中国科技论文统计源期刊 中文核心期刊  
医药导报, 2023, 42(6): 828-835
doi: 10.3870/j.issn.1004-0781.2023.06.009
Bibliometric Analysis of Safety and Risk Management of Domestic and International Clinical Drug Combination Based on CiteSpace
赵宇航1,, 杨林慧2, 蔡沅璇1, 上官小芳1, 黄锐1,


目的 了解国内外临床联合用药安全性与风险管理的研究现状热点,以期为进一步开展临床联合用药安全性与风险管理研究、促进临床合理用药提供参考。 方法 在Web of Science数据库和中国知网(CNKI)数据库以“联合用药”“安全性”“风险管理”等主题词组成检索式对相关文献进行检索,采用引文空间(CiteSpace)对筛选后的文献进行共词分析、聚类分析、突现分析以及合作网络分析,可视化呈现并比较分析国内外临床联合用药安全性与风险管理研究的热点、规律和分布情况。 结果 共纳入英文文献1174篇,中文文献1109篇。国外在联合用药潜在的药物-药物相互作用以及安全性评价领域的研究较为成熟,尤其是利用目前的药物-药物相互作用数据库和药物警戒数据库进行随机对照临床试验以及联合用药风险信号筛选两方面;国内研究则主要集中于联合用药方案的临床疗效与基于回顾性试验数据的联合用药不良反应情况分析等方面。 结论 近10年来联合用药的安全性研究已逐渐拓展至关注患者与联合用药的系统性上,当前关于我国联合用药安全性与风险管理的研究还存在诸多不足,难以真正满足临床需求及药品安全管理要旨。有效联合药品监管部门、医药企业、高校与科研院所,利用多方数据,在临床真实世界中探讨联合用药使用合理性、风险决策科学性,是医疗健康大数据发展背景下促进临床合理用药的重要发展方向。

关键词: 联合用药; 药品安全; 文献计量分析; 风险管理


Objective To understand the research frontiers and hotspots of safety and risk management of clinical drug combinations in China and abroad,in order to provide references for further research on safety and risk management of clinical drug combination and to promote the clinical rational drug use. Methods Taking "drug combination","safety" and "risk management" as keywords,relevant articles were searched in the databases of CNKI and Web of Science.CiteSpace was used to conduct co-word analysis,cluster analysis,emergence analysis,and cooperative network analysis on the selected articles,and to visually present and compare the hot spots,rules,and distribution of clinical combination therapy safety and risk management research at home and abroad. Results A total of 1174 English articles and 1109 Chinese articles were included.Foreign research in the field of potential drug-drug interaction and safety evaluation of combination therapy is relatively mature,especially in conducting randomized controlled clinical trials and screening risk signals of combination therapy using the current drug-drug interaction database and pharmacovigilance database.In China,the research mainly focused on the clinical efficacy of the drug combination regimens and the analysis of adverse reactions related to the drug combination based on retrospective experimental data. Conclusions In the past 10 years,research on the safety of drug combination has gradually expanded to be focused on patients and the systematic nature of the drug combinations.There are still many shortcomings in the current research on the safety and risk management of drug combination in China,and it is difficult to really meet the clinical needs and the gist of drug safety management.The effective combination of drug regulatory authorities,pharmaceutical enterprises,universities,and research institutes and the use of multi-party data to explore the rationality of drug combination and scientific risk decision-making in the real clinical world are a significant development direction to promote clinical rational drug use under the background of medical and health big data development.

