,65(6):1611-1621.
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[4] WALKER A K,KAVELAARS A,HEIJNEN C J,et al.Neuroinflammation and comorbidity of pain and depression.[J].Pharmacol Rev,2014,66(1):80-101.
Comorbid depression and chronic pain are highly prevalent in individuals suffering from physical illness. Here, we critically examine the possibility that inflammation is the common mediator of this comorbidity, and we explore the implications of this hypothesis. Inflammation signals the brain to induce sickness responses that include increased pain and negative affect. This is a typical and adaptive response to acute inflammation. However, chronic inflammation induces a transition from these typical sickness behaviors into depression and chronic pain. Several mechanisms can account for the high comorbidity of pain and depression that stem from the precipitating inflammation in physically ill patients. These mechanisms include direct effects of cytokines on the neuronal environment or indirect effects via downregulation of G protein oupled receptor kinase 2, activation of the tryptophan-degrading enzyme indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase that generates neurotropic kynurenine metabolites, increased brain extracellular glutamate, and the switch of GABAergic neurotransmission from inhibition to excitation. Despite the existence of many neuroimmune candidate mechanisms for the co-occurrence of depression and chronic pain, little work has been devoted so far to critically assess their mediating role in these comorbid symptoms. Understanding neuroimmune mechanisms that underlie depression and pain comorbidity may yield effective pharmaceutical targets that can treat both conditions simultaneously beyond traditional antidepressants and analgesics.
DOI:10.1124/pr.113.008144      PMID:24335193      URL    
[5] MULLER N.Immunology of major depression[J].Neuroim-munomodulation,2014,21(2/3):123.
DOI:10.1159/000356540      URL    
[6] DAHL J,ORMSTAD H,AASS H C,et al.The plasma levels of various cytokines are increased during ongoing depression and are reduced to normal levels after recovery[J].Psychoneuroendocrinology,2014,45(7):77-86.
Cytokines are implicated in the pathophysiology of major depressive disorder (MDD). However, the pattern of alterations in cytokine levels is still unclear. The current study investigated the plasma levels of a range of cytokines in a follow-up design, with the aim of determining their involvement in depression. Fifty medication-free MDD patients with a depressive episode and 34 healthy controls were included at baseline; the patients were followed up after 12 weeks. Before initiating treatment, the patients were diagnosed and assessed for depressive symptoms and blood for cytokine analysis was obtained. The same clinical assessments and cytokine measurements were performed after 12 weeks of “treatment as usual.” The cytokines interleukin (IL)-1β, IL-1 receptor antagonist (IL-1Ra), IL-5, IL-6, IL-7, IL-8, IL-10, granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF), and interferon gamma (IFNγ) were significantly elevated (p=0.01–0.047) in depressed patients at baseline compared to healthy controls. After 12 weeks of treatment, the plasma levels of seven of these nine cytokines (IL-1Ra, IL-6, IL-7, IL-8, IL-10, G-CSF, and IFNγ had decreased significantly compared to baseline and did not differ from those in the healthy controls. The depressive symptoms were simultaneously significantly reduced. In addition, the reduction to normal cytokines levels occurred only in those who met the recovery criteria. A more general pattern of elevated cytokine levels is described herein relative to what has been described previously shown in MDD. Furthermore, recovery from depression was associated with reduction to normal levels of the majority of the measured cytokines. These results strongly support the notion that a complex network of cytokines is involved in the pathophysiology of MDD.
DOI:10.1016/j.psyneuen.2014.03.019      PMID:24845179      URL    
[7] DUMAN R S,AGHAJANIAN G K,SANACORA G,et al.Synaptic plasticity and depression:new insights from stress and rapid-acting antidepressants[J].Nat Med,2016,22(3):238-249.
Abstract Depression is a common, devastating illness. Current pharmacotherapies help many patients, but high rates of a partial response or no response, and the delayed onset of the effects of antidepressant therapies, leave many patients inadequately treated. However, new insights into the neurobiology of stress and human mood disorders have shed light on mechanisms underlying the vulnerability of individuals to depression and have pointed to novel antidepressants. Environmental events and other risk factors contribute to depression through converging molecular and cellular mechanisms that disrupt neuronal function and morphology, resulting in dysfunction of the circuitry that is essential for mood regulation and cognitive function. Although current antidepressants, such as serotonin-reuptake inhibitors, produce subtle changes that take effect in weeks or months, it has recently been shown that treatment with new agents results in an improvement in mood ratings within hours of dosing patients who are resistant to typical antidepressants. Within a similar time scale, these new agents have also been shown to reverse the synaptic deficits caused by stress.
DOI:10.1038/nm.4050      PMID:26937618      URL    
[8] VILLANUEVA R.Neurobiology of major depressive disor-der[J].Neural Plasticity,2013:873278.
We survey studies which relate abnormal neurogenesis to major depressive disorder. Clinically, descriptive gene and protein expression analysis and genetic and functional studies revised here show that individual alterations of a complex signaling network, which includes the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis; the production of neurotrophins and growth factors; the expression of miRNAs; the production of proinflammatory cytokines; and, even, the abnormal delivery of gastrointestinal signaling peptides, are able to induce major mood alterations. Furthermore, all of these factors modulate neurogenesis in brain regions involved in MDD, and are functionally interconnected in such a fashion that initial alteration in one of them results in abnormalities in the others. We highlight data of potential diagnostic significance and the relevance of this information to develop new therapeutic approaches. Controversial issues, such as whether neurogenesis is the basis of the disease or whether it is a response induced by antidepressant treatments, are also discussed.
DOI:10.1155/2013/873278      PMID:3810062      URL    
[9] GARRAWAY S M,HUIE J R.Spinal plasticity and behav-ior:BDNF-induced neuromodulation in uninjured and injured spinal cord[J].Neural Plasticity,2016:9857201.
Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) is a member of the neurotrophic factor family of signaling molecules. Since its discovery over three decades ago, BDNF has been identified as an important regulator of neuronal development, synaptic transmission, and cellular and synaptic plasticity and has been shown to function in the formation and maintenance of certain forms of memory. Neural plasticity that underlies learning and memory in the hippocampus shares distinct characteristics with spinal cord nociceptive plasticity. Research examining the role BDNF plays in spinal nociception and pain overwhelmingly suggests that BDNF promotes pronociceptive effects. BDNF induces synaptic facilitation and engages central sensitization-like mechanisms. Also, peripheral injury-induced neuropathic pain is often accompanied with increased spinal expression of BDNF. Research has extended to examine how spinal cord injury (SCI) influences BDNF plasticity and the effects BDNF has on sensory and motor functions after SCI. Functional recovery and adaptive plasticity after SCI are typically associated with upregulation of BDNF. Although neuropathic pain is a common consequence of SCI, the relation between BDNF and pain after SCI remains elusive. This article reviews recent literature and discusses the diverse actions of BDNF. We also highlight similarities and differences in BDNF-induced nociceptive plasticity in na??ve and SCI conditions.
DOI:10.1155/2016/9857201      PMID:5046018      URL    
[10] BLIER P,GOBBI G,HADDJERI N.Impact of substance P receptor antagonism on the serotonin and norepinephrine systems:relevance to the antidepressant/anxiolytic response[J].J Psychiatry Neuroscience Jpn,2004,29(3):208-218.
Substance P (neurokinin-1 [NK1]) receptor antagonists appear to be effective antidepressant and anxiolytic agents, as indicated in 3 double-blind clinical trials. In laboratory animals, they promptly attenuate the responsiveness of serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine [5-HT]) and norepinephrine (NE) neurons to agonists of their cell-body autoreceptors, as is the case for some antidepressant drugs that are currently in clinical use. Long-term, but not subacute, antagonism of NK1 receptors in rats increases 5-HT transmission in the hippocampus, a property common to all antidepressant treatments tested thus far. This enhancement seems to be mediated by a time-dependent increase in the firing rate of 5-HT neurons. Mice with the NK1 receptor deleted from their genetic code also have an increased firing rate of 5-HT neurons. Taken together, these observations strongly suggest that NK1 antagonists could become a new class of antidepressant and anxiolytic agents.
DOI:10.1111/j.1600-079X.2004.00127.x      PMID:15173897      URL    
[11] NOZAKI C,VERGNANO A M,FILLIOL D,et al.Zinc alle-viates pain through high-affinity binding to the NMDA receptor NR2A subunit[J].Nature Neuroscience,2011,14(8):1017-1022.
Abstract Zinc is abundant in the central nervous system and regulates pain, but the underlying mechanisms are unknown. In vitro studies have shown that extracellular zinc modulates a plethora of signaling membrane proteins, including NMDA receptors containing the NR2A subunit, which display exquisite zinc sensitivity. We created NR2A-H128S knock-in mice to investigate whether Zn2+-NR2A interaction influences pain control. In these mice, high-affinity (nanomolar) zinc inhibition of NMDA currents was lost in the hippocampus and spinal cord. Knock-in mice showed hypersensitivity to radiant heat and capsaicin, and developed enhanced allodynia in inflammatory and neuropathic pain models. Furthermore, zinc-induced analgesia was completely abolished under both acute and chronic pain conditions. Our data establish that zinc is an endogenous modulator of excitatory neurotransmission in vivo and identify a new mechanism in pain processing that relies on NR2A NMDA receptors. The study also potentially provides a molecular basis for the pain-relieving effects of dietary zinc supplementation.
DOI:10.1038/nn.2844      PMID:21725314     
[12] LUTZ P E,KIEFFER B L.Opioid receptors:distinct roles in mood disorders[J].Trends Neurosciences,2013,36(3):195-206.