Key words: Drug combination; Drug safety; Bibliometric analysis; Risk management


药品安全不仅是医疗安全监管体系中的重要一环,也是全球卫生服务领域中政府与学界广泛关注的焦点。2017年,世界卫生组织(WHO)在第2届全球患者安全部级峰会上呼吁创新理念与方法,在未来5年内将严重、可避免的药物伤害减少50%[1]。为实现患者安全用药的愿景,2022年WHO将“用药安全”定为第三届“患者安全日”的主题[2]。随着我国经济高质量发展和社会平稳进步,国家对人民群众身体健康的重视程度日益提升。联合用药(drug combination)是指为了达到治疗目的而同时或先后应用2种或2种以上药物[3]。其在发挥药物的协同治疗作用以提高疗效、增加患者用药依从性、延迟或减少耐药性的发生等方面具有一定的优势[4]。针对合并多种疾病的老年患者,临床联合用药十分普遍,中西药联合用药也广泛应用[5,6,7]。联合用药可能产生有害的药物-药物相互作用(drug-drug interaction,DDI),导致药物疗效减弱或药物的毒副作用加重,甚至产生严重不良反应。因药物停用和药物不良事件导致的住院病例中有超过1/5是由DDI引起的[8]。同时服用5种药物DDI导致药物不良事件风险增加50%,同时服用8种药物风险则增加100%[9]。2015—2020年全球药源性疾病致死率排名第四,仅次于心脑血管、肿瘤、卒中的病死率,其中超过70%为临床不合理联合用药造成[10]。上市前临床研究多针对于单药有效性和安全性且试验条件严苛,联合用药的安全信息极度匮乏。本研究拟通过全面检索国内外临床联合用药安全性与风险管理的相关文献,辅以CiteSpace可视化软件对研究现状进行分析形成科学知识图谱,捕捉文献核心关键词,分析在医疗健康大数据发展的背景下,临床联合用药安全性以及风险管理的文献记录结果,展示研究前沿和发展趋势,以期更好地服务于临床需求,促进合理用药。

1 资料与方法
1.1 资料来源

文献检索以紧跟临床联合用药安全性与风险管理研究前沿与研究热点,且尽可能较为全面地纳入该领域相关文献为原则展开,纳入近10年来国内外相关文献。英文以Web of Science(WOS)核心合集为检索数据库,检索式为:TS=(“drugs combination”or“concomitant drugs”)and(“drug-drug interaction”or“adverse drug event”)and(“safety surveillance”or“signal detection”or“clinical risk management”),时间跨度为2012年1月1日—2022年3月1日(检索时间),文献类型选择论文(Article)。中文以中国知网(CNKI)数据库为检索源,检索式设定为:主题=(“联合用药”或“合并用药”)和(“安全性”或“风险管理”),时间跨度设定为2012年1月1日—2022年3月1日,文献类型选择学术期刊。文献排除标准为:①新闻、会议等其他类型的文献;②与联合用药明显不相关的文献;③重复文献。筛选后共获得有效英文文献1174篇,中文文献1109篇。

1.2 研究方法

将相关文献导入CiteSpace5.8.R3版软件,对文献格式进行转化后建立分析项目:时间区间选择2012—2022年,时间切片为1年,将Node Types分别设置为关键词(Keyword)、作者(Author)、机构(Institution),绘制关键词共现及聚类知识图谱、关键词突现知识图谱、全部作者-机构合作网络图谱,同时辅以文献分析对比研究国内外近10年来联合用药安全性与风险管理研究的热点与发展趋势的异同。

2 国内外临床联合用药安全性与风险管理文献可视化分析
2.1 国外临床联合用药安全性与风险管理文献分析

2.1.1 关键词共现与聚类分析 共现图谱中节点圆环代表关键词频次,其大小代表关键词出现的频次以及时间跨度;各点之间的连线则反映该领域关键词之间的合作关系及密切程度[11]。同一关键词在一段时间高频出现,可被认为是该领域学者共同关注的热点和研究趋势。结果见图1与表1。关键词共现图谱中排名前十的关键词为“risk”“drug-drug interaction”“safety”“therapy”“pharmacokinetics”“drug interaction”“management”“double blind”“risk factor”“prevalence”。高频关键词中既有涉及临床联合用药安全性的名词,如“风险”“药物-药物相互作用”“安全性”;又包含“风险因素”“管理”等与风险评估相关的词语。由此可见临床联合用药安全性评价与风险管理正是药品安全的焦点话题。

图1 外文文献关键词共现图谱

Fig.1 Co-occurrence map of foreign literature keywords

表1 2012—2022年国外临床联合用药安全性评价与决策风险管理文献关键词(n≥40)
Tab.1 Keywords of foreign literatures on safety evaluation and decision-making risk management of clinical drug combination from 2012 to 2022(n≥40)
排序 关键词 频次 排序 关键词 频次
1 Risk 145 11 Efficacy 62
2 Drug-drug interaction 144 12 Rheumatoid arthriti 57
3 Safety 117 13 In vitro 55
4 Therapy 101 14 Adverse drug reaction 54
5 Pharmacokinetics 87 15 Disease 50
6 Drug interaction 84 16 Meta analysis 49
7 Management 83 17 Atrial fibrillation 49
8 Double blind 74 18 Event 42
9 Risk factor 69 19 Mortality 40
10 Prevalence 66 20 Signal detection 40