The roles of opioid receptors in pain and addiction have been extensively studied, but their function in mood disorders has received less attention. Accumulating evidence from animal research reveals that mu, delta and kappa opioid receptors (MORs, DORs and KORs, respectively) exert highly distinct controls over mood-related processes. DOR agonists and KOR antagonists have promising antidepressant potential, whereas the risk enefit ratio of currently available MOR agonists as antidepressants remains difficult to evaluate, in addition to their inherent abuse liability. To date, both human and animal studies have mainly examined MORs in the etiology of depressive disorders, and future studies will address DOR and KOR function in established and emerging neurobiological aspects of depression, including neurogenesis, neurodevelopment, and social behaviors.
DOI:10.1016/j.tins.2012.11.002      PMID:3594542      URL    
[13] TENORE P L.Psychotherapeutic benefits of opioid agonist therapy[J].J Addictive Dis,2008,27(3):49-65.
Opioids have been used for centuries to treat a variety of psychiatric conditions with much success. The so-called pium cure lost popularity in the early 1950s with the development of non-addictive tricyclic antidepressants and monoamine oxidase inhibitors. Nonetheless, recent literature supports the potent role of methadone, buprenorphine, tramadol, morphine, and other opioids as effective, durable, and rapid therapeutic agents for anxiety and depression. This article reviews the medical literature on the treatment of psychiatric disorders with opioids (notably, methadone and buprenorphine) in both the non-opioid-dependent population and in the opioid-dependent methadone maintenance population. The most recent neurotransmitter theories on the origin of depression and anxiety will be reviewed, including current information on the role of serotonin, N-Methyl d-Aspartate, glutamate, cortisol, catecholamine, and dopamine in psychiatric disorders. The observation that methadone maintenance patients with co-existing psychiatric morbidity (so called dual diagnosis patients) require substantially higher methadone dosages by between 20% and 50% will be explored and qualified. The role of methadone and other opioids as beneficial psychiatric medications that are independent of their drug abuse mitigating properties will be discussed. The mechanisms by which methadone and other opioids can favorably modulate the neurotransmitter systems controlling mood will also be discussed.
DOI:10.1080/10550880802122646      PMID:18956529      URL    
[14] HARRISON C.Trial watch:opioid receptor blocker shows promise in Phase II depression trial[J].Nat Rev Drug Disc,2013,12(6):415.
The article focuses on the Phase II trial which discusses the efficacy of the opioid receptor blocker among patients with depression. It states that the said trial assesses the efficacy and safety of the ALKS 5461 opioid receptor from Alkermes. Results show the significant effect of the opioid receptor in treating patients with depression.
DOI:10.1038/nrd4028      PMID:23722336      URL    
[15] RAGNAUTH A,SCHULLER A,MORGAN M,et al.Female preproenkephalin-knockout mice display altered emotional responses[J].Proceedings National Academy Sci USA,2001,98(4):1958-1963.
The endogenous opioid system has been implicated in sexual behavior, palatable intake, fear, and anxiety. The present study examined whether ovariectomized female transgenic preproenkephalin-knockout (PPEKO) mice and their wild-type and heterozygous controls displayed alterations in fear and anxiety paradigms, sucrose intake, and lordotic behavior. To examine stability of responding, three squads of the genotypes were tested across seasons over a 20-month period. In a fear-conditioning paradigm, PPEKO mice significantly increased freezing to both fear and fear + shock stimuli relative to controls. In the open field, PPEKO mice spent significantly less time and traversed significantly less distance in the center of an open field than wild-type controls. Further, PPEKO mice spent significantly less time and tended to be less active on the light side of a dark-light chamber than controls, indicating that deletion of the enkephalin gene resulted in exaggerated responses to fear or anxiety-provoking environments. These selective deficits were observed consistently across testing squads spanning 20 months and different seasons. In contrast, PPEKO mice failed to differ from corresponding controls in sucrose, chow, or water intake across a range (0.0001-20%) of sucrose concentrations and failed to differ in either lordotic or female approach to male behaviors when primed with estradiol and progesterone, thereby arguing strongly for the selectivity of a fear and anxiety deficit which was not caused by generalized and nonspecific debilitation. These transgenic data strongly suggest that opioids, and particularly enkephalin gene products, are acting naturally to inhibit fear and anxiety.
DOI:10.1073/pnas.041598498      PMID:11172058      URL    
[16] KUZMIN A,MADJID N,TERENIUS L,et al.Big dynorp-hin,a prodynorphin-derived peptide produces NMDA receptor-mediated effects on memory,anxiolytic-like and locomotor behavior in mice[J].Neuropsychopharmacology,2006,31(9):1928-1937.
Abstract Effects of big dynorphin (Big Dyn), a prodynorphin-derived peptide consisting of dynorphin A (Dyn A) and dynorphin B (Dyn B) on memory function, anxiety, and locomotor activity were studied in mice and compared to those of Dyn A and Dyn B. All peptides administered i.c.v. increased step-through latency in the passive avoidance test with the maximum effective doses of 2.5, 0.005, and 0.7 nmol/animal, respectively. Effects of Big Dyn were inhibited by MK 801 (0.1 mg/kg), an NMDA ion-channel blocker whereas those of dynorphins A and B were blocked by the kappa-opioid antagonist nor-binaltorphimine (6 mg/kg). Big Dyn (2.5 nmol) enhanced locomotor activity in the open field test and induced anxiolytic-like behavior both effects blocked by MK 801. No changes in locomotor activity and no signs of anxiolytic-like behavior were produced by dynorphins A and B. Big Dyn (2.5 nmol) increased time spent in the open branches of the elevated plus maze apparatus with no changes in general locomotion. Whereas dynorphins A and B (i.c.v., 0.05 and 7 nmol/animal, respectively) produced analgesia in the hot-plate test Big Dyn did not. Thus, Big Dyn differs from its fragments dynorphins A and B in its unique pattern of memory enhancing, locomotor- and anxiolytic-like effects that are sensitive to the NMDA receptor blockade. The findings suggest that Big Dyn has its own function in the brain different from those of the prodynorphin-derived peptides acting through kappa-opioid receptors.
DOI:10.1038/sj.npp.1300959      PMID:16292317      URL    
[17] CASPANI O,REITZ M C,CECI A,et al.Tramadol reduces anxiety-related and depression-associated behaviors presumably induced by pain in the chronic constriction injury model of neuropathic pain in rats[J].Pharmacol Biochem Behav,2014,124:290-296.
61A preclinical investigation of tramadol's effects on animals with neuropathic pain.61Tramadol showed a large anti-hypernociceptive effect in neuropathic conditions.61Tramadol reduced the anxiety-related behavior induced by nerve injury.61Tramadol reversed the depression-associated behavior induced by nerve injury.61Tramadol showed a small, not significant effect in non-neuropathic conditions.
DOI:10.1016/j.pbb.2014.06.018      PMID:24974768      URL    
[18] CUNNINGHAM J L,CRANER J R,EVANS M M,et al.Benzodiazepine use in patients with chronic pain in an interdisciplinary pain rehabilitation program[J].J Pain Res,2017,10:311-317.
Abstract Objectives In the context of widespread opioid use, increased emphasis has been placed on the potentially deleterious effects of concurrent benzodiazepine (BZD) and opioid use. Although use of opioids in chronic pain has been a major focus, BZD use is equally concerning. Thus, the primary aim of this study was to determine the associations between BZD and opioid use in adults with chronic pain upon admission to an outpatient interdisciplinary pain rehabilitation (IPR) program. Methods The study cohort involved 847 consecutive patients admitted to a 3-week outpatient IPR program from January 2013 through December 2014. Study variables included baseline demographic and clinical characteristics, Center for Epidemiologic Studies-Depression Scale, Pain Catastrophizing Scale, and the pain severity subscale of the Multidimensional Pain Inventory. Results Upon admission, 248 (29%) patients were taking BZDs. Patients using BZDs were significantly more likely to use opioids and to be female. Additionally, patients using BZDs had significantly greater depression, pain catastrophizing, and pain severity scores. In univariable logistic regression analysis, opioid use, female sex, and greater scores of depression, pain catastrophizing, and pain severity were significantly associated with BZD use. In multivariable logistic regression analysis adjusted for age, sex, pain duration, opioid use, depression, pain catastrophizing, and pain severity, only female sex and greater depression scores were significantly associated with BZD use. Discussion Among patients participating in an outpatient IPR program, female sex and greater depression scores were associated with BZD use. Results identify a high prevalence of BZD use in patients with chronic pain and reinforce the need to weigh the risks versus benefits when prescribing in this patient population.
DOI:10.2147/JPR.S123487      PMID:5310637      URL    
[19] RUDOLPH U,KNOFLACH F.Beyond classical benzodia-zepines:novel therapeutic potential of GABAA receptor subtypes[J].Nat Rev Drug Discovery,2011,10(9):685.
Beyond classical benzodiazepines: novel therapeutic potential of GABAA receptor subtypesNature Reviews Drug Discovery 10, 685 (2011). doi:10.1038/nrd3502Authors: Uwe Rudolph ...
DOI:10.1038/nrd3502      PMID:3375401      URL    
[20] KREMER M,SALVAT E,MULLER A,et al.Antidepres-sants and gabapentinoids in neuropathic pain:mechanistic insights[J].Neuroscience,2016,338:183-206.