表1 2012—2022年国外临床联合用药安全性评价与决策风险管理文献关键词(n≥40)

Tab.1 Keywords of foreign literatures on safety evaluation and decision-making risk management of clinical drug combination from 2012 to 2022(n≥40)

聚类采取LLR算法,对文献标题、摘要、引用文献等整体进行信息提取,形成具有不同研究特点的区域和聚类标识[12]。模块化值(Modularity)为0.527 3,表示网络的聚类结果良好。图2显示关键词聚类图谱共聚出12类,标签顺序为0—11,数字越小,聚类中包含的关键词的信息则越丰富。排除因文献样本量较少的而被系统自动过滤的部分,剩余7个聚类标签,分别为“risk assessment”“adverse event”“inappropriate medication”“post-approval observation study”“helicobacter pylori eradication”“antihypertensive drug”“medication use”。根据系统聚类(图2),发现目前的研究内容主要集中在以下4个方面:①具体疾病联合用药的使用情况;②上市后联合用药不良反应/事件报道;③采取不同方法基于药品不良反应/事件数据对药物-药物相互作用可能存在的风险信号进行检测;④对可能存在药物-药物相互作用的用药组合进行上市前安全性评价,多是药物代谢动力学、药效学研究。由聚类结果可知,临床联合用药安全性评价不仅研究方法多样而且数据来源丰富。文献荟萃、病例报道的文本数据,药物警戒系统的自发报告数据库,以及上市前研究的药动学试验数据都能用于探究临床联合用药的安全性。

图2 外文文献关键词聚类图谱

Fig.2 Cluster map of foreign literature keywords

2.1.2 关键词突现分析 关键词突现强度越大,越能代表在一段时间内,该关键词为领域的活跃术语或新兴知识。从图3可知,临床联合用药风险管理领域前期多是通过临床试验评估重点药物的临床联合用药风险程度,如:“nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug”“proton pump inhibitor”“rheumatoid inhibitor”“infliximab”“clinical trial”“pharmacokinetics interaction”“etanercept”“plasma concentration”“methotrexate”。后期的研究热点则呈现多样性:①关注特殊人群,如“women”“old adult”;②关注复方制剂,如“polypharmacy”;③关注医生处方行为,如“disposition”“society”。从突现热点的变迁可以看出联合用药的安全性研究逐渐从聚焦于具体药物、具体疾病种类、临床药动学和药效学试验拓展到关注患者本身,关注联合用药的系统性。

图3 外文文献关键词突现图

Fig.3 Burst map of keywords in foreign literatures

2.1.3 作者-机构合作网络分析 科研合作网络能够全面客观了解不同学术机构、不同作者之间针对同一领域研究热点的合作关系,网络中的节点大小反映论文数量。从图4、图5与表2可知,近10年国外针对联合用药安全性评价及决策风险管理领域发文量较多的学术机构,集中在美国、日本、荷兰、意大利的药品监管单位、高校和医药企业。其中美国已形成监管机构-高校-医药企业利益相关者同向发力的合作网络。此外,日本高校和学者在联合用药领域耕耘颇深,发文量位居全球前列。

图4 外文文献学术机构合作网络图

Fig.4 Cooperation network diagram of foreign literature academic institutions

图5 外文文献作者合作网络图

Fig.5 Cooperation network diagram of foreign literature authors

表2 2012—2022年国外临床联合用药安全性评价与决策风险管理文献作者-机构发文量
Tab.2 Number of papers published by authors-institutions on safety evaluation and decision-making risk management of clinical drug combination abroad from 2012 to 2022
排序 作者 频次 排序 学术机构 频次
1 Yoshiya Tanaka 13 1 U.S.Food and Drug Administration 19
2 Masayoshi Harigai 12 2 Keio University 18
3 Tsutomu Takeuchi 11 2 Harvard University 18
3 Naoki Ishiguro 11 3 Nagoya University 16
4 Hisashi Yamanaka 9 4 Tokyo Women's Medical University 15
5 Takao Koike 8 4 University of Washington 15
6 A David Rodrigues 6 5 University of Occupational and 14
7 Nobuyuki Miyasaka 5 Environmental Health
7 Lei Zhang 5 5 GlaxoSmithKline 14
7 Emanuel Raschi 5 5 University of Milan 14
7 Shigeko Inokuma 5 5 Pfizer Inc 14
6 Harvard Medical School 13

表2 2012—2022年国外临床联合用药安全性评价与决策风险管理文献作者-机构发文量

Tab.2 Number of papers published by authors-institutions on safety evaluation and decision-making risk management of clinical drug combination abroad from 2012 to 2022

2.2 国内临床联合用药安全性与风险管理文献分析

2.2.1 关键词共现与聚类分析 结果见图6与表3。从中文关键词共现知识图谱可以发现国内联合用药安全性与风险管理领域研究热点,图谱中词频排名前六位的关键词为“安全性”“联合用药”“不良反应”“临床疗效”“合理用药” “西药”。聚类采取LLR算法,模块化值为0.656 4,网络的聚类结果良好。图7显示关键词聚类图谱共聚出11类,包括“联合用药”“不良反应”“疗效” “西药”“合理用药”“有效性”“临床试验” “系统评价”等类别。关键词共现知识图谱以及关键词聚类图谱结果显示当前国内针对联合用药安全性与风险管理的研究主要集中于以下几个方面:①针对具体疾病联合用药方案的临床疗效研究;②基于回顾性试验数据的联合用药不良反应情况分析;③提及规范联合用药的中/西药临床合理用药管理措施探讨。临床联合用药的普遍性与安全性评价的复杂性,吸引诸多国内学者的目光。然而,国内学者针对联合用药安全性与风险管理的研究常常更关注于联合用药的临床有效性与不良反应发生情况,且多聚焦于某一种或几种药品,对联合用药的决策风险管理关注不足。

图6 中文文献关键词共现知识图谱

Fig.6 Co-occurrence map of Chinese literature keywords

表3 2012—2022年国内临床联合用药安全性评价与决策风险管理文献关键词(n≥15)
Tab.3 Key words of literatures on safety evaluation and decision-making risk management of clinical drug combination in China from 2012 to 2022 (n≥15)
排序 关键词 频次 排序 关键词 频次
1 安全性 296 9 阿司匹林 30
2 联合用药 189 10 老年人 19
3 不良反应 127 11 系统评价 19
4 临床疗效 121 12 管理措施 19
5 合理用药 89 13 二甲双胍 17
6 西药 41 14 氨氯地平 16
7 高血压 35 15 氯吡格雷 16
8 有效性 34 16 临床研究 15

表3 2012—2022年国内临床联合用药安全性评价与决策风险管理文献关键词(n≥15)

Tab.3 Key words of literatures on safety evaluation and decision-making risk management of clinical drug combination in China from 2012 to 2022 (n≥15)

图7 中文文献关键词聚类图谱

Fig.7 Cluster map of Chinese literature keywords

2.2.2 关键词突现分析 从图8可知,国内临床联合用药领域近十年来一直对个别联合药物方案临床应用研究保持持续关注,如:“临床应用”“氯吡格雷”“阿司匹林”“抗菌药物”“联合治疗”“药物疗法”。后期的研究热点则在关注联合用药方案临床应用的同时逐渐向特殊人群与药品管理转移,如“临床效果”“老年患者”“管理措施”“合理用药”。从突现热点的变迁可以看出国内近10年联合用药的安全性研究多集中于具体的药物和疾病种类,对临床联合用药风险的关注较少,系统性的临床联合用药安全性与风险管理研究也较为少见。

图8 中文文献关键词突现图

Fig.8 Burst map of key words in Chinese literatures

2.2.3 作者-机构合作网络分析 结果见图9、图10与表4。作者合作网络图谱与机构合作网络图谱显示机构之间形成以科研机构与高校合作为主的合作模式,药品监管部门在科研合作中的参与度较低,医药企业在科研合作中的参与度与活跃度则更低。而联合用药的安全性问题特殊且重要,药品监管部门、医药企业有必要增强与科研机构、高校的联系,对联合用药安全性和风险管理展开多方协同研究。