Neuropathic pain arises as a consequence of a lesion or disease affecting the somatosensory system. It is generally chronic and challenging to treat. The recommended pharmacotherapy for neuropathic pain includes the use of some antidepressants, such as tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs) (amitriptyline…) or serotonin and noradrenaline re-uptake inhibitors (duloxetine…), and/or anticonvulsants such as the gabapentinoids gabapentin or pregabalin. Antidepressant drugs are not acute analgesics but require a chronic treatment to relieve neuropathic pain, which suggests the recruitment of secondary downstream mechanisms as well as long-term molecular and neuronal plasticity. Noradrenaline is a major actor for the action of antidepressant drugs in a neuropathic pain context. Mechanistic hypotheses have implied the recruitment of noradrenergic descending pathways as well as the peripheral recruitment of noradrenaline from sympathetic fibers sprouting into dorsal root ganglia; and importance of both α2 and β2 adrenoceptors have been reported. These monoamine re-uptake inhibitors may also indirectly act as anti-proinflammatory cytokine drugs; and their therapeutic action requires the opioid system, particularly the mu (MOP) and/or delta (DOP) opioid receptors. Gabapentinoids, which target the voltage-dependent calcium channels α2δ-1 subunit, inhibit calcium currents, thus decreasing the excitatory transmitter release and spinal sensitization. Gabapentinoids also activate the descending noradrenergic pain inhibitory system coupled to spinal α2 adrenoceptors. Gabapentinoid treatment may also indirectly impact on neuroimmune actors, like proinflammatory cytokines. These drugs are effective against neuropathic pain both with acute administration at high dose and with repeated administration. This review focuses on mechanistic knowledge concerning chronic antidepressant treatment and gabapentinoid treatment in a neuropathic pain context.
DOI:10.1016/j.neuroscience.2016.06.057      PMID:27401055      URL    
[21] KOPSKY D J,HESSELINK J M.High doses of topical amitriptyline in neuropathic pain:two cases and literature review[J].Pain Practice,2012,12(2):148-153.
Abstract: Severe chronic neuropathic pain is a challenge to treat, and due to adverse effects of classical oral medication, optimal and effective dose levels are difficult to reach. Therefore, administration of topical analgesics might be an option, due to reduced adverse effects, and increased patient compliance.The aim of this article is to describe two cases treated effectively with topical amitriptyline 5% and 10%, the highest dosage described to date. The first patient was a 39-year-old man, suffering from severe intractable neuropathic pain in feet and hands, due to diabetes mellitus type II (DM-II). After application of amitriptyline 5% the patient experienced a complete relieve only in the hands, whereas after application of amitriptyline 10%, a total reduction of pain occurred within 20 minutes, lasting the whole day. The second patient was a 57-year-old man, suffering for 10 years from progressive sensory disturbances in both feet and increasing pain due to chronic idiopathic axonal polyneuropathy (CIAP). Amitriptyline 5% cream reduced pain in the toes nearly completely, but this was not the case in the heels. Amitriptyline 10% reduced pain in the feet, however, systemic adverse effects occurred, mainly drowsiness. The patient decided to stop topical treatment because of these adverse effects.These two cases suggest an analgesic dose esponse effect of topical amitriptyline in painful neuropathy. Systemic adverse effects should be taken into account.
DOI:10.1111/j.1533-2500.2011.00477.x      PMID:21676162      URL    
[22] ROWBOTHAM M C,REISNER L A,DAVIES P S,et al.Treatment response in antidepressant-naïve postherpetic neuralgia patients:double-blind,randomized trial[J].J Pain,2005,6(11):741-746.
DOI:10.1016/j.jpain.2005.07.001      PMID:16275598      URL    
[23] ARNOLD P,VUADENS P,KUNTZER T,et al.Mirtazapine decreases the pain feeling in healthy participants[J].Clin J Pain,2008,24(2):116.
OBJECTIVES: The treatment of neuropathic pain is mainly based on antiepileptics, tricyclic antidepressants, and opiates. These drugs have important side effects disturbing the patient's quality of life. Mirtazapine (MTZ) is a new and well-tolerated tricyclic antidepressants with both monoaminergic and opioid properties that might favorably influence pain. The aim of this study was to assess whether MTZ can reduce the pain induced by a standardized stimulus presented to healthy human participants. The nociceptive flexion reflex (NFR) to an electric stimulus was chosen to determine the pain threshold. METHODS: The effect of MTZ compared to placebo was assessed on 10 healthy participants in a double-blinded cross-over design. The NFR was measured the day after a single oral dose of drug (30 mg) or placebo. RESULTS: A significant increase in upper limb (+29%, P=0.006) NFR threshold was observed. DISCUSSION: MTZ increases the pain tolerance in healthy participants. The potential benefit of this effect on pain should be investigated more thoroughly in chronic neuropathic pain patients. The NFR might serve as an additional tool for the monitoring of these patients.
DOI:10.1097/AJP.0b013e318159f94a      PMID:18209516      URL    
[24] THEOBALD D E,KIRSH K L,HOLTSCLAW E,et al.An open-label,crossover trial of mirtazapine(15 and 30 mg) in cancer patients with pain and other distressing symptoms[J].J Pain Symptom Management,2002,23(5):442-447.