图9 中文文献学术机构合作网络图

Fig.9 Cooperation network diagram of Chinese literature academic institutions

图10 中文文献作者合作网络图

Fig.10 Cooperation network diagram of Chinese literature authors

表4 2012—2022年国内临床联合用药安全性评价与决策风险管理文献作者-机构发文量
Tab.4 Number of papers published by authors and institutions on safety evaluation and decision-making risk management of clinical drug combination in China from 2012 to 2022
排序 作者 频次 排序 学术机构 频次
1 谢雁鸣 22 1 中国中医科学院中医临床基础医学研究所 28
2 王连心 7 2 上海交通大学医学院附属新华医院心血管内科 11
3 李静 6 3 中国人民大学统计学院 8
4 胡思源 4 3 天津中医药大学 8
5 于倩 4 4 中国医师协会高血压专业委员会 7

表4 2012—2022年国内临床联合用药安全性评价与决策风险管理文献作者-机构发文量

Tab.4 Number of papers published by authors and institutions on safety evaluation and decision-making risk management of clinical drug combination in China from 2012 to 2022

3 讨论
3.1 国外临床联合用药安全性与风险管理现状分析

用药方案中每添加一种药物,由DDI导致的药物不良事件风险也随之增加,在临床实践中大大加剧医生合理处方的难度[13]。上市前药物随机临床试验大多只研究单个药物的安全性和有效性,忽视联合用药的风险[14]。据文献报道,在未预期的药物不良事件中由DDI引起的比例约为30%[15]。为此,国外不少学者将研究方向转向上市后药物再评价,从自由文本数据、商用的DDI数据库和大量药物警戒数据筛选联合用药的风险信号。SEGURA-BEDMAR等[16]基于自然语言处理(natural language processing,NLP)技术从生物医学文献中提取DDI信息。通常商用的DDI数据库包含大量药物化学结构以及药物特性数据,大量研究据此来预测联合用药可能引起的药物不良事件。VILAR等[17]使用谷本系数衡量不同药物分子指纹的结构相似性,提示相似结构的药物可能会引起相似的不良反应/事件;此外还有研究基于2种药物共享某类靶向蛋白时往往会产生相互作用的原理,分析药物靶向蛋白网络来预测不良反应/事件[18]。使用药物警戒数据作上市后安全性研究主要分为3个方面:①基于比例失衡法设计完善的技术体系检测联合用药不良事件信号[19];②基于关联规则或频繁模式探索和评估联合用药与发生不良事件之间的关联性[20];③基于概率图和药物-不良事件因果关系来评估联合用药风险性[21]


3.2 国内临床联合用药安全性与风险管理现状分析




本文在研究方法上存在着一定的局限性。首先,本文以Web of Science核心合集以及中国知网(CNKI)数据库为检索源,检索所得文献可以涵盖绝大多数相关文献,但由于未纳入其他数据库,可能存在部分有关文献遗漏的问题;其次,文献检索所使用检索词以“安全性”和“风险管理”为核心,针对临床联合用药其他相关检索词扩充不足,也可能导致部分相关文献未纳入,进而导致文中研究热点与前沿的呈现存在一定的偏移。