We performed a pilot open-label, crossover trial of mirtazapine (15 and 30 mg at night) in advanced cancer patients with pain and other distressing symptoms. Twenty patients completed the trial and sixteen dropped out. Following a baseline assessment, patients completed a one-week observation period and were then randomized to a starting dose of either 15 mg or 30 mg of mirtazapine given at bedtime. After three weeks, subjects were switched to the alternate dose and followed by an additional three-week period, completing the treatment. The average age of the completers was 60.2 years and consisted of 7 women and 13 men. The majority were Caucasian (n = 18, 90%) and married (n = 18, 90%). The drop-out group did not significantly differ from the completers based on age, gender, race, marital status, or tumor type. We examined the impact of mirtazapine therapy on patients' levels of depression, pain intensity, appetite, insomnia, weight, and overall quality of life. A series of repeated measures ANOVAs were conducted to compare the completers' status at Weeks 1, 4, and 7 compared to baseline and to examine the interaction with starting dose and baseline observations. Scores on the Zung self-rating Depression Scale (F = 8.20, P < 0.05) and the Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy General Measure (F = 5.73, P < 0.05) were significantly improved at study end (Week 7) and were not dependent on mirtazapine dosage. Patients' weights were significantly higher at both Week 4 and Week 7, independent of dosage. Trend level differences were found on Memorial Pain Assessment Card items for pain, pain relief, and mood and on numeric rating scales measuring nausea, anxiety, insomnia, and appetite. This open-label pilot study suggests that mirtazapine may be effective for improving multiple symptoms, depression and quality of life in patients with advanced cancer. A controlled trial of this drug would be valuable.
DOI:10.1016/S0885-3924(02)00381-0      PMID:12007762      URL    
[25] ARAGONA M,BANCHERI L,PERINELLI D,et al.Rando-mized double-blind comparison of serotonergic(citalopram) versus noradrenergic(reboxetine) reuptake inhibitors in outpatients with somatoform,DSM-IV-TR pain disorder[J].Eur J Pain,2005,9(1):33-38.
Objectives: Whether the effect of tricyclic antidepressants on Pain Disorder arises from their noradrenergic or serotonergic actions or both remains unclear. We compared the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) citalopram and the noradrenergic reuptake inhibitor (NARI) reboxetine in outpatients with Pain Disorder. We also distinguished the drugs' analgesic and antidepressant effects. Methods: In this 8-week, randomized double-blind study, 35 patients with a DSM-IV-TR diagnosis of Pain Disorder were randomly assigned to receive either citalopram 40 mg/day ( N=17 patients) or reboxetine 8 mg/day ( N=18). The Present Pain Intensity (PPI) scale and the Total Pain Rating Index (tPRI) of the McGill Pain Questionnaire were used to measure the effect on pain symptoms. Changes in the Zung Self-Rating Depression Scale (Zung-D) scores were evaluated to monitor a possible antidepressant effect. For all patients who had at least one assessment, an intent-to-treat analysis was performed. Results: No significant differences were found in the demographic variables or clinical characteristics of the two treatment groups. In the citalopram group, PPI and tPRI scores measured at baseline decreased after treatment (tPRI: 41.9 vs. 30.0, p=.004; PPI: 3.5 vs. 2.8, p=.045) whereas in the reboxetine group differences were not statistically significant (tPRI: 35.2 vs. 31.5; PPI: 3.7 vs. 3.1). The Zung-D showed no significant changes between baseline and endpoint assessment in either group. Conclusions: Our study suggests that the SSRI citalopram may have a moderate analgesic effect in patients with Pain Disorder, and that this analgesic activity appears to be not correlated to changes in depressive scores. If confirmed in a larger sample, this evidence suggests that patients who are intolerant or resistant to tricyclic antidepressants, may be treated with SSRIs.
DOI:10.1016/j.ejpain.2004.03.003      PMID:15629872      URL    
[26] HOSSAIN S M,HUSSAIN S M,EKRAM A R.Duloxetine in painful diabetic neuropathy:a systematic review[J].Clin J Pain,2015,32(11):1005.
To systematically review the evidence for duloxetine in the management of painful diabetic neuropathy (PDN).Electronic searches of Medline and PubMed were performed from 2005 till October 2015 using medical subject headings and free-text words. Two independent reviewers extracted the data and assessed the methodological quality of the selected studies.Twenty-three studies met our inclusion criteria and 8 were considered of high quality and were included to this review. Because of heterogeneity of the studies included in this review, statistical pooling of the data was not possible. We found good evidence for use of duloxetine in PDN over placebo and pregabalin but there was no benefit of duloxetine over amitriptyline.Duloxetine has a beneficial effect over placebo. Nevertheless, the evidence of superiority of duloxetine over pregabalin and amitriptyline should be explored further as there was only 1 trial for each category. Provided majority of the PDN patients share cardiovascular complications, use of duloxetine will be a good option for treating pain associated with PDN over amitriptyline. Future randomized controlled trials should be designed keeping this in mind.
DOI:10.1097/AJP.0000000000000343      PMID:26710221      URL    
[27] SMITH H S,SMITH E J,SMITH B R.Duloxetine in the management of chronic musculoskeletal pain[J].Therap Clin Risk Manag,2012,2012 :267-277.
Howard S Smith,1 Eric J Smith,2 Benjamin R Smith21Department of Anesthesiology, Albany Medical College, Albany, NY; 2The Pharmaceutical Research Institute, Albany College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences, Rensselaer, NY, USAAbstract: Chronic musculoskeletal pain is among the most frequent painful complaints that healthcare providers address. The bulk of these complaints are chronic low back pain and chronic osteoarthritis. Osteoarthritis is the most common form of arthritis in the United States. It is a chronic degenerative disorder characterized by a loss of cartilage, and occurs most often in older persons. The management of osteoarthritis and chronic low back pain may involve both nonpharmacologic (eg, weight loss, resistive and aerobic exercise, patient education, cognitive behavioral therapy) and pharmacologic approaches. Older adults with severe osteoarthritis pain are more likely to take analgesics than those with less severe pain. The pharmacologic approaches to painful osteoarthritis remain controversial, but may include topical as well as oral nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs, acetaminophen, duloxetine, and opioids. The role of duloxetine for musculoskeletal conditions is still evolving.Keywords: pain, musculoskeletal, duloxetine, osteoarthritis, low back, serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor
DOI:10.2147/TCRM.S17428      PMID:3387831      URL    
[28] AIYER R,BARKIN R L,BHATIA A.Treatment of neuro-pathic pain with venlafaxine:a systematic review[J].Pain Med,2017,35(5):261.
[29] LACOBUCCI G J,VISNJEVAC O,POURAFKARI L,et al.Ketamine:an update on cellular and subcellular mechanisms with implications for clinical practice[J].Pain Physician,2017,20(2):E285.
Ketamine is one of the oldest hypnotic agents used to provide an anesthetic agent with analgesic properties and minimal suppressive effects on respiration. The ability of ketamine in modulating glutamatergic (N-methyl D-aspartate) pain receptors has made this anesthetic drug a new option for the management of patients with chronic pain syndromes. Further preclinical and clinical findings suggest ketamine may have wide ranging effects on both cognition and development. Recent advances have revealed an unprecedented role for ketamine in the acute management of depression. The purpose of this review is to integrate a number of basic science, preclinical, and clinical studies with the goal of providing insight into the possible signaling events underlying ketamine's biological effects in pain management, depression, cognition and memory, and neurodevelopment. Narrative literature review. Health science library. A comprehensive literature search was performed for the following medical subject headings and keywords (ketamine, anesthesia, pain, analgesia, depression, NMDA receptors) on PubMed, Google Scholar, and Medline from 1966 to the present time. The search was then limited to those in the English language. The full text of the relevant articles were printed and reviewed by all authors. We provided a comprehensive review of the literature that explored the pharmacologic aspects of ketamine from its conception as an anesthetic to its evolution as a drug used for treatment of depression and pain. To address the patient response variability observed in clinical studies, we have provided possible patient-specific factors that could contribute to outcome variability. Like any review, this study was limited by publication bias and missing information on negative studies which were denied publication. Ketamine, an old anesthetic agent with analgesic properties, is currently being considered for treating patients with chronic pain and depression. The complex pharmacological characteristics of ketamine make this medication a multifaceted therapeutic option in these cases. Key Words: Ketamine, anesthetics, pain, depression, pharmacology.
PMID:28158165      URL    
[30] STRASBURGER S E,BHIMANI P M,KAABE J H,et al.What is the mechanism of Ketamine's rapid‐onset antidepressant effect? A concise overview of the surprisingly large number of possibilities[J].J Clin Pharmacy Therapeutics,2017,42(2):147.
SummaryWhat is known and objectiveAbundant clinical data now confirm that ketamine produces a remarkable rapid‐onset antidepressant effect – hours or days – in contrast to the delayed onset ...
DOI:10.1111/jcpt.12497      PMID:28111761      URL    
[31] WILLIAMS A C.Psychological therapies for the manage-ment of chronic pain(excluding headache) in adults [J].Cochrane Database Syst Rev,2012,2(11):CD007407.