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There is a current demand for “safety signal” screening, not only for single drugs but also for drug-drug interactions. The detection of drug-drug interaction signals using the proportional reporting ratio (PRR) has been reported, such as through using the combination risk ratio (CRR). However, the CRR does not consider the overlap between the lower limit of the 95% confidence interval of the PRR of concomitant-use drugs and the upper limit of the 95% confidence interval of the PRR of single drugs. In this study, we proposed the concomitant signal score (CSS), with the improved detection criteria, to overcome the issues associated with the CRR. “Hypothetical” true data were generated through a combination of signals detected using three detection algorithms. The signal detection accuracy of the analytical model under investigation was verified using machine learning indicators. The CSS presented improved signal detection when the number of reports was ≥3, with respect to the following metrics: accuracy (CRR: 0.752 → CSS: 0.817), Youden’s index (CRR: 0.555 → CSS: 0.661), and F-measure (CRR: 0.780 → CSS: 0.820). The proposed model significantly improved the accuracy of signal detection for drug-drug interactions using the PRR.
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Electronic health records (EHRs) are increasingly being used to complement the FDA Adverse Event Reporting System (FAERS) and to enable active pharmacovigilance. Over 30% of all adverse drug reactions are caused by drug-drug interactions (DDIs) and result in significant morbidity every year, making their early identification vital. We present an approach for identifying DDI signals directly from the textual portion of EHRs.We recognize mentions of drug and event concepts from over 50 million clinical notes from two sites to create a timeline of concept mentions for each patient. We then use adjusted disproportionality ratios to identify significant drug-drug-event associations among 1165 drugs and 14 adverse events. To validate our results, we evaluate our performance on a gold standard of 1698 DDIs curated from existing knowledge bases, as well as with signaling DDI associations directly from FAERS using established methods.Our method achieves good performance, as measured by our gold standard (area under the receiver operator characteristic (ROC) curve >80%), on two independent EHR datasets and the performance is comparable to that of signaling DDIs from FAERS. We demonstrate the utility of our method for early detection of DDIs and for identifying alternatives for risky drug combinations. Finally, we publish a first of its kind database of population event rates among patients on drug combinations based on an EHR corpus.It is feasible to identify DDI signals and estimate the rate of adverse events among patients on drug combinations, directly from clinical text; this could have utility in prioritizing drug interaction surveillance as well as in clinical decision support.
DOI:10.1136/amiajnl-2013-001612      PMID:24158091     
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Interaction between drug substances may yield excessive risk of adverse drug reactions (ADRs) when two drugs are taken in combination. Collections of individual case safety reports (ICSRs) related to suspected ADR incidents in clinical practice have proven to be very useful in post-marketing surveillance for pairwise drug--ADR associations, but have yet to reach their full potential for drug-drug interaction surveillance. In this paper, we implement and evaluate a shrinkage observed-to-expected ratio for exploratory analysis of suspected drug-drug interaction in ICSR data, based on comparison with an additive risk model. We argue that the limited success of previously proposed methods for drug-drug interaction detection based on ICSR data may be due to an underlying assumption that the absence of interaction is equivalent to having multiplicative risk factors. We provide empirical examples of established drug-drug interaction highlighted with our proposed approach that go undetected with logistic regression. A database wide screen for suspected drug-drug interaction in the entire WHO database is carried out to demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed approach. As always in the analysis of ICSRs, the clinical validity of hypotheses raised with the proposed method must be further reviewed and evaluated by subject matter experts.
DOI:10.1002/sim.3247      PMID:18344185     
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Drug-drug interaction (DDI) is of serious concern, causing over 30% of all adverse drug reactions and resulting in significant morbidity and mortality. Early discovery of adverse DDI is critical to prevent patient harm. Spontaneous reporting systems have been a major resource for drug safety surveillance that routinely collects adverse event reports from patients and healthcare professionals. In this study, we present a novel approach to discover DDIs from the Food and Drug Administration's adverse event reporting system.Data-driven discovery of DDI is an extremely challenging task because higher-order associations require analysis of all combinations of drugs and adverse events and accurate estimate of the relationships between drug combinations and adverse event require cause-and-effect inference. To efficiently identify causal relationships, we introduce the causal concept into association rule mining by developing a method called Causal Association Rule Discovery (CARD). The properties of V-structures in Bayesian Networks are utilized in the search for causal associations. To demonstrate feasibility, CARD is compared to the traditional association rule mining (AR) method in DDI identification.Based on physician evaluation of 100 randomly selected higher-order associations generated by CARD and AR, CARD is demonstrated to be more accurate in identifying known drug interactions compared to AR, 20% vs. 10% respectively. Moreover, CARD yielded a lower number of drug combinations that are unknown to interact, i.e., 50% for CARD and 79% for AR.Evaluation analysis demonstrated that CARD is more likely to identify true causal drug variables and associations to adverse event.Copyright © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
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关键词(key words)

Drug combination
Drug safety
Bibliometric analysis
Risk management


ZHAO Yuhang
YANG Linhui
CAI Yuanxuan