Abstract BACKGROUND: Psychological treatments are designed to treat pain, distress and disability, and are in common practice. This review updates and extends the 2009 version of this systematic review. OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the effectiveness of psychological therapies for chronic pain (excluding headache) in adults, compared with treatment as usual, waiting list control, or placebo control, for pain, disability, mood and catastrophic thinking. SEARCH METHODS: We identified randomised controlled trials (RCTs) of psychological therapy by searching CENTRAL, MEDLINE, EMBASE and Psychlit from the beginning of each abstracting service until September 2011. We identified additional studies from the reference lists of retrieved papers and from discussion with investigators. SELECTION CRITERIA: Full publications of RCTs of psychological treatments compared with an active treatment, waiting list or treatment as usual. We excluded studies if the pain was primarily headache, or was associated with a malignant disease. We also excluded studies if the number of patients in any treatment arm was less than 20. DATA COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS: Forty-two studies met our criteria and 35 (4788 participants) provided data. Two authors rated all studies. We coded risk of bias as well as both the quality of the treatments and the methods using a scale designed for the purpose. We compared two main classes of treatment (cognitive behavioural therapy(CBT) and behaviour therapy) with two control conditions (treatment as usual; active control) at two assessment points (immediately following treatment and six months or more following treatment), giving eight comparisons. For each comparison, we assessed treatment effectiveness on four outcomes: pain, disability, mood and catastrophic thinking, giving a total of 32 possible analyses, of which there were data for 25. MAIN RESULTS: Overall there is an absence of evidence for behaviour therapy, except a small improvement in mood immediately following treatment when compared with an active control. CBT has small positive effects on disability and catastrophising, but not on pain or mood, when compared with active controls. CBT has small to moderate effects on pain, disability, mood and catastrophising immediately post-treatment when compared with treatment as usual/waiting list, but all except a small effect on mood had disappeared at follow-up. At present there are insufficient data on the quality or content of treatment to investigate their influence on outcome. The quality of the trial design has improved over time but the quality of treatments has not. AUTHORS' CONCLUSIONS: Benefits of CBT emerged almost entirely from comparisons with treatment as usual/waiting list, not with active controls. CBT but not behaviour therapy has weak effects in improving pain, but only immediately post-treatment and when compared with treatment as usual/waiting list. CBT but not behaviour therapy has small effects on disability associated with chronic pain, with some maintenance at six months. CBT is effective in altering mood and catastrophising outcomes, when compared with treatment as usual/waiting list, with some evidence that this is maintained at six months. Behaviour therapy has no effects on mood, but showed an effect on catastrophising immediately post-treatment. CBT is a useful approach to the management of chronic pain. There is no need for more general RCTs reporting group means: rather, different types of studies and analyses are needed to identify which components of CBT work for which type of patient on which outcome/s, and to try to understand why.
DOI:10.1002/14651858.CD007407.pub3      PMID:23152245      URL    
[32] MACPHERSON H,VICKERS A,BLAND M,et al.Acupun-cture for chronic pain and depression in primary care:a programme of research[J].Prog Grants Appl Res,2017,5(3):311-316.
[33] HOPTON A,MACPHERSON H,KEDING A,et al.Acupun-cture,counselling or usual care for depression and comorbid pain:secondary analysis of a randomised controlled trial[J].BMJ Open,2014,4(5):e004964.
Depression with comorbid pain is associated with a poor response to various treatments. The objective in this secondary analysis was to determine whether patients reporting pain have different depression and pain outcomes over time in response to acupuncture, counselling or usual care. Self-reported ratings of depression and pain from 755 patients in a pragmatic randomised controlled trial of acupuncture (302) or counselling (302) compared to usual care alone (151) are described and analysed using a series of regression models and analysis of covariance. Patient-reported outcomes of Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ)-9 for depression, SF36 bodily pain and EQ-5D, all at baseline, 3, 6, 9 and 1261months. At baseline, 755 patients reported EQ-5D pain categories; 384 (50.9%) reported moderate-to-extreme pain. Controlling for baseline depression, a linear regression model showed that the presence of pain at baseline was associated with poorer depression outcomes at 361months mean difference=611.16, (95% CI 0.12 to 2.2). Participants with moderate-to-extreme pain at baseline did better at 361months if they received acupuncture (mean reduction in Patient Health Questionnaire 9 (PHQ-9) from baseline=6.0, 95% CI 5.0 to 7.1 and a mean reduction in SF-36 bodily pain=11.2, (95% CI 7.1 to 15.2) compared to improvements for those who received counselling (4.3, 95% CI 3.3 to 5.4; 7.6, 95% CI 3.6 to 11.6) or usual care (2.7, 95% CI 1.50 to 4.0: 7.2, 95% CI 2.3 to 12.1). In comparison, no notable differences were seen between treatment arms within the no pain comparator group. Patients with depression and pain at baseline recovered less well from treatment over 361months than those with depression and no pain. Reductions in both depression and pain were most marked in the acupuncture group, followed by the counselling group and then the usual care group.
DOI:10.1136/bmjopen-2014-004964      PMID:4024599      URL    
[34] HAN J W,LEE D K.Effects of scrambler therapy on pain and depression of patients with chronic low back pain:case study[J].J Physical Ther Sci,2018,30(7):913-914.
[Purpose] This study was designed to investigate the effect of scrambler therapy on the pain and depression of patients with chronic low back pain. [Subject and Methods] Applied scrambler therapy to a 52 ear-old man who was diagnosed with chronic low back pain, for 40 minutes once a day during the 10-day execution. Pain and depression were measured using the visual analogue scale and the Beck Depression Inventory. [Results] According to the measurement results, pain and depression decreased after ten sessions of scramble therapy. [Conclusion] Scrambler therapy shows positive effects on pain and depression of patients with chronic low back pain.
DOI:10.1589/jpts.30.913      URL    
[35] GUASTELLA V,MICK G,LAURENT B.Non pharmacologic treatment of neuropathic pain[J].Presse Med,2008,37(2):354.
DOI:10.1016/j.lpm.2007.11.008      URL    
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